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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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positive expectations with the arrival of the new head of the ova, that, after all, there will be such a model, when local self-government can be used to the maximum so that it is useful for the state power and, above all, useful for the military, because today a large amount of resources, it is actually used, well, it is not always correct and it is not always possible to accumulate these resources to help the military, if we talk about the regional council, it is certain that the key task for the zaporizhia regional council today is after all resumption of sessional work, because without sessional work... a large number of issues are stalled, it so happened that without sessional decisions in the legislative process, it would be impossible to dismiss heads of utility companies, and for a large number of utility companies it is impossible to appoint them, and we have 120 utility companies enterprises, these are regional hospitals, these are large medical institutions, which today also serve the military, so for us sessional work is key, and we hope that this balance of power and understanding systems. will nevertheless restart
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the zaporizhzhia regional council. regarding the occupied cities of berdyansk and melitopol, president zelenskyi emphasized, introducing fedorov, that melitopol must return, become ukrainian, and this must happen as soon as possible, and in the meantime, what is happening now in melitopol, what is happening in berdyansk, well, i read that in berdyansk, for example, was created, as reported, by a cossack community, or a wife, i don't know, well... a wife, then they are somewhat too bearded for cossack wives, well, less so this is how they look, although they are without beards , well, less so, because what is happening there, or in fact, maybe this is also evidence that many people have readjusted and are ready to live under russia, in general, you know, strange things, well, another evidence that the whole civilized world is moving forward and only where there is russia, where there are occupied territories, it is somehow moving... in the direction
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of regression and there appear some cossack communities and other things that have been there for hundreds of years should have weaved together, as they like to say, and move forward, but russia - this is regression and these are steps back, and i would not say from the situation that we are monitoring that there is some kind of strengthening of collaboration there or some kind of, you know, such a strategic loss of territories there, because of course, after two years of occupation, we understand that under under the pressure of propaganda, in general, under physical pressure , a large number of people are reorienting themselves to the occupiers , such are the laws of psychology, such are the laws of war in general, but a large number of people continue to be pro-ukrainian, this is very important, well, in fact, the war is going on for the sake of these people for them to be able to live on their territory, for us, for them to be free, because we can see this in many examples, well , look, the actions of the resistance movement, in fact, they do not decrease in intensity, this undermining of auto laboratory workers and in in general, information campaigns, and the fact that today the russians there, well... are trying
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to intensify their passporting there as much as possible, and this directly shows that, well, they say that, it shows that after two years of occupation, there is still a lot people did not receive russian passports, despite all the all this pressure, on manipulation, on motivation by money, that is, there is a large number of people who remain from the pro-ukrainian position , again, this is the importation of people from russia, i mean doctors, educators there, people who make elections, this shows first of all , there are not enough local collaborators who are ready to... work with them, and this is a good signal for the controlled part of ukraine, so that we understand that a large number of people are waiting for ukraine, and each of them is doing something there to do something there against the enemy, some do it quietly, not taking part in any actions, relatively speaking, in the lord's actions, some do it very loudly, undermining auto-collaborators, but the main message is that people remain pro-ukrainian, because if we lose this orien, then the question will arise, why all this , this is a good question. of course, we thank those
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people who, in such difficult conditions, remain with a pro-ukrainian position, taking into account how the occupiers are pressing, but at the same time, we see that the occupiers work very well with ours children, and for example in berdyansk, not only in berdyansk, in general in the occupied territories, they set up the production of drones in schools, and it turns out that our... on the heads of our military, unfortunately, there are such blatant cases, in fact, well, in general, we see that the position of the russians is the engagement of the young generation, because they see it as the first threat to themselves, because these people are a more informed choice, and on the other hand, in the youth, in young children, they see the material that they can form with the russian worldview, and a lot it is unfortunate that they are directly involved today
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in complicity in these crimes, but here, for sure, what is very important is that, in addition to the teachers there, there is the involvement of other people from the temporarily occupied territories, representatives of such a conventional industrial site there, people who headed some industrial enterprises there, who help in this, and here the question is for our power unit to identify all these people and, after all , there are some implementations, court cases on them faster, and it is very important that they understand , what they will have no other way out later, they will not be able to get out of there dry, plus all these people who are there at customs representing some business in the occupied territory have assets, including in the controlled territory, and therefore very ... it is important today to maximally create precedents for punishing these people, punishing them economically, punishing them with sentences, in order to prevent the creation of such collaborations, to prevent these people from working for the enemy, because, frankly, we on our broadcasts, they very often said about
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balytsky, about others there, that court cases had been going on for more than a year, but we cannot, at this time, during the war, when these verdicts are so necessary, drag on with these decisions for so long, because a big the number of collaborators, she needs, let's say, a cathedral punishment right now, and this will stop others. well, mr. skade, thank you for the news from the zaporizhia region, askata shurbeko, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was in touch with us, our viewers are asking whether there was anything on our air about valery zaluzhny, because the youtube broadcast in our country is called, zelensky confirmed his intentions to release zaluzhny, so i went to the page. diligent and interesting post where he congratulates serhiy shaptala on his birthday, but it is one year older than me, older is already that post, older, well, well, it’s been a few days, but what is this crazy thing on my facebook, not yet, 36 minutes ago, 36 minutes ago, why are you
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knocking me down, andrei, the post sounds like this, it will still be very difficult for us, but it will definitely never be a shame, i am happy that in this life and during the war you were by my side. a person for whom ukraine is truly above all , happy birthday, friend, we believe in the best, we already deserve it, here i am, you were by my side, so a little bit alerted, here is this post, you see on your own, 24- heh, in general , if you look at zaluzhny, his last post literally congratulates him on his birthday and says goodbye to some of his colleagues with whom he works, for example, he congratulated zabrodsky on january 24, thank you. for friendship, happy birthday, thank you for being there, anatoliy shevchenko z united forces, well, in a word, well, friends , we have it on our airwaves, it will last until 12 o'clock today, we will talk about it, we will of course say it, it is an extremely important matter and
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an important thing, well, we will talk, so we will, so stay with us, in the meantime , in the first hour of our broadcast, there is always a roll call, and now we will... rush to the kherson region, ask how things are going there, how the night passed there, we will have yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy head of the kherson region , to inform us about it of the regional council, and he is already with us in touch, mr. yury, we welcome you, i congratulate you, friends, how was the night, how is the morning in the kherson region? unsettled, unfortunately, traditionally already, there were explosions, arrivals were recorded both in the kherson district and in the beryslav district, well... the day before yesterday, yesterday we, well , we can probably say, there were a little less arrivals, although you know, very i don't like to say that, because we only have one, two, three such relatively quiet days, and then again 100 flights per day,
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there were 37 flights over the territory recorded the day before yesterday, as of the evening we had one an injured person, there she needed hospitalization, now she is in the hospital. and the doctors are working to ensure that, well, we will see whether there will be a medical evacuation or not, but before hospitalization, the person needed what is happening in the occupied parts of the kherson region, what news is there, unfortunately, there is only bad news, there is constant pressure on people, you know, we say that it is intensifying, intensifying, and in fact it is, and now we see more filtering, precisely filtering. roadblocks appeared at which documents are carefully checked, and in fact already at the checkpoints there is such a thousand people forced to get a russian passport, if this has not already happened. now they pay special attention to men, well, it is clear why, because already now,
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as soon as a man receives this russian passport , they already send the data to the military office, and the man is forced to go there, to stand. i passed a medical check-up for registration, they say there will be no mobilization, it just needs to be done for registration, but we perfectly understand what is happening, and meanwhile i read that in... in the russian military is destroying the infrastructure of the oleshki community, what does this mean, what are they preparing for, why suddenly? not only there, the same situation is in the kakhovsky district, in some settlements near the dnieper, there is such a suspicion, there is information that they really carried out some engineering work specifically on critical infrastructure facilities, and these works are not related there with some security of these objects. i.e. probable explosives were brought in and they may have carried out additional mining of this
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infrastructure, because earlier they also in some locations, such works were carried out, and what is the reason, it is difficult to say here, you know , i would like to say that they are preparing to leave, but you need to be very careful with this, because now there is enough other information that says that they are creating additional fortification er buildings, they constantly carry out demining in addition to demining the territory, so i can't say that it's good news that they are going to leave there. i read another such information, it is more like, you know, the cry of the soul of a person who remained in the occupation, but who has a pro-ukrainian position and is waiting for ukraine to return to the kherson region, the person who did not introduce herself is our... colleague tv presenter tetyana vysotska, she is doing such a project, kherson voices, where she actually collects
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such testimonies of people , who remain in the occupation, of course this man who wrote his cry of the soul, he cannot give his name, his surname for security reasons, he introduced himself as engineer victor, and what i read, well, you know, such 21st century we have, but he just walks away because he says that he is he dreams that outside the window he could hear fellow birds and the noise of children, but not automatic queues, he dreams that electricity is always at home, and not so that they sit by a candle and such a constant semi-darkness, he dreams that to just take a hot bath, and there he writes, says that once i was very surprised by the germans, who seem to live well. but they save terribly and that it is +15 in their homes and that they dress warmly, he says: well, we did not
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live as well as the germans, but we always had enough warmth in our homes and do not need it was so warm to dress, he says now dressed, because at home you can simply freeze, such is life in the occupation, unfortunately, there are such people, in a large number of settlements they did not cover this scorching season at all, here 20 km. in the dnipro , they didn’t do this at all, in other settlements there are constant, well, they say accidents, now about 200 settlements are without electricity, only ginichsky district, spadovsky district, that is, where there are no active hostilities, there are occasional arrivals , but exclusively there for the military targets, for large ones, for headquarters, for warehouses , that is, they do not work there at power substations at... or at other objects of this kind, but you understand, the most important thing,
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the most terrible thing there is this feeling of a complete lack of security, 24 on 7, a person who is under occupation, she, she is constantly, she understands that at any moment armed people can come to the basement and take some actions right here on the spot, and sometimes even nearby. well, this is another separate burden on what a person feels, that's why they buy - it is terrible, and we will still need people who have gone through this for a very long time, so that they go through rehabilitation, children, teenagers, because the consequences are terrible, really, these are memories for a lifetime, which would be great if if our people did not have them, but... we already have what we have, i read that an official representative office of the kherson
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region was opened in moscow, which should, so to speak, provide support for the occupied, occupied lands, and here in this picture we see balance of the collaborator, and next to him sits a certain volodymyr bodelan, and i think that many have already forgotten who he is, and it makes sense to simply remind ukrainian viewers who he is, he is... the son of the former mayor of odessa, ruslan bodelan, and he used to head the ministry of emergency situations in the city of odessa, and that's his name. do you remember who was responsible for this building, when the house of trade unions burned down during all those years in the 14th year, when the pro-russian demonstrators were there, they retreated there, and then this house of trade unions caught fire, and they say that it was this bodelan who gave the order not to put out the fire fire, as a result of which about 40 people
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died, and after that he fled to russia and became an actual collaborator of such a person. the story of the opening of this so-called institution and representation itself, well, in fact , no real work will be carried out, but this is another element of the propaganda of the integration of the so-called new regions, as they call our temporarily occupied territory, that is , they constantly create some informational occasions, which should create the impression that these territories really are. already a part of the russian federation, they fully already work according to the standards for the regions of the russian federation, they have the corresponding representation they are now making a lot of bilateral agreements between the subjects of the russian federation and the occupation administrations, or this fake body and self-government that they created, all of this is
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actually aimed more at their own audience, of course, but it has a little influence somewhere and... our population, who constantly see that this happened, this happened, this happened, that is, they create a feeling in people so that they, you know, do not wait for release, let's say, accordingly, they did not provide assistance there to the security services of ukraine, defense forces of ukraine and did not offer any resistance at all. well, thank you, mr. yuriy , for the conversation, yuriy sabolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council was with us, we will now take a short break, then we will return, we will return, we will continue, we will talk about what is happening. in dnipro, i read that in dnipro, it turns out that in the center of the city there was an apartment owned by a politician from the odious yanukovych era, oleg tsarev . in kateryna nemchenko, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, stay with us, it will be interesting, there are
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project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. big broadcast by vasyl zima. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. we will return to the air and now we will move to dnipropetrovsk region, we will ask what news there is, in addition to what is there
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they arrested oleg tsarev's apartment in the center of dnipro, then volodymyr zelenskyi came to kryvyi rih to visit his motherland, we will ask kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, about it, she is already appearing on your screens, mrs. kateryna, we congratulate you, glory congratulations to ukraine. glory to the heroes, for starters , tell me how the night and morning went, how is it, is everything calm? the night and the morning passed according to our terrible traditions, with the shelling of the nikopol district, tonight it is heavy artillery, there is damage, yesterday was the day in principle, it was almost the same, but thank god, there were no unfortunate victims, so we can say that everything worked out, because in the nikopol district, everything is no longer measured... by damage to some infrastructure, but by human casualties, so when there are no , then we can say that everything is fine. president zelensky visited his small
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motherland, yes, and what do we know about his visit, how was the president met in kryvyi rih? well, we know about this visit that he held meetings in kryvyi rih, in the kryvyi rih district, about water supply and electricity supply. in principle, we don't know anything else, well, if it will motivate someone. the russians report that they strongly tried to attack arcelor mital, and this is of course the largest enterprise for kryvyi rih, and what is currently happening in kryvyi rih is city-forming or budget-forming for the city, so really, at first there was actually information that there.. . there was damage and there was a fire, then it seemed to be leveled, they said that the fire was extinguished and it was as if
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there was no such scale of destruction there, but because that is, in many houses of the kryvorizh district, as well as in the city of kryvyi rih, there were big problems with light, blackouts and heat supply in apartments was also stopped. the supply of heat has been stopped , as of now, these restoration works have been going on for a long, long time , but as of now, as far as is known , everything is in principle normal, there are houses where there are still interruptions with light, but the situation is such that it is at least supplied well, for some time, for some time, so that people can use them, well, i hope that... that's all today will be in general according to the normal situation, ms. kateryna, a lot of our viewers have been writing in the chat since the very morning, are you, or are we not
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going to raise the issue of the resignation of the employee, and we are also talking about the fact that president zelenskyy confirmed in an interview with the italian tv channel , that he is going to dismiss luzhneh and restart the government system in general, here he did not disclose the details of what he himself... is going to restart and with whom, well, but nevertheless, whether the possible resignation of luzhneh is being discussed in dnipro, and what they say, well, i don't know, in yours bubbles, if you want, where , where you are, uh, yes, it is being discussed, this event, it is really very high-profile, and it shook society, well, of course, those who follow it, but how can it be here at such a time in the country not to follow such news at all, because , in principle , our victory and the course of history and the entire war, which is currently going on in our country with... our enemy,
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are discussed, of course , each in their own way, but in general the opinions are such that, well, again, from my environment, even those people who, well, were somehow dissatisfied with something somewhere, maybe in the politics of the lousy man, but still they say that his resignation, it will only lead to something even worse, it could still be, well, of course, there are people who they always have something... they don't like all the personalities even, but even those people who are, you know, not really attached to a certain persona, they still say no, even if i don't really like him there personally , then i still think that he is the best right now, who can be in this position, well, of course, people who, in principle , are generally good towards the industrious and generally more, well, in general, like that. think
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about it, they are generally shocked that such information can even be the status quo for today, that he can be dismissed, so frankly, i don't know how it will all end, and well, in our country, people go to rallies about the armed forces, so that the armed forces stand out there are more funds for the city council and all that, and at this time we will be changing the commander-in-chief, well... something is a little so strange, but there is, there is, by the way, very interesting, an interesting analysis from general rob lee, a very well-known australian military expert who comments a lot on the war in ukraine and the russian war, and also recently visited kyiv, and he generally singled out seven consequences of this resignation, possibly meritorious, and all seven are not
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are actually favorable. we also have the reaction of the white house, they said that they should not interfere in this situation, well, in fact, in fact, hinting that they are not satisfied, maybe with the resignation of a good man, but we have such a situation, we will monitor what there will be more, here, and of course this is a very good question, it seems to me that mykola davydyuk, a ukrainian political scientist, voiced that in fact in a country where the term of validity of president zelenskyi himself ends, so to speak, let me remind you that elections should be held already on the last sunday of march, and after that, according to the ukrainian constitution , president zelensky loses his powers, this is a legal case, we will have to solve it somehow, one of the ways to solve it is precisely the creation of greater national unity, in the form of governments and so on and the like , well, in conditions where legitimacy... ness
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is legally lost, the legitimacy of people's trust is important, well, we know that the level of support and trust in the hard-working is very high, maybe that's just it the key problem and the reason for his change, at least that is what they say , i want to ask one last thing, because they promised our viewers that oleg tsarev's apartment in the center of the dnipro was arrested, although he wrote to himself on the telegram channel that he does not have an apartment there... , he said, isn't it an apartment, so-so, a closet, he says that all his property was confiscated from him, associates of kolomoiskyi, kolomoiskyi, korban kashlyak, astion konstantinovskyi, that’s it, now they have registered in this apartment of his, in short, tell me what kind of apartment it is, well i can't tell you exactly what kind of apartment it is, i haven't been there, but what we see from the news, what he mentioned, what...
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we watch the news. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the situation at the front and when the us congress will finally vote on aid to ukraine.


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