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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EET

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is it more or less possible to hold on there while there were old stocks of ammunition, supplies, and medicine, but you understand that every day it is getting worse and worse, worse and worse, and how would the replenishment of all this be were absent, so it was difficult, but everyone held on and everyone knows why they held on, it was difficult, yes, there were wounded, there were dead, but there is no war without victims, well, without the dead, so everyone understood it, everyone stood, everyone fought, well, as if every soldier, including me, hoped for the best, but we understood that from those of us who were in mariupol
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depended on what was happening in ukraine, because everyone knew that russia had brought a very large number of military personnel and armored vehicles to mariupol, as well as aviation, which, in principle, is from russia, so is the republic of crimea, which worked along mariupol. after all, all that happened in mariupol, it could work and advance on the territory of ukraine, well , the mainland, which was not yet surrounded, so we had only one way out - to hold on, mariupol is, you know, the heart of this war. and what? kratal contains natural
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our roads will be even better. a special look at events in ukraine, on there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know. what is happening must be understood. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat at sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present the project of their own names with myroslava. barchuk. a series of conversations with
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ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week. and actually, we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. approximately how many people were there at the leach plant? well, about 2,500. what was the most difficult moment for you personally there? when there are wounded servicemen, and there is nothing to help them, when you have the enemy in front of your nose, and there is nothing to hit him, these are such moments, with whom you had time to talk there on
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ilyich, with the brigade commander and the colonel, because in the crimea, each other is enough we know well, and even after the exit. well, after the annexation of crimea with colonel yaroshenko, well, and with all his comrades there, most of the brigade is like my students of my battalion , chiefs of services, deputies there and everything else, of course i was glad to see everyone, they were glad to see him, he lifted the mood there at least a little somehow, well, as he could, what words did you say to them when you left , that it will be good not to forget? who are they and where are they from, and if a battle is to be fought, then it must be fought in a way that is not the way they were taught to hide themselves in, sit in bunkers, be afraid of something, there is no way out of the situation, then it is necessary to defend oneself in such a way that the enemy himself spoke for you and you himself
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respected, even understanding that there are quite superior forces of the enemy, let's say this, you will not fight, you will not earn respect, even from... the enemy, he will also understand this, he saw that there are a lot of people, but it will fight and it commands respect, no matter how hard it is, we were in constant contact with the commander, the communication was constant, because this is our line of responsibility, our unit, the 36th brigade took the mariupol hospital with it, and we cannot was to leave the wounded to fend for themselves, so some of them remained there with them wounded, er, with family. soldiers , with civilians, with women, with children, well, that ’s how it turned out, a meter passage, maybe two, and you cross those 2 meters, like that, in a pinch , you cross people, you step over them, there were so many people, so many people, people everything
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it narrowed, it narrowed , but it was narrowed down, then there was nothing, then i put it on the barrel, covered it with a blanket, everything, and you and... it is painful and painful inside everything at the factory , not a single one one helicopter did not land, all that happened was that they landed in port and later at the licha plant, this did not happen, even once or twice the brigade received help, let's say so, which was transferred to the azovstal. but it was a pittance, a pittance even compared to what was transferred to the azovstal plant, so yes, there were, but in fact no one saw them, also the evacuation of 3-0 wounded or dead, yes, that also happened,
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but not from the ilyich plant , somehow it happened that more attention was paid to us. and in the meantime, this process has already begun, when food, water, food, etc. are running out medicine, yes, this process had already begun, when it was all over, i found, i remember, boxes with cookies, maria, and they were all in mold, now i see the boys want to eat, because i only have maria, i dried it on... on a fine grater and rubbed it by hand, made a kind of red flour, added a little bit of some badychki, water, and i had tortillas for them, so i made them tortillas, they ate, i tell them, i tell them, i'm such a badyc i don't cook at home, understand me correctly, i say, but
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we have to eat, at least something, that's how we are then, ate, the most critical moment, when it became clear that it was already... we can't go on like this, what options were considered, and there was only one option, this was a breakthrough, or to the factory and... in the direction of greater ukraine, which option did you choose? well, then it so happened that we had no communication at all, and the units are located in mariupol a little apart, there was no interaction, so i personally chose the breakthrough option, well, i understood that you know this. well, this is one chance to survive, but it was
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difficult, it was difficult for me, it was difficult for my servicemen, but everyone unanimously made such a decision, i believe that not every serviceman will go to this decision, well, when you don't communicate with him, when you don't support him, when you don't have understanding between servicemen, when you don't have... well, a military family , as i said before, but they were all one, yes, some of them stayed because of their morally unsustainable qualities, but the rest of them were all for the task that they had to perform, there was to be a column and we all had to leave, this well, we plunged into that equipment, understood what was there covered with sheets here and there. and it's real , you know, it was 50/50, we understood that i would either die or pass, that's it,
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that's the understanding, that's it, we sat down, prayed, and that's it, we were already leaving the bunker, we, well, before by the way, we went out there with my husband, the goat is sitting, i agree, it is 5 years old, my goat is 5 years old, young. he tells me: if you don't want to, if you want to surrender, i'll surrender with you, if you don't want to, then we'll go on a breakthrough, i say, we're going on a breakthrough. i have all the main mass, that's all that was in my head, this is what i want for a child, i want for a mother, i just want to go home, just to see that they are alive, whole and that they are doing well, well , i will tell you briefly, they went out in the direction, in the northern direction, and in small
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groups, which was not noticeable to the enemy, with the task to go to the rear, well, to the rear of the enemy, and all we could do was inflict maximum losses on him there in the interpositional space, well, i will say this, from my battalion the most people came out of the first cream. yes, they broke through, left, and a week or two later started active actions again, only from the other side, i.e. exit to on average, it took about a week, no, more, more, yes, about two weeks, well , if you look at the map like that, even ee, then the length of the route is, well, 130 km. yes, directly there, but we all understand that no one went straight, so when i talked to
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my servicemen, after half an hour, some of them walked 270, 250, well, that is not a very short way, the most terrible thing, probably, is if will see our columns, our column alone, that's when they immediately throw the damn thing there, something and that's how it was , well, it's real, that's how it was, yes, we were shorter then have dived and already started to leave, we are leaving the hangar, here i am just looking at the sky, and it was already a little bit more visible, here i am looking, i see a plane flying in the distance and flashing these fireflies, i think it’s a bugger, our way out was covered, that's how we saw the planes, understood the robot, well, we, in short, in short, we drove from the cop and there are not even 10 kilometers, probably not even five, thank god. thank god, yes, but at the time we didn't know about it, and we thought, damn, that's all, it's just a bug, our
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equipment broke down and it won't start, the electronics are covered, that's it, let's get it, and here we start a little, as it whistles, it's already whistled, it's whistling, damn it, aviation, as if something is already flying , it's being dropped, we're from that equipment, then phew, like peas scattered, that's where, at that moment , when this... an aerial bomb was falling, i heard that it was falling somewhere, in short, and we were there somehow so much, my group was so stuck to the building there that somehow the damn thing would open up there, there was such a ditch and that was it. i just hear that it is flying, the sensations, well, it does not convey, in short, it turns everything inside like this, and you even if you are so small against this force that is going to hit you, and you can't do anything at all, you can damn it lower your silhouette as low as possible and somehow ask yourself, damn it, think there
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, ask god to save your damn poor soul somehow , how does it work? you personally and your group, which consisted of about 10 servicemen there, yes, but i went out, let ’s say so, within the battle formations, well, but, as you know, it didn’t work out a little bit, can you tell at least a little about the experience of polon, well you know, the experience, uh, the experience of captivity, i don’t even know what to answer this question, well, uh, it only allows a serviceman to rethink his life, did the enemy know who you are, uh, yes , because
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, i think, in a week, in two uh. uh, they completely listened to us, they completely understood where everyone was, uh, even more so there were servicemen who were captured, well, who, no matter how you want it, but one, the second, the third will say something, so yes, it was known who i am and in which direction i am, were you tortured? you know, i have not yet seen or heard of a single serviceman who was not tortured, so i will give a short answer, and then it was about 11:00 in the evening and we gathered for a meeting, our group of 26 people gathered for meeting and we began to discuss the rules there, the rules of behavior when
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we leave, silence, we are silent, we don't wait. with such a small-caliber one, well , close combat could already begin when we went out , we went out for a long time, we went out for 8 days, 260 km, yes , at 60, i was specifically silent, by the way, yes we traveled 267 km, we reached the zaporozhye
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region, i'm sorry, not everything was healed. yes, by the way, and then already when we reached our positions, there was such a thing, remember what was really funny, it was already at the end, guys, be careful, there is a mine, and we are like that, but nothing, you have already passed, how strong is their propaganda, uh, that when they understand adequate, uh, hear adequate solutions, uh, hear some... adequate stories, they don't believe it, saying that it's a production, it's all specially for to show it to us there they just have very strong propaganda about us there, which, how many, how many, how many times i saw
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these people there or not, there is nothing there. adequate human, well, that's how much it all was in the eight years of the war, how long it absorbed them all, then i hear like spots-spots, a sound like a rattle, they give us signals that you, well, we see you, we hear you, and we are still going, going, and here is just a little man like this from the bushes, who are you, where are you from, we say, we are the first separate battalion , we just left mariupol, run, run, come in, come in, in short, this is... good evening, everything, god, we were ready to fall into the ground, this is so, this was so, it’s just, it’s indescribable, just indescribable,
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one idea that you survived, went through all this, that’s all, you saw the fact that in general, well, i don't know how it was possible to survive, how many people from the brigade eventually got out of the encirclement, let's say it was approximately. well, about 186 people, these are the ones who left on foot, about a thousand people died somewhere, probably the rest were captured, and thank god things got a little better with the exchanges, that’s how we managed there, quite a lot of our boys and girls exchange, how long did you stay there , we... already six months without five or six days, six months, at the most critical moments there,
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which helped you to stay generally in a healthy state and have more some hope, to dream and think about something good, about the family, and how i will spend time with... with my family, when, perhaps, someday i will be in ukraine, that's all and if, well, as far as i i also communicate with the people of svilsk suburb who were exchanged, then, in principle, our thoughts, our wishes match, what thought helped you to get there , what helped you, child, child, mother, well, i just know... i know that before i left, i contacted my parents, and i hinted to them that, like, what then we have plans, like some kind of guy, so
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i say to them, like dad, mom, pray for me, pray for all of us, and those were my last words, but i probably said them in general with these words, that’s in short and to me it helped that here i go, field, field, field, i go. i'm looking at the moon, i'm looking at the sun, i just understand that papa is looking at the sun, what mom looks at the echo and that they know that i'm leaving, and they're waiting for me, i know that for sure, what you did immediately after your return, you went to rehabilitation for two weeks, after which you returned to the army.
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as part of azov, well, we were subordinated to azov at that time, we participated, there was also a peasant assembly there, it was like our 503rd battalion, as well as airborne assault troops, and the same, if i’m not mistaken, the 54th azov brigade, which participated in kyiv, also, after the defense of kyiv... came here and we, as part of them, went to help guys, well, as we were told, we fulfilled our task, we drew attention to ourselves
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when the 36th brigade was breaking through to the front, it was then, and we simply turned our eyes away, let's say this, we had a commander then a poet call sign, and he gathered us and asked: who has a desire, roughly speaking , then almost all hands were raised, but three men went to report to us, one crew in a car went, volunteers, broke through 12 km behind the enemy's rear, and our task was to occupy two villages, we failed to occupy the second village, we did a lot in the first boiling and began to... pull back, well , when we started to pull back, we were very densely covered by aviation, artillery, yes, they met us, let's say this, not with...
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hugs, but as part of the people ended up on why? the boys decided to continue defending. well, as we tried to win for some time, everyone thought that such a problem should have been solved in some, well, more humane, civilized way, well, it can't be through, maybe through some agreements or through extraction, but that's not the case... in march 2022 year, having surrounded mariupol, russian troops advanced further with the aim of seizing all of donetsk region. at that time, viktor sikoze was performing tasks together with the 503rd battalion. well, the defense of this particular direction of ugladarsky began precisely with those trenches occupied there by the fighters of the 503rd battalion. achilles
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for... the deputy commander of the battalion, yes, then we with our battalion held back the front with a small body, which the battalion should not hold back, according to the so-called book, so we gave them serious resistance at first, how the events unfolded in zachativka and how did you get there environment? somewhere we had a battalion that took up defense along the front, well, roughly.
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and our battle began to move, we went out , i remember, it was a matter of landing meters, i don’t know, a kilometer, maybe a thousand shots, they were flying without an attack, thirty were flying in our direction, there were numerous, or rather, the tanks were roaring, and we were on a white sprinter roaring without the front window, i generally say, in short, if they kill, then well, they will kill, if not, to wake up , i wrap myself completely in the sleeping bag, because there is no front window, i wrap myself in the sleeping bag, and i say that we were light, t-shirt, fleece there zsushna upstairs, there was nothing then, there were all sorts of things there, there was no understanding there either, and that’s all, after that, after that we regrouped and held the defense in yevgenivka for three days, held it successfully, that is, despite the fact that
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the enemy was also advancing on us. the kingdom of heaven, well, the battalion was a bit disorganized, the moral and psychological state, you understand, after the death of a combatant, especially since the battalion lived with a man, that is, he enjoyed a rather powerful authority, a very big loss for the marines . very much, but his staff is not that that did not break, but to take revenge for pasha, for their commander, and they did not ask, on the contrary, they became so angry that on april 1 , an incomplete battalion defeated two battalions of russians, took a lot of trophy equipment, on which it is still fighting, well, intensive it was sunday, once in a while, have you met the traitors since
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the 14th? year from the marine corps of ukraine, who went over to the side of the enemy, then to the other side of the border? of course, of course, here is the beginning of a full-scale war, somewhere at the beginning, towards the end of march, under the gold standard, this velikonovoseliv district, my fellow student came to visit me, let's say andryushka bezlyudka, he himself is from cherkasy, well, we studied together in the same company of cadets. that is, they were cadets together, they came to serve in the pass together, i received my company from him, he was then the chief of staff of the battalion, he was the one until the last one in the crimea, that we were going to ukraine, that’s all the things that we will serve , here i was standing on the balcony.


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