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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EET

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there are three people who found out that they were the ones who came to the apartment of our colleague yury nikalov, and they were allegedly hired by a person who directly said that he was from the sbu. and as for our colleagues from bigusinfo, i think you perfectly remember the story about the 30 rils, i cannot call these creatures any other way, because even from the point of view of the quality of the actions of the special services, this is simply complete incompetence, that is, 30 people who arrived at the rooms, where the next day journalists came for a corporate party, set up the cameras, and the next day after the journalists left, they... drove around and filmed these cameras, if you suddenly did not notice, friends, then bigus immediately took pictures of the faces of these people without any problems, he has been searching for the last faces of those who were there all day today, that is, specifically, who was it, and therefore, let's say this, according to my information that was provided to me, this dznd was actually engaged in this whole dirty operation, including not only representatives of this department, but also other departments, for example, the department to the sbu, like mine to me sources say, well, less, but it is important here... that this dismissal of this head of the dznd
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is absolutely not accidental, by the way, it happened literally a day after that photo with journalists according to j7, which you just showed, was taken, that is, what we are talking about now, about what the event clearly showed, let's say this, the media, how to say it, the media to beings with banking, with reduced social responsibility, who were engaged in orders about such dirty, stupid, you know, style provocations viktor yanukovych of the 13th year, in principle it does not surprise me , given that the entire entourage of volodymyr zelenskyi is essentially the support of the party of regions, that is, all of them from yermak, tatarov, smirnov, padalyak, that is, they are all these people from there, therefore, in principle, their methods the same ones operate, so i think that this dismissal of this head of the dznd is the best confession about who was the customer and who was absolutely, certainly imbecile, but the executor of these attacks on journalists, so look, i just want to say , which you know, is the only thing that saves us from... complete
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authoritarianism in our country now, and the fact that , fortunately, these five or six effective managers, which volodymyr zelenskyi pointed out at his press conference, are actually very unprofessional and, excuse me, talentless people who cannot even order a normal provocation against journalists and order such performers who do such things. i will remind you that very soon there will be an investigation on bil gosinfo, in which i hope the names of all these fine operatives, most likely those who took part in these... provocations, will be named, so now the president's office, in its signature style, is trying to pretend that the cow is not mine, not mine, and it was not me, and we are generally dismissing the head of the dznd, because he did not investigate and did not help our journalists, did not protect our golden akulpers from some incomprehensible customers, who it could be , it’s scary to imagine, you see, i’m just wondering who this, well , you know, this level of telegram sloppiness, such rhetoric, such communication with people, is intended for, if they... what will it cost, well they
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are very wrong, but the last is the worst i will say and finish, i am sure that as the date of may 20, 2024 approaches , i repeat, volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi and his entourage will be more and more destroyed, because there will be more and more fear, so i have no doubt that these provocations will be continued if you ask me if they will cancel the telethon, no, they won't , if you ask me if the president's office will stop messing around with this garbage in telegram, no, it won't stop, if the president's office will stop about... they will never be different, that's why unfortunately, until the moment they, unfortunately, represent the authorities in ukraine, they will continue such actions, that's all, thank you bohdan, this is bohdan butkevich, it was, we, colleagues, will take a short break, we say goodbye to bohdan, we will continue with oleksiy and tatyana our conversation after
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a short pause on the channel. there are discounts on afida max of 10% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. new york 19th century. this is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama, in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on aristocratic on mhogo. there is a 15% discount on acc lon in podorozhnyk vam and oschad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on... the border between ukraine and
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poland, topics that resonate in our society: the attack of drones on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, the attack of... drones to moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10. on espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what
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was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, simulating ours future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat in... studio, an evening with anton borkovsky at espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. war in the middle east. crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on accession to the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests
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of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for... caring and thinking politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow? see the saturday politclub, every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to
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keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day with... two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso.
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friends, we are working live, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, today during our broadcast we are asking you about the following: are there problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, if you watch us on youtube, everything is quite simple, or yes, or not , write your option in the comments under this video, if you watch... on tv 0800 211 381, if you see problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, no 0800 211 38020 calls to these numbers are free, call at the end of the program we will sum up this vote.
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we have tetyana vysotska and oleksiy mustafin on the phone today, bohdan butkevich, unfortunately, has left our air, he has his own affairs and... and we continue the conversation with our colleagues, well, actually, i already mentioned the aid of 50 billion euros from. volodymyr zelenskyi of the european union called it financial guarantees for social stability and a clear signal to moscow that europe stands firm and is united in the fight against the aggressor. let's listen to what zelensky said. now it is important that the distribution of these funds takes place by analogy with the previous one support format. the first two tranches, we need more. the amount of 18 billion euros per year, then the stability of the state will be greater, the teams
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of ukraine and the european union will work out this issue. tatyana, you observed the eu summit and the way it all happened, you already mentioned orban, who has enough, well, so ambiguous attitude towards ukraine and comments on what is happening in ukraine, whether in europe they understand what is for ukraine. uh, this money is absolutely necessary, because uh, there were discussions, and it is clear that hungary also said something against slovakia, then uh in fact, it was decided in favor of ukraine and quite quickly, what influenced it? and it is absolutely certain that in europe, the leaders of european states understand that this help is vital. important for ukraine, especially given that the united states of america has not yet agreed
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on allocating any aid to ukraine for 2024, and just yesterday the president of the european commission, charles michel, and the president of the european council, of course, charles michel and the president of the european commission, ursula fonden , spoke about that yesterday's decision of the european council - this is also a signal for the united states of america to finally do something, to finally... finally agree among themselves and also provide support to ukraine, because the victory of ukraine, the survival of ukraine is a vital issue for the european union as well, so that they all perfectly understand, especially the baltic states and poland, that if ukraine, god forbid, does not win, but loses, then they will become the next victims of the kremlin, and it is not for nothing that nato is now conducting the largest military exercises since the . not cold war, they also want to send a signal to russia that they are ready, they are not
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afraid, they are preparing for a possible attack, but of course the fact that money was allocated to ukraine yesterday is very important, it is important for ukraine, it is important for europe, it is important for the whole world, and even what orban agreed to, his reasoning is interesting for the domestic consumer, he gave an interview to hungarian radio today and... he said, saying: "i managed to prevent hungarian money from going to ukraine." and it looks a little funny, because hungary has always been a state a recipient of the european budget, that is , it always gives to the european budget much more than it receives, but nevertheless orbán agreed, and this is all very well. the next round is now negotiations with the european parliament, and at the end of this month there will be a vote on which... the european parliament must finally approve the allocation of 50 billion
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euros to ukraine, we will wait, and from february 3rd ukraine's negotiations with the countries of the european union will begin, regarding ukraine's accession to the european union, that is, we stand for on the threshold of very important decisions on the part of european countries, and it is very important for us to see. does he actually accept us into his family or not, oleksia, these are the internal issues that we talked about with you, and the history with the civil and military leadership of ukraine, and problems with freedom of speech, how much internal politics and the internal situation will affect attitude towards us from the european union, will all these issues be re-articulated or? these issues will be dealt with more harshly already after our victory, when ukraine will
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not be in a state of war, forgive the taftology of the state, already in the post-victory period. well, look, if we talk about the beginning of the transition to joining the european union, then the question here is not whether we are ready or not ready to... ukraine is accepted in the state in which it should be in order to be a member of the european union. and this situation with orban just emphasizes once again. that the european union's demands on ukraine are not taken from the ceiling, as tusk said, that europe is not tired of ukraine is tired of orban, but the behavior in the middle of the country is stressful precisely because they do not want to get another orban in their ranks, because while the country is negotiating
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its accession, it is possible to treat it more meticulously, to find out the requirements. and so on, when it enters the european union, it transforms, if it is not reformed and is not brought to the state of a truly democratic country, then a headache begins, as in an order, so of course the victory of ukraine is important for the european union, but if in in the context of accession, it will not be a quick process either, it is still a requirement that ukraine be a democratic country in which it observes all ... elections and in the matter of freedom of speech, it is very important, and let's say so, to count on it being automatically credited to us, it's just, let's say
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, too risky, so actually, as in the situation with... the story with the resignation of a meritorious employee, we take it while in quotation marks, and in history with pressure on the press, in both cases the stack is triggered, in the first case, noland comes to tell her, it reminded me of this actually, in a slightly different situation, when you remember, johnson came when he arrived, when some conversations began about painful compromises with russia, so now... is coming, the same meeting of ambassadors with media representatives. in principle , i can guess what they were talking about, and in fact, it is not a big secret, what the ukrainian media always talk about with western diplomats, it says that ukraine it is important to win, but it is important to win as
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a democratic country in which freedom of speech is respected, but in fact, it is a gesture, first of all. it doesn't matter, it's not so important what was discussed at these conversations, it is important to record that the diplomats of the big seven are on the side of freedom of speech, on the side of the media, and in fact, even the selection of those people who were invited to this conversation indicates that , on the side of which, the media itself, are our allies, if we want to maintain normal allied relations with the countries of the west, collective of the event the russians sometimes say, we should stop trying to lead them by the nose, we should adhere to the commitments we have taken on, we, i mean ukraine, thank you, thank you, oleksiy, tatyana, are these the signals that were sent ambassadors of the big seven to the ukrainian authorities, whether they are read by the ukrainian
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authorities, whether it is clear to zelenskyi and his team that, well, in principle... it is necessary to communicate with journalists, that there is no need to organize surveillance, to throw in some dubious information about journalists, or it is clear for the present ukrainian authorities? i want to note that the requirement to have free media, i.e. media freedom, is one of the requirements and one of the conditions for providing ukraine with 50 billion euros. because 50 billion euros are given to ukraine for a reason, in exchange for reforms, and there is a mention of the freedom of the zmi in the document even adopted yesterday in the european council, but i want to add that, after all, now, we will stand for now in the ukrainian government in this the plan is helped by the war in quotation marks, because if it were not for the war, the west would be talking to banks in completely different words
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and with a different rhetoric, but since war, then they turn a blind eye to... many things that the ukrainian authorities do, including, unfortunately, the oppression of journalists, and as yesterday one of the european officials said that at the beginning of the implementation of the reform plan of ukraine, which will to accept after that, as the decision was made to provide ukraine with 50 billion euros, the demands will be weaker at the beginning, but the demands will be stronger and stronger every month, that is, now we still have such a ... blanche, because there is a war, because close their eyes, but as time goes on, the more there will be claims to the authorities from the west, including in the sphere of freedom of speech. thank you aunty. and it was tetyana vysotska, our correspondent in european structures, oleksiy mustafin, historian, publicist, tv producer and bohdan butkevich, were our guests today, i thank everyone for
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participating in the program, during our broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you about the following are there problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, now let's look at the results of the survey, 88% of those who watched us on tv said that there are problems with freedom of speech, 12%. believe that there are no such problems, on youtube the proportions are approximately the same, 85% of people believe that there are problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, 15% do not. friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like this video so that it can be trended on youtube, we will appreciate it. this was the verdict program, conducted by serhiy rudenko, i wish you all good health, a good weekend, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye. the premises, which mr. serhiy dreamed of turning into a
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chernobyl museum before the war, are now full of volunteer work. in just half an hour, these intertwined slings will become another burden. their advantage is compactness and mobility, because such a thing can be taken with you even on combat missions. weaving technology was adopted from the israeli military, improved and... strengthened the structure with additional straps, everything starts with cutting the strobes to the required size, heating the edges, then the strobes are already ready, they are cut, laid out according to the templates in the sequence in the required order, and then sewn together, yes to tell them to hold on to this label-gun and continue to surrender. to to seamstresses who are already finishing this process. despite the lack of professional production, the volunteers were able to set up a convenient workshop from improvised materials, instead of a centimeter,
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a table was placed with a marker. trails have different lengths, and it is not always convenient and quick to use a tape measure. and so, i guided where it was needed, cut off as much as needed, and the size is always correct, and they did not make a mistake, because... as you have heard before, it all costs money, and if you cut it incorrectly, it will already come, well, into disrepair. if the necessary materials are available, it can be produced in a day about a dozen knives, then another prepared batch is sent for tailoring to students and teachers of the sumy school of construction and design. it is there that the product is finally and firmly stitched. already after that, the nights are handed over to the military. here they are, oh, that's it. they lie down on the ground here , ask to sew, ready, a man lies down here, compact
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nights have already been tested in action and evaluated by the military once, once, twice, once , twice, twice, volunteers led by serhii svinarenka started making nights since september of last year. during this time it was possible to do about two hundred. september, october, etc. and so they started little by little, there , there was a little money, there from the pension, there in general they bought and started to do, as they started to do, you invited everyone to hand over, uhthyshechki, come on, come on, come on, come on, we pass it on to tavriy, you understand, we pass it on on bakhmut, transfers. the demand for nights from the military is increasing, and volunteer resources are being depleted. the cost of one is about 400 hryvnias.
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serhiy svanerenko bought the last batch of turkish materials with the money given by children for his birthday. the man does not know about the horrors of war a rumor, because he fought in the donbass since 14th year, where he received severe contusions and injuries, so instead of a new car, he invested money in production. this is... what is so urgently needed now, because it allows it to be portable, compact, and so small that you don't need to drag anything with you, and that's how it's all hooked up. there are enough people for production, but there is a lack of materials and equipment, the most needed is a new table and sewing equipment, donations are collected through the pages of the public organization in social networks. from sums for the espresso tv channel. greetings, we are looking for 13-year-old vadim and 16-year-old nastya raulets, for help.
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their grandmother contacted them, who said that her grandson and granddaughter disappeared in november 2023 in the village of pylypovovichi, buchansky district , kyiv region, since then nothing is known about them, so if you know something about vadim and nastya, or you know , where they may be, immediately inform us on the hotline of the child tracing service at the number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free, we also... looking for six-year-old varya sozonova, who mysteriously disappeared on december 5, 2022. her grandmother turned to us for help. she said that varya lived with her mother in kyiv, in the winter of 2022 they went to moldova, and last time they were in contact from the city of grigoriopil in transnistria. why the mother and daughter went there, the grandmother cannot say for sure, but as of december 5, 2022
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, nothing is known about the fate of little varya and her mother. i don't know, well, how to look for them, in general, what are the possibilities, what can i do, i've already turned to wherever you want, well during this time i saw, well, someone must have seen, in some school, in a kindergarten, in a polyclinic, especially since the child was sick, and we very often ended up in the hospital directly in the ambulance, i do not believe that somewhere, well, somewhere should something, at the same time, the grandmother says that she allegedly... has information from the police that her granddaughter and her mother crossed the border and returned to ukraine. however, no one saw them here again. they did not get in touch and, unfortunately, there are almost no leads that could help in the search. no one is on the territory of ukraine saw them, well, you see, at least some kind of surveillance camera, that they are both alive, healthy, so that everything is fine, well, there must be
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some somewhere. the girl's grandmother also said that she has information that her granddaughter and her mother could have left for poland after returning from moldova to ukraine. this is just a guess at the moment, but if you actually live in poland, maybe you will see varya sozonova and her mother there, or if you have any information about them, call 11630 immediately . please remember this number, because
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11630. this is the only european missing child line that works in 28 european countries, so if you are in one of the european countries and want to report information about a child who is wanted or, god forbid, you yourself have a missing child , don't delay, call the single european hotline for missing children 116 30 and finally the grandmother of six-year-old vara says that she does not lose hope of finding her beloved granddaughter and very... asks each of you not to remain indifferent and help in the search. please who saw, may know the location of the barbarian and her mother. please notify the police or child tracing services. i am very worried about them, but i want to make sure that everything is fine with them. thank you. so, if you know at least some information about varia sozonova, please immediately contact the hotline
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of the child tracing service by number. 1163 calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free, you can also write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. we are starting an information day on the tv channel espresso, on the air of the news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio.


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