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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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national journalists, but he worked for fox news for a long time, he was kicked out of there with a fine of fox news 787 million dollars for lying, now he is in moscow and wants to interview putin, and thus you can imagine such a scheme that with on the one hand, the republicans are torpedoing , the republicans, the trumpians, the draft law is in the congress, meanwhile they are trying to undermine the general support for ukraine, maybe they will try to come up with some compromising ideas, well, of course, in quotation marks, that ukraine should give up part of territory in order for there to be peace, and accordingly this war ended, because the trumpians say that not a single cent can be transferred to ukraine, this is a proxy war, they call the proxy war of america against russia, what is happening in ukraine, and they want in general stop this aid, there are not many of them, thank god, but they are their voices. quite
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loud, and we see that trump has actually absorbed the republican party, it has largely ceased to exist as a traditional conservative party, it is populist, very often demagogic. well, that's it this is about what the financial times wrote about, about the fact that it is trump who prevents aid from being allocated to ukraine, that is, his word, he is currently a presidential candidate there . republicans are not even an obvious candidate, well, although it may be obvious for a zapryist, but in the presidential elections, and he has such an influence on the republicans in this sense? yes, of course, well, first of all, there is the electoral base, people who rely more on emotions than on actually rational explanations, for example, if we say about aid to ukraine, that ukraine does not receive 80% of that money, ukraine receives weapons, but receives money.
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the american corporations of the defense-industrial complex, which in this way strengthen america first of all, then america's allies, and then ukraine there are other partners, and such arguments do not work if you read the most ardent trumpians in the house of representatives, it is margery talley green or matt gates, they generally say that there is a conspiracy, that means about these transnational corporations, well, that are engaged in armaments, and the fact that they called mainstream media. that is, such traditional powerful mass media that they are pushing america to the third world war, that they somehow distort the situation in ukraine, that putin is not so bad in fact, that you can agree on something with him, that is, practically we see, you know, was such a film, the manchurian candidate, well, actually as a person who was put in power by the other side in order to destroy another country, we see uh...
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either trump is going this way on purpose or he is just trying to use anything and wants to show that he can solve some conflicts, including in russia and between russia and ukraine, they use all this rhetoric, and it is a pity that most of the republicans fell for such and such rhetoric, this is the first moment, the second moment, we see that the independents are still hesitating, and those primaries like... which were until recently, niki gehl is running, the only candidate left among the republicans, that is, they are giving their votes to niki gehl, and that's exactly why she still has hope, we 'll see how she will show themselves in their own the state where she was governor twice, south carolina, but the most important thing is march 5, the so-called super tuesday, where most of the republicans in the price caucuses will vote. more than 30% of the vote
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, in fact, that is, they still have a chance, but we see that trump has absorbed the party, traditional republicans in the senate are afraid of him, and they gladly agreed to this idea that the border and ukraine issues should also be included in the package, i mean back then in october, then at the beginning of this year, and they say on the one hand, yes, we want to support ukraine, but america before the whole border first. then ukraine, israel and taiwan. the white house declared a cynical political maneuver by republicans , reacting to this bill, republicans who do not include aid to ukraine, but who say that there is no time to consider a package that combines both ukraine and israel, and security provisions on the us border, whether levers of pressure, or influence, more precisely, on the republicans in the white house and the democrats? no, i don't think that they have certain, certain leverage, the only thing that seems to me to be an argument is... a powerful, rational argument, but
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that might not work is that the compromise document that's there, i was literally listening to several senators this morning, they who were involved in the...negotiations, they're saying that we can't get a better deal with the democrats, and they are reminded that, well , since 1986, there have been no significant changes in the legislation, and that is precisely why it is in the interests of american citizens and american politicians that this compromise agreement be voted on, but we also see a distortion of the content of this agreement, well, in particular, there is a very the important point is the number of illegals... that can be processed and the additional powers that the president will get in order to stop, as they say, close the border, and actually what is proposed, in fact, if more than 4 thousand illegals cross the border every day, then the president
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of the united states will not be given, that is , he will not be given the opportunity, he will be obliged to close the border, and let's put it this way, it seems, well, absolutely. reasonable right thing, but the republicans, the trumpians say it's actually absolutely not so that, let's say , a large flow will be stopped, but in any case, 500 illegals will cross the border every day and thus nothing will change, this is not entirely true, that is, they distort it, but of course, this is political struggle, it's not very fair, it's very not very correct in relation to the americans first of all, but it... also to us. this is how issues of domestic and foreign policy are intertwined in pre-election processes in the usa. thank you for joining in, tell me more about it. oleksandr khara, foreign and security policy expert of the center for defense strategies. svoboda ranok was a guest. congratulations, you are watching the news in a minute. here
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they tell what they are talking about in the network. in kryvyi rih, restoration of power supply to critical infrastructure, which was cut off as a result of russian shelling, continues. this was reported on facebook. these are the chairman of the board of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi. the disconnection of subscribers and boiler houses took place after the weekend attack on the city by russian drones. without light according to the head of dnipropetrovsk ova , about 15,000 people remained at that time. oleksandr bilokon, the world and european champion in powerlifting, record holder in the book of records of ukraine, died at the front, this information was confirmed on facebook by the honorary president of the greco-roman wrestling federation of ukraine , vadym kysil. the circumstances of the athlete's death are not known. it is known that he was mobilized to the army in march 2023 . well, spring should come to ukraine in six weeks. such a forecast was visited by babak timko ii. they got there from babak's house employees of karazin kharkiv national university. last year , the tradition of such synoptic forecasting in
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ukraine turned 20 years old. that's all for today, look for more interesting news in our social networks, facebook, x network, instagram, telegram. and tiktoks, and in the final of the national selection of the eurovision song contest in the 24th year, alona alona and jerry gale won with the song teresa maria. they won thanks to the audience's vote in the action application, because the jury of the competition preferred the tsirblat group. here are some participants of the national selection for eurovision have already expressed their disagreement with the result. for example, the singer skyler withdrew her candidacy from the national selection and expressed disbelief in the counting of votes through. i will beat for the relationship action on the evening of the vote. singer melovin also said on the air of the telethon that the vote raises many questions, because the gap between the first and second place in the audience's vote is 600,000 votes. he said it was strange that the operation failed due to the large number of visitors, although it should withstand hacker attacks from
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the aggressor country. minister of digital of transformation, mykhailo fedorov, explained the failure in action during voting by the increase in the number of requests from users by 20 times compared to last year. ukrainians, meanwhile, were joking on social networks. about crashes in the application , they plastered plantains and plasters on the action logo, or joking that a band named, unfortunately, there was a mistake with the song, was going to the eurovision song contest, and the audience also offered to send a sign language interpreter from ukraine to the song contest, which accompanied the performances of the performers , and in addition to the translation, she also demonstrated rhythm, sounds of instruments. "kateryna zabotkina said on her facebook that she learned sign language on her own through video lessons and was glad that she joined the eurovision translation, because two years ago there was no sign language translation at the competition, this is the first time i talked to kateryna about the mission of the translation zabotkina
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before the broadcast, let's listen, kateryna zabotkina, a guest of our broadcast freedom of mornings, a singer of songs in sign language. irina, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining, good morning, thank you for invited, in fact, you have a lot of interviews these days, because it was your performance that made a huge splash and... you saw that there were offers to send you to eurovision, what was your reaction in general, did you expect it to be like that, that there will be so many reviews, and in general, how do you feel about such an idea, to send you to the competition? well , first of all, i certainly expected everything, but not this, i could never have imagined that the reaction would be exactly like this, it is extremely pleasant, and regarding the appeals to send. to eurovision, well you know, i think everyone should do his job, that is, i perform
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songs in sign language, i am useful in this, and i think that jerry hale and alyona alyona will represent ukraine very well, and singers should do their job inspired. regarding the feedback, i am also very pleased to note that sign language was popularized in this way, and this year the national selection was for the first time in sign language. this is a huge honor and responsibility for me, and i understand that thanks to all these reviews and reposts, many more people, not only them, begin to understand music and they feel it, that is, the main audience was deaf people, but even more people learned about the fact that this is even possible, because i saw such comments that wow, and we did not even know that it was possible to show music there instruments, guitars , to use some kind of mimicry, that's why it's direct... very inspiring, katya, tell me what is the peculiarity of the translation of the performances, that is, there is no
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exact translation of only the words, you really showed musical instruments, here it is important to convey the atmosphere and music and about what sung in song. actually, you're absolutely right, because it's, you know, the synergy of everything, every song is just listened to 100 times, it's broken down into atoms, some intro, some there's a beat, some... and there's still nuances or what's worth showing. and so, of course, the first priority is to convey the meaning. if we are talking about some super fast songs, there is rap, for example, it is obvious that sometimes it is not possible to say all these words in time, so the main thing is to preserve the meaning. then, of course, you have to choose which musical instruments they are into priority, that's what is heard more right now, is also to show, and of course to work there with facial expressions as well. what emotions, what should this song inspire, and this, by the way, during the night selection
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, sometimes this was a challenge, because it happened that there was some super fun dance song, after it some very lyrical one, you have to quickly adjust, you have to immediately to calm down, if a person wants to read the text, he takes it and reads it, and he does not need me for this, but to convey the atmosphere, to convey the mood of the song, that is more the task of the performer. gesture language, and also regarding feedback , well, for the most part, they supported me, so i am aware that there could be moments when i could convey the meaning a little differently than it sounded in the song, but i am very open to people writing to me, suggesting, guiding, well, it's just super inspiring, and at the same time there were comments that the opposite was clear, maybe these are people who have already seen some of my translations there, they are already... accustomed to my style and so on. katya, well, in general, how much does google tell
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us that there are 150 to 300 sign languages and in the world, and you mentioned earlier in the interview that you yourself learned sign language, and in general there is another separate topic, as far as i understand, it is the translation of festivals, song contests, this is another area, how to understand all this, or can you define there... what exactly is the sign language, what exactly is the language you use in this direction, or , for example, is this language understandable to foreign viewers with hearing impairments who watched the ukrainian national team? well, look, i used exclusively ukrainian sign language, because we worked in ukraine for the ukrainian audience is the first priority, and therefore, well, we made such a decision for ourselves that we translate everything and adapt ukrainian. language, and therefore it was to some extent a double challenge, because there were english-language songs that
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were first translated into ukrainian and then adapted into sign language, that is, this kind of translation was quite difficult, in terms of whether people would understand this sign language abroad, but actually, i have heard that the statement that two deaf people from different countries can understand each other faster. than just a ukrainian and a german who don't know the language there each other, i.e. some gestures may be similar, there may be some minor peculiarities. but in general, let's say, it will not be 100% correct, that they will understand everything, everything, but i think that if they try, maybe 50% will be clearer. katya, i thank you for joining, kateryna zabotkina, one of the stars of the ukrainian national team, this year, and thank you for telling such important
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details and have a nice day. such was the broadcast of svoboda ranok, see you tomorrow at 9:00 a.m ether radio svoboda and espresso tv, see you soon. well, after our colleagues from radio liberty, we continue our broadcast, a telethon continues on the spresso tv channel, dedicated , of course, to the events of the war, the 712th day of the russian large-scale invasion. my name is andriy saichuk and i will be with you for the next two hours, well, now we will have an input from the front, we will talk about the situation there, we are already with us, i am told by tetyana lisi, this is a paramedic from one of the aydar assault battalions, mrs. tatiana, good luck to you good morning, ukraine, good morning, good morning, studio, how are you there, how are you doing,
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please tell us, we are working. business as usual, working moments, we continue in the same rhythm, can you share a little bit of working moments, i know that you have a little problem now with the cars, yes, of course, we are currently repairing all cars completely, and four cars are completely out with formation, this is an evacuation car, of course we really need help. with their repair, because the road is terrible, we are engaged in evacuation entirely on this direction, that is, we are evacuating all units that are known to be in the direction of bakhmut, there are so many units, we are evacuating all of them to 100 points, that is why cars are flying, constant
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shelling, the quality of the roads is certainly not improving, it is only getting worse every day, because at.. lots, arrivals and arrivals, enemy artillery works without end, therefore, of course, equipment always needs maintenance, and now we have reached the point that four of our cars completely need overhaul of the chassis and engines, i saw, by the way, the video was posted by the ukrainian military , no i know exactly where it is, but the moment actually got into the frame when they are also driving a car somewhere on the outskirts of some... half-ruined city and next to them, as far as i understand, it is this, this so-called fab, 500-kilogram aerial bomb that explodes, but that's how it looks, it's certainly not a sight for the faint-hearted, but to the credit of these soldiers, they didn't even
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calm down and drove on, you can already see them there... drinking coffee somewhere already on some stop and celebrate their second birthday, but about how these cars are breaking, and yes, there are constant shrapnel attacks, also injuring cars , let’s say so, that is, the shrapnel is flying and damaging, but how in this case , guys, yes, we also continue moving, because we can’t stop, of course, today i posted a video on facebook, who follows my page, this is my last day of my duty, constant shelling, many two-hundred, many three-hundred, of course, on evacuation, i have already said, repeatedly, i constantly say that the evacuation groups are suffering now, they are one of the strongest , ago that the goal of the enemy of the affected guys is to wait
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in the ako group and of course work on... vako group and i want to tell you that fpv drones are a very very terrible and dangerous thing, you see what the last evacuation on 5/20 and 2/3 led to , which i managed to evacuate with the help of the guys, of course, it is hard work now, very hard, constantly on the offensive, the enemy is constantly trying to... break through the positions, constant assault actions by the enemy, so i want to appeal to everyone for help, and thanks to your channel, so who... follows that news, please get involved because because the army stands for everyone and if the war doesn't
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concern you today it can all change at any second we're here for that we're not backing down one centimeter not one meter we're not taking a step back but strength can also run out, and so can our abilities, sometimes we cannot pull it all out ourselves, i think everyone understands and many have families, who have military personnel, everyone understands that the strength of the military also runs out, it is not infinite, not infinite, gentlemen , who is watching us now, ladies and gentlemen, i'll just say that we actively donated with you this morning, transferred for the fourth brigade in particular, transferred to our espresso assembly, and you saw that i transferred uah 500 to you. that was all, but friends who joined just now and have not yet dropped a single hryvnia, i will remind you that in reality, ukrainians, like the code or ours, should have such that where, well, i don’t
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know, up to 10th of their income we have to give, we have to give to the army, all the more so for those who do not pay high taxes there and so on and so on, gentlemen, therefore monobank 4 4 1, then 1 1 1 1 3 1 607784 and private bank 536354260323818, you see these numbers on your screens, rewrite them, transfer how much a couple of hryvnias, mrs. tetiana, and aidario combat medics will be very grateful to you, you well, you yourself see, in fact, what kind of work it is, and those of us who don't see the terrible wounds every day, which everyone... don't see these, don't experience those emotions when people, people cannot be saved, it's just to think about by this, and it is
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our duty to help our defenders now, it is the least we can do to do, this is what we have to do, ms. tetyana, what is the situation in general according to your feelings now near bakhmut, better, worse, worse , there is nowhere to go, but... no, the situation is quite stable, we can say that the enemy has calmed down for assault actions on our parts , let's say so, that is, they stopped a little, the artillery began to work less, they constantly try to break through the positions with assault actions, but we hold the positions, we also pushed the enemy back a little, the positions are held, therefore... the situation is more or less stable today, but, but, the enemy is unpredictable, the enemy is strong, we all know that, yes, and therefore, of course, we are always on
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the alert, we are always preparing, and we hold the blow, let's say so, well, i can't help but ask anyway, since everyone will discuss it, mrs. tetyana, what do you think about the possible resignation of valery zaluzhny, the sources are different. confirm that it could happen this week i hope it's all fake i hope it's not true still brain-candying our it's going to be hard without him i think yeah that's my subjective my subjective opinion, but i would really not wanted, i still hope that this is all fake news, and it will not be confirmed, our president will still have enough stream power. and not to allow such a commander-in-chief to leave, and why does such a hard-working commander enjoy such trust among the military,
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because not by words, but by deeds, and this is one of the very few politicians and representatives who really deserve respect for their actions, their support for the military, and their military position. therefore, of course, we, as a military, i know, my brothers, we are very, very, yes to say, they would not like to replace zaluzhny, it will, i think, not be in the hands of our army, the australian general, by the way, mick ryan, wrote about the fact that general zaluzhny is an intellectual leader who is concerned about the lives of soldiers, or you agree with this assessment, yes? of course, this is true, and that's why i say, and i repeat again, that this is one of the best today, such political representatives of our government,
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i ... who still stand on the side of the military, ordinary soldiers, starting from the lowest composition, so to speak, of the military, therefore of course, i was shocked, i was very happy because they were fakes after all, i was on combat duty when i arrived and saw these news, it was a shock for me, but of course, the command reassures us all, they say that this everything is fake and disturbing. because i think that his release will not go smoothly , it will be a stress for the state, of course from the side of the military, this is my opinion, you said, by the way, that a diligent political leader, he is first of all a military commander, but i mean with those from the verkhovna rada, even more to political affairs they join, that is, of course they are not
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found. on the front lines, but of course they lead in the military, it is great to lead military personnel from the verkhovna rada, and he deserves respect, they are even there, he does not need to come here all the time, although he does, he comes all the time, ms. tatyana, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts, i really hope our viewers will also help ms. tatyana. to her, to her brothers, to her sisters, who are engaged in a very difficult task, evacuating the wounded near bakhmut with the advance guard, and ms. tatiana herself was wounded already during this war, we remember this story, at the very end, people will only ask, what about those m-113s, they, they are still in action, they are working, they were also used for evacuation, that's how we use them for evacuation, in
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some units. are still working, they are, of course, the car is armored, the armored capsule goes, so the car, but the car is healthy , voluminous, and of course, not to all positions, it can drive up and evacuate to the stop point, it also cannot because its size, you know, secrecy, whatever safety is in the first place, because there are always drones, copters are constantly hanging around, watching , that's why the terrain is so plowed, let's say... artillery, of course, the m-13 works, but the evacuation from the positions, trenches, is carried out on foot with our hands, we continue to work on evacuation vehicles, nowadays the m13 is not so often involved, because the enemy is in our unit, i mean the enemy is closer, so it makes it difficult, because after all,
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capsules. this one penetrates anyway, even though it is armor, but if the first hit is aimed will be, then the second hit will be fatal for the entire crew, so of course i also save these cars for more, so to speak, convenient evacuations, larger evacuations, or the exit of the infantry to the position, they are also used. thank you, ms. tatyana, thank you for explaining this point. tatyana lisitsina was with us, a company medic of one of the aydar assault battalions from near bakhmut. gentlemen, i hope you have joined our collection, especially those who joined us only this hour and did not have time to join in the previous one part of our ether. well, now i want to say that this hour is ours, mine, at least with you, and that means it 's time to hand over the floor to kateryna shiropoyas, who will continue with the news release. congratulations
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andriy, i will tell you about ours in a moment. viewers of the operational situation for this hour, so do not switch and wait. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. one person...suffered due to russian shelling in the kherson region. during the day, the enemy fired more than 130 shells in the region. of them more than three dozen in kherson. oleksandr prokudin, the head of the region, informed. the occupiers targeted one of the residential blocks of the regional center. as a result , fires broke out in two private houses. enemy shells also damaged the building of one of the museums at the site. almost two dozen inhabited
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