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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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max 10% in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on zzilor at podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. watch at 21, news, summaries of the week. rumors about the dismissal of chief zaluzhny have reached an unheard-of scale. during the week , politicians, telegram channels close to the authorities, ukrainian and western journalists. the northern boundaries are under a secure lock. the defense forces of ukraine conduct complex exercises on the border with unfriendly neighbors. all 27 leaders of the european union approved additional funding for our state even the pro-russian leader of hungary, orban, voted for it. in the temporarily occupied crimea and in russia, air raid alarms are sounding more and more often. military and strategic ones are burning.
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objects ukrainian women who left for poland to escape the war are increasingly becoming entrepreneurs there. about this and not only at espresso at 21. we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov and add to our conversation ivana klymposhinsadze, people's deputy of ukraine, chair of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european of the union mrs. ivan, congratulations. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good evening. good evening. so, we can congratulate you, mrs. ivano, on the fact that one of the most difficult moments in the relations between ukraine and the european union has been resolved positively. the european union agreed to allocate us 53 million, 50 billion euros, which is 53 billion dollars, by the way, only 10 times less than the american aid. ot. and you are surprised by the fact that this is a unanimous decision, how do you even explain it, why viktor orbán finally gave in. but we have you
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to understand that right from the middle of december, when orbán blocked this decision, all the efforts of our partners in the european union, they were directed to get exactly this decision, supported by all 27 eu member states, and that was and, well , let's say this, and and and methods and, if you like, pressure, and persuasion, and explanations, and eh,... well, such rather sloppy arguments of the internal discussion, but at the same time, colleagues were also preparing for a possible plan b, regarding the adoption of a decision on allocation of these funds for ukraine for four years by 26 members without hungary, but those emphasized that this is a very undesirable option for them, because they understood that yes, it would be such a symbol of separation and destruction of this society. well, the demonstrated
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unity of the european union from the point of view of supporting ukraine, so i think that the leaders of the countries themselves, the members of the european union and the heads of the european institutions, they are happy that it was possible to do it, and it was really possible to do it, well, let's say with such a team game on different levels of pressure on hungary. mrs. ivanna, well, we must note that these 50 billion euros are a language it is not about one year, it is about certain conditions that our country must fulfill in order to regularly receive tranches, it is about regular checks of the fulfillment of these conditions, and at any moment, as we understand, the possibility of rolling back or stopping the program , and what prospects do we have not to fail here and the prospects that nothing will change in european politics, some other orban, let's say, will not put sticks in the wheels, well , let's be... precise in our expectations
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and our explanations , a program for four years, it does provide for the possibility of discussing how it is carried out every year, and the european commission must provide such a report on how it is carried out every year, but any decision that will concern its further extension, and it will be taken exclusively by a qualified by a majority, i.e. two-thirds of the votes... the union, importantly, does not have any veto, and indeed there is an element that this program can be stopped on review, after two years of its operation, if the european commission, well, at the request of the european council, it will provide a negative, negative conclusion there, so there are still possibilities of such pr...
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support for orban's domestic and foreign policy and using it as a platform for criticism of ukraine , criticism of ukraine's support policy and so on, but at the same time you... are really right, it is different, this aid is different from the previous provision of credit aid to ukraine in 22 and 23 years, and during the previous years it was unconditional. even in this decision of the european council, we see a clear message that this mechanism will work under the condition that ukraine preserves its democracy, will preserve... a pluralistic multi-party parliament and its functioning, and will preserve the basic principles of rights and freedoms, observance of the rights and freedoms of the citizen, including and well, this is what we hear here
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echoes of hungary, including the rights of national minorities and the rule of law, and this already lays a rather serious wake-up call, in my opinion, for... our government today, but beyond that, after this mechanism is finally agreed from the point of view of its mechanics, a credit agreement will be approved , which will be based on the so-called plan of ukraine, which the government has yet to present finally to the european commission, and i wanted them to present it to the ukrainian parliament by that time, and this plan will form the basis of a. .. conditions that ukraine will have to fulfill every quarter in order to receive the next tranche, and this is very different from all previous aid to us during a full-scale invasion. and tell me, in
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principle, if we speak from the point of view of these discussions about aid, what will happen to the discussions when the negotiation process with the european union begins, are also needed. will sit down at the table with viktor orban or someone else after each chapter to persuade, convince, make compromises, viktor roberge said, after he received a decision on ukraine's negotiations with the european union, we will have a million more opportunities to block it all, well and it is true, he will have opportunities to overcome all this, well, i would even say that it will not only be necessary to sit down and negotiate with viktor orban, it it will be necessary to sit down and negotiate with... with a large number of individual countries that are members of the european union in view of one or another possibly sensitive issue for them and it will be a very difficult process, so you know, i keep remembering this phrase, i think there are six months left until the moment when the prime minister
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of ukraine shmyhal promised that we would already be in the european union, i think it was in january of the 23rd year, if i'm not mistaken. so whether in january or even, well, somewhere like that, well, we will count maybe 8-9 months before that there are dates, and it is obvious that this will be a very difficult process and it is obvious that in the coming years, with such and such a leadership of hungary, with the presence of the fidesz political party in such and such a dominant position in hungary, we should not expect. some serious change in their behavior, and we must understand that they will use elements of blackmail both in relation to ukraine and in relation to the european union, to the institutions of the european union or to their fellow members of the eu member states, and it will not be
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easy , and it is obvious that orban is somewhere counts on the fact that the scales of the scales within the european may change. after the elections this year, both in the european parliament and in individual member states of the european union, because he sees this strengthening and increasing the role of now right-wing political forces and he counts on additional allies in this process, and this is a very difficult challenge for us , as for ukraine. ugh. mrs. ivano, this week, as it became known, the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umerov. appealed to the heads of the military departments of the countries of the european union with the urgent need for the ukrainian army, shells, this is what is missing. the european union can supply ukraine, ukraine by march only more than 500 thousand artillery shells instead of the promised
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million, and josep borel, the head of european diplomacy, says this frankly. this is not all of what we were promised. in your opinion, the problem is. in production, that is , purely in the physics of the process, is there still a certain political component here? and it seems to me that at the moment exactly... what you call it the physics of the process is like that decisive conviction for the european union to fulfill the obligation that it proactively assumed and provided us with a million shells during the year, and excuse me, a billion, yes, but, but, a million, a million , a million, a million, a million, but, to me , i'm a little concerned about the discussion that's going on in the european union right now, because we're hearing what , say, the czech republic is offering to the european union given that there's a problem with production and
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given that the military-industrial complex isn't keeping up european to produce this number of shells, to purchase for ukraine, these projectiles are already in those countries, well, from outside the european union, such as in south korea or in other countries, but we see that individual countries that are manufacturers of these... projectiles, they are quite skeptical about it and are interested in the fact that the funds that the european union, the countries of the european union allocate for this, for this purchase and for this production, so that they still remain in europe, and here it seems to me that now this is an urgent situation in which we found ourselves, and given that the decision on the part of the united states regarding the provision of military and financial support to us is further and further postponed. we need to enter into a conversation with our partners so that this initiative of the czech republic is still
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, well, at least partially implemented, as long as our colleagues in europe can increase their number, well, their capacity in the production of projectiles. in principle , it can be assumed that the europeans will be ready if you want to replace the united states, as french president emmanuel macron says. in aid of ukraine? i understand, clearly i realize that this is a task that can only be carried out over a large number of years, we, i'm not convinced that we have that amount of time, and so i think that it will be a very close to impossible task for the next, next year or the next two years, so... that's why i understand that european countries can, say, invest additional
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funds in, well, so-called such government orders, which would be predictable and understandable for arms manufacturers in europe, but at the same time, i am convinced , what it is necessary to involve also the capabilities of the countries of europe, due to the fact that that... and the quality and the entire set of, let's say, the weapons that the united states of america can provide cannot be replaced by the countries of the european union themselves in the near future. well , strategically, an important question, actually access for us to the markets of the european union, we understand that certain processes of a different nature are currently taking place in neighboring countries, and... and at the same time, it encourages politicians in these countries to somehow intensify
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the discussion in the european union regarding the general access of us, as not yet a member of the european union, to the markets of the european union. mrs. ivanna, in your opinion , to what extent is it realistic for us to fight for our place here with underdogs ? well, you quite diplomatically formulated what we have to deal with, we see both objective and very subjective and even manipulated by various political internal forces in different countries, the processes that are related to this now, well, if you want to start a new one, start a wave of farmers, farmer dissatisfaction, well, we hear about... about new intentions to completely block the border in poland, the polish-ukrainian
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border, we hear about intentions additional hungarian farmers to block one of the transitions between ukraine and hungary, that is , you and i have seen the slovak, well, so far patchy demonstrations, and the romanian ones, this means... that we are facing a very, very difficult, difficult situation , and here there are two different ones approaches, there are approaches of individual member countries, there are approaches of general institutions. union, the institutions are more ready to provide ukraine with opportunities to maximize its ability to export across borders by land, by land, through the countries of the european union, and i think that here we have both such a political component and
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partly an economic component , and the economic component can be 100% solved, and... for a, and here it is important that the ukrainian side is ready for these negotiations, and the countries, members, and institutions are also ready, but after that all this real economy, real economy, without manipulations , without conjectures, without embellishment, without such a twisting of facts, it is necessary to transfer it to the political plane and bring it to the people, and this is not necessary, well, it will be the information that... which farmers will want to hear, they are now using this opportunity in order to secure additional subsidies for themselves, additional advantages, and considering the fact that they are losing competition to ukrainian agriculture, which is completely unsubsidized at the moment, in europe on our terah,
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and this means that it is much more competitive, and this potential is... a point of tension and precisely this common agricultural policy of the european union, which for decades determined the subsidized nature of agriculture in europe, will have to be reviewed by the european union, we we are just waiting, at the end of february such a report should be presented by the european commission on the challenges that the european union must overcome before the new wave. expansion, and here i am convinced that it will be one of those, well, of those directions that they will also demand a revision, and well, such a difficult discussion within the european union and the same with us, it is obvious to you and me, as for people who today are fighting for survival and for us to have a choice,
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it is obviously quite difficult to perceive some pseudo-rational arguments from our... er colleagues when for us this is the only opportunity to have additional income to our budget, and for us it is an opportunity to provide our security and defense component. and tell me, mrs. ivanna, what can be expected from the summit of joseph balden and olaf scholz, it's february 9 in just a few days. well, i don't know what we can expect and... the result of this summit, but we definitely understand that this is after all the decisions that were made at the level of the european union and actually at the level of germany itself, which doubled even the provision of ukraine military aid for the 24th year, and which is planning and also preparing to sign its vision of these obligations
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regarding the provision of security aid, because i cannot name them. security guarantees, as you would like to call it, today's bank, i i think that with this whole package of achievements , let's say, how europe sees how scholz as one, how the leader of one of the key and important countries of the european union sees an increase in his role in supporting ukraine, then it will obviously be about use this as an argument for... an internal discussion in the united states of america that europe does not transfer the burden of supporting ukraine to the states, does its job, but also expects from the states such a serious infusion of additional opportunities for ukraine to hold on and win this battle , in
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this in this battle. thank you, mrs. ivana, ivana k'. of ukraine, head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union, and now we are moving from european to american terrain. ihor eisenberg, professor at new york university. congratulations, mr. igor. congratulations to mr. vitalya, congratulations to ms. khrystyna, and congratulations to all the viewers. so, let 's talk at the beginning about this publication of the washington post, which is currently being discussed about the fact that the ukrainian leadership of nibal. reported, allegedly reported the american about the intention to change of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, the american leadership responded to volodymyr zelensm. to whom, you know, just like , i apologize for the joke of non-jews on the sabbath, do as you know, do you
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believe in this at all, in such a synagogue relationship between the white house and the bank, uh, look, i i when american newspapers refer to some the russian source, let's say, in terms of what's happening in russia, i don't really believe it, because i... i always think that it could be such a deliberate injection of disinformation from russia, but when american newspapers refer to american sources, which they do not name, that refer to what is going on somewhere in the white house administration, i rather believe that it is real information than that it is not real, and i readily believe it that in the united states would not be... pleased with the possible resignation of valery zeloshny, and therefore it is quite possible that, whatever, exactly such an answer was given. ugh. mr. igor, well
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, in general, if we talk about what unfolded, unfolded in ukraine this week and about the reaction in the united states, whether a visit, in particular, by a political, yes, political delegation. on the part of the state department of victoria nulad, there was a place to be here, there was a place to somewhat calm the situation, and was it successful in your opinion? in the united states, you see, there was no official comment on the possible resignation of valery zolozhny, but in the last two or three days, it was very lively discussed in zma, in particular on television, and television in general is more focused on the fact that everything. .. the united states is being made, well, i, for example, last night i was watching cnn and msnbc discussed this there , they devoted quite a lot of time to it, with sympathy for
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zaluzhny, and with such questions as, well, why can’t the commander-in-chief be changed in the middle of a war, well, such comments were made by journalists, not by officials, that is, whether the same opinion is held by officials, we can only ... imagine, well, but if, if we believe, because the washington post refers to really knowledgeable sources, then it is so, and therefore i think that the administration was not displeased these rumors, this information regarding viktoria nuland, i drew attention to the fact that neither volodymyr zelenskyi nor yermak, well... who is unofficially, so to speak, a confidant of volodymyr zelenskyi, or was it, they say, mr. igor, that just there were no reports about
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any part of the program of the deputy secretary of state, i am not responsible for anything, of course, but that's how they say it, maybe, maybe, but let's say, in the official announcement of the state department about her meetings in kyiv, it said that she confirmed the firm strong support of the united states, ukraine and in her struggle, and so on and so forth, that is, i cannot rule out that she, she also spoke about the possible resignation of zaluzhnyi, because, well, of course, it was known in the united states, what was happening there, and since since we can see from everything that the administration was not satisfied with this, it is quite possible that she spoke about this as well, and certainly, for the time being, i will raise it. the question of aid to us from the united states remains up in the air, senate majority leader cheek schumer said as early as next week the senate will vote on an additional bill
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on national security, which includes a bipartisan agreement on border security, and of course aid to ukraine and israel, at what stage are these processes in the us now? as far as we can understand the bill, it is ready, it is acceptable. on his version by these two groups of senators, one group from the democrats, the other from the republicans, even the head of the republican group of senator lankfort was reprimanded by the republican party committee in the state of oklahoma for that he had been negotiating with democrats to pass the bill, and chuck schumer, who sets the agenda for the senate as majority leader, said he would vote on wednesday. well , there should be several votes there, because in the senate there is such a procedure for consideration of bills, first you have to vote to start the discussion of the bill, and 60 votes are needed before
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that. it seems to me from everything i 've seen that all 60 votes will be because the overwhelming majority of democrats support this bill, it might not be supported by a few left-wing democrats in the senate because they oppose unconditional aid to israel, and they also don't like the immigration changes that have been made, but it will be a few votes against, there are about 20 republican senators, which are ultra-right'. according to their views or are oriented towards trump, but it will still be enough to have 60 votes, but what will happen next is unknown, and no one can predict this now, because what the speaker of the house of representatives will decide, whether he will put it in the agenda of the house or not, no one knows because his statements are very contradictory, by the way, tomorrow he has to give an interview to the nbc channel, such a sunday weekly program, meeting with
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the press. will be his big interview, maybe he will say something new, because it seems to me that when he made demands back in november that aid to ukraine is connected with changes in the beginning he said with strengthening security at the border, biden submitted this a bill with aid to ukraine, aid to israel, aid to taiwan, and another 14 billion for strengthening security at the border, then he said that more changes are needed in the immigration law. legislation, now these changes have been approved , he said a week ago that this bill died on the way to the house of representatives, my impression is that from the very beginning he put forward terms that he thought would be unacceptable to the democrats , to the administration, and then he will always be able to say: well, you see, we cannot get excited about helping ukraine because the administration does not care about the southern border. about
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reducing the flow of illegal immigrants immigrants and so on, he can't say that now, but the problem is that donald trump, he's building, for the most part , his campaign right now on the fact that he's the only person who can solve the border problems, so he just doesn't want to , for this bill to be adopted, and because there is help for ukraine, and because there are really many things that can help a lot. reduce the flow of immigrants bound for the united states from mexico. ugh. well, mr. igor, another such toy that trump likes to play with under conditions election campaign, this is the economic, in general, status and condition in the united states, now politico is writing that the economy of the united states is improving and...
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this is already forcing trump, well, and his apparently advisers to look for other buttons that can be pressed on the eve election in order to play on it, and in fact to play against joseph biden. as far as uh, well, what will donald trump do next? it's hard to predict, he, by the way, a few days ago, he's on his social network, that's... he's so social, he wrote tweet that the economy is improving, the stock market is hitting record highs because they expect him to come back, that it's because of him, that is, what 's going to happen, what's next is hard to say, actually he, he from all his recent speeches, he 's really taken on this issue border and illegal migrants, and he repeated all last week that only he
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can... solve this problem, that this bill that is being prepared in the senate is bad, and it is better that there was no bill, then nothing was bad draft law, at the same time he repeats that in there are 300,000 murders in the united states every year, allegedly, what, what are these murders committed by illegal immigrants, well, that 's absolutely not true, but he says it, and at the same time he wants nothing to be done for another year... to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants , that is, he is, if you believe him, he is proposing that another 300,000 murders happen, what will happen next, it's hard to say, i really, really don't have an answer to that, but i think he will continue do what he does, ot to repeat these topics, that what the economy can improve, he says, it improves thanks to him, that the problem of the border.


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