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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EET

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appeared in the air, and not just appeared, but began to strike payback, mr. yury, a bit not about crimea, but about the air force, this scandal is very strange regarding australian planes, you commented on it, i know, but maybe there is i didn't comment, let's go, i can interrupt you right away, i didn't comment, uh, my comments are taken from which left-wing pages, censored, where i react harshly to those... well, how to say it more culturally on your broadcast, but for those people who are engaged in this reshuffle, the topic is old, the topic of the year ancient times, for which it is being pulled out now even by the australian publication, for which we are raising it, i say again and again, we decided a long time ago on the priority of aircraft , a multi-purpose aircraft capable of carrying out tasks in the air, capable of hitting ground targets and carrying out air control space over the water areas of both seas, f16 is suitable for this and there is a place to take it and it is the most realistic. it’s normal for you to see it and
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for your partners to see it, and i don’t believe in any scandals with partners there, it’s all bullshit, i want , you know, you can tell a little bit about the griffins, it's just that sweden produces very high-quality military equipment, very high-quality tanks, high-quality howitzers, and what can you say about airplanes, well, all countries are normal. developed countries do everything well, unlike russia, and germany makes excellent airisti systems, in particular and so on, and airplanes too, generation 4:2 pluses, this too, well, they are all good, but the most realistic, the most realistic in terms of maintenance , in terms of capabilities, it is still an f-16, but the gripen was also considered in second place by our air force, there was an air force commander general lieut toleichuk also communicated with his military colleagues in sweden.
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e left even there specialists, pilots who studied the possibilities, are still studying, cooperation is underway with swedish partners, regarding the possibility of getting armed with these planes, there will not be as many of them as the f-16, it is clear why the f16 is the main plane, because there are to take, but the partnership with sweden may be more for the long-term perspective, of course, the swedes will also switch to newer, more modern griffins. it is possible that some other type of aircraft is promising gripin of the next generation , manufactured by kopmanis, it is no worse than the zaf-35, maybe even some components will be better, so if we take this type of aircraft as well, if sweden already solves all the issues related to nato and so on, maybe it will be more decisive, well, it will push them to this decision, of course, we will not.
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really resist somehow, because the gripin is a good aircraft, which in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics is not inferior to the f-16 and can ensure the performance of various tasks and use the european nomenclature weapons, which, by the way, some cannot be used by the f-16, so we expect such solutions. mr. yuri, i can't help but ask, you very aptly and correctly noted that many countries are currently waiting in line for technological aircraft, and one of the countries that has expressed a desire to have both f-16s and eurofighters is turkey and our colleagues from defense express are very careful, well , they are thinking about this topic, and can turkey in return, in particular, as a result of such an agreement that may happen, transfer the russian-made s-400 air defense system to ukraine, which they received there.
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several divisions, just your opinion , would we be interested in such a proposal at all, well, a very interesting question, i asked, by the way, they wanted to ask me this in the marathon, i somehow moved to another topic, because, well, excuse me, it is already a big one politics, what the americans say in turkey, turkey responds and so on, well, i have no right to comment on such things, but if there is any opportunity to strengthen our air defense. s300 complexes, then this is done, if there is also c400, well , i think that it is not very different there from the three-hundredth complex, because well, it ’s just probably a newer version, modernized and so on, i didn’t see how it looks from the inside, well, three-pointers we receive from our partners as aid and components for them and e-missiles, because of course two soviet equipment wears out during the years of hostilities. and we are spending
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ammunition up to three complexes, that is why izvit is helping us, so where our partners in the framework of the anti-aircraft coalition, such as pppo, did not help us, we will, of course, take into service that or other equipment that we already know how to use , a good concept, when they hand over to us, for example, confiscated, frozen russian assets, we will be able to wage war with the russian federation at this expense, or we will receive some russian weapons, which i am sure very quickly our specialists in the military sphere will master and we will beat them with their own weapons, mr. yuri, and what about greece... also about greece, there is also about anti-aircraft, it seems that some components are also of soviet origin, this is realistic, many countries have them, and so on it was heard in the press that greece is preparing for that, for the decision that was made on
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the supply of f-35s, well, you understand how many f-35s will be supplied over time, and therefore here, i think that our authorities are looking for different ways. the co-political leadership is always working to get additional funds somewhere. the enemy is not going to stop fighting, the missiles are not getting any less, drones too, so we need any way to replenish our missiles until we have enough of its western systems, the soviet systems need to be replenished with something, because they work when needed during massive, especially attacks. well... mr. yuri , i also can't help but ask about this destroyed missile boat ivanovts, which tried to escape its fate, but he didn't succeed. we thank our military from gur, in particular, we thank the technologies used
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by the defense forces. with what missiles did this ship terrorize, and maybe you can indicate which segment of the destruction of this boat. uh, is there any chance that we're freeing up a little more space for, well, for example restoration of civil shipping in the black sea, well, all the boats that russia has are small missile boats, i don’t need to see what missiles it has , whether they are anti-ship missiles, whether they are caliber missiles, russia has enough means in order to strike calibers, but we uh... haven't seen lately, haven't seen calibers being used in large numbers lately, if i'm not mistaken, we had uh in january, the second of january, when a massive attack was made there, three were used calibers, yes, well, there were no
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calibers a long time ago, well, not because they don’t have ee means from where to launch them, they have ships, there are frigates, there are underwater monitoring stations, there are small missile boats that are armed with... calibers in this regard, i honestly cannot say now whether he has anti-ship missiles on board, well, it is clear that four missiles, er, the tubes that you see, are actually transport-launchers, then we have three hundred transport-launch containers, here are just launch containers for placing missiles there. of course, this is the goal was hit, this is another blow to the black sea fleet, this is another ship. replenishes the submarine flotilla together with moscow, well, and i repeat that russia still has enough means, watercraft to attack us with missiles from the sea, the question is whether they have missiles in sufficient quantity that we can afford to launch on our
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state, in general, the protection of crimea from the sky, to the extent that it is already deformed by the russians, i will clarify my question. ours are being destroyed, and they are trying to pull in from the mainland crimea, are they somehow redeploying what they already have there, already in place, you mean, destroying air defense equipment, or what air defense equipment, pro, relsky, for example, the same equipment, recently yes, it has already been reported that , that the radar station was also destroyed, and they have the opportunity, of course, what are the problems, they have sea communication, they. there is a land connection, they have the crimean bridge, which , after all, is still working, so to supplement, to replenish not only lost samples of military equipment, they have the opportunity, it is also radar stations, which are especially valuable, so there are rleski that simply provide
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information, and there are radars that work in the anti-aircraft missile complex, then the c300, c400 is a radar that provides actual guidance of missiles to the target. and these things can be replenished, supplemented, as well as all the logistics that i said, which must be destroyed, and so that the enemy does not get all this. that's all, in principle, plus there is also an air route, we can, we must understand that they can also transport cargo very quickly with military transport planes, such as the 76, the plane is large urban, so they can still deliver that equipment to crimea, but the basis is still railway transportation, in the end, we understand that the russians learn from their mistakes, we have information about where they... er are located , in general, where their aircraft are located and we use this information for
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strikes, but more and more data is coming in that they are creating such alternative hidden helipads, parking lots, sites, i don't know if you can call it airfields, how much they manage to do this so that we don't noticed optically, well, it is possible, but not always , you see that in the end, let ’s say it directly, we also use this... these things we carry out passive defense measures, as they say, because if the protection of our airfields, let’s say , anti-aircraft missile systems or electronic warfare systems, it's one thing, but still, camouflage, false positions, and so on, all this also happens, it is necessary to mislead the enemy, and this is all by means of military combat. conditions through certain experiments, well, as they say, tricks, that's all
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this is carried out by our military personnel so that the enemy cannot destroy our aviation , they destroy them, our planes are only in their formations in ponoshenkov, of course, we bear losses, but no, but not as they are published there, 10 planes a week, that’s in general not a single head, they have already started to destroy even f-16s, we have already talked about this more than once, even with you, that is why the enemy really manages to carry out such as well. works, they hide, we saw, they even paint small letters on the asphalt, with such colors that it could be seen as if from a satellite this is for real, well, such tricks do not work, here you need to approach such means of measures more competently and so on, well, but the enemy learns from his mistakes and, unfortunately, still has enough of those planes to really move them and replace them with others, on those who were affected. thank you, mr. yuri, for taking the time to join our program. we will remind that it was yuriy ignat,
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spokesman of the command of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine. and now we take a short break, right? what do you say, madam? yes, a short pause, and we will continue to talk about important things for crimea things verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. hello! this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping
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district, kherson. live inclusion. we we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. we continue our program together. beraber is a joint project of the tv channel. tv channel, khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabaev are with you. is such. well, we promised to actually talk about important things for ukraine and crimea. in my opinion, the visit of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny to the medzhaliz of the crimean tatar people is quite symbolic. and here aydera, i give you the floor and our guest. we have a guest remotely, of course, but the head of mijilis of the crimean people.
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divany, what was discussed during the conversation, what was given specifically to mr. zaluzhny, and what was basically so, well, simply, can you tell me? i am, i was in the hague at the international un, where two lawsuits by ukraine were discussed, announced , unfortunately, unfortunately, nothing is heard, let's
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dial again, mr. rifate, mr. rifate, we will have to contact you again, because very- very bad sound, every word is important to us. which you will say on the air now, i'll just add that it's true and we'll be about it to speak in the court in the hague, the un court in the hague issued its verdict in the case from 2017, let me remind you that this is a case when ukraine appealed to the un international court of justice with a lawsuit alleging russia's violation of two conventions, the international convention on the fight against the financing of terrorism and the international convention on the elimination of all norms. by the way, at that time, everyone was very happy that the court took these cases into consideration, i remember when it was, but something seems to me that this sentence was made by the won court more to itself, well, this is my personal opinion, because there the decision is absolutely not like that correspond to the reality and what we were counting on, especially since they
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made the decision now after a full-scale invasion and how many seven years have already passed. years almost like that since that time, and it is very important to actually approach and read the exact decision of the un court in gaza, it did not fully satisfy what ukraine demanded, ukraine demanded, in particular, recognition of russia as guilty in all respects, e , in principle, the un court in gaza noted that russia committed a violation, this is ... now i refer to lawyers and the ministry of foreign affairs have already committed a violation, you have committed a violation on almost every point in the conventions in question, but, but for racial discrimination against crimean tatars or ukrainians in crimea, yes, no, it is rather because of the political position of these people , that is, people simply voluntarily left the crimea, all went
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to prison, went to siberia, as they were told, many of them are still cool. the court and he, a very cool organization, such a theatrical and artistic one, i would call it, the court noted at the same time that his main claim to russia in the fact that it did not investigate the financial support of separatist groups in the east of ukraine in the 14th year, that is , it did not conduct an investigation against itself, yes , russia, this is illogical, it would have an investigation against itself, is it in touch with us ryfat chubarov, let's do it, we'll be on the phone, because i 'm at the airport right now. and here the conditions are very bad, radio technical, i would say, and it does not allow you to conduct a video, you know, communication, so you started, you already started to speak, and in my opinion, very correctly placed, placed the accents, the court really noted that all the facts cited by ukraine
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in its lawsuits are there, they exist, this is a direct violation by the party. russia , what concerns the persecution of the crimean tatar people, the mejlis, in particular the crimean tatar people, the prohibition of its activities, it really outnumbers, well, the majority of these judges, five judges out of 15 have a separate position, and they insisted that the position of ukraine, what is happening in crimea, ethnic persecution, based on ethnicity, these five judges share, they have... separate opinions, they will later will be printed , and we will do everything to translate it into ukrainian, so that our whole community, law-abiding, especially our lawyers, and society as a whole will get acquainted with it, but i return to the photo with which you started the conversation with me, so i was in the hague and now i am returning to warsaw,
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in the evening i will meet there with fellow citizens, ukrainians, crimean tatars, tomorrow i hope i will be in kyiv, i, that is, i could not be away, what does this photo say, it says that we, the crimean tatars, well, like all those ukrainians, which are directly in the territories occupied by russia, we realize how urgently it is necessary to liberate all these territories, and the only obstacle to such a faster liberation may be some of our internal... problems in ukrainian society, as soon as this court decision is which disappointed us, let's say , it was announced in diplomatic language, one friend of mine, who... i am a friend from maidan in 2004, he wrote me one sentence, but listen to how it sounds, he says: friend, refate, in this situation , in which ukraine is located,
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the best court is the armed forces of ukraine, period. so, i think, with this photo , we wanted to say to all of ukraine that precisely in these days, in these months, in this year, it is necessary to maintain cohesion and unity as much as possible, and this is... the only condition and the only factor that will allow us to defeat this, well, these barbarians, i don't call this country and those people who support that fascist regime, rifataga, but are you personally acquainted with valery zaluzhny? eh, no, i am not personally familiar with him, although there were several moments when we talked, but no, well, as they say, not face to face, no, but tell me, please, just a few details, that ’s how i understood it, together with rustem umerov, they came to the leadership of the midjlis and to our leader mustafa dzhemilev, and it was such
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an unannounced visit , what i am asking is that this happened just these days, it is important for support, one of these politicians, you see, i will not name the name, wrote this morning in his telegram, well, it is very offensive to me... words, he evaluated this photo, said again, someone wants something there, well, breed, i do to put it mildly, than he expressed, this photo only says that in ukraine everyone, everyone, including those people, and politicians, and generals, who have some special places of their own, a special opinion, but if they are aware of their responsibility , i note once again, everyone and... both the military and officials, they must now maintain unity, this is our position of the midjlis, and we wanted it so that everyone knew about it, this is how it was in february
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2014, in february march in 2014, we tried to contain ukraine as much as possible crimea, which was already occupied and they were waiting for the only one, well, such a very, well, open and frank one. the code of all ukrainian politicians, and they were sitting here in kyiv and engaged in other issues, including handing out briefcases, here they were handing out briefcases, and there there were columns of russian soldiers scattered all over crimea, on all roads, in all corners of crimea, i would never i did not want to see such things again in my life, uh, mr. refate, it is very important to be aware of what is happening in the temporarily occupied crimea, he is also... feverish from this pre-election period, forgive the lord, in march they have to reassign putin there, and the local gauleiters
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are also trying to somehow manifest themselves and say that vova moldovan konstantina is already actually the goblin on the fifth step, when we talk about the goblin, we remind you that this is the occupation head of the so-called crimea, aksyonov, can we add fuel to the fire, that is, we understand that we can and should use any levers of influence in order to to destabilize the situation, in particular and in occupation administrations, what can we do? well, look, frogs and vipers, and in this situation i won't say anything, and i will only repeat what i already seem to have said just a few minutes ago, not a couple, but dozens of well-aimed strikes on military facilities in the crimea. on those ships that are still terrified there and are hiding somewhere in these different crimean estuaries, and they are scattering them on novorossiya, on feodosia, already in
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sevastopol practically, but they have torn apart this squadron of ships, blows, blows must already be done on the bridge, this is the umbilical cord , which crimea is mentally held, let's say, in putin's mind. and its surroundings, as soon as two or three spans of this bridge collapse, think that crimea has already been liberated. thank you for such words, mr. ryfat, ryfatega, well , i think that you too, well, not too, you are the first to analyze such news, in london , the occupying ex-governor of sevastopol, dimitriy ovsyannikov, was arrested, what can you say about this? that of this creature? well, here our law enforcement agencies and diplomats need to monitor the situation very much, so far, that's it
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he is not in danger of such a thing. we could well hope that he will be extradited to ukraine, he was arrested for violating the sanctions regime, which was also imposed against him personally, he was not just the gauleiter of sevastopol, but before that he was, it seems, the deputy minister of which ministry, it seems, of industry, i i don't remember it very well, and then he was sent to work by this occupation geulaiter. authorities in sevastopol, then he was removed with a scandal, well, of course, these are russian, you understand, seekers of their spiritual scraps, they are looking for their scraps everywhere, and supposedly they declare all the neighboring lands as their russian lands, and as soon as they are taken by the ass, they immediately run to the west, which they allegedly opposed, so if it were in the west
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, well. .. would have a little more sense than the one they use, i, well , unfortunately, i am already moving into diplomacy, then they should now turn to the general prosecutor's office of ukraine so that we urgently provide the documents that confirm that this person has committed crimes against the ukrainian state directly, if they do not do so, then in the general prosecutor's office, i think they have already done it, well, if they have not done it, then it is already very unprofessional, i just want to remind you that about ovsyannikov... we in our heider's programs have already been mentioned several times, in particular in the context of the fact that in 2022 this person actually achieved the lifting of european union sanctions in great britain, in particular, that is, we already have a very dangerous precedent when a person in connection with the alleged she lost hers position, gets rid of, well, let's say this, this sanctioning influence, which she deserved,
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as if... with her colleagues with this opinion, but this is really very serious, because if we just don't just receive blows when they are inflicted on us, and in order for us to inflict it ourselves, i think that it is simply necessary to ask a journalistic question to the general prosecutor's office, whether they had time immediately after the message came that this ... person, who is a direct criminal against ukraine, was detained, or whether we have already prepared and sent documents so that he can be issued to us in ukraine , absolutely, so we will definitely ask, because if it really hasn't been done, it's simple, well , let's keep quiet on this topic for now, until we know for sure, so on february 20 there should be some kind of court decision in great britain on this matter yes, just on the day when russia
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began to occupy the crimea. so it seems 20 no 20th 20th they yes they started they they they they started a long time ago long before 2014 in the 18th century and cognitive occupation and thank you very much mr. refate for what you despite the circumstances, refak chubarov, the head of the medjalis of the crimean tatar people, who is currently located, managed to join. on the way , as we understand, from the hague, from the meeting of the un court, where literally yesterday they made a decision regarding ukraine's lawsuit against the russian federation, i think that we will definitely still discuss it with the lawyers, we just have to ask for sure, well, we will do it in veter, a person joins us, as mr. ryfat chubarov joined, and ryfat chubarov, you know, sometimes it is not necessary to see, but it is necessary to hear well, and if
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it's good to hear what ryfat aga chuvarov said , many thoughts arise, i think in our viewers, regarding several topics that we have already touched on and will continue to discuss, i just take the opportunity to note that an important event this week , which is connected with crimea, is the release of yevhen karakashev, a crimean activist convicted in russia from yevpatori, who was released from the balashov prison of the saratov region of the russian federation after six. years of imprisonment, this was reported earlier by his acquaintances, an acquaintance, and i understand that we now we will look for opportunities to contact a person who, unfortunately, had to miss the deadline, and therefore, it is interesting to talk to a person, if he can, of course, it is so interesting to talk to a person...


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