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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene, live. drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest spots the front frankly and... unbiased, you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast , two hours of airtime, two hours of your time , two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who to many, they became like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours,
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vasyl zema's broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. i'm here for a while, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are. well, informative day of the tv channel in rozpala, now we are adding kherson. oksana pogomiy, a member of the kherson city council, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine. ms. oxano. glory to the hero. well, the enemy shelled, in particular, it is about the korabel microdistrict, khersonskyi, yes, it was heavily shelled by the enemy. we would like to ask you to immediately share the operational... situation
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after the shelling, as far as it is now, what destruction the ship suffered and, in general, what is the situation in kherson? and the ship remained without light, but now there is already information from the military administration that there is light connected, we thank our electricians, they work there every day under fire, and the truth is they are heroes for us, there was no light in the city, there were trolleybuses, now i don't know how the situation is. well, they say, they just told me that they saw that they were standing, and four people died, two were burned in the car and two were injured, but my information that the injuries were very serious and people died, and flew to the dormition cathedral, but do you want i 'll be honest, personally, this is the moscow patriarchate, well, it didn't fly very well, let's say yes. but this is on the other hand, this is our building,
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which is ancient, which is a historical monument, so the patriarchate must be removed from here, look, ms. oksana, we understood you correctly, that is... that is, the russian interventionists fired at the church of the moscow patriarchate, which is located in kherson , in such a telegraphic style, they also hit with artillery, as far as we understand, yes, well , fragments flew into the church, and with artillery, yes, and by the way, this is the first such case when they target something related to the moscow patriarchate, is this the first of its kind case in kherson? no, what about you, you are not the first , we have... well, periodically, but twice it was so strong, it was the arrival to the catherine cathedral, which is also a historical monument here, it was salda's beloved cathedral, the relics of a descendant were located there , as they say, although historians
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say that there was no potemkin mausoleum there, but for everyone they were there, and they also flew there several times, and such destruction is not like what we have in other... cities, but very much so came powerfully. ms. oksana, i have just one additional question for you: and many more a parishioner of the moscow patriarchate in kherson? you know, there are statistics that at the baptism of water, which according to the moscow style, there were 780 people in churches, but this is all over the region and... they were very closely guarded by our police, well , i don't know, they guarded them from each other or from from parishioners of the ukrainian ukrainian patriarchate, but there are more, unfortunately. ms. oksano, well, we would like to ask you about some unofficial news regarding our
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bridgeheads on the left bank of the dnieper, the fighting continues, the fighting is tough, the fighting is brutal, the enemy is using aviation, but it would say, the official part. information, perhaps there is something innocuous that you could make public? it's a military secret , as they say, no, i don't have such information, i know that our people are holding on, i know that it 's difficult, but i know that it's even more difficult for the russians there, and that's the main thing, they can't to knock ours out of this bridgehead, and despite the fact that we have them, as our guys smile and say, they are on tanks, and we are on boats, but nevertheless ours are overwhelming them, and this is good news. speaking of the dew itself, you said it's harder there, right? explain please, what are the specifics of their problems and difficulties? well, they're dying, well, i
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'm talking about them in a different way, but we still have television, here, they're dying, here, and they 're dying in bundles, and they don't understand. what is it about our ukrainians, it is from their publics, yes, what is it about our ukrainians that they cannot defeat them with great force, and they are going to oboi, but the truth is that there are now cemeteries of military equipment near the wells, and in general, or it is known to hear something among people, yes, who, for example, could see somewhere, passing by, that now at all takes place in the plan. the picture is apocalyptic there, well, it is difficult to drive past there, because there, well, you need to know the landscape of the area a little, you will hardly pass there, because you have to turn inland to the shore, but there is so much broken equipment, we see that in
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the video the video that our ukrainian soldiers make is a kind of apocalypse, that's how we understand what's going on. extremely delicate, so we will not torture you, we said everything we could, we heard you and your signals, yours too, were correctly interpreted, enemy plans to hold pseudo -elections, yes, in order to re-appoint putin in a ritual way, yes, there is already about a month left for this matter, accordingly, what is the current situation related to the fact that in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, they are launching messages and so further and? further, and they want to start holding elections right now, referring to the fact that the territory is very large, people are scattered over this territory, there are not so many people, and they want to capture and cover everyone as much as possible, right
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now, well, here are my messages saw that children in there are schools where there are schools, this is ginichesk, there are larger cities kakhovka. so now they conduct such lessons, my god, how to call it, but once, when we were in kindergarten, we were told about lenin's grandfather, at school they talked about grandfather. it was called, they, they teach children, tell about the leader, about putin, and from childhood, what kind of childhood he had, then what kind of pioneer he was, then what kind of komsomol member, then what kind of family he had, that is, lessons of love for putin, that's how i would call them. and for collaborators, is that all do imported citizens of the russian federation do, do they actively use local policemen? no, well, unfortunately, there are also collaborators. unfortunately there is, i can't say that all of them, all yellow and blue, let's say this, no,
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they use it very actively, we had such a tamilina, who was tried to be undermined here during the occupation, but it didn't work out a bit, she left, she worked in our university, now she holds some position in this duma during the occupations and she concludes agreements with other regions. of the russian federation, in general, it is working with all its might such, unfortunately, but they should know that russia will abandon them, and we will pick them up and put them in prison, i think so. well, traitors are not liked anywhere, as you know. thank you, ms. oksano. oksana pogomiy, deputy of the kherson city council, and by the way, to the traitors, would like to immediately quote the news from the security service of ukraine, which detained the head of one of the structural units. attention verkhovna. of the court of ukraine, which denied the aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. and actually, the sbu says
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that there is a recording of conversations in which he denies the sovereignty of ukraine and offers to hand over the southern regions, including odesa and kherson regions, to the occupier. in addition, in communication with his subordinates, the official glorified the mercenaries of the russian private military company wagner and supported their participation in the war against our state. in addition, the official of the judicial body proposed... a new attack on ukraine from the northern direction in order to attract the attention of lviv and neighboring regions, and the person involved also expressed his hopes for a quick occupation of our state with the subsequent installation on it the territory of the kremlin regime, well , we hope that our law enforcement officers will make all the anger of the ukrainian people, but what can i say, if he thought that when the russian federation suddenly comes here... then he will create comfortable conditions here, then most likely not, because i repeat, traitors are not liked
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anywhere. now we will take a short break, after which we will join yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the akhiles attack uav battalion, to our airwaves, we will talk with him about important topics and what is currently happening in the bakhmut region itself, so stay with us, we we go to commercials for a few minutes and then come back. nothing has worked yet, not yet, constipation, oh, normact, dear, take normact, normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes the work of the intestines, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out, there are discounts on tantum verde, 10% in in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and disturb you. a special complex of active substances bolgit antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit anti-neuralgia promotes the return to usual
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quertin immuno, there are discounts on fervex of 15% in the pharmacies of travel bam and savings. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict and with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. kanal espresso and ukrainian pn present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually, who will be the guest of the studio?
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vetonka, the enemy continues to carry out the assigned tasks, himself on... must regain the lost positions and influence, in particular on klishchivka and andriivka and in the direction of cheso yar, but objectively the forces the defense managed to stop the enemy's onslaught in a coordinated effort, a number of attacks were repulsed, but the enemy's tactical smiles were absent. instead, the defense forces managed to knock out the enemy from a number of positions occupied by him and, for the time being, securely and successfully entrenched themselves. i would like to note so much... that it became possible thanks to both a properly planned operation and the courage and hard work of the titanic, simple personnel, in particular the infantry units, which were assigned the most difficult work in the defense forces, stormtroopers and infantrymen, in my opinion , this is the most difficult job, despite the fact that the personnel entrusted to me work
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as hard as possible to exhaustion, still infantry is something ... we say infantry, we understand steel, we say steel, we understand infantry . mr. yury , we would like to understand if it is possible for you to know information about the shelling of the so-called bakery in lysychansk , the minister of the so-called lpr was liquidated today , this is a little higher than the actual direction where you are, but do you know anything or your comrades may have shared some information with you, if possible, let me know, i will say frankly to... there is not enough time to analyze the entire information space, in particular in the dynamics of what is happening on the contact line, i will only say something else that our intelligence service works actively and persistently enough in order to determine not only the places of concentration of enemy personnel, the location of equipment, but also in order to determine those places where certain officials who receive decisions from among the russian occupation troops
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and, accordingly, temporary administrations, this is how a systemic impression is made on them, and this is not the first time... when the defense forces managed to eliminate employees of a sufficiently high level, so you know, they objectively inspire such things, we understand that the war the full cut goes not only on the front line, on all possible and impossible fronts. mr. yuri, how difficult are such operations planned, well , without any details, of course, so that the enemy does not know, but in fact, how difficult to implement a similar special operation regarding the liquidation of one or another collab'. or some russian occupier, or how long have such special operations been planned in general, if , relatively speaking, it is the use of some combat drones or something similar, it would not be... it would be wrong to fully answer this question now, since this is the specifics of performing tasks with gurmo, it is their representatives who should comment on the work they
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implement on a daily basis. all i can say is that it is extremely difficult work, extremely difficult, because there must be many , many, many factors and each performer in his place must work, you know, like a machine gun without the right to make mistakes in order to implement such a gate special operations, if we say ... about invasion for example at the expense of unmanned aerial vehicles, there is already a question of implementation, so this is already the final stage, when everything is known about everyone, where they are, then an impression is made, so i think that launching an aerial vehicle in a defined square for a professional crew does not constitute any problems, the guys are just doing this work, but where exactly to launch it, this work is quite interesting and persistent, well, mr. commander, we understand that the enemy also has radio electronic means. struggle, i don’t know how powerful they are now on the eastern front, and at the same time i don’t know how powerful they are, in particular all
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the systems, well, but in any case, there was information that fpv, drones of various modifications, they have certain prospects, and how certain russian hubs and logistics centers caught fire on the territory of russia federation, so it is evidence that ... well , in this way, the war can spill over there, if we talk about the ratio of offensive capabilities in half of the drones and the capabilities of defense with the help of radio electronic warfare, how does the whole thing look like this to a boy's mind for our tv viewers, let's divide them into two parts: the first is what concerns the impression of the enemy, the enemy must fight in echelons, which means the first line of combat engagement with a depth... of the order of battle there up to 20 km, 50, 70, 100, and so on , depending on the means, to those objects and territories that are of interest to the defense forces for their destruction, and
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it is precisely when the enemy is destroyed in echelon that the result comes, because the more we knock out the enemy in the rear connections, the less his number, his equipment, fire means fall on the front line , where a combat clash is already taking place directly, as far as means of radio-electronic warfare is concerned, the enemy... i am not afraid of that, probably in the third place in the world, this is according to my opinions and assessments, as regards the effectiveness of their of radio-electronic warfare, both centralized systems that are in service, the enemy retains the ability to modernize them, produce them, supply them to the front in quantity, as well as portable res systems that cover advanced positions, communication routes, their armored vehicles and assault groups, infantry units , these are such rap systems that are being assembled... from chinese components for the most part, but the russian federation is all about the flow, so in the matter of radio-electronic warfare, the enemy is strong enough, but if looking at the statistics and the number of destroyed
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enemy targets as a result of the use of our unmanned strike systems, we can realize, clearly and understand that the defense forces manage to bypass the enemy's counter-defense and not only bypass it, but also systematically destroy it. mr. yuri, look , we would also like your opinion on whether fpv drones can be a substitute for certain projectiles, because, for example, nato countries do not really evaluate the effectiveness, i mean, on the contrary, they underestimate this a means that has now shown itself very well, and ukraine, this is a direct example of the fact that fpv drones can cover one or another need, and if there is a shortage of one or another projectiles. do you think there is potential for, for example, nato countries to take an example from us? and including developing this direction and perhaps over time even helping us to quantitatively replenish this number of fpv drones, because we understand that the enemy is aiming for
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high numbers and we would like to reach parity with them somewhere in this direction. unmanned aviation, both reconnaissance and strike systems are unmanned, they have forever entered the system of troops, the armed forces of ukraine, i think, in the world in general. as for effectiveness, in semi-drones... for example, it is a high-precision weapon that makes it possible to sectorally and precisely express the enemy in those places that are not available to other firearms. i will give a concrete example: the enemy hid in a hole, which you often see on tv screens, that is, such a dug hole in the trenches, he covered himself with everything possible and impossible, he is accordingly hit by artillery means, it is not enough effectively, because the fragile part, it remains outside to throw directly into the kidney. protection, the next fpv drone flies in and destroys can fly in clearly, first knocking down those who are in this shelter, this is for
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example, but at the same time... semi-drones and in general unmanned aviation in no way have and cannot replace artillery means. unmanned systems are a powerful, very, very powerful additional tool of fire influence on the enemy that we have in our hands. for our international partners there should be no thought that if they they will give us components or certain quantities of semi-drones, which can replace the fact that we need to supply ammunition to artillery systems, no, we need... artillery systems in quantity, we need shells for them, and of course we also need half-drones, because only due to the combined fire effect, when both artillery and strike drones are activated by the enemy , in particular fivi drones, only this gives the maximum impression to the enemy, his armored vehicles, his fire means, and the combined fire effect makes it possible to implement precisely the main thing is to beat the enemy on the approaches to our positions and minimize the number of shooting battles that occur already
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in the trenches , because if we allow... . at the present moment, the defense forces, due to the combined effect of fire, in most cases manage to destroy the enemy by the time they approach our advanced positions. mr. commander, what is the trench rep, as far as he is justifies what the enemy has to do with it and what we have, how actively is such protection technology implemented? i have a thermos , a waterproof rap is one, so that it can be seen, a trench reb is something similar, only twice as large, there are certain transmitters that jam certain frequency ranges and a portable battery is used, this is a portable reb, it can be of different sizes, of different power, its main task is to thoroughly cover this or that zone and prevent the possibility of impressing manpower or other categories of targets the account of unmanned systems, accordingly
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, the enemy has such a rap and so what... it is very important that even in the defense forces, the reb becomes crazy. it is implied that there is already a trench reb that covers our forward positions, in many directions, and this direction is also developing, rebs that cover our vehicles, that provide logistics and fire cover for our infantry, and of course a centralized rap that has and suppresses the enemy's reconnaissance means, as well as guided aerial bombs, including, that is why the fight in means of electronic warfare, it also goes to... dynamically and the one who can calculate in advance what challenges we will face in 3-4 months will have more success on the field. the defense forces, our nation, the engineers and the military managed to predict a number of things that we faced today, the preparatory work, the technical work for them began six months ago, and thanks to their miscalculation, certain means of unmanned systems were modernized
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and... determined in their work, today we have the opportunity to work in difficult conditions radio-electronic warfare of the enemy, which has improved. thank you, mr. yuriy , yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the achilles bpak battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after kosh otaman ivan sirk was in touch with us, and actually we talked with him about the situation near bakhmut, and also about fpv drones, their the potential on the battlefield and actually the capabilities that we and the enemy have, in particular regarding and... means of destruction, yes, these are the drones themselves, and accordingly, the means of combating them, this is radar, in fact, combat, which is aimed at looking at their work, well, but we are actually passing the word little by little to our colleagues, who literally in a few moments will be ready to inform you and us, including relevant and fresh news that you need to know as of now, so we pass a word to anna eva melnyk, who has already
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prepared together with the news editor: the issue, so annoyeva, we give you the floor, and actually, tell us what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is still working, we will tell you about the most current events at the moment, and i will start this issue with how the official of the supreme court justified russia's aggression. justified the armed aggression of russia and the temporary occupation of the state. the security service of ukraine exposed the head of one of the structural subdivisions of the supreme court. according to law enforcement officers, in communication with his subordinate, he denied the sovereignty of ukraine and offered to give the south to the occupiers.


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