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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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well, look, in the last five years, we have developed a very wrong practice, when the president simply invited an objectionable official, or an official who was already compromised to the limit, to his office, or someone on his behalf, and told him to write a resignation letter, and then this official disappeared to nowhere, from where he appeared, the only one who broke this practice is commander-in-chief zaluzhny, who, despite... from the office of the president , refuses to voluntarily surrender his powers, appealing to the fact that this is a personal decision of the supreme the commander-in-chief of the president of ukraine, and if he can argue with this society, explain and guarantee the result, then he is absolutely capable of doing it, and the public will react accordingly, well, as for the resignation of the valiant, this story actually continues, in an interview with the italian broadcaster rai -1, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zlensky, said: that is how he intends
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to change certain people in the administration, well, he said the leaders of the country, but let it be state-level managers, let's say this, more or less correctly, and as far as they can there will be large-scale reshuffles, or is this all just a smokescreen for the main resignation, which i understand that the presidents of the office want to resign, and again, why does this communication take place outside the borders of ukraine and with the western media, and the ukrainian media, the ukrainian community has only to settle for... well, actually, this is a question that taxpayers and ukrainian citizens should ask, why do we throw away so much money on a single toll-free phone, when the president reports the main news of the country in foreign media mass information. secondly, everything that good zelensky could do in the past 5 years, he has already done and shown, i do not think that he can surprise us with anything, and what...
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he does not have, to replace zaluzhny, eisenhower or some powerful montgomery, there are other powerful generals of the era, or even of modern times, this will be another no-name who will simply blindly fulfill all the wishes of the supreme commander-in-chief, but this is an extremely dangerous story, because if before we played unconditionally with the pandemic, the economy. by mass media rights, then now it's about weighing the country, and a mistake on the battlefield can cost us very dearly, and the supreme commander-in-chief has already made a lot of such mistakes, starting with the fact of ignoring the inevitable war, the lack of preparation and, let's say, unclear recommendations that he gave during the war campaign , i think it will also be known to the general public, and it will be one of the subjects of the trial. well, today
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valery zaluzhny was supported, well, not directly, but vitaliy klitschko, the mayor of kyiv, supported him , he said that politics should not to prevail in such decisions, is it possible to talk about the fact that a group of politicians, influential in positions, not just politicians without positions, will be formed, who will support zaluzhno, and again, whether it is support for a diligent person, or it is support for a healthy makes sense in this case, well, today... and the bbc came out with an equally interesting headline that president zelensky is pushing the hard-working into politics, that's not what you should be doing during a war, but what happens happens, and there is an alternative, despite the fact that that for 5 years we were told that there were alternatives the current president is not there, she appeared, and it is certain that all healthy forces, forces that see the future of a successful ukraine. ukraine,
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which wants to win and can win, which is able to develop, will rally around the hard-working, this is already a fact, and which does not need any proofs or questions. well, and here is another important issue that general zaluzhny insisted on, in general, which is already overdue, this is the law on mobilization, there are already various rumors, well, not rumors, but such conjectures of people who draw forecasts, i heard that the president did not wants to take for this law about mobilization, there are certain comments, i will not say criticism, comments from representatives of various factions, there are comments from business, there are many comments on the bill that was submitted to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it should be considered, in your opinion, when it can be adopted, and again, who will be responsible for this, because in any case , the most ideal law, someone will not like it, but again, 500 thousand still need to be clothed, provided, now we see that even those...
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troops that are, not secured, well, let's say projectiles, and again, it's no fault of ours, we fully understand that, well , look, the presidential team did everything possible to thwart the state defense order. in the previous years before the great war, they succeeded, they did everything to ignore the direct, direct information of our allies that the war was coming, they did everything to put an alkaline stick in the wheels during counterattacks, and they did everything to disrupt mobilization of ukraine. the mobilization was to begin with the new law, the old law, but in full scale at the end of 2022. it has been dragged out until the end of 2023 and no decision has been approved, no matter what we imagine, but nevertheless, mobilization will not be avoided, and the war will end only with the victory of ukraine, there is no alternative to this. the only difference is, if zelensky makes
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a fool of himself, you see, he didn’t say that the hard-working will fire zelensky, and zelensky will fire the hard-working, then, let’s say,... so the responsibility for the military sphere falls exclusively on him, surprisingly, he won’t be able to create , in spite of all the injuries he suffered say his associates, who are simply profiting from it. and finally, i want you to translate into human language, not the language of diplomacy, the statement of the national security adviser, the president of the united states of america, jake sullivan, who said that the resignation of a meritorious person is a question, an incredible resignation of a meritorious person, is a question of the ukrainian authorities , and here we will not influence it in any way. someone remembered from knowledgeable people that they spoke in a similar way about certain decisions in the leadership of afghanistan, even before the united states troops left there states of america, well, but then the troops came out. what saliva is implying is that it is actually your decision and your responsibility, then don't ask us for
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something or wait for help, be responsible for the decision that is yours and you can make it. that's right, it's deciphered. it's very simple, guys, we asked you several times not to touch the poor, to help, not hinder the armed forces of ukraine and to work for victory. you did not listen to us, you approve of your own decision, you are fully responsible for it, we already know the result. well, i will ask one last question, the situation at the front is difficult, now the enemy is gathering forces in avdiivka in the kupyan direction, well, the situation in the kherson direction and zaporizhzhia is no less difficult, but we know that the enemy... is very eager for some kind of victories before putin's elections there or avdiyivka or kupyansk and again some negative development of events, we understand that we are dependent now on shells, on other ammunition, our troops there are brigades 116, 72, 47, 101, if 110, they fight heroically
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let's say about the avdiiv direction, we understand that the right ammunition is needed and the situation can develop in different ways, again, who will bear the responsibility here, because the suspicion is creeping in that well... the responsibility will be blamed on someone, i would not like it very much, well, plus, because of this , our soldiers are dying every day where they might not die if there were enough ammunition, well, look, the situation is obvious, if the armed forces of ukraine do not have enough people, there will not be enough resources of firearms plus bc for them , everything will go well a negative scenario, we had it in history, so i strongly advise against repeating it, because let's say we sit like this. in prague, in warsaw or in munich, even in london, and to tell who is more guilty or less guilty is a very, let's say, ineffective story for millions of those ukrainians who will again find themselves under occupation, by the way, millions are still under occupation, and 26% of the territories are still occupied, this
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is what zelensky himself claimed in his last interview, so something should be done about it, and not be engaged in political games, when someone thinks that war is far away and it is possible steal and lie, this is a very false impression, they will dispel very quickly. well, yes, indeed, even if you imagine a quick throw by large forces from the north through the rivne region to lviv, it’s not far, yes, if you look at the map, well, in principle, everything is very far, and really, i, i, i would , i would not like to scare our viewers, the situation is not really that catastrophic, but it is about the medium term, because the russians will also fight to the end. it is important to us that this is their end and ours victory, on the contrary. but as of today , rivne region is definitely not threatened by anything, however, the threat is very serious to the eastern -southern direction, if it continues to develop, then other regions of ukraine will also fall under the massive attack of the advancing russian forces. thank you very much for the objective statements, let's put it this way, it is very important.
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volodymyryan, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, diplomat, former minister of infrastructure of ukraine. well, let me remind you that you see that the story is spreading, the minister of veteran affairs, yulila putina, has resigned. we we will watch the development of this story, whether everything here is so clear or not so clear, the situation at the front is basically clear, either you or you, and of course we support the armed forces so that they beat the enemy, but how... the situation mainly in avdiivskyi serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency, will talk about the direction and not only about it. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our audience. today, in our one column, we will talk about the fact that the netherlands promises ukraine a larger amount f-16 aircraft, about the statement of the commander of the armed forces of the armed forces that these aircraft will be equipped with new missile weapons, about the loss of enemy equipment near avdiivka and about the dynamics of actions, really around this extremely hot point in the conversation. with our military about that in a moment. i'll start with positive aviation
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news: the ministry of defense of the netherlands is increasing the number of f-16 fighters that will be transferred to ukraine. the ministry of defense of this country announced today that there will be six more of them. thus the total number of aircraft that... the netherlands transferred to ukraine is 24 machines, and another 18 f-16s are transferred by the netherlands to a new training center in romania, where our pilots will be trained, so that in fact all 42 f-16 aircraft are transferred by the netherlands to strengthen the air potential of ukraine. and just today, the optimistic statement of the commander of the joint forces command of the armed forces of ukraine , lieutenant general serhiy naev, was heard. who said that in further packages of military aid, ukraine expects f-16 aircraft and
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missiles with a range of 300-500 km. of course, it is a little strange that it is naiv is talking about planes, not the command of the air forces, but at the same time, it is worth noting that the wording of lieutenant general naev that we will receive planes and missiles with a range of 3-500 km can be interpreted in different ways, because... on the one hand it can be separate planes, and separate missiles, in particular the same atkams with a range of up to 300 km or the scalp or storm shadow missiles, but in fact , one would like to hope that the acquisition of new missiles for the f-16, namely tactical winglets, is quite likely american-made hgm-158 gsm missiles, in fact, now we can see airplanes, and these missiles, which have long been used in... the forces of the united states, have a range of 370 km, and newer versions have
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a range of even up to 900 km, that is, in fact, these missiles will significantly affect the nature of hostilities on the battlefield, but it is important that the planes are transferred as soon as possible, the pilots are trained, the infrastructure is provided, so that our military can effectively use these planes on the battlefield. and then we will talk about the situation on the front line, where we do not have it yet dominance in the air, where the enemy maintains an advantage in manpower and where everything rests mainly on the courage of our soldiers, and here avdiivka remains the most intense section of the front. in general, 31 attacks were repelled around avdiyvka yesterday, today it is about 44, i think that this dynamic will continue to be extraordinary. on high, and here i will still mention the statistics of enemy losses, because british intelligence says that the enemy
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has already lost 25,000 personnel in this area , but there are even statistics on the loss of enemy equipment, in particular, in the fall , analysts calculated that from october 9 to february 2, the enemy lost 608 units of military equipment in this area, including tanks, bmps and other systems. 608, and ukraine lost 46, that is, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery, that is, 46 against 608, a ratio of 1:13 in favor of ukraine, but the enemy does not care about losses, and now the ukrainians are fighting with everything they have against the enemy, who has a repeated numerical advantage in equipment and people thrown into battle, what exactly... is happening in the avdiyiv direction, there the situation remains extremely difficult,
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there were reports that the enemy had pushed into the northern quarters of avdiivka itself, valery barabash denied the information in the morning, but in any case we understand that the advance of the enemy from the north of avdiivka, primarily towards this route, which provides logistical support for the entire avdiivka groups, this is extremely dangerous... the current trend of our military in this area is to repel the enemy's desire to advance, but we understand that along this semi-arc from north to south the enemy is trying to attack our defenses, and now each area remains extremely difficult, about what is happening, first of all, in one of the areas of the front near avdiyivka, we will now talk with our guest, and we are now joined by dmytro lazutkin, this is the head of the
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public relations service of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is now protecting the widow from the rooster. but a little higher than avdiivka itself above kovsokhim, there in the steppe zone. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. my greetings to each other. i would like to ask you details, because the impression is that now the main blow there, and the gravity of the enemy's operation, is moving, as it were, to the south of avdiyivka itself. and what about your site, because relatively speaking, it seems you had such a small pause for a couple of days, but i look at the information yesterday. today, it seems that the enemy has renewed attacks with armored vehicles precisely on your site in the steppe zone. what is happening right now where your brigade is holding the defense? indeed, the situation is difficult, and the enemy attacks, mostly in infantry groups, sometimes supported by armored vehicles infantry attacks, as well as artillery, including
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howitzer artillery, work on their planes, many fpv drones, many drops, including... night ones, but the line of combat in our area does not change practically and ours really hold the defense very firmly servicemen, it can also be noted that the vice is trying to grope somewhere weak and weak for the area on the perimeter of avdiyivskyi, so to speak, the perimeter, well , on the ardiyiv perimeter, so i will say. and that's why it's obvious somewhere to beat the logistics of others is making attempts in some places, our infantry is being destroyed so far, the equipment, if it appears, is also destroyed, but i will note once again that they mostly still attack, they are now small infantry groups again, they do not dare to launch the equipment, because there
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from the destroyed equipment in this area, that is, from the railway to the steppe, in the direction of berdachiv, there... practically, well, i don’t know, a whole cemetery, a whole cemetery of destroyed enemy equipment, there will soon be no more, how is it going to pass, well, i don’t exaggerating in fact, and many destroyed russian infantrymen, which they do not take away, so to speak, they walk either over the corpses or past them, and here is such a situation, the coke-chemical plant is holding, it is under the control of servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, but coffee is also thrown on it constantly. in a day there are a lot of cabal notes and a lot of enemy artillery works. mr. dmytro, does anyone have any information about this evening, what exactly is happening in the north of avdiyivka itself, what is there, who is controlling what, are there any changes there compared to yesterday? well, again, it's not a zone
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responsibility of our brigade, so it is not entirely correct for me to comment on this, i am only saying that, well, probably, after all , well, probably, we should not spread panic so much, even small tactical advances of a few hundred meters the enemy , they don’t talk about the fact that that’s all, the audio girl has already been surrendered, and they will seize her, no, our leadership is in control of the situation, and it remains in principle controlled, and if necessary, then somewhere will be involved and the reserves are motivated and powerful , therefore... i would look at the situation in dynamics, in development, and it seems to me that this is not the worst option, because i am convinced that we will see more bright, very powerful solutions, and avdiivka at the moment, as far as i understand, no one seems to be going to surrender, and what with the weather now, how does it affect, because
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i got the impression that as soon as the weather worsens, the effectiveness of the use of drones immediately decreases, there is less criticism. there is artillery, and the enemy tries to take advantage of such moments, it happened just as well in the north, sometimes it also happened in your areas front, as soon as the weather gets worse, they climb right away, is that true or not? well, of course, the drones that observe the areas of the battlefield, clearly, through the thick fog, often do not see these infantry whirlwinds, which are trying to move and move between plantings, between trees, these burned and try to get a foothold somewhere on the outskirts, for example, a steppe . it is clear that it is more difficult to see them, although still, still, aerial reconnaissance works as much as possible, plus eh... at a certain height it still happens there is sticking, frostbite , where the temperature is a little lower, this one is a little below zero, it makes work difficult, of course, and
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you can’t do anything about it here, because nature is not under our control yet, now it is snowing so much, there was also hail in the afternoon , well, the weather is like this, close to zero , it freezes a little at night, thaws during the day, it doesn’t pose any problems for their tracked machinery, the caterpillar moves, well, the wheeled machinery... more, more moves along landings or on roads, it’s easier for her, because the viscous soil of donbass is so, very, very sticky, and so to speak, there are certain problems here, but again, this is if we are talking about some kind of wheeled equipment, about the transport by which they transport its ammunition, often or manpower, but again, their bempeters, their tanks can move easily in this weather. mr. dmytro. you mentioned drones, now a number of brigades are changing staff structures and in some brigades, relatively speaking, companies of unmanned strike systems are becoming battalions, what
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are you doing with this, does this trend apply to you, or for now do you remain, well, in the usual staff structure? well, again, i think that it would be a mistake to talk directly about the staff structure of the brigade on the air, but it works for us. roto strike drones work effectively, there are a lot of videos of impressions and live power and equipment on the internet on the brigade’s social media pages, they really assembled such a good professional team, it ’s been a year today or yesterday, it seems a year, how they work, that is, the work is going on, well and as for scaling, increasing, well, now almost every battalion has its own f-posts such units, there are... work in this direction, i would also note that the importance of electronic warfare means should not be changed now, especially considering that the number of semi-drones in the enemy is not
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decreasing, but only increasing , i'm saying, night fpv drones, and rap means now play a decisive role in some places, they are used to cover equipment, and to cover logistics, and to cover infantry, well, that is, these are commonly known alleged things. but still they are always needed, they are always needed because they are save the lives of our defenders, and no matter how we talk about the balance of forces, about the balance of losses , but all the same, every ukrainian defends it, he is a hero, he is a patriot, and every enemy who trampled the beautiful, wonderful ukrainian land, well, about you can’t say that, so it’s clear that you want to save the lives of our infantrymen, mr. dmytro, by the way, there was a video, it seems like... yesterday or yesterday, when the drones of your brigade were destroying the enemy’s reb system, that is, they found an opportunity
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to pick up, just in time strike at the enemy's rebov system, and you mentioned that the enemy has an increasing number of unmanned strike systems, that we have, is there a positive dynamic, because everyone is talking about the fact that there is a significant lack of artillery now, especially in avdiivsk. direction is decided by drones, is there any indication that there is a proportional or some sort of increase in the amount of half-drones your units get? well, let's say , now we can talk about a conditional balance, somewhere, if we compare ours like that opportunities, and in terms of hits, in terms of the skill of the pilots, it seems to me that our boys and girls have a certain advantage, but here... still, i would remind and emphasize , even more precisely, the fact that it is a half-drone, despite the fact that these modern means of destruction
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are very necessary and for which the future is clear, all the same, they will not completely replace artillery by 100%, therefore more shells are needed, and more are needed, it is clear that there are half-drones, there is never enough of them, taking into account that , that the number of occupiers is huge, here are our infantrymen, they are mine they said that they were surprised that... one wave went, they destroyed it, another wave went , they destroyed it, that is, they are stimulated there, so to speak, under the fear of death, and often they also use psychotropic substances, well, these are generally known facts , and found syringes in their trenches, our guys, there were a lot of such things, but less than that, they go and go and go, and therefore, accordingly, accordingly, a lot of weapons are needed and ammunition is needed a lot, and regarding ammunition, the use of artillery, yes. .. another, can we talk about the fact that there is parity with artillery, or does the enemy still have an advantage when we talk about artillery, about the use of mortars, there and large-
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caliber artillery there? our mortars and grenade launchers work very effectively, it should also be noted, but if we talk about the hawks, the hawks artillery, well, they use shells in such a way that there is a feeling that they definitely do not have a shortage of them, because they work in planes, sometimes not aimed at all, but simply in order, so to speak, to embarrass, prevent one from concentrating and so on, there is and there is such and such. and we are waiting, of course, for support from our western partners, we are waiting for them, aware of the situation on the front, not to hurry, but to act as decisively as possible and continue to support ukraine. and when we talk about logistics, this route of orlivka, lastochkina, avdiyivka, this direction, the enemy probably has such, well, in a certain priority,
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to inflict. fire strikes along this route, what is actually going on, are there any logistical problems, or all these risks, are somehow compensated in other ways so that our units are provided with everything they need? well, the track has been shot at and shot at for quite some time, and if the enemy advances closer to the track, and if he has the opportunity even there for some small tactical, some even minimal success , it is still a situation. it will get worse, of course, so i will not allow it to be done, this is the task facing the defense forces, er, so , i will say this, evacuation is carried out, supplies are carried out, but it, well, it is difficult to name it absolutely safe, yes, because once again it is shot at by mortars and artillery, and road cabins fall, recently a video appeared of a car just driving and it explodes nearby, well, it is clear that in
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such conditions everything is... more difficult , it is more difficult to evacuate the locals, although, in my opinion, well, after all, everyone who wanted, everyone who had the desire, should have left a long time ago, well, somehow, but when we talk about evacuation there or the use of this logistics route is the main one, it is carried out at night, because as we understand, less is possible risks, or at different times of the day, well, again, let's not give hints to the occupiers, because... 50% of the information they take from open sources, it's clear that here, for example, the same fog can help, right, i.e. if, if the enemy does not see from the sky from their scouts, their arlans or the hall there, or that they are there superkams that they launch into the sky, if they do not see the road, then of course it is better to carry out certain logistical movements along this road , and mr. dmitry, let me ask you again
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about... bradley, because there were many plots, where the faces of the mechanic, the bradley driver, and the cameraman, the commander are already known, where they told how they destroyed russian tanks, this gunner, in order to be rewarded, mentioned that he would like to go on vacation, do you know if they sent this guy on vacation, whose is still fighting, well , now, i won't say now, because there will be many people in the brigade... and everyone's vacation schedule is difficult to track, we all dream of a vacation, in fact, because, well, now there is such an opportunity, supposedly many servicemen have, but then again we supposedly have a lot of bradley crews, but bradleys are now on round-the-clock duty, they are very active, they are very necessary, they save our pigotians who are in the trenches during enemy attacks, so here it is... er, so
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to speak the situation is such that it supposedly implies the importance of direct participation in hostilities, although the guys have the opportunity to rest too, sometimes, obviously, well, but it depends on their commanders. mr. dmitry, thank you very much for the explanation, for what you do for our country, for our defense, i will remind our viewers that it was dmytro lazutkin, the head of the public relations service of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is currently defending avdiivka, that was the main military emphasis of that day, and more international and economic news further in vasyl zima's great broadcast. these were the military results of the day with serhii zgurets, and i thank him and thank his guest. good evening, we are from ukraine.


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