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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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tobi 96% yes, 4% no, continue to vote, because then we will continue our work in 15 minutes. vitaly kulyk, ihor riterovych and serhii taran will be on the air of our tv channel. don't switch. anti-war candidate or sparring partner for putin. popular in russia. recruits opposition politician boris nadezhdin. will he be allowed to participate in the presidential elections of russia? let's talk about it today. this is bbc ukraine, i'm olga polomaryuk. he calls himself putin's rival and says he wants to end the war in ukraine. who is boris nadishnin, how convincing is he a critic of the russian government and whether the kremlin would dare to allow him to participate in the elections. and
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the very beginning of the news that just arrived from buckingham palace, king charles was diagnosed with cancer. he will continue to perform public duties, but will withdraw from public activities during treatment. a palace statement said the king was positive about his treatment and was looking forward to returning to work. the palace did not specify what type of oncology it is, but emphasized that it is not. prostate, the king was discharged from the hospital last week after surgery on the prostate gland, a condition described by the palace as benign. well, look for more about it on our page. i return to the topic of this issue. already in march , presidential elections will be held in russia. the list of candidates has not yet been finalized, but there is a person in this list who is currently attracting attention far beyond the borders of russia. and no, this is not
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vladimir putin, who will run for office in the fifth term, this is, as he calls himself, a principled opponent of putin's policy, boris nadezhdin, who is he and what about do you need to know him? nadezhdyn, 60 years old, he is a politician with experience, in the late 90s he worked as an adviser to politician boris nimtsov, who was killed in 2015. later, he became an adviser to the current curator of russian domestic policy. the first deputy head of the administration of the president of russia serhii kirienko, then he was the prime minister. in recent years, nadezhnin has been a frequent guest of various talk shows on russian federal channels. at the end of october 2023, nadezhny stressed that he was running for president of russia. among all the candidates , he was the only one to speak out against the war in ukraine, although he called it svo, and nadezhdin called the decision to start military operations a fatal mistake, which... leads russia to disaster.
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well, for now nadezhdin's fate as a presidential candidate is unknown, and whether he will be allowed to run for the elections remains a question, because even though more than 200,000 signatures were collected for his nomination, out of the required 100,000. the working group of the central electoral commission of russia stated: 15% of signature letters are defective, as if there are so-called dead souls in the lists. nadezhdin himself rejects it, and his lawyers are currently preparing.
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returned to russia abroad. when the special military operation just started in february 2022, many people supported it, a lot, because we had propaganda for many years, for 10 hours every day, explaining to the russians that the ukrainian government was captured by the nazis, fascists, bandera people, and so on. and many people really thought so. at the very beginning, only about 15-20% were against this operation from the beginning, just like me. but now the situation has radically changed, because after almost two years, many people understand that life in russia has become more difficult, v there are fewer and fewer products and medicines in stores, prices are rising and many people are dying. my first task will be to stop the conflict with ukraine, then resume it. normal relations between
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russia and the western world, including the united states of america, great britain, germany, france, the entire european community, and then i have to rebuild normal institutions. normal elections, normal parliament and, by the way, freedom of speech in russia, free media. i am not sure that i will win the election this time, but i am absolutely convinced that putin will not will rule russia for another six years. therefore , more and more people understand every day that he is leading russia along the path of militarism and authoritarianism, along the path of isolation. this path destroyed the russian empire in 1917. this path destroyed the soviet union in 1991. and more and more people understand that we have to get off this road and onto the road that leads to a normal life. and how nadezhnin is perceived as a candidate in the kremlin and outside it, we talk about it with the editor of the russia department of the bbc monitoring service, vitaly shevchenko joins
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us. vitaliy, congratulations, you are watching the course of the election campaign in russia, but in a minute we will see how putin was nominated. and how can you describe when and how the phenomenon of nadezhdin arose, that is why, in general, socially passive citizens of russia stood in queues, long queues, to sign his candidacy, they stood, that's how it was, but everything related to the elections, of the election campaign, the center of the election committee of russia, and mr. nadezhdin mentioned there, the parliament and so on, i want to use these words in quotation marks, because... because everything that happens around this in russia, it happens with for the reason that it is allowed, yes, it is the kremlin or vladimir vladimirovich putin personally allowed it, the kremlin controls everything so closely that it would be, well, naive to believe that if
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even boris nadezhdina is allowed to take part in this, that he will win, or even, well, he will do something. difference, there will be some influence on what is happening in russian society, because a normal election campaign will not be what a real candidate could say in a real election race, the russians will not hear that either, and the meaning of all this such that, well, first of all, it is necessary to create an illusion, such, you know, a performance that resembles... democracy, because there are very few authoritarian leaders, they can say that i am a dictator, yes, most of them want to create such an illusion , that we are democrats, and secondly, and this is the very main reason why
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many russians stood in lines to leave a signature for nadezhdin, it allows, well, to let off steam, it allows somehow... to express some kind of symbolic dissatisfaction, but many russians have lost their husbands, brothers, acquaintances in what they call svo, and well, some kind of dissatisfaction is growing, and in order to somehow let it out, ah, in this way, this dissatisfaction, which will not threaten the kremlin, it can and eh, that is why they allowed her... to take part in all this , and those oppositionists who really created a real danger for vladimir putin, they are either sitting in prison in a prison like alexei navalny, or lying in a grave like
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boris nimtsov. yes, thank you, vitaliy, i'm not saying goodbye, there are many experts nowadays. that boris nadezhdin is a candidate approved by the kremlin, that is a kind of sparring partner for putin, although the politician himself categorically rejects it, says that he did not agree on his nomination with anyone. and what about the kremlin, whether such an opposition figure as nadezhdin will be able to shake putin's rating. bbc correspondent steve rosenberg attended putin's campaign meeting in moscow. vladimir putin was almost guaranteed a standing ovation. ardents gathered in this hall. supporters who want to see him as president of russia again. we were allowed to attend this campaign event, at which putin decided to raise the topic of the il-76 plane crash. for him said the plane was shot down by a missile made in the united states. the ukrainian authorities
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have indicated that they want to conduct an international investigation into this issue. this is what we are asking for and insisting on an international investigation, but international organizations... at the event there were pop stars, cosmonauts and putin's entourage, and this was their chance not only to praise the russian president. stop rushing us, stop trying to destroy russia, stop trying to destroy russia. but the west is trying to destroy russia, and this is not the west invaded ukraine, it was russia that decided to attack ukraine. the west does not want bad relations with russia. so old and so naive, or you're lying, i think the idea of ​​this event and all
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the support from famous people is to show the world that putin is alone in his own league, putin's premier league, but you have to remember that this he controls it, it is his political system, his rules of the game, and the loudest critics of vladimir putin have long been either in exile or in prison. putin is not the only candidate in this election, but there are many believes that the kremlin itself provides the list of those candidates who will be swamped, so the probability that putin will remain in power for another term is almost inevitable. yes, and we continue the conversation, vitaly shevchenko joins the air again. vitaly, why does the kremlin need nadezhda, what is its role? i think that, both to vladimir putin and to the people. that surround him, well, it would just be, in some sense, it is not interesting to be the only such force and
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demonstrate to everyone - demonstrate and say that we are an authoritarian regime, we are a dictatorship, and we do what we want, eh, and there is such a concept that is not new at all and it has existed, it exists in many countries except russia, which is called managed democracy. that is, in these countries, democracy exists in the public domain, and it is managed because there are permitted parties, in russia it is called the systemic opposition, there are permitted candidates who allegedly take part in its so-called elections against its leader, who already holds this position , but they have no chance of winning these elections, and even many do not have the desire and such a goal to do so, and in russia there are already several candidates withdrew their candidacies in favor of
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vladimir vladimirovich putin. and if you want to look into the future, then i believe that neither boris nadezhdin nor other candidates who may be allowed to take part in these elections have any chance to win, or to hold it like this. such a campaign that will sink the idea into the public consciousness of russians that this is not a special military operation, this is a war, this is an unjust war, the kremlin simply will not allow this, the kremlin controls both the bodies that allow candidates to take part in the elections, and the media, and politicians and activists who could really create... a danger for the kremlin, they, well , this is already criminalized, it cannot be done, if you say something against the russian
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presence in ukraine, then you are already committing the crime of discrediting the armed forces forces of russia, and you will pay a very high price for this , that is, i would consider everything that is happening in russia now from the point of view that it is all a game that serves putin's hand, and it is happening in order to legitimize his presence on the kremlin throne. thank you for such an answer in the evening, vitaly shevchenko was in touch with us, thank you very much. well, that's all for today, see you tomorrow, as usual at 9:00 pm. all the best and take care.
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greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the verdict program, this is the second part of our program in this part. dismissal for a puddle. has the president made his decision and what does the long epic with the removal of the head of the armed forces show? the military is in politics, the rating of trust in the armed forces may... in the pre-election campaign, where zelenskyi's team is pushing the generals, not only the military leadership, the president announced the replacement of a number of high-ranking officials who will be rotated, we are working on several platforms at once, on the air of the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently
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watching us there, please put like this video, don't be stingy, because it will be trending on youtube and facebook, and take part in our survey, today we ask you about the following: are you satisfied with the work of the head of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhno? yes, no, everything is on youtube it's quite simple, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. if you are satisfied with the work of zaluzhny: 0800-211-381, no 0800 211 382. call. all. calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, they are the best political experts of ukraine. vitaly kulyk, director of the center for researching civil society problems, mr. vitaly, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. ihor reiterovych, head of political and legal programs
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ukrainian center for social development. mr. igor, good evening. good evening. thank you for being with us today. and taran, political scientist, mr. sergey, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. congratulations, mr. serhiy. well, since we are asking our viewers and tv viewers whether they are satisfied with the work of the head of the armed forces of ukraine, i will also ask you what you think about the work of the head of the army, but remember that we will have a separate conversation about this, and let's in the format of a blitz survey, so that everyone has time to speak very briefly about the work. good luck, sir vitaliy, please, well, i don’t have a clear answer, let’s say, if in the 22nd year i was absolutely happy that zaluzhny was the leader, then in the 23rd year i accumulated a lot of questions, but no longer about him and of his strategic decisions, how much to the organization of the defense and armed forces of ukraine in general, that is, how they function, what
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relations take place, how appointments are promoted, what happens in the general staff. what is happening at the level of individual commanders, it accumulated, accumulated, i did not receive an answer, therefore in i don't have an answer, it's clear how i feel. thank you, mr. vitaly, mr. igor, taking into account all available resources, circumstances and opportunities, my answer is definitely, so satisfied. thank you, mr. serhiy, well , i think the answer is obvious, the ukrainian armed forces are showing real miracles of courage, and of course, that person... who heads the armed forces, directly on the spot, he cannot but deserve trust, and this, by the way , are supported by various sociological surveys, and we now see that it is the zsu that has the largest trust in society, and a hard-working person has a sufficiently serious trust that can be transformed into a political rating, and actually a lot of problems of a different order are connected with this, but of course
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there is trust in this person, and not only in me, but and the whole society. meanwhile, in an interview with the italian tv company ray-1, president zelenskyy confirmed that he is considering the replacement of commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi, but also plans to rotate a number of the country's leaders. today , information appeared in the ukrainian press that verkhovny the commander-in-chief wants to change the head of the general staff, the chief of the general staff serhiy shaptala, and it is not known for sure when this rotation will take place, but in the evening... it became known that the minister of veterans affairs of ukraine yulia laputina, the major general of the sbu, a person who worked in the security service of ukraine for a very long time, so she wrote a resignation letter, although she was appointed in december of the 20th year, that is, she was in this position for more than three years,
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president zelenskyi in his evening address commented on this dismissal, listen. what did zelensky say? this morning, we discussed with prime minister denys shmyhal, the strengthening of the heroes' policy, the veterans' policy, steps that will solve existing problems in this area and give confidence to our people, steps to restart, and not only in this direction, with all due respect to ms. minister, this is a management issue only. ukraine needs... strength, fresh energy and sufficient leadership in every sphere. we must win this war and do the maximum this year, that is, even more than maybe. mr. igor, when zelenskyi talks about a complete reset, for some reason i think of these five or six
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managers who run the state, because actually, who else is running the state, when it comes to restarting the state leadership, i only i understand, well, the military leadership, of course, obeys the supreme commander, it is his constitutional right, the legal right to change them there and about... to introduce a certain rotation. personnel reboot, what can it be, in your opinion? well, i think this whole story, she still tied to one last name, and this last name is zaluzhny. and one gets the impression that these changes and the president's separate statement tonight, that we need effective managers in every area, a new vision, new approaches, new trends, i don't know, fresh blood, you can call it differently. pro-government telegram channels called it. a new course, a new wave, i saw such messages today, which they very actively pushed in the morning, in fact, it seems that simply in order to somehow furnish a possible
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personnel rotation, which is specifically related to the hard-working and possibly even the chief of the general staff, they decided to add to the list, i don't know, ministers there, maybe some other civil servants who are currently in the country, and present it as some kind of global such a change, a global rotation. which is not tied exclusively to the person of the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, well, at least i have, well, there is such a perception of all these processes, because when we look at the statement of the president, by the way, it is not a domestic media of them, let's say, you know, he was more frank than directly communicating with the citizens of ukraine tonight, so it all boils down to the fact that the president himself does not yet see how this should happen. well, the rotation, in principle, who can fall under it and on what principles should it be based, so it seems that they just took certain surnames, to whom there were some
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questions and decided to remove them all at once, well, maybe in certain stages , that we understand that there should be resignation of ministers the verkhovna rada will consider, including that the cabinet of ministers considers beforehand, with others it may be easier, but all this can be arranged in one day, i have no other explanations for today... because if we take, for example, a person , the head of it, well, the soon-to-be former , as i understand it, ministry of veterans, many people today probably learned with surprise that we even have a specialized ministry that should deal with our heroes, and it does not perform these functions at all, and it didn't happen today, the question has been piling up to him since the first day of its existence, but for some reason only now we see this statement and we see this staff rotation, so i don't think it will specifically affect the president's office there , maybe there are plans for some kind of reshuffle there, but not moreover , the cabinet of ministers and the military leadership of the country will be mainly affected, because, well, not everything
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boils down to meritocracy, if there are already some rotations, then most likely the president will do them according to the full program, i.e. change from the bottom to the top, to bring new people there, and present it as a maximum update, which is not personal, but is really such a comprehensive approach to those issues, well, problems that exist in the country today. mr. vitaly, why can’t president zelenskyi openly say what he wants, well, for example, i want the resignation of valery zaluzhnyi, he could say that, or i want a change of the entire block of army officers who manage the armed forces of ukraine, meaning the chief of the general staff, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, well, probably the commanders there are certain. er, by the armies, er, why, why was it such a long show, where at first someone
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throws information into the information space, then refutes it, then someone confirms it, then the western media write about it, everyone refers to the western media, then it turns out that in washington they knew about these intentions, that the president wanted to carry out a rotation. commander-in-chief, why, why are there no simple and clear explanations and simple and clear communication? well, colleagues actually answered this question, because mr. zaluzhnyi's rating is quite high and in some positions higher than the president's, this is firstly, secondly, the fact that there is no consensus not in the political class, not in the military command regarding the resignation of the commander-in-chief, the president would prefer to transfer this responsibility. somewhere for a collective decision, stakes, security councils, but even there among the security forces he does not receive unequivocal support, that is, people are not ready
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to subscribe to such decisions, have you heard these rumors? about the need for signatures and that an address of the military command is allegedly being prepared about the need to replace the rotation, but even this did not happen, that is, there is no unambiguous collective, collective form of replacement of the leadership of the military leadership, therefore the president goes along the path of such an increase in the framework, talks about the need for a large rotation, hence this idea about a new the course is personnel, but in fact, who can be dismissed now, who can be replaced, talks about the prime minister, but then we have to say that the quality of the cabinet of ministers must change, that it must be an actor who makes collective decisions, that it it is impossible to manage this cabinet of ministers in a manual mode then, as is happening with the government now, we are already talking about a dak, we have had mr. shmagal for almost four years...
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prime minister, but if you give people two photo cards of shmygal and charles michel, it is not a fact that they recognize our prime minister, that is, the government is, but it is a banking government, zelenskyi's government, which is managed manually, and the ministers who are appointed to this government, this is also the responsibility of the bank, and now that they talk about a new course, about a big rotation, well, it really looks quite funny, since we are really talking about zaluzhnyi, only about him, everyone else is being pulled up with... a flail, although i want to note that there has been enough talk about the need for replacement in the cabinet of ministers in many positions, including the minister of veterans for a long time, during the last quarter, these names appear in the public sphere, as - as part of criticism from the civil society to individual ministers, regarding their activities, that they do not manage proactive policy,
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there is no... dark or there is a systemic crisis in these bodies, it concerns the ministry of internal affairs, because there i believe that the collapse of the system is taking place after the death of monastyrskyi, and now it is already taking on some catastrophic proportions, and it is possible that now they will just approach the idea of ​​appointing a new minister to head the ministry of internal affairs, but zelensky's reserve bench is so large, that is, it can be a transfer from one security officer, from one place to another, and not the arrival of some... another team, so the new course - this is feminism, but it does not have any real meaning, it is more of a form , that is, a hard worker, plus someone else, let's add to the list for dismissal, in fact, the quality will not change, not in the management of the armed forces, and not in the management of the cabinet of ministers or bodies authorities, and in addition to the fact that they can clean up a whole list of heads of military-civilian administrations and regional
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state administrations in the provinces, that's it... most likely it also goes by trailer, because there are questions for individual heads of regions, there are questions to the front-line areas, where there are no delays in many social projects, provision, inadequate behavior, inadequate communication, that is, such a package can be passed, but regarding the prime minister, i think that the nabanks are still thinking, because the appointment of a new prime minister the prime minister and also... certain political obligations, well, this is a risky step for the bank. thank you, mr. serhiy, all power is now in principle concentrated in the hands of five or six managers, and volodymyr zelenskyi says this directly. it is clear that in the history of meritorious, here the simple procedure and dismissal and in general the reaction to this dismissal can be in the army and in society. in... in
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the variations of changing the prime minister or ministers, i think it will be easier, because i have been engaged in political journalism for 30 years, but i do not even know all the ministers by their first and last names, well, honestly, i think that you probably won't say who the minister of ecology is now in ukraine, or the minister of social policy, because these people are so invisible, it's not clear what they do, they don't report to citizens on... publicly, they do not report to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i.e. this concentration of power that zelenskyi currently has, it may allow him to replace the lieutenant and chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, regarding other rotations that may take place in ukraine, as far as they can change the situation, make it worse, improve the history of these five or six managers
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of zelensky, and maybe he and these five or six... er, or six managers from...


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