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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EET

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in my opinion, the problem is, to a large extent, with our communication to the outside, because when we created this, well , it cannot be called a block, but this group of states that today support ukraine, we mobilized them to support ukraine, then in the 22nd year the mobilization was mostly emotional, that there is a violation of international law, there is... a powerful state that attacked a weaker one, there are war crimes, etc., thanks to emotional mobilization, you can get short-term help, but in the future there is a very big problem that if the war drags on, then in this case each of the states asks itself a very simple question, how much will it cost, can it be cheaper for me to prepare myself for...
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to protect its territory, or is it still cheaper to support ukraine? to our great regret, rationality is included, and here we are late with rational theses by about six months, i will give a very simple example: we had problems, well, so far there are still remnants from the point of view of the attitude of the republicans of the united states of america, regarding the approval of aid packages for ukraine. and at the same time one of the key sponsors of the republican party is the owners of the so-called defense companies of the united states of america. and for some reason we were very afraid to say that ukraine's support is beneficial to the military-industrial complex of the united states of america. which is thanks to, among other things, compensation to our partners for the weapons they handed over to ukraine, and the united states supplies. their weapons,
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which are newer, instead of, including old soviet models that were transferred to ukraine, and including not just supplying, but also selling, which yes, american defense companies, they have a package ordered for several years ahead, something that was not in the 22nd year, we were afraid to talk about it, well, about half a year, although it could be started to talk about it from may 23rd of the year, yes, we... we started to communicate this somewhere around, well, at the end of the fall of the 23rd, and we see that now in the middle of the winter, the attitude is already changing, but these six months we, well, we lost, well, yes, because it is so for everyone a stage needs its own communication, the same as if we are talking about a script the end of the war, okay, the war is ending, let's take a very simple example, now... we
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are talking about the russian fleet, which was driven into havana. perfectly! and we will try to discuss the balance of power in the black sea with our partners. which state will be dominant? whether the southern branch of the beltway of the chinese project will be implemented, whether the western branch of the north-south corridor of the indian one will be implemented, and this includes voting, this is the position of india and china. and what will happen, what is our attitude to the istanbul channel, and this is all post-dual, and this is this, this is the question to which our partners are looking for answers, if there is no answer, then the vacuum scares them more than anything, the same if we talk about russia, well, okay, the war will end, the war, what will happen with russia, and let's say we don't communicate the issue, well let's say , the collapse of russia.
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reduction of russian influence, we do not communicate who will replace it, thanks to whom, and this is a vacuum, and the vacuum scares our partners, and as a result, of course, they subconsciously think, well, let's go , ukrainians, let's say this, will slap putin, later we will negotiate with him, because they don't see an alternative , i'm sorry, who should provide this alternative, mr. ihor, you put the right emphasis, the right questions, because... and accordingly , there is no empty space, that's why it all happens, as happened today with andrzej duda's statement. mr. ihor, thank you for the analysis of the situation, ihor tyshkevich, expert of the international domestic policy program of the ukrainian future institute, although i think that we will now look at the global problems and consequences for ukraine from the other side, we are in touch with yevhen korniychuk, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in israel, glory to ukraine, we congratulate you, mr. yevgeny, good day. we
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know how connected the conflicts in the middle east are, the war between israel and hamas, the region itself and ukraine, and accordingly. we are closely following the development of military operations in the gas sector, but we see that there is another such serious dominant, and today's extreme case is a night strike in response to all that the proxy forces, the houthis, and iran have been doing with their own forces in syria, so the strike was powerful, 135 - they say missiles, 85 whole affected, as in... this deployment of this war, in addition to the israeli-hamas war, will generally affect stability both in the region and in the world and on our war, in particular, this is the kind of analysis we want from you. you know, uh
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, there's a lot of discussion in israeli society about this issue, although we haven't tracked any official comments from the israeli government regarding this attack. uh, since last night there has been no, uh, information comes from, uh, according to journalists, political commentators discuss it, but the israelis are very focused on own war, so here is your thesis, your thesis that the wars are connected, this is rather our narrative, which we as the embassy are trying to spread here, which are better understood by ukrainians and israelis. very, very israel -centric, that is, they are not very interested in other issues, they are interested in themselves, and in fact this is a feature of certain internal politics and israeli society, from our point of view, it is certainly part of the great war that
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is unfolding in the middle east, and you can see that there are various iranian ones operating so far proxy, but... this involves iran, which is the most dangerous, both from the point of view of our western allies, and from the point of view of israel itself. mr. yevgeny, i want to voice two theses and then analyze them. the first is information from bloomberg that more than 25%, more than a quarter of hamas fighters were destroyed by israel, and the second is netanyahu's statement that israel will not withdraw more troops from gaza out of the blue. reasons, er, what could it mean, that is, if they even destroy everyone, and imagine the situation of everyone hamas fighters, then they still want to stay and control the territory so that this does not happen again, or what other scenario
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could there be? well, look, let's clarify the facts first, i prepared and talked with our military atsh and , accordingly, israeli, and in fact for this minute. the israelis, the idf reports that 2/3 of hamas has been destroyed, uh, already much more, and accordingly destroyed, and accordingly , not 20, but 50% of all underground tunnels have been destroyed, uh, that is, this is significant, it is actually more than conventionally half, yes control over gas, in fact about 75% of the tsakhal controls the gas sector or? this means that the operation is coming to an end, well, most likely not, it will just go into a more passive phase, because, uh, we see different multi-vector movements, from the point of view of the actions of the military, from the point of view of the actions of the partners,
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israel, and of course, the statements of the top political leadership of israel, they do not change, because we remember that in israel ... today there is a very complex right-wing and nationalist government that will not make any concessions to hamas never and not only to hamas and to no one, and speaking of ramallah itself, of palestinian autonomy, quite complex negotiations are also underway there, which are not bringing israel any closer to the end. we are definitely talking about the fact that it is not necessary to completely withdraw the troops, as this could lead to the spread of escalation or its renewal, i would like to remind you that we as an embassy were involved in the evacuation
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of our citizens 2.5 years ago, and during the last hostilities actions in the gas sector, and then in the spring of the 21st year, the israeli government met with netanyahu. just e-e reported that all her goals operations were achieved successfully, and after that we carried out the evacuation of citizens. 2.5 years later, everything started all over again with even more, relatively speaking, publicity and bigger problems for the israeli side, so we have reached a very interesting point, look, i really wanted to hear this from you and understand whether it has the right to repeat, at one time i was able to see with my own eyes how the coalition, primarily the americans, ended the regime of saddam hussein, who conducted many military... conflicts, the occupation of kuwait, and so on. i looked, in fact there was this moment when
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everything was already ending, and the americans and the british in basra were convinced, and they said, that's all, the war is over, that's it, the war is over, and then it actually began, this is what reminds us, can be described as a large-scale partisan terrorist war inside the country, and the number of participants in it has increased significantly. if it is even said by the tsehal forces: the war is over, that's it, we have finished the war, we have destroyed all of hamas and all its tunnels, will there not be a repetition that in place of hamas will be some kind of hamas-2, and it will flare up at the level of some kind of terrorist-palestinian resistance, a war on a much larger scale, only, well, the way it was in iraq. please understand one simple thing that hamas. unfortunately, he is in the heads of the palestinians, he is in the hearts of the palestinians. hamas
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is not only those who fight, you see, unfortunately , since the beginning of hostilities, a larger percentage of palestinians living in the west bank support hamas as well, so this is a big problem, a problem not for one day, but for the israeli leadership to solve, because the israeli leadership is not exactly, not going to solve this problem quickly. i see that literally in recent weeks, the western partners have completely changed their rhetoric, and the united states of america and the british government this week, in the person of the foreign secretary david cameron, announced that they will use diplomatic efforts already to recognize palestinian statehood autonomy, to use diplomatic tricks, which means that gradually. palestine will be granted the status of a state, and at the same time the administration of the united
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the states and britain are saying that this should be done in such a way as to endanger the security situation on the territory of israel, so that it does not get worse, so actually it is worth uh, i lost the picture, yes, we want to see you, we we hear you, that's all. the picture is gone, sir, it looks like it's not just the picture, let's try now, yes, let's just explain, actually, decipher what our ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary is saying, diplomatically, he's saying that there's a pretty serious change of mood, on the left bank, where the palestine liberation organization sat, the organization was actually anti-hamas , i had to hear from the locals that we do not support hamas, why are we being kept behind the wall, it has changed a lot, now the left bank behind hagen has already returned to us, mr. yevgeny, please continue
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, and we have another question for you, so stay with us , if you will, i will finish my point, which is the first time, actually, since the palestinian-israeli conflict, which is 70 plus years old, the united states, britain, other partners say that they will seek diplomatic ways to recognize a palestinian state, this is an absolute novel. moreover, this week, for the first time, the united states, by decree of the president of the exegetes warr, the united states, the president of the united states, respectively, mr. biden, imposed sanctions against the israelis, who were rampaging and occupying new territories in the left bank, that is, in the palestinian territories, and declared the inadmissibility such actions in the future, that governments. israel should bring such persons to justice, this has never happened, unfortunately
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happiness, on the contrary, maybe yes, that is, the united states is behaving accordingly, very proactively, in order to find a political solution to this conflict, because it is simply impossible to solve it by military means, in my opinion, and in the opinion of most political observers of diplomats, but here specify then because because there is an absolutely strategic between. the state agreement between the united states and the state of israel is a clear position, at least now, of this united government regarding the military presence even after completion. hostilities in the gas sector, how can an independent state be made here palestine, which in principle was formally decided by the un once and was declared, how can it be done when the state of israel is against it? listen, well, this is happening gradually, and the consultations are continuing, this week in europe there were consultations between the leadership of egypt, er, who we have from
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qatar, the united states, israel. of great britain on this very issue, that is , consultations are held constantly, and these will be gradual steps, which, of course, will not be resolved instantly. i am sure that this government will also be against any steps for the recognition of an independent palestinian state, but the americans and the british insist on this, and they say that this is a strategic solution to the conflict. it will allow you to continue the abrahamic accords, it will allow you to make a peace agreement with saudi arabia, dear israelis, that is the key to the solution of the entire middle east conflict, and everyone understands this perfectly, just a matter of the current israeli government, which is not ready to move in this direction, but this does not mean that he will not be forced by his western colleagues to move in this direction
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in this direction, because strategically it is the only way for... the end of the multi-year or multi-decade war between the palestinians and the israelis, or the sanctions, yes, which we are talking about now, can be one of the mechanisms, of the tools, because currently there are sanctions against those settlers , who actually live on the west bank of the jordan river, it is about israelis involved in attacks on palestinians, have promised that there will be no sanctions against government officials, the united states has promised, but is considering what is possible... some such things can be brought against those very conservative ministers of the israeli government, can this mechanism work, or will the states not go for it? well, as a matter of fact, we know that the biggest problem with this government is a right-wing conservative, nationalist party and an ultra-religious party that will never
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agree to any possibility of expanding palestinian autonomy, not that, not that... recognition for palestine is an independent state, so everything is going to the point that there is a high probability that the government will be reformatted in one way or another, well, already a government crisis in principle, it is seen by everyone, absolutely, and for this you do not need to be a political observer, citizens go out to protests, despite the war and the confrontation is intensifying, if you will allow otherwise, everything is much different than the previous conflicts and wars waged by the state of israel. we also see this, mr. yevgeny, thank you, if you allow me, i also wanted to tell you one very interesting fact, finalize briefly 20 seconds, israel began to turn to foreign partners for the purchase of foreign military technologies, that is, it was known as the seller himself is big, and the press
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received the first facts of the suspension of such assistance. for example, the australian government has considered whether to approve the sale of those technologies and how this will affect australia's relations with arab countries. that is, for today, it allows us to believe that the israelis will finally feel how the ukrainians felt, when from the first days of the war we asked to sell us weapons, and the israelis said that they had problems with the russians in syria, so they they can't do, i think they have something similar now feeling. yes, an interesting parallel, well, at one time we paid attention to how netanyahu, the only one who rode on pobedabes with the colorado ribbon, stood with putin, yes, there was such a thing. mr. yevhen, thank you for the explanation and story yevhenii korniychuk, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to israel, we will take a short break, shall we? and then we will talk about what
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everyone needs to know, we will talk about education, and what is wrong with ukrainian school education, why what we have always flaunted so much. that our children leave school and they are the wisest, a it turns out that not quite what to do with it in a few minutes. there are 15% discounts on acc long at podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on citramondarnitsa in the pharmacies psylansky bam and oskad. a separate set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. addresses the viewers of the tv channel. with a request to join the collection of security funds and technical equipment for our unit, thank you, glory to ukraine,
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to the heroes, glory, every week the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts. his assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see the saturday politics club: every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world. front society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko,
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knowledge about oxen save lives. well, let's continue, oksana and i are happy to welcome two guests to our studio, the famous blogger tatusya bo came to visit us, along with her came the educational expert and children's writer tatyana komlyk, so all this in one person, and all this did not fit in one , we united, good day, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, well, i would like to start with the question that worries me, because many of our children left. with parents, with mothers, mostly abroad, and we always thought that our children, what is our program, they know in the fifth grade that
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that the germans are in the ninth grade, or that the british are in the eighth grade, well, the children who returned can tell us about this , and how comfortable or uncomfortable they felt in the classrooms, it's about those moments, purely with knowledge of the material, theory, but there is such a... there is such a tool called pisa, it is actually a study of the knowledge of children, the knowledge of schoolchildren, mostly teenagers plus or minus 15 years old, that is, the age when they graduate from high school and can continue to choose a direction, about how high quality they are have mastered and are able to cope with mathematical and reading disciplines, and it turns out that everything is not so good with us at first. positions singapore, japan, korea, china, and we are somewhere around the 45th place and so on, we are a bit behind. what, what
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can this lead to? to the fact that they simply will not give themselves in modern, high-tech life, these children will be worse off, they will be led by all kinds of advertisements such as quick money, quick and easy money, how can we now change our education system so that our children... in the future lived well, smartly , coped with life, well , my actual vision is that the reason for this was the formalization of school education, it is formalized to such a level that no one is interested in the level of competence and knowledge of children, they are interested in grades, test results , i believe that this format of identifying the level of knowledge as tests had a rather negative impact on... the world, because it all came down to trying to guess and
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ticking the boxes correctly. who is not interested in how much the child was able to reflect, understand, accept or not accept the work, form your opinion, analyze a work of art, no one is interested in that anymore, put a checkmark and be free, the main thing is that the checkmark stands in the right place, and this has a significant problem, it also applies to mathematics, the problem with mathematics, especially in elementary school and ... in the middle school, the same thing is that everything is galloping, everything is galloping, and neither the teachers nor the children have the time to thoroughly and very deeply study the most important topics, without which the basic competences of mathematics in principles are impossible, how to fix it?
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to be corrected precisely by changing approaches in education, changing views on our children, on their future, moving away from such a formalization of the process in general, so that we encourage children to think, understand, reflect, analyze, you understand, so that when reading a work, the child tries to remember. .. what was the name of whose horse and what color was the dress on the main character, and for the children to understand the nature of the actions of these heroes and characters, for the children to analyze them already in the modern context, for the children to understand the historical context of this particular work, and that as for mathematics, yes , we have a problem with basic competences, children have learned the multiplication table, but do not understand how to...
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use in life, and this is a significant problem, mrs. tatiana, look, on the one hand, there is what you call the formalization of the educational process , and this reduction to testing, and there is another side of the coin, in our country, in opposition to this scheme of education , various private school initiatives have blossomed. in which parents are greeted at the entrance and told, nothing is cooler than our unique method of combining finnish and japanese experience of schooling, all this for your some unfortunate 16, hryvnias during the war for a month, and your children will simply put elon musk on their shoulder blades. as a result , the process is different, they really try to speak synthesized, to play on emotions, in an
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entertaining reclining position. and in the style of multimedia and excursions , eight or ten subjects are presented at once, synthesized together, and all this until 6 p.m., it is convenient, the parents have a mininigit for the whole day taken at their expense, at the exit the same absolute zero as after the post-soviet schools, and so bad, and so not good, what to do? well, roman, you are generalizing a little here now, because of what is said... that all graduates of private schools are absolute zero, it is like saying that all graduates of public schools are absolute, well , we all say, we say that both there and there are very low efficiency ratio , there are problems here and there, and here i agree, the only problem is that sending a child to a private school, without understanding the level of competence of the teachers, without controlling in which world the child is in general at his... level
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of knowledge, studying in a private school, this it is a question of parents and their responsibility, they choose their own education privately.


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