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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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i wrap myself in a sleeping bag, and i say that we were very light, a t-shirt, a fleece was dry up there, there were no clothes there, there was no understanding there either, well, that’s all, after that, after that we regrouped and held the defense for three days in yevgenivka, we held it successfully, despite the fact that the enemy was also attacking us with superior, well, overpowering forces, well... the enemy was five times more than us, those who captured this village, at that moment the commander still died of the battalion, the pasha was shot down by the kingdom of heaven, well, the battalion was a little bit well , you yourself understand the disorganized, morally psychological state after the death of a combatant, especially since the battalion was a man, that is , he used a rather powerful authority, a very big loss for the marines, very much, but his personnel was not that... not
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broken, but to take revenge for pasha, for their commander, and they did not ask, on the contrary, they were so angry that on april 1, an incomplete battalion defeated two battalions of russians, took a lot of trophy equipment, on which the spirit fights, well, sunday was intense, for sure came out, did you meet traitors from the 14th year from the marine corps of ukraine who went over to the side of... the enemy, then on the other side of the border, of course, of course, this is the beginning of a full-scale war, somewhere at the beginning, towards the end of march, under the golden niva, this is the velikonovoselov district, my fellow student came to visit me, let's say andryushka bidzlyudka, he himself is from cherkasy, well, we studied together in the same company, cadets, that is, we were cadets together, we passed together. you pass, i
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received my company from him, he was then the chief battalion headquarters, he, well, until the last one, he was drowning in the crimea, that we were going to ukraine, that all the affairs, that we would serve, here he was standing on the balcony, smoking, running andryushka the lonely man, already loaded with this package from the russian uniform, the hat is running, i tell him, you are a hunched dog, what are you doing, you only promised everyone here that you would test, andryukha did not say anything, rolled up his clothes and buried them all there.
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your regimental commander, lieutenant colonel bezlyudka, andrii oleksandrovich, i say, old friend, i haven’t seen you for a long time, you came under trophy, yes, it is already here, on the golden field, there is such a place where they also asked. then they were still going forward and asked to cross the river, and they simply drowned their cars in the river , but we have my next cousin, fuel oil, right now, he was the first to leave on these cars, i was the first to ask to shoot from them there , to somehow get to know them , yes, there were cars , they were brand new, each car had 1,500 miles on them, the guns were new for...
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they realized that they would no longer force this river, they would not be able to; a clear field and they were simply shot like hares in the field, and then we took out the equipment with tanks, after which our trophies turned out to be so small, the fifth bmb takes away, after that we are my leader who gave an interview to the kms, he has a stake in me. i was a mechanic and
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learned to work on trophy vehicles the other way around, drove towards enemy forces and shot, and that's how i learned. what is the future of this? she now continues to fight, storms their positions, some trophies that have already been knocked down, yes, we don’t care delivered in terms of the fact that, as donors, they were spare parts and further, plus shells, 12 kilometers in that direction, the head would... we had a head start with those bastards for two days, we had a head start with those bastards until two days before the cleaning from the novoukrainka side, in the well, almost three companies , almost three, uh, we started digging in a field,
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an open, beautiful, nice ukrainian field, the ground was freezing, and in two days we dug in the front line of the battalion, and we had been defending for a couple of weeks. cut off the enemy, which armada was moving from the direction of zaporizhzhya to the direction of donetsk, they wanted to reach the border kurakhovo, in order to close the ring, to take marinka, and to advance further in order to completely take the donetsk region, well, we became a bone so wide in their throats that they choked, the 503rd battalion stopped the armada there, and it was entrenched on those lines that were even before last year. now we pushed them back almost 10, maybe 15 kilometers further. what was the role of the 53rd battalion in the defense of this direction? i think the key. we were the first to become, we held on, we were able to develop success, after us she entered these positions
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the 68th yager brigade, which also successfully carried out the defense, but we, as it were, let them move forward, but the 503rd battalion took us out at that moment and we became the reserve of the donetsk atu commander, that is , the fiercest battles on that moment, it was all charged by the 63rd separate battalion of the marines, it was the breakthrough to maryanki, the chess forest near avdiivka, zelene field, timyrivka, novoselivka, prychystivka, zolotanyva, well... you can tell quite a lot of battles, it all fell on the shoulders of the 503rd battalion, which he endured with honor and valor, qualitatively performed, for which the battalion received a ribbon for courage and bravery, one of the first naval badges. in 2023, colonel viktor sikoza
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was awarded the order of the golden star with the title "hero of ukraine". how did you become the commander of the 36th brigade? no questions at all. well, understanding all these troubles , what kind of brigades will be, well , i already understood in advance that there is nothing in the brigade at all, because everything remained in mariupol, including people and weapons and all equipment, everything remained in mariupol, well, but it was necessary to someone to do, that's why i immediately collapsed, well, they began to restore. renewed the brigade for the second time, the first time after returning from the crimea, the second time in the spring of the 22nd year. well, so you understand, from the old composition of the brigade, i, well , when i arrived, i looked for a part, i had 47 men, thanks to the command of the marine corps there, we were given instructors
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, a certain number of officers were given there, who helped a lot in this, and people are ready to conduct offensive actions there, and they conduct them and conduct them quite efficiently and successfully. well, that's it says a lot, several times a year our boys go through a moral and psychological test, let's go, hurry, hurry, hurry , hurry, hurry, let's go. love dad pride,
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get out, they take the marines oath . receive a marine beret, which, for them, already means that they have become full-fledged, full-fledged ... marines entered this family, and directly through the communication of the sergeants with the staff, those sergeants who were still there from the period of 14 -x, from the age of 15, but they don't let it die out to the fire that is in 2023 , the new 38th marine brigade was formed . lieutenant colonel
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yevhen bova became the commander of the brigade. for the defense of mariupol, he was awarded the order of the golden star with the title "hero of ukraine". the backbone of the brigade, well, the 503rd separate battalion of the marines was still part of the regiment. the battalion, which was awarded the married ribbon. a battalion that actively and bravely took part in the war, yes, this battalion, well, the enemy was afraid, yes, well, it so happened that on its basis, we first formed a regiment, and then reformed the brigade, you have experience in the marines since the 14th year, it's already six... 9 years, now the brigade is being formed in a fairly
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short time, as in this period, what do you emphasize in order to unite, unite and to train people, well now, you know , it didn’t happen before, and now the staff is still being trained abroad, so it’s a little bit easier, i think, for us... and well, to our advantage, yes, er, because we don’t have such a big the number of non-commissioned officers at the very beginning, yes, who would be able to train this personnel, so yes, there is something to this, when they go to bezvp, too, to those courses on the preparation of assault actions, amphibious abroad, i saw in this... the result,
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i see that very hostile gifts have arrived here, yes, we see offensive actions, and this is exactly our offensive a grouping of nine settlements, which... liberated this eight, we liberated it, and now also, well, it's too early to say about it, but today we are also advancing, advancing, if you take one, two, three, in four directions progress, and there are corresponding successes, but for now we are silent, what when we have done the deed, then we will already say what we have done, who from the enemy's side is standing against you, we also had a navy here.
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update, well, something like that, well, where we are now advancing, they tried
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to strengthen the positions of the witnesses, but they did not succeed, they were discovered and destroyed, the reality is that a counteroffensive, maybe he is honest, i don’t even understand where this counteroffensive is, i i just understand that now we are just cutting into every centimeter of this land, yes, this is knocking out plantings 500 m, 400 m, kilometer by kilometer, and this is simply at a very high cost. but this is a great price, as it were said that he would go down in history, and goes down in history, every brother who died. yes, thanks to them, this one, these every meter , are there portraits behind you, really, very strong stormtroopers who showed themselves reliably and just unreal cool during the assault, but such a life is not without losses, and this is a special squad that died under during the actions of our
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battalion, one of them was wounded, despite this, he provided his first medical aid and continued to carry out the combat mission, raising the personnel and leading behind him, but still the projectile reached him, the artilleryman, well, that's how you keep the memory of your fallen cousins, during a combat situation, with revenge, we remember for each personnel, serviceman of the personnel. who died, and these are not only the people we have now, but also the first of the 53rd battalion, who also left us, performing combat tasks, everyone in the heart and for each revenge is going full speed, this is why i came there, that's why which is a plus, well, let's just say, a little bit of
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badger's fame gave me an incentive and i kind of wanted to be there, especially when i passed 503, i... it means that there are more than 15 of my brothers from my city, this is my hometown, and i realized that , well, why are they sitting there, it means that they are the elite, the marines, i mean, for me personally, the marines have been like that since birth a family of troops that works in three elements , it is not for nothing that we have an emblem, yes, you know that this is the dshb, well, as always there were paratroopers, for the airborne forces , a bottle on the head, everything is beautiful, they bathe in fountains, but the marines are sometimes not enough about it heard but always, when she appeared, they were looked upon as the elite, for that, and for that i came there by sea infantry, since the 14th year, i believe, we have earned the right to write our own history, and this division, when so many sailors,
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sergeants, officers, broke their oath, stayed, went over to the side of the enemy, they thereby ... only accelerated, and therefore it became a question of giving up on it, and on this we built our idea that we deserved to write our own history. the most painful moment was the moment when the color of the tree changed. there were certain, let's say, clear markers, ah, black, vests, all this soviet romance is nowhere to be found did not act but thank god, there were people among the marines who understood that we were forming a completely different marine corps. we are forming a modern ukrainian marine that will guard the sea border of ukraine and possibly retake the occupied territories from
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the sea. all this required completely different visual demonstrations. black is the color of technical troops, including armored personnel carriers. we studied the problem and, of course, came to the conclusion that the majority of marine units in the world wear colors close to the navy waves, blue-green, greenish, green and so on, but not black at all. that is why we immediately had a colored, first-of-its-kind marker for the marines, this is it. the beret of a marine, this is an extremely important thing for them, because the beret is not just issued to you from the squad, so the work began to convince the personnel of the marine corps that it is necessary to change the color, and then immediately began a conversation about how we create beret insignia, well, it is obvious that this is
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the symbol of the anchor, which is present in the symbolism of absolutely all units of the marine corps in the world but some such attribute was needed, among the successful campaigns that actually ended with naval landing operations, we remembered that the most successful were the campaigns during the hetmanship of peter sahaidachny, sahaidachny’s naval campaigns were extraordinary, these were sea raids with the launching of landing forces, the destruction of enemy collaterals, and among those attributes , who remained after sagaida. one unique one remained, it is a sword awarded to sahaidachny for successful sea campaigns against turkey and the defense of khotyn in 1620. in the first year, and this sword has been preserved and is preserved, it in kraków, in the national museum, it is very uh, beautiful, spectacular, unexpected
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, quite a shape with a corresponding inscription from korolevych wladyslaw, sahaidachny vs. osman, and we decided that this was the weapon attribute that we needed for the insignia of the marines, now. the symbolism of the marine corps is, rather, the beret badge of the marine corps - it is an anchor, wings, it is all covered with a rope and on top of the anchor on the central axis , the point is uphill, the sahaydach sword, we are going to fight for our freedom, we are spreading the wings of our native people on their own. land, you don't need to learn, and now everyone wears it with pride, and getting a marine corps burette is very difficult, very difficult, it is a symbol that
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a marine earns it once in a lifetime, and for the rest of his life, for the marine corps from our own ethos code appeared, a lot of effort was put into it, her father zelinsky, he was the chaplain of the 36th brigade, a very intelligent person who knows history, he was at the origin of the creation of this code, we also have a motto of always faithful, faithful to the oath, faithful to the motherland, and the second virgin to the news, to fight, to win, to lead people , that is, to show everything by personal example, and there is no victory without struggle, therefore, in order to get something, you need to work hard, that's the slogan we live by, being a marine - it will collect... memory about the marines of the ukrainian people's republic, even when the bolsheviks named the streets after their killers. it means surviving complete encirclement, the heaviest assaults, torture in captivity,
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rehabilitation and finding the strength to return to the ranks. it is to protect the memory of those who fought 100 years ago and are fighting today. be to be a marine means to remain faithful. in his country. to your values ​​always, thank you for fighting for it, thank you for supporting where the cossacks go, oh fun. let me give it to you , little one, where the races go, they will go, and
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the roads are humming, give me ahead, give me little girls from ukraine.
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starting negotiations on accession to the eu. vitaliy portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the very point. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom of life, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. dictation from
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serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. channel espresso. and the ukrainian pen present the project own names with myroslava barchuk, a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, unequivocally, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at
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welcome to the espresso channel. today , the main topic of our program war and weapons was determined by the new stable of gonkomovich valery zaluzhny. she appeared on the resource of the cnn company, someone called it a column. but actually this is a big and really conceptual article called the changing design of war. it has a needle. valery zaluzhnyi says that for each war it is necessary to find its own unique strategy and logic, which will allow to find a way to victory in new conditions. it is quite symptomatic that zaluzhnyi traditionally uses powerful foreign media to convey his thoughts and concepts, and ironically, the same cnn reported literally the day before yesterday that this...


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