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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 10:00am-10:29am EET

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hour, so don't switch and wait. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. one person was injured due to russian shelling in... kherson oblast, during the day the enemy fired more than 130 shells in the region, more than three dozen of them in kherson, the head of the region oleksandr prokudin reported. the occupiers targeted one of the residential blocks of the regional center. as a result , fires broke out in two private houses, and enemy shells damaged the building of one of the museums on the spot. almost two dozen
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russian invaders in the kharkiv region fired artillery and mortars at populated areas, - reported the head of the region oleg synigubov. the occupiers hit the village of goryan, kupinsky district with two guided aerial bombs, hitting the administrative building, warehouse and workshop of the agricultural enterprise, the machinery there was destroyed , and the electricity grid was also damaged in the village . muscovites attacked the village of kolodyazne with other bombs in the same area, where a two-story building was destroyed. apartment building. as a result of enemy shelling in the city in vovchansk, four private houses, the administration building and the local police station were damaged. also, during the day, the russians hit the village of kozacha lopan twice. miraculously, in all cases, people were not injured. the ukrainian defenders destroyed more than 800 occupiers in a day, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, they eliminated 389,000
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enemies, according to the data of the general staff. also, our soldiers managed to turn into scrap metal 18 artillery systems of the russians, one anti-aircraft defense system, and 20 dozens of tankers. and the armed forces of ukraine burned five enemy tanks and four armored combat vehicles. the data added by the general staff are indicative. the situation at the front has reached a dead end, due to... delays in the supply of military equipment from allies, president volodymyr zelenskyi emphasized this in an interview with an italian tv channel. according to the head of state, ukraine is fighting against terrorists who have one of the largest armies in the world. we don't have enough ammunition, the army needs modern technical means. the head of state also noted that about 26% of ukraine is still under occupation, but the russian federation cannot advance significantly.
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at the same time, volodymyr zelenskyy for the first time publicly confirmed his intentions to dismiss the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. the president noted that he is considering the replacement of not only one person, but also a certain reboot of the state leadership. many wounded ukrainian soldiers are in germany, where defenders with various injuries are receiving qualified medical care and... recovering. espresso correspondent olga dutko spoke with our fighters in bavaria. yury comes from transcarpathia. to full scale invasion of the enemy participated in the operation of the united forces. he recalls that they started preparing for the great war in two weeks. and there was no doubt that it would happen a few days before the start. combat vehicles were put in order, loaded with shells and left in echelons. where exactly were the soldiers headed. it was unknown there,
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the boys arrived at their destination on the night of february 24, and then they heard the first explosions, then there was already some awareness that something like a war was really starting, but not everyone understood what it was yet, no one understood concrete actions, what to do, vorox came from different corners, so to speak, he had a clear plan of action. it wasn't, the boy's unit was defending volnovakha, there the soldier received his first shrapnel wounds in the shoulder, the next ones already in the kherson region during the counteroffensive, that day everything went awry, - yuriy recalls. we started, well, we started, as it were, shooting, and immediately they , i don’t know, the drones launched everything, immediately they were maximally prepared and immediately with... i
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don’t even know what they hit me , whether from a pter or from some kind of mortar, or something else was the boy was most struck by the loss of a finger when i was hit by a projectile... i found that there was no finger and i looked like this , and i also began to panic, although i could see that my stomach was also torn, the unconscious soldier was managed to be taken to the kryvyi hospital horn, and he blacked out already in vinnytsia, then there was long-term treatment in lviv and transcarpathia, later german specialists agreed to treat serious damage to internal organs, so yura has been treated in bavaria for six months, and this is not... the 20-year-old volhynian is fighting with 18 years, the guy signed contract immediately after graduation, the fact that russia will definitely attack, the military understood, the soldier shares. at the time of the invasion, the boy's unit was based in makarov and irpen in the kyiv region. there was an alarm at the landfill for 5 hours, and we already had everything
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loaded, we just got into the cars and drove away. i was wounded on july 13, in berestov, that's... 10 km from bakhmut, there was a close contact, we repelled it and the artillery fire started, and it happened, i was wounded, a shell flew by. currently, the boy is undergoing treatment in germany, now he is waiting for another operation. i vomited in the middle of my nose, i had the beginning and the end of my nose, i had skin transplanted in ukraine and applied to my cheeks, well , they stretched it like this, and here it should already be inside. nose, to make sure that there was healthy breathing, and well , nothing got in the way. after the treatment, the boy plans to return to ukraine to the front. he says that right now we are choosing the future for our children. olga dudko from germany for espresso tv channel. and
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the collection of the espresso tv channel continues. our soldiers need vital equipment. very please join and help. need to replace. engine, purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to more effectively destroy the enemy in the eastern direction. in general, our goal is uah 480,000. we already have more than uah 390,000 in our account. please join, because your help is essential. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. the wreckage of the missing mi-8 helicopter was found in russia, it was discovered in lake onetsky 11 km from the shore on at a depth of 50 m. previously, during the accident, the helicopter fell into a reservoir, broke through the flight and went to the bottom. let me remind you that the previous evening
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, a rotorcraft belonging to the russian ministry of emergency situations disappeared from the radar while flying over karelia. there were three russians on board, the ministry of emergency situations noted that the helicopter was operated by an experienced crew. with thousands of flight hours. the house of representatives in the us congress will not vote on the border security bill, in which a total of about 29,000 hectares were burned, the resort town of viña del mar being the most affected. the authorities announced in the country is in a state of emergency. monday and tuesday were declared days of national mourning for the victims of the fires in chela. for now, that's all the news for this hour, stay tuned to our espresso site for more. tv, as well as in our social networks, join, put your preferences. we will see each other later. next, my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and
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andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. don't switch, stay with espresso. what is the telethon going on on the spresso tv channel, my name is andriy saichuk, thank you to everyone who watches the spresso tv channel, and now we will continue to discuss the situation, first of all at the front, it will be andriy ryzhenko, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, and we will talk about what is currently happening at the front, is mr. andriy with us yet, tell me , it is already, mr. andriy, welcome to ours. and good morning, mr. andrii, well, first of all, let 's discuss the situation in avdiivka again, what we know about the situation, it was reported there that fighting is already going on, in fact in the city, and there is danger, is there really a danger, that the ukrainian
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the garrison will be surrounded and what to do now? well, the situation there is very tense, i wouldn't want to, i didn't want to make any specific predictions there, but... the situation there is such that it has a negative trend for us, i think that in general, the leadership is military, it will make a decision for the fact that... in order to get out of this situation optimally, because the enemy really had very serious forces there, there are many restrictions on our side, including the amount of ammunition that we can use , but the situation there is difficult, the situation there is not easy, in particular yuriy butusa writes literally an hour ago, he wrote even less, he didn’t write, but he posted his
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picture from avdiyivka, he is exactly there, as far as i understand, right now, so we actually learn from him literally from from the first mouth what is happening now in avdiivka, he writes about the fact that in four weeks 600 air bombs were dropped on the city, the destruction is large-scale, and he asks that our people are holding on and striking with all their might, in the evening he promised to write in more detail about the situation in avdiivka, well, yesterday you see this post by yuri botusov and he literally took this picture at the entrance to avdiivka, well, yesterday i will remind you that botusov wrote that there were street battles, the situation was critical, the enemy entered two streets. on the southern outskirts of the city, and here it is written that there are literally hundreds
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of meters to go until it is possible to go out and cut, relatively speaking, the road, well, in a word, the situation is not easy in avdiivka, we will continue to monitor this, if, if you just try to predict the situation, is there... where to retreat from avdiivka, does it make sense to retreat from avdiivka, because there was a lot of criticism about how the bahmud fortress was held, something like that, you know, songs were written about the bahmud fortress, and then bahmud was captured, and it was captured, but it was a lot of criticism, we remember that we held bahmud for a long time, that it seems that the military leadership was against holding bahmud for so long that they suffered heavy losses. due to the fact that we kept bakhmut with the last strength, because there was a song about bakhmut, it was necessary to keep him, we
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did not respond to this criticism with an honest conversation, instead, we are now having a conversation about what the industrious will pay for everything, well, i think so, that the defense of avdiiv avdiivka, it has been going on for more than one month, and not even one year, that is, i think that... what are they, let's say, worst case scenarios, they are justified by our military command, in the same way as the positive case scenario, and the worst case scenarios, of course, are being prepared, which means new lines of defense, and as, for example, it was with bakhmut, and then we have to well, look, again, these are small, well... populated areas like avdiivka, the same bakhmut, they have more of such, let's say, ideological
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significance for the russian federation, well , avdiyivka is now, of course, there, and there are presidential elections there, again allegedly, in the month of march, for this all this, well all this, all this new military, it is planned, there is also information about kupyansk, that in general. the same approaches exist there, that is, it is necessary to distinguish here, well, i think that the military, they calculate all these positions, but to say specifically without the fact that you know that you are actually there, and this information is closed, well me difficult, well, i think that again, well, the decision will be made by tkv. so that these excessive losses do not occur and it means
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to preserve the combat readiness and combat capacity of the units as much as possible, because we remember that in bakhmut these weeks are extra for its maintenance, there we lost quite a lot of units, or rather their combat readiness, then in the course of these battles, they also had losses and... well, because these losses had to be compensated with resources and time, and president zelensky said that if aid is not restored of the united states, then the russians... will break through the front, how serious is this danger in your opinion, especially since today we learned that the republicans in the house of representatives, their leader mike johnson, promised that they would not vote for the agreement agreed by the senators the draft law, which actually restores, unblocks
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military aid in ukraine, well, if the president said so and the supreme commander-in-chief. i think, well, he doesn’t make such predictions himself, someone reports it to him, and the fact that we currently have a shortage of ammunition, we are talking about that we know, and this is not the first week, in general, i think that it has actually been two or two months, when we are using ammunition very, very limited, and the longer the time goes on, the more eyes.. . restrictions, in addition to the fact that, well, in principle , the united states of america suspended aid, europe also, well, they did not deliver the shells that they promised, but, well, we see that, in general, there is some kind of trend positive, but again, if there really is no help, then
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we will not be able to hold the front, i think, therefore that... all our artillery ammunition ran out there in the second or third month of the war, but there is such and such a volume of combat operations that we need very, very much ammunition, and this is in the conditions that, in principle, we use them in a completely different way than the russian federation, which simply overwhelms these small towns, but not... small areas of the front, simply with hundreds, thousands of artillery shells, mines, aerial bombs, and we , in principle, try to use weapons more or less aimed, but then again just very large volumes, a very large front line, so, well, they need ammunition,
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but without them it will be very difficult, and so... let's try to discuss the forbes publication, which claims that the russians will try to capture kupyansk by march and something like for this they have a powerful group, concentrated in 4000 soldiers, 500 tanks and 600 armored personnel carriers, how new is this information for us about this group, and is it enough force to capture kupyansk, well... it is not new , we knew about it, well, actually for two months a long time ago, when russia started this, well, this attack, its own offensive, which is dedicated just before the elections of the president of the russian federation, and then, in principle , these are the main reference points, avdiyivka, kupinsk, but
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they were, that is, in principle they. they want to go to the border of these rivers, and they want to take back everything that we liberated in 2022 , vice versa, and for this , they are concentrating their forces. i want to remind you that the number of forces now concentrated, ah, on the front of the russian federation, in fact half a million, these are the armed forces, and their... structures, and the russian guard, that 's actually three times more than it was, let's say, two years ago, when they attacked our state, that is, again everything will depend , the possibility of these plans will depend on whether we will have enough
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power to defend ourselves, in the future, if confirmed. and the help that we very, very much expect from the side, that is, from the united states, and from europe, then with the arrival of more technological weapons there, again, everyone is waiting, everyone is waiting for the planes, and as if the f-16, and as if they are already there in the final stage of mastering them, at least the first unit of some kind there, like the squadron, then it will be possible. to know about the other categories of warfare there, while the main task is to hold positions, here are the russians, i think so too. the swabians are our places, they are generally trying to find out and work on them, but now there is ammunition,
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ammunition is needed, reinforcements are needed, just such opportunities, including conducting defense, well and another own story that is being discussed by both the military and politicians, it is possible the resignation of valery zaluzhny, president zelenskyi... in an interview, rai unano, that is, to an italian tv channel, that it is interesting that this news is important for ukrainians, but we will find out thanks to to our italian colleagues, well, we are also grateful for that, in the end, it sometimes seems to me that if we didn't have these interviews of our politicians for foreign media, then in principle it would be difficult for us to have any freedom of thought and speech, however, president zelenskyi confirmed that he is going to... dismiss valery zaluzhny, as well as change the direction of the country's leadership, we don't know what that means, but here, well, what
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the resignation of zaluzhny can mean, we are discussing, i have already quoted mick ryan, the general of the australian , which indicates seven possible consequences after the resignation of the deputy and, in principle, i believe that this will be a tragic step for ukraine, we know. also the position of the military who express it, even on our airwaves, they are very worried about this story, they really hope that it is fake, the president it is enough, let's say so, to be wise not to take this step, well, nevertheless , my good friend, colleague, former journalist, oleksiy byk, also writes about the fact that the opinion is military... who has actually been fighting since the 14th volunteered in 2018 and is still fighting on the front lines, has combat awards, and this is what
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oleksiy writes, oleksiy writes, that if zelensky fires valery zaluzhny like this, then you should be ready for several important things: first, the new head of state will inevitably be a puppet of the president's office, here i am quoting bezugly arach. will be waved by the general staff, two: with review, at least on point one, the new headmaster will inevitably be less principled and competent than the diligent one, otherwise he would not have gone for it. three, in view of point one and point two, we are facing difficult times at the front, how much more difficult than now? well , he goes on to say some of his political assessments, i won't even name them at all, but he hints that this actually means a political confrontation. further and under any circumstances to mr. general alandry zaluzhno my endless gratitude, support and respect. we don't need peace anymore, do we victory is needed, he quotes valery zaluzhnyi, well, this is also the opinion of one of
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the military, well, not some, i don’t know, military, military staff, but i personally know oleksiy, i emphasize once again that he has been fighting on the front lines since the 14th year , and he went to the army himself, which is an extremely unpopular step for the military. er, analysts say that it will be extremely difficult to find a replacement for such an intellectual, a military man with enormous experience and charisma, that there will be problems with the fact that no matter who the new leader is, and new ones, and his various deputies, deputies of the deputies, it will take time until they enter, if they would enter this entire structure and begin to effectively manage it, in a word, such a step is being prepared, we understand that... it is far from a rumor, zelenskyy himself confirmed, what is the point of replacing the general, the commander during the war,
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especially at such a bad and difficult moment, well, in principle, i have two such opinions about this, and the first is really the supreme commander, he appointed the commander-in-chief of the armed forces in principle. this is a person he personally chose and has to fully trust her, and well, in principle , the question of passing the service of the supreme commander-in-chief is precisely the subject of the relations of the supreme commander-in-chief with the commander-in-chief, and here , well, all the disagreements that arise, they cannot be, well, go there for... the conversations of these two people, because really they are both strategic leaders, and here are all the problems that have started almost two years ago. three months
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ago from these facebook releases, they demoralize both the military and the population, especially since the situation is so tense now at the front, you and i talked about it, but i , well, the management of this solution, although it is quite possible, again, i really, really don't like it, and i think, and well, this whole situation. that has developed, it will really spoil our image both internally and externally , well, secondly, it is really a matter of competence, here, in general, it is a military issue, you have to trust the military in military matters, that ’s how it would be sometimes, well, political whims, such desires, they are, as it were, very difficult.
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uvati, all the more that we see which we have a serious adversary, to the extent that he has significantly increased his forces, for the poet, well , frankly speaking, competence is the number one issue, because it is very, very lacking, again regarding the issue of the military, and i really hope that in principle, there really are now there... various kinds of conversations, many people communicate with the president, both his assistants and foreign colleagues, i think that in principle, well, again, only he knows the whole picture, here is the picture and the one that took place on the battlefield, and the picture is, in general, frame by frame, and that's why he has to make a decision, and really
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... at the time it's very, very inconvenient, and the real future fate of our state will depend on it. well, thank you very much, mr. andriy, andriy razenko, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the armed forces of the navy of ukraine, was with us, a strategic expert of the sonata company, deputy chief of staff of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine in the fourth-20s, we will now go to the short cut i will take a break with you and then ihor samevolos and i will talk about the situation in the middle east, where... in particular, the united the states have launched a military operation of airstrikes against, in particular, islamist centers and bases. let's see. there are discounts on emolium of 25% in pharmacies plantain you and save. joint problems limit movement. it is unpleasant and painful.
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