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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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but here is the question, who is interested in this, and you know, as they say, there is no need to go far, we understand that there will be elections in november, and many, at least analysts, assume that donald trump, who in fact, he is the one who either threatens, or simply uses his influence to convey to the republicans the fact that they do not need to vote for it now, respectively , in order to create the maximum. uncomfortable conditions for joseph biden before the election, in fact, so that donald trump is in the most winning position, and if we understand correctly, then the question here will be trump's own will, either to give good or not to give good. unfortunately, yes, unfortunately, mike johnson himself is a direct relay of trump, that is, you should not think that he conducts a certain independent policy, he absolutely clearly relays what is interesting to donald trump and what donald trump needs. and in this case, remember, before
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zelensky’s visit, he went to maralago, and in maralago he consulted with trump, that as to receive zelensky, what to talk about with him. before the start of budget negotiations in october, he consulted with donald trump. before accepting the new budget extension and starting to tear down this joint package, he also called donald trump. well, that is, unfortunately, trump's influence on the house of representatives is enormous. but i will still end on a small positive note. trump, like ... any populist, is defeated by the economy, and if the first two times they managed to blame the fact that the budget was not passed on the democrats, and then they managed it very elegantly, i would say, now they will no longer be able to avoid responsibility, and if they collapse the budget again, that is, they collapse the budget for the border, they collapse the budget for ukraine, it will become clear to everyone that in fact this is the trumpists' fault, only they are the authors of this chaos, this incomprehensibility, which is happening to the markets, and will definitely begin to happen. if
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the federal budget is not adopted, then you can blackmail and provoke for a very long time, but the economy very often sets very clear deadlines for how long it is possible to play political games. okay, look, if we 've already talked about politics in the united states and about the election, then we understand that now in march, in the beginning of march, there will be super tuesday, and this will be the day when we will definitely, definitely be able to say who all- after all, he will run for the post of president from the republicans. er, if you have recently analyzed the situation surrounding the actual internal primaries in the republican party, is it really now possible to state the fact that in nikki haley there is practically no chance to overtake trump now, and actually he will run for office in november, and will participate in the presidential elections? so far, it's too early to write off haley for several reasons, first of all, it's not yet determined what the supreme court will say at all. about the right of trump
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to take part in the elections, and all this can defeat the entire strategy of the republican party in general, can change everything by 180°, this is one time, secondly, we see that in principle new court cases are opened against trump, or decisions by already open lawsuits, it's starting to hurt trump's approval rating, even this latest sex scandal case where he was fined $83.7 million, not only that it eats up almost... 50% of his company funding, yes it's also really hurting his ratings, and that's why both in the context of the supreme court and in the context of dozens of criminal and administrative proceedings against trump, this is something that can sink his campaign, so it's really too early for haley to give up, haley will definitely still fight , and haley definitely still has every chance. such information is good, it is very good for us, but mr. oleksandr, i would also like your reaction about... before the reaction, please donate for the toftology
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of the white house on possible personnel changes in ukraine, they relate to the actual decision of president volodymyr zelenskyi, it is possible to postpone the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhny and several other important military officials, and there was talk of the chief of the general staff, including shaptala, well , at least the white house reacted to the reaction to zaluzhny's resignation, and i i would like to clarify with you here... only zaluzhnyi's personal contacts now play an important role for us in providing this or that assistance and whether this can change in the event that zelenskyi still wants to remove him, because the white house is talking about that you have subjectivity, accordingly , you yourself decide what you will do, but on the other hand, we also understand that somewhere secretly, they have their own position on this, they simply cannot officially afford to talk about what they may not agree with this or that decision of the president, well... it's worth starting with the general, the americans
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generally do not support such a policy of quick personnel changes or frequent personnel changes, well, we know that the commander has not been changed since the beginning of the war, but in general they... always did not really understand the ukrainian approach, that as soon as there are any problems, you have to change the person immediately, or there is some personal conflict, you have to change the person immediately, this is the same thing we were told when the ambassador from the united kingdom of great britain was recalled, these are the same questions, when were the last changes in the ministry of defense, that is, the americans, do not really understand the approach that replacing a person will somehow solve the systemic problems that exist in this or that department or in this or that direction. so actually yes, they won't talk about it publicly, they won't stigmatize us for it, they won't shame us, but their position is that if the professionals on the ground are doing their job, then they should continue to do it, if there are any of them question, then this should be dealt with in the working order, it is not necessary to fire a person
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simply because some of his views may not coincide with the views of the political leadership or the main administration, so in fact i don't think that... that zaluzhnyi's personal contacts play a huge role here, because americans first of all look at professionalism, and that's exactly what they always cheer for professionals to remain in their places and continued to do their work. well, it is clear that they perceive general zaluzhny as a professional, competent and authoritative person, to say the least. okay, look, i'd like to touch on trump's statement, which went like this, that within 60 days iran will get nuclear weapons. the former president of the united states and also stated that, i quote , biden's foreign policy is helping to lead the country to the third world war, how or correctly we interpret that this is again an element of this election race and the exchange of so-called pleasantries when it comes to a banal
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desire to sink the opponent and dump all the sins of this world on him, on the one hand yes, but on the other hand in this year of confrontation. pre-election in the states, it is unique, uniquely hostile, it is unique polarized, because in fact the society in the united states is uniquely polarized this year, we see that because of this polarization, this congress has become the most unsuccessful, the most passive in the last 50 years of american parliamentarism, we see that, in principle, the joint work of two there are no parties either at the establishment level or even at the social level. we see the complete opposite in their views, not only on some political issues, in principle, the perception of reality, the perception of what really is facts, what is really happening, and that is why this year, this is the imposition of all sins on one's opponent, it reaches its absolute peak, and we really understand that
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every politician has problems, some are more predictable, some less predictable, some are a threat to democracy to one degree or another, some don't, but this year this political... will really reach its maximum from both sides, simply because the conditions for it have developed as best as possible. thank you. oleksandr kraev, expert of the council of foreign policy, ukrainian prism, was on the air espresso actually explained to us what is happening overseas now, regarding the support of ukraine, and let's really hope that common sense will prevail in all this, because we understand that the support of ukraine is already being delayed, and we need a lot of money, but in the end we also understand that we have become... hostages of the political situation in the united states and, as they say, there is no way around it. now i would like to offer you the story of my colleagues, who prepared a material about ukrainian companies that manufacture approximately 50,000 fpvs every month drones we very often talk on our airwaves
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about the importance of fpv drones on the front, how effective and important and cheap they are, compared to other means that can be, and the russians have an opportunity in six. to make more such drones, unfortunately, the founder of the drone space company maksym sheremet said this, about how ukrainian drone pilots destroy the enemy's positions with new technologies, let's see together. the russian occupation army storms the positions of the defense forces of ukraine on the front line every day. our infantry is supported by drone pilots, track down, attack the enemy's equipment and personnel. to become an fpv drone pilot, you need to not only know how to... operate a joystick, but also master engineering and even collect ammunition. military serviceman yuriy says that drones provide the most intelligence data, including from the distant rear of the enemy. birds allow us to know and understand what the enemy is doing, where the enemy is doing,
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where he is concentrating, how he is maneuvering, it helps us make our decisions. drones scare the occupiers, he says. serviceman vasyl, because of which the enemy 's equipment stays away from the contact line, since a lot of it is currently working in the half, so all the heavy equipment is mostly hiding in the rear, and here we are looking for this heavy equipment and trying to hit it, but unmanned aerial vehicles are difficult to use behind unfavorable weather conditions , aerial reconnaissance is very dependent on the time of year , firstly, in bad weather, there are ships that do not fly at all, there are ships that cannot go out because they cannot climb high, nothing will be seen, there are ships that will not return in bad weather. according to military personnel, a large-scale drone war is currently unfolding at the front,
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although they say that the creation of an army of drones is not happening as quickly as it should. i think that since we are a small country against russia, we have fewer people, fewer resources, we should use more technical capabilities to oppose it, precisely some news. new fighting techniques. unfortunately, the russians are making more and more drones and blocking ukrainian uavs with electronic warfare. however, drones remain a powerful weapon for our army. as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces , valery zaluzhny, noted in a recent message, unmanned systems, along with other modern weapons, are the best way for ukraine to avoid being drawn into an opposition war. there are discounts on aphid max 10% in
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what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. information day on espresso. smoothly turns into an information evening on espresso, but in the meantime we continue to inform you about all the most important things and join our airwaves konstantin corson, an expert on cyber security, in order to ... discuss the interesting situation that took place this weekend around the eurovision national selection and action, which very unexpectedly, could not cope with the load and went to bed, as they say, at the most responsible moment for this. mr. konstantin, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. so, let's break down the action case, for those viewers who didn't follow this
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news, although i think there were so many memes on social media that it was impossible not to see this one. its topics, but still , we understand that this year the eurovision national selection gave eurofans the opportunity to vote for their favorite thanks to the action application, and by the way, it is not the first time that we see some polls in action, there have already been polls about which calendar it is necessary to go on and so on and so on, but this time it was actually about voting for the representative of ukraine at eurovision, and here we understand that the action did not withstand the load. they say in the relevant ministry that they did not expect such a simultaneous number of users, so they failed the performance test, right? well, it 's just not professionalism, just people who took on the responsibility and implemented such a large-scale nationwide project, like 20 million users in action, they simply did not
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calculate, did not foresee, although it was not enough. calculate, in principle, if you have 20 million users in the application, then it is necessary to orientate that at least a third of them will vote at the same time, or at least a quarter, yes, and this is already several million, and eh, well, it just once again shows the level of qualification of people engaged in nationwide projects, and the benefits in principle and so it was in terms of security. many issues of the time, which in most cases remained undefined, and the protection of personal data is simply a huge problem, and now it turns out that even the simple functioning of the application, even without security, even without the protection of personal data data, under a big question in general, in general, that is, it is not clear what technical
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qualifications people simply calculate the load on the system, bandwidth and... other such rather banal things, mr. kostyantyn, let's, as they say, in more detail on all those points, we and let's stop, let's start from the end, from what happened this weekend, the relevant minister fedorov said that there were 15,000 requests per second, well , we understand that 20 million users is not even 1%, that is, it is actually very small part of simultaneous requests to the application, and there is a comparison, you actually indicate in your post. figures that monobank , which was repeatedly subjected to cyber attacks, could withstand 580 attention of millions of requests per second, that is, we understand that the capabilities of these two systems, they are absolutely, well , radically different, and as you think, well, how can it be improved , that is, what
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should our action developers do now so that this application does not crash when there are 15,000 requests? well, first of all, let me note that in the case of the monobank mentioned in my post, in general, they later found out that in fact, most likely, monobank had some kind of public server that was attacked, well, that is, anyone from any part of the world could send a request there, organize a didos attack and everything else, it works a little the situation is different, and only authorized users can vote there. that is, roughly speaking, you can vote there, only you, if you go through the frame, show your documents, you are checked, then you are let inside, and there inside in this protected circuit you you can vote, but less than 20 million users, conditionally speaking, yes, how accurate it is cannot be checked, but let it be, let’s assume that if
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within 20, 20 million people vote within one hour, i.e. 3600 seconds , then it turns out on average there are 5,500 requests per second, yes, but why not calculate that, for example, well, this is if we assume that they vote evenly during the hour of the barn there, taking turns in some way, but well, people in such cases, as far as i know that the first ones vote there 5-10 seconds, minutes, almost all of them. and what can be done? well, first of all, i have generally been against the action application as such for a long time and consistently, because it is built on... wrong principles, regarding the architecture and construction of the application itself, and working with personal data and security measures, ah, which there
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, most likely, they are violated, therefore, in principle, i am in favor of the fact that in this form, as an application, the action now exists, it should not exist, and the simple fact that there is nothing like this in any country in the world is an indirect confirmation of this exists, that is, well they... at first they were proud of it, but in fact there is nothing to be proud of here, because neither in the usa, nor in britain, nor in holland, nor in germany, nor in other countries, nor in estonia itself, yes, which is very are often referred to, there is nothing like it, but it is not in this format, because there are many electronic services and governors, that is, electronic government, many services are provided online, and queues, and documents, and certificates that... anything, any, these countries have a highly developed system of providing electronic public services, but there is no application, no,
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there is no such thing as an action, which includes identification, and electronic documents, and voting, eh, and some other fines, notifications, and summons to court, and everything like that, there is nothing like that, collected in one application, because it is very critical here, not here... in europe, in western europe, in the united states, in britain, the protection of personal data is taken very seriously, and in the case of the version, as implemented in the application, many violations in relation to the protection of personal data, that is why developed democracies have developed they do not want to take over this experience and are very careful, well, with curiosity. to the ukrainian experiment, mr. kostyantyn , look, i have a question for you, already some participants of the national selection say that they doubt the
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effectiveness, the correct effectiveness of this vote, because one of the participants, who took second place, says that the difference is very large between the first and second place, and actually, well, to check it, if there is no information, we understand that surely you, as an expert, can say: or at all there are mechanisms for checking the results of certain polls that are conducted in the action, or , relatively speaking, these numbers can be drawn, and here if , in addition to this question, we understand that the action application was very often called the very application that can provide us with the so-called electronic elections , and accordingly, if our authorities had the idea to hold such elections, we also understand that we should check the results and, in fact, whether there is really a traffic jam. whether the results of those elections would also be such a question is doubtful, your assessment this? well, in the first part, i will say right away that there is no way to check, i and other
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experts have been trying for years to publish , for example, the source code of the application, or at least some documentation or some regulatory framework, at least something that somehow regulates it, from the action of their representatives. regulates it, here are the construction processes and what technologies are involved and everything else, and the answer to all this is simply silence and nothing is opaque, there is absolutely no way to check anything, so the answer here is unambiguous, it is not possible to check, and even if the ministry itself shows something there, then again it is impossible to trust such data, because they need to be checked, how to implement it is difficult to say? but the fact remains that it is impossible to verify physically, in relation to the elections, well, in the last year
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it has been heard, twice, it seems, from mr. fedorov, that there are no plans to hold elections in action, and this, in general, i share this position very much, and more precisely, i have always insisted that neither in action nor in any other electronic systems, it is impossible to hold elections, more precisely, well , illegally, undemocratic, unbiased, with violation of the electoral law and all that, and the only country in which elections are held online is estonia, there about 45% vote online, but not through a smartphone, moreover, one of the former developers of the estonian electronic voting system, he is here in he had an article : an interview, more precisely, and he emphasized that in estonia only now, after almost 20 years of the first use of electronic
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elections since 2005, they are only now cautiously holding hearings in the parliament and not hearings, but gathering expert groups to study the issue, and conducting elections via smartphone, we have to put an end to this, unfortunately, because the air time is running out, but we understood the main point. kostyantyn korsun , an expert on cyber security, was in touch with us, and in the meantime, i will say goodbye to you for today, now there will be a short break, after which... and my colleague will give you a fresh news release, so stay with espresso , be with us and we will say goodbye to you already until tomorrow. kratau contains natural components, who carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate . increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for
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of unmanned aircraft complex of the state special transport service appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you to you, glory to ukraine! heroes! see this week in the collaborators program. sport outside of politics, who exchanged the army of football fans for the army of the russian federation? train at zenit schools. train with the champions. but how can a player who was called a traitor now report to the zsu. i am very happy to return to shakhtar. watch the collaborators program with olena
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kononenko on tuesday, february 6 at 5:45 p.m. on espresso tv channel. saved children, how our state rescues and brings home ukrainian children, more fighter jets, the netherlands will hand over planes ukraine and why foreign volunteers were banned from working in the kherson region. greetings everyone from espresso, i'm a hired hand and this is the final news release. once again on free land, two more children were rescued from the occupation, girls aged 15 and 16 were returned to control.


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