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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EET

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from the news department and khrystyna parubiy is ready to share the facts. greetings, colleagues, thank you, so in the issue, i will tell about the work of our air defense this night, the consequences of distractions and the situation at the front , don't miss it in a moment. espresso news. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. that night, the russians attacked kryvyi rih with shahedes. as a result of the attack, 1,500 people were left without electricity, and 43,000 residents were left without heating and water supply. there were fires at the site of vluchan, two of the city's boilers are not working, and power is also out high-speed tram this was reported by the head of the region, serhii lysak. that same night , the occupiers shelled two
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private houses, a utility building and a power line in nikopol. fortunately, there were no casualties. the russians struck poltava oblast again this night, said the head of the region, philip ronin. hits were recorded in the myrhorod district, information about the victims and the consequences of the attack is currently being clarified. at night, the russians launched 14 shaheds across ukraine. a large part. the occupiers directed the drones at the objects of energy infrastructure in dnipropetrovsk region. our defenders managed to shoot down nine drones in the mykolaiv, odesa and zhytomyr regions, the air force of ukraine said. the russians also launched two kh-59 guided air missiles from the belgorod region. our mobile groups also worked, in particular there was a shooting in odesa, now it is more accurate.
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the military will report how much we record to our own account, including the mobile fire groups of the ukrainian volunteer army. meanwhile, to protect against enemy fire, two new anti-aircraft defense systems arrived. this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyi in his traditional evening address. according to him , these systems are able to protect against any type of weapons. more arrived in ukraine. two air defense systems, all the details, of course, it is not worth talking publicly, but the systems that knock everything down, we will protect the regions, while the systems are not yet sufficient for the complete protection of ukraine, but we work for this every day. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces forces of ukraine, 77 combat clashes took place at the front. per day the hottest place is near
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avdiivka. there, the defense forces repelled 44 enemy attacks. seven more were repelled in the marin direction and the same number in the kherson direction. kharkiv region is also restless. ukrainian soldiers repelled more than 10 enemy attacks in the lemanokupian direction. our aircraft made 10 strikes on the area where the occupiers were concentrated. rocket and gunners destroyed three warehouses with ammunition and artillery of the muscovites. a hundred armored personnel carriers are going to ukraine from bulgaria, the minister said defense minister todor tagarev. let me remind you that the government of bulgaria made a decision on the supply of armored vehicles back in november last year. after that, the parliament had to overcome the veto of pro-russian president ruman radev. these are soviet btr-60s, which bulgaria bought 40 years ago, and now does not use. more
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weapons. lithuania delivered another package of military aid to ukraine. this was reported by the ministry of defense of the country. this batch consists of a thousand rounds of ammunition for hand grenade launchers. and also the ukrainian military rice-1 remote detonation systems were transferred. the government reduced the length of stay of military personnel for treatment abroad. let us know about it. representative of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine in the verkhovna rada, taras melnychuk. now the total time of stay outside ukraine should not exceed 12 months. this includes moving and waiting for interscheduled surgical interventions. at night , russia was attacked by drones in the volgograd region, a fire broke out at an oil refinery due to the fall of a drone. the fire...
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spread over an area of ​​300 m2, reported in russian ministry of emergency situations. previously, no one was injured. in addition, drones attacked the belgorod region. there, the air defense forces allegedly shot down four. drones - said governor gladkov. the us attacked iranian facilities in iraq and syria. the us military launched missiles at more than 85 targets. it is about command and control, operational and intelligence centers, storage of missiles and drones. as well as logistics facilities and ammunition supply chains, the united states air force said. such an attack probably exists in response to a drone strike. cannes base in jordan, snn reported. then three servicemen died. north korea tested super-large combat cruise missiles and a new type of anti-aircraft missile in the yellow sea.
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the country's authorities announced successful tests. it is said that the tests did not have a negative impact on the security of neighboring countries. let me remind you that experts have confirmed the use of the russian federation. a missile of korean production in strikes on ukraine. hungarian farmers will resume protests in ukrainian the border in a week. they oppose the continuation of the preferential trade regime with ukraine by the european union. earlier it became known that polish farmers will block the border again, as reported by an independent trade union. solidarity of agraria plans to start a nationwide strike on february 9. it will last at least a month until march 10. the reason for the protests is the passivity of the polish authorities, as well as statements about non-compliance with all decisions of the european commission regarding the import of agricultural and food products from of ukraine. tried to commit suicide due to
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depression. in lviv, a guy jumped from the 15th floor of a building. samoguts fell. onto a parked car that cushioned the fall. the guy survived, but is in a serious condition in the hospital, local telegram channels reported. in advance, the lviv native said goodbye to everyone in his social networks and reported on his depressed state. the higher anti-corruption court ordered thomas nakhura to be personally bound. the judges did not satisfy the request of the prosecutor's office to take the suspended person into custody. director of procurement ministry of defense department. the official was required to wear an electronic bracelet and hand in passports for traveling abroad. let me remind you that in january, thomas nahur was suspected of embezzling funds due to deals with the lviv arsenal and a slovak supplier. roads of the east
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, an exhibition of photos of military officer lukyan turetsky was opened in lviv. between combat missions, the soldier filmed the landscapes of the donetsk region. about 30 pictures that he created during the full-scale russian invasion were presented in frank's house. on lukyan's photographs depict steppes, rivers and sunsets. the author also demonstrates the wreckage of destroyed enemy equipment. the exhibition can be viewed until february 22. for me, it was a certain kind of thing. observation, detachment and reflection, that is, you could get distracted and - look around and take the camera in your hands and grab something from this space, it is extremely
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important to come and i would say so, look into the eyes of these photos, in them you will see mainly landscapes, there are few eyes, there are fragments of military equipment, there are our outposts. there is the sky, there is the sun, there is war and there is the peace for which we are all fighting, so you know, for me it is war and peace from lukyan turetsky. and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues, our soldiers need vital equipment. we are asking for help to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle, to purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your to... helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 480,000 in the account , which already has more than uah 306,000. join in, yours help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. see you at 9 o'clock.
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read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. my colleagues, oksana vasochanska and roman chaika, will continue the discussion. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. there is an urgent need for cars at the front, because pickup trucks on the front lines are absolutely necessary, because they are under fire from the occupiers every day and are mostly beyond repair, so cars are needed for the armed forces no less than weapons. the charitable foundation, the zhivvago family and the management of the kreminchuk-measo enterprise responded to the request of the poltava regional state administration to purchase a car to meet the needs of the defense forces of the ukrainian army, a pickup truck, which i hope
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will help our soldiers, our fighters to fulfill their tasks. i wish everyone, i wish all enterprises, to work in such a difficult time with a result that will make it possible to fill budgets, as well as be able to help our... our armed forces. a four-wheel-drive pickup truck with an engine that works evenly and quietly. the car starts perfectly, the turbine works as it should, it drives very well, - says vadym yakimets after the test drive. this is a four-wheel-drive nissan navara pick-up truck, here we have it, it is equipped with a 2.5 liter diesel engine, it is very reliable. 171 horsepower, then replacement of all lubricants, prevention. done, it is fully serviced, fully reliable. this is not the first car for the armed forces. during the war, prad
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kremenchuk-meat transferred to the front line the on-board zil, the pas bus and the kras tractor unit, and even more tons of its own products. i wish i wish all the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine a speedy victory and i wish that everyone returns home unharmed, healthy and happy. the team of the enterprise never remains indifferent to personal appeals of colleagues. who are now in the army, bought and handed over body armor, military overalls, tablets, phones to the front, constantly receive targeted help from the company, the families of military personnel, so the labor front, with its work and real affairs, is bringing victory to the rear. we are coming back, raman chaika oksana vysocha. and remind of our gathering, we we will not get tired of reminding you about this
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until we collect uah 1 million, and we will ask you for support every time, here are the qr-codes, card numbers, you can see all this perfectly, a little more than a quarter of the required amount has already been collected, i see that on the bill is 200, then 100, then 50 uah regularly, it is good, we thank you for it, but we are asking for more and more for... with these funds we will buy various nice and necessary things for our defenders in the orichiv direction: periscopes, binoculars, batteries, rangefinders, everything that is very, very necessary for at the front, yes exactly, by the way, regarding seeing the enemy, we already have data from our general staff that minus 880 russians, in the last day, thanks to our defenders, you see for yourself, the results are there and worth supporting. it is very important to understand when they say that almost 77 combat clashes happened like that, and
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then you have to look carefully at how many heavy equipment, including, for example, tanks, because they use tanks as maneuverable artillery, drive up, shoot and hide , bmp - this means that the infantry was taken directly to the front, you can also see how many minus, and this is by +10, +13, reading and so on, we understand this in... the intensity of battles, with the help of such numbers you can draw conclusions about what happened, you can understand the number of disconnected subscribers and the intensity of shelling, well for example, in the crooked corner, we see that for two extreme days, that is , in fact, they fly there through the south, and we understand from the rockets that they burst mainly in the poltava region, two rockets were flown. there are regular flights to myrhorod, and since yesterday evening they also flew there, unfortunately, well
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the hits were precisely in two boiler houses in kryvyi rih, that is, the bet is still on the fact that people will be frozen in february, yes, that is, not the same as in the kherson region, there the tactic is simply to level houses in them, here the tactic is to freeze people, well without electricity in the area, in particular 15,000 people, and before that there were 600. and even then in kryvyi rih, remember, we talked. that the current was so bad that it was not possible to switch quickly, and the high-speed tram, which runs through the longest city in the world, stopped, well, that’s the story, that history, i think that the two air defense systems that were announced yesterday, that were brought to ukraine, we do not know of course where they will be taken, where they will be installed, which parts of our country, whether
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closer to the front or in the rear, what objects will they protect, but those two new systems... so far they will be very helpful, as they say, air defense is not too much when you have a neighbor like russia, and in fact this is really very important news as of yesterday, and we know that it was a yes bet verkhovna, here it was first mysteriously said, two powerful anti-aircraft systems, and this is not just one machine, it is a complex of batteries that shoot down everything, i quoted and, that is, it is interesting what it could be. that's all, well, the question is where it will be used, because we understand that there are many points in the country where it flies regularly, very often it does not arrive, but somewhere there it still needs to be strengthened and improved, and actually, if we are already talking about what we and where we get, the czechs with the idea is not new, they actually came forward,
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but somehow earlier, when they talked about it, then she hesitated a little. they are now talking about shells, when they understood that europe would not be able to supply ukraine with a million shells, and as planned, but 600, at least until spring, there are not even 600, there are 524 00, that is 52% of the required amount, yes , so earlier they had the idea that these projectiles could be taken somewhere other than from europe, if europe does not have time to produce them, they can simply be purchased from outside europe, then last year in the 23rd year, this idea somewhere... mm quieted down and here again the czech republic is writing politics, came up with this initiative, what needs to be purchased, they say about half a million, it is actually a lot, that is, if half a million 450 thousand ammunition for artillery is purchased, and about 524 00, which will be completed by march , then it will actually be almost a million and almost the amount that is needed, well and
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this story that we were telling moved from dead center when the bulgarian government decided to hand it over. they are shipped, they are going to our defenders to the armed forces of ukraine, i promised that i would tell one interesting story, and it is about an alcoholic and bananas, do you want? well you i promised, tell me. there is one such stalinist lying creature of the war criminal lavrov, he has his own press alkashe, maria zakharova, i don’t know her like you, i like to watch her very much, because i understand, at least the sequence of forty-degree bottles that she uses, then she it turns out, and
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here is maria zakharova, the press of alkashe mid russia , said that the fly, the fly is a humpback to her... that is why the russians will not bring bananas from ecuador from the four largest suppliers, because they allegedly found the fly there, in fact, after the authorities officially ecuador said that will hand over all the russian-made military equipment that was used for espionage during the red revolution in central america, then, accordingly , hysteria began after that and they are trying to block the import from ecuador, well, as a revenge, together with a humpback fly for the fact that what will ecuador do, enough about them , enough about them, let's talk about ukrainians, and in a moment literally on our air we offer to watch the story of free ukrainians, about a couple of border guards in love, alina panin and ilya muzyka, they were captured by the russians
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tanners, ilya was taken from ilyich's factory in mariupol on april 12, 2022, alina was taken away... later, on may 17, their service dogs, which became a symbol of their relationship, remained from azovstal in the territory occupied by the russians. survive captivity, let's watch together. they were united by service and love for dogs. alina and ilya from volyn met at work in novovolynsk. the bride and groom work in the border service of ukraine together with. with their four-legged companions. before the russian offensive, the couple served in the donetsk border detachment. alina met the morning of the full-scale invasion at the mariupol sea trade port. there. together with her dog sonya inspected sea vessels. we arrived at the unit, armed ourselves. polo, well, if we had received
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some of the tasks that were set for us, and you went to the defense of the city of mariupol to the azomash plant with your unit. those terrible circumstances separated them. after the second attempt on the night of april 12, alina with the unit. broke through to azovstal, where they were under constant fire for a week. at that time, ilya was already holding the defense at the ilyich factory. at the moment when i turned on the phone, ilya called. he said that everything was fine with him, asked if i was fine, because we didn't know where one, well, we, we, didn't understand where we were at all. on april 15, the commander in the bunker informed us that our unit... was to be captured on the territory of ilyich. the guys who were with us, you could say, there was a little bit of such a small panic, but then we
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sat down, thought among ourselves, talked, and everyone was in agreement, we were forced to ask ourselves prisoners, because we had no other way out, and if we had not surrendered, i would probably be here now... ilya and other prisoners were held for several days in a colony in donetsk region, in sertan, then in olenivka, then on a military cargo plane sent to the territory of the russian federation, where ilya will spend the next 20 months in a colony in the kostroma region. from that moment, so to speak, the interrogations began the next day, all their, so to speak, procedures began. they spent time there with the prisoners, they took our fingerprints, photographed us a lot, we were not involved absolutely no work, we just
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sat for 30 minutes, stood for 30 minutes, walked around the cell, they gave us books, we read, the books were in russian, yes, of course, about the second world war, the first. the world war there about hitler, fascism, stalin, lenin, if they gave you food, but of course it was not enough, the fact that you ate, ate, ate all the time and here is such a moment, it all took away from you, but you understand , that you just won't get it anymore, and if you are what you have, and somehow we tried so hard in... here was, for example, there is less porridge there, we have spoons each, we would give two spoons each to the boys, who had less, so
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we shared bread and tea among ourselves, already on may 17 alina panina was captured by the russians, they did not know about each other's fate, a girl came out of azovstali together with the dogs with which she fell into the hands of the occupiers, after i was brought to the colony in... nivka, i was told to tie them in such a place where they make walks for prisoners, i them tied her to a bench, gave her pea coat, took off her military jacket and i fed them, they sat down, i kissed them, and that was the last time i saw them at all, after that, when i was there as a prisoner. for a month, every morning around 8 in the morning and at 10 in the evening i heard them barking, i asked a question when they were taking us out of the deer park,
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why they don't give me the dogs, they said that at the next stage they can be thrown out, well that's theirs was like this, and after that we were taken out and i understood what they were talking about, because we were put on planes, military, they were cargo planes. which transport equipment, after our hands were tied, blindfolded, that is, dogs, i would physically not be able to take with me. in october 2022 , the border guard returned home thanks to another exchange of prisoners. soon she returned to the service and all this time she was waiting for ilya's return. well, after being held there for so long, i got used to it. from everything, that is, i asked a person for a phone, i took it in my hands, i didn't know how to press some button, some number, that is, well
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, i was there, and i dialed my father, i don't remember he, what he was doing, and i, i said hello to him, i told him dad, hello, he hello, he didn’t recognize me after all this time, and i say, dad, it’s me, ilya, i say, we were exchanged, everything is fine, i say, i live healthy, and of course he started throwing tantrums there, and i have a second question was where lina was, how i was looking for her... i didn’t know anything at all, no information, nothing, and he told me, says that alina has been at home for a year, i have already buried alina, so to speak, many times, so that i did not know if she was alive, but since we were told there in captivity that azovstal was razed to the ground there, and knowing that alina was there, such thoughts came to me, but
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i tried to drive them away in the second... i made women call alina, i look, the number is unfamiliar to me, well, i don't know who is calling, i didn't really want to even pick up the phone, but somehow my hand reached out, maybe for the phone, i pick it up, i hear his voice, i couldn't even hear my words at all, because i was in such a shock, on the morning of january 4, 2024 , alina and his parents met ilya in kyiv. they did not recognize the boy, looking and seeing how different theirs were prisoners from us who leave and our prisoners who come from there, by the very, by the very health, yes, by the appearance of them, they are not properly fed, they are properly washed, properly clothed, and
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they... just look , you lost weight by 18, 20, 50 kg, but how did the boys lose weight, and they were like that, how they remained, because they won’t even say that they were in captivity, how is the red cross of such a structure, i only heard about it , i will say that we do not need such structures at all, because they do not help in any way and they do not give any confirmation that people are in captivity, from whom they take it, they give confirmation only when you are already there. prisoners from the colonies, and they already know the information about where they are and where they were when they came to olenivka, they were not, they were hiding us, women, they were hiding from the red cross, they did not come to us, some kind of humanitarian help from him they didn't give it, from the red cross, although it was there, maybe it was, because the guys only got regular soap from the red cross and
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that was it. the couple admits that the occupiers hid neither ilya nor alina knew until the end that ukrainian prisoners were being taken for exchange, and that they would return home. i tell the guys, guys, where did we go, well, what’s going on, and they say , baby, we came for an exchange, but i still didn’t believe it, because i’ve been in captivity for so many months, and, well, if, of course, you , i hoped ver. but well, i just imagined it in a completely different way, not the way it happened, when they transport you, do you even think that this is a stage, an ordinary stage, that they transport you from colony to colony, you only know when you are already at the exchange, when you either see your representatives from some of our structures, or you already hear them when they tell you we
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welcome you to ukraine. every day we were told that nobody needs us , that everyone has forgotten about us, that there is no such ukraine anymore, because poland took all of western ukraine, it held a referendum, and we already belong to poland, that is, all of western ukraine, and to kyiv, this is the entire territory, they took it for themselves. ilya and alina say that life has taught them to live one day at a time, so now they try to spend as much as possible. time together, and new four-legged pets help them to forget the horror they experienced and they believe that they will definitely see jesse and sonya again someday. to be honest, when i came home and they gave me a dog, i just hugged her, and i didn't need pills, well , it's a person who gets used to it and what helps her is that...


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