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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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machine builders of ukraine. so, what are the conclusions of the technological vision expressed by general zaluzhny, which involves the creation of new approaches at the expense of a significant number of robotic platforms of various purposes, new approaches to their application in order to reduce the burden on personnel , which is currently lacking on the front line, but there are everyday needs from the point of view of the production of armored vehicles, ammunition, other things, part of which our domestic defense can do industrially. but there are also certain disadvantages associated with the lack of long-term ones orders that do not allow us to ensure the purchase, equipment, scaling due to this equipment of products, and this also creates challenges for our defense industry to change precisely at the expense of our own capabilities. i think that all these challenges should be taken into account by the ministry of defense, the general staff and other bodies, so that our defense is stronger, and the potential of our defense is industrial. developed at a fast
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pace, these were the main summaries of this program, stay tuned to the espresso channel! there are discounts on paracitamdarnytsia 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. there are 15% discounts on fairvex in pharmacies plantain bam and. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with... around september,
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saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack. on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: us boring because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think.
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politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on , the verdict: with serhii rudenko
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. which it is the news that will analyze the guests of the project this week, and actually, we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant. special guests, own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso.
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i welcome you, dear tv viewers, on the air of the tv channel, the program studio zahid. we will analyze the most important events of this week and, of course, we will try to predict what the next days will bring us,
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our guests today, oleg rybachuk and colonel vladyslav seleznyov. now on the air oleg hrybachuk, the former head of the presidential secretariat, will work on the espresso tv channel. former vice-prime minister for european integration, co-founder of the honestly movement. glory to ukraine, mr. olezh, i congratulate you. glory to heroes, death to enemies. and then we'll talk. we understand that it is not just a personnel matter, it is a political and, perhaps, geopolitical matter. the foreign press writes much more and much more precisely and in much more detail than the ukrainian press. and we understand that it is more likely to be ripe. big, big internal conflict, which, of course, they will try to sway from all sides, well, first of all , it is about our enemy, so what do you think is happening in the case of the head of the zulzhny and president zelenskyi? i immediately publicly reacted to this situation, and
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it was clear to me, as a person who knows banking, these processes, how it happens there, that the issue of resignation is only a matter of time. that is, the inevitability of resignation is completely clear to me, and to the logical question, how come, what are they thinking there, i can say that every politician has the constitutional right in ukraine and in the world to choose the path of political suicide himself, and the president has this right, this is his constitutional right, no matter how much you and i here analyze the pros and cons about a year ago, as they said. connoisseurs from the inner circle of andriy, well, this is the same andriy yermak, drew the attention of the president and all his friends to the ratings of the hard worker, and they were right, and somehow we did not think, but really, look at what is being done, and now a year has passed and the whispers have ended
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a completely natural result, to count, to try to convince, to hope for something wonder, i would not, well, because well... i repeat, because this is the constitutional right of the president, he has such a right, and as the western media write, conflicts between the top political leadership and the top military are practically an inevitable thing, there are different cultures , different ambitions, different understandings, but in such conflicts the military always loses, well, because the president is the president, he appoints, he fires, here we have nothing to add, public opinion, appeals to western partners, western partners reacted, through the mouth of the spokesman of the white house, well, quite it is predicted that this is your internal ukrainian problem, i already had more than one conversation,
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right in front of you, i talked there with a correspondent from paris, i had several conversations with western agencies, so they understand, they are worried. but they have roughly the same situation, that this is an internal ukrainian problem, and they hope that this problem will be solved with honor, we also understand the risks very well, but i repeat, we are like that here, we are, we are so smart here , the weevils are sitting, i think that there too, well, or not all of them are stupid, i have one question, didn’t they present the option that the hired person will refuse to play along and submit an application, an application table, i don’t understand this for sure, there should be noted communicators, pr specialists, all of them are from god, because if there is a leak, if it happened, i have no doubt that the conversation took place, if such
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a conversation took place, well, it was not possible to foresee that the zaluzhne would refuse and not take this week, which cnn says that this week this resignation will happen, one... in a word, it is clear to me that the script probably didn't go as smoothly as we wanted, it's clear to me that it's a political mistake, i have no doubt about it, i... i don't understand, to be honest, what the people who say, or maybe they they will be upset, who will be upset and what will be upset, as you can imagine , here you are the president, i am your military officer, military right-hand man, chief adviser on defense issues, you call me, tell me about my resignation, i refuse, and then we as nothing happened, we continue to cooperate, this does not happen, this does not happen much more often mature political... institutions, and obviously this cannot be the case in the
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banking atmosphere that currently prevails in this yermachatnyk, who a year ago started talking about ambitions, and again in the ukrainian history of the history of ukrainian presidents, this situation has not been repeated many times, when for example, tymoshenko's conditional imprisonment there obviously promised to be a downfall for yanukovych and... he understood this, because i told you once, he told me for a long time before he was prime minister what mistake kuchma made when his opponent planted in prison, well, we're not talking about prison with an addict, but we're talking about how you act, as a president with someone, you don't like it, and yanukovych then clearly said that the best way to neutralize tymoshenko is her just don't touch it, because it 's like a plant without the sun withers in... in the information, in the information blockade, but then he became the president, the official, how did it end. the situation with yushchenko and kuchma is very
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similar when i had a conversation with pinchuk, when it was already clear that it was about resignations, i told him, well, listen , well, then you resign the prime minister who liked being the prime minister, now a couple of months will pass, the parliamentary elections are starting, well, we will go to the parliamentary elections, we will definitely win these elections and so on yushchenko will be the president, why are you doing this? what seemed clear to me was not clear to them, but this story repeats itself, i am not saying that zaluzhny will necessarily make a political career there, i do not know at all what kind of politician he is, he is not very public anymore, yes he is enough, he he is like that, well, he is like that, well, the creator of our imagination, and in ukrainian history , lutsenko often became like that, then there, well, i don’t know, then tigipko was such a leader, klitschko was, and... listovych was a year ago, that is, you you see that there are unknown trajectories, so you and i
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cannot project the future fate, but what makes this situation particularly expressive, we have a war? we cannot afford to measure this situation only in the categories of the political process, because de facto our political process is quite stable, it is almost non-existent. that is, there are questions for the government, questions for the office and so on and so forth, so it's not about... politics, it's about certain functions that are performed, but the question of war, the question of responsibility that will lie on very specific people who would dare to to take this responsibility, and in any case, we understand that in addition to the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, there is also the supreme commander-in-chief, and here and there questions may arise, in particular from our partners, well, it is obvious that this event, well first, when we... we appeal to our partners and we say: good people, what are you doing there
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, how long can you agree on something there, avoid escalation, the war is already breaking at your door, and you are doing stupid things, so the war is already in our house, and we do not deny ourselves the opportunity to do internal scumbags, as such, created on a level playing field, but again, if we analyze the western partners, then yes with... there it has great authority among the military leadership, but in the western military it is in principle a taboo, they understand these rules , western military, we are not latin america, we have a junta, juntas are not practiced, our practice is excellent, and therefore the western military will work with whoever comes to the place of merit, that is, even if they don't like it, but what happens? now is such a key moment in the war with all these american dances, to whom we give
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arguments in favor of supporting not supporting ukraine, as always we create a problem not for our opponents, but we create a problem for our friends, this is also our infamous tradition, to complicate life to his friends, during the discussions in the congress , there are all kinds of orbans with fizami in the european union, it takes a certain time to revive these relations, it takes a certain... time for this cooperation between the new commander-in-chief and his colleagues to work effectively again on a personal level among nato countries, we need time, which... we don't have , and this is happening at an almost critical moment, when tomorrow the european union will make a decision on financing ukraine, i think that it will inevitably be positive, i became more cautious with forecasts of american aid, because there they have already started to openly say, no longer masking it, they have openly said that we cannot
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sign this agreement, because it is a gift to biden, but it is better to wait until trump becomes president. he will come and solve everything, they haven't even begun to hide it, i don't know how it will end, but a week ago there were more optimistic scenarios, there were signals that an agreement was about to be reached, and it seemed that american politicians were really competing for , who better prepare for challenges of illegal migration there, but it turns out that we are not talking about migration at all , we are talking about the fact that it is impossible to give such a trump card to a political opponent, if we gave him such a trump card, then why should we go to the elections? this is approximately the logic of the american political elites of the republicans, not only that, i was absolutely killed by the decision of the regional committee of the oklahoma republican party, which threatened its senator for the fact that he publicly supported the need for a treaty and the introduction of an aid package to ukraine and others,
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as a betrayal of to candidate trump and they threatened to stop funding him. for me, this is already called get out the beautiful people's governor of the state of texas and , accordingly, 25 other governors who supported him in his unstoppable desire to use the american constitution for its intended purpose, whose border is the power, whose power, the border, so we understand, that the situation in the states is much less stable than we would like, or it would seem to us, to project to what? to the fact that trump actually, having lost the elections in the 20th year, still does not have them recognized the results, now he actually threatened that if his victory is not recognized, then these 25 states are national, that is, he actually threatened to split the country, it is not
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a civil war, as rusnyak tries to say, but undermining the foundations of democracy and not being shown... for the fact that he actually supported the coup d'état, treason on january 6, now trump is already openly calling on his supporters with weapons in their hands to defend their truth, and his truth is this: you all know that victory in i was stolen, and so on text, that is why the situation now appears when we are going to the elections and regardless of what will happen there in the elections, we can confidently predict what will happen next with american... democracy, and american democracy has not had such risks, well, probably since the founding of its state , since the time of abraham rincoln there has not been anything like this, such a very serious split, and here is the current situation of american turbulence, we have unstoppable emotional initiatives, well, i am still bigger,
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maybe an optimist, i want to believe that it can somehow it will not go according to the scenario described at the time. mykola vasylyovych gogol, an outstanding ukrainian writer , in his outstanding work, you remember how ivan ivanovich and ivan nikifurovych quarreled with each other, and that no matter what was done, the rift deepened, but this can have consequences in the moods, which are called that military command, generals, generals are people who perceive the situation through the prism of war, through the prism of death, through the prism of security. and trust, well, it must be said that this factor is also openly analyzed in the western media, in the fact that among the ukrainian military, the authority of zaluzhny is very high, for various things, again, i do not know him, you do not know him, he is not public, but obviously you and i are not in the armed forces,
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we are in our own skin we don't feel this style, but they feel it, and they say in particular that there are attempts to... to bring the commander of the ground forces there, this is an absolutely unacceptable situation, although it is a favorite, in particular, of the office of the president and the same ermak. and this is a serious question, because i don't think, again, we are not latin america, ours military, they are as patriotic as possible, they will fulfill their obligations, but the peculiarity of the model of the current government, this team that came. at the bank, that it is almost not almost, but it measures the public mood every day, and of course they have a certain program there, where approximately it will be'... in such a scenario that after the dismissal of the employee, there will be a whole information campaign , well , a storm, i don’t know, an
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information typhoon that will try to transfer to the team, not only to the hard worker, to his team, because there for the dismissal of the chairman always involves his deputies, and there will be this attempt to shift responsibility, and society is ready for this attempt, and the authorities are preparing for this... attempt, but the moment of trust is definitely not on the side of the authorities. further, sooner or later we will have elections, and i once again affirm that our military, they will be faithful to the oath, they will not undermine the defense capabilities of the country, they will defend their freedom, protect their families, their lands, but it will come the moment, the moment of the elections, and here in ukraine, as far as i am concerned, this french of yours colleague... tried to ask if i am not afraid of authoritarianism, the return of authoritarianism in ukraine, and i will honestly tell you that i was during yanukovych's time, especially, personally i was not
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afraid, i saw that many ukrainians saw, not that we underestimated, we understood the threats, but for us it was not a question of retreating, because authoritarianism threatens, responsibility in every democracy, you have to go to the elections and you have to gain the trust of the voters, here i have... serious problems arise, serious questions, i don't know how this will end in terms of military tactics, well, hypothetically , well, maybe, maybe something will be better, because you and i understand that there are enough problems in the ministry of defense, and the military will tell you how many things are wrong there, but we are talking about the fact that responsibility will not succeed, it will not be possible to transfer it to any of the faraways there or ermaks will not be able to transfer responsibility from the side of... from the shoulders of politicians to the shoulders of the military, this will definitely not be accepted by society, because everyone understands that the military is in order to fulfill tasks set before them, they
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should have these resources, if you set them the task of knocking out the enemy from the territory of the country, and not providing them with resources, then somewhere in one of the publications it was said that the zaluzhny directly told the minister of defense, well, that is your task, but provision is yours the task is political, my task is... with the resources that i have at my disposal, and the military understands this perfectly, and there is no other way to interpret it, the general staff cannot, the military cannot take on the problems of providing resources, mobilization, military, political, everything can be done when you work as a team, and i repeat, since such a team no longer exists, i simply do not imagine the possibility of theoretical cooperation between the top'. istanbul, what could be happening in istanbul right now because putin
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is going to erdogan in the coming weeks, right? well, we understand that they will talk not only about the affairs of the caucasus and not only about the affairs of the middle east. we understand that putin will try to use erdogan for his own purposes, yes. and accordingly erdogan will try to do. something symmetrical with putin, and of course they will also talk about the black sea transit. well, what can i say , yes, erdogan, he secured probably his last presidency, i don't think even he thinks he can go for another term, it was the toughest race for him and he politically calm, that is, he can take risks , what else can putin offer him, and i don’t know god, but i know what, for example, america offers him, america offers him to sign contracts for the supply of f35, which the americans have now sold there to the damned
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turkey's partners, the greeks, nato partners, and both americans expect that those s-400s that erdogan bought, i think there are eight or so divisions that he bought from russia, and which turned out to be far from a miracle weapon, that these ... installations may go to some third country, and then to ukraine. this is what i see, i see what america offers and what erdogan has to weigh, and i do not understand what such a putin would offer him, where he would have advantages, because i know the mentality of turkey well, i was once the leader there turkish-ukrainian government intergovernmental commission, and the turks are very pragmatic people, for them integration... it's expanding trade, they think in categories, promoting their own business, their own interests, expanding their own markets, and here kill me, i don't understand what putin can offer like this
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, therefore, a serious struggle has begun here, and we can already see what is being proposed, we can see that on the eve of putin's visit to ankara, there is frank information about the possibility for erdogan to realize his dream, to purchase the most modern aircraft, to sign profitable contracts and to get closer, if not politically, then commercially with the european union, and to improve relations with nato, i see, on the other hand, putin, he will leave north korea. about some peace-making initiatives of erdogan, i now have a very weak idea of ​​why erdogan, what, well, what can erdogan add to what happened? at one time, he convinced that this border, this transit through the black sea, he acted as a broker, and he believed that it was necessary to invite russia, russia was invited, but not in that direction and sent in a completely different direction, the corridor works, the whole world has recognized that the corridor
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works. proved that erdogan , as a matter of fact, did not interfere with this , a certain soft coalition was created, and erdogan was also in this coalition, that is, this card was removed, ukraine actually unblocked, and there are chances that putin will actually be able to, well , if not completely, then with its half-destroyed fleet, it will be able to threaten something there, attack some international tanks. these chances are now simply reduced by many times, so it is no longer a game for erdogan. i don't understand what erdogan can add here. ukraine's position is complete understood we also understand that we can have negotiations, but after some effort , so there may be something here, well, something will have to be said at the press conference, but i am up to the fact that some such, well, unbeaten, trump aces erdoğan doesn't have it now either. he
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can speak like this with fairly predictable general appeals that an understanding should be reached, but on the other hand, i don't think he can be there like orbán or fico, repeating the mantra that the occupied territories should be returned to the russians, it not at all in the interests of erdoğan, let's remember again what kind of playing cards, yes mr. oleg, well, the key story of erdoğan only as a certain segment is extremely complex. games, yes , and i would like to believe that now in the current situation we can count on additional support, well, the french were amused, in particular it is about missile systems, the british are holding steady, so in the united states, not to know that with the poles, we seem to have settled back , and the situation was stabilized with the help of donald tusk. the germans pay and support and do it stably, thank god, and what trump cards do we have
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, because... the situation is not easy, and we understand that our western partners would also like to receive clear signals from us? well, here's the problem , here's the problem, what to consider kazer cards, because this situation is again around time, i'm not saying that it 's something fatal from the point of view of ukraine's interests, but it definitely makes it much more difficult if we measure every step of the government by those , does he bring us closer to victory, or makes it difficult for us to win. then this is not another situation that makes it difficult and the only thing we can hope for, what i personally hope for, is that the mantra that the president repeats at every step, that we are reliable partners, we will definitely fulfill all the things we promised, despite all the difficulties, we will definitely carry out these reforms, this is what the european union is saying,
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nato is saying this, and... in my meetings with representatives of both nato and the european union, i say that listen, well now it is necessary to monitor it quite strictly, it is not possible now to pretend that you believe in some things that were announced, but were not done , the ukrainian government now has to feel it from the society, and it feels it from the society, well, they gave knyazev enough money to get the poor guy out of his cell, and it's for... a second , well, it's just some concentrated symbol of corruption in the newly created, reformed supreme court, and things like this happen to princes , well, at every step, people are appointed outside the competition, that is, an open challenge is thrown to what we promised to do, instead of to carry out the reforms that we promised, according to the recipes that are known to everyone, we are trying...


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