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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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solutions from the experts of mattress body. thanks to the high-density foam with orthopedic properties, the mattress evenly distributes pressure, adapts to the contours of your body and provides excellent support, and the solid 100% cotton jacquard top will last you for many years . is it so convenient? the stoper casper ortolight mattress is suitable for both a double bed and a regular bed, as well as a sofa and even a bed chair or ottoman. after all, you have a choice of several standard width sizes and two. length options, you will definitely choose yours. also, the mattress is an excellent solution for a country house, dormitory or rented apartment, it can be folded up and easily transported. and this is a full-fledged additional sleeping place. just rub the mattress stopper on the floor. forget about spending crazy money on new furniture. order the stoper casper ortolight mattress at a special promotional price of only uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants. stoper casper ortolight mattress - your healthy sleep and instant renewal. by
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at a favorable price, call, a separate platoon of unmanned aerial complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport, appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the fund-raising of drones and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become kind of like to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day. in
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two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the channel's information day continues, well, 3:32 p.m., we inform about the most important things, there are many events, accordingly we will involve the most competent experts in each of the fields. well, in the espresso studio, marta oliyarnyk, antin borkovskyi and we are adding oleksandr goluby, an analyst, to our studio virtually . from germany, with whom we will talk about the situation that is happening in the country, by the way, a very important country for us, because germany is one of those that will help us the most in the military aspect and where the most ukrainian refugees are now. mr. oleksandr, welcome to espresso. good afternoon, glad to hear from you. each other so, we would like to ask you more about the current political mood in germany. we know that in berlin 150,000 people came out to protest against the far right, we would like to... ask our viewers briefly
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explain what is happening now in the political and social aspect of the country, yes, and actually what caused people to want to go out on the streets, do we understand that it must have been some kind of process that led people to a protest mood? well, i think i will still take the opportunity, if we have a little time, and explain why this is actually happening, because for ukrainians it... the protest may look a little irrational, because they are protesting against the far-right, who are not actually in power, but we still, how ukrainians are more accustomed to protests against the government, against the one who makes the decision, how to this, what led to this, there are certain reasons, there are certain consequences, i will be more precise with the reasons that led to this, i will start with the reasons, first for everything, the latest sociological polls
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show very worryingly for us and for many germans that the extreme right is primarily about an alternative for germany, and there are several smaller political forces, they do not have so many chances, but they are also growing a little, and demonstrate enough good results, both in national and especially in some regional sociological polls, and the fact is... that regional elections will be held in most of the regions this year, well, i would say regional elections, it is better to say, it is not about regions, but about federal lands, and in some parliaments, the land afd, or an alternative for germany, may unexpectedly or already quite expectedly receive a majority, not just a significant percentage, but actually a majority of seats, and in fact it is even possible to take power.
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it's unlikely to come to that, because so far it looks like there will be a coalition of all the other parties that don't, which will try to prevent it, but it's a very alarming signal. germans, who are extremely negative , mostly have a right-wing populist attitude, i am not talking now about all germans, actually about the majority, and they perceive it as a threat, we know that it is not easy, the german past also contributes to this, and but to before, there was no possibility of this, i would say to most of them, no way to manifest and there was no reason, because well, well, good... good, so to speak, percentages in the polls, this is not a reason to go out and protest, there is also a small factor to this, which is the fact that the right-wing radicals themselves they very often call their supporters the so-called silent minority,
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they say that many germans would actually willingly vote for the right-wing radicals, for the right-wing radicals, because their ideas are correct in their opinion, they generally support them, but they say that because of this social pressure, they have to admit this and say this, on the street there to vote for the rights of migrants or something, usually a small, vocal minority comes out , who are crazy leftists, not you, not german , so to speak, the salt of the earth, the burghers, who are actually the basis of german statehood, and that was the reason why, why many germans were disgusted by this, because they actually hated these right-wing radicals. there were indeed more of them, but there was no reason, and now a certain reason happened: a german agency, something like the british belink, these are investigators, journalists, investigators, dug up quite interesting information about the fact that certain right-wing radicals gathered, there were
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austrians, including germans, and representatives of the afd also took part in this meeting of this couple of this runaway and... created these very interesting personalities, so to speak, there really were some of them there is no place to put a stigma, that is, even their presence in the same room already discredits some people, but the worst thing is that they began to discuss plans for so-called reimmigration, that is, the removal of the maximum possible number of emigrants from the country, and it is not just about refugees who came or people who just came and work here, even for... who managed to get a german passport after many years of living in germany and they say they are eating away again the wonderful fabric of german society, it must be gone, and they discussed , what is the best way to do it, that is, to actually reduce the population of germany there, i
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don’t know how many percent, but by a fairly significant or significant amount, and you see, we just touched on the topic of refugees, and actually... you mentioned what is in question not only about refugees seeking asylum in germany, but also about people who have already been there for a long time and have even received citizenship, but in the context of all these events that are happening in germany, we understand that the key story here is how it can affect support of ukraine, yes, because if there are certain signals now that indicate that the far-right forces may have a large percentage of support, this indicates that they are quite actively trying to get into the city. to the germans and to all those who will now live on the territory of germany, it is not only the germans themselves, but also people who got there for one reason or another, and we actually understand that very often the root of the financing of these forces lies in moscow, but we would like to ask you in more detail about this, whether the facts are known about what actually,
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well, there is the root of evil and he sits in the kremlin. well , recently there were a number of publications about the fact that the assistant of one of the deputies. in the afd in the bundestag under a strange coincidence with a russian name and surname, who was said to have a ukrainian and german passport, in fact still has a russian passport, is in contact with his supervisor from the fsb, receives funding and in fact, he even tried to stop the supply of tanks to ukraine, this was one of his tasks, it is clear that the afd rejects all these accusations. i hope that there will be a proper investigation of this deputy, his passage to the bundestag has already been blocked, he has been removed from any opportunities, at least to be in the bundestag, in the committees of the bundestag, but in
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principle , it seems to me that no one has any doubts that one way or another, russia supports the aif. it may be difficult to prove direct cash infusions, here are some codes from... that is, for us simple people, so to speak, it is quite enough to analyze one or another omission, and i wanted to ask you to comment on the statement, or rather a part of the interview, a fragment of the interview of the former extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to germany, well, you can say the legendary ukrainian a diplomat, a panamanian, and he said in his final interview that it might be worthwhile for german chancellor scholz to meet with putin. you don't need to drink beer - said scholz, well, he gave, said melnyk, and he gave an example from earlier times
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of the cold war, whose representatives met, so to speak, in iceland, such a neutral state, well, accordingly, why do you think it was scholz and what mission could be assigned to him now? and it is very difficult for me to comment on these statements, because i do not know what i am here. what motivated the ambassador to say this , is it in any way coordinated with the position of kyiv, is it possible that this is some kind of preparation of public opinion for such a possible meeting, and in principle, such a diplomatic story was somehow agreed between scholz and zelensky, and maybe even received prior agreement from the kremlin, or is it just an impromptu act by the ambassador, who decided to think about how we should, so to speak, arrange peace negotiations, because
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in my opinion, how seriously this phrase was motivated depends it must be treated. i still don't have any, no understanding of how serious it was, and therefore, i honestly don't know, that is, i, my subjective opinion, no peace negotiations, they can be held, they just with a high probability will be of no use will lead, most importantly with... what, for what purpose, with what attitude, and with what readiness to make concessions on our part, and the main thing, yes, well, not the main thing, but also important from the european side, will scholz go to these possible hypothetical negotiations. talking for the sake of talking, even when there is a war, there is nothing wrong with that in my opinion, it happened during almost all wars, certain channels of communication between the military were always not... directly because of the political leadership, maybe some
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issues it will even be possible to agree, for example, on the exchange of prisoners, it will already happen not bad, but fundamentally to stop the war in such a way that it is not about that, and in general scholz and the internal german atmosphere, they would allow scholz to do something like that, or the experience of angela merkel, who you understand, is still probably spitting out her initiative, maybe... first of all, it is necessary to understand that angela merkel is not criticized so much here, she is criticized primarily by those politicians, journalists , experts who are deeply involved in the topic of ukraine and german-russian and german-ukrainian politics, security policy, who perfectly understand what a catastrophe it really is was merkel's politics, although it's not only merkel, you also have to understand that it's the german political class in general, merkel is as wonderful, so to speak... what was her name aunt merkel here, she, she kept the peace in the family,
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because most wanted russian cheap gas, it led to the fact that the policy was like that, and accordingly , nobody criticizes merkel here much, because i think the majority perfectly understands that this is a little bit of a collective fault, that is, that it was not merkel herself who insisted on this , and that in principle, all politicians silenced those who shouted about the russian danger and so on and so on. and here it is very important , again, what is the mood of the germans, and scholz will go, maybe to moscow, or putin will go to iceland, they will meet in iceland, it is difficult to say here, i am talking about something else, about the fact that it is completely germans, in principle, a nation that wants a peace, they are afraid of war, for the most part, although now little by little, in my opinion, this is changing, now this is the psychology of pacifism, for the sake of pacifism, it still changes a... changes to a more realistic assessment of events, but anyway as an attempt, most germans
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will definitely say hello, and i think that this greeting will be a warning for someone like, again those people who know well what russia is, they will say that yes, let's talk, but let's not surrender, let's just use it to at least slightly reduce the suffering of the ukrainian people where possible, without surrendering the interests of the ukrainian people. and where it will be pro-russian politicians, they will simply welcome it for obvious reasons, because it is definitely on in their opinion, the normalization of russia, putin , and so on and so on, but what is significant... opposite and directly to such a recognition of scholz as a traitor or some rag who did not go to meet with putin will not be here, there will definitely be warnings, there will definitely be warnings about the fact that this may not be a rational step, but unfortunately, fortunately, i am not going to judge here, it will not destroy scholz's political career. thank you, oleksandr
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golubov, an analyst from germany, was in eteriso, now we will have a few minutes break and after it we will return to us. our info marathon, so stay with us for a few minutes and we'll continue. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. this is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement with the strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even thick branches, once it is ready, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use it in hard-
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it comes with a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, a powerful strong saw is what you need, call! the information day of the tv channel continues, so what, we are now adding to our marathon kateryna rashevska, a lawyer of the regional human rights center, a member of the quebec community of international law. glory to ukraine, mrs. kateryna, we congratulate you. glory to heroes. well, first of all, we would like your professional comment on the meeting of the court of the united nations organization. in particular, there is information that... the un court partially sided with ukraine in our lawsuit against russia regarding the issue of genocide. we will remind that
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at one time the interventionists used the term genocide for their false propaganda purposes, absolutely, absolutely violating both the rules of common sense and international justice, and they wanted to cast this reproach on us. yes, well, as far as we understand, the court of the united nations began to move the case in the right and honest direction. yes, in fact, you and i are on such a positive note at the moment when the first decision that could be taken by the un court, if we do not take into account the decision on temporary measures, which the russian federation, starting from 2022, has not fulfilled, for the time being this behavior is quite common for russia, that is, we stopped at the fact that in fact where is the court? one, or rather not so, the court rejected five out of six russian comments that the court does not have jurisdiction in this case, in fact it simply put the russian federation
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in its place, only with regard to one such russian comment, the court expressed certain reservations, since the court will not consider the issue of recognition of the illegal recognition of the so-called ldnr, as well as the beginning of a full-scale invasion and invasion in general. as for the manipulation of the term genocide to start such a full-scale invasion, as for the accusations of the russian federation that it was ukraine who committed some fictional genocide of the people of donbas, and because of this the russian federation was forced to intervene, this has long been on the table of the judges and will continue to be considered , and i hope that through in a few years we will have a final decision , this is quite an unusual matter, because for the first time a state is so confident in its... how confident ukraine is that it has not committed any genocide, that in fact we have such a phenomenon as reverse jurisdiction, it is not russia who is speaking, what we are doing and that is why she sued us,
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we say that we are not doing it, and the russian federation is making a mistake with this and we are asking the court to find us innocent, that is, quite so interesting and unusual, this is actually the first time in the history of the international court of the un that it is considered a similar matter, and as far as we know , it is also the first time that russia has been recognized. according to international law , there were no similar cases, and this is the first such case, yes, this is a different case, yes, this is a different case that was considered a few days before this one, that is, here we should have had a decision on genocide only in terms of jurisdiction, and not on the merits, and two days before, on january 31st, they had a final decision regarding the financing of terrorism, the fight against the financing of terrorism, and the elimination of racial discrimination, yes, in fact, on both treaties, the russian federation was recognized for the first time in the history of its existence as a state that violates international law, and this is a very significant event in the history of this international law and in history in general,
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but in fact the decision of the un international court of justice on this particular case , i, as a human rights defender , would not rush to call it extremely positive for ukraine, and why, why are we in unison with marta, i emphasize once again that i will speak exclusively from the point of view of the protection of human rights, we must... understand that unfortunately , the court is not did not find any racial discrimination regarding the large-scale, factual and systematic violation of human rights in crimea, these are both murders and enforced disappearances of crimean tatars, ethnic ukrainians, as ukraine insisted, this is also a violation of access to education in the crimean tatar language, these are also numerous violations that relate to ukrainian and crimean tatar cultural heritage, freedom of cultural assembly, access to the press and freedom of the press in general. er, regarding the imposed russian citizenship, in particular, that is, many, many those violations that we, that we insisted on, and this did not yet speak about the convention
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on the financing of terrorism, on the fight against... it, where in fact the violation was recognized only with regard to the fact that the russian federation did not investigate the information provided by ukraine , regarding the fact that its agents actually facilitate the so-called ldnr, finance terrorist acts that lead to numerous destruction and victims. that is, unfortunately, from the point of view of international law and human rights, this decision will not help us to stop the russian federation in its determination to violate as much as possible more rights for that number of civilians in the occupied territories who are not part of it, that is, those ukrainians who are simply waiting for the return of their own state and with their actions somehow try to speed it up, to help, and this is a very dangerous situation in a global context, since by actually recognizing that financing terrorism can only be done with money, so money, for example, weapons and training - this is not financing terrorism, militants around the world and states that want to wage proxy wars have been given the green light, so the international court of the un, unfortunately, in this
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case chose... that the conservative approach put at risk international peace and security, well-being and human rights in the occupied territories, in particular ukraine. ms. kateryna, at one time there was such a phrase: rock and roll is dead, you know, but international justice in general is still alive, that is, when we talk about real effective mechanisms for making the aggressor state, the state that developed waged a bloody war that invaded the territory of another state, and so on oh... i won't even list all the russian crimes, well, i have the feeling that international justice is not working out where we needed it, it's very good that international justice is not only, it's very good that international justice is not only an international court the un , because if it was the only institution, you know, which is written right in the statute as one of the means of peaceful resolution of disputes, then we would have in the future just a war of all against all, in the best traditions of hops,
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that is... this is actually would be very dangerous, because now, given the trend these half-hearted decisions of the un international court of justice, we will see how states will increasingly choose forceful methods of resolving their conflict, unfortunately, because peaceful security, the peacekeeping system has demonstrated its inefficiency, but we also have an international criminal a court that can prosecute individuals and even presidents and other persons who... in this institution do not have personal privileges and immunities, we have foreign states with their courts, which, according to the principle of universal jurisdiction, can also bring responsibility for international crimes. it should not be forgotten that international responsibility is not only a court decision, but it is also an opportunity to collect reparations and receive damages, and in this case, the tendency to repurpose frozen assets, including the russian federation, looks quite wrong. it is
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a step forward and a potential opportunity to satisfy these demands and aspirations for justice of ordinary people who suffered from international crimes or illegal acts. therefore, we have options , we also do not need to lose hope regarding the crimean peninsula, the occupied territories, because some of the cases of violations will be considered, including in the framework of interstate cases and in the european court of human rights, and i am sure that the european court of human rights will be more flexible, more demanding and more human-centered than the international court of the united nations, so nothing else, he is alive, he is not dead yet, you know, like in the classics, thank you, kateryna rashevska, a lawyer at the regional center for human rights and a member of the kvb international law community, was on the air of espresso, she explained to us the decision of the international court of justice of the united nations regarding the claim of ukraine against the russian federation, in fact she also outlined all the nuances of this case, for which we are very
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grateful to her . but in the meantime, let's give the floor to our anna eva melnyk, because it's already time for our press news, so anna eva, let's give you the floor, and actually tell us what you and the news editor learned about and what will happen to be published in this issue. greetings, colleagues, the news editor will tell you about the most important thing at the moment, and i will start with why greece will not send s-300 missiles to ukraine. be with us. greece will not supply s-300 missiles to ukraine, said pavlos marinakis, the spokesman of the country's government. he added that the information about the supply, which was previously published by the media, is false. according to marinakis.


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