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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. saved children, how our state rescues and brings home ukrainian children. the netherlands will transfer more fighter jets to ukraine, and why foreign volunteers were banned from working in the kherson region. greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm annayeva melnyk and this is the final news release. once again on free land, two more children were rescued from the occupation. 15- and 16-year-old girls are back under supervision. territory of ukraine, said
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the head of the kherson regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the families cooperated with the volunteers of safe ukraine and were able to leave the temporary, part of the region, which is currently temporarily under occupation, children and adults are provided with the necessary assistance. in the kherson region, foreign volunteers were banned from working in a number of settlements. the work permit must be issued by military administration and military command, the decision was made during the meeting of the regional defense council, 39 settlements were added to the list of dangerous, including bereslav, kizomes, yantarne, olehivka and golden beam. let me remind you that on february 1 , two volunteers of french citizens were killed due to shelling by the russians in berislav. three of their fellow citizens and a ukrainian were wounded. the threat from... the russians
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put one submarine missile carrier on combat duty in the black sea. his equipment can reach four calibers. the level of missile danger is high - the southern defense forces reported. the head of the ministry of veteran affairs, yulia laputina, wrote a statement to the leader. the application has already been submitted to the verkhovna rada, it will be considered at the nearest meeting at the plenary session, speaker ruslan stefanchuk said. let me remind you that the parliament appointed laputino as minister of veterans affairs in 2020, she is a counter-intelligence officer, special agent, candidate of psychological sciences, major general of the security service of ukraine. and two russians received 15 years in prison. agents, they handed over
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the positions of kharkiv's defenders to the occupiers. the security service detained both in august 2022, this is a resident of the chogoiv district, the woman remotely transmitted intelligence data to the russians through her husband, who left for so the so-called lpr. the woman also involved her fellow villager in reconnaissance and subversive activities. he worked for a power generation company, so under the guise of checking the electricity supply, he had access to facilities , produced false documents, in lviv oblast border guards together with police officers exposed a 20-year-old young man who forged passes for free movement during the curfew and temporary certificates of conscripts with a note about removal from military registration, for the last took 40 00 hryvnias. and 200 for a pass
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$. during the searches, forms, seals and stamps were taken from him, the person detained faces up to eight years in prison. the unexploded ammunition was destroyed. russian occupiers attacked the village of velikiy borluk, kupyan district, kharkiv region. one of the guided aerial bombs weighing 250 kg fell on the yard, but... but did not explode, sappers removed the ammunition and destroyed it outside the settlement, as the rescuers note, the explosion of such a pile of metal could be very dangerous. there will be more planes, the netherlands decided to transfer six more to ukraine f-16 fighters. this was announced by the minister of defense of the country kaisa olongen. in this way
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, the country will hand over 24 planes to the ukrainian army, the minister noted, air superiority for ukraine is necessary to counter russian aggression (i will remind). aircraft are used for the f-16 training center in romania. they will not provide. greece will not supply s-300 missiles to ukraine. this was stated by the country's spokesman, pavlos marinakis. he added that the information about the supply, which was previously published by the media, is false. according to marinakis, it's fake news that... to the country's interests and its international image, the spokesman noted, greece had no intention of risking its defensive armaments. he fought for the sake of ukraine and his family,
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he left despite the fact that he could not get to the front three times. our correspondents will tell the story of a soldier with the call sign boxer, whose life changed after being wounded in the war. 35-year-old soldier denys abdulin, nicknamed boxer, is now learning to live anew, because he lost his sight on the front line almost two years ago. he wanted to be in the military all his life in fact, completed his military service, and at first matoz in 2014 sought to defend his native ukraine, underwent large-scale training in 2016, but never got to the front line. on the anxious morning of february 24, the man sent. wife and children to the village, he firmly decided to go to the military commissariat. there were a lot of volunteers right away, and of course, there were healthy queues, we went, first stood in line, but i thought the queue was healthy, i didn’t dare to stand in
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line, but the man did get to the 115th brigade, together with his comrades they passed teaching and gradually moved towards severodnotsk, the soldier remembers, the enemy was miserable... covered with mortar and artillery fire, struck from aviation. on that fateful day, denys was at the position, but for the first time he did not hear the russian drone fly by, and later the shell. 120 mines flew out, and it fell 4 m behind my back , then five of us were killed at once, but we all survived, all three of them, well, only i got on my head, uh, i got a fragment of a tip. under the left ear and exited through the right eye, penetrated the head obliquely and turns out to be affected both eyes, one eye immediately flew out, and one was damaged, torn. a few days later, denys called
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his wife, who was abroad, according to the woman, she immediately rushed to return to ukraine with her two children. i came to him, saw him all coiled, rewound, dirty. in the blood of a bearded, hairy man, and then our, our such an expensive treatment began, i immediately kissed him, he is leska, this is you, the defender has already experienced many operations, his wife is always by his side, despite all the difficulties, denis managed to get back on his feet, nowadays he goes outside with a stick , dad and little son rejoice at his success, at first they didn’t understand how it was not... he sees, the elder brought books, looks, reads, denis says, dad doesn’t see, he himself tells me what’s there, on denis another operation awaits, he dreams of mastering a new profession as a massage therapist, so he is actively taking courses, as well as opening
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his own office and buying a handler's dog, the man manages his everyday life on his own and goes to the shops near the house, says he will learn every part of the road, and complains.. the white church is not adapted for the blind at all people, but despite all difficulties, denys does not lose his positivity, constantly jokes and loves his family very much, believes that together they will overcome all difficulties. as a nod to his military past, he carefully preserves the brigade's chevron and pixelated uniform. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. and in order to expel russian infamy from ukraine, the espresso tv channel continues its collection. our soldiers need life. important equipment, please help to replace the engine in the recovery vehicle, purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the reconnaissance unit of the third force regiment special operations. each of your donations helps to more effectively destroy the enemy in the eastern direction. our goal is uah 450,000. we already have 419 in our account. join,
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you can see the details on the screen. they do the impossible. the police unit of bili yayangola continues the evacuation. people from avdiyivka have already made more than 30 flights this year, 123 people were taken to safety, the ministry of internal affairs reported, guardian angels do not forget about pets from below. shelling, and despite the risks, they also evacuate cats and dogs on the official page of on facebook, the ministry of internal affairs posted a poignant video about how our people save our people. that's how things are for the moment, i'll see you tomorrow, don't miss any more, vasyl winter's great broadcast.
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dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, and we are starting this information week with you, today i, my colleagues, will talk about the most important things, we will also involve experts who will give us an opportunity to understand and learn more, and we will start with you for the next hour and 47 minutes with the announcement of the collection. tv channels from the press and the charity foundation of iryna koval are calling to join the fund-raising for... our defenders from the 141st brigade, she is performing tasks in the orihiv region, this is the zaporizhzhia region. infantry and aerial reconnaissance need high-quality equipment to successfully perform combat missions. we plan to purchase walkie-talkies and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, a range finder, scopes, detectors for detecting drones and many other equally important equipment on the front. every hryvnia is equipment. every hryvnia is important, and thanks to you, we have already closed more than one collection successfully, so we are asking you to come this time too. we ask you to join iryna
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kovel's meeting for the needs of the 141st brigade, we really need your help, glory to ukraine, we are joining, and now we are joining the conversation of bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, mr. bohdan, i congratulate you, good evening, well to begin, let me ask a general question about the security situation in... the night has passed, please, well, if we are talking about the city of kharkiv, then as of this evening, not kharkiv was shelled, as it was today, even the suburbs that they shelled recently. they also gave us peace for a few days, i hope that it will continue to be so, what concerns the region, well, there is a lot to tell here, the front, there are shellings every day, ah, especially the aviation has become more active, the aviation component is no longer only cabs, it's just a bomb, they're bombing aviation, it's a fap, 250,
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all these things fly every day, if yesterday i analyzed, it was close to... eight settlements that were shelled by these bombs throughout, let's say, the kupyan region, as well as the border areas, yes, today our head of the military administration is reporting from there, i already counted more than eight , and 15 populated areas that were bombed by russian aviation, so in this regard , yes, you are showing the footage, it is an old bomb that did not explode, thank god, but... or i imagine what it is like on my own , because the same one fell literally 40-50 m from my house and the consequences were terrible, that's why the situation with the bombs, what else can i add, i spoke before the broadcast with one of my colleagues, an officer who is fighting in this direction, he says that something really needs to be done about it, because it is difficult
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to bomb every day , the consequences you see, that is, it is... a very serious threat, which is carried out on the front line, both directly, where the hostilities are taking place, and in the rear, these are populated areas, which i will not list anymore. well, indeed, i have repeatedly heard from experts and from the military, such an opinion that it might be worth it it would be appropriate to transfer certain air defense systems closer to the front line in order to cover, firstly, our troops and local residents who suffer and, let's say, die directly from the kabs, from... so hostile, which they release precisely on our troops , but many air defense systems protect certain cities, there is also a need for this, well, in one word, there is a lack of air defense systems, and of course, fighter and assault aircraft for the armed forces of ukraine, which could also enter into battle fully and drive them away, well, they enter the battle and drive them away,
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but we understand that 40 of our planes are conventionally there against 800 of the enemy in total, this is a bit of a parity, well... i was just talking about the kupyan region, the enemy is transferring units to kupyanchi, the enemy is really concentrating, well, we say that in general, without revealing any details, he is concentrating on trying to take kupyansk, putin really needs a victory, we understand very well for the elections, if not avdiyivka, then why not kup yansk, and how serious is the threat to kharkiv it remains, the enemy is also withdrawing, overturning armored vehicles and tanks, well, at least in the kupyan direction, it was said that up to 500 large tanks were overturned by the enemy there. such an armored fist, let's say so , well, yes, the information is confirmed, small successes, let's say, where they had a week ago in the area of ​​the krakhmalne settlement, where they managed to advance, and they are trying to develop there, develop this, let's say, success and they throw tanks into battle, well,
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there is information that it is the so-called taman the division that got nuts under the raisins last... year, well, on the 22nd, when it was, there was a counterattack that was very painful for them, and they suffered heavy losses and simply, let's say, shameful losses, we won many trophies , so now this first tank army and the taman division are trying to advance in the krakhmalnoye area, what will come of it, well, let's see, our guys are fighting about what our troops are doing, well, what can you say... bc is there, they are fighting back, there is a counter-battery fight, if there were any, let's say the conversations there somewhere at the end of last month, that there is a very serious shortage, there is not enough ammunition and the artillery is not responding, now it has become a little better , and that is why there are fierce battles, the artillery of mlrs, all
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mlrs, all this works, and well, in general, well, how am i i feel that the situation is difficult, there will be such... thank you very much, mr. bohdan, thank you for your comments, bohdan tychuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, we briefly talked about the situation in kharkiv oblast, for today there is still the situation in kherson oblast, then, later we will talk about internal - certain political issues with volodymyr omilyan, but now oleksandr tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, good evening, it's another sad day for kherson, the enemy has hit the city. well, they covered it with fire, they had information about four dead people, has the situation changed, information as of now, and in general, please tell us about today's attack on kherson. indeed , today is another difficult day for kherson, around 12 o'clock the russians hit the coastal part of the central district, ah,
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received a report about a car catching fire, then after extinguishing it, firefighters and rescuers found two bodies of men in the car, whose car caught fire as a result of being hit. projectile, what exactly caused the death itself, whether people died from the fire or from injuries, is still unknown, and also another report was received in the same area that a 66-year-old woman died, then another report that a 60-year-old man died and about... a 27-year-old boy who was wounded, precisely those four people who died from the 12th to two o'clock in the afternoon, and one guy is wounded,
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there are also reports that tyaginka is being shelled, the tyaginka community, houses are being destroyed, there are reports that there may be people under the rubble, but now... so far, they can't, they can't rescuers should go there, because the shelling continues , and yes, that is, it continues only with a lower intensity or not, well, how can i say, look, we seem to have a decrease in the number of shells, but well, if we talk about the last two days, but here we can show how one projectile can to take the lives of almost three people, that's how... it has decreased, but the enemy is hitting in clusters, well, in the populated part of kherson, where people live, of course, people die, people
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are injured, well, in principle, all over along the entire coast, where people remain, the enemy is purposefully hitting e houses, then basically the enemy chooses targets, is it the coastal areas of kherson, or not only? not only, unfortunately , he... so far, he can shell almost all of kherson, shoot at areas that are far from the coast, and there are also these cases, and we must, of course, continue to be careful, and when you hear explosions, you need to move, or to a siren, you need to go to a shelter, or hide there, lie down on the ground and under some concrete structures. well, after these shellings , part of kherson was left without electricity, was it possible to restore it? well, it wasn't after those shellings, before that there was shelling in
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the shipping area of ​​the island, the light was restored there, these shellings unfortunately only took people's lives, if you know, if you fix the electricity, you can return it to the people. life, unfortunately, is not possible. i read today that without the permission of kherson oblast of the military administration, more representatives of various volunteer movements, foreign foundations, organizations, cannot go to certain settlements where there is a danger to life, there are more than 30 such settlements in the list, this is obvious after the death of two french citizens, as a result of shelling, if i'm not mistaken, it was boryslav district, i could be wrong, i was there too. the ambassador of russia in france was summoned, in paris to the french, relevant authorities in order to give an explanation, but here is an explanation
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understand, isn't this rule too late that you can't drive without a permit, without notifying, and even if there is a permit, there is no guarantee that at the moment when you will drive, relatively speaking, something will not fly and no protection that would even be provided to you, it is unlikely that it will save you from the fact that in ... way they can drop, relatively speaking, ammunition from a drone, please, yes, well here , of course, it will not protect from everything, but it must be understood that if there is a permit or escort, including the escort of law enforcement agencies, if there is a permit, then law enforcement officers have information about the activity of drones, there, if shelling begins, they can lead people to shelter. this makes it less likely that people will die, especially if we talk about these french volunteers who died there. no
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, as you said , the ambassador's explanation will be known there, but there is a targeted attack by a drone, they saw perfectly well where this drone was flying in the kamikaze, and here, of course, this crime was deliberately committed, as to what, well, is this norm necessary, the question here is simply what exactly... these volunteers stopped by, said that they had an agreement with someone from the local people, they were let through, and here it is necessary that someone should be responsible for this after all, should treat it more responsibly, because people, who drive around boryslav, this happened in boryslav, which settlement is almost
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completely destroyed there. and the shelling, the cabs that are constantly flying in, these people may not understand that the cabs are flying, or there is some kind of shelling going on, some dangers, so they must go through some kind of, apparently, primary briefing, something, how to behave, what should be done , well, there is probably logic in this, well, i will ask, there is such a thing... a list from the first place there to the next of the regions that submitted requests for the search of people, so here is kherson region now in ukraine, it is in the third place in terms of these requests regarding the search for people, in the second place is kharkiv oblast, but in the first place, i don't remember which region, well, i think that region is there, how serious is it really, well, even here this is a serious problem, who should deal with it in terms of searching for people,
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is such... work being done to understand where this person went, does it only concern people from the occupied territories, or also from people who are already de-occupied territories of the kherson region, please, well, i think that in most cases it is precisely the occupied territory , unfortunately, we can't search for people there, and that's probably why there are a lot of requests, because if people on the left bank can't, don't get in touch or have lost contact with relatives on the right bank. then , of course, the relatives on the right bank do not know what to do and probably send requests in order to that it might help, the relevant authorities helped, there is probably nothing strange here, because it is baga, as much as 60, almost 70% of the kherson region is occupied, and people had relatives, as
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usual. there are people who in kherson have many relatives on the left bank, well, in principle, on the right bank they constantly communicated with the left bank and moved, lived both there and there. thank you very much for joining, take care. oleksandr telokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration. the enemy shelled kherson today, unfortunately, four people were killed another enemy shelling, now i am adding to the conversation volodymyr omelyan, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, a diplomat, ex. head of the ministry of infrastructure of ukraine. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. vasyl, good evening. i'll start with such hot political news, well, maybe there's nothing to talk about yet, but as a fact, minister of veterans affairs laputina submitted her resignation. i can already see in the comments that people are writing that tyshchenko will no doubt appoint something now. in your opinion, this is a political move or is it common practice, a person for one
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reason or another could decide. cannot hold this position, please, well, look, we have had a very wrong practice for the last five years, when the president simply invited an unwilling official, or an official who was already compromised to the limit, to his office, or someone on his behalf , and told him to write a resignation letter, and then this official disappeared to nowhere, from where he appeared, the only one who broke this practice is the main one. commander zaluzhny, who, despite pressure from the president's office, voluntarily refuses draw up his powers, appealing to the fact that this is a personal decision of the supreme commander-in-chief of the president of ukraine, and if he can argue with this society, explain and guarantee the result, then he is absolutely able to do it, and the public will react accordingly. well, regarding zaludzhny's resignation, this story actually continues in an interview with an italian
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broadcaster. a1, president of ukraine volodymyr zlenskyi said.


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