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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EET

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an absolutely logical question will arise, you who , in 30 years, have still remained less powerful and economically developed than north korea, which blackmails, and sometimes even barks, well, it seems that this is an extremely painful topic, of course, it is unpleasant to hear , i think the countries of our partners, because north korea's gross domestic product in the world gdp is less. 1% and about 40% of the global gdp, which together count the countries of the european union and our partner great britain, the countries of europe, then these are two incomparable things, less than one 1/th, sorry, i said less than 1%, less than 1. and we see how this potential of a country that experiences famine once every 10 years, that country from...
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which was also not considered there it is the one that is able to provide something decent , we see that this amount of ammunition, which north korea is now able to provide, it does affect the front lines, annoys and allows the russians to use a larger barrage of fire from their artillery, of course this is an excuse and for our partners to think about, but of course we understand what it is helps little in concrete. the situation at this particular historical stage, drones , small strike systems are now partially compensating for this lack of shells, and of course , yes, very partially, mr. ivan, the fact that they have shells, we see, we understand, but there is another point which they scare not only us, but the whole world, and in fact, not for the first year, that they have updated their strategic nuclear weapons by 95%. and the naval component is in fact
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100%, so they say that this is the kind of rear they have that is reliable for their security, according to putin, this, bluffing, intimidating, whether they will dare to do something with this charge of theirs, with these renewed nuclear forces, and how quickly, if at all, whether they will become, whether they will become pogo... putin, another such red line that will deter the west and the united states of america, will they not do it? pathological masters of lies and propaganda, the russians, of course, will not invent anything other than to thicken the colors, how to once again talk about their analognet weapons, about how they updated their park, now they are talking, in fact we we understand that even with all our rational ba'. perceive
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it as reality, we, well, it is clear that no creative thinking person will once again believe this lie, because he understands what resources need to be spent for this and understands what technologies russia should have, which they have not had for decades , so once again the green-shaped nozzle on the rocket hardly makes this rocket, which was manufactured decades ago, new, so bluff and propaganda are something that should not be overlooked. and that which concerns the naval forces, where now the black sea fleet of the russian federation, it remained in 2023, its remains are now being sought by ukrainian drones, all over the black sea, in all the crevices where they buried their warships, not being able to quickly send them to the caspian sea, because they understand that and in the caspian sea they will be caught by the punishing hand of ukraine, but that's how you say arrests, mr. ivan, but... and now
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regarding, and now regarding, if you can narrow it down, you say the remnants of the fleet, but these remnants of the fleet, when there were exercises now, they are new crews there, then they can deliver up to 30 cruise missiles in one volley, both from underwater and surface ones, plus everything else that is around, this is still a large enough fleet, and you say leftovers, and bilt calculated that only we sunk 20% of their fleet, we sunk 20, these are fresh figures today, compare, compared to the ukrainian fleet, of course we can... that it is a huge fleet, because the ukrainian fleet , in fact, does not have any that can be demonstrated now, but in comparison with what they could work with is a few cruisers, it's a string other ships, large amphibious ships that were sunk or significantly damaged, we understand to this day that they buried, they, they did not find an effective way to operate under the conditions that can be offered. defense now and in principle
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the means of impression at sea, so we, let me remind you, almost extremely rarely see the exit of warships . ready to launch russian missiles precisely from the waters of the black or azov seas, so what they have left looks large in quantity, in quality it looks like they are not taking risks after all to release them into the open water, but they are hiding somewhere closer to various docks, which are still considered more or less protected by them, well, and as for ultimately... our partners, yes, in the previous one you asked a question about there and the united states and our other european partners, the potential is there, the opportunities are there, the weapons are capable of fundamentally changing the configuration on the front line and strengthening the ukrainians, there are questions about
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political decisions in these countries, questions about the decisions of the elites, when they will ready to issue and give for their own security. magats to ukraine not at the price of $7 per month, as it is on average statistically, whether for an american or a european, now, $7 a month is the whole of ukrainian security, but much larger amounts, and we understand that then we will be talking about serious work on global collective security, where ukraine itself is practically on the front line, directly on the front line . ugh. mr. ivan, those drones. which fly across russia, then rapidly to the north, now to the southeast, its such dispersion, but the targets have been steadily the same recently, oil facilities, this is dispersion, this is planned, so that there are unexpected strikes,
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or some other goal, or just objects at those points, then in st. petersburg, now in volgograd, actually are the largest in scale and first on the list for liquidation. the very extensive system of the military-industrial complex in russia, we understand that every enterprise that produced candies, at the same time had the opportunity and was oriented to, if necessary, produce medium-range missiles and a long range, so it is clear that we know where russian facilities are now concentrated that contribute to aggression, that produce weapons, ammunition, and... work for the military-industrial complex of the aggressor state, so such strikes will be everywhere and everywhere to everyone in the now large russian territory, and especially we understand that a radius of 100-100 km is already an achievable radius, achievable
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not only in the fact that it flies and explodes somewhere, in high-precision execution, and we understand that in this way we give signal in almost every city. russians that war touches, including them personally. this is not only a question of putin, not only a question of the army and some of their guys who were not lucky enough to get to the ukrainian front, but it concerns everyone and everyone, and anyone who works at an enterprise led by the military-industrial complex can suffer at any moment responsibility, including being destroyed for aiding russia's aggression. i think this selectivity is within the radius. practically, which captures the entire european part of the russian federation, it is determined by this that everyone the russian was now aware of the price he is already paying today for putin's aggression, so that he thinks where to meet the ears and teeth of today's problems,
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including economic ones, well, but can they think and analyze, we remember a few weeks that's why the protests in bashkortostan and with what did they end? well, it is such a collective being that is ready to understand only because of fear, in which some grains of rationality appear because of fear, in the fact that it is necessary to protect oneself, how to protect oneself, when ukrainians will beat, as long as you are in ukraine, and there the seeds of protest are such, you know, not even seeds, there a mouse would laugh, there are a couple of colic with the support of propagandists, who suddenly realized that they are democrats. with such kats and other good russians , they came under the influence of the tasnyk's wives, they came under the kremlin, well, the story is simple when we remember how the soviet union fell, how it fell, we also do not remember the great protests against the soviet union, what other reasons were there for other reasons, now
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the reasons today, they are significant more serious and much deeper than the reasons that existed in the soviet union at that time. for the year 85-91, because today they directly affect the life and health of citizens of the russian federation, or their relatives and friends, and the afghan war here in this case is very big. flowers or there , like, as they say, seeds, compared to those flowers that are now abundantly rampant in the russian program, national security expert and military serviceman ivan varchenko was with us, and the story that our news team was telling was exactly this story, you know, no... the killers of russian journalism are reporting, they are a hundred careful news there, it’s like, you know, the internet almost
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telegram -channels, they put on their press capes, went out to report on how various kats were doing pr against the background of 20-30 wives of svoshnikovs and everything, they all tied up, there were only 25 press in the auto shop in yellow capes , they were taken to china, a city in to die or not to die as it was minted there. in a word, it is very difficult to bet on a society of slaves, which suddenly begins to wake up and no longer wants to be a slave. we need to take a break, after which we will talk about mariupol, what is happening in the city, we will show footage of a once beautiful elite area near the sea, and what has happened to it now. there are discounts on pairs of villages, 20% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, pam and oskad. new york-19th
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processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live coverage, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays. 9:00 a.m. the war
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part of our family and nable mee ukraine. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, eneble me ukraine. we return to ether. here such funny historical parallels come out, but before the two allies started the second world war, i mean stalin and hitler. stalin was engaged in repressions at that time and... all the best red guard generals there were tried, some were thrown in the ghouls, others were shot, i see some such parallels, but from russia it is understood that putin ordered to imprison a guest from... china was handed over or something else, well, in a word, the same fairy tale about japanese spies, only now the chinese spies are not shot yet, but the comrades are on the right path, that is, to destroy their scientific potential, which
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works in the military industry, this is ideal option, go ahead, we will applaud and it will really inspire all other developers, engineers. scientists still have to create something more, because many people are silent, we wanted to talk about this scandalous kringa story, we have already mentioned it, we will now mention it again we will mention it once, but it concerns the occupied and destroyed mariupol for the second time, the advisor of the mayor of mariupol petro andryuchenko in connection with our studio, mr. peter, congratulations, glory to ukraine, romslav, i congratulate you, mr. peter, we are not surprised by the chinese resistance... it’s because xi’s red empire rules over there in china, that is, it’s not for us to teach the bolsheviks how to lie properly, but when the german channel cdf does it with a history with everything and publishes this literally propagandistic story about the fact that the
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the percentage of fats in oil, paradise is blooming on the land of mariupol, everything is being rebuilt quickly, it's not like there... vaz for ukraine. the russians show such beauty there that there is simply no better place. well, in germany you have to give credit, the scandal broke out, they are already saying, how could it be, it was wrong, it was our appeal. that is, they reacted, but still, well, a completely and completely abnormal situation, even from our partners. why did this happen? money doesn't smell. well, why did it happen? the answer is quite obvious, you don't need to look for it, yes, there are some there with... one structure around the structure, it is here and it is very clear, well, come on, well, who can find himself in mariupol with a television camera and go out in this not just , in fact, there was some kind of reportage, but it was a direct inclusion from mariupol, that is, imagine in the middle of mariupol, someone turns on a camera and starts to tell something in german, and the fsb
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does not even look at it, yes, that is, it allows them to do it calmly, well, it is impossible for history in reality. absolutely impossible not only in mariupol, in principle throughout the occupied territory territory, and this means one thing that a person was traveling, he received safety guarantees, he knew what would happen, and if he was traveling with safety guarantees, someone gave these guarantees, who in russia has enough power to give such guarantees , there are no such forces, well, relatively speaking, neither kadyrov nor pushilin, the only such force is the federal security service of the russian federation, which fully controls, in particular, mariupol and everything. what is happening there, so it is clear how he ended up there, then, if you look, listen to what it is boiling, it becomes clear, that he conveys the main messages that the russians are trying to convey, well, not the first day, not the first week, and not even the first year, i would say yes, yes, for a reason, this is the kind of response to modena, which in the italian city to the
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canceled exhibition , which they had to carry out, we got it repealed in a broad sense, we, i mean, and... we got such a blowback, i would say, if you say that the normal reaction is from germany, i'm sorry, no, i'm her, that's it, i can tell you, as a mariupol resident, for example, yes, i am i don’t see it, where is the reaction, he was fired, no , the cdf apologized, as it should be done to ukraine, to the people of mariupol, no, but, there is some other reaction from official berlin, no, er, well, that is, what happened, that someone said, well, you didn't understand him that well, no, we just understood him. since it is worth understanding, here is another question that we have to start asking questions to ourselves and to our respective structures, let's say, yes, because he illegally crossed the ukrainian border by bypassing the ukrainian border, because mariupol ukraine, and he came from the territory of the russian federation, there must be a reaction to this, there must be, and he is not the first, and this, you know, sometimes
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happened to us, well, we used it, i will not say that it was beneficial to us, we they just used it, the same... reuters is another big story actually, yes, he, they also find themselves not only in mariupol, donetsk, other occupied territories, and we are silent that they are there until they give something like that, but how do they end up there, they have accreditation, in particular in ukraine, as far as i understand, that the zdf itself, i am sure, their journalists are accredited not only in ukraine, in the ministry of defense, something tells me, we canceled this accreditation, maybe our nsdc finally came to the point... that it is necessary to introduce personal sanctions, and most importantly, apparently, in the second year of the war, after all, realizing that there must be such cases, and not only in moscow, in principle, the big zmi will use ... any opportunity to get into the occupied territories, but normal zmi normally cooperate with us, maybe we need to develop and introduce already directly, some regulatory act, how
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they should agree with us and the ukrainian side on the procedure for visiting our occupied territories in order to shoot any reports there, that is, who is going, what he is going to, what he will demonstrate, we also cannot refuse such an opportunity, it will be wrong, but to bring it to... compliance with the requirements of preserving national security, in particular on the information front, this is how we should do it, mr. peter, and is there a reaction, have you already had the opportunity to talk with the people of mariupol, to collect their thoughts, their reaction to this whole story, i don’t even know how to outline it, because it’s certainly not enough to be terrible, well, the reaction of the people of mariupol , who are all under evacuation, she already understood, i think everyone and everyone is simply outraged , well, simple. are outraged at the people, i will tell you more, talking to mariupol residents who are under occupation, quite a large number, they are outraged there, they are shocked that this is possible, and if you look at where he filmed this plot, how
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it was filmed, he well i filmed at night for a reason, because there he is looking straight into the camera, and behind the camera a ruin begins, and this ruin is not there, but every mariupol resident knows what is really there, especially the one who now lives in mariupol, well, that is, everyone is really outraged, he will look in... he even has barbed wire behind his back, because it is a former shopping center of a glutton, so-called, and right now it is being cut into scrap metal, because they cannot renew it, and it is near our freedom square, where they constantly film everything , and right in front of his eyes a ruin begins, and we don't see this ruin, but you see the parallels that emerge, mr. peter, do you remember this guy, someone who looks like putin from afar, traveled around and filmed this video about, oh, how nice it is to live in our entrance, and he was shouted from the window that it was a lie, we remember,
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even such an option at night, oh, here, there it is, there, there, whoever wants can google it for himself, even hear a scream from the window, a woman's voice that shouts that this is a lie, in a word, lies about being produced, under it are laid money, and guarantees from the chekists that we will not shoot at you... according to your words is fantast, because this could be some kind of reaction from the russian occupier . fresh, fresh , today i saw it for the first time, maybe last night , about the last ukrainian mural from mariupol, what it looks like, now we will show it, and the area, yes, once an elite area, near the samisin sea, look how it looks now, here , these are these... it's better there, in my opinion, the last mural, this is actually where this story started and this video appeared, this was just now, you recognize these places, that even there everything is so sad, and what do they
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do with such houses, collapsed, destroyed, they leave it, tear it down, or somewhere they plaster it and try to accommodate someone for some bigger money, and here the big one depends on, you know, as they say, well, this is directly admiral lunin's avenue. we still have one left, and this is the seaside district, it is right next to the ship repair plant, that is, next to the port and next to the beginning of our own, well, a conditional resort zone, that is, the city beach begins to lick these houses, well , it is clear that in the past the housing prices here were too high, now as it is, you see, so in this area these houses are small, they will be preserved, they will be given to the russians, under all kinds of structures, they are not residential, they are all office buildings in fact. many buildings there have been partially demolished, and some are already being prepared for sale, nine-story buildings are being prepared for sale under a mortgage, by the way, they have already cut there, again, places, they will
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build a commercial mortgage for russians, why, because, i repeat, this is a seaside district , the russians liked it very much, that is why they are demolishing houses here, and it is not really affected much , well, compared to other districts, so the houses here are dismantled not because they cannot be restored, but because they instead , they will build something for the russians more. yes, they will be just to make it more expensive, but what about this scheme, mr. peter, we have already heard about it, i even read how it looks through the eyes of the russian occupier, who even from his mukhatzransk, when he gets into some corners destroyed mariupol, it looks better than its peaceful yakutia or some other ulanude streets, and in this case, this scheme, they seem to be making something out of something, capturing some. and then somehow they even came up with such a slang, that is, something so bombed, destroyed, they resell, well, razruzhki, they call it in their slang, how does
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this scheme all happen? bought a wreck, sold more expensive, how is it? oh, it's a long story, well, i'll try very quickly, there are certain categories: the first category is big, this the apartments of everyone like me, such as when the russians understand that we will not return, no, those who will definitely not enter the territory of russia before our victory, for obvious reasons, then those apartments, taking advantage of the fact that there are no registers, the right ownership cannot actually be proven, but there is only one. data for up to 2014, that is, when there was the first occupation, they stole them, after the de-occupation they clearly do not have them, it was still bti, so these houses, with the help of local collaborators, they recognize that they are mostly ownerless and will hand them out, if partly for warrants, and partly for mortgages for secondary housing, which will start at the end of february before the very elections of putin, that is, this is such state
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embezzlement, let's call it that, yes. but about these destructions, where the eyes are circulating, i understand where it came from, well, knowing where it came from this project is important, for some reason only now it did not have a resonance, but not about the fact that it is happening, it was the following scheme , this is an unreal sale, it seems to me that you and i talked about this for a long time, these apartments are being redecorated considering that there is no owner due to bribes and corruption, and these apartments are registered to someone who is in the city of mariupol, well , as if it is their property, then these apartments are sold... they are given to people who are from different governorates, well, for example, st. - in st. petersburg , pelm worked like that because there are too high compensation payments for lost housing for the residents of mariupol, first of all, there is such a strange program, and there they pay approximately 84 thousand per square meter of compensation, as i understand it, the scheme is virtual, and dragonflies are real, as they say, that is, this
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we are watching our hands, nothing is happening , that is, the apartment, as it was destroyed, is still there, but this option is just happening, how to make money on such schemes, we only have a few minutes left, we want to, i would really like to ask about some military facilities, they won't just expand the railway and the road there, that's who all this is for, and there are some big new military facilities where they feel a little better and safer, well, a new base is being built in... not really far from that morality, there you have to go up a little, they will be near the former police raiding station, this is already the third base in the primorsky district, two specifically military, one of them is the omonu base, and this means that they are crawling, crawling from the territory of the elich combine and from the territory of azovash mostly, and very they like the primorsky district for some reason, we can't fully understand why, also from the military movements , what is interesting and, well, conditionally resonant, yes, we
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noticed a new sign yesterday. it's like an x ​​in a square, some new letter, we don't know what yet what kind of unit is this, we saw that this whole convoy of trucks drove through mariupol in the direction of berdyansk, we will figure it out, because we then found new signs that passed there in the luhansk direction, we went there for reinforcements, now again i wonder what they are saying about that they are forming new brigades, and we should in particular expect an increase in pressure somewhere, maybe not in the donetsk direction, maybe in the zaporizhia direction. directly, usually new marks are always about it. mr. peter, thank you for the interesting details and important petro andryushchenko, the adviser to the mayor of mariupol, was in touch with us, here i am looking, it is heating up in engels, this is deep, there strategic tu95s are taking off, bombing ukraine, and there is the target of crew commander strigachev, this is the criminal who fired rockets and killed ukrainians,
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and he was shot in... i don't know if he was killed or not , so far the versions are as follows, but our news team definitely knows more, but yes, but i must add that engels is not the first time some other has reached there hand than russian, and indeed, it is news time, and the news certainly knows more. iryna koval is ready to present the work of the whole team and talk about the most important thing at the moment. thank you oksana, well, i will tell you about what you just said, about this pilot and about other events not only in russia. more details in the issue, in ukraine at 15 o'clock, to your attention the news release on tv


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