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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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putin's position, i.e., this is actually all that is called elections in russia. you were not surprised by this petty persecution by the russians of their mass culture figures, who are now giving concerts in various countries of the world. this is the story of the attempt to get artists from the b2 group from thailand, or the ban that he received upon entering, it seems to me, to... indonesia, so to the island of bali, the russian humorist, who now lives in israel, maxim galkin. what is it for russians to travel to different, i would say, countries of the world, or to give tasks to their consuls and persecute people who want to give a concert there at huketi or at bali, i'm sorry, is it at the kremlin palace of congresses? well, you see, i think that the answer , mr. vitaly, can be read in today’s regular, well, i don’t know,
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it’s even so delicate to say it, well, let ’s say the posts of this alcoholic thermonuclear bear, here he is, he’s just pouring bile about all of them people who went abroad, who in his opinion betrayed their family and who should be persecuted around the... world, you know, i think that's right here everything converges, these medvedevs, through the relevant special services, well, we must understand that all general consulates, embassies and so on, these are 80% of special services, only 20% of what is called some kind of diplomacy, that is why they receive such instructions from moscow in order to make it so that these affixes. the relatives
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didn't feel safe even at the ball, it's a tradition , you know, an ice axe, no one in the historical ones, so to speak, didn't give it away somewhere, it hangs somewhere there, you know, on the wall, that is he is somewhere here, that is, he can be removed at any moment, well, maybe not with a woodcutter, but maybe with an ice pick, or maybe with some, i don’t know, another person there, even... with something there or something else, so what this is this is a normal practice for them. you understand the tactics of the american republicans regarding aid to ukraine. on the one hand, the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, is meeting with the speakers of the baltic parliaments and telling them that the united states should continue to support ukraine, and he wants to support ukraine. and on the other hand, literally in a few days says that there will be a separate bill on aid to israel, because until...
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the discussion about the decision on migration policy in the united states is quite slow, but i don't even mention the separate projects of aid to ukraine. well, you know, this is really cynicism of a sky-high level, because someone, the americans, in my opinion, know best through whom ukraine got rid of even tactical nuclear weapons, and here you just have to look. go back 15 years and understand who then twisted ukraine's hands, who, by the way, for what ukraine gave even nuclear material, she was not paid, because the sums that ukraine received were ridiculous, they were an order of magnitude less than what ukraine should have received for the uranium contained in nuclear warheads, unfortunately, no one knows about this doesn't say, it's a pity, of course , because... well, at least in this way you can
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remind about something, and if we talk about the essence, then again, it seems to me, you know, the kind of trick that the republicans always try poke at the democrats, they understand that ukraine is for democracy administration is a topic, well, if not number one, then not number two, as they once said. one of our prominent political figures, that's why, when they single ukraine out from the rest and leave it like this one, you know, er, well, the americans say, bagening chip, that is, something that can be traded, then this is included in the logic of actions , which would help the republicans to bite the democrats as much as possible, that
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is, whatever , unfortunately, we are too important for the democrats, so that the republicans can't do it. use them, they use them, inventing new and new nonsense, which, to be honest, a sober-minded person should not talk about, and i say that this is already cynicism of some extraordinary category, but we have some opportunities to influence this situation, so that after all ukraine received this aid, how to do it in general, but today, let’s say, i saw a report that in kyiv the former secretary of state... of the united states, mike pompeo, who is considered a rather influential person in the republican establishment, met in the ukrainian in the capital with andrii yarmak, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, i think that this was not the only such meeting, how much can mr. pompeo influence his republican colleagues? you
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know, i think that you should definitely use all the opportunities, all the meetings, all the contacts, that's true. yes, but it seems to me that for the republicans to beat the democrats is a much more important, well, so to speak, political goal than any, well , sober arguments, well, look, they themselves have now admitted that 90% of what is transmitted in ukraine as military aid, in fact remains in the united states of america, i.e.... we have old types of weapons, and american factories receive orders for new ones , well, well, what adequate politician would say that this is bad, well, but we see that this is exactly what is happening, so of course that
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you can also talk about prompeo, you can talk about other figures who theoretically can influence, but you know, now it seems to me that trump... really gave an instruction to block, even if it looks completely absurd, it is more likely that we need to think about other options , some hope remains, because after all to at the beginning of march, the americans have to adopt a normal budget of their country, well, you can't continue all this indefinitely when... uh , the budget is extended for a month, for two months, it's not normal, so if the budget is approved, there are opportunities and for the state department, and for the pentagon, to use certain programs that they
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would traditionally have to help foreign countries, it's certainly not the specific aid that we're talking about, but at least... it's not going to be a situation where aid in principle stopped because there is no how to finance it. if we talk about what is happening now in the relations between ukraine and poland, this is an absolutely strange situation that arose in connection with the statements of the president andrzej duda, he immediately refuted them in fact, but said that he believes that ukraine maybe... get control over donbas, but crimea is unlikely, why, that this is a special territory for russia, and i can't understand why from the point of view of international law there are some, you know, like in oreel, which are less special and more special territories only because russia began to apply the myth about crimea there earlier than the myths about donbas, and why, let's say, kyiv is not
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a special territory for russians, i don't understand, if we have already talked about special territories, well, you know , it seems to me such a typical case. an emotional breakdown of some kind, well, i don’t know, it used to be called lypsus limla, that is , just a trick, well, something, something somewhere didn’t work, and you’re right, he actually disarmed himself after that and said that, well, actually ukraine must win and so on and so forth, it's like this... it seems to me that everything is really an emotional move, an emotional mistake, which, which, well, should not affect the relations between the two presidents and the two countries, in relation to crimea, well, you see, i am not,
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like you, mr. vitaly, a military expert and i really trust those who speak about it professionally, but... from the current point on the left bank to the administrative border with crimea, if you believe our experts. i don't think that this is a task that, with proper organization , cannot be successfully completed, so the solution is to the administrative border of crimea and the blocking of the corridor in the south, this is really what will later transfer the topic of crimea from theory to practice, and we can already see that thanks to the use of these... attack drones, the situation, although not as
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quickly as we would like, but it is still changing for the better, so i think that here we need to talk less about the traditions of russian, the so-called crimea or something else, and just stubbornly and persistently act where it is necessary, and therefore, and then the issue of crimea, sorry, they will solve themselves. thank you, and this, and this, and this, i think, are absolutely possible, given that in fact, if we have enough military equipment, if we have, a push to confiscate russian assets, if we have tighter and tighter economic sanctions against russia, then believe me, its economy will start to limp. already on two, and immediately on four legs, which means that everything will follow karl
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marx. thank you, mr. volodymyr. volodymyr ogrysko, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009, head of the russian research center was on our air, we now we will break with you for a couple of minutes, but please don't switch, we have a lot of interesting conversations ahead of us. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety. melamach b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and restore strength to b6 melams. full sleep and recovery from bhfz. there are discounts on glycysed and glycyset of max 15% in psyllanyk pam and oskad pharmacies. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags are not for my patient back, for back pain, try dolgit cream.
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is an important step because britain is also signing such an agreement with us, and this is a kind of symbol more than any concrete, such, say, commitments that can be measured in the number of weapons, this is the way, i can , i would say an indirect way, not so much to nato, as to... revision under the common security policy in europe, and therefore yes, the sooner such an agreement is signed, the better, what can it be? does not expect from a future visit to of the ukrainian capital of french president emmanuel macron, to what extent can we really consider his words that europe should mobilize to support ukraine if the united states fails to continue this support really implemented? i think macron hopes to have a further career
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in some european high cabinet, because he can't... run for a third term as president, and he's not going to retire after his time at the elysée palace is over, so since from the first days of his stay at to the authorities, even during the first election campaign, he spoke about how important european security is, let's say, not separate, but less dependent on us. from the states , how important it is to develop the european armed potential, production, it is clear that cooperation with ukraine in this sense is a certain chance for him, a certain perspective, that is, i think that it will be possible to gain a lot from him, taking into account his personal ambitions, this is a chance and for him and for ukraine. and why, by the way,
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to a meeting with biden regarding this support for of ukraine? from europe, scholzen and macron are leaving , well, it’s more complicated here, here obviously they didn’t find any personal contact from their first meeting, they said that everything happened very coldly, very dry, protocol, and maybe this is one of the moments that also influence big politics, that is, people who are in the highest positions are also people who sympathize with each other. or not, understand or not, find a common language or not, it is not as important as in ukrainian politics, not so important, but it is also there is also, and this is also a factor, it is obvious that it is so, but tell me, ms. alo, in principle, what can be said about the prospects of french support for ukraine in the future, if we are constantly discussing how far the french are right, wrong, even the radical right
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is close to electoral success, and now we see that marine le pen's ratings are well ahead. the ratings of the same macron or any of the liberal contenders for the post of french president, there is a great , great danger here, here i completely agree with you, because except, well, lipin she maybe not, will not apply again for the presidential elections, but there is jordan vardela, this is vardela, young, her successor in the party, this is the former national front, now. this is a national association, and this person is very dynamic , much more flexible, he, let's say, expresses from time to time support for ukraine and the need to support ukraine with arms and immediately retreats to the position, emphasizing the need
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for negotiations, that is, he is much, much more dangerous than marin, i want to say, he is popular among young people, he is very present. on tiktok, that is, this is a completely different wave of politicians that is rising, and in addition to it there are also extreme leftists, there are other versions of the extreme rightists, that is, this whole spectrum is very skeptical about the further support of armed ukraine, and it will be much more difficult to work with them than with macron, and it is clear that a lot depends on who will replace him as president. especially for us. in principle, if we talk about the current political situation in france, we can say that the position of president macron has weakened due to with this clear failure of the migration reform, and with the fact that, on the one hand, he had to give in to the proposals of the far-right, and on the other hand, the constitutional court, in fact, canceled all these articles of the reform,
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which were precisely related to the interests of the marine lippen party, turns out that macron tried to agree on matters and as a result there is no reform as such and the rightists feel wanted, this is generally such a strange, i would say, political situation, i would say such a maneuver that not everyone will be able to fully understand. well, he wanted to come to an agreement with everyone and did not come to an agreement with anyone, that is, from the very beginning , he is this politician, well, of course you are vitaliy , you remember, he said that i am neither right nor left, that is, he started that way, that i want to sit on everyone villages, as a result he ended up between the two of them, on... so he can be considered weakened, and now these protests of farmers, agricultural enterprises, very powerful protests, they do not at all... help him become more popular, there are new actions for tomorrow protests are foreseen in the province, er, a way out of this, he has not yet
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offers someone who would arrange these agricultural circles, so yes, he is in a weakened position, it's true, how do you in principle assess the possibility of reforming europe from such a german, french point of view, as more flexible, so flexible. of the european union, because we understand that the changes that will lead to the european integration of ukraine will now depend on this reformation? well, there is no other way out, i think it will happen, because not so much from the desire of france and germany, as from the impossibility of resisting those changes which, which are not, which cannot be canceled, therefore germany and france, who want to remain the locomotive of the european union, will be forced to offer their agenda, somehow
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try to impose it on others, as they are used to in the european union, but the countries of eastern europe are now acquiring larger of political shares, in particular, poland also has great ambitions to become such a hub, as if for ukraine, and in this it competes with france and germany. i.e., this is quite such a process , as of today, it looks complicated, negotiations cannot be easy, because all these countries are used to a certain kind of not only stability, but i would say repetition of political steps, and now is the time of such a big accelerated innovation, as far as they manage, well, let's see, that is , they are forced to just run ahead of this locomotive for time. demands this , as far as you generally think, the french will promote the european integration of ukraine, it is in their interests, how to say,
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public support remains very high, somewhere the last numbers were, it seems, 58, that is, for european countries, this is a lot, and if so on at the general level, let's say, well, such an average frenchman, then... they believe that yes, ukraine should be supported, fine, if it integrates, but not immediately, preferably there after 15-20 years, not sooner, eh, and, there such a moment as economic competitiveness, the fact is that both ukraine and france are two large agrarian states, and now there are pro-ukrainian narratives that are quite fueled by russian propaganda. ukrainian honey, ukrainian chicken, ukrainian eggs, which displace the french national product, that is, you know, it is very easy to sympathize with others when it
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does not concern one's own well-being, but here is what russian overt and covert propaganda focuses on, it is the encouragement of this sense of competitiveness with ukraine, and with it our... politicians and diplomats it will be necessary to deal with it in the near future, because objectively ukraine is really capable of competing with the french, and i with our large agricultural complex, yes, but what do you think, macron still hopes that there may be some agreements with moscow, he was one of of recent western leaders, who practically tried to stay in contact with vladimir putin, spent time with him. member meetings, well, it didn't lead to anything, how has it changed now? well, no, it hasn’t changed much, in what sense, he no longer calls putin happily, but he did invite
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orban to him, it just didn’t end in anything, like his endless calls to putin, but he is the kind of person who constantly wants to agree with everyone, he thinks that everyone can somehow be reconciled, find some kind of arithmetic mean, he is quite logical, maybe a dry person who believes more. by some calculation, algorithm , knife, emotions and the quality of human relationships, so, well, his hope that everyone can somehow be satisfied, everyone can be given a piece of gingerbread and everyone can be satisfied with something, this belief does not leave him, well , for sure, maybe someday i will leave, but for now , orbán's invitation to paris proves that this moment has probably not come yet. by the way, about orbán, do you think that macron somehow managed to change the hungarian position, then why was there a meeting with the hungarian prime minister? well, when he arrived, it
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was generally the press. she didn't say anything, as if he didn't come, that is, there was such an absolute pause, but now the politician writes that he seems to have joined together with melenia to convince this orbán, to somehow pretend that he went on a retreat, and something promise him there, you know, you have to be there , you have to hear it all, to claim this or that, to claim that he helped or didn't help, he tried, he tried, as far as his words were heard, well... it's hard to say, i didn't i'm struggling to assert myself, to assert unequivocally, i'm sorry, if we talk about how french public opinion views the situation in ukraine today, what do you think has changed over the past two years, this is public opinion, regarding there, maybe more fatigue, less interest, like this everything looks, well , i wouldn't call it fatigue, it's still
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not fatigue, it's more of me... i think people are used to this war, it might be a little worse, but it 's actually hard to get tired of other people's problems from your own get tired people are simply used to the fact that there is a war in the center of europe, someone is constantly being killed, blood is constantly being shed, and nothing can be done, in general, i do not feel any radical change in mood, i see great activity of the pro... lobby, which time was running out, and they were not heard for the first year of a full-scale war, for obvious reasons, but now they are joyfully returning to french tv screens, the pages of magazines and spreading their poisonous messages that they should immediately sit down at the table, pretend to negotiate, but actually force ukraine to capitulation, and unfortunately, they are given
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a platform, that's it... changed, that is, changed , changed, let's say, the state of the information space has changed, that's how it is , there are no big changes at the social level, well, these are my observations, but what else can we do in general to support this interest, in your opinion, well , i think that all the soft power should be involved ukrainian culture, carriers, let's say musicians there, can organize some actions, travel, present this culture, to explain how ukraine differs from russia, now a good moment, because people are trying to understand why these ukrainians so persistently resist the risk to their lives, lose their lives, hide the best, but still do not want to become russians, that is, what is special, and this is the moment when our artists, they can to be
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very useful to you. to the state, now also, i think, all this popular so-called diplomacy, that is, various conferences, other such events, there, perhaps, there are seminars, well, everything, everything that can be done to involve intellectual circles in the dialogue with ukraine , this it would also be very useful, i.e. ukrainian intellectuals, they too now have to mobilize as much as possible, and this one... to ukraine should not be lost, but filled with those meanings that are currently available, that are currently in demand, that are currently in demand, well, i i would recommend it. it can be said that the french have now begun to understand the difference from russia, ukraine, because we know about such a culturally russian-centricity of french society, which has not gone anywhere, it seems to me, even over these years, that not everyone, those who have not been, are beginning to understand biased
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those who simply did not know, who simply lacked knowledge, now begin to understand and sympathize, and somehow try to be useful, there is progress here, those who were immersed in all these pro-russian circles, it is more difficult with them, because in french, it is completely not those people who like to work on their mistakes and admit that they didn't know something, they made a mistake somewhere, and it doesn't really correspond to the national tradition, that's why it's more difficult with them, because they start telling there in..."why you took pushkin there and brought him down, pushkin innocent, there he is such a beautiful poet , why are you such deacons, that is, they still do not want to admit their co-responsibility for the fact that people who had to, well , positioned themselves, as, say, experts in russian culture, literature, society, did not warned about what modern russian society is turning into, how dangerous it is becoming, not only for itself, but
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also for all states. which are located on e.


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