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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 4:00am-4:29am EET

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active hostilities in various areas of the front, and during the moment when, according to the approval of general kyril budanov, the head of military intelligence of our country, that de facto, that the nearest, maybe a month, maybe two, the enemy will still try to transform his numerical superiority into territorial gains, that is, in the elections , they conduct their offensive campaign, do we have the opportunity to make and create conditions for delaying until certain. communication channels and, accordingly, obtaining a more flexible and operative response from from our western partners? the answer to this question is obvious, no, we cannot afford it, but again, there are certain internal political processes within our country, which can to some extent seriously influence certain decisions, which are now in everyone's ears, and these things are actively discussed in ukrainian.
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information space, the general staff is the brain of the war, yes, this is a textbook expression, so on the other hand, we understand that there is a question of the level of competence, that is, a good general is a good general who also works with a map, with resources with a vision of strategic deployment of certain hostilities. a team game, it is primarily about the interaction between the types of troops, between the rate, and the understanding and knowledge of the personnel. so we understand that the armed forces of ukraine have their own specifics, which differ from the specifics, for example, in the same ministry of internal affairs and so on down the list. yes, of course, and here is just one example, we can reproach the team of the previous minister of defense mr. resnikov as much as we want, and directly to him when he was in this position of the head of the customs department of our country, but it was effective, meaningful and, most importantly, effective.
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communication was indicated, it was during the term of office of oleksiy reznikov that ukraine de facto received about 100 billion dollars in the equivalent of the corresponding military and technical assistance, which ensured the current and medium-term needs of the ukrainian defense forces, rotation occurred, rotation occurred due to a certain number of reasons, but not less the team of the newly appointed minister of defense mr. rustem umerov. was already tangent to organizations that have less than three rampsteins, that is, respectively, the 16th, 17th and 18th. were these rampsteins so meaningfully filled and effective in meeting the needs of the ukrainian army. in response to this question, each of those involved in the information support of the current war can give a personal answer. it is obvious that the level of reduction of military-technical assistance for... we have seen
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in open sources information that the same military-technical assistance for the ukrainian army has decreased by 90%. is the key factor between personal communications between the previous team of the previous minister of defense and the current one. undoubtedly , a certain element of influence on these processes was indicated, because any communication, it also takes place at the expense of interpersonal connections. and finding a certain understanding, because we remember the saying that repeatedly sounded from the then minister of defense resnikov, when he spoke about the following: the word no from our western partners, i do not perceive as a refusal when i ask them about certain options supplies of military equipment or armaments in other words, i perceive the words from our western partners as a challenge that we have. in fact, that team
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managed to overcome it, because even at the beginning of the full-scale war, there was absolutely no question that in the future the ukrainian army would receive armored vehicles, in particular british challengers or american leopards or american abrams or german leopards, at that time there was no question at all about haimarts and the corresponding missiles to them, it was not about much that the ukrainian army later received and that allowed our troops, initially... to provide the implementation of certain tasks to de-occupy part of the territory of our country, and then to prepare for a large-scale offensive by the ukrainian defense forces, which took place during the summer and early autumn of last year 23. so, the communication option is an extremely important factor that influences the course of events, including in the framework of ensuring the current and medium-term needs of the ukrainian defense forces. well, if we're talking. therefore
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, i do not know about possible personnel perturbations or personnel reassignments, we understand that the enemy will be extremely active in studying all this, and i am more than sure that every one of our commanders will. not to mention generals and perhaps even some gifted colonels, there will be one or two relevant folders in the main office of the general staff of the russian federation. and accordingly, what should we expect from the enemy now , taking into account, so to speak, short-term prospects, yes, about which we cannot talk, because we do not yet know what and how it will be. so, i think the nearest, which is at least two months we will constantly face the fact that the enemy will constantly attack along the whole. looking in this way, well, at least some layered in the ukrainian system of defense and protective structures. of course, putin's army will dream of giving some kind of present to putin before his next
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election to the post of president of the russian federation. of course, such challenges and risks are taking into account the rather serious fueling of hostilities, in particular in kupinsk. lyman direction, i am not talking about the situation of the past or of the past era, and about trends, besides , we can see how much conflict processes are currently taking place in the avdiyivka region and south of it, and of course, that the enemy still dreams of being able to stabilize the situation on the southern face of the russian-ukrainian front, in particular in the rabotino district, eliminating the same bridgehead that the ukrainian army helped to create on this part of the front, and also eliminating the bridgehead of the ukrainian defense forces, which they have been holding on the left bank of the dnieper for the third month in a row. the enemy has many plans, but the key question is whether the army's harvest of resources will be sufficient. unfortunately, we have to understand the following: for the current 24th year , the russian federation directed the provision of its own army and, accordingly
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, the part involved in the so-called special military operation, as well as the activities of the russian defense-industrial complex in the equivalent of approximately 102 . dollars, whether our western partners will have the necessary opportunities in vyhalishchen, and they will definitely not be able to provide all the needs of the ukrainian defense forces at the level of the 23rd or ba more than 22 years. thank you, colonel, for this extremely interesting and meaningful conversation, i would like to remind our tv viewers that the colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, vladyslav seleznyov, ex-spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, was currently working on espeso. time of our program. was drawn, stay with the espresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana
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shustrova in the program. pressure on the vinnytsia district judge administrative court i was asked to rule against the plaintiff. but how does the russian church affect justice? parishioners of the moscow patriarchate seized power in oratov. congratulations. you are watching judicial review. i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a state of complete reboot. the reform process is extremely difficult. in particular , because of the ongoing full-scale war. the higher judicial bodies, the higher council of justice and the higher qualification commission of judges, were formed practically from scratch. however, the trial is underway. reform, which is a key requirement on ukraine's path to the eu, is influenced by other events. today we will tell you about the pressure on the judge of the vinnytsia district administrative court, olena masloid, who is considering the case of seizure of power in the orativ otg. but
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let's start with the news. the second disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of justice finally considered the complaint of the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office. and made a decision to dismiss iryna ukhananova, head of the vovchan district court of the kharkiv region. even at the beginning of the war, she betrayed her oath and went over to the side of the russians occupiers, helped the russians create an occupation judicial body on the basis of a ukrainian court. on february 28, 2022, gokhanyova gathered the employees of the court apparatus and tried to persuade them to go over to the side of the enemy, lured her with ten thousand rubles and assured that the russian servicemen did not pose any... threat. after the deoccupation, the judge fled to the russian federation and is currently wanted. she faces life imprisonment for treason and cooperation with the occupiers. 60% of ukrainians do not trust the decisions of the supreme court of ukraine, moreover only 22% of respondents trust him. this
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situation is equally widespread, regardless of the region and financial situation. this is evidenced by a survey of the democratic initiatives foundation named after elko kucharev together with the sociological service of the raz' center. commissioned by the foundation. the main factors affecting distrust in the judicial system are the prevalence of corruption among judges. their impunity, circular bail in the justice system is not enough. integrity of judges and their dependence on politicians and oligarchs. for more than 60% of respondents the most important priorities in the judicial reform are personnel renewal and verification of declarations , followed by a decision on the judge's tenure. the lowest priority for the respondents was to fill all vacant positions in the courts as soon as possible and to increase the salaries and guarantees for the servants of themis. the ministry of justice calls on the supreme council of justice to hold the supreme court judges' board responsible for the reinstatement of an ex-official
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with a russian passport. we are talking about maryna prylutska, who was the deputy chief of the central interregional administration of the ministry of justice. in 2021, she was released after a russian passport was found in her possession. moreover, according to sbu materials, in order to get it, she deliberately went to crimea at the beginning of the russian occupation. from the decision of the supreme court dated january 9, 2024 . the security service of ukraine sent the court information that the fact of departure to the autonomous republic of crimea on march 13, 2014 and registration of the place of residence was established. after the temporary occupation of the autonomous republic by the russian federation crimea on may 4, 2014, the plaintiff again traveled to the territory of the crimean peninsula and received a passport on the basis of the previously completed registration. a citizen of the russian federation. the sbu also noted that during her stay in crimea, prylutska had contacts
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with fsb employees. since prylutska apparently voluntarily received a russian passport in the temporarily occupied crimea, and this directly contradicts ukrainian legislation, she was released. however, she decided to return to her post and filed a lawsuit. on january 9, 2024, the panel of judges of the cassation administrative court, composed of judge-rapporteur andriy zhuk, judges. nataliya martyniuk and zhanna melnyk tomenko canceled the decision on the legality of dismissal, thus reinstated prylutska. the ministry of justice intends to appeal this decision and calls on the supreme council of justice to bring to disciplinary responsibility the board of supreme court judges who adopted it. another case of pressure on judges occurred in vinnytsia after the incident with the sbi search in the dnipro district court of kyiv, which was taking place. with numerous violations , the judge of the vinnytsia district administrative court, olena
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masluit, declared interference with justice. this happened during the court session on january 17. i want to inform you that the consideration of the case will not take place yet, because pressure was put on me today. olena masluid did not say who exactly and in what form committed illegal actions against the judge, but said that she would be offered. decision taken against the plaintiff. later, the judge closed the hearing and postponed the case to february 13. i was offered to accept decision against the plaintiff. therefore, for the time being, i will not consider the case and will take actions in accordance with the corruption legislation. the case considered by olena masluit concerns the orativ united territorial community in vinnytsia region, which has almost fifty people. they are resorting to very illegal actions, they are pressuring
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the judge in this shameful act, from which our community is simply disgraced, a legal assessment will be provided. this is halyna loshak, ex-head of the orativ otg, says that on june 29 of that year she was illegally dismissed from her post, before five more deputies who defended the ukrainian church were recalled, everything was allegedly organized by... elected officials of the orativ settlement council, who are supporters of the moscow patriarchate. power in oratov was seized by usurped parishioners of the moscow patriarchate, that is, supporters of the russian peace, and during this time, as proof of all this , unfortunately, the flags on the alley of flags in oratov were taken down, and they claimed that there was no place for the ukrainian flag there. residents of oratov and surrounding villages once again gathered for... they demand that halyna loshak reinstated in office, as well as the five
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dismissed deputies whom they elected. look, our boys died, there is no justice in our small community. these, excuse the word, moscow nits, they came and fell apart. why does no one pay attention to this, and until now such a phenomenon is possible that the pro-moscow representatives of the moscow church today are in our... the temporary acting head of the otg, and at the same time the secretary of the village council, is a certain lesya larionova. locals say that for her, the ukrainian church is like a bone in her throat. what today the acting head of the village, and the secretary of the village council larionova is a representative of this church, and they gather there for all holidays and all their services. we did not manage to talk to lesya larionova about the pressure on the judge of the vinnytsia district administrative court during working hours. the office was closed. we did not find her at home either. later,
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a company car was seen in the city, which is used by an acting woman. otg are you a driver? mrs. larionova? are you a driver? where is she today? why wasn't she here at work today? can you tell us? you to us can you answer and while the temporary head of the otg is hiding from the community and uncomfortable questions from journalists. about the moscow church , ex-head of the orativ region galina loshak is trying to challenge her. the vinnytsia district administrative court has been considering this case for almost six months. it would seem that the final decision is close, until suddenly someone put pressure on the judge olena masluid, who is conducting the proceedings. from the response of the vinnytsia district administrative court to the request of espresso journalists. on the day of the court session, on the personal phone number of judge mosloid z
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a phone number unknown to her received an sms message with a warning about making a decision in favor of the lawsuit. within the scope of this case. taking into account that the consideration of the case has not yet been completed, the content of the specified message was considered by judge masloid as pressure, which indicates interference in the activity of the judge in the administration of justice. judge masloit turned to the supreme council of justice and the prosecutor general's office to report the pressure. we will find out soon what assessment these bodies will give to the events. in the meantime, we will remind you, if sympathy to of the moscow church is a question from the level of social morality, i.e. interfering with the activity of a judge is a quite obvious criminal offense punishable, among other things, by imprisonment for a term of up to three years. for today, i have everything, it was the judicial control program and i, tetyana shustrova. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions,
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write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week. greetings, dear viewers, this is the saturday political club, vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatsky, congratulations, friends, well, as always, we will talk about the main events and the main processes, i would even say so, this week, we will definitely start with the russian-ukrainian situation. war, the situation at the front, in particular, and everything connected with it. after that, we will talk about the support for us from the european union and about the long-awaited support from the united states. in the second part of the program, as you well know, vitaly portnikov and his analyst are waiting for us. but we start with a series of these
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of questions and answers with our online guests, and this is oleksiy melnyk. head of foreign policy and international security programs at the razumkovo center. we welcome you. glory to ukraine. i congratulate you as a hero of words. congratulations, mr. oleksiy. so, let's start not with the event at the front, but with the event that has become, perhaps, the main event of the military-political life in ukraine this week, which is the talk about the probable resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. do you generally think that such a resignation will take place and what kind prerequisites for reformatting the military leadership. country and for its preservation , by the way, let's discuss both, you said military-political, i would perhaps say military policy, because it is obvious that there is much more politics in this issue, but it can also have significant and negative consequences for military affairs,
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in relation to the extent to which this is likely to be possible, well, everything looks as if... the process has been launched, the information campaign is already in full swing, that's it, well, i'm afraid that after all the decision will be made, although i repeat, it is still not too late to stop it, and i hope that someone will explain to those who initiate this decision and especially to those who will make it, that there will be no benefit from this, and harm can be caused, well if not on... the correction is extremely large. mr. oleksiy, it is very important for ukrainians to understand the alternative and it was also talked about a lot this week. in your opinion, will it change? and can the state of the leadership of the ukrainian army and the ukrainian military in general change in conditions where, on the one hand, we are in a hot stage
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war with the russian federation, on the other hand , it is not clear who is leading us in this war in a military sense? well, in principle , it is clear to me, because there is a commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and he is responsible for both planning and... for the execution of operations, in the military, with all that , no matter how high the level of democracy is in society, the military, everything there is only one vertical, and when they say there are some consequences or possible consequences, in any case, the military is more than other collectives ready to perceive decision and to obey it, that's why here if... there is a certain positive in the fact that on the one hand there is a strong, strong such quality of the military organization, on the other hand there are
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also certain disadvantages in this, if we talk about possible replacement alternatives, well, first , let's still agree that there is more than one general in ukraine who is capable of performing this... function, whether he will cope better with it, whether he will cope with it worse, what novelty he can bring, we can only say not at the time of appointment, but some time after he, well we are now we are analyzing the theoretical situation, hypothetical , that is, after this new commander may be appointed, here, but in any case, the appointment of a person to a... position requires a certain time, it is weeks, and maybe even months to enter this position , that is, there will be a certain transit period, and
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now this is also something that would be very undesirable to do, any delay in any failures in management can have very tragic consequences. let's talk, mr. oleksiyu. about these proposals that general zaluzhnyi laid out in his article on the portal of the cnn television company, how valid do you think these proposals are, what should be highlighted, maybe what should be argued with? oh, i'm afraid we're going to run out of air time, because basically this is a doctrinal article, and it's an article that contains a vision, a strategy, whatever you want to call it, you can tell me, do you remember that cnn after publishing the article published their own material explaining whether or not they are trying to explain how
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they understood the article, so for me it another confirmation of the high quality of this material, well, if it is very concise to try to single it out, then first of all it is about the new philosophy of its combat operations. and strictly speaking, attention is paid to this when some technical, practical things stand out, but the key thing is a new philosophy of combat operations, it is a combination of traditions taking into account those technological innovations that are now, it is an emphasis on the preservation of human life, well and one more point, which is also important to me too, is... a certain period of time is determined , during which ukraine can, if it starts doing this immediately , can achieve an advantage over
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the enemy, on whose side economic advantages in economic, human resources, he says about 5 months, which are necessary in order to create these new technical means, train people and apply them on the front line. that is, if it really happens, and at this moment, it will be somewhere in the beginning of summer , then maybe ukraine will have this window of opportunity when ukraine will be able to repeat, well , if not an offensive, a counteroffensive, then at least seize the strategic initiative on the battlefield. mr. oleksiy, in this material valery zaluzhnyi states that human resources. ours exaggerate the russian federation. on the other hand, the ukrainian state is not yet able to improve the number of armed forces without
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using unpopular measures. at the same time, just this week the government sent to the verkhovna rada of ukraine a new version of the law on mobilization, if you had a chance to read it, do you think it solves the main problems of how the ukrainian army and ukrainian society? of course, i constantly follow that, those draft laws, the discussion process, but you and i all... perfectly understand that the best law does not solve problems, at best it creates a base or framework in which this problem can be solved, let 's also remember how the issue of mobilization turned into a problem of mobilization, that is , this problem did not appear today, and the key thing that needs to be resolved is that now...
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politicians and this law by law are also in the process both its preparation and what is in the text of this law, they still try to shift the main responsibility to the military, but if you turn to other laws, including the law on mobilization, well, it has a longer name, but conditionally, and a number laws that are amended by this draft law, we see a whole list there, starting from the supreme... the commander-in-chief here, the president of ukraine, including all ministries and local authorities, and the military plays a role there, i mean these so-called military leaders only one of roles, final, but only one of the roles. the responsibility of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and the general staff comes in principle already at the stage when these people are selected and the armed forces are sent, then yes, they
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are responsible for them. training for their high-quality training and for their application already in accordance with those military specialties to the level of training, but in my opinion, this key problem is not being solved , at least i don’t see it now at this stage, but tell me how critical it is for the ukrainian army now receiving this assistance, which is delayed, how much longer can we live on the reserves that we actually have. saying, mr. vitaly, i don't know the answer to your question, and i think it 's good, because sometimes we are too fond of openness, and if indeed, a great answer, mr. oleksiy, thank you, yes, if indeed someone reveals these plans, objectively plans for our enemy, then i think they will only applaud this, by the way, about
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the excessive openness, well... i couldn't help but notice, this week is just almost a day in the other day we were told that glsdb glide bombs are appearing in ukraine, well , we regularly talk about some kind of weaponry that we can get, viktoria nolov said, before that everyone in the ukrainian, in particular infospace, was spreading it, then it was confirmed by victoria nulan, of course, but why this time we react to it almost every day, what is the point of this? emphasizing the temporary, in any case, i would like to hope that there is an information policy, that is, it is not simple, as in such a normal peaceful life, here is who is the first wails, that's why they attribute this merit, i would like to believe that there is a coordinated information policy.


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