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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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honorable guests of the studio andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. at least one person was killed and two others were injured due to russian shelling of toretsk in donetsk region. the injured were taken to the hospital, informed the head of the region vadym filashkin. he noted that the occupiers hit the city around one o'clock in the afternoon from artillery, they hit a residential building. the russian
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occupiers once again hit vovchansk in the kharkiv region, covering the city with artillery fire, the regional military administration reported. as a result of shelling , four private houses were damaged in the city. also, in one of the administrative buildings, windows and a damaged facade were blown out, in the local checkpoint enemy shells damaged the roof, ceiling and windows. fortunately, people survived. volodymyr zelenskyi. visited air command east. defense was discussed together with the military leadership of our cities and villages, critical infrastructure facilities and the front line, as well as the specifics of the application of western air defense systems. the president awarded the fighter pilots and thanked them for their accurate actions and destruction of the enemy. the head of state also visited the zaporizhia region today. there , volodymyr zelenskyi presented the newly appointed. head of the region, ivan
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fedorov. previously, he was the mayor of melitopol. the head of state also held a meeting on the security situation in the region. he listened to the reports of the military command and heads of law enforcement agencies. it was, in particular, about the defensive actions in the avdiyiv direction, the situation in the robotyny region and other areas of the front. volodymyr zelenskyi also visited the ... dovy visited a factory located close to the front line. the president visited the positions where the 65th separate mechanized brigade is stationed. he announced this on his facebook page. the head of state talked with the defenders, thanked them for the defense of the country and presented state awards. it is a great honor to be here today to support you and the awards.
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guys, you, our warriors, have such a difficult and decisive mission on your shoulders, to repel the enemy and win this war, i wish you this victory, i want to reward you, and i want to do everything to make this victory faster, so that your relatives support you, relatives and all civilian citizens of ukraine. in chernihiv oblast , despite... they spoke with the pilot who died protecting the ukrainian skies at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. lchyk of the 299th air force tactical aviation brigade , andriy antihovich, was buried in his native bahmachi. the hero's body could not be returned home almost two years, because he died while performing a task in the occupied kherson region. when an enemy missile hit the fighter, the pilot did not eject, but directed the plane into a column of russian military equipment.
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andrii antikhovich was 25 years old at the time of his death. in april 2022, president volodymyr zelenskyy posthumously awarded him with the order of bohdan khmelnytskyi, third degree. he dreamed of his own bookstore, but he was not destined to visit it. mykola rachok died at the front, saving his comrades from another brigade. i dream military man about his own business , his family undertook to implement it. they. for several months, they carefully selected quality publications, did repairs and learned entrepreneurship, followed the instructions in the diary that the soldier kept during his life, what came out of it, see further: high ceiling, velvet sofas and pleasant music, crossing the threshold, as if you are in in one of the rooms of the british palace, this is how it is - the dream bookstore of 27-year-old military serviceman mykola rachko, he drank it in his diaries, he has been since
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the 15th year, kolya, we have completely all his diaries, of course we re-read , re-read, suffered, re... cried, because certain, well, we found answers to certain questions, yes, when we did not understand, for example, what was difficult for him there, difficult, he did not want to share , burden, yes, now we know it, but he also wrote down his dreams there, he had a kind of list of 21 items, among them was a bookstore, in the color of navy blue, in the british style, he liked this color very much, trespass . threshold of his own bookstore mykola was not destined: the husband died eastern on july 19, 2022. together with his comrades, he gave battle to the invaders, which saved the lives of boys from another brigade. mykola was a graduate of the kyiv-mohyla academy, knew several languages, loved
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to travel and take pictures, wrote poems, engaged in martial arts, dubbed korean tv series. relatives recall that the ukrainian word and the ukrainian language were important to mykola. he liked that when he introduced people to something so cultural, different places or events, and that people were delighted by it, he liked it very much i liked it, he wanted to share it, he wanted it to spread to the masses, so that people would be more educated, more alive to life, in general, i am very glad that i was lucky enough to meet him. the family spent 10 months looking for premises and setting up a bookstore, everything was done at their own... expense and state payments, but before that, mykola's parents helped with the arrangement of one of the kindergartens at the expense of payments from the state, he is very, you know, with such a delicate heart always talked about kindergartens, about children, and especially, especially it was after he
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in kyiv, in buch, in virpen, ah, well, they worked there, and he often told about these bombed-out schools and kindergartens, and he says: nothing impresses, except for the tears, those huge ones that you see there, where there was a children's group, diana from vinnytsia buys books mainly online, and after learning the history of the bookstore, she couldn't pass by, and i definitely visited this bookstore again, i like different books, but it seems to me that you can find any genre here, in general, everything , which is to your liking, and here it is very comfortable to see that the bookstore has put its heart into it, it is very important to open such institutions, because they preserve... the memory of heroes, of people who do not protect. 30 publishers are represented in the bookstore, here you can find quality literature in the ukrainian language, including books written by soldiers. the family of the fallen hero wants the memory of mykola to live on. their plans are not only to sell books
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in ukrainian, but also to hold creative evenings in the institution and have coffee reading poetry. anastasia holoshivets, oleg smakovsky, from vinnytsia for the espresso tv channel. diary entries about 10 months of service in the veteran hub discussed the collection point 0 together with the author artem chekh. this is a documentary prose about the thoughts, fears and feelings of a soldier who goes to the demarcation line. books for such literary discussions are chosen directly by the visitors of the veterans' hub. the next meeting in the book club format can be attended already in a month. is a representative of veteran literature, and my service is separate, my writing activity is separate, and the only link between it is a book of dots, and which was necessary for me in order to simply then back in the 16th year, when i returned, i simply forgot that period, erased it so
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little from my memory, ah, how to survive, in our chat, participants can offer their books, then they are put to a vote, and so the way a book is defined: for this month's reading, at the end of the month we have a presenter who introduces this book, knows more about the author and can put people in context, and such a discussion takes place. a charity football match in support of ukraine took place in the capital of the czech republic. she acted as its organizer prague slavia. they met on the field with the slovak club zlate moratsve. the match ended with a victory for the home team. 3:0. according to the press service of the czech team , all funds from this match will be used to help ukraine. they plan to purchase field ambulances and other medical equipment. meanwhile, we call on
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you, our viewers, to join the gathering. our soldiers need vital equipment. please help to replace the engine in the tow truck, to buy an optical one. target and target for the unit intelligence of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is 470 thousand. you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. literally in a moment, meet my colleague mykola veresnya. we will see you at 20:00.
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anatoliy viktorovych is a mathematics teacher from kharkiv. during the first months of the great war , he moved to cherkasy and within two months realized that he had to return to his hometown to teach children not only online. man says that his students passed the zno and nmt with very high scores, more than 190. it is much easier to achieve such results with face-to-face training. because only by the child's face can you understand whether there are difficulties with the material. the first thing i do when i, when a new class comes to me, the first thing i do is prove to them that they can definitely do it. perhaps at first it is a simplified level of problems, perhaps a slightly overestimated assessment, but the main thing for me is to give them faith that it is within their power, because there are students who already say everything in the seventh or eighth grade. "i didn't know mathematics, no i know, it's not mine, so the main thing is to convince
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them that everything will be fine, that it's all real and nothing will be complicated. thanks to his colleagues, mr. anatoly found out about the "morning dawn" award. he decided to apply to it in order to share his experience with other teachers and to return to the rhythm of life that was before the war with conferences for teachers and communication. the prize from the ranok publishing house is designed to support ukrainians. teachers who care about the future generation, despite the difficulties brought by the war. we live in it is not an easy time, and the task of the ranok publishing house is to support teachers, the country should see its heroes, the teacher is in his place, this is very important, and this is really a person who does his work inconspicuously, and we want to draw the attention of the whole country to the story. teachers and tell about it publicly. 2024 is the year of the award's debut history. so far
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, there are five nominations in the competition, which take into account the innovative approach of teachers to learning, the results of their students, the support of children and the indomitability of teachers. this year, the prize fund of the award is more than uah 100,000, but the organizers hope that sponsors will join the competition and the morning stars will be able to tell the stories of star teachers every year. any awards, any contests, they... raise motivation, and most importantly, when they are covered in mass media, it raises the prestige of teaching work, because among teachers there are extremely brilliant personalities who, by the way, in times , these difficult times of war, showed flexibility and ability to help children, to fight with these educational losses that appeared in children due to moving, due to... constant interruptions of studies due to anxiety, distance learning and so on. teachers, take
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part in the competition, tell us about yourself, tell us about your school, about your students. the teacher is really important. the organizers hope that the competition will be able to attract as many teachers as possible. if you are a teacher in a ukrainian school and work on the books of the ranok publishing house, join the contest, go to the link on the screen or fill out the questionnaire on the website of the morning dawn award. applications will be accepted until 9 february 2024. yulia zubchenko, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. until 8 p.m. , that is, an hour and 45 , we will be with you for approximately 45 minutes, and during this time we will have
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time to talk about the ukrainian front, about the american situation, about right-wing movements in europe, about tbilisi, that is, about georgia, poland, in short, there is a lot to talk about, but as always we start with front-line events, on this occasion we have a general of the army of ukraine, the head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine from the fifth to the 10th years. mr. mykola malomuzh, you just see him on the screens. thank you, mr. mykola, for finding time for us to talk about what is happening in ukraine on the front lines. well, that's it. so the first and most important question is: the situation - i have it written here: the situation in avdiivka is critical, the russian federation has advanced into the development zone, how critical is it, is it worth continuing to defend avdiivka, because the same discussion was held before bakhmut, you remember you know, about a year ago and there all spring, can he leave it this bakhmut, can he leave, what do you say about
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the audio store, is the situation really critical and is it worth keeping the audio store in ukraine? in their hands, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, first of all , today avdivka is one of the powerful centers, which is a symbol of the courage of our soldiers, it is an avdia that has military and political significance for the fact that we hold our land, our territory and specifically the city where the enemy is really concentrating the main efforts to capture it on the instructions of putin, the city itself is not the most important here, it goes without saying, because it is ukraine. and what putin set precisely the main task of capturing, so that it would be a sign before the elections that he is carrying out offensive operations, has concrete successes, not only that, the proof of this is that he also at press conferences, and at the latest three days ago, even indicated which half of the street, half of the house somewhere has been captured
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by representatives of the armed forces of the russian federation , as far as the divorce team, which already tells us what positions there are, whether they are true or not, but comments even on such a situation, so it is important for us that we hold the city, that putin does not has success here, personally, his army is also, on the other hand, an extremely important component - this is the fact that there is a large concentration of troops here, which is extremely difficult for us , we have to fight, today literally every half a meter, and huge forces have been generated, but these forces, this and... and concentration of the enemy, where we deliver powerful strikes, where they move a large number of armed forces, primarily military equipment, manpower, missile systems, we constantly destroy most of the enemy's losses, this is in the avdiiv direction, 400, 450, 350 people daily, how many
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wounded, about a thousand in just one day, that is why in this situation there is still a task to destroy the enemy's reserves. tear off its defense capability, in the course of several months, this is several hundred thousand killed and wounded, this is a powerful undermining of all types of armed forces, and not only mobilized , unprepared mobs like us, but also airborne troops, mercenaries, respectively marines, wagnerites who arrived there, that is, this task is performed under avdiivka and i think that it is performed with honor, that they are really trying to go into separate streets, well, they already give information in advance. some sources , but the question is in specific hundreds of meters, two by three streets, where they tried to pass, first through sewer pipes, yesterday two streets advanced several hundred meters, they are in the format of a maneuver alternately, then they advance, then we repel them back , vindicated, the road, which is
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the road of life, as we say, it is really important, it is not captured by the enemy, but er on... to be under fire control and of ukrainian, but also russian troops, there is a powerful armament , it is very difficult to break through to our soldiers to deliver ammunition and weapons, but we also hold this logistics university, i think that for today it is not appropriate to ask the question of leaving the city , when we have ammunition, we have, accordingly, the possibility of at least partial delivery, we can carry out the task, destroy further, having a more powerful fortified position than the enemy, he does not move from a fortified position, he must advance, advance on the city, on avdiivskyi respectively, the plant, in the industrial zone, it is extremely difficult, as a rule, we say that one in five, one in eight, their soldiers die, so at the moment, when we
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still have the opportunity to hold on, to destroy it, to carry out today's main task to undermine. its defense capability and specificity, thank you, the second question, the next question, i apologize, mr. general, the ministry of defense of ukraine said the following, we do not have much time, bearing in mind that we must finally pass the law on mobilization, that is, we don't have much time, which means that we have a weak position at the front, and if it lasts another month or two, the situation is such that rotation cannot be carried out. then we can start retreating, or what does it mean that we don't have, the ministry of defense says, we don't have much time, well, first of all, not a single mobilization, because... today the question is about ammunition, high-tech weapons, and this is the a package that must be provided along with mobilization, first of all mobilization, if we are not talking about
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the law, the law is a piece of paper, today there are laws it is enough, as a rule , to make some corrections, it is clear, to generate the best forces that are in our organized formations, these are people who took an oath to defend the homeland, since these are, accordingly, those people who have a uniform, who have a statute, who are ready ... to conduct, well, if not direct combat actions, well, actually morally, psychologically, and in terms of the military format, there is a readiness to mobilize part of the resources, as was done during major wars, this is a holy matter, they are under arms, under by oath, and i think that up to 2,000 of these formations have to be fast within a month and a half, it can be a rotation once and the addition of troops twice, the second part is those employees who can really also go to the front, not walk around here and see what else can be repaired or changed here, or to shoot somewhere, but really young guys who must undergo training and form a position, because they are
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civil servants, take an oath of loyalty to the state. the third situation is the targeted training of our soldiers, it is among the newly mobilized, but in specific specialties. if we say a million drones, we need somewhere around 300,000 drone operators, and these are it specialists who can be mobilized for... and quickly enter into a concrete already technological battle, it is exactly the same for other specialties, this is already targeted training, but in a way exactly recruiting and the method of conscription , but a final conscription, then just the process will go, the first just wave of soldiers and law enforcement officers who are ready, they can quickly leave, because they are already grouped, just spend before training and identification, the second part is really those who took the oath on loyalty to the motherland and already also have status and motivation. but it is quickly prepared for two or three months, the third part is what we are saying, those already mobilized conscripts who go under target contracts, this is exactly the format that will ensure a quick exit from
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the situation, but at the same time it is necessary to achieve during this period, as we are doing europe already has a fund, firstly, the acquisition of armed equipment, 28 countries provide and will provide once, the second situation is the fund to support ukraine of 8.5 billion, and now the question is already facing the furrow and just... barel says that 20 billion will be used to buy abroad quickly two, this is ammunition, first of all, military equipment, weapons of all types, soviet, nato and the like, to achieve that after all this is an issue, and we were negotiating unofficially with the republicans by the democrats, so that this block was allocated in february, a maximum of three in march, this is what will replenish our resources, high-tech weapons f-16, atakams, guided bombs at 150 km, radars. systems are electronic shields against missiles, shaheeds, against everything flies to our cities, including kyiv-lviv, and to the front of our fighters, and a clear change in the strategy of waging war, this is
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the basis of the foundations, this is the last, the most basic, this is the gunpowder that zaluzhny spoke about, to some extent he said it in to your interview, this comprehensive approach, and not just a quick mobilization, it does not solve anything, you need to take a really deep look at how to carry it out, without pressure, without repression, i directly emphasize, repression will lead to... problems in society, confrontation, already tried to some extent to carry out personnel rotations, so no rejoicing, or the banker will release information, this leads to an imbalance , to confrontation among the military, and this is very important, or distrust, or the loss of, for example, a leader, and there it is very important for the military, and in the political sector, here, as a rule, the president must be the consolidator of all forces, both civilian and military, including mobilization, and they will not threaten god, i apologize, just from your point of view, mr. general, what is the essence of the conflict and is it a conflict, because
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we also spoke with experts yesterday , and they i really liked this opinion, they say that zaluzhnyi and zelenskyi have much more in common than the fact that many journalists say that there is something that separates them. but there is a lot in common, then what is the essence of the conflict, is it exactly the conflict between zaluzhny and zelensky, or is it some other , slightly different conflict, maybe wider, maybe narrower, maybe more systematic, your point of view, please, sir - i think that the direct there is no conflict, because it is a period of war, conflict is a loss if the supreme commander conflicts with the commander-in-chief, and that's why zelenskyi is also aware of this - he is an educated hard worker, and a number of forces are politicians, a number of forces are from different offices , let me emphasize this in different offices, which would like to change something, saying to zelensky that there is already a higher rating of the hard worker, and industrious one, let’s keep the position like the military,
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nothing will be done about it, these formats are not... official, and then informational ones are launched, including fakes, they unbalance the system, even if industrious zelensky does not want it, it has already gone, launched, remember let's say that one day everyone was already on commanders, and the military say that with the commander, and we trust him, to protect both civilians and various public organizations, this is something that should not be, first of all, the position of zelenskyi, if something arises, first of all, do not create, give a strict instruction to all. offices so that they do not spread or initiate this, including a well-known people 's deputy, who is a servant of the people, spreads it together with others, i will not say it directly myself, that is why there are beneficiaries of this whole process, and this is unacceptable, this is not a rumor, this specific performances, so in this they act against ukraine, against unity, including zelenskyi zaluzhnyi, this needs to be clearly understood, but the main initiator to stop this problem, the president, he has all
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the powers, status and... everything is being removed, launched the spokesperson at the end of the day, only something appeared , the president should come out, as he makes specific daily statements, told about the situation and said: "they are trying to fake that we have a contradiction, but we will work together, we stand together, we are moving forward to victory, this is class, not a kiru in the evening, and no, this was not the case it won't happen, the situation doesn't work like that, the processes in russia have already started, powerfully, informationally against ukraine, i've already been asked, i'll say it bluntly, by the americans, germans, and british. the french , others, whatever will be created, they already have doubts, doubt is already bad, because it was difficult to stop it, and then there is a refutation, a rollback, you know how it stays, i know well all these circles, i am with her i conduct constant negotiations and for many, many years have been conducting high-level negotiations with leaders, with politicians, with the military, especially with partners, something arises there, they: and everything is stable there, you can trust your managers, thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you for
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the clarification, mr. mykola. malomush, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine from the 5th to the 10th years, we finish with this topic, well, just such a bridge, consciously or unconsciously, mr. malomush, maybe he knows my script, and maybe he spied , turns to our next guest, this is volodymyr khandogiy, president of the ukrainian foreign policy association, highly respected ambassador, diplomat, good health, mr. volodymyr, thank you for finding time for us, why the small town, that just now the general was talking about what... the west is asking, and i am asking you about the west. look, now they started talking about the fact that the congress will vote with the help of israel, so to speak, without ukraine, as i understand it, the white house prevents this, it wants it to go in a package, then this division strengthens the chances of ukraine to get these 61 billion. does it weaken, mr. ambassador, please give me the floor. good
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evening. so today this news caused a little stir and the expert environment, and to a certain extent society, journalists, this is a certain new novel in the position of the democrats in the house of representatives, namely to allocate an aid package to israel from the big barrel that contained aid to ukraine, and borders, and there and... and everyone else and vote it out next, next week. of course, for the white house , i think it was a surprise as well, although maybe i'm wrong, but nevertheless they came out hard, in the white house, i mean hard against taking this position out of the package, and how it everything will end well, let's see. for us, of course, this is
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bad news. well, first of all, if we recall a little, and today we can already ask the democrats, why was it from the very beginning to involve aid to ukraine in this big package, where we thought, the main, so to speak, well, you know, the main obstacle will be the border itself , in fact, it turned out that democrats are absolutely willing to donate. by ukraine, i mean, i apologize, the republicans will sacrifice ukraine in the congress in order to allow the issue of israel to be resolved after all, because for them help israel is a big, so to speak, big problem, in view of the next election, for them, so to speak, if they suddenly...


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