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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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so that it was written that one day of delay in the contract, i.e. non-fulfillment of the contract , would cost the customer 13 million hryvnias to the suppliers. but regarding his trip abroad, he also commented today and answered this question in a polygraph, said that he planned to go and get, bring to ukraine two cars for demining, but he confirmed that it... was before the weekend and he wanted to weekend with my wife to go abroad to romania and meet my friends there, but on monday i planned to pick up the cars and return to ukraine, and on to the question of whether you went abroad to hide from the investigation, he answered no. the polygraph says that this is reliable information. in general, today there were a lot of questions to oleksandr liev and about the supply of ammunition. regarding
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this matter, he says that he cannot divulge much, but he says that none of the baltic countries supply us with ammunition, the legal way, but there is such ammunition in our country, i will just remind you that he is suspected of creating a criminal organization , which, according to the investigation, stole 1.5 million, 1.5 billion, i apologize, of budget funds did not bring combat shells to the armed forces of ukraine, and the prosecutors asked to choose the left preventive measure, detention and bail, but the court refused the request of the prosecutors, this is all the information i have time to tell you today . thank you very much, dmytro, dmytro didora told us about how oleksandr liev passed the polygraph today, let me remind you that he is the former head of the ministry of defense department of military-technical development policy. and military equipment, which
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they suspect that he created a criminal group that stole 1.5 billion hryvnias from the state. we will not follow this story further. well, now i'm adding yuri fizer to the conversation, the world about ukraine and today there is a lot of important sensitive information. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined our broadcast today. so, aid from the united states of america, the main hungarian diplomat told lavrov that he condemned the russian invasion, well , at least according to peter szijjártó. well and serious intrigue from sweden, my name is yuriy fizar, this is world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. well, let me start with the following: ukraine will be able to receive military and financial aid in the amount of 60, even a little more than billions of dollars from the united states of america, but only if first the senate, and then the chambers. and representatives will approve
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the project proposed by the upper house of the american congress, these are package agreements on providing aid to ukraine and israel, as well as strengthening control over the american-mexico border. leader senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said republicans couldn't get a better deal, while senate majority leader chuck schumer said the priorities in the bill are too important to let the police, this is his quote, stand in their way . well, he says: the us and its allies face multiple, complex and locally coordinated challenges from adversaries seeking to undermine democracy and expand authoritarian influence around the world. that is, i repeat, it is only the bill, which will be this week, first with a signal vote, and then , if the signal passes, to hold and...
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a normal vote in the upper house of the american congress in the senate, and american president joe biden, commenting on this decision of american senators, said that the senate, quote by joe biden, he did his job, now it's the turn of the representatives of the lower house, the house of representatives to do their job as well, well, we'll see, but, there are many buts before that, even if in... the senate agreed with the republicans on this bill, but the mood in the house of representatives is quite different, the leader of the republican majority in the house of representatives, mike johnson, was quite critical of the proposed bill, and this despite the fact that the republicans in the senate, as i said, agreed on the text of the bill. according to mr. speaker, package compromise agreements on providing aid to ukraine and israel, as well as strengthening control over the american-mech.
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border, doomed to failure. mr. johnson believes they turned out to be worse than republicans thought, a short quote from him follows. i seen enough this bill you. even worse than we expected. he didn't even come close to ending the border disaster that president joe biden created. you see, this is some kind of dissonance, there are republicans in the house of representatives, there are republicans in the senate, in the senate the republicans agreed with the democrats and agreed on the text of the bill. in the lower house, the same republicans. well , maybe not the same ones, maybe there are more people who are influenced by donald trump, but they said, oh my god, no, it's a terrible document, we are not going to vote for him, so there is a very, very, very serious debate ahead between the representatives of the us congress, i think it will end in our favor,
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at least i would very much like it and i would also very much like it to end as soon as possible, he will be symbolic, so in a comment to the politico magazine... european diplomats described the 13th package of anti-russian sanctions, which is currently being worked on in brussels. according to the interlocutors of the publication, the deadline is set for development of the next restrictions is too small for any significant measures to appear among them. in the new package, emphasis will be placed on combating the circumvention of sanctions through third countries, in addition, it is known that restrictions will also apply to the import of aluminum and the movement of russians. diplomats within the schengen zone, the restrictions will also apply to imports, while aluminum plays an important role in the production of aircraft and in construction, and in this regard , the idea of ​​banning the import of this metal from russia is likely to meet with serious
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opposition oh, this damned business, how it sometimes puts sticks in the wheels when... a very important decision is needed and it is needed as soon as possible, well, but we see some kind of 13th package, well, it will be something like that, not quite clear, well will prohibit russian diplomats from moving through the schengen zone without opening visas for each country they will go to, so what, but let's move on, polish defense minister władysław kosinia kames does not rule out the threat of a war that russia will start, which poland must prepare for. .. war - he said in an interview with the daily newspaper superexpress, when asked if he considered a direct russian attack on poland possible for ukraine to be defeated militarily, the conservative politician answered, this is his quote: "i expect all scenarios and i take the worst of them most seriously, this is the task of the minister of defense in
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the situation we find ourselves in today." this is the end of the quote, and the head of the polish ministry of defense also emphasized that he did not just say these words on the spot, but carefully... weighed them, moreover, the ministry headed by him has already started specific preparatory steps, for example, gaps in polish armaments are being studied. more and more such statements are coming from europe, after all, there is some intelligence information, such statements are based on this intelligence information, and according to these reports, putin has something big in his sick old head. the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, péter szijártó, always spoke about his attitude to the war in ukraine in his conversations with the head of the foreign political department of our north-eastern neighbor. about this peter sijarto said in an interview with the
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vrt tv channel. asked if he had ever spoken to his russian counterpart , sergei lavrov, about the need to end hostilities in ukraine, szijjártó said, quote. i have always made my position very clear to everyone, i made it clear to sergey lavrov and our russian partners, declaring that we condemn the war. war is bad for us, for ukrainians, for europe, and we want the war to be stopped. well, it seems not bad, well , i want to believe that he said that, but later in the same interview, he said about how to stop this war, but simply stop giving? money and weapons to ukraine and sit down at the negotiating table, that is, go on, even as if he is saying some serious things, but everything can come to nothing. well, let’s move on: i was intrigued . in the near future, sweden will announce a decision in the case of sabotage at the russian gas pipelines
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nord stream 1 and nord stream 2. well , let me immediately remind you that on september 22, 2022 , explosions occurred on their three... in threads, which led to serious damage due to of which one gas line has even stopped working, and the second one has not yet been put into operation, and today in a comment to the swedish newspaper expressen about... max juqvist promised to make certain news public. his quote follows. i cannot say whether it will be tomorrow, wednesday or thursday, but in any case a decision is on the way. this is his end of his quote and the prosecutor. he has not yet commented on whether he will prove whether it is about closing the investigation or opening a criminal case, but the swedish investigation is being conducted in close cooperation with the german prosecutor's office. well, yes. denmark is also conducting its own investigation, in a word, i am really waiting for the announcement, because i myself, well
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, agree, i wonder what will happen. mir, the mayor of the polish capital of warsaw, rafalt shaskowski, was elected as a candidate for the post of president of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, from the political association civic coalition, the leader of which is the current prime minister of the country, donald tusk. this was confirmed by the speaker of the senate in an interview with the radio z radio station. this is the upper chamber of the parliament of malgozat kidava blonska. responding to question: is prime minister donald tusk himself going to run for the post of president, the speaker answered: "not at the moment." the largest opposition group in poland, the civil coalition, won 157 seats in the 460-member sejm and the local sejm in the parliamentary elections on october 15 and formed a coalition together with other opposition forces. for the presence of a parliamentary majority. well, let's go
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a little further now. we cross the atlantic ocean to the united states of america. 9 months is a long time. during this time, we have all of them the chances, unfortunately, of starting a third world war because someone is not doing their job. it was a quote from the 45th president of the united states, donald trump. he said this in a tv interview. fox news channel. the ex-owner of the white house, who wants to visit there again, did not stop there and, as usual, began not only to criticize the current president joe biden, but also to openly insult him. according to donald trump: everyone in the world just laughs at joe biden and disrespects him. well , that is, we see such an evolution in donald trumpy if before he said: elect me and i will stop this war, now he says oh, this war. can even turn into the third world, it is interesting what he wants to do with those messages, i don’t know about somehow,
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to provoke the announcement of the impeachment of joe biden or how, well, i don’t know, but there is very little time left for all this, we’ll see, well, no intrigue from zaporizhia, the central election commission of our north- eastern neighbor discovered errors in the signatures that he collected and presented. the so-called non-military candidate borys nadezhdin, by the way, he is the only one who criticizes putin, so it is obvious that more than 50% of the signatures he collected were rejected , and according to the constitution of the country of terrorists, the detection of 5% of unreliable signatures among the signatures is grounds for refusing to register a candidate, the announcement of the final decision is scheduled for wednesday morning, but nadezhdin has already promised to challenge his disqualification from the elections, if it happens. in the cec, and then says he will even go to the supreme court. i think, in principle
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, nadizhdin should be grateful that the signatures were simply rejected, and not him rejected, well in fact, all of them said that i will go to court, to whose court, to the same court as the cec of emma pamfilova, and by the way, i want that if any of our viewers have another one, i i don't know, maybe the hope is that nadezhdin is really an opposition candidate who will be able to change something, let's listen to it briefly. what did he say in one of the programs on russian television a few days ago? blitz, war or svo? well, svo, of course, i'm in russia. whose crimea? krymsky is putin a great leader or a tyrant? putin - an outstanding politician of the 21st century, whose reputation will be determined by what will happen next here and how he will leave. is the military conflict in ukraine a crime or a mistake? mistake borys nadezhdin is going to the elections
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in order to win, but why do you still need to go to the elections? well, you see , we can put an end to this candidate, whether he passes or not, we fully understand his position, a military conflict is a mistake, putin is an outstanding politician, crimea is crimean, well, it's good that at least it 's not russian and and error, but we understand what do you know, what is interesting, well, there will be no hope. there is also a candidate from the cprf, if i am not mistaken, there is also a candidate from the ldpr, in my opinion, well, that is, they are there, well, vasyl, well, we all understand that most likely they will not even miss him, on wednesday i will be for you will be the first to follow this. all the same, it is clear that this will not change anything in russia, but all the same for the world, first of all, it will once again demonstrate the weakness of putin, because the strong putin was not afraid at one time, even sobchak allowed the election, in my opinion, of his time, well i don't i know, vasyl, you can argue a lot about this, but it’s just such a russian policy, russian, well, i was just
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knocked out by these scholias and his answers, so i... i just see what’s happening, i’m in russia, and i'm in russia, so that's it, let's put an end to that, let's hope, well, let's see what will happen on wednesday, well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all only for today, tomorrow there will be more and there will be more in our next broadcast, so don't switch. many thanks to yuri fizer for the information about events outside the borders of ukraine, and now we have a story for your attention, now i will just find it and offer it to you, so many wounded ukrainian soldiers are in germany, there defenders with various injuries receive qualified medical
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care and recover. espresso correspondent olga dutko spoke with our fighters in the land of bavaria. yuriy is from transcarpathia, before the full-scale invasion of the enemy he took part in the operation of the united forces, he recalls that they began to prepare for the great war in two weeks, in the fact that it will be a few days before the start, they had no doubts, they put the combat vehicles in order, loaded them with shells and left in echelons, where exactly they were going, the soldiers did not know. the boys arrived at their destination on the night of february 24, when they heard the first explosions. then there was already some awareness that something like a war was really starting, but not everyone understood what it was yet, no one understood concrete actions, what to do, the vorox was coming from different corners, so to speak, there was no clear plan of action,
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the boy's unit defended volnovakha, there the soldier received the first shrapnel wounds in the shoulder. the next ones are already in the kherson region during the counteroffensive. that day everything went to shkerbert, - recalls yuriy. we started, well, we started, as it were, shooting, and immediately they , i don’t know, drones, launched everything, immediately they were maximally prepared, and immediately i was hit with, i don’t even know whether they hit me from a gun, or from a mortar of some kind, or what... it was different, the boy was most impressed by the loss of his finger, when i hit a projectile, i found that there was no finger and i looked like this, and i started severe panic, even though i saw that my stomach was also torn open, the unconscious soldier was taken to the kryvyi rih hospital, and he regained consciousness in vinnytsia, then there was
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long-term treatment in lviv and transcarpathia, later the germans agreed to treat the serious damage to his internal organs... specialists, that's why yura has been treated in bavaria for six months, and this is nazar, a 20-year -old volhynian who has been fighting since he was 8 years old, the boy signed a contract immediately after finishing school , the military understood that russia would definitely attack, the soldier shares, at the moment invasion, the boy's unit was based in makarov and irpen in the kyiv region. there was an alarm at the training ground for 5 hours, and we already had everything loaded, we just got into the cars and... he was wounded on july 13 in berestov, which is 10 km from bakhmut, there was a close contact, we repelled him, and the artillery fire started. and that's how it turned out, i was wounded, a projectile flew by. currently, the boy is undergoing treatment in germany, and is now waiting for another operation. i vomited
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in the middle of my nose, i had the beginning and the end of my nose, i was transplanted in ukraine. skin and cheeks on the nose, well, they pulled it like that, and here they have to do it already inside the nose, that there was healthy breathing, and well, nothing got in the way, after the treatment, the boy plans to return to ukraine to the front, he says, right now we are choosing the future for our children. olga dutko from germany for espresso tv channel. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this. the ship district is included live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell you the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, good evening, we are from ukraine, well we
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let's continue, and after interesting news about events outside ukraine, no less interesting news about money during the war oleksandr morchyvka is next to me, oleksandr, please, you have the floor, congratulations, congratulations to the audience, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes we will talk about the international community. one aid from the united states, in particular, how it will affect ukrainian pensions, you will also learn about the role of russian assets in the reconstruction of ukraine, all this in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. well, finally, how they say, the ice is off the chair, and it became known that the senate of the united states can already vote on february 7. for the bill on the package of international aid, in particular for ukraine. oksana markarova, the ambassador of our country to the states, wrote about this on social networks. she reminded that the document provides support in
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the amount of 60 billion dollars. oksana markarova also noted that there is a condition, which is a ban on reimbursement of pensions at the expense of direct budget support from the united states. well, a. and to reassure ukrainians, the head of the budget department commented on the situation the committee of the verkhovna rada of roksolan pidlas, and she says that there will be no problems with pensions, even if the aid from the united states is reduced and this demand of the senate has to be fulfilled. the state budget now fully covers the deficit of the pension fund, and in general, pensions in ukraine are paid at the expense of a single social security fund. contribution, in fact, pensions are a protected expense item, so the money will be found in any weather, as they say, let me remind you that indexation
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of pension payments is planned for march, and it really needs additional money, i am sure that there will be certain balancing initiatives, and it is already pleasing that the european union is starting macro-financial assistance for the current year, we are waiting for the first tranche at the end of february. is it possible that ukrainian pensioners will receive their payments from that money without any delays, well , of course inflation will eat into indexation, but in any case without indexation it would be even worse, so of course it is needed, there is a question in that amount, but it is clear, that life in ukraine is more expensive, that's why it is understandable, it is necessary to revise the payments and not only that pensioners, and internally displaced persons, other categories of people who receive some help from our state budget, we are talking about... a subsidy, in particular for the heating season, well, various items of expenditure, they need to be reviewed, in my opinion. the european commission will not add any new restrictions until it adopts the 13th package
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of sanctions against russia. it is planned to be considered and adopted just in time for the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of refia into our state. this is reported by the reuters agency, referring to diplomats of the european union union, that's what the members of the country are for. must vote unanimously , reuters sources say that there will be hundreds of new lists of legal entities and individuals in this new sanctions package, large, large companies are not foreseen, but the list of enterprises from the aggressor country will be expanded to which eu firms will not be able to sell goods of the so-called double purpose, well, these are those objects that can be used both in everyday life, and also... for a reason, for example, to create weapons, drones and something similar. well, it's a good initiative, these goods have a dual purpose, well , this is such a huge loophole that is now
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functioning and replenishing, in fact, the russian federation. absolutely without these goods, well, it's a pity that the journalists dug up this story about the machines that came from taiwan, it's like, well, the goods are non-dual purpose, they are quite technological things, i hope that this loophole will also be closed. that similarly, well at least in taiwan, as far as i understand, they have now made this disclaimer not to to sell goods to such countries, there, let's say, as turkey, the united arab emirates, through which they can get to russia, well , there is the same in belarus, but here you have to constantly watch, because when you are next to thieves like russia , well, he always steals, and here you have to beat the hands every second simply , you have to beat economically, you have to hit the pockets, the wallets, they are trying to do this in the european union, a great initiative that... while it is still being discussed, the g7 countries and the eu are discussing a plan to use more than $250 billion of the russian central bank - writes the
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bloomberg agency. the allies can issue debt obligations to finance aid in the reconstruction of ukraine, and they are going to use the frozen funds of the russian central bank as collateral for repaying the debt. supporters of such a plan believe that any settlement of the situation, according to international law, will still lead to the fact that the kremlin will be obliged to pay for the damage it has caused in ukraine. well, for now only the technical one will be discussed. side, and bloomberg agency analysts say that with on the political side, the political decision may still be delayed, so the use of muscovy's assets is indeed a protracted issue, but in ukraine, let me remind you, in particular, the state property fund reported that funds from the property of sanctioned persons are already in the treasury, and the head of the state property fund, mr. koval calls also
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the international community to act more actively. to sell, to really use the interest from these assets, and already so that this money goes to our budget for reconstruction, absolutely, moreover, there is a lot of russian property in europe, especially in some countries, the russians bought there are buildings, and historical monuments , and whatever they didn't buy, well, that's why enterprises, businesses, of course it's not easy, but it's possible, but we believe, vasyl, i hope that after all, some mechanism from this, from these initiatives, which are now about in the european union, it will work and we will have concrete money. a business that invests more than 12 million euros receives tax benefits and certain regulatory relaxations. prime minister danys shmyhal announced such preferences. one of the key tasks in the economy now for the current year is the increase of foreign capital investments, the head of the government added. so, such a new resolution of the cabinet outlines a new approach to investment projects, a number of
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provisions are simplified. in particular, about the need for an economic analysis, about revising the social assessment of the investproject. the requirements regarding the financial capacity of a company that is ready to invest money in our state are also being relaxed. here's an incentive for big business. and in poland, they are going to introduce a tax on oil from ukraine. the deputy minister of agriculture there announced that will apply for a flag. minimum 8% vat. he also talks about the need to limit the import of ukrainian sugar. at the same time , polish farmers are dissatisfied with the european commission's proposal. she promises to extend the duty-free regime for goods from our country going to the eu for another year, and activists are planning a new border blockade, they have already announced that it will begin on february 9. well, vasyl, well, exactly,
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somehow it won't end. yes, such blocking, such, well, such actions with the arrival of the new polish prime minister, we hoped that mr. tusk would end it all, and the process would be transparent, the supply of ukrainian goods through poland , to poland, but we see, farmers, that the hand of the kremlin, as they say, is unrelenting, well , you see, there cannot be such a solution here as in the neighboring country of poland in belarus, where the father, relatively speaking, said, or blinked an eyebrow, and everyone understood everything, here... despite the government's decision, there are still some loopholes in order to bargain for something, well, i 'll say it again, if they plan to block the railway tracks, it's very problematic , i visited poland and saw at the border there and already outside the border, a lot of echelons leave ukraine, of course every day in huge quantities, this is a huge amount of money for ukraine, well, we understand that the blocking of this railway transport and
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road transport is a big trouble, well here... and again the same phrase: let's continue the dialogue , well, that is, the dialogue can be conducted endlessly, if there is a desire to either warm our hands here or block ukrainian goods, well , representatives of the ukrainian business, business community, agrarian business community have already appealed to the government, to the verkhovna rada once again appealed and once again asked to act more clearly, to conduct, well, concrete measures with polish partners, to make it clear what will happen next, what will happen to these...vars, who , god forbid, will be blocked again on february 9 at the border , that is, concrete steps are needed, but not just some declarative statements of officials, it is necessary to understand that everyone loses, both ukraine and poland lose somewhere, but somewhere we earn, and the main thing is that we protect peace, let ukraine earn in time of war, because if ukraine falls, but poland is sweet for sure it won't happen, vasyl can't do it with russia, it really won't be sweet for ukraine, the european business association appealed.


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