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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EET

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is still working , therefore, it is not only the lost samples of military equipment that can be replenished , they have the opportunity, they are radar stations, which are especially valuable, so what are the rails that simply provide information, and there are radars that work in the anti-aircraft missile complex, in that c300, c400 has a radar that provides proper guidance of the package on the target, so these things can be replenished, supplemented. as well as all the logistics that i mentioned, which need to be completed, er, and in order for the enemy not to receive all this, er, that’s basically everything, plus there is also an air route, we can and must understand that they can also use military transport planes like il-76 to transport cargo very quickly, the plane is a large city one, so they can still deliver equipment to crimea, but the basis is still railway transportation, finally. we understand that the russians are learning
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from their mistakes, we have information about where they are located, generally where their aircraft are located, and we use that information for strikes, but more and more data is coming in that they are creating such alternative hidden helipads, parking lots, sites, i don't know if you can call it airfields, how much do they manage to do so that we don't notice optically? well, it is possible, but not always , you see that in the end, let 's say it directly, we also carry out these things with this, such passive defense measures, as they say, because if the protection of our lithuanians, let's say, with anti-aircraft missile systems or electronic warfare systems, that's one thing, but still, camouflage, fishing positions and so on, all this also happens.
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it is necessary to mislead the enemy, and this is all by means, because, in combat conditions, by means of certain experiments, well, as they say, tricks, all this is carried out by our military personnel so that the enemy cannot destroy our aviation, they are destroyed by our planes, only in our reports to tynoshenkov, of course we bear losses, but no, but not such as are published there for 10 planes per week, that is in general. have already begun to destroy, we have already talked about it more than once, even with you, that is why the enemy really manages to carry out such actions, they they hide, we have seen, they even paint signs on the asphalt with paints so that it can be passed off as real from a satellite, well, such tricks do not work, here you need to approach such means, measures and so on more competently, well, but the enemy learns from his mistakes and... unfortunately
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, he still has enough of those planes to really move them and replace them with others, those that were hit. thank you, mr. yuri, for taking the time to join our program. we will remind that it was yuriy ignat, the spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine. and now we take a short break, right? what do you say, madam? yes, a short pause, and let's continue talking about important things for crimea. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, with dolgit cream you want to lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. for muscle spasms dolgit antispasmody tablets. dolgit anti-convulsant to relax muscles and calves. there are 15% discounts on sinus hot and sinus caps. in
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11:36 am
every week the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited fact-based experts give. your assessment and forecast of the development of events, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world. front society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm at espresso.
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we continue our program together beraber is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel, with you khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabaev. is such. well, we promised to actually talk about important things for ukraine and crimea. in my opinion , the visit of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny to the medzhaliz of the crimean tatar people is quite symbolic. and here ayder, i give you the floor and our guest. we have a guest from the distance.
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what kind of visit was it, why it was not announced , it was so unexpected, what was discussed during the conversation, what was given specifically to mr. zaluzhny, and what was in principle yes, you can tell me in a simple way, i am, i was in the hague at the international un, where was considered and announced on two lawsuits of ukraine. i can't hear anything, let's dial again mr. rifate, mr. rifate, we 'll have to get back in touch with you because the sound is very, very bad, we care about every word you say on the air now, i'll just
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add that it's true, and we we will talk about that speak, in the court in the hague, the un court in the hague issued its verdict in the case. from 2017, let me remind you that these are the cases when ukraine appealed to the un international court of justice with a claim that russia violated two conventions, the international convention on the fight against the financing of terrorism and the international convention on the elimination of all norms of racial discrimination, by the way, then everyone was very happy, that the court accepted these for consideration, i remember when it was, but somehow it seems to me that this verdict of the un court is more for me. did, well, this is my personal opinion, because there is absolutely no solution those that correspond to reality and that we were counting on, especially since they made the decision now after the full-scale invasion and it has been almost seven years since that time, and it is very important
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to actually approach carefully and read into what decision issued by the un court in gas, it did not fully satisfy. to the extent that ukraine demanded, ukraine demanded, in particular, recognition of russia as guilty in all parameters, in principle, by the un court. ghazi noted that russia committed a violation, which i now refer to lawyers and the ministry of foreign affairs, it is not true, but the truth, they have committed a violation, they have recognized that they have committed a violation on almost every point in the conventions in question, but, but, so that racial discrimination against crimean tatars or ukrainians in crimea, and no, it is rather due to a political position, that is, people simply voluntarily left crimea, all of them went to prison, went to... the court noted that
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its main complaint against russia is that it did not investigate the financial support of separatist groups in the east of ukraine in in the 14th year, that is, she did not conduct an investigation against herself, so russia, this is illogical, she should have, is ryfat chubarov in touch with us? yes, let's, let's be on the phone, because i'm at the airport right now and the conditions here are very bad, radio technical, i would say, and it doesn't allow video, you know, communication, so you've started, you've already started talking, and how i was very correctly placed, the accents were placed, the court really noted that all the facts cited by ukraine in its lawsuits, they... exist, they exist, these are direct violations on the part of russia, what
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concerns the persecution of the crimean tatar people, the mejlis, in particular the crimean tatar people, the prohibition of its activities, it is really more than the majority of these judges, five judges out of 15 have a separate position, and they insisted that the position of ukraine, that there is ethnic persecution in crimea on the basis of... ethnic characteristics, these five judges share, they have separate opinions, they will be printed later, and we will do everything to translate into ukrainian so that all our the community, rights activists, especially, our lawyers and society as a whole have become familiar with this, but i return to the photo with which you started the conversation with me, so i was in the gas and now i am returning to warsaw, in the evening i will meet there with... fellow citizens, ukrainians, crimean tatars , tomorrow i hope i will already be in kyiv, that is, i could not
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be in the middle of what this photo says, it says that we, crimean tatars, well, like all those ukrainians who are directly in the territories of the occupied russia, we realize how urgently it is needed to release all these territories, and the only obstacle to ... sooner release may be some of our internal problems in ukrainian society, as soon as this court decision, which disappointed us, let's say, in diplomatic language, was announced, one by one, my friend , whom i am friends with since the 2004 maidan , he wrote me one sentence, but listen to how it sounds, he says: friend, refate, in this situation in which ukraine is, the best court is... armed forces of ukraine, period. so, i think, with this photo, we wanted to tell all of ukraine that
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precisely in these days, in these months , in this year, it is necessary to preserve cohesion, unity as much as possible, and this is the only condition and the only factor that will allow us to defeat these, well, those barbarians, i do not call this country in any other way and and those people who under... well, a few details, that's just how i understood them, together with rustem mierov, they came to the leadership of the midjlis and to our leader mustafa dzhemilev, and it was such a no'. what i'm asking is that it so happened these days,
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it's important to support, one by one politicians, you see, i do not mention the last name , this morning in my telegram he wrote, well, such a person very offensive words for me, he evaluated this photo, he said again, someone wants something there, well, to breed, i speak so mildly than he did, this photo only says that... in ukraine, everyone, everyone, including those people, and politicians, and generals, who have their own special places, a special opinion, but if they realize. i stress my responsibility once again, all politicians, and military, and and and officials, they must now maintain unity, this is our position of the midjlis, and we wanted it so that everyone knew about it, this is how it was in february 2014, in february march 2014 , we tried
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to keep ukraine in crimea as much as possible, which was already occupied and they were waiting for a single, well, such a very... well, open and frank approach of all ukrainian politicians, but they were sitting here in kyiv and engaged in other issues, including sharing portfolios, here they shared portfolios, and there crimea was all over everything along the roads, columns spread out in all corners of the crimea of the russian military, i would never like to see such things again in my life, mr. refate, it is very important to be aware of what is happening in the temporarily occupied crimea from... in march, they are supposed to reassign putin there, and the local gaulleiters , one in front of the other, are also trying to show themselves somehow and say that vova moldavan konstantina is actually
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close to the goblin's heels, when we talk about the goblin, we we remind you that this is the occupying head of the so -called crimea. aksyonov, is it possible to put maselka on fire, well, that is, we understand that we can and should use any leverage in order to destabilize the situation, in particular, in the occupation administrations, what can we do? well, look, frogs and vipers, and in this situation i will not say anything, and i will only repeat what i already think i said literally a few minutes ago, not a couple, but ten... nets of well-aimed strikes on military facilities on the crimea, on those ships that are still terrified there and they are hiding somewhere in these different crimean estuaries, and they are scattering them all over novorossiysk, feodosia, and already in sevastopol , they practically ripped apart this squadron of ships, blows, blows must be done
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on the bridge, it is the umbilical cord that mentally holds. crimea, well, let's say this, is in the minds of putin and his entourage. as soon as two or three spans of this bridge collapse, think that crimea has already been liberated. thank you for such words, mr. rifat. ryfatega, well, i think that you too, well, not too, you are the first to analyze such news. an occupier was arrested in london of the ex-governor of sevastopol, dimitrii ovsyannik. what can you say about this fact and this creature? well, here our law enforcement agencies and diplomats need to monitor the situation very much, so far, well, he is not in danger, we could do something like that, well , we hope that he will be extradited to ukraine, he
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was arrested for violating the sanctions regime imposed against him, also a person ... yes, he was not just the governor of sevastopol, but before that he was, it seems, the deputy minister of which ministry, it seems, of industry, i don’t really know that i remember, and then, he was sent to work by this geulaiter of the occupation authorities in sevastopol, then he was fired with a scandal, well, of course, these are russians, you know, seekers of their spiritual scraps, they are looking everywhere for their scraps and supposedly her. .. all neighboring lands are declared to be russian lands , and if they take them by the ass, they immediately run to the west, against which they allegedly opposed, therefore, if the west simply , well, they would have a little more sense than with that, which they use, i alas, this
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i am already passing diplomacy, so they should now turn to the general prosecutor's office of ukraine so that we urgently... give documents that confirm that this person has committed crimes against the ukrainian state directly. if they don't do that, then to the prosecutor general's office, i think they have already done it, well, if they haven't done it, then it's already very unprofessional. i just want to remind you that ovsennikov has already been mentioned repeatedly in our programs with you, ayder, in particular in the context of the fact that in 2022 this person effectively achieved the lifting of european union sanctions in great britain. in particular, that is, we already have a very dangerous precedent, when a person, in connection with the alleged fact that he lost his position, gets rid of, let's say. yes, this sanctioning influence, which she deserved, as if as soon as you stop leading sevastopol, we will remove the sanctions from you, not guilty, i would think that maybe you
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would share this opinion with your colleagues, but this is really very serious, because if we just not only received blows, when they are inflicted on us, and in order for us to inflict it ourselves, i think that it is simply necessary to ask a journalistic question to the general prosecutor's office, whether they had time... right after the message came that this scoundrel, who is a direct criminal against ukraine, was detained, or whether maybe they prepared and sent the documents so that it would be issued to us in ukraine, definitely, yes, we will definitely ask, because if it really hasn't been done, it's just, well, let's keep quiet on this topic for now, until we know for sure, so february 20 should be some kind of court decision in great britain in this regard. yes, exactly, exactly on the day when russia began to occupy crimea, yes, it seems on the 20th, no, on the 20th, on the 20th , yes, they started, well, no, no, they, they, they
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, they started a long time ago, for long before 2014, in the 18th century, yes, the cognitive occupation, and thank you very much, mr. refate, for the fact that you managed to join in spite of the circumstances, for the best, for the best. jhelis of the crimean tatar people, who is now on his way, as we understand, from the hague, from the meeting of the un court, where literally yesterday a decision was made regarding ukraine's lawsuit against the russian federation , i think that we will definitely discuss it with lawyers, we just need to ask for sure, well , we will do it, if a person joins us, as mr. ryfat chubarov did, and ryfat chubarov, you know, sometimes doesn't a must see. but it is definitely good to hear, and if you listen well to what ryfat aga chubarov said, a lot of thoughts arise, i think in our viewers, regarding several topics that we
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have already touched on and will continue to discuss, i just finally, using the opportunity , i note that an important event of this week, which is related to crimea, is the release of yevhen karakashev, a crimean activist from yevpatoria, convicted in russia, who was released. from the balashov prison of the seratov region of the russian federation after six years of imprisonment, an acquaintance of his, an acquaintance, informed me about this before, and i understand that we will now look for opportunities to contact a person who, unfortunately, had to serve absolutely sewing with white threads is a term that means it is interesting to talk to a person, if he can, of course, it is so interesting to talk to a man who for nothing just for his citizenship for... a position on his own, on his own land, spent a full term, i hope that is the end of that, to talk about his feelings, about his feelings when he got
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to the coach house, the occupying one, about his feelings now, about his vision of the war, about everything, about everything, about everything, the opinion of such people is valuable in my opinion, i am always interested in it, well, we will say goodbye to you on this, we will remind you that this was a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel, together be ber, hrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabaev were with you, see you, goodbye, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use and for carpentry, it is an ideal tool for... your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, also a reliable battery is included, call now and order, free
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12:00 pm
large-scale air alert in ukraine, we are working from shelter and we ask you to stay in safe places, khrystyna parubiy is working in the studio of eterispress news. a five-kilometer impassable zone in the sumy oblast has prohibited the movement of civilian vehicles near the border with russia. this was reported in the regional military administration. this decision was taken to reduce civilian casualties. people. in total, 22 road sections were banned. let me remind you, january 27 russian saboteurs shot a civilian car in the khotyn community. then two people died. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 77 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. on


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