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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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remain occupied, but just now there were shots from the south, kherson, zaporizhzhia regions, and we see what is called cooperation across the front line there, some are partisans, some blow up collaborators, some shoot cars correctly, some plant explosive devices, some correctly gives the coordinates and happy martians fly at night, in one word there is, there is this one - this is the feeling... that people in these territories are waiting for liberation itself, but in some areas of the eastern front we even hear from the military that if it is deaf there, quietly, there are some such partisan movements or some kind of cooperation, well, you can't see it, you can't hear it, the russian government is the same, the methods of repression are the same, the situation is different, why? well, probably this is primarily due to the length of stay. territory and people, respectively, in
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occupation. agree that it is one thing to be under occupation there for almost two years, and another thing for almost 10 years. during the time, until, well, i mean about 10 years, while the russians dominated luhansk region and donetsk region, they managed, well, to be honest, significantly to destroy the ukrainian underground resistance, although, i know this for sure, there are still... people who cooperate with the ukrainian, first of all, special services, providing a certain informational support, and quite often, even in closed channels, well, they teach, or that radio interception, or rather not radio interception, but telephone conversations of those people who are in the occupied territory, with reports about the movement of the enemy, or about us. sites of missile or
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artillery fire by the armed forces of ukraine deep into the occupied territory, and our guys usually these people are called eyes everywhere, our eyes reported, our eyes saw, our eyes report, there are such people, i personally had contact with the residents of donetsk and makiivka, until now probably until... until the first numbers of march, because about a week after the full scale invasion started, both of my contacts, they disappeared, i honestly want to believe that they are alive and either incarcerated or are there under some other circumstances, just lost contact, but there are people like that, ugh mr. george, it looks like that history...repeats itself, so either
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they follow their old methods, old ways, and now they have decided that these temporarily occupied territories, in particular from zaporizhzhia, are such a virgin land for them, they have decided to bring russians, belarusians, kazakhs there, so that what, to do what they did almost 100 years ago, when they transported to ukrainian lands instead of evicted ukrainians, those who will enjoy russian then. the soviet authorities, the mayor of meritopol ivan fedorov informed us about this, please tell us how you see it at all, whether it is possible now to counteract, and what to do after the deoccupation, so that we do not remain in these currently occupied territories, and then already liberated, such cans, which in the future can, well, then one day they will become canned cans, so when, which someday in the future. can contribute to another
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russian invasion? well, first of all, from my point of view, ah, the decrease in the number of people who want to resettle, or come to, as the russians themselves call, new regions, there are fewer of them, why, because already the russian armed forces, or rather the military mobilization these people directly in the occupied territories, they began to be caught and drafted into the active army, which these people absolutely did not expect. most of these people are really imported from the republics of central asia, and they are given russian citizenship, the vast majority of them are imported as low-skilled workers in various industries, in the construction industry, in the commune. services, sometimes they are
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even, well, they are always promised, but sometimes they are even provided with some kind of housing there in abandoned apartments that... were abandoned by ukrainians, or in some premises used by the occupants as dormitories. as for the future, i absolutely support such a topic and idea, and i have been promoting it all these years, that those citizens who arrived on the territory during the occupation should be forcibly deported by ukraine after liberation. and here there can be no sentiments, no empathy for these people. mr. gigoriy, how will we have to do this forced deportation on such an industrial scale, because, well, just for comparison, from
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personal experience, the balcony of a very ancient a beautiful house in the very center of chernivtsi. the coat of arms hangs, he asks his grandmother, who is sitting there on the balcony. that this coat of arms means something else, she says: how should i know? i say, you don't live here, she says: no, i'm a native of chernivtsi, my house was in a coma in 1946 and that's all, and we will have the same situation in all the occupied territories, every grandmother will tell me this house then i'm a native, i don't know, there 's a berdian woman, there's a mariupol woman, and they'll beat their chests that they have nothing to do with putin's regime and... we can we deport them all in such volumes? i understand that such a scenario is possible, but from my point of view, in such a case, ukraine
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as a state must demonstrate care for its own security, first of all, and it is really necessary to force all these people without exception. evict all of them to the territory of the russian federation, by the way, this also applies to the temporarily occupied crimea peninsula. whoah, whoah. mr. ghegorhiu, after the german journalists who got from moscow to mariupol unhindered, they turned it on, however, somewhere in the dark, because it was obviously scary to do it in the light. now tucker carlson, this is such a scandalous journalist. who worked for fox news and supported trump, did not speak very well about ukraine. so i flew to moscow, we don't know if it will be mariupol or something else, but obviously, this does not bode well for us. he never says that. how can we, at least at
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the international, diplomatic level, and in general, convey to our own and other citizens exactly what needs to be filtered, how it is necessary to... distinguish propaganda, what they show, and quality true information, actually, how to reach people, convey all this to them? well, this is such an important, but at the same time such a difficult question, believe me, now a huge number of people around the world are concerned with these questions, it is clear that we are primarily concerned about information about our country, about the aggressive one. the war of the russian federation, but i watch almost every day carefully, for example , television and radio israel, i want to tell you that israelis are very confused by the same question, because israel
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has never experienced such an information influx from terrorists all over the world, and despite all the power and , as it were, the intellectual capabilities of this country, it found itself in a complete... loss in the information space, and unfortunately, about now the same situation will be felt, i have no doubt about it, the united states, britain and several allied countries after delivering a massive strike on yemen, on infrastructure facilities and military units that are related to iran, and that's it... the problem is how to teach, accustom people to filter the information that actually flows through various sources without any restrictions, well, it's extremely difficult, believe me, we've been working on it , panegyric, but look here, what is the situation here,
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if we still at least see and understand that even at the level of the german cdf canal, there is an immediate reaction, there is a reaction from society, and they are forced to at least say something. maybe even, maybe they will apologize, or maybe these journalists will stop traveling to ukrainian territories illegally through moscow. violating ukrainian legislation. here we still believe. there are quite sensitive things, well , on the one hand, we also understand the quality and role of the chinese communists, and they can sing on the corpses of ukrainians in a destroyed drama theater and shoot videos, well , you know the communist resistance half, and we can't do anything here, because it is china, because china and i are generally in the most difficult direction and cannot build democratic things in any way. the americans will have the same situation, because for us it is very sensitive in general is this game
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around the trump houses against the background of the ukrainian -israeli packages, which cannot vote in any way, and here are such uncles as tucker carlson, yes, they were kicked out of fox news at one time, because it is impossible to hold a grudge anymore, but the americans are always they will shout that we can't do anything further, because it's about freedom of speech, so is the artist, so... along these lines , the communists are american strategic allies there, how should we act there, well, how should we achieve our goal, they should be , at least are punished for interfering with propaganda and disinformation, and we cannot, well, first of all, from my point of view, for example, that german... journalist who visited mariupol in an illegal way, as you absolutely correctly pointed out,
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he should be entered into the register database of the peacekeeper's site, i hope that it will be done in the near future, if it has not already been done, usually the people who take care of this resource, they react to it very quickly, and it seems at first glance, well, why pay attention to that one.. . an internet resource, some kind of there peacemaker, believe me, from my own experience, i know without a doubt that as soon as , personally, the workers of the media get into the so-called purgatory, hysteria begins, instantly, and they get there, they get there on absolutely legal grounds for ukraine, not because they are there they tell something, but for the fact that they illegally cross the state border. of ukraine, this also applies to those, among other things, who visit the temporarily occupied crimea. as for carsen, well,
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of course, he's a legendary figure who really has a huge following in the united states. and the audience, but let's honestly tell the audience that for our, well, let's say , ultra position, not even ultra, but... well, let it be ultra-trumpian, because there it cannot be called either nationalist or racist, there is a mixture, just wild a mixture of, uh, everything, like a kind of vinaigrette , he was asked to leave the same legendary trump channel fox news, and he now works as an independent journalist, an independent columnist, the fact that he arrived in... the russian federation, i have a big it is not surprising , he has been expressing his opinion for many years
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support of russia and sympathy for putin personally, and therefore i think that this visit of his, it is not just his personal, let's say, desire and initiative, i am absolutely convinced that this visit, it is organized and financed with the support of the russian authorities . federation, and unfortunately, i can miss that they will organize a trip for him, including to the so-called new regions, if this happens, then from my point of view this person carlson should also immediately get into the peacekeeper resource, well, of course, just everyone works differently, there's steven seagal as a useful idiot for pr videos, and this is a classic freelancer who just came for... dollars that are issued in the kremlin, they are, they absolutely correspond to the same ones
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that run in the usa, sir georgy, thank you very much for participating in our program, georgy tuka, in the past, the deputy minister for temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons was with us, a short pause, and our military-political observers will help us with the results of the military week. there are 15% discounts on uroles in plantain pharmacies, bam and savings tingling, numbness or tingling in the limbs occur spontaneously. the special complex of active substances dolgit antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia promotes the return to usual activities, without subjugation and numbness in the limbs. capsules dolgit antineuralgia - help to your nervous system. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama
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you draw your own conclusions. vasyl winter's big broadcast. of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as respected guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on. in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. i'm here
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temporarily. i'll be home soon, live now where you are, we're coming back thank you for... being with us, and we are adding to the conversation our next guest, oleksandr kovalenko, military-political columnist of the information resistance group, already with us, we see you, mr. oleksandr, welcome to our airwaves, congratulations, literally appeared just recently , just a few minutes ago, a fresh video from the front almost, made in the zaporozhye direction, president zelenskyi came to the military,
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thanked them for their service, presented awards, in return received a chevron from our guys so... we can see it on the footage, we want you to ask why the robots are not , we understand how important such trips are, because it is important for the military to know that the president will also come to them, it is important to feel that they are not left there alone, that they are remembered, but why exactly this direction now, its role , importance and who needs such a trip the most now, well, let's say this, it is this one, well, i call it... i pocket the works of non-recruitment and novoprokopivka, this is exactly the location that in 2023 we were able to break through from the russians their. the line of support, this is the first line of defense that was happening, this breakthrough that was happening precisely in 2023 from june to august, and now
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classic positional battles have begun there, this is a positional war, if we are talking about such a phenomenon as a positional war, then this is precisely the zaporizhzhia region and precisely this location, and the fact that the president of ukraine, he constantly... appearing in one or another locations that are directly on the line of neutralization, well, this is no longer a surprise. volodymyr zelenskyi, he was also near bakhmut, he was also near avdiyivka, he is now on the line of neutralization in the south, but he plays the south a little another role, it plays a very important role in the question of the future, for example, so cutting. of russian logistics in the temporarily occupied territories and advancing directly through this bridgehead for the further liberation of our territories.
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many had high hopes for the zaporizhia region, but due to some, let's say, difficulties, which were connected with the fact that our partners, they did not send us the appropriate weapons in a timely manner. and tools for breaking through these lines of defense, which valery zaluzhnyi wrote about, by the way, in in his vzeconomist column back in 2023, what we lacked in order to carry out a successful counteroffensive then in june, unfortunately, we could not achieve the territorial results that we set before ourselves, but from the other side. if it is not nonlinear to consider this counteroffensive as a whole, then due to the losses suffered by the russian occupiers,
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we were able to achieve appropriate successes. yes, and there is another story, it had several information waves. at first there was information that it was far enough from ours borders in the city with the wild name of engels. in the russian federation, and there is a military airfield from which a lot of planes take off and often, including those that ukrainian leaders kuchma and pustovoytenko handed over to the russians so that they could bomb us better, these tu-95s, and whatever they also gave them 555 ha of rockets, so there is one of the commanders of such a bomber, well, first of all, he was fully confirmed and identified as a major. at first they said they shot, there was an attempt, well , in a word, as of now there is confirmation that they were liquidated. good,
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a good start is needed more, of course, but in this case, are these complex operations to eliminate enemies, do they have more of an informational and psychological component in russian, or are they not... you won’t take it, you won’t ask what it is exclusively only punishment for crimes, and there will be no more informational component, why am i asking this, because i watch how they burn their nezes, or as they say, bio-waste from depressed regions, they don't care what about the prisoners, what about these meat assaults, then what about that dear pilot, oh, that quite an expensive pilot, it's even more... an expensive pilot than if we're talking about the su-35 or the su-34, it's a lot more expensive, i 'll say that, even before the full-scale
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war, i think it was the 17th or 18th year, i during a conversation with one very interesting specialist of ours, when we talked about the possibilities of ukraine to carry out interesting operations on the territory of the russian federation, and we talked with them about their implementation in matters of certain shares, of course same military order, not terrorist, by no means terrorist, precisely military okay, he answered me quite like this, well , quite clearly, namely, you know, we even speak russian better than russians. that we in russian society
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can dissolve a lot. better than the russians can dissolve in ukrainian society, and they will be caught here quickly in the meadow, even phonetically and you don’t even have to ask, of course the asymmetry and our capabilities, but still about the influence, that is, i emphasized the expensive pilot here, because he is really expensive from the point of view of being a specialist, but which one effect, because when we saw the unsinkable cruiser moskva sunk there, there was one effect, when... they shot down the unsinkable a50 reconnaissance aircraft, which almost rises to the stratosphere, there was a second, third important information such effect, but the thrill was then, when our drones flew very accurately to the right part of the object near st. petersburg, so this lesson with this pilot, will it have any effect and if
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so what? psychological in the first place, in 2022, approximately somewhere on the border between march and april, we saw a very interesting phenomenon, namely russian pilots of tactical aviation, front-line aviation, they refused to perform combat tasks precisely in the airspace on the territory of ukraine, although on february 27 , konashenkov is... there is such a thing there is such a thing there saying that the head of the ministry of defense and the general staff of the russian army, he claimed that the air force, the air defense of ukraine, is completely destroyed and our airspace is completely under the control of the russian so-called aerospace forces, and therefore it was connected with what, it was connected with the fact that
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on the internal environment , the communication of all these pilots, and it is very close, it is a limited circle, it is not hundreds of thousands, not tens of thousands, it is not even thousands of some personnel who communicate with each other, it is a rather limited circle, but in this circle was aware of the fact that pilots were dying, being captured, these pilots, as well as the circle of strategic aviation. in russian, it is even more limited than the range of tactical front lines, it is clear, mr. oleksandr, one more question, we have one minute left, is some kind of tactics possible now directed to win with limited ammunition, can we fight with almost no ammunition and win? no, that is, very simply, no, only in defense, and then we
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must... understand that we will have to concede some positions, that is, when it comes to forcing us to change tactics, think, choose goals, then this will lead everything is equal only as far as defense is concerned, and in order to go forward and occupy the territories , critical losses are needed, not critical territorial losses, but still not the expansion of the liberated territories, and this, unfortunately, is necessary to admit, it will really dominate in the near future, while ours. international partners will not restore exactly that volume of supplying us with the appropriate nomenclature and tools for victory and self-liberation of the territories. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation. oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, was with us, so what, we heard, we hope, in the end, the world knows this, the west knows, and we really hope to receive the million ammunition that we were promised. now
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the time is approaching. news, time to learn about the most important, in the last hour, iryna koval is already ready to share this information. irina, congratulations, you have a word. thank you, oksana, well, literally in a moment in the issue i will tell you about the trip to the front line of the president, about the situation in avdiivka and sumy oblast, and what control and inspections poland will strengthen on the border with ukraine. wait. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. russian troops entered the northern outskirts of avdiyivka and entrenched themselves on one of the streets. about this reported military correspondent yuriy.


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