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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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it often happens that we make changes there, correct them, of course there are certain ones that are not such, if you can say difficulties, this is the legal framework of the countries where the class is held, because there are certain nuances that should not be carried out, for example, engineering training, not to carry out explosive work there, but today it is taken into account, and there are already certain locations, for some reason only the locations where these classes take place, there is a certain unification and programs, the program is practical. everything is unified, it does not differ significantly, we make these changes if, for example, we let's take spain there or great britain , there is no significant difference, therefore it does not affect the training of the personnel and we correct it if necessary, ugh, i have also seen such nuances in social networks, they wrote how true it is, i ask you, yes, sometimes someone has to take an exam here after he got some there. you need
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to take the exam again, are there any such problems? our experience, he, i don’t want to offend anyone, but our combat experience, we are several years ahead of all those, those who teach us, we of course, we are afraid of this experience, but it is necessary to take into account that it does not stand still, that is , any war, it changes, and the trend is precisely the development of forms and ways of conducting it. we change practically, well, if not monthly, then weekly, and these subtleties must be taken into account, before that, let's say, alliance countries, even professional training, they provide basic training, but taking into account those nuances is exactly our component, it is our duty connection, we and before they come here, of course, we demonstrate the skills that they had to give, what they give, and then we will refine them in the sense that we already need them, you already mentioned that the ground... troops
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received a large number of new types of weapons from partners, including manpads, artillery, tanks, and armored vehicles , artillery guns , it is obvious that it is necessary to have a certain shot, and after training with a military officer, how this is done and in what volume, is it all happening enough, we took into account, let's say, the fact that many samples, who came, but... she is not like that, let's say, not to the extent that she would wanted to to date, we have held a number of negotiations with partner countries , identified the need that we need , of course we would like to have much more samples, but already samples, for example, there are machine guns, grenade launchers, to date there is such a small amount, but they are already arriving samples, these are infantry fighting vehicles, these are bradleys, this is the m-113, we and... the issue
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is to provide, but given, of course, that, as you say, firing, and the fact that most of the shells are used specifically for practical strikes, we are emphasized focus on the gym training, simulator training is exactly the simulators that we have, they are all preserved, they are all functional , the software that gives, it makes it possible to train a specialist, that is , a crew member, a team there, a tank gunner, an infantry fighting vehicle gunner, that is in full, the only thing that then in the future is skills. there is the loading of ammunition , etc., but the introduction of fire, movement on the march , the conduct of combat, any kind of combat, duel shooting, attack, ambush, etc., such provision as is, it is in full gives an opportunity to cook, then he gets on the machine and some say on the contrary that it is much easier on the machine than it was on the simulator. are you talking about pre-soviet equipment or pre-soviet equipment? not simulators
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, but samples of foreign ones, these are infantry fighting vehicles , now we will have them in the primary centers, not many, of course, we would like more of them, but this is already the work that gives results, these are already the first results, we raised the issue, it supported at the management level, it provision of the base that we have, but let's put it this way, we are now focusing more attention on the samples of the country, and we have raised the issue of the purchase of training equipment, which... this year will give the opportunity to completely close the basic and professional training of military personnel of the ground forces, and in practice it is not such a significant amount, it will really make it possible to close all this training and the training centers and training centers will be able to conduct both basic and professional training and also take into account that the renewal of training for of our units, we also put a lot of emphasis on the training of people who manage the battle, this is in the center and the department of the simulation model. we are creating them, this year
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we will complete them completely, several centers have already been created by us, several departments are certain at certain training centers, they are already functioning, the personnel has been selected, he has undergone training, we are... giving him combat experience and that experience , which is according to the use of our units, positive, negative, any we take into account, we put it on working out the relevant staff training , regarding the instructors, wanted to ask who these people are now, are they the ones that were there before the full-scale invasion, the new instructors, and how or what kind of safeguards are in place to control this training process so that it is not there for a tick, but indeed, to date, with the aim of raising... their quality and checking it was only initiated by us in the command of the ground forces, we have already held relevant commissions several times, which determine the degree of preparedness of military personnel, as today, this work continues again and there is a determination of the decision of the deputy commander-in-chief
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to report the real state of affairs again by the end of the month, today there are needs for the instructor staff, but it is necessary to take into account that the training of the instructor is not a month, not two, it is if you take the full one. .. cycle of training, if we take into account such intermediate frameworks, he must stay in the same position for two years, etc., we, if we even clean up, the training of an instructor with us only takes the training itself, based on the basic, professional further preparation of any for from six to 9 months, this is a continuous, continuous such work that should be, therefore, today and the availability of instructors, which is, they work, they are training personnel, but work is underway to raise the level. this is if there is an instructor of the basic level, advanced level and up to the academic level, respectively, this is already the person who compiles the programs himself, and who , accordingly, already works with the non-commissioned staff , and what percentage among them has combat experience, do they all have combat experience , not all with combat experience, we take that into account, uh,
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every instructor must have combat experience, it 's a requirement as commander-in-chief, it's a requirement as a ground forces team, we adhere to it, but the personnel we recruit for the instructor must pass. a certain period of training, to master the program included in it, the following decision was made: the instructor prepares a staff, and with this staff, he goes, performs tasks, three weeks, two or three weeks, he performs tasks with him, he saw realistically, how he prepared the personnel, he realistically assesses their readiness, he realistically sees his shortcomings, then they come back, let's say a meeting, a meeting is held at which clearly every... moment is understood, especially since now it is an opportunity, well, in real time, it's streams, it's video surveillance, it's and accordingly, to military personnel, this is an interview of the commanders , what we use, and they return, and in the future they prepare the unit again and for a few more weeks
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they go with them to perform tasks, only then, when it is at least a month two, at least a month , that is, three weeks, two more weeks, let's say it like this, at least a month or a half. and then he performs up to two months, then he would already have, it is considered that he should have experience, and he, well, accordingly, already teaches, but it does not stand still, and a decision was made, all the instructors, of some kind, they are used in as part of mobile training groups, that is, we take instructors, for example, those who train mechanized attack aircraft there, we send them to one operational-tactical group, then to another, and even with combat experience, they train personnel there composition, and some are even again involved in the performance of combat. with regard to the training of sergeants and officers, we partially mentioned something, but in general, how much changes have already taken place here, and as far as i understand, after the full-scale invasion, people began to rise very quickly in the career
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ladder, and how much this affects the actual for their training? any army has a problem - it is a junior commander, a division commander, a platoon commander, a company commander, this is the link that fights, this is the link that is staffed is at the place of execution of the divine task, in a trench, in a tank, etc., unfortunately, this is the link that has to lead, the link that bears losses, and of course, the consideration of personnel and the need for department commanders, platoon commanders, leads to the fact that this process does not end, it is constantly, constantly, constantly, it is controlled by the higher headquarters, it is controlled by our commander, it is controlled by everyone. and of course, it needs an even greater resource, a greater resource, both instructive and probably human, but what i said is that this is a term that must be taken into account, that a person must study, if we take, then we train 50 virgins, this is his basic training, 50 days, then professional
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training, the commander of the department, we take into account combat experience , we give him what the unit commander needs to know, the structure of the unit’s position is one step higher, that is, because the sergeant leads as... he leads the platoon, and there were cases, for example, with me, when the chief sergeant of the company led even the company, unfortunately, when the company commander, there were several cases that the commander of the company died and it was the chief sergeant who performed the combat task and held the position. which in the future, well, let's say, led to the fact that people are alive, the task is completed, etc., and we also emphasize this, we hit more, let's say this, the main emphasis, this is a practical component, this is his ability to work with people , selection, of course, we involve psychologists to determine it, leadership abilities, today, for example, in our country, when basic general training is conducted, each serviceman must be evaluated accordingly by rating. rating data of it and from these rating data, accordingly , the training center, that is, the commanders of the training
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battalions, they already give suggestions on which serviceman to recruit for which position, and then he leaves, this is for a long time, it takes several months, but it must be done as it is currently constructed work with the analysis of combat operations of successful and unsuccessful operations, perhaps first of all, and there is an appropriate generalization. colossal work, we took into account the experience of partners, we held meetings with partner countries, more than one official meeting was held under of the deputy commander -in-chief for general combat experience precisely on the scale of, let's say, the armed forces, but on the scale of the ground forces, we take into account the fact that the top staff is more of such doctrinal provisions, our task... it is from collective to individual training, respectively , taken into account, because of experience, a lot of documents
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were studied, today we have groups, mobile groups, such studies of combat, combat experience, they are already working in the army, we collect them monthly based on the results of what they have worked on, a meeting is held during which it is determined whether it is positive or negative, and accordingly individual training and actions of the soldier are laid out. there is the application of weapons there or what is the enemy there, what is the position, how has it changed, how is this or that type of weapon used, there , etc., collective training, how do we take into account which drones, types of drone, at what altitudes do they fly, how do they carry out , respectively, bombers, how drones work, etc., for example, the use of a tank, combat vehicle, infantry, at what distances they change, you can to use there automatic grenade launchers, mortars, etc., i.e. to secure and protect your personnel and at the same time prevent the enemy from raising reserves.
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the preparation of the headquarters, what was positive , what was taken into account, for example, the best performed task, such, such, such nuances, on the contrary, if something was not completed, why, what prevented it, and then it should be the preparation of that headquarters, which is held on today a day of preparation, that is, in our country, as the staffs prepare abroad, so they come, we check them again, give them a certain height training and we use them even for combat. before going to the mission area, we initiated this type of externship, that is, the headquarters will go to the combat zone , undergo an internship together with the headquarters that performs the tasks, take into account their experience, what needs to be worked out, that is, during the process of working out the documents there, accepting decisions, then the management of the unit, and then he returns and works it out again in his own unit, that is, we take all this experience into account, we share it, meetings are held as ground troops. respectively in on the scale of the armed forces, we hold these meetings, we exchange experience, and
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a colossal amount of work has already been done. well, taking into account this generalization, can you tell how much the war has changed, even mentioning the defense of chernigov, in which you directly participated, which you directly controlled, and what is now on the battlefield, to what extent these changes are there, they are drastic there , well, look, the war, if it started, for example, well... well, i use my experience, but when starting the defense of cherningov, we have practically no drones it was, yes, they learned how to shoot down hovering planes , the enemy also learned, took the appropriate ranges, took into account mobile groups, those who were leaving, mobile ambushes, etc., this is also according to chernigov, the use of joint actions, infantry, tanks, etc., because there were also border guards, there were also the national guard, the first tank brigade. the eighth mechanized brigade and they together with them performed tasks, if we now take it at a higher
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level, the use of missile strikes is there, there is aviation, but this is already the use of cabs, etc., missiles, cabs, etc., this is a countermeasure and which has top commander, a large number of unmanned aerial vehicles, and of various types, fpv, drones, this is kamikat for, etc., that is, those that do not give, of course, development is going on, these are anti-drones in the gun, these are appropriate. devices for providing radio-electronic protection of our servicemen, we always want more of them, that's why it continues here, again i will return to the study of all that is, let's say talinik. which is provided by our manufacturers or partners, that is, any means, if possible, we first check it, c we run into such a certain understanding so that it is possible to understand how effective it is, where it is 80%, where it is less, and even in the training command, we deal with what we collect, for example, frequency spectrum analyzers, before they were not there, now they are, we
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we train personnel on the basis of one of the universities, that is, we organized this work and they are sent there from... accordingly , devices are issued that provide servicemen, or surveillance of drones, etc., or vice versa, appropriate cover, even at night devices and that, that is, we still go to us and issue brigades, if we talk about the enemy, about the russian army, obviously they are also learning, and this is visible on the battlefield, to what extent do you think the ukrainian army manages to react to theirs, and to ... introduction and what you can say about them, how much they learn and react actually to underestimate the enemy, i think it would be wrong, any enemy should be evaluated accordingly, and the intelligence that it reaches us, and it reaches us, let's say, objective and it is timely, that is, any even their method, which they have worked out, it
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is thanks to our scouts, accordingly, it appears with us, we study it, and they also study, they do not stand on me. we will take into account what they see, in a certain sense, they are catching up with us, in a certain sense they are overtaking us, this must be taken into account. if, for example, we took into account that we are an enterprise, we made changes, accordingly, and they showed themselves well, then about three months have passed, i am already looking at their methodology practically, it copies what we did, but there are certain points, for example, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles is much more than them, and therefore we need to take this into account, and the tactics they use, the use of those tactical and technical... characteristics, we also we take into account, because you cannot underestimate the enemy, otherwise you will lose, that is why we take it into account, we study and experts who study , if necessary, go there to the regions of action, i make appropriate trips, communicate with battalion brigade commanders and accordingly he is gathering this experience, so here the war
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is about who wins who, you know, let's evaluate where they are ahead in human resources, yes, they have a significant human resource, they do not spare it, they... well, they spend, but they also learn and at the end of the day, the statement is already quite well-established both in the army and in society that a small soviet army cannot defeat a large soviet army, so there is still a lot of soviet in the armed forces of ukraine in the way of thinking, in the attitude of commanders to soldiers, well, obviously it is still is there a lot? him? come on, how many years have passed since the soviet union? practically already several generations. grew up in the fact that they are a small number of personnel, let's say so, which still caught the soviet, to say sovietness, it seems to me that it is more a matter of individuality of each person, how you behave, how you were raised by society, how you were raised by your parents, how your environment raised you and how do you behave, each person takes you with him as you give it to him, if the commander says something,
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well, for example, to subordinates, then accordingly i i believe that he is humiliating them there, so here it is necessary not to be silent, here it is necessary to say: to say that the scoop, well, the scoop is not in execution, the scoop is in the head, the soviet in the army is so significant, it is practically gone, because it used to be hazing, now there is no hazing , that is, everything is possible , well, yes, the situation is that people perform tasks, the same sergeants, they are with personnel, the commander with personnel, no, they got rid of it, the following, if before the soldiers in... treated like this, well, it is what it is, today we understand that the soldier is the main combat unit, let's call it that, which performs the task, and it is thanks to the soldier, we, as officers, even, the task, we depend on him, and he must be valued, and the very relationship is that the life of a soldier, it most importantly, it has already been worked out a priori by our entire management staff, from
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the branch commander to the president of ukraine, accordingly , it has already been worked out, we know that there is a staff, if it is not there, then a priori, whoever you are there. .. there is the art of war, if you didn't have it worked out, but i wouldn’t have done it on my own, so the relationship has been worked out accordingly, but the fulfillment of the task motivates, providing ammunition, preparation, etc., etc., etc., in the head it has all changed, if you knew before that someone had to prepare, and then how will it be , today everything has changed radically, if these statements are conveyed to society, in your opinion, will there be more people who will not hide from the tsc, but go to serve, what we started with about... the draft law, i i think so, but this is not the problem of the army, it is a problem, it is more such, it is necessary, as you say, to convey to society, absolutely, you can speak at any briefings, at any, let's say, meetings. to prove it, the main thing is that those who understand will understand, those who a priori do not want to accept it, they will never accept it, and to change this subconscious, it
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takes a lot of time, but it is necessary to work on it, it is joint work, it not only the armed forces, it is the armed forces, it is higher, it is the administration, in general it is the entire state component that should work on by this, because, as the army of the maturity of society said, it shows which society as of today, how good they are. such negative aspects, but it is also common, like the society that now protects the army, but it is all joint work, it is such an identity, the army, society, the army, the state, the army, there are people, whatever you can say, it is a single whole, and this is a whole, it must work together, not stand aside, the problems of the army are the problems of society, the problems of society are the problems of the army, and we have to take this into account, thank you, thank you for the conversation, please, thank you for the invitation, thank you, the armed forces of ukraine are currently on the defensive, but in order to continue to effectively repel the attacks of the russian army, in addition to equipment, drones, ammunition, troops,
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of course, reserves are needed, especially if this year or next year offensive operations will be planned. we are currently preparing another material about the training of military personnel, we will show how it happens in the rear, in the training centers and directly in the brigades, nearby. front line, do not miss in a few weeks, this there were donbas realities, i'm yaroslav krechko, see you soon, there are discounts on penger and herpavir, 15% in podorozhnyk pharmacies, you and savings, there are discounts on psyk, 10% in pharmacies. traveller, pam and savings. exclusively on the air
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of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between. society: the attack of drones on kyiv, and topics causing resonance in our other cities of ukraine, attacks of drones on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of processes, that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, they help to understand the present and'. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. events events
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that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. greetings, friends, today we will talk in particular about a person who ... admitted that he is capable of everything except murder and sex with minors and men, it is about the political technologist volodymyr petrov and his friend serhiy
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ivanov, who have long been involved in some scandals and periodically got into them, but it seems to me that one of them is rushing this week the loudest and it is very interesting to see what exactly it will end with, whether it will end with this word cancellation, in ukraine almost everyone uses it that way, but usually it does not happen in our country with few exceptions. i will remind you that cancellation is a process, a scandal, as a result of which a person loses his job, money, image and simply disappears from the information field. i can say that, if we talk about our culture, then you can say that we were canceled, well, except for dorjapat , you remember, the writer who invented various fictions, and now he agreed to leave himself with... with information field, now he cannot be seen or heard, but maybe he will come back, because many people say that they have treated him unfairly, but about these two bloggers, we ...
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talk literally over there for 10 minutes, because it is about scandals with the blogger alina doratiuk and with alyona alyona, they already want to sue them, we will deal with all this, but first let's talk about something more pleasant to dilute all this. first, oksana zabushko joined the jury of the main competition of the berlinale. we have the berlinale starts very soon, already on february 15, but here's the question, well, first of all, i'll say that it's... one of the most prestigious competitions, and it's the main program, that is, in every such big film festival there are just very, very many different programs , and this is the main one, that is, it’s as cool as possible, but our film party took this news so differently , because some of them immediately wondered why this writer was hired, and not one of our great directors, directors or cinematographers, and here is ms. oksana to the cinema in general, and they started to remember her
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immediately. there were a few rather loud cases when oksana zabushko somehow expressed herself about cinema, and our film community did not perceive it very well and criticized her for, well, as they said, for ignorance, misunderstanding of auteur cinematography and cinematographic processes in general, since the last one, when she criticized the film pamfir, well, on the one hand, recognizing its high artistic qualities, but on the other hand, she said: how was it possible to show these ragged houses, these poor interiors, because we have them there in bukovina... for example, everything is not like that, well , for my part, i can say that i was in bukovina quite often this summer, i honestly observed such pictures that i saw in pamphyr, but on the other hand, many cinematographers but now they said no , on the contrary, ms. oksana knows movies perfectly, she watches them, she can still find time to watch some of the main, most famous documentaries, author's films, with all her traveling,
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she has... a high level generally educated and intelligent, so she can handle it task, but for me personally it is about a slightly different hypostasis of mrs. oksana, her such a fiery orator, who has been fighting against russian influences for years, especially abroad, she does it very actively, i think it is effective, and it is noticeable that together with her in the jury will be such albert cera, this is a spanish director. very talented from my point of view, but one who absolutely does not understand political processes, geopolitical, or who just likes to be appetizing, well, judging by his image, he really likes some outrageous things, but the fact is that he has spoken more than once during the full-scale invasion and before that he supports putin and trump, and he says that from his point of view they are such real politicians who have, have in themselves strength, courage, i don't know, one more thing...
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to agree and finally stop all this nonsense that is happening in our country in the geopolitical, geopolitical arena, well , i hope that ms. oksana will explain to him what is about what, or, by the way, which would be very interesting if the discussion of films, yes, because somehow they will sit these members of the jury, and i would like them to be made public, because i am more than sure that between ms. oksana and mr. albert it is quite possible that there will be interesting discussions, of course, i wish mrs. oksana wins in these discussions, although in this respect i have absolutely no doubts about her. well , regarding berlin, but i will say that yes , i will remind you, it starts on february 15, it is one of the most significant, such an event of cinema in the world, and if we talk about politics, then yes, last year there were actions on support of ukraine, and there were also those bear eyes, their logo, are they? i went
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there for clothes, and these bears were yellow and blue last year, but at the same time , a lot of different political actions are also held there, that is, it is not wrong that ukraine was simply in the center of the then berlinale, well , i want to say that there , and at cannes and at many other festivals , trade with russians continues, this is especially evident at cannes, well, maybe ms. oksana will tell something to the organizers there, well, in any case , we will watch, we don't have to wait long. then there is another good news for us: finally roger waters got rid of his contracts, but if we are talking about cancellations, then it is certain that he finally met roger waters in germany, he was terminated by a label called, called bmg, this is one from the biggest labels, all because roger waters, the musician, he played, finally, he...


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