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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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on russia's violation of two conventions, the international convention on the fight against the financing of terrorism and the international convention on the elimination of all norms of racial discrimination, by the way, at that time everyone was very happy that the court accepted it for consideration, i remember when it was, but something seems to me that this judgment of the court is more did, well, this is my personal opinion, because the decisions there are absolutely not the same as the realities that we were counting on, especially since they made the decision now after a full-scale invasion and it has already been seven years, almost like that time, it is very important to actually take a balanced approach and read into what decision the un court made in the gas case, it did not fully satisfy what ukraine demanded, ukraine demanded, in particular you... russia is guilty in all respects, in
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principle the court the un in the hague noted that russia had committed a violation, i am now referring to the lawyers and the ministry of foreign affairs , not really, it is true, it is true, they have committed a violation , they have committed a violation on almost every point in the conventions in question, but, but, so that racial discrimination against the crimean tatars or ukrainians in crimea, but no, it is more likely due to political reasons, well, that is, people simply voluntarily left crimea, they all went to prison, went to siberia, as they were tricked, many others , a cool court and it, a very cool organization, such a theatrical - the artist, i would call her , the court also noted that his main complaint against russia is that it did not investigate the financial support of separatist groups in the east of ukraine in the 14th year, that is , it did not conduct an investigation against itself, right russia? so let's be on the phone, because i
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i am now at the airport and the conditions here are very bad, radio-technical, i would say , and it does not allow you to conduct a video, you know, communication, so you started, you already started talking, and as for me, they very correctly placed, placed accents, the essence really note... that all the facts cited by ukraine in its lawsuits are there, they exist, this is a direct violation on the part of russia, what concerns the persecution of the crimean tatar people, the mejlis, in particular the crimean tatar people, the prohibition of its activities, he really more than the number of the majority of these judges, five judges out of 15 have a separate position, and they are on... gals
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, what is the position of ukraine, that there is ethnic persecution in crimea, on ethnic grounds, these five judges share, they have separate opinions, they later will be printed, and we will do everything to translate it into ukrainian so that our entire community, law-enforcement, especially our lawyers, and society as a whole will get acquainted with it, but let me return to the photo with which you started the conversation with me. so i was in the hague and now i'm going back to warsaw, in the evening i will meet fellow citizens, ukrainians, crimean tatars there, tomorrow i hope i will already be in kyiv, that is, i could not be confused about what this photo says, it says that we, crimean tatars, well, like all of them ukrainians, who are directly in the territories occupied by russia, realize how urgently it is necessary to liberate all these
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territories, and the only obstacle to such an early liberation may be some of our internal problems in ukrainian society, as soon as this court decision is , which disappointed us, let's say, in diplomatic language, it was announced that one of my comrades, whom i am friends with since maidan in 2004, he wrote me one sentence, but listen to how it sounds, he... says: friend, refate, in this the situation in which ukraine is, the best court is the armed forces of ukraine, period. so, i think, with this photo , we wanted to say to all of ukraine that precisely in these days, in these months, in this year, we must preserve cohesion and unity as much as possible, and this is the only condition and the only factor that will allow us to defeat this one, well tehva.
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no, i am not personally acquainted with him, although there were several moments when we talked, but no , well, as they say, not face to face, no, but tell me, please, well, a few details, simply, this is how i understood it, they, together with rustemomirov , came to the leadership of the mejlis and to our leader mustafa dzhemilev, and it was such an unannounced visit, what i am asking about is that it happened just these days, it is important for... well, look, one, one of you see, i don't name such politicians today in the morning in his telegram he wrote, well , such words are very offensive to me, he evaluated this photo, he said again, someone wants something there, well, i am
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speaking so mildly than he did, this photo speaks only of what is in ukraine everyone, everyone, including those people, and politicians, and generals who... have their own special places, a special opinion, but if they are aware of their responsibility, i note once again, all politicians, and military, and and the officials, they must now maintain unity, this is our position of the midjlis, and we wanted it so that everyone knew about it, this is how it was in february 2014, in february 2014, we tried to convince ukraine as much as possible in the crimea, which was already occupied, and we were waiting for the only, well, such a very, well, open and frank approach of all ukrainian politicians, and they were sitting here in kyiv and engaged in other issues, including
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handing out briefcases, here they were handing out briefcases, and there there were columns of russian soldiers scattered all over crimea, on all roads, in all corners of crimea, i would never would not want in life again... to see such things, mr. refate, it is very important to be aware of what is happening in the temporarily occupied crimea, he is also feverish from this pre-election period, forgive the lord, in march they have to reassign putin there, and the local gauleiters are one in front of one, they also try to somehow manifest themselves and say that vova moldavan konstantina is actually the fifth goblin. comes, when we talk about the goblin, we remind you that this is the occupation, the head of the so-called crimea, aksyonov, can you fuel to the fire, that is, we understand that we can and should use any leverage in order to destabilize
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the situation, in particular in the occupation administrations, what can we do? well, look, frogs and vipers, and in this situation i will not say anything, and i will only repeat what i have already said. i think he said literally a few minutes ago, not a couple, but dozens of well-aimed strikes on military facilities in the crimea, on those ships that are still terrified there and hiding somewhere under these different crimean estuaries, and they are scattering them around of novorossian forces in feodosiya already in sevastopol practically ripped this squadron to pieces with ship strikes. strikes must be made on the bridge, it is the umbilical cord that mentally holds crimea, well, let's say this, in the minds of putin and his entourage, as soon as two or three spans of this bridge collapse, think that crimea has already been liberated. thank you for such words, mr.
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rifate, rifatega, well, i think that you too, well , not too, you are the first to analyze such news, in london for... the ex-occupational governor of sevastopol, dmitry ovsyannikov, was arrested, what can you say about of this fact and this being? well, here our law enforcement agencies and diplomats need to monitor the situation very closely, so far he is not in danger of such a thing, we could hope that he will be extradited to ukraine, he... was arrested for violating the sanctions regime, which was also imposed against him personally , he was not just the goulaiter of sevastopol, but before that he was the deputy minister of which ministry, i think industry, i don’t really remember it, and then he was sent to
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work by this geulaiter of the occupation authorities in sevastopol, then he was filmed with a scandal, well, of course, these are russian, you know, searchers. their spiritual scraps, they are looking for their scraps everywhere, and it is as if they declare all neighboring lands as their russian lands, and they only take them. by the ass, then they immediately run to the west, against which they allegedly spoke, so if the west would just have a little more sense than the one they use, i alas, i'm already switching to diplomacy , then they should now turn to the general the prosecutor's office of ukraine, so that we urgently provide documents that confirm that this person has committed crimes against the ukrainian state directly. if they do not do so, then in the general prosecutor's office, i think they have already done it, well, if they have not done it, then it is already very
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unprofessional. i just want to remind you that you and i have already mentioned ovsyannikov in our aydere programs more than once, in particular in the context of the fact that in 2022 this person actually achieved the lifting of european union sanctions in great britain. in particular, that is, we already have a very dangerous precedent when a person. in connection with the alleged fact that she lost her position , she is deprived of, well, let's say this, this sanctioning influence that she deserved, as if as soon as you cease to be the head of sevastopol, we remove the sanctions from you, it's not your fault, it's very much i would think , maybe you would share this opinion with your colleagues, but this is really very serious, because we should not only receive blows when they are inflicted on us, but also inflict them ourselves. i think you just have to ask the journalist, can we ask the general prosecutor's office whether
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they managed to immediately after receiving the message that this scoundrel, who is a direct criminal in relation to ukraine, was arrested, or whether they prepared and sent documents so that we could extradite him to ukraine, of course, yes , we will definitely ask, because if it really hasn't been done, it 's just, well, let's keep quiet on this topic for now, until we... find out for sure, on february 20, there should be some kind of court decision in great britain on this matter, on this very day when russia began to occupy crimea, it seems like 20 no 20 20, she yes she started they they they they started a long time ago long before 2014 in the 18th century and cognitive occupation and thank you very much mr. refate for that. that you managed to get involved despite the circumstances
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, tafact chubarov, the head of medzhaliso of the crimean tatar people, who is currently on his way, as we understand, from the hague, from the meeting of the un court, where literally yesterday a decision was made regarding the lawsuit of ukraine against the russian federation, i think that from as lawyers, we will definitely sort out you just have to ask for sure, well, we will do it in veterda. us people to get involved, as mr. ryfat chubarov got involved, and ryfat chubarov, you know, sometimes it is not necessary to see, but it is necessary to hear well, and if you hear well what ryfat aga chubarov said, many thoughts arise, i think in our viewers, regarding several topics that we have already touched on and will continue to discuss, i just want to take this opportunity to note that an important event this week related to crimea is the release of a convict in russia yevhen karakashev, a crimean activist from yevpatori, who was released from the balashov
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prison in the seratov region of the russian federation after six years of imprisonment, was informed earlier by his acquaintances, an acquaintance, and i understand that we will now look for opportunities to contact the person, which, unfortunately, was forced to completely sew the term and the person with white threads, it is interesting to talk with a person who will be able, of course, it is so interesting to talk with a person who stands for nothing, just for his citizenship, for his position on his own land spent a full term, i hope that this is the end of it, to talk about his feelings, about his feelings when he got into the carriage, the occupation, about his feelings now, about his vision of the war, about everything, about everything, about everything, in my opinion, the opinion of such people is valuable, i am always interested in it, well... at this point, we will say goodbye to you, we will remind you that this was a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel, together with
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beraber, khrystyna yatskiv and ayder muzhdabaev, were with you , see you, goodbye, new york of the 19th century, it's luxury, scandals and intrigue, the gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription, turn on aristocratic on mego. there are 15% discounts on sinus hot and sinus caps in pharmacies on... hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is
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the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians. and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online. the enable me ukraine community. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you will get any information regarding disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support,
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advice and real friends. together we support each other. we share useful information and learn new things. together we grow. join us. stand up part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. greetings to all, this. format and i want to start with such words from elsa's okeanu song, where for someone there is only rage outside the window, it has long been spring on my street. this can be characterized by shakhtar donetsk, because in 10-11 days there will be a match with marseille and eurospring, and we will talk about the readiness of shakhtar, dynamo, and shevchenko's first steps at the head of football, how the football world ignores russia, and also how usyk,
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maybe soon he will return to football again. i, oleksandr vashchuk and andriy will work with you. andrii, hello, yes, hello to everyone, in fact, the mood is already football, the mood is more spring than winter, taking into account the fact that in a week and a half, on february 15, shakhtar will represent ukraine in a very prestigious european tournament. well , i want you to always be in a good mood, and therefore i would like to congratulate you on your birthday and may your dreams come true as soon as possible. thank you, you see, it is symbolic and very nice to celebrate. birthday on air your favorite project on your favorite channel, then we move on to the real readiness of our clubs, the miner is especially interested, because on february 15 there will already be a match with marseille, but let's say this, if you look at the results, then there should be vigilance, well, about the results for the approach of the new coach headquarters , still there are constant concerns about the fact that
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whoever came horvath, marjano pusic, he still does not have the experience of preparing a team as a head coach, for such, well, first of all, the first official match of the year, still still, when he worked in the netherlands, they have a championship going on, the season is going on, there is a minimal break for the new year holidays and that's all, now the dutch teams are in good shape, well, relatively speaking, the day before i watched the ajax match with psv, well, the speed is just completely different from what we saw again the day before, when shakhtar played two matches with two lineups, so i think that puščić himself did not understand where he got and how... it is difficult to prepare a team now, there is a systematic approach, the club has been working for 20 years over the fact that shakhtar was always in good shape at the eurocup matches, because shakhtar regularly represents ukraine in the spring, but still, now the plenipotentiary is so serious in the rychagibs of maryn pushych, they trust him, and maybe somewhere here i don’t know, maybe there is a lack of such
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a thorough approach for someone who is currently preparing a team. on our team before such an important confrontation with marcel, although the same marcel is now definitely one of the worst versions in the last there maybe 10 years. let's then move on to the direct speech of marin pušić, so that he is a very confident person, he says that everything is under control, we pass him, everything plus or minus suits him, we see that he is currently recruiting assistants, the goalkeeping coach is the same there, so marino pushit, what does he say about the preparations for marseille? so far everything is good, we have made a lot of progress, we are getting stronger, which we show in the control matches, we can dominate without the ball, with a lot of running, good pressing. the aim of the second part is to... continue to progress, give players more minutes and maintain their level. we will probably hold it two matches a day next week, we will go from 60 minutes to 90 and it will also
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be physically difficult, but it is necessary to be ready for the serious games with marseille. so, yesterday it was a two-match such competitive games and two exams were held by shakhtar. and the fact is that it is very first. load , it will take a week and a half to recover , not much time, and sparring sessions are still planned, and the plus here is again, he is not the only one for whom it is a problem to prepare the team in our off-season, in the ukrainian off-season to prepare the team for the confrontation in in the first rounds of the european cups already in the new year , because fonseca, castro, and jovicic also faced the same problem, so he also has serious problems now, the only thing that helps him is that the systematic approach that with great experience, the coaches and assistants who worked there under the same nikalini, relatively speaking, even under lucescu, who to a large extent originated this structure, so we hope that
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this will provide an additional bonus for pushych and his team , for his coaching headquarters before such an important duel with marcel, marcel himself, again we are talking about the fact that the club also made these mistakes that shakhtar made, with the appointment of pusic, there before that with vanoven and so on, that is, we have already noted many times , marseille did the same... very successfully, i think so, because the philosophy of the club is a constant attack, it's pressing, it's a quick delivery of the ball into the penalty area, and in any case it's such a variant of marseille's game, we see that the team mostly defends itself, which can just help the miner, because the miner can crush, crush such and such an opponent, which is marseille at the moment. marseille, by the way , is playing with lyon today, a kind of french derby, lyon hosts marseille, marseille is currently eighth in the standings, but lyon is generally in the relegation zone, but yesterday... shakhtar played two matches and in the first of them we played there is a starting lineup, it can be said that it is the main one, right? in fact yes, this is already a simulation for matches with marcel, in fact this is the main squad
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of the donetsk miner, he was there even before puščić so done, well, now the integration , maybe we can speak for kevin, after all, they paid quite a lot there, well, 12 million according to the official version for kevin, there is information that they even paid a little more for kevin, so now we see that riznyk definitely there is no number one here... there is none, matvienko bondar is in the center of the field, rakitsky , after all, the speed is such that he cannot stand it in the eurocups, azarov and konoplia are now wing defenders, sudakov, kryskiv, bondarenko, a triangle in the center, there is no taras stepanenko, and if he recovers, he will definitely play in the center, probably kryskiv will not be in this triangle. kevin izubkov is on the flanks of the attack, and danila sikan is currently the main central striker, because lesine traure is in the application, he will already be registered for marseille, but he is definitely not ready to play in the base yet. do you think marlon gomez will be integrated as well, or will he probably still start more from the bench? he will start from the bench, at least this stage and even will be already, i think in the application
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for the match with marcel, but there is another such the star newcomer who arrived at shakhtar is now just integrating into the team, he arrived last, and that is why i think that he is not pulling to the base yet, but here is another mental question for me the day before, because we can see almost the base without taras stepanenko, but we see with the captain's armband one of the... juniors in the composition of georgy sudakov. we understand that now a person is promoted more than he is worth, we understand that mostly these prices, which are called what they offer, there he is there the miner refuses, and so on, that now the price tag for him is 150 million new, but we understand that mentally it may again be something that is missing, the miner will be missing in the near future, because once again matvienko, an experienced football player , will bring up a miner, almost the entire career is spent by miners, but matvienko without a captain's armband, bondar, who was... for all of us youth teams without a captain's armband, zubkov is another pupil, who is also mostly identified with a miner, and especially lately he is like that the main active leader of the donetsk miner himself is on a level with
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zander, although sudakov has failed in recent months, so the fact that i have sudakov with the captain's armband, i think, can cause a certain internal conflict in the team. let's get to this news about sudakov last week, well , they continued the contractions with georgiy and put this clause, these are concessions, well... for which they will definitely release 150 million euros, this is more to scare away, so that, well, the application and such, they will be talked about again , wrote, well, it can also be assumed that sudakova the personal contract has improved, as well, this is definitely in relation to the main personal contract, yes, and of course this pr campaign with sudakov is taking place, well, so far successfully, we see that he is constantly, at least in the news, in all european, world, we understand that this is... also a job, well, let's say yes, to a large extent, so the donetsk miner and those agents who are nearby now, who work with zander, and in fact now we understand that this is a trend, ukrainian
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football players, well that wise man, he was paid 100 million, so he is not now corresponds to this value, but he is constantly heard, because 100 million they oblige him to play at a high level and also follow him very wrongly under a microscope, let's say so, well, as for again, these are expensive, so football players like a wise man, and such footballers are of average value there, like dovbyk, like tsanko, they are currently making the weather in the spanish la liga, so again ukrainian footballers who are now in a real trend, so sudakov also falls under the trend and this too again does this skype, which now necessary, which is perhaps the most popular such thing now, both in order to try to sell the football player as much as possible and as much as possible so that there are statements about the club, in particular about shakhtar donetsk. you have already asked mykola matvienko, and in the same way, many footballers, legionnaires, and partners there are talking about mykola matvienko, and they say that mykola is probably ready to play at a much higher level, and they even talk about top clubs, what do you think about mykola. already,
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let's say, sat down, he has a warm bath here, that he does not want to change and does not insist on it, well, first of all, including the thermal bath , he has an excellent contract, he has excellent conditions in the mine, and he, well, plus he is versatile, he is like a fish in water here, and well the fact that they did not give him the captain's armband the day before , i think that maybe it will be a certain dissonance for him there, because he should definitely have walked out with the captain's armband in the absence of taras stepanenko, considering all his regalia and the fact that he did for the club, and... the club for him in a big way, well, plus, i don't think he's ready to play at any top level right now, because after all, we're still talking about the fact that it's best to transfer at an even younger age, he's 96- th year , that is, already 28 graduates this year, so he is not so promising, he is already a football player who should play at the highest level, but to talk even about brighton, you see, he is even brighton, it is a middle class of the english
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premier, it... didn't quite fit, at least the price tag that brighton was ready to pay for him, did not allow the miner to sell matvienko, and brighton is a middle peasant, we, well, about arsenal, we, well, these rumors spread by zinchenko, that arsenal would like, maybe would like to play together with zinchenko, they are friends, but arsenal itself never made serious offers to the miner regarding matvienko, well , we can definitely say that by the summer, neither matvienko, nor sudakov, nor any ukrainian football player will move somewhere to the top league, because in the top league... close the transfer window the window has been open for several days, this can be accurately stated, and look, last week gianni infantino , the president of fifa, said something that, well, he probably didn't say it for nothing, that transfer prices for football players should be calculated somehow, probably like the transfer market, that is, in which championship by strength you speak out, your statistics, well, maybe it is against some abuses, so that, roughly speaking, some qatari saudi club there does not pour 100 million
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into... a european club and thereby bypass financial fair play? well, in fact, it is, we have been talking about it for a long time, because now again those price tags that are now , well, they do not correspond at all to the level or understanding of what is happening, well, in this case , we can agree with infantino, because we are only for justice, and including in football, we understand that if it is in football, it is a kind of test, it is the best way to see what is happening in the world, football is not only in ukraine. this is such a litmus test, it has been like this for the whole world for a long time, and let's still see this schedule of matches that shakhtar played and well, actually, well they say that the result is not so important in the friendly matches at the training camp, but the fact that the defense is not in good order, it seems to me, should be alarming, well, the result is important in any case, especially for a new coach, well, he has very serious demands on him, although how seriously he
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takes it, he doesn't risk anything , pushych doesn't risk anything, nobody knew him before that, before he became the head coach of the donetsk miner, few people know him even now , except there, as in ukraine, because we we follow the miner carefully , we constantly cover the events, so even if he fails with the miner, nothing will happen to him, but it will happen to the miner, the miner is still a club with traditions, and we understand that these are constant changes there, constant there are coaches' tests, they still can't, well, pass without a trace, let's say so, and eh... there is no understanding yet, there is no, that's why pushych was chosen for the position of head coach, because we are talking in the context of what now there are football players, former football players, and now there are coaches the donetsk miner is currently working in st. petersburg, so the same zubov, the same vicenets, the same orbu, because there was no respect in the club, because the club did not even give a chance even to lead u-21 there, and then u-19 , oleksii.


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