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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency, will talk about more than that. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our today's column, we will talk about the fact that the netherlands promises ukraine a larger number of f-16 aircraft. about the statement of the commander of the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine that these planes will be equipped with new missile weapons, about the loss of enemy equipment near avdiivka and about the dynamics of actions really around this extremely hot spot in a conversation with our military, about it in a moment. i will start with the positive aviation ones news: the ministry of defense of the netherlands is increasing the number of f16 fighters that will be transferred to ukraine. the ministry of defense of this country announced today that there will be six more of them. thus, the total number of aircraft that the netherlands transfers to ukraine is
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the netherlands is transferring 24 machines and another 18 f-16s to a new training center in romania, where our pilots will be trained, so that in fact all 42 f-16 aircraft are being transferred by the netherlands to strengthen the air potential of ukraine. and an optimistic statement was made today the commander of the command of the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine , lieutenant general serhiy naev, who said that in the further packages of... wax aid, ukraine is waiting for f-16 planes and missiles with a range of 300-500 km. of course, it is a little strange that it is nayiv who is talking about planes, and not the command of the air force, but at the same time it is worth noting that the formulation of lieutenant general nayiv that we will receive planes and missiles with a range of 300-500 km can be interpreted in different ways. because on the one hand it can be separate planes. individual rockets,
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in particular, the same ata-kams with a range of up to 300 km or the scalp or stormshadow missiles, but in fact one would like to hope that a fairly likely option is to receive new missiles for the f-16, namely the american-made hgm-158 gsm tactical cruise missiles, actually now we can see airplanes, and these missiles, which have long been used by the united states air force. have a range of 370 km, and newer versions have a range of even up to 900 km, so in fact these missiles will significantly affect the nature of combat operations on the battlefield, but it is important that the planes are transferred as soon as possible, the pilots are trained, the infrastructure is provided, so that our military can effectively use these planes on the battlefield, we will talk further. about
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the situation on the front line, where we still do not have dominance in the air, where the enemy maintains an advantage in manpower and where everything rests mainly on the courage of our soldiers, and here avdiivka remains the most intensive area of ​​the front, in total around avdiivka yesterday there were 31 the attack is repulsed, today it is about 44, i think this one the dynamics will continue to be extremely high, and here i will still mention... the statistics of enemy losses, because british intelligence says that the enemy has already lost 25,000 personnel in this area, but there are even statistics on losses of enemy equipment, in particular, analysts calculated that from october 9 to february 2, the enemy lost 608 units of military equipment in this area, these are tanks, bmps and other systems, including artillery 608, and ukraine. lost 46, it means tanks, bmp and
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artillery, i.e. 46 against 6008 ratio 1:13 in favor of ukraine, however, the enemy does not pay attention to losses, and now the ukrainians are fighting with everything they have against the enemy, who has a repeated numerical advantage in equipment and people thrown into battle, which is happening right now in avdiivskyi. direction there , the situation remains extremely difficult, there were reports that the enemy had pushed into the northern quarters of avdiivka itself, valery barabash denied this information in the morning, but in any case, we understand that the advance of the enemy from the north of avdiivka, primarily in the direction of this route, which provides logistical support of the entire avdiiv grouping, such a trend is extremely dangerous, now our military in this area...
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repel the enemy's desire to advance, but we understand that along this semi-arc from north to south, the enemy is trying to put pressure on our defenses, and now... each section remains extremely difficult, about what is happening first of all in one of the sections of the front near avdiyivka, we will now talk with our guest, and we are now joined by dmytro lazutkin - he is the head of the service of public relations for the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is currently protecting the widow from the north, but a little higher than herself. the operations over kosokhim are there in the steppe zone , mr. dmitry, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, my greetings are mutual, i would like to ask you for details, because it seems that now the main attack there and the gravity of the enemy's operation is moving, as it were, to the south of
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avdiyivka itself , and what about your site, because relatively speaking, it seems that you had such a small pause for a couple of days, but i look at the information of yesterday, today, as if again... the enemy renewed attacks with armored vehicles precisely on your site in the steppe zone, what is happening right now where your brigade is holding the defense? indeed, the situation is difficult, and the enemy attacks mainly in infantry groups, sometimes supported by armored infantry attack equipment, also artillery , including howitzer artillery, works on their planes, many fpv drones, many drops, including night ones, but the line. .. the collision on our site does not change practically and really holds very firmly defense by our servicemen, it can also be noted that the threshold is trying to grope somewhere weakly weak parts of the area on
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the perimeter of the avdiivskyi, so to speak , the perimeter, well, on the ardiian perimeter, so i will say, and that is why, obviously... somewhere they are trying to disrupt logistics in other places , our infantry is being destroyed so far, the equipment, if it appears, is also being destroyed, but i will note once again that mostly they still attack, they are now small infantry groups again, they do not dare to launch the equipment, because there from the destroyed equipment in this area, from the railway to the steppe, in the direction of berdychiv, there is practically, well, i don’t know... a whole cemetery, a whole cemetery of destroyed enemy equipment, there will soon be no more, how and where to drive, well i i am not exaggerating, in fact, and many of the destroyed russian infantrymen , whom they do not take away, so to speak, walk either on the corpses or past them, and here is such
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and such a situation, the coke-chemical plant is holding, it is under the control of servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, but also coffee is poured on it constantly, during the day there are a lot of spare parts... and a lot of enemy artillery works. mr. dmytro, is there any information about this evening, what exactly is happening in the north of avdiyivka itself, what is there, who is controlling what, are there any changes there compared to yesterday? well, again, this is not the area of ​​​​responsibility of our brigade, so it is not quite correct for me to comment on it, the only thing i will say is that, well, probably, after all, well... probably you should not panic so much, little ones even tactical advances to several hundred meters of the enemy, they do not talk about the fact that everything has already been surrendered and they will seize it, no, our leadership is in control of the situation, and it remains in principle
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controlled, and if necessary, motivated and powerful reserves will be involved somewhere, so i would look at the situation . in dynamics, in development, and it seems to me that this is not the worst option, because i am convinced that we will see more bright, very powerful solutions, and avdiivka currently, as far as i understand, no one is going to surrender, and what with the weather now , as it affects, therefore that i got the impression that as soon as the weather worsens, the effectiveness of the use of drones immediately decreases , artillery is used less, and tries to take advantage of such moments in... this was just the case in the north, sometimes it was also in your areas of the front, as soon as it got worse the weather, they climb right away, yes, or not quite so , well, of course, the drones that observe the areas of the battlefield clearly
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do not often see through the thick fog those infantry regiments that are trying there between plantings, between trees, these burnt ones to move and... move and try to get a foothold somewhere in the vicinity, for example, a steppe, it is clear that it is more difficult to see them, although still, still, aerial reconnaissance works to the best of its ability, plus, at a certain height, there is still a lack of sticking there. frostbite there, where the temperature is a little lower, or so, or a little below zero, it definitely complicates the work, and there is nothing you can do about it, because nature is not under our control yet, now it is snowing so much, there was also hail that day, well, the weather is like this close to zero, at night a little freezes, thaws during the day, it does not pose a problem for their tracked machinery, the crawler moves, well, the wheeled machinery moves more and more along. positions or on the roads, and it's easier that way, because
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the donbas land is so sticky, very very sticky , so to speak, there are certain problems here, but again, this is if we are talking about some kind of wheeled machinery, about the transport they use to transport her ammunition is often manpower, but then again, their bmp3, their tanks can safely move in such weather. mr. dmytro, you they mentioned drones, now a number of brigades are changing staff structures and in some brigades, relatively speaking, companies of unmanned strike systems are becoming battalions, what do you have to do with this, is this trend spreading to yours, or do you remain in the usual staff structure for now? well, again, i think that it would be a mistake to talk about the personnel structure of the brigade directly on the air, but we have a muzzle-loading drone and it works very effectively. there are many videos of impressions and live power and equipment on the internet on the brigade's social media pages,
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they really assembled such a good professional team, it’s been a year today or yesterday, it seems like they’ve been working for a year, that is, the work is going on, well, as for scaling, increasing, well , now every battalion practically has its own fivish units, there is work in this direction, i would also note. that the importance of electronic warfare means should not be underestimated now, especially considering that the number of fpv drones of the enemy is not decreasing, but only increasing, and including, i mean, night fpv drones, and rep means now they play a decisive role in some places, they are used to cover equipment, and to cover logistics, and to cover infantry, well, that is, these are supposedly common things, but still they are always on the bni, they are always needed, because they save the lives of our defenders, and how even if we talk
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about the balance of forces, about the balance of losses, but anyway, well, every ukrainian protects it, he is a hero, he is a patriot, and every enemy who trampled on the beautiful, wonderful ukrainian land, well, you can’t say the same about him, that’s why it’s understandable , what i want to save the lives of our infantrymen , mr. dmitry, by the way, there was a video, it seems the day before yesterday or the day before yesterday, when the drones... of your brigade were destroying the enemy's reb system, that is, they found an opportunity to get together, just in time to strike at the enemy's fishing system, and you mentioned that the enemy has an increasing number of unmanned strike systems, that we have, is there a positive dynamic, because everyone is talking about the fact that to a large extent the lack of artillery now, especially in the avdiiv direction, is decisive. is due to drones, or is there any indication that there is a proportional or some
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sort of increase in the half drones your units are getting? well, let's say this, now we can talk about a conditional balance, somewhere, if we compare our capabilities with theirs, and in terms of hits, in terms of pilot skill, it seems to me that our boys and girls have a certain advantage, but here i would still like to remind . the artillery will not be replaced , so more shells are needed, and more shells are needed, and it is clear that there are never enough of them, taking into account the fact that the number of occupiers is huge, here are our infantrymen, they, well, they told me that they were surprised that one wave went, it was destroyed, the other... went and was destroyed, that is, they are stimulated there, so to speak, under the threat of death, and often
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they also use psychotropic substances, well , these are generally known facts, and syringes were found in their trenches, our guys, there was a lot of this, but less than that, they go, go and go, and therefore, accordingly, accordingly , a lot of weapons are needed and a lot of ammunition is needed, and regarding the lack of equipment, the use of artillery and so on, can we talk about what? parity with anti-aircraft guns , does the enemy still have an advantage when we talk about artillery, about the use of mortars, there is also large-caliber artillery, mortars, grenade launchers on... still work very effectively, it should also be noted, but if we talk about there are howitzers, howitzer artillery, then, well, that's how they use the shells they have the feeling that they definitely don’t have a shortage of them, because they work on planes, sometimes without aiming at all, but simply in order, so
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to speak, to embarrass, prevent them from meeting and so on, there is, there is, there is such a thing, and we we are waiting, of course... for support from our western partners, we are waiting for them, aware of the situation on the front, not to hurry, but to act as decisively as possible and continue to support ukraine. and when we talk about logistics, this is the path of orlivka, lastochkina, avdiyivka, this the direction of the enemy is probably such, well, in a certain priority, to fire strikes in this direction. route, what is actually happening, are there any problems with logistics, or are all these risks somehow compensated in other ways so that our units are provided with everything they need? well, the track has been shot at and shot at for quite a long time, and if the enemy moves closer to the track and if he has the opportunity even there for some small tactical
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success, even minimal success, it still worsens the situation, of course, so... no let me do it, this is the task facing the defense forces, so, i will say this, the evacuation is carried out, the supply is carried out, but it, well, it is difficult to call it absolutely safe, yes, because , again, it is fired with mortars and artillery, and the cabins the roads are collapsing, a video recently appeared of a car driving and exploding nearby, and it is clear that in such conditions it is more and more difficult, more and more difficult... to evacuate the locals, although, in my opinion, well, after all, everyone who wanted, everyone who had the desire, should have left a long time ago, well that's right, and when we talk about evacuation there or the main use of this logistical route, it is carried out at night, because as we understand, there may be less risks, or at different times of the day, well
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, again, let's not give hints to the occupiers, so that 80% of information they take from open... sources, it is clear that here exactly, for example, the same fog can help, right, that is, if, if the enemy does not see from the sky from his scouts, his arlans, or the hall there, or that there are supercams that they launch into the sky if they can't see roads, it is clear that certain logistical movements can be better carried out along this road, and mr. dmytro, i will ask you again about bradley, because there were many stories. where the faces of the mechanic, the bradley driver, and the cameraman, the commander are already known, where they told how they destroyed russian tanks, this gunner, in order to be rewarded, mentioned that he would like to go on vacation, do you know if sent this guy on leave, or is he still fighting? well
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, now, i won't say now, because there are quite a lot of people in the brigade and the game. like a vacation it's hard to keep track of everyone, we all dream of a vacation in fact, because now many military personnel supposedly have such an opportunity, but then again , we supposedly have a lot of bradley crews, but bradley is currently on 24-hour duty, they are very busy, they are very needed, they save our infantrymen who are in the trenches during enemy offensives, so the situation here, so to speak, is such that it supposedly assumes the importance of direct participation in hostilities, although the guys have the opportunity to rest sometimes too, obviously, but this depends on their commanders. mr. dmitry, thank you very much for the explanation of what you do for our country, for our defense. and i will remind our viewers that it was dmytro lazutkin,
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the head of the public relations service of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is currently defending avdiivka. these were the main ones. not the highlights of the day, but more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast. these were the military results of the day with serhii zgurets, and i thank him and thank his guest. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. most relevant. topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause... drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change
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the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. second presidency for the world. will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, we are starting the second hour of the great thero, there is a lot of interesting and important information ahead. world about ukraine with yuri fizer. it is very important to understand what is happening there in the united states of america. and why does putin remove opponents in the elections, money during the war with alexander. will there be older ukrainians with pensions, too today sports news, and the weather from natalka didenko, bad weather is coming to ukraine when it is expected, and now
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i will tell you in detail about the most important news, and there will also be the inclusion of our correspondent dmytro didor regarding the embezzlement case in the ministry of defense, there there will be a conversation about mr. liev, there will be more planes , the netherlands has decided to transfer six more f-16 fighters to ukraine. let us know about it. the minister of defense of the country kaysa olonger, in this way , the country will provide the ukrainian army with 24 aircraft. the minister noted that the advantage is in the air ukraine needs it to counter russian aggression. let me remind you that 18 aircraft are used for the f-16 training center in romania. well , it is interesting that moldova announced today that there is no logistical movement of f-16 aircraft through its territory. in ukraine, it is meant. they are looking for enemy drgs in the capital's obolon district. measures to identify subversive and intelligence groups of russians are ongoing, special operations are carried out by the territorial recruitment center, anti-aircraft defense, the national police
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and the defense sector. this was noted in the regional obolon territorial center completing. presumably, precisely because of this, the residents of kyiv could see new mobile checkpoints and people with weapons in the micro-district. unfortunately, the russians killed four people in kherson. the enemy shelled the city again with artillery, a car caught fire due to the impact of the projectile, and rescuers extinguished the fire. unfortunately, the bodies of two dead townspeople were found in the cabin. another victim of the russian attack is a 66-year-old woman. during the shelling, she was on the street, and a 60-year-old local resident was also mortally wounded. one person was injured, the city military said administration in general, during the day muscovites released more than three dozen in the regional center. shells in the very center of the city damaged the holy assumption cathedral building, it belongs to the moscow patriarchate. debris fell on the facade of the church, windows and entrance doors,
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muscovites also hit the residential quarters of the ship district, damaged power lines. this is where the glass is lying, our dog injured his paw. at three o'clock in the morning, there was one good arrival, well, it was like a double clap. it was three o'clock hours of the night we were not asleep at all, i looked out the window on the veranda, i see that the neighbors have a two-story house, and on the second floor something is burning, some glare, i immediately called the fire department, something is burning, i also called the fire department, they are creating agents of influence, russia is more active, introducing propaganda in european countries, analysts of the institute of innovative governance stated this. experts discovered almost 360 pro-russian narratives in germany and france. and italy believe it is related to the upcoming elections to the european parliament, which may be reflected in further support for ukraine. russia, it
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has changed the ways of influencing these countries, the european union. they do it either so covertly that we ca n't trace it, or they don't do it at all, but rely on this long-term group and... the only way, actually, how to fight all this propaganda is fact-checking, it's refuting all these narratives. yulia laputina, the head of the ministry of veteran affairs, has written a statement of resignation. application have already been submitted to the verkhovna rada and will be considered at the next plenary session, said the speaker of the parliament, ruslan stefanchuk. let me remind you that the parliament appointed la putina as the minister of veterans affairs in 2020, she is a counter-intelligence officer, a special agent. candidate of psychological sciences, major general of the security service of ukraine. well, yes.
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of military-technical policy, development of weapons and military equipment of the ministry of defense , oleksandr liev publicly passed a polygraph, lie detector test. let me remind you, he is suspected of creating a criminal group, which is for version of the investigation stole almost 1.5 billion hryvnias for the purchase of ammunition. our correspondent dmytro didura knows what questions oleksandr liev answered, he is with us live. in touch, colleague, congratulations and we are waiting for details from you. i congratulate vasyl , and i also congratulate our viewers, so since this public polygraph test took place, i want to note right away that it lasted a long time, from an hour, and not all questions were resolved today, i want to note that the conclusions of the polygraph examiner, which i am announcing on the air today, they were made beforehand, oleksandr liev said that in
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he passed the polygraph on friday. and the polymorphologist noted that it was correct, initially to pass it without irritants, which may be outsiders who are in the room during the lie detector test, and today several times we had to interrupt the posture of asking questions and start again, waiting for silence in the office and also a calm atmosphere, because on this on... the specialist who conducted today's survey, therefore, the questions related specifically to the case in which oleksandr liyev is suspected, and there were several questions to which he answered, i immediately want to say that oleksandr liev cheated on one of the questions, the polygraph said about it, and therefore they were, there were several questions, lists of questions, there were also subsections in
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these questions, that is... they considered the version, checked the version and of oleksandr liev himself , which he voiced to the polygraph examiner before passing the test, and therefore whether he received an illegal profit as a result of the contracts concluded with the lviv arsenal, oleksandr liev answered no, and the lie detector said that this was reliable information, but with he was unfamiliar with the head of the lviv arsenal about... this was also confirmed by the polygraph and he was also not familiar with the head of sevotech harashaev, which was also confirmed by the polygraph. did oleksandr liev know that the contract would not be fulfilled? his answer was: no, and the polygraph said that this is reliable information, but did he receive an instruction from the management to conclude a contract with the lviv arsenal. oleksandr liev answered: no, and the
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lie detector said that it was a lie. and inaccurate information. regarding the answer to this question oleksandr liev commented personally after passing the test. indeed, at that moment i was under quite strong pressure both from the command of the armed forces of ukraine and from the leadership of the ministry of defense. this does not specifically refer to a contract with someone. and this specifically concerns the supply of ammunition, today there were also questions about whether fines were included in the contract, whether oleksandr liev insisted on including such a provision in the contract, he said: yes, the polygraph says that this is the true answer, he announced today, that in i wanted it to be written in the contract that...
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one day of delay in the contract, i.e. non-fulfillment of the contract, would cost the customer and suppliers 13 million hryvnias. but regarding his trip abroad, he also commented today and answered this question in the polygraph, he said that he planned to go and get, bring to ukraine two cars for demining, but he confirmed that it was before the weekend and he wanted it on the weekend. . with his wife to go abroad to romania and meet his friends there, but on monday he planned to pick up the cars and to return to ukraine, and to the question of whether you went abroad to hide from the investigation, he answered no, the polygraph says that this is reliable information. in general, today there were a lot of questions to oleksandr liev and about the supply of ammunition.


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