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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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the presidential team did everything possible to disrupt the national defense order in the years before the great war, they succeeded, they did everything to ignore direct, direct information from our allies that war was coming, they did everything to put a stick in the wheels under the time of counterattacks, and they did everything to disrupt the mobilization of ukraine. the mobilization was to begin with the new law, the old law, but complete. headquarters at the end of 2022, it has been extended to the end of 2023, and no decision has been approved, no matter what imagined, but nevertheless, mobilization cannot be avoided, and the war will end only with the victory of ukraine, there is no alternative to this, the only difference is if zelenskyi does such a stupid thing, you see, he said that the diligent will release zelenskyi, and zelenskyi will release...
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that’s all, let's say this, the responsibility for the military sphere falls exclusively on him, it's a wonder he won't be able to create it despite all the wundavaf that his associates tell him, who are just profiting from it, and for the main thing, i want you to translate it into the language in human, and not in the language of diplomacy, the statement of the national security adviser to the president of the united states of america, jake sullivan, who said that the resignation of a meritorious person is an incredible resignation. zaluzhny, this is a matter of the ukrainian authorities, and here we will not influence it in any way. someone remembered from knowledgeable people that they spoke in a similar way about certain decisions in the leadership of afghanistan, even before the troops of the united states of america left there, well, but then the troops also left. what does saliva allude to, that in fact, it is your decision and your responsibility, then do not ask us for something, or do not wait for help, be responsible for the decision that is yours, and you his. can you accept that's right, it
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is deciphered very simply: guys, we have asked you several times not to touch the hard-working, to help, not hinder, the armed forces of ukraine and to work for victory. you did not listen to us, you approve of your own decision, you are fully responsible for it. we already know the result. well, i will ask one last question, the difficult situation at the front right now the enemy is accumulating forces in the yevdiivka area in the kupyansk direction. well, the situation in kherson is no less difficult. who is the direction and in zaporizhzhia, but we know that the enemy is very eager for some kind of victory before putin's elections, there is either avdiyivka or kupianska, again, some kind of negative development of events, we understand that we are now dependent on shells, on others ammunition, our troops are there, brigades 116, 72, 47, 101, if not 110, they are fighting heroically, let's say about the avdiiv direction, we understand that we need the right shells and the situation can develop in different ways. again
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who will bear the responsibility here , because the suspicion is creeping in that, well, once again the responsibility will be passed on to someone, i would really not like it, well, plus, because of this , our soldiers are dying every day where they might not die, if it were enough ammunition, well, look, the situation is obvious, if the armed forces of ukraine do not have enough people, there will not be enough resources, firearms, plus bc for them, everything will go according to a negative scenario, it happened in our history. so i strongly advise against repeating it, because, let's say, sitting in prague, in warsaw or in munich, even in london, and telling who is more guilty or less guilty, this is a very, let's say, ineffective story for millions of those ukrainians who will find themselves under occupation again, by the way , millions are still under occupation, and 26% of the territories are still occupied, this is what zelensky himself claimed in his last interview, so something must be done about it, and not engage in political games.
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when someone thinks that the war is far away and you can steal and lie, this is a very wrong impression, it will disperse very quickly , well, really, even if you imagine a quick throw by large forces from the north through the rivne region to lviv, it’s still not far, so if you look at the map, well, in principle, everything is very far and really, i i would i i don't want to scare our viewers, in fact the situation is not so catastrophic, but it is about the medium term, because the russians will also fight until the end. it is important for us that this is their end and our victory, and not the other way around, but as of today, rivne region is definitely not in danger, nevertheless, the threat is very serious to the eastern -southern direction, if it continues to develop, then other regions of ukraine will also come under a massive attack by the advancing russian forces. thank you very much for the objective statements, let's put it this way, it is very important. volodymyr mylyan, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, diplomat, ex -minister of infrastructure of ukraine, and let me remind you that you see that... this story, the minister of
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veterans affairs yulila putina resigned, well , we will watch the development of this story, is that all? here so clearly or not so clearly, on on the front, the situation is basically clear, either you or that... and of course we support the armed forces to beat the enemy, and serhiy zgurets, director of the defense agency, will talk about how the situation is developing mainly in the avdiiv direction and not only about that express. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. greetings to you, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our one section we will talk about the fact that the netherlands promises ukraine a larger number of f-16 aircraft, about the statement of the commander of the joint forces of the armed forces, that these aircraft will be with a new missile weapons, about the loss of enemy equipment near avdiiv. and the dynamics of action really around this extremely hot spot in talking to our military about that in a moment. i'll start with positive aviation news: the ministry
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of defense of the netherlands is increasing the number of f-16 fighters that will be transferred to ukraine. the ministry of defense of this country announced today that there will be them. six more, so the total number of aircraft that the netherlands is transferring to ukraine is 24 machines, and another 18 f-16s are being transferred by the netherlands to a new training center in romania, where our pilots will be trained, so that in fact all 42 f-16 aircraft are transferred to the netherlands to strengthen the air potential of ukraine. and just today , the commander's optimistic statement was heard. the command of the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine , lieutenant general serhii nayev, who said that in the future packages of military aid, ukraine is waiting for f-16 aircraft and missiles with a range of 300-500 km. of course, it is a little strange that it is naiv
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who is talking about planes, and not the air force command, but at the same time it is worth to note that the formulation of lieutenant general naev that we will receive planes and... missiles with a range of 300-500 km can be interpreted in different ways, because on the one hand it can be separate planes and separate missiles, in particular the same atkamsi with a range up to 300 km or scalp or stormshadow missiles, but in fact we want to hope that a fairly likely option is to receive new missiles for the f-16, namely the american-made hgm 158 gsm tactical cruise missile, which we can actually see now. planes, and these missiles, which have long been used in of the united states air force, have a range of 370 km, and newer versions have a range of even 900 km, that is, in fact, these missiles will significantly affect
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the nature of combat operations on the battlefield, but it is important that now the aircraft are transferred as soon as possible, the pilots are trained, the infrastructure is provided so that our military... could effectively use these aircraft on the battlefield, we will talk further about the situation on the front line, where we still do not have dominance in the air, where the enemy maintains an advantage in manpower and where everything rests mainly on the courage of our soldiers, and here avdiivka remains the most intense area of ​​the front, in total around avdiivka yesterday there were 31 attacks repelled, today. it is about 44, i think that this dynamic will continue to be extremely high, and here i will still mention the statistics of enemy losses, because british intelligence says that the enemy has already lost 25 thousand personnel in this area, but also there are even statistics on the loss of enemy equipment,
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in particular, syntalists calculated that out of 9 from october to february 2, the enemy lost 608 units in this area. of military equipment, these are tanks, bmps and other systems, including 608 artillery, and ukraine lost 46, this is tanks, bmps and artillery, that is, 46 against 608, the ratio is 1:13 in favor of ukraine, but the enemy does not care about losses, and now the ukrainians are fighting with everything they have against the enemy, who has a numerical advantage in ... equipment and people thrown into battle, what is happening right now in the avdiiv region, the situation there remains extremely difficult, there were reports that the enemy pushed into the northern quarters of avdiivka itself, valery barabash denied
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this information in the morning, but in any case , we understand that the enemy's advance from the north of avdiivka is primarily towards this route, which provides logistical. securing the entire avdiiv grouping , such a trend is extremely dangerous, now our military in this area repels the enemy's desire to advance, but we understand that along this... semi-arc from north to south, the enemy is trying to put pressure on our defenses, and now each section remains extremely difficult. we will now talk with our guest about what is happening, primarily in one of the areas of the front near avdiyivka, and we are now joined by dmytro lazutkin - he is the head of the public relations service of the 47th mechanized brigade, which is currently defending avdiyivka from the north. but a little higher than
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avdiivka itself above kovsokhim, there in the steppe zone. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. on a loan, i would like to ask you for details, because it seems that now the main blow is there and the gravity of the operation the enemy is moving to the south of avdiyivka itself, and what about your area, because, relatively speaking, you had such a small pause for a couple of days, but i look at the information from yesterday and today, it seems that the enemy has again renewed the attacks with weapons precisely on your area in steppe zone, what is happening right now where your brigade is holding the defense? indeed, the situation is difficult, and the enemy attacks mainly in infantry groups, sometimes supported by armored infantry attack equipment, as well as artillery and howitzer artillery works on the planes, they have a lot of fpv drones, a lot of drops, including night ones, but the line of combat collision
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in our area does not change practically and really decently, our servicemen are very steadfastly holding the defense, it can also be noted that vice is trying to grope somewhere the area on the avdiyiv perimeter is weak, so to speak... well, on the ardiy perimeter, so i will say, and therefore , obviously, somewhere to break the logistics in other places, attempts are being made, for now their infantry is being destroyed, the equipment, if it turns out is also destroyed, but i will note once again that they are mostly still attacking now again in small infantry groups, they do not dare to launch the equipment, because there, from the destroyed equipment in this area... from the railway to the steppe in the direction of berdychiv, there is practically , well, i don’t know, a whole cemetery
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, a whole cemetery of destroyed enemy equipment, there will soon be no more, how and where to drive, well, i’m not exaggerating really, and many destroyed russian infantrymen, whom they don’t take away, so to speak, walk or on the corpses, or past them, well, that's it, that's it the situation, the coke plant is holding, it is under the control of the armed forces. of ukraine, but there are also a lot of missile launches and a lot of enemy artillery work on it. mr. dmytro, is there any information about this evening, what exactly is happening in the north of avdiyivka itself, what is there, who is controlling what, are there any changes there compared to yesterday? well, again, this is not the area of ​​responsibility of our brigades. so it's not quite right for me to comment on it, me the only thing i will say is that, well
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, probably still, well, we probably shouldn’t spread panic so much, even small tactical advances to a few hundred meters of the enemy, they don’t talk about the fact that the whole of avdiivka has already been surrendered and they will capture it, no, our the management controls the situation and it remains in principle controlled, and if necessary, then somewhere ... reserves will be involved, motivated and powerful, so i would look at the situation in dynamics, in development, and it seems to me that this is not the worst option , because i am convinced, we will see more bright, very powerful solutions, and avdiivka at the moment, as far as i understand, no one is going to give up, but what about the weather now, how does it affect it, because i got the impression that as soon as the weather worsens, the effectiveness of the use of drones immediately decreases, artillery is used less, and at such moments the enemy
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tries to take advantage, it was just in the north, and sometimes it was also and and on your areas of the front, as soon as the weather worsens, they immediately climb, whether it is true or not, well, of course, the drones that monitor the areas of the battlefield, i'll take it through the thick fog, the eyes of the infantry cannot often be seen. the lids that are trying to move between plantings, between trees, these burnt ones and trying to get a foothold somewhere on the outskirts, for example, of the steppe, it is clear that it is difficult to see them. although, all the same, aerial reconnaissance works to the best of its ability, plus at a certain height , frostbite still occurs there, where the temperature is a little lower, or so , or a little below zero, it definitely complicates the work, and there is nothing you can do about it, because , well, nature is not under our control yet now it is snowing so sparingly during the day, there was also hail
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, well, the weather is so close to zero at night , it freezes a little during the day, it thaws, it is not a problem. for their tracked vehicles , the tracked vehicles move, well, the wheeled vehicles move more along the landings or along the roads, it’s easier for them, because the soil in the donbass is so sticky, it’s very, very sticky, so to speak, there are certain problems here, but again well, this is if we are talking about some kind of wheeled equipment, about the transport with which they often transport ammunition or manpower, but again after all, their b'. their tanks can safely move through such weather. mr. dmytro, you mentioned drones, now a number of brigades are changing staff structures and in some brigades, relatively speaking, companies of unmanned strike systems are becoming battalions. what do you have to do with this, is this trend spreading to you, or for the time being you remain in the usual staff structure? well, again,
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i think that it would be a mistake to talk directly on the air about... the personnel structure of the brigade, but well, we have a muzzle-loading drone and it works effectively, a lot videos of impressions and live power, and techniques are available on the internet, on social networks, on the pages of the brigade, they really assembled such a good professional team, it’s been a year today or yesterday, it seems a year, how they work, that is, the work is going on, well, what about scaling, increasing , well, now almost every battalion has... its own thebes units, there is work in this direction. i would also like to point out that the importance of electronic warfare tools should not be underestimated now, especially considering that the number of semi-drones in the enemy is not decreasing, but only increasing, and including, as i say, night fpv drones, and
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rap means now play a decisive role in some places, they are used to cover equipment, and to cover logistics and... cover infantry, well, that is, it is common knowledge supposedly things, but still they are always needed, they are always needed, because they save the lives of our defenders, and no matter how we talk about the balance of forces, about the balance of losses, but still, every ukrainian defends it, it is a hero, this is a patriot, and everyone the enemy who trampled the beautiful, wonderful ukrainian land, eh, well, you can’t say that about him, so it’s clear that you want to save the lives of our... infantrymen, mr. dmytro, by the way, there was a video, it seems like the day before yesterday or yesterday, when the drones of your brigade destroyed the enemy's air defense system, that is, they found an opportunity to get together, strike the enemy's air defense system, and you mentioned that the enemy has an increasing number of unmanned strike systems
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, which we have, is there a positive dynamics, because everyone... is talking about how much of the lack of artillery right now, especially on the avidian side, is being solved by drones, is there any indication that there's a proportional or some sort of increase in those half-drones that your subdivisions? well, let's put it this way, now we can talk about a conditional balance, somewhere, if we compare our capabilities like this, and in terms of hits, in terms of pilot skill, it seems to me that ours... all the girls have a certain advantage, but here i would still like to remind and emphasized, more precisely, even so, that that, uh, fpivdrones, despite the fact that they are modern, modern means of expression, very necessary and for which the future is clear, they will not replace artillery in full 100%, so more shells are needed, and
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more epivdrones are needed, of course , there are never enough of them, considering the fact that the number of occupiers is huge, here... our infantrymen told me that they were surprised that one wave went and destroyed it, another wave went and destroyed it, that is, they are stimulated there, on pain of death, so to speak, and often too they use psychotropic substances , well, these are generally known facts, and syringes were found in their trenches, our guys, there were a lot of such things, but less, they go and go and go, and therefore, accordingly, accordingly, we need a lot of weapons and ammunition many. and regarding the lack of equipment, the use of artillery and so on, can we talk about the fact that there is parity with artillery, or does the enemy still have an advantage when we talk about artillery about... the use of mortars there and large-caliber artillery there? mortars, our grenade launchers work very effectively , it should also be noted, but if we talk
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about the howitzers, the howitzer artillery, then they use shells in such a way that there is a feeling that they definitely do not have a shortage of them, because they work in planes, sometimes without aiming at all , but simply to confuse, so to speak. not to allow concentration and so on, there is, there is, there is such and such, and we are waiting, of course, for support from our western partners, we are waiting for them, realizing the situation that is developing at the front, after all, well, no that they will hurry, but will act as decisively as possible and continue to support ukraine in the future. and when we talk about logistics, this route of orlivka, lastochkina, avdiyivka, in this direction behind... probably, the enemy has such, well, in a certain priority, to fire strikes along this route, what is actually happening, are there any problems with
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logistics, are all these risks somehow compensated by other means, our units were provided with everything necessary, well, the route has been shot at and shot at for quite a long time, and if the enemy advances closer to the track and if he has the opportunity even there to... have some small tactical, some even minimal success, it still worsens the situation, of course, so preventing him from doing this is the task ahead by the defense forces, that's why i'll say yes, evacuation is carried out, supplies are carried out, but it, well, it's hard to call it absolutely safe, yes, because again mortars and artillery are fired at it and road cabins fall, recently a video appeared, how simply a car is driving and there is an explosion nearby... well, it is clear that in such conditions it is increasingly difficult, increasingly difficult to evacuate the locals, although in my opinion, well, after all, everyone who wanted, everyone who had the desire, should have
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left a long time ago, well, somehow, and when we talk about evacuation there or using this main logistics route, it is carried out at night, because we understand that there may be less risks, or at different times of the day. well, again, let's not give hints to the occupiers, because they take 80% of the information from open sources, of course, that's right here for example, the same fog can help , right, that is, if, if the enemy does not see from the sky from their scouts, their arlans, or the hall there, or that they are there supercams that they launch into the sky, if they do not see the road, then it is clear , on this road it is better to carry out those or are the movements logistical, and mr. dmitry, i will ask you again about bradley, because there were many stories where the faces of the mechanic, the driver of bradley, and
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the operator, the commander, where they told how they destroyed russian tanks, this gunner were already known in order to be rewarded, he mentioned that he would like to go on leave, do you know if this guy was sent on leave or if he is still fighting? well , now, i won't say, because there are quite a lot of people in the brigade, and everyone's vacation schedule is difficult to track, we all dream of a vacation, in fact, because, well, now there is such an opportunity, supposedly for many military personnel, but again, the bradley crews in there are supposedly many of us, but bradley is now on 24-hour duty, they are very involved, they are very needed, they save our infantrymen who in the trenches during enemy offensives , so here, so to speak, the situation is such that it supposedly foresees the importance
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of direct participation in hostilities, although the guys have the opportunity to rest, too, sometimes obviously, well, but it depends on their commanders. mr. dmytro, thank you very much for the explanation, for what you are doing for our country, for our defense, i will remind our viewers that it was dmytro lazutkin, the head of the public relations service of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which now protects avdiivka. these were the main ones military highlights of this day, and more international and economic news, later on vasyl zima's big broadcast. these were the military results of the day with serhii zgurets, and i thank him and thank his guest. good evening, we are from ukraine. laughter, physical activity, sneezing.
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of ukraine, enable me ukraine. hello everyone! zelenskyi is preparing a major reboot and is thinking about firing not only the industrious. in the lower house of the us congress , the us has already promised to block the senate's new proposal to allocate funds to kyiv and ukraine. chose its representatives for eurovision and again not without a scandal. we talk about all this at svoboda live. my name is sashko shevchenko and we are starting. but first, please like this broadcast. in this way , more viewers will be able to join our broadcast. the president of ukraine zelenskyi is really thinking about replacing the commander-in-chief.


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