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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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got caught again in the summer of 2022, when he again became the first deputy of gauleiter of nizhny syrogoz and a candidate of putin's united russia party in the fake elections to the occupation authorities. in the spring of last year, pirog voluntarily agreed to head the occupation administration of the nizhny syroho community. here he is reporting to the traitor saldo how well he has studied the area entrusted to him. nizhny syrohoz municipal district, the number of settlements - 23 settlements, the number of residents - 8100 people, more arrive, there are such repeated cases that people arrive from the mainland. the heartbreaking career of this pie with a rotten filling ended as suddenly as it began. the center for journalistic investigations reports that the russian occupiers decided to get rid of his services and threw him into the basement, allegedly for fraud with stolen property. for a while, the traitor... was allowed to go out in the world
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of god to record a video greeting for his compatriots on the occasion of the reunification day, and then he was arrested again and sent to the dungeons, he helped torture ukrainians, and now he himself knows what the putler torture chamber is, and so should this traitor. at the end of november , the sbu informed pirogu about the suspicion, but i have an assumption that this fugitive will never leave the roshiysky basement. well, who was appointed by the occupiers as the new... he was a forty-six-year-old vladyslav nikitenko. it is known that he is the director and co-owner of the company ekoobotkon, which previously won multimillion-dollar tenders for the overhaul of educational institutions in the kherson and odesa regions. that's how i earned money in ukrainian state, and then betrayed. according to locals , after the occupation, nikitinko immediately sided with the enemy, put pressure on business representatives and teachers, forcing them. work with rashis.
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despite the fact that we are in a territory that is constantly being shelled from the right bank. despite the fact that they are trying in every possible way to spoil the new year's holiday, it should be a holiday. we'll still raise our toasts to victory, and no matter what, we'll have a christmas tree. yes, yes, we are already somewhere. they heard how important the christmas tree is for the new year and we remember how it all ended, they pointed their heels until the end of the day, i am sure it will be the same with these traitors, when our servicemen will liberate the occupied territories, you will have a christmas tree, or rather a christmas tree, and such a familiar prison, only ukrainian, that's why we keep the formation of the armed forces and believe in the victory of ukraine, so that no traitor has a place on our side. holy land it was
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the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together let's send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. good evening. we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers , my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel and we are starting this information week with you, today i, my colleagues, will talk about the most important things , we will also involve experts who will give us the opportunity to understand and learn more. and you and i will start by announcing the collection for the next hour and 47 minutes. zpresso tv channel and iryna's charity fund koval is called to join the fundraising for our defenders from the 141st. gadi, she
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performs tasks in the orykhiv direction, this is the zaporizhzhia region. infantry and aerial reconnaissance need high-quality equipment to successfully perform combat missions. we plan to purchase walkie-talkies and batteries for them, starlinks , binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detectors, drone detection and many other equally important front-line equipment. every hryvnia and equipment, every hryvnia is important, and thanks to you, we have successfully closed more than one collection, so this time too we ask you to support our military. our goal. uah we ask you to join iryna kovel's collection for the needs of the 141st brigade. we really need your help. glory to ukraine. glory. let's join. well, now we are adding to the conversation bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council. mr. bohdan, i congratulate you. good evening. well, let's get started. let me ask in general about the security situation in kharkiv as of this evening and today. last night has passed,
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please, well, if we are talking about the city of kharkiv, then there were no shellings, not even such ones the suburbs, which they recently shelled, also for several days, they gave us peace, i hope that this will continue , what concerns the region, well, there is a lot to tell, the front, there is shelling every day, ah , especially the aviation became more active, the aviation component is no longer only cabs, it’s just a bomb bombarding the aviation, it’s fap 250, all these things fly every day, if i analyzed yesterday, it was about eight settlements, which, well... during there , let's say, kupyan region, as well as the border areas, were bombarded with these bombs, yes, today, our head of the military administration is reporting from there, he has already counted not eight, but 15 settlements that were bombed by russian aviation, so
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in this regard, you are showing the footage, this is an old bomb that did not explode, thank god, or i imagine that it is so... and on myself, because the same one fell literally 40-50 m from my house and the consequences were terrible, that is why such a situation with bombs, what else can i add, i was talking before the broadcast with one of his colleagues, an officer who is in this direction fighting, he says that something really needs to be done about it, because they are bombed hard every day, you can see the consequences, that is, it is a very serious threat that... uh, that is carried out on the front lines, like directly where the fighting is going on , as well as in the rear, these are settlements, which i will not list anymore. indeed, i have repeatedly heard from experts and from the military that it might be worth
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moving certain air defense systems closer to the front line in order to cover, first of all, our troops and local residents who are suffering and, let's say, they die directly from anti-aircraft missiles, from enemy missiles that they launch precisely at... in our troops, but many air defense systems protect one or another city, there is also a need for this, well, in one word, air defense systems are also lacking , and of course, fighter and attack aircraft for the armed forces of ukraine, which could also enter the battle in full and repel, well , they enter the battle and repel, but we understand that 40 of our aircraft are conditionally there against 800 of the enemy in total, this is a bit of parity not there, but i, you were just talking about... the enemy is shifting units to kupyansk, the enemy is really concentrating, well, we say that in general, there without revealing any details, he is concentrating on trying to take kupyansk, putin really needs a victory, we understand very well, before the elections, if not avdiyivka, then why not kupyansk, and how serious a threat
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to kharkiv remains, the enemy is also gathering there, dropping armored vehicles and tanks, well , at least in the kupyansk direction , it was said that the enemy is dropping up to 500 tanks there, such a large armored kula. let's say so, well, the information is confirmed, and the small successes, let's say , where they had a week ago in the area of ​​the settlement of krakhmalne, where they managed to advance, and they are trying to develop there , develop this, let's say, success and abandon it, tanks are being thrown into battle , well, there is information that this is the taman so-called division, which was hit with nuts under the raisins, last year, well , on the 22nd, when... there was a counterattack that was very painful for them and they suffered heavy losses and let's just say such shameful losses won a lot of trophies, so now the 1st tank army and the taman division are trying to advance in the area of ​​starch
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, what will come of it? well, let's see, our guys are fighting over what our troops are doing. well, what can you say, and the bc is there and they are fighting back, there is a counter-battery fight, if they were such , let's say the conversations there somewhere at the end of last month, that there is a very serious shortage, there is not enough ammunition and the artillery is not responding, now it has become a little better, and therefore there are fierce battles, artillery, mlrs, all mlrs, all this works, and well, in general, well, as i feel, the situation is difficult, there will be such serious combat clashes. thank you very much, mr. bohdan, thank you for your comments. bohdan tychuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council. we briefly talked about the situation in kharkiv oblast, for today the situation in kherson oblast, later, later we will talk about domestic political issues with volodymyr omilyan, but now oleksandr tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson
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oblast military administration. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. good evening. sad, another day for kherson, the enemy hit the city, well, covered it with fire. had information about the four dead, has the situation changed, information as of now, and in general, please tell us about this today's attack on kherson, it is really difficult today. the second day for kherson, around 12 o'clock, the russians hit the coastal part of the central district, they received a report about a car catching fire, then, after putting out the fire, firefighters and rescuers found two bodies of men in the car, whose car caught fire as a result the impact of a projectile, what exactly... was the cause of the death itself, whether people died from the fire or
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from injuries, it is not yet known, and also another report was received in the same area, a 66-year-old woman died, then another report that she died a 60-year-old man, and about a 27-year-old boy who was injured. precisely those four people who died between 12:00 and 2:00 in the afternoon, and one guy was wounded, there are also reports that tyaginka is now being shelled there, the tyaginka community, there is destruction of houses, there are reports that maybe there are people under the rubble, but right now it is not possible... rescuers can go there, because the shelling continues , and yes, that is, it continues only with a decreasing
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intensity or not, well, how can i say, look, we seem to have decreased in number shells , but if we talk about the last two days, but we can show how one shell can take the lives of almost three people, it seems to have decreased, but... it hits a cluster, well, a populated part of kherson, where people live, of course, people die, people are injured, well, in principle, all along the entire coast , where people remain, the enemy is purposefully hitting houses, the enemy mainly chooses targets, these are the coastal areas of kherson, or not only? not only, unfortunately, he can still fire... almost all of kherson can be fired at areas that are far from the coast, and
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there are also these cases, and of course you have to continue to be careful, and when you hear either explosions, you have to move, or at the sound of the siren, you need to go to the shelter, or hide there, lie down on the ground and under some concrete structures, well, after these shelling part of kherson remained without electricity, was it possible to restore it? well, it’s not after those shellings, before that there was shelling in the shipping area of ​​the island, the light was restored there, these shellings were just right, they took, unfortunately, only people’s lives, if you know, you can fix the electricity, then you can restore people’s lives, unfortunately, not you can today i. i read that without the permission of the kherson regional military administration, representatives
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of various volunteer movements, foreign foundations, organizations can no longer go to certain settlements where there is a danger to life, there are more than 30 such settlements in the list, this is obvious after two french citizens died as a result of shelling, if i am not mistaken, it was the boryslav district, i could be wrong, in my opinion, and there the ambassador of russia in... france was called in paris to the relevant french authorities in order to give an explanation, but here the explanations are clear, isn't this rule that you can't travel without a permit, without that , to bring to notice, and even if permission yes, there is no guarantee that at the moment when you are going to drive, relatively speaking, something will not fly and no protection that would even be provided to you, it is unlikely that it will save you from what can be thrown at the car, relatively speaking, fights. a passport from the drone, please, yes, here, of course, it does not protect against everything, but you must
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understand that if there is a permit or escort, including the escort of law enforcement agencies, if there is a permit, then the law enforcement officers have information about the activity of drones, there, if the shelling starts, they can lead people to the shelter, it reduces the possibility... that people may die, especially if we talk about these french volunteers who died, there are none... as you said that the ambassador's explanations will be known there, but there is a purposeful attack from a drone, they perfectly saw where this drone was flying in kamikaze, and here, of course, this crime was committed intentionally, as to whether or not this
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norm is necessary, the question here is that precisely these volunteers from ... stopped by, they said that they have an agreement with someone from the local area, and they missed it, and here it is probably necessary that someone should be responsible for it, take a more responsible approach to it, because just people who drive around boryslav, this happened in boryslav, which is a populated place that was almost completely destroyed there and by shelling, kabom who are constantly arriving, these people may not understand that the cabs are flying, or there is some ongoing shelling, some dangers, then we must go through some kind of priority briefing, some kind of how to behave, what should be done, well, there is probably logic in this, well
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i will also ask, is there such a list from the first place there to the next oblasts that submitted requests for searching for people, so kherson oblast is now in third place in ukraine in terms of these requests for searching for people, kharkiv oblast is in second place, and i am in first place i don't remember which area, well, i think that area is there, how serious is it really, well , even here it is a serious problem, and who should be involved in this in terms of searching for people, is such work being done to understand where this person is shared or does it only apply to humans from the occupied territories, or from people who have already de-occupied the territories of the kherson region. please ? well, i think for the most part it's just occupied territory, unfortunately we can't search people there, and that's probably why there's a lot of inquiries, because if the people on the left bank can't, they don't get in
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touch, or lost contact with the right bank, with relatives, then of course the relatives on... the bank do not know what to do and probably send requests so that the relevant authorities may help, there is probably nothing strange here, because exactly many, how many 60, almost 70% of the kherson region is occupied, and people had relatives, as usual, there are many people there, who are many in kherson. have relatives on the left bank, well, in principle, on the right bank with the left bank they constantly communicated and moved, lived both there and there. thank you very much for joining, take care. oleksandr tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration. the enemy shelled kherson today, unfortunately, four people died from another enemy shelling. now i'm adding
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volodymyr omelyan, a military serviceman, to the conversation of the armed forces of ukraine, diplomat, former head of the ministry of infrastructure. of ukraine. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. vasyl, good evening. i will start with such hot political news. well, maybe there is nothing to talk about yet, but as a matter of fact, minister of veterans affairs laputina submitted her resignation. i can already see in the comments that people are writing that tyshchenko will no doubt appoint something now. in your opinion, this is a political move, or is it a common practice, a person, for one reason or another, could decide that he cannot hold this position. be affection. well, look, in the last five years, we have developed a very wrong practice, when the president simply invited an objectionable official, or an official who was already compromised to the limit, to his office, or someone on his behalf, and told him to write a resignation letter, and then this official disappeared to nowhere, from where he appeared, the only one who
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hacked this practice is commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi, who, after leaving the president's office, refuses to voluntarily surrender his powers, appealing to the fact that this is a personal decision of the supreme the commander-in-chief of the president of ukraine, and if he can argue with this society, explain and guarantee the result, then he is absolutely capable of doing it, and the public will react accordingly, well, as for the resignation of the brave man, this story actually continues in an interview with the italian broadcaster rai- 1, president of ukraine volodymyr z'. said that this is how he intends to change certain people in the administration, well, he said the leaders of the country, but let it be state-level managers, let's say this, more or less correctly, and as far as they can be a large-scale stoppage. is this all a smoke screen for the main resignation, which i understand that the presidents in the office want to resign, and again, why does this communication take place outside the borders of ukraine
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and with the western media, and the ukrainian media, the ukrainian community, should only be satisfied with the posts of anonymous telegram channels , well, actually, this is the question that taxpayers and ukrainian citizens should ask, why do we throw away so much money on a single tolomarathon, when... the president reports the main news of the country in foreign mass media information, secondly, everything good zelensky could do in the past 5 years, he has already done and shown, i don’t think he can surprise us with anything, and he certainly does not have eisenhower or some powerful montgomery to replace the hard-working , there are other powerful generals, modernity, this will be another noveim, which will simply blindly fulfill all the wishes of the supreme, but this is an extremely dangerous
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story, because if before we played unconditionally with the pandemic, the economy, and the rights of the mass media, now it is about considering country, and a mistake on the battlefield can cost us very dearly, and yes... the supreme commander-in-chief has already made a lot of such mistakes, starting with the fact of ignoring the inevitable war, the lack of preparation and, let's say, the unclear recommendations that he gave during the war campaign, i think that this will also be known to the general public, and this will be one of the subjects of the trial. well, today valery zaluzhny was supported, well, not directly, but vitaliy klitschko, the mayor of kyiv, supported him , he said that politics should not prevail in such decisions. can we talk about the fact that a group of influential politicians with positions, not just politicians without positions, will be formed, who will support zaluzhny, and again, is this
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support for zaluzhnyi, or is it support for common sense in this case? well , today the bbc also came out with an equally interesting headline that president zelensky is pushing the hard-working into politics, that's not what you should be doing during a war, but what happens happens. and there is an alternative, despite the fact that for 5 years we have been told that there are alternatives the current president is not there, she has appeared, and it is certain that all healthy forces, forces that see the future of a successful ukraine, a ukraine that wants to win and can win, that is capable of developing, will rally around the forgotten, this is already a fact, and what is not does it need any proof? er question, well, and here is another important question that general zaluzhny insisted on, in general, which is already overdue, this is the law on mobilization, there are already various rumors, well, not
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rumors, but such conjectures of people who draw forecasts, heard that the president does not want to take responsibility for this law on mobilization, there are certain comments, i will not say criticism, comments from representatives of various factions, there are comments from business, there are many comments on the bill that was submitted to the verkhovna rada. ukraine should consider it, in your opinion, when it can be adopted and again, who will be responsible for it, because in any case , the most ideal law, someone will not like it, but again, 500 thousand still need to be dressed, provided, now we see that even those troops that are there are not equipped, let's say projectiles, and again, it's no fault of ours, we understand that very well, well , look, the presidential team did everything possible to disrupt the state's defense system. in the previous years before the great war, they succeeded, they did everything to ignore the direct, direct information of our allies that
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the war was coming, they did everything to put a stray stick in the wheels during counterattacks, and they did everything to disrupt mobilization of ukraine, mobilization was supposed to begin with the new law, the old law, but in full scale at the end of 2022. it has been dragged out until the end of 2023 and no solution has been approved, whatever we imagine, but nevertheless, mobilization will not be avoided, and the war will end only with the victory of ukraine, there is no alternative to this, the only difference is if zelensky does such a stupid thing, you see said that the truant will release zelensky, and zelensky will release the truant, then this... let's say, the responsibility for the military sphere falls exclusively on him, he will not be able to create a miracle, despite all the wundavaf that he has are told by his associates, who
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are simply... profiting from this, and finally, i want you to translate in human language, not in the language of diplomacy, the statement of the national security adviser, the president of the united states of america , jake sullivan, who said that the resignation of zaluzhny - this is a question, the incredible resignation of zaluzhny is a matter of the ukrainian authorities, and here we will not influence it in any way, someone remembered from knowledgeable people that they expressed themselves in a similar way about certain decisions in the leadership of afghanistan even before they left the troops of the united states of america are there , well, but then... the troops also came out, which saliva alludes to, that actually this is your decision and your responsibility, then don't ask us for something, or don't expect help, be responsible for the decision that is yours, and you can make it, that's how it is, it is deciphered very simply, guys, we asked you several times not to touch the poor, to help, not hinder the armed forces of ukraine and work for victory, you did not hear us, you approve of
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your own... decisions, you bear full responsibility responsibility for it, we already know the result. well, i will ask one last question, the situation at the front is difficult, now the enemy is gathering forces in avdiivka in the kupyan direction, and the situation in the kherson direction and in zaporizhzhia is no less difficult, but we know that the enemy is very eager for some kind of victory before the elections putin, there is either avdiyivka or kupyansk, and again, some kind of negative development of events. we understand that we are now dependent on the projectile. from other ammunition, our troops there are brigades 116, 72, 47, 101, if not 110, they heroically they are fighting, let's say, about the avdiiv directions , we understand what is needed, the shells are needed and the situation can develop in different ways, again, who will bear the responsibility here, because this is how the suspicion creeps in that, well, once again , the responsibility will be assigned to someone , i really wouldn’t like it, well, plus, because of this , our soldiers are dying every day where they might not die if there were enough ammunition, well, look, the situation is obvious
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if... the armed forces of ukraine do not have enough people, no there will be enough resources, firearms, plus bc to them, everything will go according to a negative scenario, we already had this in history, so i strongly advise against repeating it, because, let's say, sitting in prague, in warsaw or munich, even in london, and telling who is more to blame or less to blame, this is a very, let's say, ineffective story for millions of ukrainians. who will be under occupation again, by the way, millions are still under occupation and 26% of the territories are still occupied, zelensky himself claimed this in his last interview, so something must be done about it, not to engage in political games, when someone thinks that the war is far away and you can steal and lie, this is a very false impression, it will be dispelled very quickly, well, really, even if you imagine a quick throw by large forces from the north through the rivne region to
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lviv, that’s how it is and not far, so if you look at... the map, well, in principle, everything is very far, and really, i, i, i would, i would not want to scare our viewers, in fact , the situation is not so catastrophic, but it is a medium-term dimension, so that the russians will also fight to the end, us it is important that this be their end and our victory, on the contrary, but as of today rivne region is definitely not threatened, however, the threat is very serious to the east -south direction, if it continues to develop, other regions of ukraine will also come under a massive attack. advancing russian forces. thank you very much for the objective statements, let's put it this way, it is very important. volodymyr omylyan, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, diplomat, ex-minister of infrastructure of ukraine. well, let me remind you that you see that the story is spreading, minister y of veterans' affairs, yulyala putina resigned. well, we will watch the development of this story, whether everything here is so clear or not . at the front, the situation is basically unequivocal, either you or you, and of course, we support the armed forces so that they beat
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the enemy, but nevertheless. serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency, will tell us how the situation is developing, mainly in the avdiiv region, and not only about it. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our audience. today, in our one column, we will talk about what the netherlands promises ukraine a larger number of f-16 aircraft. about the statement of the commander of the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine that these planes will be equipped with new missile weapons, about the loss of enemy equipment near avdiivka and about the dynamics of actions really around this extremely hot spot in... again with our military about this in a moment. i'll start with positive aviation news: the ministry of defense of the netherlands is increasing the number of f-16 fighters that will be transferred to ukraine. the ministry of defense of this country announced today that there will be six more of them. thus, the general
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the number of aircraft that... the netherlands will transfer to ukraine is.


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