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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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at the level of 30, or 40%, according to the poll that was published on friday, it is not enough to win, to win the general national election, but for nikki haley it will be a decisive moment in the primaries that will be in her home state of south carolina, the republican primary there will be on february 24th, the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, and if she doesn't... win in her home state or at least not fall far behind trump, then of course, i think, that she will stop campaign soon enough after that, mr. igor, thank you, igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, joined the saturday political club, and now we will take a short break, and then a full hour with vitaly portnikov, wait. there are
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15% discounts on rezi table in the pharmacies psylsnyk, pam and ochsad, there are discounts on tablets templegin, 15% at the pharmacies psylsnyk, pam and ochsad. separate consents of the sapsan unmanned aircraft complexes of the state special service of transport are addressed to the audience. tv channel with a request to participate in the collection of the crown and technical inheritance for our unit, thank you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory,
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio liberty. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson, live streaming. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to catch up. news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world,
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we continue the saturday political club on the espresso tv channel, khrystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov, and the main events of this week. undoubtedly, the most talked about in ukraine was the confrontation between the political and military leaders. about the possibility of the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, about the existence of such a decision, so far without a specific published decree. at the same time, we understand that the situation on the frontline remains quite difficult, and valery zaluzhnyi also states this in his material for cnn. it so happened that all these events and all these discussions around these events came together. in one, i don't know, vortex in
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the information space this week. mr. vitaly, can this be called something culminating on the eve of, perhaps, really some changes? you see, we, in principle , speak with certainty about what will happen around the reformation of the military and political leadership of the country, because we understand that this is a plan for a major reformation of the military and political of the country's leadership, and even you and i should be aware of what it is connected with, it is connected with march 30, with the end of the constitutional powers of the president of ukraine. this is such a reality, it does not seem serious to you and me. but for volodymyr zelenskyi and his entourage, it seems serious, because by and large, this too must be clearly said: the constitution of ukraine does not provide an answer to the question of what the powers of the president look like after they expire? regarding
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the parliament, there is an absolutely clear formula that the new parliament continues its powers until the moment when the new deputies of the new verkhovna rada are sworn in, so that this parliament exists, if it has a sufficient number of votes to make decisions, it can work at least until 20049, and such there were precedents, by the way, in the history of many countries, for example, the parliament of the republic of china in taiwan, where deputies for many years represented territories that the chinese republic had not controlled for a long time, but from the point of view of constitutionality, they had all of them. rights, they were elected from various strange constituencies , that is, it can be told for a long time, but i will not dwell on it now, i will simply say that this is the situation, for the president it is a different situation, you and i clearly understand how it should be, that the president should fulfill his powers until the new elections
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of the head of state, whenever they are , because all of us as citizens simply want the president, as a legitimate leader... of the state as an institution to ensure, if you like, the continuity of the power institutions until the end war and to new elections, but that's us and you, and now look at it through the eyes of, say, the president and his entourage, they judge for themselves how they feel about the situation, they think, what would we do in such a situation, we would be in the opposition, and petro poroshenko or yulia tymoshenko would be in power, relatively speaking. they would take advantage and put pressure on the fact that they were constitutional, they would appeal to the people, they would shake up the situation, and they will certainly do it, and our critics will say what kind of president he has the mandate is over, he's turned into this, a duck, and russia will say it and
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they'll listen to it, and our western allies will be unsure, because what do we have to do? here is a simple program of action. if you just sit in the seat of some adviser, then you imagine that you are zelenskyi there, and i am your adviser who meets with you, there they say that only one person generally meets with him periodically, and we know her last name, but it does not matter, we are now with you in a theoretical situation are considering how to preserve power in such a critical situation? the first is the reformatting of the political and military leadership. so that none of its representatives poses any threat to you, that is, so that no one thinks, looking at these people, that the chairman of the verkhovna rada can be the acting president, and even more so, and even if there is
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a situation , under which the chairman of the verkhovna rada will act as the president, so that it is a controlled chairman, completely, we have it, and i don't know, i think. you believe that it is, and i i think no, that the replacement of the chairman of the verkhovna rada is also on time, on time it is planned, or help, you understand, i mean from this, from this point of view, i am in the place of the current chairman of the verkhovna rada, i would understand that he has been working for the last months, ugh, because he looks, look at the head of the verkhovna rada, mr. stefanchuk, it just depends on the situation, whether such a person can be called performing his duties. president of ukraine, you decided to name this person, what, what, what, based on what is written in our the constitution, the figure itself, well, he does not look like a person who is capable of performing the duties of the president, i think that he looks, well, quite, well, that is, but there must be
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such a person who will not look, okay, here you are now they said that quite, well, i, i just didn't understand what the issue was, arms, legs, head, this is the verdict. you just watched it somewhere in the president's office and it was you who sentenced stefanchuk, you should have said no, under no circumstances, if you wanted him well, no, what, you did? vitaly, and what kind of acting president he is, look at him, you should have said that, you didn't, it was a provocation, but this provocation, it's not bad for you, but for mr. stefanchuk, his political future, so there will be someone the other one, whom you look at, you will say no, and until that moment there will be changes of speakers, until such a person appears, they will try, since the change of the prime minister and government officials, the prime minister has already been the prime minister for a long time minister, despite all my anonymity. can be perceived as real the prime minister must not be real,
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at all. third, the change of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. if the current commander-in-chief has such a high level of trust in society, it simply has to be the commander-in-chief, it has nothing to do with the war, nor with military effectiveness, nor with anything. we can discuss the question of the military effectiveness of the soldier separately. with experts, with experts, absolutely. and i'm telling you about how it looks from the point of view of a thinking strategy, so there must be a person unpopular, unpopular, the speaker of the parliament , the extremely unpopular prime minister, maybe this one will remain in such a situation, the unpopular commander-in-chief of the armed forces, everyone should be unpopular, only one person can be popular in the country, one, from the point of view of doubts about legitimacy. which , let's say, i don't have, here i am clearly, here i have no doubts about the legitimacy
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of volodymyr zelenskyi, and he may have, this about, this problem is not in me, not in you, not in poroshenko, not in tymoshenko , not in zaluzhnoye, not in stefanchuk, this problem is in to one person, and in who surrounds him, and who can say it, imagine, mr. president, what will happen in april, if i am... such a person who will be popular, and can we hope for our deputies, we hear that we can't do it, there's no unity there, ugh , and this is the whole process, in fact, it 's not a story of pro-deservingness at all, it's a story about the need to preserve power in the conditions of the expiration of the term of legitimacy, it's not a story about the armed forces , and it's terrible, you know why, that the war is going on, because it's a war goes primarily because the people who
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live in high positions in ukraine do not live in a world of war, in a world of the need to extend their term of office, preserve power after the war, this is some kind of, you know, stubborn confidence that ukraine nothing is in danger, and nothing will happen, no, there is no such certainty, i think, all the more, all the more, well, you understand, these people never. did not live in reality, there is a huge problem, the vast majority of ukrainians have never lived in reality, and volodymyr zelenskyi, his environment, representatives of this very majority, because they defeated them, and they continue to perceive the world somehow differently, so we see in this book by simon schuster that zelensky was convinced that sooner or later he would come to an agreement with putin, even after buch , i don’t know, it corresponds to reality, but i perceive shuster as a witness, let’s say, simply
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as a witness, and i understand in principle why this is so, because if we agree with the fact that the president is an expression of the sentiments of middle-class ukrainians, then he is not understands the reasons for which the russian president started this war, and all the time he is looking for reasons and may think that overcoming the reasons... can lead to the end of the conflict, and the russians, by the way, have already begun to say out loud why they started the war, because you know, they made some passes with their hands and feet, wrote some articles , talked about peace in donbas, in the end they lost patience, because they, they also began to understand that others do not understand the reasons, that others perceive all this, i would say the bullshit they say at face value, crimea, donbass well... today, president duda is an experienced politician, crimea has historical ties with russia, so it probably won't be possible to just
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release him, and donetsk and luhansk probably don't have such historical ties, so they're easier, you see . , this is schizophrenia, why do we talk exclusively about our president at all, when the presidents of neighboring countries are also foreigners, who proceed from some absolutely incomprehensible reasons, not from the point of view of international law, but from the point of view of what is dearer to the heart of a russian. russians probably love crimea, i would like to to tell president duda that warsaw and lublin were also part of russia in general, and from this point of view it may be difficult to liberate them too when they are occupied, but he does not think so, he is absolutely sure that poland. this is poland, donbas is donbas, and crimea is something else. the russians themselves convinced president duda or someone else with their fictions that this is a reality, and now former president medvedev is already saying the very existence of ukraine is the cause of our war. well, already said, if they tell you that, it's about, you know, as a jew in the constabulary, he
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walks and tries to understand what is wrong with him. maybe he's not so clean-shaven, maybe he's not so hairy. maybe he is not so circumcised, maybe he prays, but one should not pray, maybe one should not read goethe, he just exists, just exists, so, well, you can go look for 150, ukraine just exists, that is why its war with the russian federation is existential conflict, which can end either with the disappearance of ukraine, or with ukraine fighting back from russia, everything, everything, nothing else will happen, it must be clearly understood, either life or death, no negotiations, or ukraine. somewhere will stop russia at some stage, and russia will understand that it will not be able to break through, or russia will destroy ukraine, this, it has already happened in history, i don’t know how many times , i offer a simple analogy, it is called a miracle on a donkey, uh, the troops of marshal mikhail
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tukhachevsky near warsaw, a puppet government of poland was created, by the way, what kind of puppet government were they going to make? in 22, with yanukovych, medvedchuk and this entire hop company, ukrainians, by the way, all ethnic, well, felix kohn, felix dzirzhynskyi, all this navoloch are already sitting in the car and waiting until they will rule the pseudo-poland that will be created after the occupation by the bolsheviks, and here marshal pilsudski and other polish military leaders simply expel tukhachevsky from poland. they are being expelled, unfortunately, there was not enough strength to expel this gang from ukraine, but they were expelled from poland, and then after some time there was a peace agreement there, because bolshevik russia simply realized that it would not be able to occupy poland, by the way, it is not clear not final, no, not final, like these, just sat and waited for a new opportunity, so if
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you sign, conditionally speaking, the russian-ukrainian peace treaty and do not become a member of... some defense alliances, do not repeat this mantra that we do not want to leave this war to our grandchildren, the grandchildren will surely die in the next russian-ukrainian war , definitely , well, some will die, some will not die, but some part will die, there is no chance for them to survive, because russia will wait for the moment, as it was waiting for the moment now from 1991 to 2014, then from 14 to 22 they waited for the moment already for... who will i hit like this if this war ends in 2020 some year there, and ukraine will not become a member of nato, but will simply be a neutral state there, just so you don't have any doubts, as soon as the ukrainian state is weak, they will immediately attack, and that's all, they might attack at the wrong moment , there may just be some period of democratic russia, everyone
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will kiss, eat cake, remember the russian language, oh, repent, that's all. "oh, what a pity that our grandfathers did not join nato, well, there were no such geopolitical opportunities, well, nothing, let's take these, there will be some new weapons, high-tech, some missiles, we shoot here and there, lose one area, take another and there, uh, sign a peace agreement with our beloved brothers, so that they will attack us again in two..." years, they are like that, that's it, forget about negotiations and forget about the peaceful regulation of the conflict, there is a chance to fight back and there is a chance after this, this opportunity, again, these are not very big chances, but they are, and by the way, if we are talking about the military component, general zaluzdi clearly says how, well, to use such chances and
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after that, think about the security guarantee, that is, the biggest guarantee is the more realistic security guarantee. for them to think, let it even be a myth, that if the nans attack us, they will all die, well, there will be a nuclear war, ugh, nothing will be left, this is the only thing that stops them, because the large number of their victims doesn’t stop, it’s normal, but if everything is just going to be the existential death of great russia, we don’t need a world, as you know, where there is no russia, we need a world where there is russia, so it’s maxima, they attacked poland after the 20th year, because they understood that if they attacked poland again, the bolshevik regime could collapse, why do we need a world where there is no soviet russia, we do not need such a world. why didn't they attack finland after 18-20 years there? because yudiniche's army once attacked them from the side of finland. and the finns did not support
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yudenich's army, but these idiotic bolshevik leaders understood that if they started to fight with finland at this moment and some more of yudenich's army would go to kronstadt on petrograd, and everyone there, uh, will be destroyed, pain will take control of northern russia. this part, then the bolshevik government may fall , then let finland be an independent country, we are nothing, we are only for 20 years, in the 39th year that is all, no democratic finland is needed anymore, already the government of the finnish democratic republic, already , as this song was, open, i always liked it, because it was exactly a song for the 22nd year: open to us faster, trustingly, this means your door, trustingly. your wide yard is important to open trustingly, like in the bush , you understand, trustingly, otherwise, if it is not trustingly, then we will have some discomfort, and we have to come trustingly and destroy all of you, just
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open it, well, then, it means that we are dealing with such a wonderful a neighboring country, just one that is stuck in the middle ages, but it is like this, well, there is no other russia, we are not on an island, this is not madagascar, although in principle the jews wanted to move... do you know what is happening in russia, in liberal russia? last weeks, i would like to talk about this with you separately, one hope, take away hope, no, that's all
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, it's like this, now the main topic for all educated russians, it's a new adaptation of the film master margarita, and my god, seriously, of course, you see from the context, that's what it means, and it's an incredible thing , because i feel myself again, as in my childhood, when i was little, ugh, another screen adaptation of the master... margaritas and everyone, that is, all around, especially there moscow critics, said, master margarita, that means, a slap to all this the authoritarian regime, how they allowed it, how they played it, how they didn't it is a shame for these soviet leaders to look at themselves in this film, it is about them, all these patriotic critics said, how can such a thing be released on the screens, by the way, only this film became one of the main critics of ukraine and, as it is called, a deputy where. seems bortko. and that's not all. the current director of this film is an american citizen. ugh. and the producers of this film have already applied, the producers
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of the film, masters margarita, have applied with a collective letter. and they say that this film should be removed from the box office. ugh. because he is turns out to be anti-russian. they didn't know when they funded it. and there is a moment in the film itself, i watched it, i was just wondering how it all looks now. and when, that means, there a. this master is criticized at the meeting of the writers' union for the wrong work, and the editor-in-chief of the magazine in which the work was published stands up and says that it is a terrible work and that the entire circulation of his magazine , in which it was printed according to his decision, should be burned , and these producers simply perform scenes from it in real life movie and all that are discussing, and i, and this might seem like some kind of sign of freedom of thought, if it didn't happen again every 20 years, the same question arises, and what have you been doing for 20 years , what is in yours at all, how can it be that you are discussing all this? then, here is such a brave
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actor, you know, leonid yarmolnyk, who currently supports the war in ukraine, he means in this film, the previous one, master and margarita, he played one of the representatives of this world, woland, and everyone said, well, what kind of person is this played master margarita, showed what evil is,... now supports evil, in the new film adaptation, yarmolnyk also plays , he plays a doctor, a sadist, who, therefore, tortures honest people, writers, those who, therefore, are against all this horror in a psychiatric hospital, at the same time he plays, at the same time in real life he behaves like this a sadistic doctor, again or so it's some kind of, you know, i'd say it's dementia, but i'm more of a different image... like the image of the dementors in harry potter, these people just feed on death and they get
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some kind of incredible pleasure. i'll tell you that when i watched it, i thought, my god, that's me now i look, not even for aesthetic reasons, but for professional reasons, but since i was 10 years old, when i began to study and read all this there, even since i was eight, i read all the time and see, in fact, when i touch russia, the same thing well, legal proceedings, denunciations, recantation denies what he himself did, this is necessarily, the most terrible person. this is the one who does not deny and is shot, today you support the regime, tomorrow you are imprisoned for what you supported, you can't keep up with the change of rules, uh, people who stay in russia, they say to those who left that you can understand about us, you are just deserters, you abandoned the country in difficult times, and we are here trying to survive, and therefore, according to whom, what do you understand about russia and the russian people, and so
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i will repeat it. constantly the same thing in a circle, the horror of the situation is that i look, and i understand that i lived there with them in this country there in the soviet union, then in russia i lived with them for 20 years, that's all anyway, i 'm watching now, relatively speaking, ukrainian films, i can't say that this is the most talented cinematography that i've ever seen i saw once in history, although there are many interesting, original, talented works, but not many, but even i... said, not very talented ukrainian films from the point of view of aesthetics, from the point of view of the approach to work, from the point of view of the acting of the actors, this not soviet cinema , ugh, but there it is for them they continue to play in such a way that i begin to understand the unfortunate stanislavsky, who all the time told his actors that he did not believe, because they themselves did not believe in what they were playing, in principle, art is really about something deep deep in a person,
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and they they play to survive, to become folk artists, to please the public, which is just as cynical, ugh, and again, and they say it to their faces, that's what masters margarita are, that's woland in moscow, when he shows them that these are cynical mean people and they say oh well it's so great that you 're on us oh oh how brave and continue to live like this then why are you watching this what do you... all this is absolutely, well you you know, we have a large number of people who go to these films, the theaters are full, so all is not lost, yes, all is lost, because you do this all the time, you do not draw conclusions, you mentioned nadezhdin, this is an interesting moment, this is really a moment that means that a large number of people are against the war, and what, here they are, i left , i put my signatures, my conscience
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is clear. i continue to sit and watch master margarita, ugh, did i go to some theater to see some wonderful performance, if i am a professor at some university or just a teacher in a high school there, i signed up for nadezhdin, whatever else you want from me, bye things, ot about nadezhdin, you understand why there are still such people, we are talking about a massive, massive demonstration of such disloyalty to the authorities, and you understand that poor nadezhda... who, in principle, was a systemic politician until this moment, just wanted to play some kind of game , he created for himself some small staffs in small rooms, everything is so small, everything is so small, there are small people sitting there with small pieces of paper, small pens in them, everything is small, so small, so small that no one will notice, everything is small, as in midgets, and that's where they start go people, people are not small, they are of such a normal size, there are many of them, if it was
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a normal headquarters, they would have painted. and left, but a person has to squeeze through to these little people, they were gathering, they thought there would be 50 people, but 50,000 people came, they didn’t even have ink designed for such a number of people, i’m not saying that it’s necessary to check the reality signatures, documents, and there are no people, no one was going, of course now no one believed in what he had initiated, or he did not initiate in order to prove something, of course, now, of course this boris trust me, he just felt it. that he is a serious figure, that's how it happens in politics, remember how it was with svitlana tykhanovskaya, she just won the presidential election, maybe she didn't even intend to, she just wanted to show that she was an alternative candidate, and lukashenko didn't mind, he just lost here , well, realistically speaking, we understand that he lost the election, so here too, uh, putin is sitting with kiriyenko now, he was once a reliable adviser to kiriyenko, that's all, and they think, well, that's all it's very good, then. it is not known who from
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with these little ones.


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