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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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finds himself out of his natural position as the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, then he will be forced to, due to many circumstances, well, if he does not personally put up a very strong resistance, then he will one way or another become an opposition politician, marchuk, in fact, no no planned to become a public politician. he himself became the prime minister, and somehow he worked there, yushchenko, yushchenko was nominated, pushed into politics, he had no other way out, but the most important thing is that there are great expectations, that is, that today i i see in the information space, in social networks, there is a very big demand for a diligent politician, and they will not let him stay somewhere in... his, his, actually, his potential
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electorate, his potential social support group, she will force him to engage in politics , well, we must remember that the same marchuk, he went into politics, namely into politics, no, when he was the prime minister of ukraine, namely into his political activity under the slogan of the third force, the country needs the third power, the strong hand, i.e. the generals. who is there ready to go to the end, although he did not go to the end, because in 1999 it all looked a little differently, or can we say, mr. maksym, that mr. zaluzhnyi already has conditional political power, because people who fight , one way or another , they identify themselves as some kind of force, a separate force that is not... is political,
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it is clear that the army and politics are different things, especially during wartime, but still, these people who , which can be this basis for the future, for the future campaign of the philistine in politics, it is not known when, when this the force may appear, it is not known when the elections will be, it is not known when the hard worker will be able to protest it, or his entourage, but is it possible to predict... what is this project, it is on time, and again, this is again a trust rating to those who fight? well, in general, of course, if you take the world, global experience, yes, recent history, including in different countries, then this is a classic of the genre, that is , a popular general enters politics with his team, and so to speak, the military,
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kicks begin play a leading role in to fly in the political arena, but this is still characteristic of, well, let's say, not very developed countries, it is characteristic of young democracies, which are unlikely to become democracies, that is, it is very uncharacteristic for ukraine, the military actually, actually the military elite in us has never been a political subject, even. mine , for example, from the same turkey, where since the time of atatürk, the military constitutes, well, a very influential, some very influential corporation, with which erdogan has only now begun to cope there, 100 years after they strengthened their positions and established them, this is not the case in ukraine, so answering the question directly, it seems to me that in his professional environment...
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zaluzhny is unlikely to find his political team, it is certain that it will be structured according to traditional ukrainian political cleavages , as it is called in political science, or distributions, and a certain part of the ukrainian political, administrative, business elite, which, well, has traditional methods, will simply bet on it. traditional interests and traditional political positioning, that is i see exactly such a scenario as the most likely, it is unlikely to be a gathering of generals, i would say so. next week, mr. maksym, the verkhovna rada of ukraine should begin consideration of the updated draft law on mobilization, but the question of mobilization is called one of those cornerstones that did not allow zelensky and zaluzhny to find common points of contact there. zaluzhnyi,
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they say, wanted to mobilize, and the number of people they wanted to recruit into the army was called 500,000. er man, in fact, the same zaluzhny was talking about what it will not be instantaneous, it will be stretched over time, but one thing is clear now, that the bill on mobilization, it will be quite difficult for zelensky himself, because if he does not participate and is not the leader of this process, as the supreme commander , then a lot of questions arise for him, as the supreme commander, precisely for... the supreme commander, because this is his sphere of competence, if he thinks about his political future and something happens with this law that will not allow put it into effect, i don’t know, it may simply be that this law is not signed, just like
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the law on lowering the age threshold for those who are mobilized, that is, from 27 to 25, is not signed, this law is also not signed... signed by zelensky, to what extent is this political expediency will the inexpediency on the part of the presidential team affect the mobilization and, accordingly , the course of the russian-ukrainian war, because we understand that the finalization, or let's say the intermediate finalization of the russian-ukrainian war, depends on it? mr. vaksim, in general, this whole story is about this the bill and its history with this concept of mobilization and so on, it raises a lot of questions, that is, when it all started, i had a question, well, could it have been worse in this way, in
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terms of information, this whole campaign, than the way it was done, i.e. first there were videos about how tsc employees grab people on the street, push them into buses, and that is , first the tsc was compromised, then there were rumors about some draconian norms of the future law, at the level of rumors they spread, then a discussion began between zelensky and zaluzhny, i.e. imagine the worst case scenario of promoting or selling such a law to society. it is difficult, the question also arises regarding the necessity, i.e., well, in our country mobilization was announced on february 24 , 2022, and no one interfered or forbade the next waves
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of mobilization, i.e. there are different ones, we were always explained that there is one strategy, certain specialties and so on and so forth. a certain plan, and then suddenly everything is suspended, everything depends on the adoption of some law, in which very ambiguous norms, which will be to work or not to work, all this is more similar, if summed up to some kind of political technology, who launched such a political technology, and what is it leading to, what is it leading our society to, i still do not see... , that is, it is either prepared, well, lowering the expectations of society, which should not, well, we remember how we all thought about the great victory that was about to come, about our huge superiority over the russians on
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the battlefield, and so on, but this is the story with this mobilization, it seems to me very significantly lowered expectations in ukrainian society and so on, and... and perhaps even brought us closer to peace negotiations or to another way of freezing this conflict, well, this is such a conspiracy, but what can be said is already on the surface today, it is actually general zaluzhnyi's last article in the economist, which spread through cnn and then in social networks and a lot. quoted, says that we need a technological advantage, we need a technological breakthrough, and to some extent, this is already a shift of attention and a shift of emphasis from mobilization for the defense industry, let's say
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so, because how this situation with the law on mobilization will develop and how it will be connected, for example, with the history of the relationship between zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi, it is difficult to say today, but a certain, certain plot twist is already visible, i would say so in this history, and perhaps this bill is not... such a fateful character as it seemed to us a month ago. thank you, mr. maksym, it was maksym , a smart, political expert, doctor of political sciences. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our own platforms on youtube and facebook. for those who are watching us there now. please like this video and subscribe to our pages on these platforms. in addition , throughout our broadcast. we are conducting a survey, we are asking you if there are problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, what do you think, everything is quite
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simple on youtube, yes no, or write your comment in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, take bring a smartphone and vote, everything is quite simple, if you think that such problems exist in ukraine, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free... please vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have oleksandr musienko, director of the center for military legal studies, in touch. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. this week passed under the sign of general zaluzhnyi. it is not known whether he will go into politics or not in the future, but what we see is support, we, and in social networks. and her in the society of general zaluzhnyi testifies
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probably about the fact that the rating of trust in zaluzhnyi is the rating of trust in the armed forces of ukraine. today there was a meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief, zaluzhnyi spoke there, reported on the situation at the front, as reported by the office of the president of ukraine, the question of his resignation was not on the supreme commander-in-chief's table. in your opinion. is this resignation delayed in time, or will this resignation not happen, or after testing, conditionally speaking, informational testing of society, will the supreme commander simply refuse it? well, i will say that i do not understand the hype around the rate from the beginning, because the rate is not authorized to consider these issues, and the president does not need to. on the opinion of the bet in order to make certain decisions, that is , it is already a question of legislation and
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certain precisions, i think that it was heated because it was brought under the fact that under the event of the bet and that there the president should announce that , that i'm changing the commander-in-chief, i don't think that's going to happen in the end, so that's actually an open question, i think, to some extent, because let's put it this way, it seems to me that there are certain differences in terms of further approaches to the conduct of hostilities and to the concept of these hostilities and in general to the assessment of the campaign, how it should be under the resources that we currently have, or we are calculating and so on, a whole set of issues, maybe the president of ukraine and volodymyr zelenskyi and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces will understand and agree on these issues. of the forces of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi, but the fact that, let's say, these disagreements are certain from
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the point of view of the fact that they sometimes arise even in the public plane, it's visible, actually, and it's just as visible in terms of some military-political assessments of the situation and so on, so i think that 's still an open question, for what time it's really hard to say whether in the short term or for... in the long term , for today, this intrigue may be preserved in a certain way, although i think it is possible that it will leave the information space a little somewhere, but here is the question, you understand, here is the question not only of resignations or not resignations, here is a question of understanding, assessing the situation and moving in the same direction, that is what is important, that is, unity is extremely important, because there may not be resignations, but if... there is a situation of misunderstanding and disagreement on certain fundamental issues, that is also not
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the best kind of interaction is cooperation, as it seems to me, but if , let's say, we look at this situation, there is a civilian leadership, a political leadership, there is a military leadership, well, during a war, in principle, probably the military leadership has more competence than the civilian one, the question is not in the competence, well, in order to then... the question is that if we are moving to nato, then i want to remind you that what some military people do not like, i know, is not very... impressive, when in the role of the ministry of defense or something else, but this is how our legislation is written in accordance with nato standards. if we want a different system, we want a management system and, for example, there, as in russia or in other states, then we must clearly say that we abandon the goal of joining the north atlantic alliance.
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decision-making, you see, is a very difficult thing to do the point of view of what all actions are. the first person, the supreme commander, will always be responsible for any actions, and on his shoulders all responsibility, both civil and military, whatever it may be and so on, and therefore, of course, understanding and evaluating the complex of this responsibility, certain decisions are adopted or not adopted, well , strictly speaking, this is also a question of delimiting the function of power, and i want to say that those who talk about what is... the military, who understand, i want to tell you, are historical examples that do not always testify in favor of the management of the military affairs of the state, the management of military affairs, yes, but the examples of the entire state are different, let's return to what is happening in
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russia now, because these are internal expectations and internal discussions around the military leadership of ukraine. distracts us from what putin himself declares, because this week he announced that he will create a demilitarized zone between russia and ukraine, and the state department of the united states of america reacting to the idea of ​​the russian dictator, stated that for this russia needs to demilitarize the occupied parts of ukraine. let's listen to this statement. there is no such statement, i am told, the very fact that putin says that the demilitarized zone, which will allow to protect russian cities and russian territory from the shots of the armed forces of ukraine, from missiles, from drones , everything else, but on the other hand, mr. oleksandr,
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if we will have long-range missiles, then it turns out to be demilitarized. will the zone be the size of the whole of ukraine? well, yes, well, this is, strictly speaking, an aspiration, that is, putin once again confirmed his goals of an aggressive military campaign of war against ukraine, that demilitarization is needed, that is, he does not deviate from this, moreover, well, in general , i am connecting this statement right now with the following three points. however , please note that reuters admits that ... how ukrainian drone strikes for two weeks reduce the export of russian oil and the oil and gas industry, this is important, and this is reuters' assessment, that is , it is not only our assessment, that is, it is an assessment in general neutral zmi, i.e. also neutral sides, and that's why i think it's an important
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point, they started to educate russia, and in this way putin recognizes the increase in ukrainian... capabilities and capabilities already to strike, that is, the increase in the capabilities of our defense forces, which implement a successful strike strategy in the russian oil and gas industry, their industry in general, and because i well remember putin's reaction to the strikes at that time, remember, in may 23, they tried to attack the kremlin spire and so on, well, he said so, well, i'll think about it, something flew over there and so on, he didn't say anything more... what, it's clear here, it hurt them, and it's clear that these questions are being asked, they arose more urgently, this is the first moment, the second moment, it seems to me that putin used this factor to say , look, well, the war is, as it were , defensive in our country, we have to defend ourselves, we have to defend ourselves all the more, because drones are being fired at us, so let's leave our families in danger and
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let's consolidate and continue , and it's just against the background of the election. campaign statement that we will continue to work on demilitarization, to create a demilitarized zone and so on and so forth, that is, in this direction there are three components that, actually, i think explain it, but first, in the first place, it is that i would say, this is putin's statement, this is a confirmation that the strikes on their oil and gas facilities are a move in the right direction. so, you definitely need to move along this path. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, in his column for cnn , emphasized the problems with... ammunition for front, in particular due to the imperfect system of weapons production in ukraine. what zaluzhny wrote: we remain limited by the imperfection of the regulatory and legal framework in
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our country, as well as the partial monopolization of the defense industry, this leads to bottlenecks in the production of, for example, ammunition, which further deepens ukraine's dependence on allies in matters of supply. well, ukraine has informed its allies that it is facing a critical shortage. artillery shells, as russia uses three times as many on the front every day more firearms, this is already written by bloomberg. the issue of ammunition, the issue of weapons is quite relevant in 2024, no less than the issue of mobilization or the issue of the future commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. observing the latest decisions of the european union and our western european partners, what can you say, mr. oleksandr, whether the ukrainian army and ukraine will not fall into the crosshairs of the political struggle, including in
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the united states of america, and whether everything will be enough to restrain the russians occupiers, because this is what we are talking about right now. first of all, it must be said that despite everything, the increase in the production of projectiles and... well, this was confirmed by the head of the european commission , ursula funderlein, she clearly stated that additional contracts are still being signed and production will take place, that is, at least when we we are talking about europe, a demonstration of the efforts of the countries of the european union, that they are really increasing production volumes, and this is confirmed, that is, this issue, it remains on the agenda, the only thing here what is the mind worth? that the question of increasing production and increasing it is always also a question of time, and this is a moment, unfortunately, from which there is nowhere to go, because in order
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to systematically increase now, it really takes a certain amount of time, and you see that the plans , which are there, they are calculated there on the basis that next year the production of projectiles will exceed 2 million, this year 100 thousand per 100 thousand. projectiles by the countries of europe, that is , it is actually increasing for three years, and there in the future, perhaps even up to 3 million, this is only in the european union, well here the ordinary united states is also important, because if we are talking about 200 million, for this year only by europe, well, if the united states joined with funding and with all the possibilities, maybe it would be 1,500, and that too, well, let's put it this way, completely different number, and so on. that is, this process continues, we are now in a difficult moment, when we received a large amount of weapons that were in warehouses in european countries, and we
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used them, well, to a large extent, because the war is quite intense, we all know that, and now the moment when it is launched, production has already started and we have to wait, this is how they build up, and, by the way, we are now competing with the aggressor state, with russia, because they have declared the build-up of... production of projectiles, but putin is going to of north korea, that is, putin will ask for shells in north korea, because their production is also not in time, and we are competing, we have now also entered the stage from the point of view of the competition here, who will build up faster, in total, europe and the usa are able to do it faster than russia and north korea, but, of course, for this now the key issue still remains connections. states and a $61 billion aid package, because the us has a significant production of 155mm, but now it's an issue, well, we know, it's
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the same with funding and politics, and south korea, if the united states could be convinced, it's now the top, it is among the top ten producers, this country, in particular , of shells and other types of weapons that we would also need, by the way, today the politician wrote an article about the fact that... ukraine also announced that it will increase production projectiles, well, this is also what the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general zaluzhnyi, is talking about, that it must be done, well, we all understand, obviously there is no need for any argument here, why it must be done, the difficulties of transitioning to 155 mm are the same, we was not used before and we did not produce at 155 mm, but now it has already started, well, in fact , since the end of the past. from the beginning of this, well , there are many questions, why we did not prepare for this, this is the first, there is another question before that, and why europe did not expect this and why europe did not think that
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it will be like this... such a big war and that maybe they will have to fight with russia, as they say now, that is , we have taken away all the ammunition stocks in western europe or partially, and their production does not have enough ammunition to even provide for themselves , how can you explain how the special services, the western special services could not... predict this? well, what's the point? the point is, you understand, that everything is very simple: no one calculates, the europeans still do not calculate, that they need exactly artillery, as a defining tool. they are well aware of the plans of the cold war, and they know that a breakthrough in europe was possible, and the soviet plans provided for the use of tactical nuclear weapons. without the use of tactical nuclear weapons, the soviet union did not consider
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the possibilities and chances. to actually break through the line there in the corridor in the fulda area in germany and also to break through to the exit to denmark, as they planned to block the baltic sea, and then to the south actually through the balkans and further or to france, that is, they did not consider the scenario that it will not be possible to break through otherwise than with the help of tactical nuclear weapons, so the event considered the scenario of the active use of aviation in dr. in order to counter and strike, where did the idea come from to develop a10 attack aircraft, warthogs, so-called, american, it was the idea that the west decided that they could not compete with the soviet union in artillery and tanks at that time, and it is necessary to compete with air strikes, and therefore they considered that if the soviet union resorted to the use of tactical nuclear
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weapons, for example, with their... tulips , artillery means, the west will respond with tactical nuclear weapons, aviation, and will strike at them, and accordingly, you see, all the concepts that followed, they did not foresee the large use of artillery, from so on did not produce, that's why it was planned that way, the conduct of hostilities, but i will tell you that history demonstrates that this very approach that i said, that the western monitor... assessed the degree of threat earlier in the cold war , and now they evaluate already differently, and they rethink, and they are able to adapt quite quickly and flexibly to the changes that arise, and therefore , if now the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi, writes that drones play a role and, for example, robotic systems play a role, they are also read, they are also watched, they monitor, they study the ukrainian experience, and they will
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adapt it to themselves. and they will produce more, it's just a matter of time. and one more short question, if you can in a minute, give me an answer, the dprk ordered, kimchinin in the dprk ordered to intensify the preparation of the naval fleet for war, is it possible to develop events there? now no, actually, the activation is clear, they are waiting for putin, and the dprk now wants russia to help. to improve their own fleet , especially with regard to submarines, submarine programs, underwater torpedoes and missiles that can potentially be carriers of nuclear warheads, and it seems to me that it is precisely in this context that there is now a check, an assessment, because they are waiting for serious help from russia that's it, thank you, thank you sir oleksandr, it was oleksandr musienko, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and
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facebook, if you are watching... now there , please like this video, subscribe to our pages and vote in our survey, we are asking you today whether there are problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, this survey will be in the second part of our program, now we will look at the intermediate results of this survey, 87% yes, 13 no - these are the results of a television survey, in in the second part of our program we will have a journalism club, bohdan butkevich, oleksiy mustafin and tetyana will be our guests. sotska there are 15% discounts on penger and ger in podorozhnyk pharmacies, you and oshchad. there are discounts on rerezil of 15% in psarynsky, pam and oskad pharmacies. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, guest.


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