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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EET

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you are in the butchery for reasons of revolutionary expediency, that's what, right? for the sake of four minutes, that's why we really need the second one, the quality, the fact that mr. shepard appears there, i don't know, i have to research it every time, but i looked, they put out pieces of this translation, it's just very bad english, you know? very bad, for that it's simple , well, it's a shame, it's a shame to send it to the world on behalf of ukraine, and it's a shame to promote it like this, in such a way, and the third, actually, it's integrity in general, because we don't have an institute of reputation, that's all dead i didn't already say, she doesn't... work here,
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and everyone, that's why, i'm glad that tamara gundurova appeared here, because there is a person with an impeccable reputation that no one can, and the fact that she representing ukraine at harvard, for a moment, just proves that our culture, our humanitarianism, is at a sufficiently high level, ukrainian. scientists and humanitarians are known, translated, published and invited, and this means that the only thing that can be reloaded, in general, in principle, anything, and the rylsky prize, in particular, is not write out the criteria, because every time there are some small circumstances that... turn
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the situation 180°, and to reset the chapter , the jury, the high jury, will still be dissatisfied, as dissatisfied with the decision of the nobel committee, or dissatisfied with the decision of the venice film festival there, or the oscar the committee, whatever , will always be dissatisfied, but at least if there are... people in white robes, and we have them, i insist, uh, and here again, going back to the beginning, from my personal mistake, with with which we started this broadcast, it is not necessary to fight for some operational achievements.
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if they go to the detriment of this general level of trust in society? you said about the white robes, and we're almost out of time, but i can't help but ask the final question, which is very important, you said about the white robes, but earlier you talked about the old hierarchies, and for me, these are the scandals that constantly happen, and not only in awards, it happens, they happen around in... kef, they happen around dovzhenka center, they happen around state cinema, they take place around any cultural and scientific institution, and this is a conflict of old and new, white robes, new intellectual inquiries and challenges, and those people who are the bearers of these bureaucratic soviet values. look, it seems to me that anna vovchenko, also a translator, is excellent, she summed up what is happening very well, i am for...
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her post, please show it. anna vovchenko writes the following: you can, of course, wait until all this stale, stale, overgrown with moss, an alternative party, paid for from our and from taxes, will simply disappear over the years and in accordance with the laws of biology, but in the meantime, this sleepy group is not just associated in the average mind with the state as opposed to the commercial lit-process, it is hers, that is, the state. on its segment of activity and thereby opposes the state in this modern, adequate, simply decent and appropriate intellectual questions of the 24th year, humiliates the state of our peer yanukovych and tabachnyk, plastic wreaths with jugs on the ukrainian stand in frankfurt, in short from which we began to tear ourselves away by force, literally with blood, 10 years ago. tell me,
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please, do we have the prospect of breaking away from this, from these old hierarchies? of course, we just need to shake it up, i apologize, i understand that... institutions, they are fed by traditions, but if the institutions are toxic, then they need to be shaken up, we are talking about not only age, mr. dmytro, yes, he is a very young person, well, we are, we barely know each other, but i saw him, well, in the same, in that shevchenko committee, he is quite himself a representative of the new generation, no, but we have enough people with the code, and i am still... convinced that in the young generation, which has not yet got bogged down in these relationships, there are people who are ready to defend dignity, to defend its truth, and it is necessary , you have to say all the time,
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the truth exists, yes, white and black exist, the light side of power and the dark side of power, this is not convention, this is not fiction. it exists, and if there is an opportunity for decent people to unite, then it should be done, and there is an opportunity, there are forces in society, despite the fact that society, well, many people the worthy simply left, physically they are not in ukraine now , and in general, it is alleged that ukraine is not before for the country, for the state, for our and your mental health, well, in other words, it's not a question of victory, it's a defeat. thank you, thank you, yuriy makarov, journalist, writer,
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tv presenter, our colleague, was a guest of his own names. thank you for being willing to talk about it, thank you for watching us, these are proper titles, see you later. next week. is discounts on tizin bio and tizin silu - 20% in psyllium bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on zzilor in the psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special transport service is appealing to the viewers of the espresso tv channel to join the collection of food and technical equipment for
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our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! see this week in the collaborators program. sport is out of politics. who exchanged the army of football fans for the army of the russian federation? train in zenit schools, train with champions. but how can a player who was called a traitor now report to the zsu. i am very happy to return to shakhtar. on tuesday, february 6 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on sp tv channel. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is
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the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. the verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on , the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. pressure on the judge of the vinnytsia district administrative court. i was asked to rule against the plaintiff. but how does the russian church influence on justice?
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parishioners of the moscow patriarchate seized power in oratov. congratulations. you are watching judicial review. i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a state of complete reboot. process. formation is extremely difficult, in particular due to the fact that it is ongoing during a full-scale war. higher judicial bodies, the higher council of justice and the higher qualification commission of judges. formed virtually from scratch, however, the course of judicial reform, which is a key requirement on ukraine's path to the eu, is also influenced by other events. today we will tell you about the pressure on judge vinnytskyi of the district administrative court, olena masloid, who is considering the case of seizure of power in the orativ otg. but let's start with the news. the second disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of justice is finally here. reviewed the complaint of the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office and made a decision to dismiss the head of the vovchan
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district court of the kharkiv region, iryna ukhanyova. even at the beginning of the war, she betrayed her oath and went over to the side of the russian occupiers. helped the russians create an occupation judicial body on the basis of the ukrainian court. on february 28, 2022, ukhanyova gathered employees of the court apparatus and tried to persuade them to go over to the side of the enemy, lured them with ten thousand rubles and assured them. that russian servicemen do not pose any threat. after the deoccupation, the judge fled to the russian federation and is currently wanted. for treason and cooperation with the occupiers, she faces life imprisonment. 60% of ukrainians do not trust the decisions of the supreme court of ukraine. at the same time , only 22% of respondents trust him. this situation is equally widespread, regardless of the region and financial situation. it shows survey of the democratic initiatives foundation named after elko. joint-sociological service of the razumkov center on the order of the foundation.
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the main factors that affect distrust in the judicial system are the prevalence of corruption among judges, their impunity, circular bail in the justice system, insufficient integrity of judges and their dependence on politicians and oligarchs. for more than 60% of respondents, the most important priorities in the judicial reform are personnel renewal and verification of declarations followed by a decision on stay. judges on position the lowest priority for respondents was filling all vacant positions in the courts as soon as possible and increasing salaries and guarantees for the servants of themis. the ministry of justice calls on the supreme council of justice to hold the supreme court judges' board accountable for the reinstatement of an ex-woman with a russian passport in the public service. we are talking about maryna prya lutska, who was the deputy head of the central interregional department of the ministry. in 2021, she was released after a russian passport was found in her possession. more than that, for
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according to sbu materials, in order to obtain it, she deliberately went to crimea at the beginning of the russian occupation. from the decision of the supreme court of january 9, 2024. the security service of ukraine sent the court information that the fact of departure to the autonomous republic of crimea on march 13, 2014 and registration of the place of residence was established. after the temporary occupation of the autonomous republic of crimea by the russian federation on may 4, 2014, the plaintiff again traveled to the territory of the crimean peninsula and received a passport of a russian citizen based on the previously completed registration federation. the sbu also noted that during her stay in crimea, prylutska had contacts with fsb employees. since prylutska, apparently, voluntarily received a russian passport in the temporarily occupied crimea, and that's right. contradicts ukrainian legislation, she was fired, but she decided to return to her post and filed a lawsuit.
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on january 9, 2024, the panel of judges of the cassation administrative court, consisting of judge-rapporteur andriy zhuk, judges nataliya martenyuk and zhanna melnyk tomenko canceled resolution on the legality of dismissal, thus reinstated prylutska. the ministry of justice intends to appeal this decision and calls on the supreme council of justice to prosecute. the collective responsibility of the supreme court judges who adopted it. another case of pressure on judges occurred in vinnytsia, after the incident with the dbi search in the dnipro district court of kyiv, which was conducted with many violations, the judge of the vinnytsia district administrative court, olena masluit, declared interference with justice. it happened during the trial meeting on january 17. i want to inform you that... the case will not be considered for the time being, because today
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a fine was made against me. who exactly and in what form committed illegal actions against the judge, olena masluid did not say, but she said that she was offered decide against the plaintiff. later, the judge closed the hearing and postponed the case to february 13. it was proposed to me to decide against the plaintiff. therefore, at the present time, i will not delay the case and will take actions in accordance with the corruption legislation. the case considered by olena masluit concerns the orativ united territorial community. in vinnytsia, which has almost fifty villages. they are resorting to very illegal actions, they are pressuring the judge in this shameful act, from which our community is simply disgraced, a legal assessment will be provided. this is halyna loshak, the ex-head of the orativ otg
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, says that on june 29 last year she was illegally dismissed from her post, before that five more deputies were recalled who stood up in... the ukrainian church was organized by other elected officials of the orativ settlement council, who are supporters of the moscow patriarchate. the power in oratov was seized and usurped by the parishioners of the moscow patriarchate, that is, supporters of the russian peace, and during this time, as proof of all this, unfortunately, the flags on the alley of the flag in oratov were taken down, and they claimed that there was no place for the ukrainian flag there. residents of... oratov and surrounding villages have once again gathered for a rally, they demand that halyna loshak be reinstated, as well as the five dismissed deputies whom they elected. look, our boys died, we don't have a small one community of justice. these, excuse the word , moscow nits, they came and fell apart. why does no one pay attention to this, and until
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now such a phenomenon is possible that pro-moscow. representatives of the moscow church are in power today. lesya larionova is the temporary acting head of the otg, as well as the secretary of the village council. locals say that for her the ukrainian church is like a bone in her throat. the fact that today, acting head of the village and secretary of the village council, larionova is a representative of this church, and there they gather for all holidays, for all their services. we did not manage to talk to lesya larionova about the pressure on the judge of the vinnytsia district administrative court during working hours. the office was closed. we did not find her at home either. later, a company car was seen in the city, which is used by the acting head of the otg. and good day. and you are ms. larionova's driver? you are not the driver,
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just where is she today, she was not at work today. can you tell us? can you answer us? and while the temporary head the otg hides from the community and journalists' uncomfortable questions about the moscow church . the ex-head of the orativ region, galina loshak , is trying to appeal her dismissal. the vinnytsia district administrative court has been considering this case for almost six months. it would seem that the final decision is close, until suddenly someone put pressure on the judge olena masluid, who is conducting the proceedings. from vinnytskyi's answer. district administrative court at the request of espresso journalists. on the day of the court session, to judge mosloid's personal phone number from a phone number unknown to her an sms message was received with a caveat regarding a decision in favor of the plaintiff within the scope of this case. taking into account that the consideration of the case has not yet been completed, the content of the specified message was considered by judge masloid as
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pressure, which indicates interference in the activity of the judge in the administration of justice. with a pressure message. dyamasloit appealed to the supreme council of justice and the office of the prosecutor general. we will find out soon what assessment these bodies will give to the events. meanwhile, let us remind you that sympathy for the moscow church is a matter of the plane public morals, then interference in the activity of a judge is a quite obvious criminal offense punishable, among other things, by imprisonment for a term of up to three years. for today , i have everything, it was about... the program judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week. there are
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10% discounts on hepargin. plantain bam and oskad are available in pharmacies. there are 15% discounts on linex forte in podorozhnyk pam and oschad pharmacies. there are discounts on tablets templegin 15% in podorozhnyk pam and oschad pharmacies. a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport. we appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel to participate in the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory. ukraine. to the heroes. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we
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are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. many important topics. today we will discuss with you. two o'clock, to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us. but how does the world live? and now yuliy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. yury, good evening. please, you have the word. to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchenko with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite hosts. thank you very much, lina chechenna, for the information about cultural news, presenters, what to many people, they have become similar. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. see this week in
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the collaborators program. quick careers of sellers in the occupied territories, whom the occupiers remove from their positions. the russian federation is helping as never before. but why are the russians imprisoning ukrainian collaborators in cage meets all standards of the russian federation. congratulations. i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. during almost two years of the great war, the invaders from rashi repeatedly changed the gauleiter in the occupied territories. some of the traitors did not live up to expectations, some were caught stealing, some were sent by our partisans to the kopzon concert. most often , it was local losers who could not... become the leaders of the occupied settlements get a job in a dream position or make a political career. when the orcs came to ukraine, unheard of prospects opened up for these scoundrels. sometimes the rashists sent
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their supervisors, representatives of the russian backwoods, to the occupied regions. for such a person, there is no need to head some village or town in the captured part of zaporizhzhia or kherson oblast, which is the pinnacle of a dream promotion. after the recent fake elections to the so-called duns and pseudo-munis. of those districts in the occupied territories of ukraine, the rashists were massively replaced leaders of the middle and lower ranks, and i will tell about some of them now. this is the first such playground in our district, it is safe and meets all the standards of the russian federation. meet petro mustiyanovych, born in 1964, a native of ivano-frankivsk region. the russian invaders appointed him the head of the so-called kalanchatsky municipal district in khersoncha. previously, he held the position of head of the occupation military-civilian administration of the kalanchatsky district. how did it happen that a man from prykarpattia began to serve to the occupiers as it turned out,
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mustiyanovych moved to the kherson region as a child, where he graduated from school and a technical school with a specialty of being a motorist. from 1982 to 2003 , he served in the armed forces of the ussr and the russian federation. received a russian passport, was a diving instructor in the marines of the northern fleet. rose to the rank of senior ensign, after being released into the reserve, lived in the village of sputnyk , murmansk region, worked in the military unit as a commander of paramilitary guards. from 2010 to 2020, mustiyanovych was the chairman of the council of deputies in the village of pechenga, murmansk region later, he lost his job, and with the beginning of the war, he suddenly remembered his homeland and moved from the far north to ukraine. this rashi will occur in august 2022. participated in propaganda meetings together with russia held in occupied skadovsk in the kherson region. he spoke in such a way before the kremlin authorities that they couldn't help but
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pay attention to him there. mustiyanovych was appointed to manage the kalancha district. i was in the marines and we were told, if not us, then who? therefore, we need to raise these places so that they enter fully part of the russian federation. during the 30 years of ukrainian rule, everything here fell into disrepair. after becoming an occupation official, mustiyanovych betrayed ukrainian patriots to the russian military and forced the locals to cooperate with the enemy. he contributed to the holding of a fake referendum on the accession of kherson oblast to the russian federation. also, as the publication rayon skadovsk writes, petro mustiyanovych denied the existence of ukraine and spoke in support of the bloody actions of the aggressor country. the security service of ukraine already. reported that she knew about the place of stay this rashist and takes measures to bring him to justice. when the kherson prosecutor's office sent
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the indictment against mostianov to the court. he is accused of encroaching on the territorial integrity and inviolability of ukraine. the sanction of the article provides imprisonment for a term of 10 to 15 years or life imprisonment with confiscation of property. we hope that we will be able to see how a murmansk diver will become a ukrainian convict. the russian invaders also changed the gauleiter of the bare pier kherson region. instead of gennady nadyalkov to lead the occupation administration, they appointed his deputy. 39-year-old businessman vitaly titarenko. he started working as the new occupation head of the holopryston community at the end of last year. vitaly titarenko worked as a deputy gauleiter of the bare wharf. in the last fake elections , he ran in the kherson region from putin's united russia party. judging by the data of ukrainian registers before the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, this traitor was engaged in entrepreneurial activities, in particular, trade, solid, liquid and gaseous
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fuel. was my own. and the director of four enterprises registered in kherson, now manages the occupied bare pier. i promise to faithfully fulfill the powers of the head of the holoprystan municipal district, to protect and respect the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, to comply with the constitution of the russian federation, the federal legislation and the legislation of the kherson region. last year , the teplodar city court of the odesa region issued a sentence sentencing in absentia, he was found guilty of collaborative activity and sentenced to 10 years in prison with confiscation of all property. the same fate, i hope, awaits the traitor titerenko. only all these convicts have to serve time not in absentia, but for real. i am sure that it will be so. and finally, i will tell you about how the career of another gauleiter in the kherson region ended and who came.
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to replace him, it was only the lower syrogoz of the henichiv district that russian troops occupied on the third day of the war, february 24, 2022 . since then, there almost every six months gaulleiters change. at first, the column of traitors was led by petro zbarovskyi , born in 1964, a former member of the party of regions and the banned opzh. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he voluntarily went over to the side of the enemy and headed the occupation administration in the lower. chirohosk community. locals say that this high-ranking collaborator persuaded the residents of the genichiv district to cooperate with the enemy, helped with the placement of the russian military in the novotroitsky lyceum, and demanded that entrepreneurs register their businesses in russian jurisdiction. later, when sbarovsky was promoted in the occupation ministry of agriculture, he helped the invaders steal ukrainian grain, while calling this theft aid. the federation
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is helping agricultural producers more than ever and today we allocated more than 400 million rubles in the form of subsidies. the kherson regional prosecutor's office informed zbarovsky about the suspicion of collaborative activity. the court found him guilty and sentenced him to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property. however, so far everything is only in absentia. meanwhile, in office another seller of the nizhny syrohogo gauleiter appeared, a local resident evgeny pirokh. born in 1983, before the full-scale invasion of russia, pirizhok, as the locals call him, served in the crimea. during the occupation and illegal annexation of the peninsula, he sided with the occupiers. ukrainian law enforcement officers discovered that he was under criminal proceedings for desertion, but pirok hid from the investigation, he came into view again in the summer of 2022, when he again became the first deputy of the gauleiter of nizhniy syrogozy and
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putin's candidate. united russia party in fake elections to the occupation authorities. in the spring of last year, pirog voluntarily agreed to head the occupation administration of the nizhny syroho community. here he is reporting to the traitor saldo how well he has studied the area entrusted to him. nizhnyosyrogoz municipal district, the number of settlements - 23 settlements . the number of residents is 8,100. they are still arriving. one-off cases of people arriving from the mainland. the heart-breaking career of this pie has come to an end with rotten stuffing, just as suddenly as it started. the center for journalistic investigations reports that the russian occupiers decided to get rid of his services and threw him into the basement, allegedly for fraud with stolen property. a traitor for a while.


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