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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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at exactly 9 o'clock, i observe a minute of silence in memory of all those who fell in this war of occupation by russians against ukraine. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings to all our viewers, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this morning's video we talk about... the following topics: russian troops have advanced into the avdiyivka development zone. street fights are going on in the city - journalists write. the general staff notes that there is more half of the attacks on the front line fall precisely in the avdiiv direction. russian forces have advanced in the north of the city, analysts of the deep state project write. what is the situation in the city, we will ask the military zsu. zelensky for the first time commented on the rumors about the possible dismissal of zaluzhnyi. he pointed out that the country needs a reboot and that is about replacements. not one person, what plans
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does the president have, how do western partners feel about it? in the final of the eurovision national selection , the song tereza maria, performed by alyona alyona and jerry gale, won. spectators voted in the application action, which led to a system crash due to overload. wasn't the biggest discovery the sign language and the interpreter, who actually became the star of the national team? the interview with kateryna zabotkina will be on this broadcast. wait. in the meantime , i urge you to subscribe to the radio channel. freedom to like this video and be sure to press the bell so as not to miss important streams on this channel. against the background of positional battles east of avdiivka , russian troops advanced along the route (n-20), analysts report this american institute for the study of war. positional battles also continue to the north -west of the city in the area of ​​novobakhmutivka and stepovoy near the coke chemical plant. the same is true on the southern outskirts of avdiivka.
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analysts of the deepstate project also claim that the russian army is advancing in the north of avdiivka. the day before , ukrainian military journalist yuriy butusov reported that the situation in avdiivka is critical. according to him, russian forces entrenched themselves on one of the streets in the north of the city and entered two streets in the south. about the west, the west of russian forces in journalist andrii tsaplienko also reports on urban development from the north with reference to his own sources, and he also says that the situation has become critical, but adds. that it is not hopeless yet. earlier, the spokesman of the 47th brigade, dmytro lazutkin, told eterispress that russian forces are trying to capture a strategic object, a chemical plant, but the armed forces successfully repel these attacks. all the achievements of the russian forces are about 50-100 m, over a long period of time - so says lazutkin, but they will continue to try to cut off the logistics of the armed forces in the north and this should be careful, - says the spokesman of the 47th brigade.
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the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine says that the attack around the city was repulsed, while the russian ministry of defense says nothing about the situation near avdiivka. serhii tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakuv hantsyuk, joins our broadcast. greetings, mr. serhiy, thank you for joining. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, serhiy, can you confirm or deny the information that the russian forces have entered a residential building in the north of the city. and is the situation the same in the south of the city, as far as you know? well, i will say what i can say, that yes, they were , they are coming, they are very actively now doing everything possible, and you see, sometimes they even use favorable conditions, it means fog, er, in order to achieve some kind of power there , but i would recommend everyone not to look at analysts in this. not
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to disseminate information, but to listen to official appeals and messages of the general staff. this is very important for the same safety of all of us. servicemen to carry out the task, but the command monitors the situation, does everything it is possible, in general i want to say that as much as possible, all the goals and tasks , which were in the direction of nadiyev for, let's say, the last four months, have already been fulfilled , that is, so many enemies have been destroyed that they can catch up, well, it seems that there are many of them, there i will fill them up. is constantly going on, that’s clear , sooner or later it will give its result anyway, that’s why it’s hard to do everything, you understand the pressure under which our servicemen, all units are absolutely, er, that’s why they need
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to be supported and helped, er, insight is this well, it's good when you know and so on, but when you are directly on the battlefield, directly... the area where the enemy is attacking and firing from all sides, you need, well, dear help, if you can, i mean , keeping the same tych, it will help everyone, every military serviceman in particular, mr. serhii, but we have what we have, there is a message from botusovienka’s military journalists, and they refer to sources among the military, and they say that they call the situation now critical, according to you assessment or? really the situation in avdiivka is critical , it is difficult, very difficult, it is critical, somehow it is a war, critical, it is already in the zone, in the area of ​​hostilities, it is already a critical situation for everyone, because you do not know where it will fly, it will fall from the front or 10 km from
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the position, but it flies, you see what they are doing in the rear of our troops, they are shelling peaceful cities. civilian objects and so on, i will say that in the area of ​​responsibility of our brigade, the positions are unchanged, everyone is holding, the assaults have all been repelled, in the last day there have been attempts to storm, including from using bmps, four, four bmps went to the battlefield, and all four were destroyed, one was damaged, and three and three were damaged, that is, they must be repaired anyway. well, with respect to both yury botusov and andriy siplienko, with great respect, but please, the command follows everything, sees and
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predicts everything, so we do not interfere, the main thing now , well, it is clear to help, but do not interfere, mr. serhiy, and in what way to be the target of... russian forces, they are trying to surround avdiivka, or their plan is street by street push out and enter the city. well, you see, their encirclement plan has been so active for four months, they didn't succeed. so, try now to go in according to the bahmani scenario, to get a foothold behind the buildings, and that's a lot of fun. this is where a question arises and appeal to everyone. our men, who are still in the rear and do not take an active part in helping, in the defense, where are you, why don’t you come, because the more of us there are, the tighter the defense of positions will be, and we will win sooner and that’s all, that’s it it's so simple, you admit, you mentioned about
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bakhmud, i apologize, mr. serhiy, but i want to ask you in time, you mentioned bakhmut, and almost a year ago there was a story in the western press that allegedly... general zaluzhnyi wants to leave from bakhmut , and as if the president's office insisted that it should remain there, the current situation, well, some commentators write that it is repeated, how much is the military expediency of keeping avdiyivka at the moment in the situation in which the armed forces of ukraine found themselves, well, how are the military i can say that the expediency of the fact that we are so many enemies they repeat destroyed, this is already a great achievement, but in reality they destroyed more already. in this direction in four months, i already said it once, how many were killed in the 10 years of the afghan war in the soviet union, this is the concentration of forces on themselves, it does not give them the opportunity to fear that we are
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about to go into counteroffensive and donetsk are nearby, and they have such a big city where they can hide their equipment, personnel and so on, but they still can't do anything. well, you see, this is a moral moment for them, a moral and psychological blow hits them. once again proves the skill of our boys and girls, who perform one or the other. on the combat task, that is, with the overwhelming rear of the enemy, with the overwhelming amount of ammunition that is constantly flying in our direction, that is to win, so i think that the command, including the commander in chief , will make the right decision and understand when it is necessary to do, in this regard, the individual trusts him, so i speak for myself and for everyone, for the level of all commanders, so we will do everything. everything that will be necessary in this situation, i thank you for joining and for answering these questions, which really confuse
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society, so i had to ask them, mr. serhiy, see you in the next broadcasts, serhiy tsekhodskyi, officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry svoboda ranok was a guest of the jakub hantsyuk brigade. ukrainian president zelenskyi is thinking about rebooting the leadership of ukraine and not only the military, he said this in an interview with the italian tv channel rai, answered. when asked about the need to replace glavkom, they say this a reboot is needed and it is in the process, however, the ukrainian president did not say directly what will be the dismissal of commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi. when we talk about a reboot, we are talking about a reboot of certain heads of state, and not just in one sector. i think about it, about the reboot, i'm in the process, so you can't say that this is the person who was replaced and everything went, no, this is a serious machine and it depends on many processes. there were no documents on valery zaluzhny's resignation even at the last rate of the commander-in-chief, the secretary
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of the national security council, oleksiy danilov, announced this , ukrainian anonymous telegram channels predicted that this issue could be considered by the commander-in-chief on friday. meanwhile, the western press continues to write about the misunderstanding between zelensky and zaluzhny. and so bloomberg notes that general zaluzhny has become a problem for zelensky. journalists write that there are several reasons for the disagreements. allegedly industrious. actively advocates a new wave of mobilization and overtakes the president in the level of trust of the population, which only complicates these relationships the president, bloomberg emphasizes , may try to release the industrious, but quote: it will probably harm the morale of both troops and civilians. meanwhile, the washington post newspaper writes that ukraine has apparently informed the white house that president zelensky has decided to dismiss general zaluzhny from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. according to. question, if this is confirmed, it will be zelensky's most serious personnel reshuffle since the russian invasion in
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february 22. advisor to the president of the united states of america of national security, jake sullivan, in his turn, said that america should not interfere in the issue of the possible release of zaluzhnyi. the us government should not interfere in this matter one way or another, so we stay away from these personnel decisions, and of course, it is the sovereign right of ukraine and the right of the president of ukraine to make his personnel decisions. we have made it clear that we are not going to be involved in this particular decision. serhiy kryvonots, major general of the reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, deputy commander of the armed forces of the armed forces of ukraine 16-19 years, joined our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you that joined good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the hero, i want to start our conversation with the possible resignation of zaluzhnyi. in your social networks, you published a post in which you supported the mayor. in your opinion, or according to your information, resignation is still planned. and do you know when? is it a blue
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dream or a green dream of mr. zelenskyi to directly remove general zaluzhny from the post of commander-in-chief, when society is already ready, and they are directly forming an informational, you know, lining to remove zaluzhny and step step by step, certain such messages are reinforced every time, which are not in favor of the same person. therefore, zelenskyi's task is to remove zaluzhny, because zaluzhny, in addition to being much more popular than zelenskyi, is also inconvenient for zelenskyi, because zaluzhnya asks many questions, including why certain documents or why certain proposals of zeluzhny are completely ignored and the office of the president, and directly by the ministry of defense, that is why zaluzh is asking these questions, besides, again, in the problem of the law on mobilization, zaluzh is just right also asks questions that depend and the implementation
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of which depends primarily on the president himself, so their dream is to remove the incompetent, that is, in your opinion, these reasons that you listed are the main ones in this matter, i will note that the power vertical is such , that zelenskyi appoints the head commissar and can, of course, remove him, that is, the question here is this, i would like to discuss such a moment with you, and here i will formulate the words. of president zelensky from his last interview with an italian broadcaster, in your opinion, a reboot is needed the leadership of the country, especially if there is no difference between the commander-in-chief and the head. common vision, well, if he is already raising the issue of a reboot , then maybe he should look at himself and his environment, there are also many problems, so of course you can try to recognize - the scapegoats of the military, but first of all, a huge number of questions to the civilian leadership of the country . here i can add the words
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of mykhailo podolyak, who was on our air last week, and here he told me. i will quote further literally that the president is rational assesses what is happening today, wants to get an understanding of what will happen in the 24th year, what resources are needed for this, and, they say, western partners need such information. zaluzhny's column was recently published, i'll note that it was planned, as cnn pointed out, even before these alleged rumors about zaluzhny's resignation. so, in your opinion, does luzhujy have a vision of how the war should develop in 24, how to counter, because... in the distance, again , he said that it should not only be a defensive strategy, but a defensive- offensive strategy. mykhailo podalyak, a person with absolutely zero military experience, that it can be used, forgive me for such an incorrect phrase, if he has never served in the army for a single day, he has never been in a war. look, i note that he is an adviser to the head of the president's office, and he is almost the only person who
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commented on these rumors from the authorities before volodymyr zelenskyy gave an interview to an italian broadcaster. i will point out, well, the replacement of the lieutenant, and here i want to ask you exactly from a military point of view, what does this mean, the replacement of a general surrounded by a general, well and who can become the successor of syrskyi and budanov, as the western media wrote, who, well, directly in power there already has a wide range of candidates, they have already sifted through many, they have checked many, and first of all , the check there is not so much on professional as on loyalty there in general. this is how specialists are selected in our government, here i will rephrase it for you once again, i will try to ask the question in this way, if you, i heard your interviews, you criticize there, in particular president zelensky, that there may be an insufficient supply of weapons from western partners, but here we can appeal to the fact that the situation in the countries of the western partners, in particular in the usa, is such that, perhaps,
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it is unlikely that the ukrainian side can have any influence, because there are its own political processes, if we talk about criticism. comma, well, why shouldn't it be, but in your opinion, why, if formally, the more the president has the right to do so, and if there are differences in the vision of the situation, a reset of the country's military leadership cannot happen? see how you manipulate those phrases that i didn't say, me i didn't talk at all about the president's failure to provide ammunition at the expense of western partners, i was talking about the government's failure to develop its own ammunition production capacity. this is the first, the next thing that concerns, again, we ask, no one is against criticism, i am not advocating for the head, i am in favor of normal, healthy criticism, but the question is that then, if we criticize the head, maybe we will then look more widely, who is not yet working in this direction, and primarily, relying on the existing law on
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mobilization, we ask why officials at the political level do not fulfill those duties. what they had to do, mr. sergey, i will also comment that i will not try to manipulate here, maybe the quote is not exact, but it is very important that you are on our air, you expressed yourself correctly, i want to ask you about the following, about the probable plans of russia in the near future, whether it will go on the offensive on kharkiv oblast and whether it can plan a new offensive on kyiv, forbes wrote about the first, i will note, and major general marchenko expressed the opinion about the offensive on the capital, which concerns... of soharkiv region in the kupinsky direction for three months now, i draw your attention to the fact that it is probably the most important direction for the armed forces of ukraine now and the amount of resources that the enemy has, we allow them to continue active offensive actions at the tactical level, will they be able to directly increase their effort? well, the question lies in the ability of our defense to keep
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the situation under control. as for the possibility of attacking kiev, they... can always be used at any moment, but it will not be in a day, not in two, when the russians have there will be enough power of means, or rather quickly enough, and they know how to do it quickly enough to transfer it to the chernihiv-belarusian direction and from there try option two again according to the option of february 22nd. mr. serhiy, here i also want to ask you about avdiivka, because you see, there is also information in the information sphere, information has penetrated there from there. military correspondents who, referring to their sources among the military, say that the situation is critical, or according to your information, the situation in avdiivka is critical, and i remember, you know, a year ago, somewhere in march, it seems white. wrote about the fact that zaluzhny and zelensky differ in their views on whether it is necessary to hold bakhmut, whether the same situation is happening in avdiivka, and when
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and at what point in the battles for the city the point occurs, when holding the city is no longer there, there cannot be a military objective there, but from this point of view, can you comment now in avdiivka, in avdiivka , how critical the situation is, it is complicated, let's name more. in other words, the critical word is when you don't have one behind your back projectile and there is not a single soldier who would be able to take part in urban battles, the difficulty of urban battles is that it is better for those who are trained to take part in them, this is probably the most important thing, and plus the active use of means of development and timely impression on the approach to the city of the enemy's reserve, we succeed in many cases, and by ... our intelligence and our artillery, we often enough break up powerful plans of attack, when the enemy is massing, shall we say, to advance as far as
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it is necessary to keep, well, this question would probably be better to ask a diligent person, because he understands what he has from the reserves and what he has in terms of security, mr. serhiy, what is the possible goal of the troops of the russian federation today relative to... to surround the city of avdiivka , or the fact that they are already entering and trying to wage urban battles directly in the city, shows that they are ready, as we just had a military, from there, how to act in bakhmut, just here the enemy is acting in two directions, he is trying to take the city on the e flanks encirclement and conducts active hostilities there in the same way as he tries to conduct offensive battles in the city, where he saw that... he has, well, let's put it this way, there, god forbid, that our defense crumbles somewhere, that's where he will be increase your efforts. i thank you, mr. serhii, for joining the broadcast of svoboda ranok. serhiy kryvonots, major general of the armed forces reserve,
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deputy commander of the sso of the armed forces of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok for 16-19 years. the un international court of justice has decided that it will consider ukraine's complaint against russia regarding genocide and has jurisdiction work with this lawsuit, which ukraine filed in the early days of a full-scale invasion. however, the court is ready to consider. only part of the complaints, the court will analyze and prove the fact that ukraine did not commit genocide in donbas, as the russian authorities said, but refused to consider the complaint that russia acted illegally by announcing the invasion in february 22 , after genocide of the russian-speaking population. as the court explained, this goes beyond the convention on the prevention of genocide, for the violation of which ukraine brought russia to court to gaga the temporary measure, which requires russia to stop hostilities for... remains in force, and for its non-compliance, the court can also hold moscow responsible, - said the representative of ukraine at the un court. consideration of the case will take several years. we
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will prove russia's lies about this in court, so that there was no genocide, of course. and that the russian federation lied and is lying. when she speaks, including in the statements of the president of the russian federation about some mythical genocide. order about temporary measures for... remain in force, and this means that the russian federation remains under a direct obligation to immediately stop all military actions on the territory of ukraine. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this stream we talk about such topics. the us senate presented a draft law for 118 billion dollars, including aid to ukraine. president biden has already urged congress to pass it immediately, but republicans are pushing for a separate bill without the money. for ukraine, will the fate of us aid to ukraine be decided already ? this week? in the final of the eurovision song contest , the song tereza maria, performed by alyona alyona and jerry gale, won. viewers
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voted in the diya application, which led to a system failure due to overload, but perhaps the biggest discovery was sign language and an interpreter, who actually became the star of the national selection. the interview with kateryna zabotkina will be on this broadcast, wait. well, for now , i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty channel and remind you of our schedule. morning broadcasts, it's weekdays from 9:00 here on youtube radio svoboda and also on the espresso tv channel. get involved. the us senate released a bill on border security, aid to ukraine and israel. this is a bipartisan bill for a total of $118 billion, of which $60 billion is for ukraine. the vote on the package as a whole should take place already this week on february 7. today, the senate may vote to end debate on the issue. president of the usa. biden called on congress, and i quote, to come together and quickly pass this bipartisan deal. bipartisan national security agreement as well
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concerns two other important ones. it will allow the united states to continue our vital work with partners around the world to defend ukraine's freedom and support its ability to defend itself against russian aggression. i urge congress to come together and quickly pass this bipartisan agreement. place it on my desk so i can sign it into law immediately. it was this bipartisan bill that house speaker mike johnson criticized in a question. of migration reform, previously he talked about the preparation of an alternative bill from the republicans, which does not refer to aid for ukraine. he intends to put this document to a vote already this week. we can't wait any longer, the house is ready to lead the process, and the reason we have to take care of the situation in israel right now is because the situation has escalated.
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in an interview with the bbc, nbc, sorry, news, the us president's national security adviser, jake sullivan, said that us president joe biden will not sign the bill on aid to israel without taking into account the needs of ukraine. the white house insists on the adoption of a bill to support israel and ukraine in one package. oksana markarova, ukraine's ambassador to the united states, said on the air of the national telethon that the situation regarding the approval of additional aid to ukraine in the united states is difficult. at the same time, she noted that the process of solving the issue of aid to ukraine, i quote: is moving in the right direction. and the chances of its adoption, according to markarova, are very high. oleksandr khara, an expert on issues, joins our broadcast of foreign and security policy of the center for defense strategies. i welcome you to our broadcast. good morning, panikaterina. will the senate vote on two bills this week, or one, that's what will happen, the fate of which document will be voted on and whether there will be aid to ukraine. will it be decided already this wednesday? well,
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it will be. to hope, although there is absolutely, shall we say, a new introductory, literally the last two weeks, there are rumors and there are certain statements of the president, or rather the presidential candidate trump, that they can torpedo any compromising draft laws so that border issues, migration issues, changes in immigration policy remain the most acute and relevant during the election campaign. polls in the united states show that the issue of the border actually comes first, more than 35% of americans believe that it is the most important issue of this election, the next issue is inflation itself, which seems to be 32%, and only by a wide margin 25% of americans cares about jobs, or the general state of the economy, well, under such conditions, it is clear that trump wants to use
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and... what he has, well, let 's say, in place to secure first the republican nomination and then win the presidential election, so the trump factor, the factor that his personal goals come before national security of the united states, i mean the issue of border migration policy, as well as aid to ukraine, israel and other countries, so it is difficult to predict, and you said, in fact already. it was said that the speaker of the house of representatives was critical of the compromise bill that the senators republicans and democrats have been discussing and writing for four months, it's certainly an alarm bell, and of course there are other alarm bells, i mean the visit by tucker clarkson, it's well he can't be called a journalist, he's not a professional
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journalist, but he a long time. worked for fox news, he was kicked out of there with a fox news fine of 787 million dollars for lying, now he is in moscow and wants to interview putin, and thus you can imagine such a scheme that on the one hand torpedoes the republicans, or maybe the republicans, the trumpians, the bill is in the congress, in the meantime they are trying to shake the general support in ukraine, maybe they will try to come up with some compromise ideas, well, of course, in quotation marks, that ukraine should give up part of the territory in order for there to be peace , and accordingly this war ended, because the trumpians say that not a single cent can be transferred to ukraine, this is a proxy war, they call the proxy war of america against russia, what is happening in ukraine, and they want to stop this aid altogether, there are not many of them, thank god, but they are
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quite loud and... we see that trump has actually absorbed the republic.


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