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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EET

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works, the whole world recognized that the corridor works, ukraine proved it, and erdoğan did not, strictly speaking, interfere with it, such a rather soft coalition was created, and erdoğan was also in this coalition, that is, this card was removed, ukraine actually unblocked it, and the chances that putin will actually be able to threaten something there with his fleet that is, if not completely, then half-destroyed, and... forge some international tankers, these chances have now simply decreased many times over, so it is no longer a game for erdogan, i don't understand what erdogan can add here, ukraine's position is complete i understand, we also understand that we can have negotiations, but only after certain efforts, so there may be something here, something will have to be said at the press conference, but i'm up to the fact that some such, well, unbeaten, trump cards... erdoğan doesn't have any restrictions now either,
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he can speak like this with fairly predictable general appeals that an understanding must be reached, but on the other hand , i don't think he can repeat the mantra about what must be done like orban or fizo to give the occupied territories to the russians, this not at all in erdoğan's interests, let 's remember again what playing cards, yes, mr. oleg, well, the key story of erdoğan is only as... a certain segment of an extremely complex game, yes, well, i would like to believe that now in the current situation, we can count on additional support, well, the french were amused, in particular it is about missile systems, the british are holding steady, so in the united states it is not known that we have made peace with the poles , and the situation has stabilized with the help of donald tusk. germans pay and support and they do it stably, thank god, that's what our trump cards are... because the situation
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is not easy, and we understand that our western partners would also like to receive clear signals from our side, well, here's the problem, here the problem of what to consider trump cards, because this situation is again around time, i'm not saying that this is something fatal from the point of view of the interests of ukraine, but it definitely makes it much more difficult if we measure every step of the government by whether it brings us closer to... victory or makes it difficult for us the way to victory, the current situation makes it difficult, and the only thing we can hope for is that, what i personally hope for, is that the mantra that the president repeats at every step, that we are reliable partners, we must "we will definitely fulfill all the things we promised, despite all the difficulties, we will definitely carry out these reforms, this is what the european union says. this is what nato says, and in my
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meetings with representatives of both nato and the european union, i say that listen, well, now it is necessary to monitor it quite strictly, we cannot now pretend that you believe some things that were announced, but were not done, the ukrainian government now has to feel it from the society, and it feels it from the society, well, they gave knyazev enough money to make him a poor man. of his cell, and this is for a second , well, just some concentrated symbol of corruption in the newly established, reformed supreme court, and such things as with the princes happen at every step, people are appointed outside the competition, that is, there is an open challenge to what we promised to do, instead to carry out the reforms that we promised, according to the recipes that are known to everyone, we are trying to... imitate them, we are told that
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this time the imitation will not pass, for some reason they think that it is possible to simply translate through pr technologies responsibility , it seems to them that the world will simply swallow it, because there is no way out, and we must understand this, that this is our obligation, when we undertook obligations for european integration, basic things, that's exactly what governance, it is exactly these independent courts, it is exactly... balancing branches of government, it's not interference from one branch of government to another, it's judicial reform, it's a bunch of things that aren't happening right now, but without progress in that direction, after we get a political decision on funding there, it doesn't mean at all that we will automatically receive funds , look at orbán again, the european union has accumulated experience, i think orbán will be the first example of what they do with those leaders who have already... promised, became members
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of the european union, became members of nato, but then brazenly ignore all these promises and violate basic principles, then these threats do not go anywhere in ukraine either. and the people who are at the head of the ukrainian government, who need funds, who need help , cannot help but understand this, i do not know where the painful moment is, when zelenskyi will understand that it is not possible to drag the country on six crutches, if he believes that that these are six of his advisers, that this is what ukraine rests on, this is a colossal mistake, no one in the world thinks so, if he still expects that it is these people who will pull the country out, they will pull it, but they... are not leading to what zelensky hoped for, this formula is not working, and this is an internal issue of ukraine, and it is also an issue of the opposition, but the public is speaking about it more and more loudly , they are speaking about it more and more loudly at those meetings, that the representatives of the ukrainian government have there with
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european politicians, with american politicians, and this is the question of the ability of the ukrainian government to actually fulfill its promises and the ability of the ukrainian government to become a reliable partner. the european union and nato, because with such a management formula, well, they arise here question, what did victoria nulan, the united states deputy secretary of state for political affairs, bring to kyiv, right? well, the visit is important and for a reason, that is , what biden and blinkin could say, well, i think, she voiced. very precisely, i explained this to your colleagues yesterday, because i have the experience of meeting viktoriyalan there, it is so iron. of american diplomacy, and it is characterized by the fact that it does not choose words in particular, and the fact that, because there your colleague asked that maybe blinken should have been there, that is exactly what is not blinken, and victoria noland, gives me a great reason, as well as you, to understand that she
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said approximately what we are talking about now with you, but she can make it clear in the same words, very concretely and very specifically. about the consequences of an unreliable partnership on the part of ukraine, this is the person who has the experience, strength and desire for this, she is exactly the type of diplomat, and i think that her visit, which is practically non-public , says a lot precisely by this non-publicity, and the moment chosen for this visit is very characteristic and very timely, therefore, i am sure that zelensky heard things. about which, perhaps, for diplomatic reasons , blinken would not even speak. thank you very much, mr. oleg, for this extremely useful and interesting conversation, i want to remind our viewers that oleg hrybachuk, the former chief of the secretariat of viktor yushchenko, the president, and of course,
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the former vice prime minister for european integration , was currently working on espresso , as well as a co-founder of the chesno movement. and now vladyslav seleznyov, ex-spokesman, will work on the espresso tv channel general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. colonel, i congratulate you. congratulations and glory to you heroes. an extremely important, symbolic and symptomatic article published in cnn by the head of the commissar, general zaluzhnyi. yes, well, we actually understand that it is about drawing up certain conclusions, we understand that this was done informally, on the other hand, it is for... the deployment of the strategic perspective of the war, we are talking, perhaps, about the second stage of the war with the russian federation. the first and main signal was the publication is placed in the columns of the american edition, so we have to understand which audience
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this publication is primarily aimed at. in my opinion, this is an absolutely adult, such a rational analysis of the achievements that the ukrainian army achieved during these two years of full-scale russian-ukrainian rule. war and the proposal of a kind of road map , in which way the ukrainian army should act in order to gain the same amriana, advantage and victory in the battlefield, because in fact there are many challenges facing ukraine now, this is a question of limited resources, this is also an understanding of the fact that the enemy is not going to give in to his plans, and he still dreams of destroying ukraine as a state, and ukraine as a constituent community of peoples of the world, that is understandable. that the enemy has a lot of resources to carry out these missions, it is an understanding that foreign political processes and domestic political processes equally affect the course of hostilities directly on the battle line. you mentioned resources, well, we understand that it is
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about manpower, and about the corresponding means, artillery, missile and so on down the list, therefore, this time the head is quite cautious. outlined our needs, on the other hand, we understand that the pentagon already, i think, guesses what we need the most. regarding the awareness of our western partners, we must understand that... the public events that we know as rammstein, by the way, the 18th rammstein was recently held, a meeting of representatives of more than 50 countries of the world that are donors, and provide certain military-technical needs of the ukrainian defense forces, this meeting is preceded by a public one relevant work at the level of technical groups, this work usually ends with agreement on the general position of the final communique. which becomes public as a result of the same
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romstein, but the needs of the ukrainian army are urgent, medium-term and long-term, they are obvious to all participants in the process, which we do not know under the name of romstein. therefore, it is obvious that our western partners also understand what ukraine lacks. a critical barque of artillery shells, long-range missiles, which we we will be able to kiss not only fortune tellers. military facilities on the temporarily occupied territories of our country, as well as on the territory of the european part of the russian federation, because this is really important, and our leader valery zalozhnyk hints at this absolutely transparently, because it is absolutely obvious that we need to destroy the enemy's military infrastructure, the infrastructure of the defense-industrial complex of the russian federation, as well as objects of the critical energy infrastructure of the russian federation, which also work for certain achievements and possibilities of the russian language. of the occupying army, that is, these theses , which are public as a result of publication in the format
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of the cnn edition, are a clear signal to our western partners that there is no need to delay, that the ukrainian military leadership has an absolutely clear understanding of the situation, there is a clear road map of how to reach us dream goal, and for that we need resources, of course, to a certain extent we... count on our own achievements and opportunities, of course, we absolutely rationally evaluate industrial and technical the capabilities of our western partners, general zaluzhno speaks about this absolutely frankly, but even despite such a difficult situation regarding the military and technical support of the ukrainian army, including related to certain difficult, let's say, political processes taking place in the partner countries of ukraine, nevertheless we have the opportunity, we have options to engage. of the ukrainian army, taking into account the resources that we
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can count on here and now. i think that it is not for nothing that at one time he was a profile deputy minister of defense of ukraine, general ivan havryliuk, emphasized that we can partially compensate for the barracks of artillery ammunition due to the more active use of drones, in particular fpv drones. this is a completely rational approach. not only that, the de facto ukrainian opposition is hostile. the further it goes, the more it acquires the characteristics of the fourth generation war, that is, in fact, when instead of personnel, instead of military personnel, missions and combat tasks are performed by equipment, unmanned platforms, high-precision weapons, in particular artillery, in particular missile systems, as well as electronic warfare systems, so we should continue to use this advantage on the battlefield, and not stop at the factories we already have, but... continue to work on increasing the technological advantage on the battlefield as much as possible , including through
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the use of relatively cheap unmanned aerial platforms, which we know as drones. there may be some reformation of what is called operational command in certain directions coming. maybe there will be a rethink, it is possible to rethink the logic of war in general, taking into account the mobilization processes that... are being pushed towards ukraine, we understand that a significant amount of living resources must be trained, we understand that they should be taught to work with the appropriate equipment and so on and so forth, perhaps to adjust what is called the middle and possibly even part of the top echelon of command, the process is serious, of course, and here i have a very serious warning about those rumors that are now actively spreading in the ukrainian information space, which... incredible rotation or replacement of general zaluzhny with
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another ukrainian general in the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. why is this unacceptable now? the fact is that the lion's share of military and technical support from our western partners is also due to direct communications between the head of state, his staff and our western partners. after the change of the chairman , the surname of the chairman may change so that we lose a certain period of time to establish new communication channels and opportunities. now during what is raging active combat operations in various areas of the front and during. from the moment when, according to the statement of general kirill budanov, the head of military intelligence of our country, that de facto, that in the next, maybe a month, maybe two, the enemy will still try to transform his numerical advantage into territorial gains, that is, the enemy is conducting his offensive campaign , do we have the opportunity to make and create conditions
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for procrastination, regarding certain communication channels and, accordingly, obtaining a more flexible and prompt response from our western partners, the answer to this question is obvious, no, we cannot afford it, but again, there are certain internal political processes within our country that can to some extent seriously influence certain decisions, which are now all in the air and these chuky is actively discussed in the ukrainian segment of the information space. the general staff is the brain of the war. yes, well, this is a christological expression, so on the other hand, we understand that there is a question of the level of competence, that is, a good general is a good general who also works with the map, with resources, with a vision of the strategic deployment of certain hostilities. team play - it is primarily about the interaction between the branches of the military, between the rate, and
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the understanding and knowledge of the personnel, so we understand that the armed forces of ukraine have their own specifics. which differs from the specifics, for example, in the same ministry of internal affairs and so on down the list, so definitely, and here is literally one example, we can reproach as much as we want the team of the previous minister of defense mr. resnikov and directly to him when he was in this position of the head of the customs department of our country, but effective, meaningful and , most importantly, effective communication was given precisely from... during the term of office of oleksiy reznikov, ukraine de facto received about 100 billion dollars in the equivalent of military and technical assistance, which provided current and medium-term needs ukrainian defense forces. the rotation happened, the rotation happened due to a certain number of reasons, but nevertheless, the team of the newly appointed
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minister of defense, mr. rustem momerov, was already tangential to the organization that for less than three ramsteinov. that is, respectively, the 16th, 17th , and 18th, were these ramsteins so meaningfully filled and effective in meeting the needs of the ukrainian army? in response to this question, each of those related to the information support of the current war can give personally. it is obvious that the level of reduction of military-technical assistance for the needs of the ukrainian army has de facto decreased. we saw open. information that the same military-technical assistance for the ukrainian army has decreased by 90%. is the key factor between personalities of communications between the previous team of the previous minister of defense and the current one. undoubtedly, a certain element of influence on these processes was indicated, because any communication, it also takes place
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due to interpersonal relations and finding a certain understanding. we remember the saying that sounded repeatedly from the then minister of defense resnikov, when he spoke about the following: i do not perceive the word no from our western partners as a refusal when i ask them about certain options for the supply of military equipment or other equipment, i perceive the words from our western partners as a challenge that we have to overcome, in fact, that team succeeded, because what... at the beginning of a full-scale war, it was definitely not about the fact that in the future the ukrainian army would receive armored vehicles, in particular british challengers or american leopards or american abrams or german leopards, at that time there was no talk at all about the haimarts and, accordingly, the missiles for them, there was no talk about much that the ukrainian army later received and that allowed our troops,
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first ensure the implementation of certain tasks for the deoccupation of the part. on the territory of our country, and then prepare for the large-scale offensive of the ukrainian defense forces, which took place during the summer and early autumn of last year 23, so communication options are an extremely important factor that influence, influence the course of events, including within provision of current and medium-term needs of the ukrainian defense forces. well, if we are talking about possible one or the other, i don't know, personnel or rocker disturbances. personnel understand that the enemy will study all this extremely actively, and i am more than sure that for each of our commanders, let alone generals and maybe even some or other... gifted colonels in the main department of the general staff of the russian federation , there will be a corresponding folder, or even two , and accordingly, what should we expect from the enemy now
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, taking into account, so to speak, short-term prospects, yes, about which we cannot talk, because we do not yet know what and how it will be. so, i think that for the next two months, at least , we will constantly face the fact that the enemy will constantly attack along the entire 1,350-kilometer line of combat confrontation, looking for such a ... way, well, at least some layered in the ukrainian system of defense and protective structures. of course, putin's army will dream of giving some kind of present to putin before his next election to the post of president of the russian federation. of course, such challenges and risks exist taking into account the rather serious intensification of hostilities, in particular in the kupyan-liman direction. i am not talking about the situation of the past. or the day before yesterday, and about trends, besides, we can see how turbulent processes are currently taking place in the avdiyivka region and south of it, and of course, that the enemy still dreams of being able
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to stabilize the situation on the southern face of the russian-ukrainian front, in particular in the rabotino district, by eliminating the same bridgehead that the ukrainian army managed to create on this part of the front, and by eliminating the bridgehead of the ukrainian defense forces, which they have been holding on the left bank of the dnieper for the third month in a row. the enemy has many plans, but the key question is in whether the harvest of the army of resources will be enough. unfortunately, we have to understand the following: for the current 24th year, the russian federation directed to the provision of its own army, and accordingly the part involved in the so-called special military operation, as well as to the activities of the russian defense-industrial complex in the equivalent of approximately 120 billion dollars, will they receive perhaps identical ones. the result regarding the funding of the ukrainian defense forces, the answer which is still up in the air, so we have good news according to the results of the meeting of representatives
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countries of the european union, we received the same amount of 50 billion euros for the next four years, but not all of this money will be directed specifically to ensuring the military needs of the ukrainian defense forces, so we are waiting for good news from across the ocean, as soon as possible there, this issue will be settled in a certain way is not known for sure, but it is obvious that the ukrainian army is facing a serious lack of everything that is needed on the battlefield here and now. i think that it is not for nothing that general zaluzhny, in his publication for cnn, details exactly what the ukrainian army needs, including in the context of the fact that certain resource capabilities of our... western partners are exhausted, and they definitely will not be able to provide all the needs of the ukrainian defense forces at the level of the 23rd or even more than the 22nd th
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years thank you, mr. colonel, for this extremely interesting and meaningful conversation, i want to remind our viewers that now the colonel of the armed forces of ukraine vladyslav seleznyov, ex-spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, was working on speso. time of our program is exhausted, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air, if you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak tv is just for you, with it you will easily cut trees and shrubs, it is so convenient to use for carpentry, it is the perfect tool for your home. or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included, just call now and order. there is a possibility of free
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11:00 am
i'll tell you about the latest news. for this moment one person was injured as a result of the shelling of the village of maksimilianivka in donetsk region, the head of the region, vadym filashkin, said. the occupiers also carried out five airstrikes on avdiivka. there is a destroyed apartment building. in pokrovsk , a factory and a fire-rescue station were damaged as a result of a rocket attack part. in addition, two high-rise buildings and an administration building were damaged in kurakhivska hromada. during the day, the russians shelled the cities and villages of donetsk region 12 times. a 26-year-old man was wounded as a result of shelling in the kupyan district of kharkiv region. the occupiers dropped two guided aerial bombs on the village of hryhorivka. four private houses were damaged - reported oleg sinygubov, the head of the region. the russians also struck the chuguyiv district. there is a destroyed agropod.


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