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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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this! news time on the spresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. volodymyr zelenskyy proposed to the verkhovna rada to extend the term of martial law and general mobilization in ukraine. the president submitted the bills to the parliament. this legal regime expires on february 14. so the head of state wants to extend it for another three months. martial law authorizes all branches to make decisions to remove the threat. at night, the russian
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occupiers struck the shipping district of kherson, targeting the residential quarters of the city. fires broke out in vluchany, the head of the city's military administration, roman mruchko, said. enemy shells also damaged power lines. residents of the korabel neighborhood were without electricity until morning. in the very center of the city , the building of the holy dormition cathedral was also vandalized. debris cut the facade. church, windows and entrance doors. in general, muscovites fired more than three dozen shells in the regional center during the day. here is glass, well, that's it. here the glass is lying, the dog is about to injure it with its paws. at 3:00 a.m., there was one good arrival, well, it was like a double such clap. it was at 3 o'clock in the morning. we haven't slept at all yet. i looked out the window on the veranda. i look at neighbors there is a two-story house, and something is burning on the second floor. leaked secret
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information to the enemy. the security service of ukraine neutralized the fsb agent network. five traitors who operated in odesa, zaporizhzhia and donetsk regions were detained. they scouted the places of deployment of the armed forces, the location of warehouses with ammunition and fuel and lubricants. in addition, they were interested in... where heavy weapons are repaired for the ukrainian troops, among those involved was an official of the department of one of the city councils of donetsk region, the ex-head of the local of a utility company and a resident of kramatorsk. the criminal group also included an engineer of the zaporizhzhia defense enterprise and an official of a transport company from odesa. the perpetrators face life imprisonment for treason. enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups. constantly
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trying to break through the border of ukraine. they operate in the border areas of sumy, chernihiv and bogoduhiv districts of kharkiv region. the commander of the united forces, serhii naiv, told about it. the composition of such groups is usually 10-12 people. it is well prepared officers of the special services and the general staff of russia. they operate only in border areas and will continue to try to commit terrorist acts against the civilian population or military personnel. and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues. our soldiers need vital equipment. we are asking for help to replace the engine, buy an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. in general, our goal is uah 480,000. the account already has more than 405 hryvnias. join, because it's yours up to extremely important. you
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can now see all the details on your screens. a man died in a fire in vinnytsia. the fire broke out the day before in... the evening in a multi-storey building - reports the state emergency service of the region. rescuers evacuated 55 residents from the entrance and found an elderly man in a smoky corridor on the floor. doctors tried to resuscitate him, but it was not possible to save his life. the previous reason is a violation of fire safety rules. the house of representatives in the us congress does not vote. for the draft law on border security, which also provides for assistance to ukraine and israel. speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, said that he would not even put it before the congressmen. this document, in his opinion, is even worse than expected. let me remind you that the senators published a bill
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related to the allocation of additional funding to support ukraine, israel, and taiwan. the total amount of this package is almost 120 billion dollars. in particular, more than 60 billion dollars have been earmarked for assistance to ukraine. france summons an ambassador of russia due to the death of french volunteers from the attack of erefiy on the ukrainian city of beryslav. another reason is the spread of russian disinformation, reuters reports. let me remind you that two humanitarian workers from france were killed and three others were injured. as a result of the russian attack. of a drone in the kherson region on february 1, french foreign minister stephane sejourne called it an act of barbarism. in the 13th package of sanctions of the european union against the russian federation, there will be no new
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bans on the import of russian goods, about this is written by the reuters agency. this is due to the fact that the european union wants to have time to adopt a new package before the second anniversary of the invasion of ukraine. although earlier some eu member states called to ban russian exports, in particular aluminum. many wounded ukrainian soldiers are in germany, where defenders with various injuries are receiving qualified medical care and recovering. espresso correspondent olga dutko spoke with our fighters in bavaria. yuriy comes from transcarpathia to full-scale. invasion of the enemy took participation in the operation of the united forces. he recalls that they started preparing for the great war in two weeks, and there was no doubt that it would happen a few days before the start. combat vehicles were put in order, loaded with shells and left in echelons.
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it was not known where the soldiers were going. the boys arrived at their destination on the night of february 24, when they heard the first explosions. then there was already some awareness that, as it were... something like a war was really starting, but not everyone understood what it was yet, no one understood concrete actions, what to do, the enemy was attacking from different corners, let's say , there was no clear plan of action, the boy's unit was defending volnovakha, there the soldier received the first shrapnel wounds in the shoulder, the next ones already in the kherson region during the counteroffensive, in... in that day, everything went awry - yuriy recalls. we started, well, we started shooting, and immediately they, i don’t know, the drones launched everything, immediately they were maximally prepared and immediately
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they hit me with, i don’t even know, whether they hit me from a ptur, or from a mortar of some kind, or something else was the boy was most impressed by the loss of his finger. when the projectile hit, i found that there was no finger and i looked like that, and i also began to panic, although i could see that my stomach was also torn, the unconscious soldier was managed to be taken to the kryvyi rih hospital, and he regained consciousness in vinnytsia, then there was long-term treatment in lviv and transcarpathia, later german specialists agreed to treat serious damage to internal organs, so yura has been treated in bavaria for six months. and this is nazar, a 20-year-old volhynian who has been fighting since he was 18, the guy signed contract immediately after graduation, the fact that russia will definitely attack, the military understood, the soldier shares. at the time of the invasion, the boy's unit was based in makarov and irpen in the kyiv region. there was
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an alarm at the landfill for 5 hours, and we already had everything loaded, we just got into the cars and drove away. i was wounded on july 13, er... in berestov, that's 10 km from bakhmut, there was a close contact, we repelled it and artillery fire started, and it happened, i was wounded. a projectile arrived. currently, the boy is undergoing treatment in germany, and is now waiting for another operation. i vomited in the middle of my nose, i had the beginning and the end of my nose. in ukraine, i had skin and cheeks transplanted onto my nose, well, they pulled it like that, and here they have to do it inside the nose so that there is healthy breathing. and well , nothing got in the way. after the treatment, the boy plans to return to ukraine to the front. says, right now we are choosing the future for our children. olga dutko from germany for espresso tv channel.
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for now, that's all the news for this hour, for more, stay tuned to our website, as well as our social networks i will conclude the issue with this and say goodbye, see you tomorrow, take care. greetings, dear viewers, on espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week and, of course, we will try to predict what the coming days will bring us. our guests today are oleg rybachuk and colonel vladyslav seleznyov. now on the air. oleg hrybachuk, former head of president viktor yushchenko's secretariat, former vice prime minister for
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of european integration, co-founder of chesno movement. glory to ukraine, mr. olezh, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, death to the enemies, we'll talk later. we understand that it is not just a personnel matter, it is a political and, perhaps, geopolitical matter. the foreign press writes much more and much more precisely, in much more detail. than the ukrainian press, and we understand that rather a big, big internal conflict is brewing, which they will try, of course , to stir up from all sides, well, first of all , it is about our enemy, so what about you the opinion is in the case of the head of the zaluzhny and president zelenskyi? well, i immediately publicly reacted to this situation, and as a person who knows banking, these processes, how it has been going on since... it was clear to me that the issue of resignation is only a matter of time, that is,
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the resignation is not imminent to me at all i understood the logical question, but how so, what are they thinking there, i can say that every politician has the constitutional right in ukraine and in the world to choose the path of political suicide, and the president has this right, this his constitutional right, no matter how much you and i analyze here about... and kons, about a year ago, as experts from the inner circle said, andriy, well, this is the same andriy yermak, drew the attention of the president and all his friends to the ratings of the hard worker, and they are like that, and we somehow didn’t think about it, but really, look at what is being done, and now a year has passed and the whispers ended with a completely natural result, to count, to try to convince, to hope... for some kind of miracle, i wouldn’t, well that’s why which, well , i repeat, because this is a constitutional right
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the president, he has such a right, and as the western media write, conflicts between the top political leadership and the top military are practically inevitable, there are different cultures, different ambitions, different understandings, but the military always loses in such conflicts. well, because the president is the president, he, he appoints , he fires, here we have nothing to add, public opinion, appeals to western partners, western partners have reacted, from the mouth of the spokesman of the white house, well, it is quite predictable that this is your internal ukrainian problem. i've already had more than one conversation literally in front of you, i talked there with correspondents from paris, had several conversations with westerners. agencies, that's how they understand , they are alarmed, but they have approximately the same
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situation, that this is a problem that is internal to ukraine, and they hope that this problem will be solved with honor, we also understand the risks very well, but i repeat, we are here with you that's how we are, we are so smart here, we sit weevils, i think that there are also, well, not or not all of them. fools, i have one question, they did not foresee the option that the person involved would refuse to play along and submit a statement, a table statement, i don’t understand this for sure, there... means communicators, pr people are all from god, because if there is a leak, if it happened, i have no doubt that a conversation took place, if such a conversation took place, well, why not it was possible to predict that zuluzne would refuse and not take this week, which snn says that this resignation will happen this week. in a word, it is clear to me that
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the scenario probably did not go as smoothly as it was wanted, it is clear to me that it is flying. mistake, i have no doubt about it, i i don’t understand, to be honest , what the people who say, maybe they will lose their minds, who will lose their minds and what they will lose their minds about, as you can imagine, you are the president, i am your military man, military right-hand man, chief adviser on defense issues , you call me, tell me about my resignation, i refuse, and then we continue to cooperate as if nothing had happened? it happens, it does not happen in much more mature political institutions, and obviously it cannot happen in the banking atmosphere that currently prevails in this yermachatnik, who started talking about ambitions a year ago, and again in ukrainian history, the history of ukrainian presidents, such a situation was repeated more than once, when,
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for example, tymoshenko was conditionally imprisoned. obviously promised to be a downfall for yanukovych, and he understood it, because i told you once, he told me for a long time, before he was prime minister, what mistake kuchma made when he put his opponent in prison, well, we don't say about prison with an addict, but we 're talking about how you act as president with someone you don't like, and yanukovych then clearly said that the best way to neutralize tymoshenko is simply not to touch her, because she... she is like a plant without the sun withering in the information blockade, but then he became the president and put and how it ended, the situation with yushchenko and kuchma is very similar, when i had a conversation with pinchuk, when it was already clear that it was a case of resignation, i told him: well, listen, well, then you resign the prime minister who liked to be the prime minister of
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resignation, now a couple of months will pass, the parliamentary elections are starting, well, we will go to the parliamentary elections, we... will definitely win these elections and then yushchenko will be the president, why are you doing this, what seemed clear to me, they do not understand, but this story repeats itself, i'm not saying that zaluzhny will necessarily make a political career there, i don't know at all what kind of politician he is, he's not very public anymore, so he's enough, he's like that, he's like that, well, he's a creator in our imagination and in ukrainian history , lutsenko often became like this, and then he didn't i know... then tihipko was such a leader, klitschko was, and restovich was a year ago, that is, you see that there are unknown trajectories, so you and i cannot project the future fate, but what makes this situation especially expressive is that we war. we cannot afford to measure this situation only in the categories of the political process, because in fact
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the political process in our country is quite stable, it is almost non-existent, that is, there is a question of the governments. issues of the office and so on and so on, so it's not about politics, it's about certain functions that are carried out, but the issue of war , the issue of responsibility, which will lie on very specific people who would dare to take this responsibility, well, in any case, we understand that in addition to the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, there is also the supreme commander, and here questions may arise, in particular from... our partners, well , it is obvious that this event, well, first of all, when we appeal to our partners and say: good people, what do you do there, how much can you do something there there to agree, to avoid escalation, the war is already breaking at your door, and you are doing stupid things, so the war is already in our house, and we do not deny ourselves the opportunity
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to engage in internal stupid things, but as such, created on a fairly level ground, but again... if we analyze our western partners, yes, zaluzhnyi has great authority there among the military leadership, but in the western military it is in principle a taboo, they understand these rules, the western military, we are not latin america, we have a junta, juntas are not practiced, our practice is excellent, and therefore the western military will work with whoever comes to the place for... that is, even if they don't like it, but what is happening, now is such a key moment in the war with all these american dances, to whom we give arguments in favor of supporting, not supporting ukraine . for sure, as always, we do not create a problem for our opponents, but we create a problem for our friends, this is also our infamous tradition, to make
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life difficult for our friends, during discussions in the congress, all kinds of orbans with fizami in the european union, it takes a certain time to revive these relationship, it takes some time to work effectively again on a personal level, this cooperation between the new is the main thing. the commander and his colleagues among the nato countries need time, which we do not have, and this is happening at an almost critical moment, when a decision will be made tomorrow on the financing of ukraine by the european union, i think that it will inevitably be positive, i became more careful with the forecasts of the american help, because there they have already begun to openly say, no longer disguising, they have begun to openly say that we cannot have this agreement to sign, because this is... a blow to biden , but it’s better to wait until trump becomes president, he will come and solve everything, they haven’t even started to hide it, i don’t know how it will end, but even a week ago there were
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more optimistic scenarios, signals were coming , that they almost agreed, and it would seem that american politicians are really competing for the one who will better prepare for the challenges of illegal migration there, but it turns out that we are not talking about migration at all, we are talking about the fact that one cannot be a political opponent. . have such a trump card, if we him yes, such a trump card, so what should we go to the elections with? this is approximately the logic of the american political elites of the republicans, not only that, i was absolutely killed by the decision of the regional committee of the oklahoma republican party, which threatened its senator for publicly supporting the need for a treaty and the introduction of an aid package to ukraine and others, as treason against towards...candidate trump and threatened to stop funding him, well that's already called for me, come out beautiful people's governor of the state of texas and
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accordingly, 25 other governors who supported him in his unstoppable desire to use the american constitution for its intended purpose, whose border is the power, whose power is the border. yes, and we understand that the situation in the states is much less stable than in the past. wanted, or would it seem to us? shall we design for what? to the fact that trump , having lost the election in the 20th year, still did not recognize the results, now he actually threatened that if his victory is not recognized, then these 25 states, these national, that is, he actually threatened to split the country, it is not a civil war, as rusnyak tries to say, but by undermining the foundations of democracy and not being punished for the fact that he actually supported the coup d'état, the state council on january 6, now trump already frankly calls
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on his supporters with weapons in their hands to defend their truth, and his truth is this, you all know that the victory was stolen from me and further on in the text, so now the situation appears when we go to the elections and regardless of what will be there on ... elections it is possible to confidently predict what will happen next with american democracy, and american democracy did not have such risks, well, probably since the founding of its state, since the time of abraham incoln, there was no such thing, such a very serious split, and here in the current situation of american turbulence, in uncontrollable emotional initiatives appear, well , i am still bigger, maybe an optimist, i want to believe that it can... somehow it will not go according to the scenario described by mykola vasyliovych gogol, an outstanding ukrainian writer in his outstanding works, how ivan ivanovich
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and ivan nikifurovich quarreled with each other, you remember, and that no matter what was done, the rift deepened, but this can have consequences in the attitudes, which are called that the military command, generals, generals are people, who perceive the situation other than... through the prism of war, through the prism of death, through the prism of provision and trust. well, it must be said that this factor is also openly analyzed in the western media. the fact that among the ukrainian military, the authority of the brave is very high. for different things, again, i don't know him, you don't know him, he's not public, but obviously, you and i are not in the armed forces, we don't feel it on our own skin. to this style , and they feel, and they say in particular that there's an attempt to put the commander of the ground forces there, that's an absolutely unacceptable situation,
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even though it's a favorite, in particular of the office... and that's a serious question, because i don't think, again, we not latin america, our military, they are as patriotic as possible, they will fulfill their, their obligation, but the peculiarity of the model of the current government, this of the team that came to the bank, that it is almost not almost, and it measures the public mood every day, and of course... they have a certain program there, where it will approximately unfold according to such a scenario that after the dismissal of the employee, a whole informational campaign will go there , well, a campaign, a storm, i don't know, an information typhoon, which will try to transfer to the team, not only to the team, to his team, because there, when the chief is fired, his deputies always go, and
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there will be this attempt to translate. responsibility, and society is ready for this attempt, and the government is preparing for this attempt, but the moment of trust is definitely not on the side of the government, further, sooner or later we will have elections, i again, i affirm that our military, they will be faithful to the oath, they will not undermine the country's defense capabilities, they will defend their freedom, to protect their families, their lands, but the moment will come, the moment of elections, and here in ukraine, since this french colleague of yours tried to ask me if i am not afraid of authoritarianism, the return of authoritarianism in ukraine, and i will honestly tell you , that i his in the times of yanukovych, especially, personally i was not afraid, i saw that many ukrainians saw, not that we did not overestimate, we understood the threats, but for us it was not a matter of retreating, because authoritarianism threatens responsibility in every democracy, you have to go to elections
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and you... you have to gain trust from the voters, here i have serious problems, serious questions, i don't know how it will end from the point of view of military tactics, well, hypothetically, well, maybe, maybe something will be better, because you and i understand that there are enough problems in the ministry of defense, and the military will tell you how many things are being done wrong there, but we are talking about the fact that responsibility will not succeed, it will not be possible to transfer it to any distant people there or fairs will not... it will be possible to transfer responsibility from the side, from the shoulders of politicians to the shoulders of the military, this will definitely not be accepted by society, because everyone understands that the military, in order to fulfill the tasks set before them, must have these resources, if you set them the task of knocking out the enemy from the territory of the country, and not providing them with resources, then somewhere there was in one of of the publications that zaluzhny directly told
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the minister of defense, well, what is your task... providing is your political task, my task is to fight with the resources that i have at my disposal, and the military understands this perfectly, and there is no other way to interpret it , the general staff cannot, the military cannot take on the problems of providing resources, mobilization, military, political, everything can be done when you work as a team, and i repeat, since there is no such team anymore, then... i simply cannot imagine itself a theoretical possibility cooperation between the supreme commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief, when such a conversation has already taken place between them. istanbul, what could be happening in istanbul right now because putin is going to erdogan in the coming weeks, right? well, we understand that they will talk not only about the affairs of the caucasus and not only about the affairs of the middle east. we understand that putin will
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try to use for his own purposes, yes, and accordingly, erdogan will try to do something symmetrical with putin, and of course, they will also talk about the black sea transit. well what can i say yes erdoğan, he secured probably his last presidency, i don't think even he thinks he can go for another term, it was the hardest race for him and he is politically calm, so he can take risks, further, i don't even know what putin can offer him, but i know what, for example, america offers him, america offers him to sign contracts for the supply of f-35s, which the americans have now sold there to turkey's sworn partners, the greeks, partners according to nato, and in obbin, the americans expect that those the s-400 that erdoğan bought, i think there are eight or so divisions that he bought from
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russia and which... turned out to be far from a miracle weapon that...


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