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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EET

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at this moment, another yudenich army will go to kronstadt, to petrograd and destroy everyone there , take control of northern russia, this part, then the bolshevik government may fall , then let finland be an independent country, we are nothing, we are only for 20 years, in 39 that's all, we don't need any more democratic finland, we don't need any more government of the finnish democratic republic, as this song was, open, i always liked it, because... it was exactly a song for the 22nd year: open us quickly trustingly these, so, your door, faithfully, your wide yards, it is important to open trustingly, as in the bush , you understand, trustingly, otherwise, if not trustingly, then we will have some discomfort, and we have to come trustingly and destroy all of you, just open it, well, that means we are dealing with such a wonderful neighbor the country is simple. which is stuck in the middle ages
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, but it is like that, well, there is no other russia, we are not on an island, this is not madagascar, although in principle they wanted to resettle the jews, you know our polish neighbors, the 1930s, i still think we might have resettled better, but it is like that , somehow there is no russia nearby and all this is not there, but jokes are jokes, but we are really not in madagascar, not only jews in madagascar. we will have to be here, so here is such a border, such a country, such a population , you know what is happening in russia, in liberal russia, in recent weeks, i would like to talk to you separately about this, put on hope, take off hope, no, that's all, that's it , right now the main topic for all educated russians is the new screen adaptation of master margarita's film, oh my god, seriously, of course. that's it, then, and it's an incredible
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thing, because i feel like myself again childhood, when i was little, ugh , another screen adaptation of master and margarita came out, and everyone, that is, all around, especially the moscow critics there, said, master margarita, this means a slap to this whole authoritarian regime, how they allowed it, how they played it, these soviet leaders are not ashamed to look at themselves in this film, it is about them. all these patriotic critics said, how can such a thing be released on the screens, by the way, the director of this film became one of the main critics of ukraine and, as it is called, also a member of the state duma, it seems bortko and that's not all. the current director of this film, he means, is an american citizen. ugh. and the producers of this film have already applied, the producers of the film, margarita masters, have applied with a collective letter, and they say that it is necessary to remove this film from distribution, because it is revealed. anti-russian
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, they didn’t know when they financed it , there is a moment in the film itself, i watched it, i was just curious how it all looks, now, and when, so there and this master is criticized at the meeting of the writers’ union for wrong essay, and the editor-in-chief of the magazine in which the essay was printed stands up and says, what a terrible essay, and it should be burned the entire circulation of his magazine, in which it was printed according to his decision, and these producers simply perform in real life. scenes from this film, and everyone is discussing it, and i, too, it might seem like some kind of sign of freedom of thought, if it didn't happen again every 20 years the same thing, the question arises, what did you do for 20 years, what in your how can it be that you discuss all this, then lo such a brave actor, you know, leonid yarmolnyk, who currently supports the war in ukraine, he means in this film according to...
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the previous master and margarita played one of the representatives of this world, volend, and everyone said: well, what is this man who played in the master margarita, showed what evil is, and now supports evil, in the new screen adaptation, yarmulnyk also plays, he plays a doctor, a sadist, who, therefore, tortures honest people, writers, those who, therefore, are against all this horror in a psychiatric hospital, simultaneously playing, simultaneously in real life behaves like this doctor. sadist , again, so it's some kind of, you know , i would say it's dementia, but i like the other image more, the dementor image in harry potter, these people just feed on death and they feel some incredible pleasure, here i am i will say that when i watched it, i thought, oh my god, here i am... now i watch it, not even for
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aesthetic reasons, but for professional reasons, but i have been studying and reading all this since i was 10 years old, even there with eight, i read and see all the time. practically, when you touch russia, one thing and the same, trials, denunciations , denials, denies what he did, this is a must, the most terrible person is the one who does not deny, and they are shot, today you support the regime, tomorrow you are imprisoned for you supported, you can't keep up with the change of rules, huh, people who stay in russia say that they left, what can you understand about us, can you? deserters simply threw the country into difficult times, and we here are trying to survive, and therefore telling them what you understand about russia, the russian people, and that's it the same thing is constantly repeated, in a circle, the horror, the situation is that i look, and i
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understand that i lived there with them in this country there in the soviet union, then in russia i lived with them 20 years, nevertheless, i am now watching, relatively speaking, ukrainian films. i cannot say that this is the most talented cinematography that i have ever seen in history, although there are many interesting, original, talented works, but not many, but even, i would say, not very talented ukrainian films from the point of view of aesthetics, from the point of view approach to work, with from the point of view of the acting of the actors, this is not soviet cinema, ugh, but there they continue to play it in such a way that i begin to understand the unfortunate... stanislavsky, who kept telling his actors: i don't believe, because they themselves don't believe in that they play in principle, art is really about something deep in a person. and they play to survive, to become folk artists, to please the public, which is
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just as cynical. ugh. and again, they are told to their face what masters margarita are, this woland in moscow, when he shows them that this cynical, mean people, and they say, oh, good. so wonderful that you are on us, oh, how brave, and continue to live like this, then why are you watching this, what is all this for, absolutely, well, you know, we have a large number of people, go to these films, the theaters are full , it means that not everything is lost, but everything is lost, because you do it all the time, you do not draw conclusions, but you mentioned nadezhdin, this is an interesting moment. this is really a moment that means a large number of people are against the war, so what? here they are, i left, i put my signatures on hope, owl, my conscience clean, i continue to sit and watch master margarita, uh, did i go to some theater to see some wonderful performance, if i am a professor at
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some university or just a teacher in a high school, i signed up for nadizhdin, whatever you do you still want from me by the way, about nadezhdin, you understand why there are still such people, we are talking about a mass demonstration of such disloyalty to the authorities, and you understand that poor nadezhdin, who in principle was a systemic politician until this moment, just wanted to play some the game he created for himself some small staffs in small rooms, so small, so small, there are small people sitting there with small pieces of paper, small pens in them, everything small is so small. if it was a normal headquarters, they would have signed and left, but a person has to push through to these small people, they gathered, they thought there would be 50 people, but 50 00 came, they
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didn’t even have ink designed for such a number of people, i don’t i say that it should be checked, the reality of the signatures, documents, but there are no people. no one was going to of course now no one believed in what he initiated, or he initiated it not in order to prove something, of course, now, of course, this boris nadiezhdzhin, he simply already felt that he is a serious figure, this is what happens in politics , remember as was the case with svitlana tsykhanouskaya, she just won the presidential elections, maybe she didn't even intend to, she just wanted to show that she was an alternative candidate, and lukashenko didn't mind, here he just lost, well , realistically speaking, we we understand. that he lost the election, so here, too, putin with kiriyenko is now sitting , reliable was once kiriyenko's adviser, so that's all, and they think , well, this is all very well, and then it is not known who will go with these small staffs of his, we will write him on the ballot, he will get 70%
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of the votes, what will we to do, how do we manipulate it, i don't think it will be 70%, the fact is that from, let's say, the previous program plan... nadezhda, the shortening of the svo, i'm sorry, moved to the first item from the seventh, if i'm not mistaken, that is, he felt that the request for this was in principle from the part population of the russian federation. the winner of the ukrainian presidential elections does not speak either. 73%, i assure you that
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nadezhdin also has exactly this 73%, if fair elections were held in russia, then it is for this program that we stop where we are, and in general, these khokhlas should have given us our kherson territories, zaporizhzhia regions , why are they shelling them, so... for this it is completely calm, it is a looking-glass, but it is so, it is a different looking-glass, you understand, not putin’s, and putin, by the way, as a person trained by the experience of ukrainians the presidential elections of 2020, 19 , he is no longer an idiot, he understands this perfectly, people in general, most people do not really want war, but they want to have all the results of the war, and these people, of course, they are for the continuation of the war are so-called ... a member of svo lumpen , who wants to just take a rifle there, kill someone, get good money, because
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there are no other opportunities to earn, there are no such people, but there are not as many of these people as it seems, in reality, and these people may also think that that they already have their cars there, lada kalina, someone has already died , there is no other son, what is there to continue in the war, all that is needed is a grave, a car and money, so again, this means that you can suffer for the war... only a conditional part of the nomenclature , it is also unknown which, to what extent they now need to live under sanctions, and the conditional part of potential new participants in the svo, the so-called, all the others, and those who are against the war, and those who have already earned from the war, they want the status quo, everything is already over, and there are exactly as many of them as there are, so yes, i am i believe exactly in this, in such and such an opinion, i do not believe that the majority of russians want to return what they have taken, i do not have any ... special views on the russian people, i believe that the russians want to capture as much as they captured,
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and , since it is difficult to go further and stop at the moment, then, if the president nadezhden tells them in 5 years that there is an opportunity to occupy the kharkiv region, they will not mind if, if it is easy, uh, they do not like to fight, to be difficult, but they have been doing it for two years. with us, not them he, he, they don't, they just agree with it, but if they have alternatives, they have no alternative, let me remind you, they have putin and everything, but they have an alternative: to continue fighting without any real results, because they see that they have not had results since the 22nd year, they even lost what they conquered, uh, kherson region, kharkiv region, or just stop now, it's easy for you, nadiezhda says, we stop, we lead peacefully. moreover, we understand the results, we will go to europe again, there will be no sanctions, that's right
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there may be stubborn russians, there will be, there will be planes, there will be opportunities to fly to a resort somewhere, but now there is none of this, it’s the same , don’t forget that of course not all of russia thinks so, but millions of people who live in moscow and st. - petersburg, there are many of them, they are not small cities, they are huge metropolises, so that's what it is. and then they will vote for the hopes, they say, he will be elected president, well, they will not elect me, but then there will be the zelenskyi effect, it will turn out that no one is going to agree with this, that ukrainians they say, listen, we can agree on peace, but you please leave the occupied territories, the west says everything, we very much welcome the new russian president, we want to have contact with him, we will cancel the sanctions, just please, let's return to international law, comrade nadezhda. and everyone says: why did they deceive us? ugh, and here the problem
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of this president will be to decide whether to really return to international law or not, he can act like gorbachev from afghanistan, and then all this will collapse, as you understand because the russians, as soon as they see that the state is weak, they begin to destroy their own state, this is a well-known fact, or he will say: no, we will be here, peace, friendship, chewing gum, but what is ours... ours and that what is not ours is also ours, and it will be such a new type of regime that does not attack, but does not give back, aggressive, uh, and it may also be that there is trying to negotiate with the measure on the share. the lifting of sanctions in exchange for not shelling ukrainian territory, but again, this is hypothetical, i do not believe that they will, that is, i believe that comrade putin will never allow himself such a risk, that is, that he either will not allow himself to be on the ballot, as it is called, or he will be able to manipulate the situation in such a way that if he allows himself to be on the ballot
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, there will be a crisis in russia, yes, you know, recently a group of acquaintances... returned from the work of georgia , and they were very surprised when russians simply march around tbilisi with posters of their regions and regions, and this is some kind of demonstration in support of nadezhdin and this whole movement, and it is a lot of people, it was enough for some obscure person with a complicated political biography, just with people will also appear, that is, this does it mean that people, well, again, this is the belarusian moment of the 20th year, so that's all? that it doesn't matter who, it's just, it's just that you, we, that you go somewhere, ugh, and it was the same as with lukashenko, and the same with putin, so they're just fed up with putin, because they already see that he inadequate, well, it is really inadequate, and what is it adequate, what is this, all that has been happening there even in the last two years, not 10, you can
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call it adequacy, well, you and i would not call it, but sometimes... hearing the russians , many questions arise, but we do not have any sociology, we do not have any real sociology, we understand that people can also beware of sociologists, there is still a huge problem here, especially russian society, when there is not only a question of survival, but if you want a question of lies for the sake of lies, that people lie just in case , it's always been like that, and by the way, it's a huge problem, you know these... people who try to analyze russia, i once read it in richard pipes, i didn't make this up, in a famous specialist on the soviet union, who say that a huge the problem of all these people who were engaged then russia, was that russians lie for the sake of art, a western person, when you lie, and by the way, this also applies to us, that we, when we want to tell a lie, we have some goal,
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in russia it is simple, i am with it a lot met several times , and then i had to rebuild when i... began to live permanently in ukraine, because these are different mentalities , the society of the nation, when ukrainians, yes, when a ukrainian lies to you, you understand that he wants to achieve something, and you begin to analyze , why were you deceived, what is behind it , harm or can you come to some you may not come to a conclusion, but you understand that this was done on purpose, and the problem with the russians is that they simply lie, you are looking for some meaning, but there were none, they just wanted to deceive you, that's simple. and just to say, this is a well-known fact that, i think, every person who happens to be in moscow, and you too , do not get used to it right away, people deliberately send you in another direction, ugh, you, how to come , thankfully the gadgets came along, yes, but now it's all blocked so there are no drones, and
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too bad, we are returning to our old dialogue with muscovites, how to get to kirov street, and they send you to the street... bitterly, knowingly, they are simply deceiving you, they are pleased that you will go the other way, you will go somewhere, and and you begin to think, they must have been visitors, they didn't know , they're not visitors, they're just happy to tell you a different route, and that's when you understand that, you start living in, well, what do you call it, in a more realistic world, and you never in your life follow that... address you have they point out, at least you should ask, don't go where the russians say, yes, that's why and this russian folk tale about the fact that it was ivan tsarevich reached kamen, and there are three routes and everyone knows where, there is no guarantees that if you go there and have a great time, that baba yaga won't rape you there, maybe baba
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yaga wrote specifically that she's having fun, you need to get old, it's better to go where she tells you... that you'll lose your horse, it's better to lose a horse than to be raped by a woman yaga, but don't wait beautiful vasilisa, do not believe in the recommendations of travel guides issued by russian publishing houses, so, and this is what we need to understand, because this is an important issue for future negotiations with the russians, if they ever come to this, our president also believes in it, well, he has to understand that baba yaga is already sitting there, so to speak, has already melted the stove and eh. i think to eat him with horseradish or with garlic, and that's bi and that's all that worries her, not how to come to an agreement with him, but under which sauce it will be tastier, huh. that's all. mr. vitaly, let's talk a little about the middle east. these days, the united states of america struck targets linked to iran in iraq and syria. this happened in response to
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a drone attack on the american base in jordan a little earlier. the situation around the yemeni houthis is also difficult. they issued a statement there that they would damage the optical fiber that actually runs along the bottom of the red sea, and plays an extremely important role when we're talking about... systems of civilization that exist on our continent, and not just on ours, anymore very exist, they are not very are functioning, you see, the black sea somewhere is no longer functioning, does not exist, it turned out that it can be so, remember when this unfortunate ship got stuck in the soet bay, and oh, that’s it, the world economy is rather dragging, now on the red sea nothing is floating, and no one is tearing up the pods, well, everything that happened in principle. by and large , the united states wants to hit the iraqi proxy armies in a way that, uh, doesn't involve iran, and that of course narrows down the possibility,
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so they hit these camps of this corps guardians of the islamic revolution, well, but this is syria and iran, ugh, well, this is, you know, how to treat oncology. taking aspirin chemotherapy, as you understand, here is iran , well, i don't know, it's not even in principle, well, he is dissatisfied, but he can restore all this, that is, it does not, does not cure the problem, the problem is iran, iran and his ties with russia, china, the same there with the red sea, well the americans don't want to get involved in a ground war with the houthis, huh, and it's understandable why, because saudi arabia and the united arab emirates for 10 years there is no and nothing came out of them, because it is very difficult in a wild country, actually destroyed, to look for these detachments in some desert
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cities, in an absolutely, i would say demoralized environment, because the population that chews all the time is what it is called a executioner , that is, this male population is under the influence of drugs. 24 hours a day, huh, and you and this population should create some kind of power structures so that they explain to you where the khoshites are, it's not as easy as it seems, well, at least saudi arabia and the emirates have already made sure of this, and it's much more cruel actions than the united states can afford, you understand, that united in the united arab saudi arabia , the population will not go out on the streets with posters , feel sorry for the yemeni women and children, it will not happen there, and still nothing happened, so, but again and... it is possible to solve this problem , of course you can, of course you can, iran, this is what i said, i have to go back to this, when it was september 11, i said
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that if you want to destroy world terrorism, to not there were these planes that will be in bashite blasphemers, enter if you want these terrorists to be gone. acts in subways on trains in europe and so on and at stations, which means that you need to destroy the states that give terrorists the opportunity to train, because somewhere in the limited local situation of a terrorist camp, which is monitored everywhere by the special services of different countries, you will never prepare a terrorist attack , ugh, on airplanes you need a state or a quasi-state, now the gas sector. any kind of state, and then it was afghanistan, which was ruled even then taliban, taliban people, iraq, saddam
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hussein, libya, muammar, gaddafi. when these regimes arose, there were no major global terrorists. you have heard about the last global terrorist attack, with the use of, excuse me, airplanes, then airplanes and explosives, which can destroy a huge number of people, then detonated. the atoche station in madrid, remember , because they were tearing up the railway in great britain, we have already forgotten about it, now everything is very simple, but nobody liked it, that it was happening, that the united states was intervening somewhere in lebanon, in iraq, and libya, in libya, libya in general has become a failed state, it 's all terrible, you can't do that anymore, but now nobody does it, now they shoot at limited terrorist groups. whether it is even possible to destroy the russian base in syria
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with several missiles of the united states on some bases of iran in syria and iraq. russia will not go anywhere from this, well, this is a great example, and this is what we say all the time, either we can take these states out of the game, there are two options for the development of events, or we take them out of the game, themselves, not that they created some masks, wow show, in lebanon, in iraq, in syria, and you can also mention... donetsk people's republic, luhansk people's republic, transnistria, there is now a base of the black sea fleet in abkhazia - it's still a mask show, you know you can hit abkhazia, it is the same type of independent state, the russian navy will not disappear from this, that is the whole point, that means either you and them yourself enter into a real conflict with them, or if you are afraid of it, well i'm sorry, then you agree with them, huh, and if you
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don't do either... one or the other, then the conflict grows and intensifies, and as the united states secretary of state anthony blinken rightly says, metastasizes, this is not what i propose to negotiate with russia, irano, i don't really believe in it at all, but just there is a simple choice, and the west, like us, by the way, at a certain moment, it takes a third path, between these, between these, you know, two options, it wants to pass as between drops, not to negotiate, because it is impossible to negotiate with terrorist states , but also not to enter into a conflict with them, and to answer them so that they didn't get nervous, that's right , the same is happening with iran now as with russia, think about it, we have to strike in such a way that iran does not enter into a direct conflict, we have to help ukraine, supply it with the same weapons, but in no way in case there is no... there is an idea that we are in
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a direct conflict with russia, no, this is the first moment, the second moment, this is so that there is no major escalation in russia, in russia itself, so that there is no war in iran itself, so that there is no military on its territory, it is impossible, well yes, sorry, then it appears president trump, and says, if you don't want to defeat russia. then i have to come to an agreement with her, this, by the way, is what i am telling you about, that sooner or later this gives rise to such a point of view, so that this way, this way is mediocre, to come to an agreement somewhere in the middle, it is useless one thing does not lead, it only leads to the growth of the conflict, so when i say that there will be more large conflicts of war, as a result of this tens of thousands of people will die in different regions, and nothing will end, and everyone asks me,
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do i believe it myself in such? of course, i do not have a forecast i believe what i believe, i know that it will be so , i, when i told that there will be a war in the middle east in 2023, that i believed about it, that i needed to believe it, i just knew it, and the people who they lived there in israel, they didn’t know about it and didn’t want to and didn’t believe in it, because what would it be, well, now they believe, because in us, as a rule, faith coincides with the event, by the way, the biblical prophets warned about this . so to speak, the blood that still flows in us, she, they said, that you have to think before that, there is a city, it can be destroyed, think about what to do so that it doesn't collapse, they're all oh, listen, we've got our own business here, and we need to do something so that nothing happens with it, well, well, here's the answer to the approximate east, i don't like it, it 's a completely wrong political
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approach in general, but it's... not a credo, by the way, president biden had, in general, the democrats, and the republicans had it. republicans said we should isolate, democrats said we should support so so that american soldiers do not suffer from this, that as a result, who died in an attack by iraqi prox forces in iraq, american soldiers, as much as the united states wanted to avoid this, something is not avoided, and you can say, we will withdraw all troops from everywhere, then america will be hit, and so will the planes. ugh, and then the airplanes are the rule, and then the airplanes are high-rise, you can't avoid it, you can't hide behind the skirt of the story, like a small child, it's unreal, but unfortunately i would very i wanted to, and hence the question, after all, if donald trump is conditional there...


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