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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EET

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judges are divided, there are separate opinions, they will be printed later, and we will do everything to translate into ukrainian, so that our whole community, law-abiding, especially our lawyers, and society as a whole , will get acquainted with it, but i return to the photo from which you started a conversation with me, so i was in the hague and now i am returning to warsaw, in the evening i will meet there with my fellow citizens, ukrainians. crimean tatars, tomorrow i hope, i will already be in kyiv, i, that is, i could not be in the middle of the forest, what the photo says, it says that that we, the crimean tatars, well, like all ukrainians who are directly in the territories occupied by russia, realize how, well, it is necessary to urgently liberate all these territories, and the only obstacle to such an early liberation. it could be some
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of our internal problems in ukrainian society, as soon as this court decision , which disappointed us , was announced, let's say, in diplomatic language, one of my comrades, whom i am friends with since maidan in 2004, he wrote me one sentence, but listen to how it is it sounds, he says: friend, refate, in this situation in which ukraine is, the best court is the armed forces of ukraine. full stop, so, i think, with this photo , we wanted to say to all of ukraine that precisely in these days, in these months, in this year, we must preserve cohesion, unity as much as possible, and this is the only condition and the only factor that will allow us to defeat this , well, those barbarians, i don't call this country any other way, and those people who support that fascist. the regime is rifataga, and do you personally
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know valery zaluzhny? uh, no, i'm with him we are not personally acquainted, although there were several moments when we talked, but no, well , as they say, not face to face, no, but tell me, please, just a few details, that’s how i understood it, they came to the management together with rustemomerov myzliy to our leader mustafa dzhemilev, and it was such an unannounced visit, i'm about what... he asks what this, that's right, happened just these days, it's important for support, one, one of these politicians, you see, i i won't name his last name, this morning in his telegram he wrote, well , such offensive words for me, he was evaluating this photo, he said again, someone wants something there, well, i ’m speaking so mildly than he did, this photo only says that in ukraine everyone... everyone, including those people and
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politicians, and generals who have their own special places, a special opinion, but if they are aware of their responsibility, i emphasize once again, all politicians, soldiers, and officials, they must now maintain unity, this is the position of our majlis, and we they wanted everyone to know about it, this is how it was in february 2014, in february b... 2014, we were there trying to keep ukraine in crimea, which was already occupied , as much as possible, and we were waiting for a single, well, such a very, well, open and frank approach of all ukrainian politicians, while they were sitting here in kyiv and engaged in other issues, including sharing portfolios, here sharing briefcases, and there they spread all over the crimea, along all the roads, in all corners of the crimea. the bosom of the russian
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military, i would never want to see such things again in my life, mr. refate, it is very important to be aware of what is happening in the temporary occupied crimea, he is also feverish from this pre-election period, forgive the lord, in march they have to reassign putin there, and the local gauleiters , one in front of the other, are also trying to somehow manifest themselves and say that... that vova moldavan konstantina is already in fact a goblin on p the fourth comes, when we talk about goblin , we remind you that this is the occupation head of the so-called crimea, aksyonov, is it possible to set maselka on fire, well, that is, we understand that we can and should use any leverage in order to destabilize situation, in particular in the occupation administrations, what can we do? well, look, frogs and vipers. and in this situation i
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won't say anything and i will only repeat what i already seem to have said literally a few minutes ago, not a couple of but dozens of well-hit shots. on military facilities in the crimea, on those ships that are still terrified there and hiding somewhere in these different crimean estuaries , and they are scattering them on novorossian, on feodosia already in sevastopol, well, they practically ripped apart this squadron of ships, blows, blows must be done on bridge, this the umbilical cord that mentally holds the crimea, well... let's say this, in the minds of putin and his entourage, as soon as two or three spans of this bridge collapse, think that crimea has already been liberated. thank you for such words, mr. rifate, rifatega, well, i think that you too, well , not too, you are the first to analyze such news, in
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london, the occupying ex-governor of sevastopol, dmitry ovsyannikov, was arrested, what can you say. about this fact and this being? well, here our law enforcement agencies and diplomats need to monitor the situation very closely, so far, that's it he is not in danger, we could do something like that , but we could hope that he would be extradited to ukraine, he was arrested for violating the sanctions regime, which was also imposed against him personally, he is not just... the bailiff of sevastopol, and before that he was, it seems, a deputy the minister whose ministry seems to be industry, i don't really remember it, and then he was sent to work by this geulleiter of the occupation authorities in sevastopol, then he was removed with a scandal, well, of course,
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these are the russians, you know, seekers of their spiritual scraps, they are looking everywhere for their scraps and supposedly all the lands of their neighbors ... which they declare to be russian lands, and as soon as they are taken by the ass, they immediately run to the west, against which they supposedly opposed, so if the west simply well, they would have a little more sense than the one they use, i, unfortunately, i am already transferring diplomacy, then they should now turn to the general prosecutor's office of ukraine so that we urgently provide documents that... what this person committed crimes against the ukrainian state directly, if they do not do so, then in the general prosecutor's office, i think they have already done it, well , if they have not done it, then it is already very unprofessional . i just want to remind you that ovsyannikov has already been mentioned in our hydere program more than once, in particular
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in the context of the fact that in 2022 this person actually achieved the lifting of european union sanctions in great britain, in particular. that is, we already have a very dangerous precedent, when a person, in connection with the fact that he allegedly lost his position, gets rid of, well, let's say this sanctions influence, which she deserved, as if as soon as you stop leading sevastopol, we will remove the sanctions from you, not guilty, i would think that maybe you would share this opinion with your colleagues, but this is really very serious, because if we just not only in ... received blows when they inflicted them on us, and in order for us to inflict them ourselves, i think that we simply need to ask a journalistic question to the prosecutor general's office, whether they had time immediately after the message came that this scoundrel, who is direct a criminal in relation to ukraine, whether we
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have already prepared and sent the documents to have him extradited to ukraine, definitely, yes, we will definitely ask, because if this has not really been done. it's simple, well, let's keep quiet on this topic until we know for sure, on february 20, there should be some kind of court decision in great britain on this matter , yes, exactly, on the day when russia began to occupy crimea, it seems like on the 20th, no, on the 20th , on the 20th, they started well no no they they they they started a very long time ago and a long time ago 2014 in the 18th century is how you remember it. thank you very much, mr. rifate, for the fact that you managed, despite the circumstances, to join, and refak chubarov, the head of the medjalis of the crimean tatar people, who is currently on his way, as we understand, from
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the hague, from the meeting of the un court, where literally yesterday the decision regarding ukraine's lawsuit against the russian federation, i think that we will definitely still deal with the lawyers. surely ask, well, we will do it, we will invite a person to join us, how to join mr. arifat chubarov, and refat chubara, you know, sometimes it is not necessary to see, but it is always good. hear, and if you listen well to what ryfat aga chuvarov said, many thoughts arise, i think, in our viewers, regarding several topics that we have already touched on and will continue to discuss. i just want to take this opportunity to note that an important event this week related to crimea is the release of yevgeny karakashev, a crimean activist from yevpatori convicted in russia, who was released from the balashov prison in... the ratov region of the russian federation after six years of imprisonment, this was reported earlier by his acquaintances, an acquaintance, and i
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understand that we will now look for opportunities to contact the person who, unfortunately, had to serve the term and, it is interesting to talk to the person , if he can, of course, it is so interesting to talk to a person who spent a full term on his land for nothing, just for his citizenship, for his position on his own... i hope that this is the end of it, to talk about his feeling, about his feeling when he got into the wagon train , the occupying one, about his feelings now, about his vision of the war , about everything, about everything, about everything, the opinion of such people is valuable in my opinion, i am always interested in it, well, we will say goodbye to you on this, we will remind you that this was a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel together with beraber, khrystyna yatskiv and others. muzhdabaev, were with you, see you, see you.
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we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine, colonel of the security service of ukraine, roman kostenko, a retired colonel of great britain, glen grant and people's deputy of ukraine ivanna klympush-tsintsadze. in the second part of our program, we will have a political science club, vitaly kulyk, serhii taran and i. reiterovych, but before we start our big conversation, we will watch a video of the stunning success of the 72nd brigade near novomykhaivka in donetsk region, when a russian mechanized column was defeated from 11 units of armored vehicles. let's see.
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glory to the 72nd brigade and those who destroy
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the russian invaders on the russian-ukrainian front. friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube , please vote in our poll, today we ask you about whether you are satisfied with the work of the head of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhnyi, yes, no, everything is quite simple there, if you watch us on tv, vote with the appropriate phone numbers. 0800-21381, if you are satisfied with the work of the head, and if you are not satisfied, 08021382. all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will pick up the results of this vote. and don't forget, please, to like this video in order for it to progress in youtube trends. it is very important for us. and we have our first guest on the phone, this is roman kostenko, a native. deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, colonel
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of the security service of ukraine. mr. colonel, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, each other. mr. colonel, in an interview with italian journalists, zelensky said that the issue of zaluzhno will obviously be on the agenda this week. and the consequences of such dismissal will obviously also be discussed, as well as the change of other personnel changes that will be proposed by the supreme head of the committee. armed forces of ukraine, let's listen to what zelensky said. i am considering this replacement, but it cannot be said that it is only about one person. if we want to win, we have to push everyone in the same direction. convinced of victory, we cannot lose hope or give up. we must have
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the right positive energies. that's why i'm talking about a reboot, about a replacement. i mean something serious. which concerns not one person, the direction of the country's leadership. today, ukrainian pravda, referring to its sources, wrote that it is obviously about the replacement of the chief of the general staff, which serhiy shaptala is now, and that it will also be this one. firewood rotation with tin, what do you know about these rotations? you know, first of all, it somehow seems quite wrong when we have a whole marathon in the country, and we learn such news from an interview with the foreign press, and i consider it quite wrong, because there are all, let's say
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, the majority of the entire society was given a marathon, they said: look, here is the truest information and the very... true, and at the same time, the insiders and the decision are supreme the commander-in-chief tells other newspapers such publications , thus saying that, well, it looks like , in principle, they will find out when it is necessary, but this is what i am informing the whole world now that i will have such and such intentions, and this is very looks ugly because there's a war going on here, everyone hardships are endured here, people live here , news is awaited here, and changes are awaited here, and not somewhere in italy or elsewhere, and this i think is wrong from the point of view of communication, which in principle has been failing in us from the very beginning, which concerns directly the question of changing the commander-in-chief, i have already stated my point of view on this matter, my personal point of view,
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that the hard-working man should continue to carry out the tasks, in principle, he... now directs the armed forces directly by war, the army trusts him and he is in his place. concerning the supreme commander, he has the right to replace anyone who, as far as the military leadership of the state is concerned and his right there to choose with whom he should continue to fight, but he must also remember the consequences that may be that this a man who is trusted in the army, a man from whom, from the beginning... no-scale people have passed the hottest times, and i believe they have already passed the hottest times of this war, and many of the people who now command the brigades, in that including in other directions, these are people who, in principle, fought with him since the 14th year, therefore here you also need to understand the consequences and
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be guided not only by emotions, this is my point of view, but i understand that there is no one in your committee. information about whether this rotation will happen or when it will happen, that is, none whatsoever, and i'll tell you, i'll tell you, and i think that information is not even there, going beyond the five or six managers that they said, and i am sure that now they do not know how it will be, because i will say that according to insiders, even from the office of the president , several people there have already written to me about that... of the number that there 300% will be removed tomorrow, it was a few days ago, there 200% will be removed the day after tomorrow, 100% budanov, syrskyi or other candidates will already be there, they have already called several times, the decision has already been made, then the next day they say in a different way, and here i understand in particular that the decision has not been fully made, maybe they
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want it and dream about it, but maybe they still don't fully understand how to do it, for some reason i think that this decision will be made. but i will probably discuss it when i see the decree, because it often happened with us when they talked, talked, talked, and then they just forgot, i understand that they either couldn’t do it, how to do it painlessly for themselves, or it was just some kind of information campaign on, let’s say, well, as they say in our country, on focusing on some other object. mr. colonel, it is clear that zelensky, in accordance with his authority, can make a decision on the change of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. and how in this situation? the army will react, because zaluzhnyi has authority, he is known, he is trusted, and he has certain knowledge and competence,
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respectively, in order to lead the ukrainian army, that is , there is obviously no point in talking about the legality of such a decision, because it is the competence of the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, but from the point of view of usurping powers to others... trick and in general, how will it affect the situation at the front, first of all, and the situation in the army, in general? it is a difficult question, and when i say that our commander-in-chief must be mindful of consequences, he must also be mindful that diligence is an authoritative general who is accepted by the whole army, i say again, who fought from the very beginning with everyone, who basically the achievements that we have now, when we basically have ... we have the country and under control for the most part, and let's say , here we are resisting, this is also the merit of him and
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the entire army, our defense forces, including those he leads, yes, we can strategically say the whole society, but directly, including his in he deserves credit as the commander-in-chief, so the army is the army, we understand what's going on here the important thing is the people... the military, of course , there are different people with whom i communicate, they respect the hard worker quite a lot, and there someone says that it is not possible, someone says that, let's put it this way, but like now it's all the same who comes, because there is no ammunition, how are you going to fight, and here it is necessary to take this into account and understand that it is up to us, even if the president decides to change the commander-in-chief, the main thing here is not to allow anything to happen in the army and that an authoritative person who is accepted comes. even if it happens, and it is very important, about it everyone should talk about it to the president , because he is a civilian, he does not understand how the army works inside
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the army, what is the vertical of the army, what is it like for people in uniforms who suffer there all their lives and, as they say, baldness and go to their positions, who command the troops that sent people to death and live with it now, it's completely different, it's not that you don't appoint a civilian to some position there, that's very important. to understand, well, you need to understand how the other will be, if it already happens, we are already theorizing with you, yes, seeing where everything is going, if a new person comes there, whoever it is, according to my information, there are not many willing people there, they understand, and the supreme commander must understand that that person, first of all, that they will to immediately need a result, a result, so let me show you that you are better than the poor guy there and what i did... the right decision, but to make some result in the conditions of a reduction in aid, in the conditions of the collapse of mobilization, and well, the bill will be adopted there in a month, then after
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a while he will start to implement and maybe some the mobilization processes will settle down at the beginning of the year or at the end, therefore, once again repeating the lack of ammunition resource, the lack of mobilization reserve or resource, the lack there... even of funds for the army and to make some achievements there or something that will be needed, it will be quite difficult, who didn't put him in this position, and then questions may arise, and it wasn't like that when he was a good man, or what did you put him in, it got worse, and isn't this treason, these questions need to be taken into account and calculated in advance and in that including the president's entourage, which conveys this or that information to him, and to start with... it is already possible to have more than five or six managers there in order to understand what the consequences may be. so far, no decision has been made regarding zaluzhnyi, but today there is the first
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resignation letter from the minister of veterans affairs of ukraine, yulia laputina, she filed a statement and the representative of the cabinet of ministers in the verkhovna rada, taras mylnychuk, wrote about it, he did not explain the reasons for his dismissal, and we know , that yulia laputin... she worked in the sbu for quite a long time, she is a major general sbu and has held the post of minister of veteran affairs since december 2020, this is your colleague, mr. colonel, and obviously you know her much better than anyone else, or do you know the reasons why laputina is resigning, yes , we are colleagues, but we never crossed paths in the service at all, i... in principle , i already saw about her when she was appointed, well, i remember that she serves in the service, er, let's say, we worked in different directions,
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er ... i will say that there were various complaints about the ministry directly, specifically, why she wrote a statement , i don't have any information yet, i haven't had time to inquire, let's say, but i think there are some main reasons, which, and maybe it's such a preparation for these broad changes, maybe to create in them, in including meritoriousness, mr. colonel, this week the verkhovna rada of ukraine should... should start considering the bill on mobilization, this bill was finalized in the government and resubmitted to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, do you know how the procedure for considering this will take place bill, will this one be the bill to be submitted by the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, because today there was information that he submitted bills on the extension
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of mobilization, this is happening... if i'm not mistaken, that is quarterly, that is , mobilization is continued according to wartime, do you understand , who is the author of this law on mobilization, what are its prospects and what are the main comments of people's deputies of ukraine about this project, well, if we are talking about mobilization and extension, then every three months, we are adopting these two draft laws on martial law and, in parallel... on mobilization, regarding the approval of the presidential decree , and tomorrow we will also vote on this in the committee, well, and then in the hall it will be voted on, which concerns the draft law itself, well, who author? the author is the government , as last time it is the government that submits this draft law, what are the comments, well, i will say that it has not changed in particular since the last time, there are some changes, but
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there are no such changes in particular, so i... here i will say, that in order to hear the opinion of deputies, you need to apply before each deputy separately, there will still be factions, including our faction , we will meet and specifically discuss issues related to this draft law in order to make a precise decision, how it will be, for example, it will be despite the fact that there is a vote in the first reading or an attempt to correct it before the second or there in the first vote and then how it will go, there is another question about that... you are right about the procedure itself, because somehow it is not clear how the procedure is now is happening, there is a regulation and according to the regulation it is necessary for these draft laws to pass, but now this draft law is at the stage of being submitted to the verkhovna rada, and two weeks must pass, this is the time for people's deputies to use their right and submit alternative draft laws, there is a procedure when the parliament immediately votes on it and shortens it the deadlines
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for submitting alters... are active, but it is done right away somehow, it should be done, but tomorrow we will, well not tomorrow, at the next meeting we will vote for shortening the procedure, when it has already passed, if i am not mistaken, half the term is really already already passed, and we will vote on it, so the question is this, and why will we vote, because the ministry of defense, as we were told in the committee today, sent a letter to recognize it as urgent, we open the regulations and it is clearly written there that urgent can be... called submit a draft law, it is only the president or by decision of the verkhovna rada, the government or the ministry of defense, they are not the subject of such a submission, and tomorrow , including at the committees, we will understand whether we laws uphold the laws, whether anarchy has already gone, or whether it may be so, sir colonel, that this draft law, which will pass all the votes in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, will simply be...


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