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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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now in the new two-hour format there is even more analysis, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on malice of the day by phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. i love marine pride, come on, our 36th marine brigade held the defense for 56 days.
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it concerns the surroundings of mariupol, we went out there with my husband, he tells me if you don't want to, if you want to surrender, i will surrender with you, we broke through 12 km behind the enemy's rear, sunday was intense, for sure. this is the coast of the black sea, and somewhere there is crimea. crimea was one of the bases of the ukrainian marines, and it is there that it plans to return. very it is actually difficult to single out only one brigade, because their stories, the stories of individual marine infantry battalions are closely interrelated , so in this and the next one. we
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will talk about the victories of the marines as a separate type of troops. those who remained loyal to ukraine after the annexation of crimea went through the hell of the ilyich plant in mariupol, participated in the breakthrough and were able to return to the ranks. in this series, the legendary 36th brigade, the first and 503rd are separate battalions. the marines are a branch of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, designed to carry out tasks in sea and air landings, participation in... coastal operations, defense of naval bases, important coastal facilities and support of anti-piracy campaigns. naval infantry rudvoisk, which should not sit on the defensive, it should only advance. today, the marine corps of ukraine consists of four separate brigades, which include separate battalions: two artillery brigades, a separate reconnaissance battalion, a training center, and separate command and logistics battalions. marines were based on two seas, rather. yes, our
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western right-flank unit was in the city of balgrad, this is the 88th separate battalion of the marines, and the left-flank unit of the 503rd marine krimobatal was permanently stationed in mariupol, so count, more than 100 km, the 35th brigade is mainly odesa oblast, the 36th brigade, this is mykolaiv, zaporizhzhya, and the 53rd battalion of marines is the donetsk oblast, that is, as they say, we were masters of two seas, if you can say so. this year, the marine corps of ukraine celebrates its 105th anniversary years since the formation of the first brigade. the formation of the actual ukrainian marines . it is clear that they are closely related to the formation of ukrainian statehood in general in the 20th century, that is, to the period of the ukrainian national revolution of 1917-21. well , of course, when... hetman skoropadsky
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begins the formation of the ukrainian fleet, as it was called, after the capture of crimea by bolbachan's troops and the transfer of the black sea fleet to ukraine. flags begin to form and marine units, this happens on may 23, 1918, and actually saying, looking ahead, today it is again the holiday of the marine corps of ukraine, glory to ukraine, i congratulate you on the day of the marine corps in... of course, prominent figures appear, the names of which we remember now and who are present as honorary titles in the marine corps brigades , this is rear admiral bilinsky and rear admiral, a representative of the noble
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ukrainian family ostrogradskyi, and when the armed forces of ukraine were formed already after the declaration of independence, of course they were formed on the basis of existing units. marines of the soviet union stationed in our country mainly in the crimea and partly in the coastal part of ukraine there in odesa region, there were really very patriotic ukrainian personnel there, there were officers, there was mr. voloshyn, who was actually one of the initiators of the transfer of the soviet marines to the ukrainian flag, he was the first to take the oath of office loyalty to ukraine. units served mainly in the crimea. there were a lot of exercises, everything seemed fine, but 2014 came , it was a terrible test for all of ukraine, it was the beginning of the war, it was february, and this test was for the marines. the ukrainian marines were faced
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with a choice: you are with ukraine or you go over to the side of the enemy. in simferopol, there are more than fifty confirmed eyewitnesses. professionals seized the buildings of the crimean council of ministers and the crimean parliament. russian special forces captured more than fifty marines and seized the ukrainian part in feodosia. a referendum on the status of the peninsula, not recognized by most countries of the world, is taking place, as a result of which russia included crimea in its composition. at that time, our military the unit was stationed in the village of perevalnoi, and at 4 o'clock in the morning somewhere or at 5 o'clock , an alarm signal came that the occupation of the military unit had begun. in 2014, colonel viktor sikoza was a lieutenant and served in
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the 36th separate coastal defense brigade. first, the occupation of the verkhovna rada of the autonomous republic of crimea began and the next day already in the morning. the military unit was encircled, the park of the military unit was encircled, and another military town, where the tank and reconnaissance battalion was located in addition, the 25th separate parachute of the landing brigade was also taken into the ring. from that moment on, the occupation of the military unit began. this is such a painful topic for me , probably. in 2014, artur kondryuk served in the first separate battalion of the marines, which... at a certain period, we were all alarmed, they said that katsaps were entering the crimea by sea, water, they were climbing out of all cracks, and at one fine moment we just they could no longer leave the military part of our territory, there were marines standing around, by the way, our colleagues, this
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the 810th marine infantry brigade, which is no longer there, all of them died in mariupol, as far as i know, including even the brigade commander. well, that’s where they are headed, and at that time they didn’t let us go anywhere, they didn’t let us go, and what did they demand from you, they demanded that you hand over your weapons and go over to their side, they hung big speakers on the fences, told about 20 thousand rubles as a salary for an apartment there on the seashore and so on and so on, well, no one and , accordingly, no longer paid attention to it, that we were, well, from 2009 to the 14th year parades compatible, training compatibility. belarusians in the same territory, they lived in the crimea, their bases were located, i knew that army at that time, well, that one, well, that it was just as poor as us. they won with propaganda, their propaganda worked very well in the direction of the army, and with this, yes, they did, i
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think so, that they fed the whole world propaganda and at 4:00 in the morning two turntables landed on the territory of the unit, the 810th brigade circled in. .. from bterma and they started storming us, well, it was clear to me right away that they didn’t want to kill us there, they were shooting there, windows, doors, and roofs were poisoned with gas, of course, everyone was taken prisoner. well, it was already dawn, it was already 5 o'clock in the morning, i remember, it's already been 10 years, i've already forgotten, they took us away, and the bags were attached to a pigeon, the bags were tied by the hands and taken to the port of fidosiysk, they built us there, well, somewhere to the industrial zone of the port, which is not the most pleasant, some general of theirs came out there, i don't know him, i haven't seen him anywhere since then, no. and suggested that whoever wants to stay in the russian army should do so
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a step forward, and who doesn’t want to, you will go to the masterplova of ukraine, that’s it, that’s it , it’s all over, how much, i was surprised, i know you’re with me, the question is how much is left there, look, at that time the staff of the battalion, well, it’s we can already say that there are 400 men in the world, well plus or minus there, we left the battalion 151. age, what do you think more than half remained there, somehow, how did you react to these events? well, tatuti, everything is written there, what we should do, there was a battalion commander, a brigade commander, unfortunately, a traitor, well, unfortunately, in principle, he himself and showed, it was clear a long time ago, this is storozhenko, yes, well, after two or three weeks there, the finding of the military unit already began. there, the russian military entered the territory of the military unit accompanied by our commander, they were already drinking alcoholic beverages
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at the headquarters of the military unit, there the russian officers, with our commander of the military unit, the old woman colonel, sang songs, well, you understand exactly, after that the task was set there at the meeting at the meeting, that is, there to make decisions, who goes to the mainland of ukraine, who it remains to serve in the crimea there... for the loyalty of the russian federation and there who wants to, it was more about servicemen serving under a contract, they had the right to resign in connection with non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract on the part of the military unit, well, that's it, well, after that already there, the shock began in the square, they began to divide us, who was malleable, who was beautiful, those fools immediately began to learn the hymn there, they began to sing there with the troupe, well, everything was based on the classics. while we were interviewed there and we were returning back to the territory the chasins, they had already repainted, they managed
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to repaint and hang theirs with a flagpole in an hour, one hour, the paint, i was still going to the chasins, it smelled like paint, and at lunch it was terrible, well, just a shoe, and until today, well, me i was shocked, especially in the 14th year i was prog, i thought i was going to die. at lunch, i thought that i would never leave the crimea, it so happened that they asked, well, nothing, we will return, what thought did you have when you left the crimea, that you need to return, i just put a balcony in apartment, i couldn't help but admire the moon, especially since it was just spring , my balcony looked out on... to the suuchka mountain, to the waterfall, here, well, the view is very beautiful, i'm already there, when i stavkon, there i saw how
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they would sit on the balcony, i would open a little window, i would admire the surrounding landscape, but they didn't let me do it, well, it won't be like that, i set a goal for myself, it should be like that. the 36th separate brigade named after rear admiral mykhailo bilinsky became the first marine infantry brigade formed after the occupation of crimea. history of the 36th brigade. this is the 14th year that these sworn marines have set foot on the mainland.
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lieutenant general yuriy sodol, commander of the marines of the naval forces of the ukrainian armed forces. at that time, i was formed by colonel diletitsky, the current head of the military academy of the city of odessa, and after a month and a half, the units already went into battle. this, well, it is expensive. who was the backbone of the 36th brigade. the backbone of the 36th brigade was the servicemen. of the sixth separate coastal defense bard, these were servicemen of the first separate battalion of the fidasian marines and the 501st separate battalion of the marines, which was stationed in krchy, these are all ee...
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for a long time, the 36th brigade performed tasks in the mariupol direction, and it was there that it encountered a large-scale invasion. where did the main blows of the enemy land, how were the forces dispersed? well, the fact is that at the time of the beginning of the defensive line of the brigades, they were quite large, and therefore the main blow was mainly aimed at volnovakha with the aim of cutting off ours. groups and surround the city mariupol, and style, you know, over there from the zaporozhye region, the enemy attacked us at a very fast pace, the enemy partially succeeded in completing its task, this concerns the surroundings of mariupol, that is where our 36th marine brigade held
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the defense for 56 days, the task was completed with honor, unfortunately, we lost a lot of brothers. it is always, very many of our comrades still remain in captivity of the enemy, but we are sure that we will get them all out, and we will take revenge for our fallen comrades. this year lieutenant general yurii sodol received the order of the golden star with the title "hero of ukraine". he was awarded for his participation in the battles for volnovakha at the end of february 2022. on the 26th. for the assault on volnovakha, and this was the first assault operation, when they were forced out of the city at night. volnovakha had to be held, because there was the 36th brigade of marines, and we still hoped that we could take it away from there, so he left for the sake of it, to
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give the marines at least some chance, it was fun. we gave them a scratch, to him they showed that they don't joke with the marines , and by the morning it was already known the decree of the president awarding him the gold star of the title of hero of ukraine, and how do you personally consider this act, heroic, well, you understand, i spoke after that with the commander of the tank battalion, who also took part in this, he was very... not that he was surprised, he was just shocked that the commander, the lieutenant general, was performing this task together in a chain in battle, well, it is very, you understand, dear officer, commander of this level from the brigade commander and above, for personnel, for
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a sailor, a soldier, a sergeant, when he is in the trench, directly in battle, it is very... surprising and the fighting spirit of all this rises into expressions, very, very much. at the beginning of the 22nd year, yevhen bova was the commander of the first separate battalion of marines, which was then part of the 36th brigade. well, before the full-scale invasion, i and my battalion were involved in the execution of tasks assigned to the zone. oos as a part of the 36th marine brigade, and met the war in the settlement of pavlopil, well , near the city of mariupol. love and victoria, medical officer of the first battalion, they also
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encountered a large-scale invasion in pavlopol and refused to evacuate. man, we sat there, women and men , and we waited there and heard when the shells and hail and volleys flew, well, in short, for me, how some toka came to serve, it was very impressive, and we sat there, damn it, prayed that damn it, god forbid it didn't happen, and i signed the contract on october 22, 2021, at that time i was 19'. years, you know, for the camera, i didn't want to take it, because it was small, and i was 18, i was 18, on october 22 i i sign the contract at 6 p.m. and on october 30 i will be 19 years old, the women were gathering for deployment, and when the commander tells me, like, let's go, i say, no, i say, i 'm staying here, i say, i'm with the boys, i'll be
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here, that's it, and all at once he says, i'm with you too, i'm with you, that's it, and in general, the rest of the women were evacuated to more peaceful places, and we stayed further, as the enemy carried out offensive actions, which was relevant. forces, you know, according to the combat documents, the ratio of forces and means should have been one to three, but well, i think in my opinion that the ratio was at least one in five, and the enemy was well armed both in terms of equipment and personnel, there was a sufficient number of tanks, the number of armored fighting vehicles such as bmp, bmp1, b-2, bmp3, yes, which made it possible to rapidly
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advance on certain areas of the front. unfortunately, we don't have such stocks and such weapons, well, we didn't have them in such a volume. how did you move from pavlopol to mariupol, from pavlopol, when... you broke through the front line in the volnovsk direction, well, everyone understood that it was necessary to turn the flank, uh, well, by order of the senior commander , a maneuver was made, well, in this way, they were moved closer to the city of mariupol, but it wasn’t quite, there was the city of mariupol, there were also some intermediate... positions that were prepared in advance, i know, well no , i know that when we were retreating, well, they kind of trailed us with fire, yes, yes, well, when
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the officers came there, some of them didn’t tell us how tough it is now, he was sitting in the shelter, something broke and on a piece of it, the child fell, and here he is... his sweat was so bad, well, in general, we ate it like that adapted, on march 10, 2022, an airstrike on the city center, look at the funnel, like yesterday at the maternity hospital, too, well, when they already gave me. the instruction is that i am going as a combat medic to her second company, well, they also gathered
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some of them there, i had some medicines there, there was a backpack there, but we went there, there was such a person, i don’t know how it is right it is called, like a terekon type, we had an eye position, we watched the movement of equipment and the like, when we sat on a terekon, we looked like an airplane you... theirs takes off, throws an aerial bomb, the second one follows him, bombards like this, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, everything was there, everything was on fire, everything, there, well, well then, that is, i don't know at all how those civilian people survived there , it's just, i can't even guess how they survived there, because everything was so busy there, so much so, i didn't understand ours, if the brigade was already on the territory of the factory and licha, here is ours. it was to bomb that mariupol, ours, they are stupidly in squares, and you look and you understand, but in a few days it will be ours square, everything and for what, that is, they
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saw that we were retreating, why did they clear that entire territory, well , they stupidly tore everything up, for me it is still unclear, a lot of what the propaganda says about the people there in mariupol, no, no, people from mariupol brought us medicines themselves . you know that, you know the goal , you know the grandfather, since there were overwhelming enemy forces, our units began to withdraw little by little to mariupol, then the ilyich plant, well, at that time there were three battalions in the brigade, it was the 501st separate battalion of marines, the battalion of marines line brigade is the one that i commanded and the first-independent battalion of marines, respectively, the first-independent battalion of marines... had a separate node of defense, and the 501 and the battalion of marines, they already held the population of purma directly in front of ilyich himself, on ilyich
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there... i remember once we even stood in the hangar , it turns out that we had a bunker and a hangar next to it, our equipment was there, and in short, everyone is starting, that’s it, everyone who was there is starting to quickly move to the bunker, kristina to me shouts: "vika, run, run, i'm standing, in short, i had a can of pepsi here, i remember, and there was a cow stick, i was like that, the machine was hanging, and
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i. how did it eventually work out, under what conditions did it happen, i already i was on a training ground, the chief of staff of donetsk atu called me, the general said that buses would arrive from mykolaiv, well, that is , they would bring people for the brigade, well, reinforcements, i say then mariupol was located on, well,
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half a ring, let’s say so and... and only one there was a road, it was through volodarskoye, it was possible to get there, well, accordingly, he said that a convoy will arrive , they will need to issue ammunition, you will find out the order of battle there, you are the senior and you are going to mariupol, you were personally in this convoy, yes, the first one, but it was very dangerous, so what to do, our work is like this, all the more so , well, the price of the question was my brigade, i... i don't know who would have behaved differently, well, i, as a native of this brigade, i simply could not behave differently, and i didn't even have questions, what is safe, what is dangerous, i have already answered everything, well, as everything was investigated in me, i understood what i am going for and where the danger should be read from, then all this was taken into account and well, well, well, almost without problems, i delivered people to the front, a couple of times there the column, well, under tank
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fire, managed to increase speed and pass certain dangerous sections there could we more or less hold on there while there were old stocks of ammunition, products, we provide medicine, but you understand that every day it gets worse and worse, worse and worse, and if there were no replenishment of all this, so... well, it was difficult , but everyone held on and everyone knows what they were holding on for, it was hard, yes, they were wounded, they were killed, but there is no war without victims, well, without the dead, so everyone understood it, everyone stood, everyone fought, well , whatever...


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