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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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the fact itself, i completely agree with you, i am sure that first of all, this was a public story, this photo was clearly taken in order to show the authorities that they were saying that we are watching, plus let's not forget, it is informal, let's say so, communication, i want to draw your attention, dear colleagues, dear viewers, to one very interesting fact, today is friday, and on wednesday evening zelensky dismissed from his position a very interesting character, the head of the so-called department of national defense statehood, services security of ukraine, what? for a structure, this is a structure that, even according to its official powers, is responsible for, let's say, content analysis of the media, that is, they monitor the media even officially, well, not officially , of course, when they need to monitor and even without any rd. i will remind you that by a very interesting coincidence, the three people who learned that they were the ones who came to the apartment of our colleague yuriy nikalov, and they were allegedly hired by a person who directly said that he was from the sbu. and as for ours
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colleagues from bigusinfo, i think you perfectly remember the story about 30 rils, i cannot call these creatures any other way, because even from the point of view of the quality of the actions of the special services, this is simply complete incompetence, that is, 30 people who came to the rooms, where the next day the journalists came to the corporate party, they set up the cameras, and a day after the journalists left, they drove again with all their might and filmed these cameras, and if you suddenly did not notice, friends, then bigus immediately took pictures of the faces of these people, he's been searching all day today... the last faces of those who were there , that is, specifically, who it was, and therefore, let's say this , according to my information that was provided to me, in fact , this dznd was engaged in this whole dirty operation, including there were not only representatives of this department, departments of even others, for example, the k-sbu department, as my sources tell me, well, less so, the important thing here is that this dismissal of the head of the dznd is absolutely not accidental, by the way, it happened literally a day after it was made and a photo of ambassadors with journalists j7, which you just... that is
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, what we are talking about now, about what clearly the west has very clearly shown, let's say this, the media, how to say it, to medias with banking, with reduced social responsibility, who were engaged in the orders of such dirty, stupid, you know, provocations in the style of viktor yanukovych in the 13th year, in principle, this does not surprise me, taking into account that the entire entourage of volodymyr zelenskyi is essentially the service of the party of regions, that is , all of them are away from yermak, tatarov, smirnov. but they are these people from there, therefore, in principle, they have methods the same ones operate, so i think that this dismissal of this head of the dznd is the best confession about who was the customer and who was absolutely, certainly imbecile, but the executor of these attacks on journalists, so look, i just want to say , you know, the only thing that saves us from complete authoritarianism in our country now is that, fortunately, these five or six effective managers, which volodymyr zelenskyi pointed out at his press conference, are actually very... unskilled and sorry,
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incompetent people who can't even normal provocation against journalists to order and order such performers who do such things. i will remind you that very soon an investigation will be released on bilgosinfo, in which i hope the names of all these fine operatives, most likely those who participated in these provocations, will be named, so now the president's office, in its signature style , is trying to make sure that the cow is not mine, not mine, and it wasn't me, and we are generally dismissing the manager. nd, because he did not investigate and did not help our journalists, did not protect ours golden shark feathers from some incomprehensible customers, who could it be, it’s scary to imagine, you see, i’m just curious who this, well, you know, this level of sloppy telegrams, such rhetoric, such communication with people, is intended for, if they think, that it will come, well, they are very wrong, but i will say the worst last and finish, i am sure that with the approach, i repeat, the date of may 20, 2024 .
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the roof of volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi and his entourage will be destroyed more and more, because there will be more and more fear, so i will not i doubt that these provocations will continue. if you ask me if the telethon will be canceled, no, they won't, if you ask me if the president's office will stop doing this telegram garbage, no, it won't, if the president's office will stop holding a meeting with instagram bloggers to be trendy and will influence young minds, no, it will not stop, because this is flesh from the flesh of these people, they are different. will never become, therefore, unfortunately, until the moment when they, unfortunately, represent the power in ukraine, they will to continue such actions, that's it, thank you bohdan, it was bohdan butkevich, it was us, colleagues , let's take a short break, we say goodbye to bohdan, to oleksiy and to tatyana, we will continue our conversation after a short pause on the channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you.
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live news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political... season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot, freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. it is the news that will analyze the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 on espresso. the great ether of vasyl zima, this is the great ether,
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my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. right now... well, let 's talk more, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now about what happened in the world, yuliy fizar will talk in more detail, yuliy, good evening, please, i have two hours to talk to you so that keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during war, oleksandr morchenko with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.
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a separate platoon of unmanned aircraft of sapsan complexes, state special transport service. he appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request. join the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you! glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! friends, we are working live, this is the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko. today, during our broadcast, we ask you about whether there are problems with freedom of speech in ukraine. if you watch us on youtube. everything is quite simple, either yes or no, write your option in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv 0.800 211 381, if you see problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, no 0800 211 38020, calls to these numbers are
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free, call us, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, we have tetyana vysotska on the phone today and oleksiy mustafi. bohdan butkevich , unfortunately, left our air, he has his own affairs, and we continue the conversation with our colleagues, well, actually, i already mentioned the aid of 50 billion euros from the european union, volodymyr zelenskyi called it financial guarantees for social of stability and a clear signal to moscow that europe stands firm and is united in the struggle. with the aggressor, let's listen to what zelensky said. now it is important that the distribution of these funds takes place by analogy with the previous format of support. the first two tranches,
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we need a larger amount, 18 billion euros per year. and then the stability of the state will be greater. the teams of ukraine and the european union will work on this issue. tatiana, you watched the european union summit and how it all happened, you already mentioned orban, who is quite ambiguous about ukraine and comments what is happening in ukraine, do they understand in europe that this money is absolutely necessary for ukraine, because there were discussions, and it is clear that hungary also said something against it and ... slovakia, then, actually, it was decided in favor of ukraine and quite quickly. what influenced this? it is absolutely certain that in europe the leaders of the european states understand that this aid is vital
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for ukraine, especially given that the united states of america has not yet agreed on allocating any aid to ukraine for 2024. and just yesterday and the president charles michel of the european commission, and the president of the european council, of course charles michel, and the president of the european commission, ursula fondeyan, spoke about yesterday's decision. of the european council is also a signal for the united states of america to finally do something, to finally come to an agreement among themselves and also provide support to ukraine, because the victory of ukraine, the survival of ukraine is a vital issue for the european union as well, because they all perfectly understand, especially the baltic states and poland, that if ukraine, god forbid god will not win, but lose, then they will be the next victims of the kremlin, and eh... it is not for nothing that nato is currently conducting the largest military exercises since the end
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of the cold war, they also want to send a signal to russia that they are ready, they are not they are afraid, they are preparing for a possible attack, but of course the fact that money was allocated to ukraine yesterday is very important, it is important for ukraine, it is important for europe, it is important for the whole world, and even the fact that orban agreed, it is interesting to him... argumentation for the internal consumer, he gave today gave an interview to the hungarian radio and said, saying: i managed to prevent hungarian money from going to ukraine, and it looks a little funny, because hungary has always been a recipient state from the european budget, that is, it always gives to the european budget much more than accepts, but nevertheless orbán agreed, and it's all very well, the next round is... now negotiations with the european parliament, and at the end of this month there will be
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a vote by which the european parliament must finally approve the allocation of 50 billions of euros. will wait. well, on february 3, ukraine's negotiations with the european union countries begin, regarding ukraine's accession to the european union, that is, we are standing on the threshold of very important ones. decisions on the part of european countries and it is very important for us to see whether europe actually accepts us into its family or not. oleksiy, these are the internal issues that we talked about with you, and the history of the civil and military leadership of ukraine, and problems with freedom of speech, how much internal politics and the internal situation will affect the attitude towards us. with on the part of the european union, will all these issues be re-articulated or
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will these issues be treated more harshly already after our victory, when ukraine will not be in a state of war, pardon the taftology of the state, already in the post-victory period. well , look, if we talk about the beginning of accession negotiations. to the european union, the question here is not whether we are ready or not to join the european union; ukraine is accepted in the state in which it should be in order to be a member of the european union. and this situation with orban, just once again emphasizes that the demands of the european union to ukraine, they have not yet been taken. as tusk said, europe is not tired of ukraine, there is tiredness. to orbán, but the behavior inside the country
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is stressful precisely because they don't want to keep another orbán in their ranks, because while the country is negotiating its accession, it can be treated more harshly, make demands , and so on. when it enters the european union, it is transformed, if it is not reformed and not brought to the state of a truly democratic country, then a headache begins, as in an organ. therefore , the victory of ukraine is definitely important for the european union, but if it is in the context of accession, it will not be a quick process either. it is still a requirement that ukraine be a democratic country in which all the rules of stable democracies are observed, in particular in the matter of political leadership and the issue of compliance with the constitution. including the elections and in the matter of freedom of speech, it is very important and, let's say, to expect that
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it will be automatically credited to us, it's just, let's say, too risky, so actually, as in the situation with the story with the resignation of the employee, we take it in quotes for the time being, and in the story with pressure on the press, in both cases the stack is valid, in the first case... the land comes to tell, it reminded me, actually, in a little bit of a change situations, when you remember , johnson was coming, when he arrived, when uh... some talks started there about painful compromises with russia, so now he is coming, the same is the meeting of ambassadors with media representatives, i basically guess what they were talking about , and actually it is not a big secret, about what the ukrainian media and western
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diplomats always say that it is important for ukraine to win, but it is important... to win as a democratic country in which freedom of speech is respected, but in fact, this is a gesture, first of all, it is not important, not so important, what was discussed at these conversations, it is possible to record that the diplomats of the big sinka are on the side of freedom of speech, on the side of the media, and in fact, even the selection of those people who were invited to this conversation shows that on whose side the media actually are our allies if we want with... normal allied relations with the countries of the west, a collective west , the russians say, then we should stop trying to lead them astray, we must adhere to the obligations that we have assumed, we, i mean ukraine, thank you,
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thank you oleksiy, tatiana, are these the signals sent by the ambassadors of the big seven to the ukrainian authorities? they are read by the ukrainian authorities, whether it is clear to zelensky and his team that, in principle, journalists should communicate, that there is no need to organize surveillance, throw in some questionable nature of information about journalists, is it clear to the current ukrainian authorities? and i want to note that the requirement to have a free media - freedom of the media - is one of the requirements for granting and one of the conditions for granting ukraine 50 billion euros, because 50 billion euros are given to ukraine for a reason, in exchange for reforms, and the mention of freedom of the media is in the document even adopted yesterday in the european council, but i want to add that still now, as of now
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, the war is helping the ukrainian authorities in this regard, because if not war, then the west would talk... to the banks with completely different words and different rhetoric , but since the war is going on now, many things that the ukrainian authorities are doing, including, unfortunately, oppressing journalists, are turning a blind eye, and how yesterday, one of the european officials said that at the beginning of the implementation of the ukrainian reform plan, which will be adopted after that, how to decide to give ukraine 50 billion euros, the demands at the beginning... will be weaker, but the demands will be stronger and stronger every month, that is, we still have carte blanche because there is a war, because they turn a blind eye, but as time goes on, there will be more claims to the authorities from the west, including in the sphere of freedom of speech. thank you tetyana, it was tetyana vysutska, our correspondent in european structures,
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oleksiy mustafin, historian, publicist, tv producer and bohdan butkevich were our guests today, i thank everyone. with participation in the program, during our broadcast , we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether there are problems with freedom in ukraine words, now let's look at the results of the survey, 88% of those who watched us on tv said that there are problems with freedom of speech, 12% believe that there are no such problems, on youtube it is about the same proportions, 85% of people believe that there are problems with freedom of speech. in ukraine no 15%. friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like this video so that it can be trended on youtube, we will appreciate it. it was the verdict program, it was conducted by serhiy rudenko, i wish you all good health, a good weekend, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye.
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welcome to the espresso channel. today , the main topic of our program "war and weapons" was determined by the new speaker honkomanovich valery zaluzhny. she appeared on the resource of the cnn company, someone called it a column. but it's actually a big and really conceptual article called "the changing design of war". in it, golkonych valery zaluzhny says that... for each war, it is necessary to find its own unique strategy and logic, which will allow to find a way to victory already in new conditions, it is quite symptomatic that... zaluzhny traditionally uses powerful foreign media to convey his thoughts and concepts, and ironically
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, the same cnn reported literally the day before yesterday that this week president zelensky will remove valery zaluzhny from the post of holocommander, why, why, what will this matter, let's say so , political psychological level, here in the article called the changing design of war, it is about ... purely military plans and challenges that face our armed forces, and which must be implemented in order to have success on the battlefield, including, in particular , the creation of, for example, a completely new state system of technological rearmament, which can be achieved in as little as 5 months, writes zaluzhnyi, saying that our partners share the same opinion. so, what does the holo-commander have in mind when he prepared and wrote and published such a rather difficult to understand article, how does it correlate with the amount of foreign aid, the strategic
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plans of our partners and the capabilities of our defense industry? we will talk about all this with professional experts and industrialists in our company the war and weapons program. my name is serhiy zgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which is currently working together with kanalamixpress. highlight the most relevant trends in the life of our army and the defense-industrial complex, and now we are joined by oleksiy yizhak, an expert of the national institute of strategic studies. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. in return, i congratulate you. have you had a chance to read zaluzhny's article, because there are many questions about this material. and, i just looked, i had it for today. it is intended to be read, simply because of work it will be necessary, i just looked through, as a political phenomenon, such an article? well, if we talk
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about the article first, then about the article as a political phenomenon, why did it appear just now, why did it appear in foreign media and, in fact, why can we consider that this article offers a new philosophy of military thinking and a new design in... moves of proof of combat? well, in principle, it has already become popular in such publications, i will remind you that it started with an economist, there was an article by izaluzhny, then there was an article by the president of the supreme commander-in-chief, an article by the director of foreign intelligence that was not yet noticed, now cnn has gone, i would say cnn is less important. it's still more politics, because cnn, well, it 's very popular, but the level of trust, of course, is not the same as in the economist, because
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the economist is what the elites read in the morning, cnn is what shapes such a public consciousness, and perhaps now is the time to convey to such public a more public understanding. in the west that is happening in ukraine, including in the context, in the context of those electoral processes that have begun there in the united states, i do not rule out that this will also be explained to the voters in the united states within the framework of their internal, well, preferences and generally decisions, what is happening in to ukraine, why should ukraine win, although of course this is an article, well, it carries a philosophy, a philosophy of understanding. what is war in modern conditions, in principle, in this respect, perhaps it is timely and well, it can
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be explained by the fact that, in principle, it seems so, if you look at how the signals pass from so the so-called high-quality american forces, they also do not really understand what to do with this war, or to be endlessly in active defense, there is de-occupation, new operations next year, or to start something already before the nato summit, or to give, or not to give, or to others in a way to pass, to pass money and weapons, so among such fluctuations, i think, well, the signal is important that, after all , the russian-ukrainian war is the most important thing now, what is happening in the world in terms of security, all other wars are less important. although it also happens on in the near east, well, i think, in the far east there is a less threatening situation, and this
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war can be won, more also, it seems to me, there is such a signal, well, if, well, if there is no resource for mobilization inside ukraine, limited human resources, well we must also explain to our partners that there is no human resource, there is not enough, we need, we need technology, and anyway, even in such a situation, it is possible to win, i will add a few comments from my own vision, then i have the impression that... actually now zaluzhnyi proposes a concept of the introduction of hostilities, which is focused there on achieving effects, this is a concept that has already been worked out in the united states, and this is actually a third way between a war of attrition and annihilation, which, in principle , now dominates in the perception of the ukrainian-russian war. zaluzhnyi proposes to rise to a level when, in the planning of military operations and the implementation of actions, we
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will focus on... those effects that will influence the enemy's behavior, in particular, as was the case with the use of the same robotic platforms in the black sea, when russia has an advantage, but these technologically asymmetric approaches provide a completely new effectiveness using the limited means that the ukrainian army currently has, it is precisely this approach, as i believe, in this article, but the article in my opinion, it is very difficult to understand, it is rather intended for military experts, for those who understand all these nuances, so i think why such a complex material was exactly presented by the general at the current stage, will it really have that the effect he is counting on, well, it's a little cheesy, but it still seems to me, materials of this class, it's not as powerful as publishing an economist, so there should already be something here, something so professional.
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well, there are some other publications that are designed for specialists, but perhaps we still need to give political signals, and they gave such signals, which were able to be provided by our military, well, on that, well, if we compare our messages with russian, well , our military does not have such a... pr company, well, let me remind you that there is a pool in shiyug there are 200 personal pr staff there, and they are constantly saying something, our armed forces may not yet have such a service that would correctly say in what medium what is needed, what is needed and how to submit it, but in principle , well, in the end, that’s it a combat general with a lot of experience, he says what he knows and... where
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he can, i do not exclude that everything, in principle, those who read this article, they will understand what, well, i would call what i feel in those theses, which theses that are generally heard now, they are also from the side of our partners, they are that even if the front does not move for a long time, there may still be a war, everything around the front may turn and... the outcome of the war may now be determined not only on the front line itself, but by the expansion, the expansion of the zone military operations in depth, and perhaps, in order to expand to the depth, not so many troops are needed, but new technologies are needed, the idea may be that the expansion of military operations to a great depth, proving the fact that we last summer year surrendered somewhat inappropriately on the part of the americans...
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they said that the russians would not be able to keep the occupied territories in peace, but it would also be difficult to de-occupy them, and therefore various other diplomatic options should be considered there, well, maybe it is the same modernization, but with the conclusion that that it is too early to hold negotiations, because the very fact that these territories cannot be held by the russians, and this will force them to change their policy as well, well, this is such a message, it is difficult to convey, but in the end, as our first president said, we have what we have, against the background of this, could this be, conditionally speaking, still a coordinated step with our american partners, because we know that our analytical structures, american structures, are currently engaged in the process of working out something new.


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