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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EET

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a breakthrough in europe was possible, and soviet plans included the use of tactical nuclear weapons. without the use of tactical nuclear weapons, the soviet union did not consider the possibilities and chances of actually breaking through the line there in the corridor in the area of ​​fulda in germany and also breaking through to the exit to denmark, as they planned to block the baltic sea, and then to the south actually through the balkans and further or to france, that is. they did not consider the scenario that it will not be possible to break through otherwise than with the help of tactical nuclear weapons, so the west considered the scenario of the active use of aviation in the doctrine of airland battle in order to counter and strike, where did the idea come from to produce a10 attack aircraft, warthogs, the so-called american ones, it was the idea that the west decided that they were not can compete then with the soviet... union in artillery and
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in tanks, and it is necessary to compete with air strikes, and therefore they considered that if the soviet union resorted to the use of tactical nuclear weapons, for example, with its tulips, ah, artillery means, the west will respond with tactical nuclear weapons , aviation, well, it will strike at them, and accordingly, you understand, all the concepts that followed, they did not foresee the large use of artillery, they never produced it, that's why it was planned that way -e in the conduct of hostilities, but i will tell you that history shows that this very approach that i spoke of, that the west monitored and assessed the degree of threat earlier in the cold war, and now they assess it differently, and they rethink, and they are capable quite quickly, flexibly adapt to the changes that arise, and therefore, if now the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi... writes that drones play
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a role and, for example, robotic systems play a role, they also read it, they also look, they monitor, they study the ukrainian experience, and they will adapt it to themselves, and they will produce more, it's just a matter of time. and one more short question, if you can in a minute, give me an answer, the dprk ordered, kimchinin in kender ordered to intensify the preparation navy before the war. is it possible to develop events there? now no , in fact, the activation is clear, they are waiting for putin, and the dprk now wants russia to help them improve their own fleet , especially in terms of submarines, submarine programs, underwater torpedoes and missiles that can potentially carry nuclear warheads, and it seems to me that it is precisely in this context that it is now a check, an assessment, because they are waiting for... serious
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help from russia, precisely in this, thank you, thank you, mr. oleksandr, it was oleksandr musienko, friends, we are working live on the channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, if you are watching us there now, please like this video, subscribe to our pages, and vote in our poll, we are asking you today about such as whether there are problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, this survey will be in the second part of our program, now we will look at the interim results of this survey. 87% yes, 13 no - these are the results of a television poll. in the second part of our program, we will have a journalistic one club. our guests will be bohdan butkevich, oleksiy mustafin and tetiana vysotska. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. presenters that many have become like
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relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between. ukraine and poland, topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's let's make it up they help to understand the present. a project for those who care and
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think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. greetings, friends, this is the verdict program, we are working live, my name is serhiy rudenko, today in the program: resignation of an employee in the ukrainian and western media, media coverage of personnel rotations, why is the president's office losing information wars? the eu sends a signal, financial aid in the amount of 50 million. relations between the authorities and journalists are getting worse, are there problems with freedom of speech in ukraine? we work live on the tv channel, as well
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on our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on social networks, please like this video, subscribe to our pages, and most importantly, take. in our survey, today we ask you about the following: are there problems with freedom of speech in ukraine? yes no please vote on youtube either yes or no write your comment under this video if you have an opinion if you watch us on tv then please call if you see problems with freedom of speech , 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, i want to introduce the guests of today's studio, today i have journalists as guests, and these are my colleagues, bohdan butkevich, tv and radio presenter. bohdan, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you. i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, your audience. tatyana vysutska, our correspondent in european
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structures. mrs. tatyana, good evening. greetings, serhiy, good evening. thank you for participating in the program. oleksiy mustafin, historian, publicist, tv producer, mr. oleksiy, i'm you congratulations and thank you for being with us today. good evening. well, since we, colleagues, are asking our viewers whether there are problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, i will ask you so that our tv viewers understand what the journalists themselves actually think about freedom of speech and what what kind of situation are you and i working with? bohdan, please. i believe that they definitely exist for the simple reason that we are in favor. well, on the one hand, there are those that are, in principle , due to the war, although again, unfortunately, the current government did not build there are no normal strategic communications and normal military censorship, which should definitely be there, instead we have an absolute mess in information policy, that is, when it is necessary, unfortunately, the ukrainian state
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is silent or cannot normally respond to challenges, the last case of zil-76 being shot down , this is a textbook example, on the other hand, the authorities continue to hold on to absolute bastards. in other words, the format of the united telethon, which is already frankly harmful, is not even just a matter of freedom of speech, or, for example, that there is simply no news as such on a telethon, because everything is recorded there, as on russian television , make sure that, god forbid, someone does not say something live on the air, this is simply a question of the lack of normal public information about what is happening to him at all, and this is happening at the expense of the state, it is unacceptable, and of course one of the most unpleasant things in terms of freedom of speech is the direct pressure of the authorities through... their structures on objectionable journalists and, of course, the way they treat and president zelenskyi personally to his own communication with the ukrainian media, i would like to remind you that volodymyr zelenskyi, like in principle all his entourage, hardly communicates with the ukrainian media, instead they communicate only with western journalists, and of course, in my opinion, this is absolutely
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unacceptable , so yes, there are huge problems with freedom of speech. thank you, bohdan, oleksiy, do you think there is a problem with freedom of speech in ukraine now? i think that people who watch with... and we don't have another audience at the moment, well understand what freedom is the word in ukraine is a problem, given the way they watch espress, because the question of not allowing the channel, actually limiting their broadcasting, which is already, well, it is not not a week, not a month, but years have already passed, how do these problems exist, and the fact that... well, you know, yes, talk, talk, you don't disturb us, no one even says a word about what is happening, well, in this particular situation, it shows that we have freedom of speech the problem, on the other hand, is
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definitely affected by war, it is not a natural environment for zmi, although zmi have perform its function in any conditions. but on the other hand, even before the direct invasion of russia, we know how the current government treated the media, they started by saying that they do not need journalists. and now i see that more bets are placed on telegram channels, if we talk about the influence on the audience, well, i don't think that, that is, i think that people who are only engaged in the marathon are smart enough to understand that this is this phenomenon no longer cannot influence the audience and define it, so to speak, few people get positions and otras through food. marathon information, and if so, then this is no longer a problem, then this is no longer a media phenomenon, well
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, the question here is whether telegram channels can cover the large audience that is usually covered by television, for example, in ukraine , this is the first, and secondly, of course, you mentioned the espresso tv channel, we have been outside t2 for the second year, well, for two years already, that is, we were thrown out of there as the fifth channel, and the direct channel, for some reason we... did we go to petro poroshenko's pool and considering that we were dust workers, dust workers, and we were simply taken and thrown away, no one even understood who was there the owner, does anyone have a relationship with this channel or does anyone not, well, they just threw it away and that's it. tatyana, do you think there are problems with freedom of speech in ukraine? well, personally, i have been working abroad in recent years, and even more so with express, where there is no censorship and restrictions. therefore, i do not see any problems for myself personally, but i see in ukraine
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a distortion, one might say, of the information space, when in fact real journalism is moving somewhere to the side, absolutely non-journalistic work is going ahead, a big marathon, which is already practically no one is watching, and so if i were to say that i am more and more pleased that every day more and more people are telling me what we saw... on espresso, that is, people are starting to look for options, people stop watching the marathon and switch to independent media , and this is good. well, it's good that we are being watched. colleagues, i would like to talk to you about this whole story with the resignation of zaluzhny, forgive me, perhaps this topic has already been fully discussed in various configurations, at various venues, including international ones media, but still. this story is telling, because we saw
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an information attack on zaluzhnyi for 5 days, but this information attack was so organized that bloggers and journalists, who surely knew that zaluzhnyi was meeting with zelensky in monday and that it had already been decided there... that zaluzhny was resigning from the post of commander-in -chief of the armed forces of ukraine, or that he was simply being pushed to leave, er, could the situation have developed in any other way in a way, taking into account the fact that the resignation, even if it is postponed in time, of the head of the armed forces of ukraine, is such an irritating issue for ukrainian society, and no one in the president's team can probably calculate. what consequences can this resignation actually lead to and
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what will this result be? oleksiy, you are a person who knows information and political technologies, what do you say about what party the president's office has been playing for the past five days , because literally an hour ago, the verkhovna's bet ended commander in chief it seems that something had to be decided there too, and here there is information that the laborer there reported on the rate of the supreme chief, there are no questions, but the questions remain, well, you know what game is being played, so now the situation can be defined in such a way, i.e. any situations are... "on the one hand, it is obvious that the disagreements between zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi are already
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open, and knowing the manner of the president, they are not very good people, mr. oleksiyu, very bad, i apologize, bad, bad the connection, mr. oleksiy, we will sort it out now we will redial you, because we have problems on the air with the sound . " this story has been going on for a very long time, it has been going on for a long time, it has been going on since 2000, since the summer of june 2022, even since april, these are not my words, these are the journalists of ukrainian pravda who even wrote in the article that when mr. yermak essentially returned to management , i don't know the country, but volodymyr zelenskyi is so accurate, he is the first thing began, let's say, to put him on
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the head, the question is that, let's say, everyone perfectly understands that zelenskyi usually attributes to the zaluzhny some... political ambitions, which in reality did not exist, but there are simply concepts, of course, understandable ratings in which the rating of trust in zaluzhny, i emphasize not the political rating, these are different things, trust is not a political rating, but who cares, so the political rating of trust in zaluzhny is consistently higher than that of zelenskyi, plus don't forget that the president's office constantly measures and political ratings, yes, political ratings, as far as i know, in the last month it has already happened that even in the first, roughly speaking, conditionally round, if even the poor wanted to participate in them, and by the way, yes... there is no desire did not express , well, but anyway, even in the first round he is already defeating zelensky, this is unacceptable for him, this is, firstly, secondly, it is necessary to understand that in the president's office they are panickingly afraid to give may 20, that is, the moment , when volodymyr's official term ends zelenskyi, because unlike the verkhovna rada, which wants to sit out its mandate, but it has a very important
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clause in the law on the verkhovna rada, which clearly states that the term of office of the previous, well, verkhovna rada ends at the beginning. term of the next one, instead, in the law , there is nothing like that, which this means, it means, it can become about the certainty of zelensky’s stay, because of this moment, that in the office of the president, the ideology of the terrible junta, that the scumbag wants to kill everyone there, seize power, and so on, i i have no doubt that this is behind it mr. yarmak, who tells that only tatarov can save volodymyr oleksandrovich, what next? it’s happening, they , plus, let’s face it, they understand perfectly well that sooner or later they will have to hold elections anyway, accordingly, the sooner they remove the hard worker from his position, the sooner , as they think, it will happen to him like aristovych, so they say, aristovych was already popular, and we removed him and that's all, and he was deflated, but the same goes for the hard-working people, he should be removed sooner, so that means, you know, they don't respect people, they think that people are fish
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guppies, who are like, like, put away something from under their eyes, but they immediately forgot, well... well , what you and i saw on monday is, unfortunately, a classic, and now we continue to see it the classic method, the bastard method of such, you know, management named after vladimir oleksandrovich, what does it consist of, it consists in what it means, like, we try to discard all the negativity even in the dismissal of the industrious one on himself, that is , the idea was that he will come, they will press him, he will agree, he will write a statement himself, he refused, and the information i immediately got out about it, but then you saw the poor attempts of volodymyr zelenskyi and his entourage. somehow lower this story and also make guilty those who wrote absolutely real insiders about what happened there, unfortunately, this is more terrible in this story, it is not even that they are trying to release zaluzhny, after all, listen, for everything already zelenskyi is personally responsible, zelenskyi is also personally responsible for the release of zaluzhnyi, but how is this done, that is, the whole country is in a state of frustration for 5 days, i am already silent
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about the fact that in most people this causes one reaction, that hope is taken away from us, victory will be stolen from us, we will be taken away in general. belief in the fact that something can be normal, but how it is done is done with maximum disrespect for people, that is, through their telegram trash cans of all kinds of equals and co, they constantly dump a bunch of unverified information in order to cause some rejections, and then say, here you see, here you see, in fact nothing happened, nothing happened, you are lying, you are lying, you know nothing, here are your journalists, they are all stupid, stupid, and we are the only ones who know everything, we are the most intelligent, you understand, and this is simply a crime, we are not even fired without merit, and i will repeat how much disrespect and outright contempt this is done to to all people, i 'm honest, friends, i'm asking you to remember not only that, they'll still be fired, i have no doubts about it, but here's how it's done, you understand what's in it in fact , the real attitude of these people to
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the people of ukraine is manifested, that is, to such, you know, speechless biomass, which should just nod its mane and read from the dead... garbage people, what a bunch of these, i won't say bad words on the air, so that, well, although i don't know if the public can have any complaints against you, but well, that is, this is a very beautiful picture, i have no doubt that they will still return to this story in the near future, because the problem they have is precisely because they believe that he should be removed right now, before he suddenly goes to some political party a story like this, thank you bohdan, oleksiy, please so i'll just go back to where i started, that's really it. pisses, if we talk about the game and chess terminology , with the term tsuksvan, when each, every move is a losing one, both from a political and from a human point of view, because... yes, of course, the popularity of the hard-working is high, but to compare the popularity of the hard-working with the popularity of aristovych is absurd, because aristovych is
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a media figure, absolutely, who existed only in the media space, zaluzhny is not a media figure, more precisely, he is the last media figure, er, he, if we talk about his political weight, it already exists , it has already been formed... by reputation, a large support group has already been formed in society, and if we consider him as a political competitor, then any move should be left behind, it means that he is the figure of an equal president , that is, he obviously no longer hides his collusions with the president, and the president cannot influence him, dismiss him, this means that in fact it is possible... as they say, you do not hold elections, because a person goes to the peak of his, his popularity, a person, which proved that she can do something and not something, but
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do something very big, well, then all the responsibility is transferred to zelenskyi and whoever he appoints, regardless, it’s still up to zelenskyi, and the hard-working one finds himself in a free political position, he has full freedom of maneuver . therefore, nothing can be done about it, it cannot be done, and i would not say that they want to release him earlier, because it reduces the chances of a meritorious person for the future, no, i will not reduce it at all, and the risk is very high , because the situation is difficult both militarily and in politically in the country, i do not think that the government can. completely disregarding the reaction of society and even the way they tried to silence this story shows that in fact it
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is forced to listen to the opinion of society, no matter how much it would like it, after all, this is not russia in our country, and secondly one more factor is very important, everyone understood why she came, and it is obvious that now... everything pretends that nothing happened, this is a throw-in through telegram channels, which means that the position of our allies is clear, they are not are interested in the fact that any conflicts, disagreements arise now , especially if some kind of political game is being played out in ukraine, in such a situation that ukraine is in, in a state of war, we see what problems arise in europe and the united states, when political ones start to play there. how it affects the situation of ukraine, all the more, obviously they understand that it is not the time now, it is in ukraine itself. thank
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you oleksiy, tatyana, this week you watched what happened at the european union summit, and it all happened, what happened in to ukraine, all this information, shall we say, information support of this. of the conflict, which is still outside the borders there, outside the walls of bankova street, outside the walls of the president's office, already at that time the world media had passed on how, in europe and in the european union, how they reacted to it, that is, whether they see unity in ukraine or they are ready to support this unity, they have allocated the money, it is clear that they want to see... the projected government, they do not want this government to quarrel with each other, civil and military, so that everyone goes to victory together, otherwise, then why do they need to help ukraine if this government
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quarrels among itself. absolutely, for western partners, these are all these political games, false rumors, this is absolutely out of time, because if at the time, when somewhere in ukraine under the influence of the bank , media leaks and rumors are being prepared, then the european leaders discussed how to actually save ukraine and the ukrainian budget for the next four years, because the ukrainian budget cannot survive without a subsidy from the west. orban called ukraine a bankrupt state yesterday and today, it's a bit too much, but it's part of it there is truth in this, without western money, ukraine will not survive, will not last, and therefore it is extremely unpleasant for everyone. on our western partner, to see in zmi messages about such and such political conflicts , about zelenskyi's plans, to remove the scumbag, not to remove the scumbag, my colleague very correctly said
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that everything is equal... in the eyes of the world, in the eyes of the west, zelenskyi is responsible for everything , what is happening in ukraine, and if he does not show this kind of integrity, command of the ukrainian authorities, then this affects very badly the general perception of ukraine in the world, on trust in ukraine, on trust in the ukrainian authorities, and god knows with the ukrainian authorities, but this is trust in us, this is our support, this is our future, the future of our war, our victory, so it is very important that... . the ukrainian authorities have finally realized that right now is the absolutely wrong time for political games and manipulations, we need to think about unity, we need to think about war, we need to think about some government of national unity, how can this be done, we need to think about serious things, and not about games is it yours? the opinion is only about political jealousy and about the future of the same zelenskyi or
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zaluzhnyi. or in principle without the future of ukraine and without a peaceful future , without a victorious future, about political ratings and political prospects, well , there is no point in talking, absolutely, there is no point in talking about politics, if the future of the state is at stake, we need to talk about where to get more , where to get more ammunition, where to get more weapons, where to get more funds, because these 50... that we were promised for four years is not enough to maintain the same level of development of ukraine as it has been in the last two years, so if the opinion in the west is unanimous that the ukrainian government should have some single thought-out, normal , logical voice, and all these political battles now look absolutely inappropriate against the background of those events taking place at the front. well,
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but all this happens in the background'. the existence of a single telethon, the existence of some telegram errors on which the government bets, and, let's say, problems with freedom words in almost all journalists in one way or another, and this week our colleagues met with the ambassadors of the big seven, what happened there behind closed doors, only those who were there know, and they somehow do not share it very much. perhaps, bohdan, you do you know something about what, what, what, what they talked about, because if the ambassadors of the big seven pay attention to this and give a public signal to the authorities, well, we see, including our colleague vitaly portnikov at this meeting, although well , what they said remained true behind closed doors, that is, even we did not manage to find out
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what they were talking about, the ambassadors told them, what do you think, the topic of freedom of speech and the topic of what is happening with freedoms in ukraine, despite the fact that there is a state of war, or is it will be the main topic in the further communication of the political leadership of ukraine with our western partners, well, i do not know what happened at this meeting, i will say right away, i was not invited there, it was me... i absolutely did not want to be there, although, honestly saying considering i'm one of the main characters constant sketches of the bank’s garbage dumpsters, then it would be possible to invite, for example, some people who have orders from zelensky were present there, it surprised me a little, well, less so, it’s a matter of europeans, who to meet, less however, it is not the surnames that are important here, the fact itself is important here, i absolutely agree with you, i am sure that first of all, this was a public story, this photo
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was clearly taken in order to show. the authorities, as they say, we are vigilant, plus, let's not forget, there is an informal, let's say, communication, i want to draw your attention, dear colleagues, dear viewers, to one very interesting fact, today is friday, yes, on wednesday evening, zelensky dismissed a very interesting character, the head of the so-called department of national statehood protection of the security service of ukraine, what kind of structure is this, this is a structure that, even according to its official powers, is responsible for, let's say this. media content analysis, i.e. they follow the media, even officially, well not officially, of course, when necessary, they also follow even without any rd, i will remind you that by a very interesting coincidence, the three people who learned that they were the ones who came to the apartment of our colleague yuri nikalov, they were allegedly hired by a person who directly said that he is from the sbu.


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