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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EET

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teachers' tendencies, without controlling the world in which the child is at his level of knowledge, studying in a private school, this is a question of the parents and their responsibility, they choose private education for themselves, i ask the child why the two is not for the purpose of making her , but in order to understand what the problem is. happened, at what level the problem occurred, whether she did not understand something and was embarrassed to approach the teacher, whether she really struggled to do something in class, whether she did not understand the topic at all, or did not understand the task, and parents with an adequate attitude to the education of their children, they do the same, regardless of the institution. education, what form
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of ownership, well, let's not talk about the form, look, there are adequate parents or adequate students, but there are inadequate parents and inadequate students, the measure of this is some, some tests, some grades, so we learned that a large number of our children , who will go from a ukrainian school during the war to a non-ukrainian school, but abroad, can, as they say, count their grades, here, this is ours, this the news, we discussed with oksana, she was alarmed, because in one school, you know, a five in a subject that will be transferred abroad does not correspond to another five from another school, because in another school, for example, from that i don't know if it's a polish or german or british school, this five can barely pull a three, well, we understand that the grade is the same, and the quality of this grade is even different, because school is different from school, teacher from teacher, and somehow it turns out that there is nothing to measure, no, thunder, you ... are wrong now, i will correct,
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first of all, there is a twelve-point rating system in ukraine, and a five is actually a three according to the old style, but moving on, there are those who returned to the five, there are, i know, i can show, but it is so that they do not advertise , private, private, private, okay, but according to the state standard, a twelve-point grading system, and so we have a state standard that defines key competencies in... knowledge and skills of a student at one or another level of education. as for foreign schools, for example, the ukrainian part-time student goes to a foreign school, he is treated for a certain period according to the grades that the child received in ukraine, but then the child studies, and his real level of knowledge is revealed. and here the story is really very different. we. we have many examples when
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ukrainian, so to speak, triples, that is , children with knowledge equal to the average in ukrainian schools, entered british schools and showed a level of knowledge significantly higher than the average. there is also the reverse side, when ukrainian excellent students entered schools and showed a level of knowledge somewhere close to that average, well, i spoke about it only from the other side, and so in this one. there is no unification, yes, there is no unification, in the same way , a ukrainian child who studied excellently in germany may return to a ukrainian school, but upon arriving here, will reveal a completely different level of knowledge, and therefore the assessment, the overall assessment will be assessed according to the ukrainian standard, that is, there will be real competences, skills, knowledge at that time are evaluated and... and the foreign evaluation
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will affect, in my opinion, quite indirectly. ugh. well, here, there is probably this advantage that the child is not forced, as many children are, to take two programs, for example, there is a british and ukrainian one at the same time, only those subjects from the ukrainian online school that are not available in britain, that is, ukrainian language, literature , history, geography and so on, we understand well, that is, it will simply make life easier for both parents and children, yes. everything is correct, due to the fact that the main problem of the 22nd academic year and the 23rd academic year was that the children who studied abroad were significantly overloaded, because in parallel with the curriculum of the country in which they now live, they had to follow the full curriculum of the ukrainian school, and i have, for example, a child of acquaintances there, she came running from... from classes in a british school,
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tried to quickly do what she i was asked to do homework in a british school and i failed lessons in a ukrainian school. everyone was talking about bringing it all together, giving children the opportunity to study only the ukrainian, ukrainian-studies component, and not all the subjects in a row, so that's the end of it. let's talk further because last year
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the european council and the european commission agreed to start negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union, how can the council of europe help us now? legislation with the european about this and not only about this, our colleague tetiana vysotska spoke with the secretary general of the council of europe, maria pejchynovych-burdzhich, and we suggest viewing this interview, this conversation , roman and i say goodbye and leave you with tetiana vysotska. greetings, my name is tetyana vysotska and we are located in the palace of europe, headquarters apartment of the council of europe in strasbourg, and we have the opportunity
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to talk with the secretary general of the council of europe, maria pejchynovych burych, we will talk with ms. maria about ukraine's path to the eu, about how the council of europe... can help ukraine on this path, and also about how to bring the bloody aggressor putin to justice and how to build a compensation mechanism for the damage caused to ukraine by the war. dear madam secretary general, thank you for this conversation with us. you have been the head of the council of europe for almost five years, and during all this at the time, the council of europe and you personally always did. in fact, i started working in this position even before the start
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of this terrible full-scale aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. from the very beginning, cooperation with ukraine has been very active and important, but our kyiv office has become the largest office in the member states, this is evidence of how important ukraine was and remains for us. speaking about achievements, i would start with a few areas in which we worked, and already now you can see tangible results. one of these directions are certainly improvements in the protection of human rights for internally displaced persons and those returning home. another direction is the new media law, and the field in general. also another direction and i am very proud that ukraine has made huge progress here in the last 5 years, this is the fight against domestic violence, violence against women and children, including the ratification
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of the istanbul convention, our gold standard in this area, which ukraine very boldly ratified, even despite the war that was already going on in 2022. the year when the convention was ratified. i think this is a huge and important improvement on the measures currently being taken in ukraine to help ukrainian women and children, and not only those who are in ukraine, but also those who, for known unfortunate reasons, are outside its borders. we also jointly improved the legislation in the field of social human rights, protection and promotion of the rights of minorities and the lgbtiq community. and that's just it. a few examples where we see very, very tangible results that we are very proud of. another aspect that is very important for every citizen of ukraine is that we have worked hard and achieved a better policy and a better legislative framework for the reform of local self-
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government. actually, these achievements are significant steps on the path of european integration of ukraine. the past first of all, let me congratulate ukraine on obtaining this candidate status and the start of negotiations, as this is a great achievement and, in my opinion, a significant paradigm shift of the european institutions regarding enlargement, when a country suffering from an aggressive war against it receives such possibility. this is a huge signal for ukraine and ukrainians that we see that this war must
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end and that ukraine has a very clear european perspective. at the same time , ukraine has been a member of the council of europe for a long time, and we are very happy that thanks to our new action plan, the implementation of which began last year in 2023 and will last for four years until 2026, we can help ukraine in this. direction the plan is called resilience, recovery and reconstruction, which means that we want to focus on the urgent needs of ukraine and ukrainians, as well as on in the medium term to help ukraine, both during the war and in the post-war period. in this regard, we have the largest budget within the framework of one action plan among the member states of the council of europe, approximately 50 million euros, which we allocated for its implementation. and i am very happy about the support of the action plan for ukraine from other member states, which make
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voluntary contributions, and which is very large. as you mentioned, our action plan aims to help ukraine in those areas, in particular in the protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law, in respect of which there will be screening, as it is called in the jargon of the european union, and which will be important for negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu. in fact, many of the so-called political criteria for membership in the european union also belong to the key criteria of the council of europe. so we can say very clearly that a number of areas that we are working on as part of the action plan will directly contribute to the accession negotiations. starting with major reforms such as judicial and constitutional reforms, continuing with work in the field of media, as well as the development of local self-government, reformation after the start of a full-scale
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invasion of ukraine by russia in 2022, the council of europe became the first and in fact the only major international organization to almost immediately exclude russia from its membership, but now the question of responsibility is becoming increasingly acute: how to punish the leaders of russia and belarus for starting the war against ukraine and crimes against humanity. what can the council of europe do, what is it already doing? the word responsibility has become key since the morning of february 24, 2022, when this terrible morning began with an illegal aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. it was very obvious that the council of europe had to send a signal or russia would stop its aggression and withdraw its troops. or she is kicked out of the organization, of course they didn't listen to anyone and were kicked out in record time. this is
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the first time in the history of the council of europe that such a decision has been taken, and i am very proud that our organization has shown unity on this issue. this is one of the areas where we demonstrated what responsibility is. another direction is to immediately start helping the prosecutor general of ukraine in collecting evidence that may be used in the future. in legal or other proceedings, as there was a serious threat of losing part of them. in the meantime, we created a damage registry, which was and remains today the first international accountability mechanism, meaning we backed up our words with action. the register is intended to collect evidence of losses, injuries or damages that have been caused to individual individuals or the state of ukraine by the terrible actions of the russians. of course, the damage register should be part of the general
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compensation mechanism, this is only the first part, there are two more that need to be implemented, we are working on it with the international community. the question that has been on the table from the very beginning is, of course, the crime of aggression. the council of europe was a participant in the initiative when the first reflections began on how we can best contribute to the creation of a special. tribunal for the crime of aggression, i think the fact that the international criminal court has taken certain steps by issuing warrants for the arrest of putin and his bootlegger and children's cases, has become one of the right lines on the road to prosecution, but going back to the ad hoc tribunal, we have been working together with our experts for some time as part of a core group of countries interested in the idea of ​​a tribunal. we have particular expertise in evidence collection, procedural matters,
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and the transfer of criminal proceedings. time will tell how best to approach this, but the council of europe ... is already part of an international effort to prosecute and establish a special tribunal regarding the crime of aggression? what is the latest news about the register of losses, when it will become operational, when citizens of ukraine can start submitting applications to the register? let me start by mentioning the council of europe heads of state and government summit. which took place last may in reykjavík, which decided to create a register of losses. several important steps have been taken since may. the first is the creation of a conference of participants of the body, which includes 44 participants, 43 member states and the european union. importantly, that among these 43 states are all members of the big
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seven. the second important body of the registry is rules. consisting of seven members chosen from among the leading lawyers nominated by the conference of participants, the former president of the european court of human rights, robert spano, was elected president. of course, we have a director nominated by the conference of participants, and we have also identified the location of the registry in the hague, because the city of the hague is the center of international justice. the netherlands expressed a desire to have... a registry, and we did it, and we ourselves from the beginning, we wanted to open a representative office of the registry in kyiv, and now we are already on the way to this, we hope that the registry will be able to accept the first applications already in april. it is very important that the registry starts working now, but it is equally important to think about the next stages now. the first stage is registration,
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claims, but then it is very important to create an appropriate commission for considering complaints. appropriate fund for reimbursement, according to the applications submitted. accountability is an absolute prerequisite for achieving a just peace in the future, and the registry is one of them extremely important steps in this direction. and where do you expect to get these funds for compensation? will it be frozen russian assets or something else? council of europe. leads and will continue to lead the work on the management of the damage register, but with regard to the creation of a common compensation mechanism, decisions must be made by the participating states of this process in a broader context. we would very much like to be part of this process as well, since its connection with the registry is key. i think that the participants who will work on
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creating a general compensation mechanism, will find financing for it through singing. speaking about the international tribunal for putin and lukashenka, are you discussing with the un or other international organizations the question of what form it might take. this discussion is currently taking place at the level of experts within the framework of the main group of states i mentioned. the moment has not yet come. when the members of the core group will finally decide how and when to establish the tribunal. it is always important to involve as many international organizations as possible in such a process, including judicial ones institutions such as the international space station and others. i think a wider discussion about what would be the best solution and how to move towards it, once
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agreement is reached, will lend legitimacy to the future tribunal when it is formed. therefore... it is good that the discussions are thorough and that all possible ways of creating the tribunal are really being considered, this is necessary so that once the final decision is made, it can begin to function effectively. there are discounts on penherpavir and herpavir 15% in psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on lozenges of iceland. 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong will unpack the tv just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so
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affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts are sober evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. the second on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect ours. tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. it ship district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere. on bakhmut street we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 a.m. greetings friends, today we will talk in particular about a person who herself admitted that she is capable of everything except murder and sex with minors and men, we are talking about a political technologist. volodymyr petrov and his friend serhiy ivanov, who have been running into some scandals for a long time and periodically got into them, but
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it seems to me that this week is one of the loudest and it is very interesting to see what it will end, will it end with the word kenceling, which is used by almost everyone in ukraine, yes, but usually it does not happen in our country with few exceptions, i will remind you that cancellation is a process... a scandal due to which a person loses his job, money , image and simply disappears from the information field. i can say that, if we talk about our culture, we can say that we were canceled, well, except for dorzhapatu, you remember, the writer who invented various fictions, and now he agreed to leave the information field himself, now he is not visible , no audible, but maybe he will come back, because many people say that he was treated unfairly, but we will talk about... these two bloggers literally for 10 minutes, because it is about the scandals with the blogger alina alina doratiuk with alyona alyona, they already
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want to sue them. we'll figure it all out, but first let's talk about something more pleasant to dilute it all. first, oksana zabushko joined the jury of the main competition of the berlinale. the berlinale will start here very soon, already on the 15th february but here is the question, well, first of all , i will say that this is one of the most prestigious competitions and it is the main program, that is, in every such big film festival there are simply very, very many different programs, and this is ... the main one, that is, it as cool as possible, but our film party took this news so differently, because some immediately wondered why this writer was hired, and not one of our cool directors, directors or cinematographers, and here ms. oksana is not into movies at all, but she also began to remember several things at once there were enough high-profile cases when oksana zabushko somehow spoke about cinema, and our film community did not perceive it very well and...
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criticized it for, well, as they said, for ignorance, misunderstanding of auteur cinematography and cinematographic processes in general, since the last one, when she criticized the film pamfir, well, on the one hand, recognizing its high artistic qualities, but on the other hand, she said: how was it possible to show these ragged houses, these poor interiors, because here in bukovina, for example, everything is not yes, well, i'm on my side i can say that i was in bukovina quite often this summer, i honestly observed such pictures that i... saw in pamfira, but on the other hand, many cinematographers now said that no, on the contrary, ms. oksana is very good at it to the cinema, she watches it, she can still find time to watch some of the main, most famous documentaries, original films, she has a high level of general education and intelligence, so she will cope with this task, but i mean
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personally, about a little bit... the other guise of ms. oksana, such as her fiery orator, who has been fighting against russian influences for years, especially abroad, she does it very actively and i think it is effective, and it is also noticeable that together with she will be in the jury such albert cera, this is a spanish director, very talented from my point of view, but one who absolutely does not understand political processes, geopolitical, or who just likes to be apathetic. well, judging by his image, he really likes some outrageous things, but the fact is that more than once , and already during the full-scale invasion , he has previously spoken about the fact that he supports putin and trump, and he says that from his point of view they are such real politicians who have, have in themselves strength, courage, i don't know if we can still agree on something and finally stop all this nonsense that is happening here in the geopolitical, geopolitical arena, well, i hope that ms.
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oksana will explain to him what it is about, or, by the way, i am saying that very it would be interesting if the discussion of movies, yes, because, well, somehow they will already sit, these members of the jury, and i would like them to be made public, because i am more than sure that between ms. oksana and mr. albert, quite possibly, extremely interesting discussions will take place, i wish ms. oksana victory in these discussions, although in this respect i have absolutely no doubts about it. well, about berlin. but i will say that yes, i will remind you, it will start on february 15, it is one of the most significant, such a cinematic event in the world, and if we talk about politics, then yes, last year there were actions in support of ukraine, and there were also these bear eyes, their logo, yes, they were clinging to the clothes there, and these bears were yellow and blue last year, but at the same time , there are also a lot of different
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political actions, that is.. no, it's not like ukraine is just in the center.


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