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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EET

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russia's temporary occupation of crimea is a war crime for which it will be punished. the annexation of crimea is our joint task and duty with the free world. after this wave of criticism , andrzej duda did react and stated that russia's attack on ukraine, as well as the occupation of internationally recognized territories of ukraine, including crimea, is a crime. duda did not explain why his previous statement about crimea was completely different. at the end of last year, president duda's rhetoric was directed. in support of ukraine in the return of crimea. in particular, the current president awarded the highest honor of ukraine, the order of the white eagle, to the leader of the crimean tatar people, mustafa dzhemilev. mykola knyazhytskyi, a member of the verkhovna rada, wrote about this on facebook at the time. he noted that at that time he received assurances from duda in solidarity, support of the crimean tatar people and ukraine in the fight against the aggressor and european integration. anastasia potapenko, radio liberty. well, i will just remind you that according to
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the calculations of freedom house analysts, by the way, crimea was under russian control, a very insignificant historical interval time, and before that it was actually controlled by different states, this period of time was much longer than the time when crimea was russian, and let's move on to the topics of culture, topics of music, the national selection for the eurovision song contest for... ended late due to the victory of the duet of alyona alyona and jerry gale, and she was late due to a battle in the diya application, where ukrainians chose the winner. almost 1,200,000 ukrainians took part in voting in the diya application. and due to the fact that tens of thousands of people voted there at the same time, the action did not hold up and stalled. therefore, the results were announced about a day later, on sunday evening, instead of saturday, when the national selection for the song contest actually took place. eurovision, which
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this year will be held in the swedish city of malmö. ukraine will be represented by the duo of alyona alyona and jerry gale in sweden in may. the duo won by a large margin. and already now, international bookmakers are giving ukrainian performers first place. although national elections have not yet taken place in most european countries. they won with the song teresa maria, who uses folk motifs and rap. well, to discuss the results of the selection, as well as the significance of the eurovision contest for ukraine, and in wartime, above all, we invited timur mirashychenko, host of the national eurovision selection, and ihor kondratyuk, a well-known music producer, congratulations. i see both of our
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guests, so let's talk about the winners first about alona alona and jerry gale, now the bookmakers are already predicting them to win the written competition in malmö, what are the chances of ukraine really winning at the eurovision song contest on the fourth, with such a song, let's analyze and start with mr. igor, good evening, in fact, i'm sorry, i was never a music producer, i was a producer, it's true. uh, i don't know about the probability of our representatives winning, because i don't know all the songs yet, and that's what anyone who you asked this question would tell you, it's a good song, there's an interesting topic, how will it be perceived, yana's voice, in this, in this song , and the recitatives she reads, and the rap that alyona alyona sings, i don't know, but i repeat, i have to... all the songs, all the songs, and then
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it will be possible to say something more or less, although it may still be a finger to the sky. as for the bookmakers, well, the bookmakers have not yet heard from other representatives, our story with the creatives was the same after last year timur nedeikhati, ours were in the leaders at first, and then, when all the participants from all countries selected their representatives, the bookmakers lowered it a little bets for ukraine, of course, the girls will have a lot of support from the audience, because ... ukraine is now being voted for, thank god, and this is the main reason why even during the war it is necessary to send a participant in this case to a group of participants to the eurovision song contest. thank you very much, mr. ihor, i apologize for misrepresenting you , and mr. timur, i also have a question for you, what can ukrainian performers, so to speak, take with them when they go to sweden? yes, well, i absolutely agree with mr. pryhoram that it is absolutely pointless to forecast now, because really only 10 out of 37 countries are now. read with representatives and songs, that is
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, exactly during february and the beginning of march, this is when this list will be finally formed, but again, there are so many different factors that affect the final result, even... there, relatively speaking, the average mood on the continent on the days when eurovision takes place, it also matters, of course, why are we now so high on in the opinion of bookmakers, this is such an advance prediction, yes, because ukraine always takes eurovision very seriously and prepares, and they are already used to the fact that we are one of the most successful countries in terms of eurovision, and of course there will definitely be a strong number, which will be in the top, so now these are the quotes, then everything depends. first of all from the artists themselves, yes, jerry hale , from alyona alyona, how cool they will be able to use their potential and the upward data that each of the participants of the scene in malmö has, yes, because they all fall into the same conditions , and further, how coolly they will use this
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space, light, graphics, any special effects there, and how well they will be able to cope with their own excitement there, including fatigue, and perform... their maximum, that is, in in principle, the chances are high - that's true, but they are always high in ukraine. mr. timur , let's continue the conversation with you, i want to ask you what you think about the criticism that appears, in particular, they say that maybe it shouldn't be, maybe the message about mother teresa is so controversial, maybe the religious theme itself not quite valuable for such a competition, what do you think? and i think that the song is beautiful, and... now i don’t want to interpret there about the achievements of the same mother teresa, so the most interesting thing is that i specially entered various accounts of the international eurovision communities, and there, no one there, you do not raise any questions
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about the content of the song, so only we ukrainians have found out about mother teresa, our artists, and we are looking for some double subtexts and so on. that is, simply - i think it's time for us all to become a little more patient with each other, and to really rejoice at each other's success, including, well, we'll see how it goes. well, mr. igor, kandratyuk, back to the conversation with you, tell me, did you watch obviously, the selection, who would you mark among the contestants, because i remember that yesterday timur also spoke about the fact that everyone was very worthy and called for the same... to return to the selections, mr. igor, your assessment, who else deserves attention from the performers? well, i agree, by the way , with timur, but believe that he agreed with me, no, look, all the participants were very, very correctly chosen, i respect dmytro
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shurov, the pianist, for his work, this is not the first year at the national selection for eurovision , he just arranged the participants so beautifully. uh worthy in his opinion, and we, the audience, also appreciated it, i think, of various genres, here i even found a new rocker, i have never seen him, i am a little bit, but now during the war i have moved away from my talents, which is understandable, but well, well, yes , i'm vosany, timur, sorry, i'm vosany , i was a member of the children's national selection team from ukraine, eh, you understand, there was a rocker, there was, there was an indian band that... made a lot of noise, let's say, in my facebook community , and people there in advance said, i am for the dial, there was my favorite melovin, like me can quit melovin, i never quit in mine from those i used to work with, there was some unreal sass that was authentic,
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cool, spectacular, obscure, energetic, well, cool girls and a guy, and for the first time a dulcimer, as he said, well, look , very... absolutely exactly, i wrote to one of the organizers that i liked the show, the only thing is that i had other complaints, but not about the show, but the show itself and the presenters are wonderful, by the way, i worked for the first time still with timur, because taking this opportunity, i want to say what, well, he really doesn't know number one
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, well, he has questions about the fairness of the vote, he also took part in the selection, he says that it seems to him ... a strange gap between the first and second place of more than 600 votes, and also he , and he is it? not 600, 600 thousand votes, probably 6000, 6000, so i apologize, 6000 votes, that is, well, a really big gap, and melovin himself also says that allegedly alyona alyona's label promised to cover most of the costs if their performer went to the competition, but well this is a serious accusation, but i will ask for both our guests, this... i will probably start with mr. timur, and then we will ask mr. ihor kondratyuk to comment as well.
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well, here it must be understood that in any case artists can expand their capabilities by themselves, yes, increase some capacities, and all this, of course, at their expense, well, in this case, probably at the expense of enco, that is, to talk about the fact that anko will take and pay for everything, well, it’s ridiculous, because there are still some regulatory agreements, and what he pays for, relatively speaking... the public is what the artist takes on, yes it happened every year, it was like that, and even more so, before, in principle, the artist completely covered his performance at eurovision, yes, including paying there, relatively speaking, travel, accommodation and per diem for his team, no, not to mention the creation of the show, so this is absolutely normal practice, i think that if melevin won again, he should know it and remember it from his participation, yes, for all the additional tricks in the show, in productions, yes. would he pay or did those who sponsor him pay? yes, that's understandable, mr. timur, we just don't have enough
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time , i would like to ask you to comment on this gap in votes as well, not only , by the way, melevin talked about this, that allegedly this is the fact that 24 hours were given for voting, he allegedly gave a certain advantage to those who are more popular, well, it seems to me that this gap speaks for itself, so is the concept of sociology as such, so in order to understand the general opinion to... and these are unique voices, and these are also verified voices, in action , anyone cannot vote, therefore, i think that this is a question rather for the ukrainians themselves, than i liked this song so much that there is such a gap , of course, unfortunately, we have little time, but i also have to give the floor to mr. ihor kondratyuk, well , look, i am also surprised that mel is actually a very popular guy, maybe these two years widely... a tabloid invasion, where all of them, all the participants were in a smaller, so to speak, rotation, in a smaller creativity, because, well
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, because of such circumstances, maybe somehow his audience, which supported melovin, he has a wonderful fan club, she is a little decreased, or maybe the girls ran into theirs too much social media, and it gave such a synergy, the cumulative effect of voting for them, i can't say, i understand mel's desperation, because it's really a very big margin. i'm sorry, but we want to be in time to show also a special appeal to radio svoboda viewers from the winners alona alona and jerry hale, we will see it now, please stay in touch with us. friends, hello to everyone, jerry hale, alyona, alyona, we really want to thank all radio svoboda listeners and all ukrainians for voting for us. it is a great honor for us to carry ukrainian song further. we take it upon ourselves. fully responsible, we promise you that we will prepare something unreal, something cool, and
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we will go to europe, as we have already gone before, to do the work that we did, are doing and will do, yes, public opinion, it is very important to us, it will be heard, we are already shoveling comments, drawing some conclusions, already working with our teams, the most important thing for us is to show with this song how this song united ukrainians, because more than 7,000 people voted for... us and it's something simple, well, we still don't have it in our heads and probably never will, we want it to become an example for the whole of europe, maybe for the whole world, because the song is already heard in the world, and it only charges us, it does not relax us in any way. 100 percent, and in any case , being in europe, we will have the opportunity to once again remind the entire european society that a full-scale invasion is taking place in our country, that we thank them for their help and need more, we it they did it again. all these years and we will do it again now louder, stronger. unfortunately, our airtime has already run out, i
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thank our guests, we were joined by television film producer ihor kondratyuk, host of the national eurovision song contest, timur meryshnychenko. we talked about eurovision itself. i thank everyone who watched svoboda live and see you tomorrow. there are discounts. on gepargin 10% in pharmacies plantain, pam and oskad. there are discounts on quiet soothing 10% in pharmacies, plantain, you and savings. there are discounts on tablets. temple - 15% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. there are discounts on tezin bio and tezinc silo - 20% in pharmacies plantain for you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is
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the great ether, my name is vasyl, we are wintering, we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today with... we will discuss for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world is living, now about what happened in the world, he will talk in more detail yuriy fizar, yuriy, good evening, please a word, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchevka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postakhov, two hours in the company beloved presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters, which has become for many... natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, a people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. separate.
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of the sapsan unmanned aircraft complexes of the state special service of transport, appeal to the viewers of the tv channel with a request to join the collection of funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. see this week in the collaborators program. sport outside of politics: who exchanged the army of football fans for the army of the russian federation? train at zenit schools, train with champions. but as a player, who was called a traitor, will now be reported to the armed forces. i am very happy to return to shakhtar. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on
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espresso tv channel on tuesday, february 6 at 5:45 p.m. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is korabelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. last fall, we received a message from the police of the kherson region about the search for a 16-year-old boy who, according to the investigation, disappeared on the temporarily occupied territories of the left bank region at the beginning of the full-scale war. during all this time, we have prepared many programs about the search for a teenager. osin specialists were connected, they are specialists who search for information from open
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sources, and in the end, with their help, we managed to find a small clue. the current page of the missing boy in social networks. this all happened at the end of last year, and of course we immediately texted the teenager, but he didn't respond for almost a month. and imagine what our surprise was, what our joy was, when suddenly at the end of january we received feedback from a missing boy. hello the guy said that he is still temporarily occupied. territory, so for security reasons we do not mention his name and surname. at the same time, he agreed to talk with us via video link. let's watch a fragment of our conversation. i am very glad that you are all right, that we contacted you. today is january 26, the 24th year, and
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i'm fine. it's good. that she is in distance learning in the second year, since the boy is still at temporarily occupied territory, no more details, the main thing is that he is alive, healthy and as he assures us, he is safe and everything is fine with him. many children have disappeared since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, particularly in the kherson region, and we have prepared more than one program about their search. of course, we... don't always get feedback from people who may have seen a missing child, but this story proves once again that you should never lose hope, and it's with your help that i'll solve it. missing maybe, i understand that in the temporarily occupied territories , ukrainian tv channels do not broadcast, and local residents see the child search service, except on social networks, so your
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reposts of our videos are very important, and literally a few minutes of your attention: this is 11-year-old artem abramovich, 12-year-old maksym kravchuk and six-year-old oleksandr kulish. all these boys also disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region. and where they are now, no one knows, so i appeal first of all to the residents of the kherson region. artem abramovich looks 11 years old. he is thin and has blond hair. he was last seen a year ago in the beryslav district of the region in the village of duchany. maksym kravchuk disappeared in september 2022. now he is almost 13 years old. the guy is of medium build and has light blond hair. and this is oleksandr kulish. at the end of the mine. he turned six years old, the boy is thin, he also has blond hair and dark eyes, he disappeared in the village of stepne, this is the berislav district of the kherson region, if
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suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of artem, maksym or oleksandra, if you just saw these guys somewhere, let us know right away, even a small piece of news can be very important. you can call the magnolia children's tracing service. at any time of the day by short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write to the chatbod of the child search service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you only a few stories of missing children through the full scale invasion of russia. in general, since the beginning of the war , we have received thousands of appeals for help. i will dissolve of course, the vast majority of children were found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and
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everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all missing photos. perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. a ukrainian program is broadcast from washington voice of america chas time, i'm maria prus, congratulations. the united states is planning new strikes in the middle east against iran-backed groups in response to attacks on american troops in the region. this was announced the day before by us national security adviser
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jake sullivan. over the past three days, the us has struck more than 100 targets in iraq, syria and yemen. will these airstrikes lead to an escalation of tensions in the middle east, let's talk with iryna shinkarenko. irina, hello, please tell me how the necessity of these strikes was explained in the usa? on near east and what targets were hit? greetings, maria, so in the last few days, starting on friday, the us has launched several large-scale strikes on the territory of iraq, syria and yemen, and all of them, as noted in washington, are related to targets that associated with iran, and the reason for these strikes were various events, in particular, on saturday evening, the united states, together with great britain, carried out a series of airstrikes against the facilities of the houthis of oyema. and this is already the third case of joint strikes of these countries on the territory of yemen, since the houthis began attacks on international and us shipping in the red sea, supporting hamas in its war with
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israel. in addition, on saturday and sunday, the united states carried out separate independent strikes on the territory of yemen against anti-ship missiles, which, according to washington, were being prepared to be launched against ships in the red sea. earlier on friday, the united states launched a series of missile strikes. aircraft, including long-range bombers, against targets also linked to iran in iraq and syria, marking the first such strike against territories of these countries since the beginning of the war between israel and hamas. as just reported in the us state department. the strikes hit more than 85 targets in more than 85 villages in iraq and syria, and these bases were used to attack us forces. so, if the strikes on yemen happened because of permanent. houthi attacks on american and international ships, then strikes on syria and iraq were explained in washington as a response to the january 28 drone attack on the american base in jordan, as a result of
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which three american servicemen were killed and at least 30 people were injured. in washington, responsibility for this attack was placed on iran. and us president joe biden emphasized that he considers iran responsible, because it is the iranians who supply weapons to those who committed this attack. on friday , the us met the bodies of the dead americans who died at the base in jordan, and joe biden met the bodies of these american soldiers, and as the american press writes, citing sources in white. it was the death of these soldiers that was the decisive step in the white house's decision to strike syria and iraq, and the day before, us president joe biden sent a letter to the leaders of the congress, in which he explained these decisions on airstrikes in syria and iraq by the fact that he was trying and is trying to protect american citizens in this way. mary and how do the iranians and their allies react to such steps by the united states? maria, today it was announced that...
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the first response to us airstrikes in the region: an iranian-backed group in iraq claimed responsibility on monday for a drone strike on a base in eastern syria used by the military usa. it is currently known that this attack resulted in no american casualties. just recently, the yemeni houthis released a video of their training on the internet, saying that they are increasing their combat readiness. meanwhile , the reaction of iran itself is covered by many american publications and analysts. called quite sluggish. mary irina, tell me whether analysts, observers, the american press expect further escalation of the conflict in the middle east. maria, so the american cnn channel noted that these strikes are likely to be the beginning of more massive us attacks on territories of the middle east. at the same time, the publication writes: "the biden administration wants to avoid a full-scale conflict with iran." also, the american press, in particular
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the new york times, wrote. that these strikes have become a kind of test of iran's readiness for escalation, and it is iran's weak response, as analysts point out, that these attacks will not force iran to escalate the conflict, and that, given all the power of the u.s. and allies, iran and the groups it supports in the region do not dare to strike back seriously. that could change, according to new york-te. if only if washington strikes directly on iranian territory. at the same time, the article says that this situation is unfolding in a region that us president joe biden would like to leave in the background, focusing his attention on the war in ukraine and the conflict with china, but it is clear that now this situation, it will shift the focus attention of the white house from ukraine to the middle east. iryna, thank
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you, she was a journalist of the ukrainian service voice of america, iryna shinkarenko. congress presented a new bill on immigration reform in the united states, as well as aid to ukraine and israel. the bill calls for a total of nearly $120 billion in funding for these needs. president joe biden and democrats welcomed the deal. but the republicans in the house of representatives criticized the document. when the vote will take place and what the latest developments are, how it will affect aid to ukraine, let's talk with our congress correspondent kateryna lisynova. hello katya, let's start with the situation in the senate. tell me, please, how the legislators react to the proposed draft law? senate majority leader democrat zach schumer said the deal was very
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difficult to reach. but it is important both in the interests of the united states of america within the state and in the international arena. and in particular, chuck schumer called on senators to vote for this overall package, for the border issue, which also includes a package of aid to ukraine and israel and other partners of the united states of america, and also called on senators not to pay attention to the calls of individual politicians to block the agreement for political reasons. i suggest you listen. after four months of long, intense, and difficult negotiations, i am truly proud and pleased to announce that tonight senate democrats and republicans have reached agreement on a bipartisan relief bill vital to america's future interests. putin will take over ukraine if we...


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