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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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to win the war and i would like to say to the president and to the office of the president and to all those who want to restart, restart the government, we still need to develop democratic institutions. well , we are not fighting to end up with a dictatorship in our country. thank you to ms. andriano for the conversation, anriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, head of the social research center and board member of the ngo intellect of sumy region was with us now. it's eight o'clock on the clock, which means that we are watching the latest news from kateryna shirokpoyas. katya, congratulations, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night shelling of ukraine and the training conducted by british military surgeons for colleagues from ukraine.
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greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. josep borel, the high representative of the european union for foreign policy, arrived in kyiv. people's deputy oleksiy honcharenko reported this. on the way , borel stopped in poland to discuss all forms of support for ukraine. during a joint press conference with the polish minister of foreign affairs. radoslav sikorskyi. the official said that it is about military, as well as financial assistance and the use of frozen russian assets. at night, the russians struck the village of zolochiv, bogoduhiv district , kharkiv oblast, targeting a three-story hotel, oleg synigubov, the head of the region, said. the building was completely destroyed by the rubble, it could be a person. at the same time, three civilians.
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managed to save a man and two women. the occupiers killed a civilian in sumy oblast and wounded two others. as reported by the national police, in the evening the enemy shelled the city of vorozhba. the russians hit civilian infrastructure with a rocket salvo system . a 40-year-old man died on the spot, two more local residents were injured. several private households were also damaged. transformer substation building, as well as a car. 126 combat clashes took place at the front during the day, reports the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the heaviest battles continue near avdiivka. our defenders repelled almost three dozen enemy assaults. the russians tried 26 times to attack near maryinka and 10 in the area of ​​bakhmutu. in the kupinsky direction, the fighters of the defense forces managed to repulse eight enemy attacks
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on lymansky 20. during the past day , units of the missile forces struck the area of ​​concentration of enemy personnel, two terrorist control points and three warehouses with their ammunition. there was concern again in russia in the belgorod region. residents of the city of gubkin heard explosions. the authorities there claim that the city was attacked by a drone, it was allegedly shot down successfully, but the wreckage fell on four private yards. windows in houses were blown out, roofs and facades were damaged. meanwhile, the ministry of defense of the country's aggressors announced the destruction of seven drones in the region. the state of heightened alertness was immediately introduced in four russian ports of the leningrad region, the local publication reports. we are talking about the sea ports of vybborg, vysotsk, primorsky and ustluga. orefia is afraid that... due to drone attacks, there is
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a threat of a man-made state of emergency . let me remind you, in january, ukrainian drones attacked the st. petersburg oil terminal and the nevsky mazut oil refinery. he did not receive illegal benefits and did not flee from the investigation abroad. these are the conclusions of the polygraph examiner, ex-head of the department of military and technical policy of the ministry of defense oleksandr liev. passed the lie detector test. oleksandr liev organized the polygraph examination himself. there were seven questions in total. there is only one unreliable answer that casts a shadow on the tender. liev, to the question of whether he received an instruction from the management to sign a contract with the lviv arsenal, answered: "no." and this turned out to be untrue. let me remind you that the ex-official of the ministry of defense is suspected of creating a criminal group, which, according to the investigation, stole almost half of i
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was really at that moment under quite powerful pressure from the team as well. this is not specifically about a contract with someone, but it is specifically about the supply of ammunition. evidence may or may not be involved in this research at the discretion of the court, but at the same time we must remember that for many years in ukraine forensic institutes and private experts have been conducting it. judicial, psychological examinations using a polygraph. personnel decisions of the security service of ukraine, the security service of ukraine announced that it has dismissed the leadership of the department for the protection of national statehood. this happened after an investigation by bigusinfo journalists into illegal surveillance
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of their media employees. at the same time , the osbu notes that among some media workers, clients of drug dealers were found. in the criminal proceedings regarding. of legal drug trafficking appears, in particular, the former operator of the project. let me remind you, in january to the network they leaked a video where bigusinfo employees probably use narcotic substances. then the head of the media, denys bigus, assured that he had fired those in the video. at the same time, he accused the security forces of illegally monitoring journalists. british military surgeons train colleagues from ukraine. how to help photos from the trainings were published by the british ministry of defense. it was the medical service of the ministry of defense and the royal college of surgeons in england that invited ukrainian doctors to study. all in order to
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provide better treatment for the wounded. in department noted that ukrainian doctors also shared their own experience in military surgery. the relocated donetsk trauma hospital has been operating in kropyvnytskyi for a year and a half, where neurosurgical operations of varying complexity are performed. because of the war , the team moved twice, first from donetsk, then from lyman. our journalists will tell how they were integrated into the city's medical system and what services are provided to patients. now we are in the heart of our operating room, our donetsk regional traumatology hospital, and right now we are we are in the city of kropyvnytskyi, we have already been displaced twice, not only as people, but as doctors. serhiy yamtsov, a neurosurgeon at the trauma hospital, begins the tour from
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the operating room. up to 15 neurosurgical interventions, sometimes complex, lasting more than 10 hours, are performed here every week. if necessary , they work around the clock. brain pathology . vascular pathology, tumors of the central nervous system, cerebral spinal cord, spinal cord injury, any, cervical, lumbar, that is, it is like traffic accidents, it brain injury and its consequences, these are household injuries, this is a fall, and now the weather is outside the window. first of all , civilians are treated in the institution, but sometimes military personnel are also admitted here. after the operation , the driver of the assault brigade is recovering in the hospital. ruslan, he got here from the donetsk direction of the front. the military unit gave a referral, no problems, i came here for treatment, and was operated on. acquaintances recommended very good specialists. the man suffered from pathological mobility of the intervertebral discs, and the doctors to whom
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appealed, they could not help. anesthetized, says the man, and sent home. i felt pain and burning in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade. well, plus , they turned to doctors with this question, well , not directly to neurosurgeons, but to traumatologists, well, there were refusals, as a rule. the hospital carries out both planned and emergency operations, the institution has a package of the national health service for stroke care. serhiy chmel was brought to the hospital by emergency medics, his condition worsened sharply, and his right hand became numb. during the examination at the patient was diagnosed with a tumor in the brain. doctors work in rented premises in the center of kropyvnytskyi, on the eve of the great war they were in lyman, they had excellent conditions there, millions of equipment and many patients, they moved there from donetsk in 2014 and in the spring of the 22nd
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they had to flee from there as well, they took only part of the equipment, to recreate what was lost in kropyvnytskyi it was possible at the expense of the state budget of donors. and volunteers, i heard a lot of different opinions from locals, patients, and doctors that medicine in the region is, to put it mildly, not very good. it has always been at a modern level, and therefore there is a great desire to raise it to a modern level, and in the last one and a half years that we have been working here, many patients began to come not only from local, but also from neighboring regions, plus many immigrants. about two hundred people work in donetsk regional traumatology, more than half of them are migrants from donetsk region. for the espresso tv channel from kropyvnytskyi. and the gathering of the espresso tv channel, ours, continues. we need vital equipment, we are asking for help to replace the engine, purchase an optical sight and a mavic for
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intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. in general, our goal is uah 480,000. the account already has more than 428 hryvnias. get involved, your help is very important. you can now see all the details on your screens. that's all the news for this hour, see you soon. dear friends, good morning to everyone once again, we continue our marathon. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work for you in this studio, we work, let me remind you, until 12 o'clock, traditionally, at this time also we already have one. a traditional column, when we remind you about our ongoing collection and thank you for the fact that we managed
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to collect together with you for the previous day, so for the previous day, according to my calculations, on one of the cards, we added uah 2,000, i am talking about the mono card, because it is easier to monitor there, with the private card it is a little more difficult, because there you have to make a special request, but from time to time i will also ... inform you about this, so now you see two qr codes on your screens, if you face to the screen that qr code, which is the case, this is a private qr code , in order to scan it, you need to go to the privat 24 application, find the qr scan function there, click on it, a square like this will appear, and you need to point to it here is this black and white drawing on the right, scan and retell. i'm sorry, there is a qr code on the left, if you face the screen, it's actually a monobank card, it
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's much easier to scan, you can just open the phone's camera and scan like that, or you don't want to bother with those qr codes, write them down card numbers 53 75 41 12 14 06 69 09, this is the number of the mono card and the number of the private card 51:68, 74, 50, 22, 26, 24, andriyu, 94 is at the end, because i don’t understand something, 94, yes, dear friends, so what are we collecting for, we are collecting for what is very necessary for our military, namely the 141st brigade, which is performing tasks in the orichiv direction of the zaporizhzhia region, we are collecting for radio batteries. to them for starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, drone detection detectors and
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many other things that are very, very necessary for our military, if you, by the way, you don't have time to scan or you don't get to the ad, although from time to time we also have a qr code that's so small in the corner , here's where i'm at, you see, that's how it was now , and it's also possible to scan this code, or go to the website, go to our website, read the news, read the news , then go to the volunteers section, espresso volunteers, that's what it's called, to be exact, and there is a list of various meetings that at the moment the espresso tv channel and conducts because each of our teams announces some kind of collection, because there are very... many requests, for this collection that andriy and i are announcing, we actually need
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to collect 1 million uah, and we already have 296,802 uah 54 kopecks, as you can see, we are moving it forward a little, but we need to move more actively, dear friends, because because there is still a queue, and you know, it is very difficult to refuse help to the military, because they really need our help, our help means also... our security and that that our country will be safe, because our military is now defending us from the enemy. well, actually about how our military defends us. from the enemy , we will speak with natalia gumenyuk, head of the joint coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, colonel. mrs. natalya, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine, i congratulate you. glory to groyam. mrs. natalia, what is happening in the south of ukraine? the situation remains difficult, although recently there has been a somewhat calming trend, a decrease
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in intensity, from artillery fire to activity. drone, in particular drones of the fpv type and other modifications, from which the enemy attacks the civilian population, dropping grenades and cluster munitions of a different caliber and type on people in the places of their concentration, the delivery of humanitarian aid, the usual everyday life in the de-occupied territories, the fact that the right bank continues... to be under enemy attacks, this is the main direction of danger, and that is exactly why the kherson oblast defense security council introduced such coordination of the work of volunteers so that they do not fall into such massive shelling and do not
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endanger people. this is not related to the limitation access at all, or not by supporting the local population, it... focuses on ensuring that aid is distributed correctly and that receiving it does not put people at risk. what is the general situation in the south of ukraine, is the enemy increasing its reserves there, or is the situation generally stable? and the situation remains quite stable, they have enough forces and means to maneuver their resources on the left bank. not calling for outside help, for now they save armored vehicles and continue assaults on on the left bank by infantry units , infantry units, without using equipment support , which is actually reflected in the number of these assaults, lately, they have been at the mark of 5-3 per day, this indicates
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difficulties in forming. such groups and send them on an assault, because they have significant losses, only in the past day more than fifty occupiers in our area of ​​responsibility have been eliminated, and this indicates that in a situation with three assaults, the losses were quite significant. mrs. natalya, yesterday we spoke with on our air representative of the kherson region, and actually asked about what is happening in the occupied part. and why are the russians just mining some civilian infrastructure there, in fact, it happens in oleshki and in the oleshki district of nova kahovka, yuriy sobolevskyi told us the same thing, do you know the reason for such mining? and firstly, they believe in the power of defense and understand that
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progress is inevitable and try to defend themselves, secondly, it has become... the practice they carry out in all occupied territories, they always mine as much as possible objects and territories, taking into account the fact that shelling, our counter-battery fight in this case fall into the zone of very difficult work, because we try as much as possible not to endanger the civilian population, and when everything is mined around, it is clear ... that is, hitting even in a specific object, the concentration of an enemy enemy resource can lead to further detonation and damage to the local population. secondly, they themselves carry out shelling, leaving populated areas, shelling territories, activating the same minefields facilities in order to blame the defense forces
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for this. and thirdly, this is common practice. defense units, indeed, they are trying to undermine the likely paths of the movement of the defense forces, that is why the objects you named and the directions for them are the most important today, and also tell me if there is any news from the left bank of the kherson region, the main news , unfortunately, are connected with the fact that the occupiers continue en masse. attract people to russian citizenship, preparing for quasi-elections, which they have scheduled for march, trying to create the maximum effect of presence there. the russian electorate and under this guise replenish their resources, because this actually acquiring russian citizenship automatically
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turns a person into a mobilization resource, in particular men, those of conscription age, they immediately enter the mobilization lists, replenish the territorial defense units and then transfer to units. and also today they asked about what is happening in odesa, how the night passed, and actually she is a deputy of the odesa city council she said that it was calm, both that night and the previous day, and you know, i am happy , of course, that people could sleep peacefully, not to be startled by air alarm signals, but at the same time we understand that russians sometimes have a calm before the storm , or... can we somehow understand when we should expect that storm? i always say that we should not expect it, we should be ready for it, and
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we should be ready, because they really do not stop the terror, they really have not stopped in their plans and designs regarding the south and the terror of the south, i cannot say that in they have plans to buy the south, because the tongue does not return, they may dream, but still they will not succeed. here so much, and it is understandable, that is why they can rush to terror, missile terror, drone terror, and the pause that they have endured, they have endured for the last few days without using air threats on this territory, it just indicates the probable preparation for such large-scale activities, in addition to the point missile strikes that the enemy makes from time to time, they can be ... coordinators of understanding, where to expect the next attack, yes , we saw, they used point attacks in the direction of the dnipro, in the direction of kropyvnytskyi, in
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the direction of kryvyi rih, this day, last, or rather, the combat day , they made a point missile attack on mykolaiv oblast, obviously, the enemy is checking readiness and concentration of air defense systems. how are they preparing for what's next, the fact that the russians lost a large part of their black sea fleet is called one of the great successes of last year, and are the russians taking any steps to in order to make up for these weakenings, these losses of the fleet, can some other ships be overtaken instead of those sunken ships, and we are currently looking at the opposite of them in front of... deployment, maneuvers and coordination, conducting coordination between those present in the novorati base point, and in particular, we understand that
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they will bet on the missile seed, this is actually the only threat that remains from the sea in their direction to the territory of ukraine, and by the way, one of the missile seeds, an underwater last day was you'. on duty, despite a powerful sea storm, the sea has been bearing unfavorable weather for several days, and the following days are also characterized by similar weather, but it is not so critical for a submarine, and let me remind you that it is more difficult to detect the bushes just for a submarine, so you have to be ready, to listen to the air alarm signals, let four caliber missiles, but this is a very large destructive force that they can still use. thank you very much, mrs. natalie, natalie gubmeniuk, head of the joint of the coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, the colonel was in touch with us, we are going for a short break now, then we will return, oleg
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kalashnikov, press officer of the 26th brigade named after general horon roman deshkevich, will be with us, we will talk about the situation in the bakhmut direction quickly, and a little bit of good and pleasant information, dear friends, you and i have already crossed the 300,000 mark, we have 3,003. 3.66 hryvnias, 54 kopecks out of the required million hryvnias. thank you to everyone who has already contributed almost 700 hryvnias for this morning, since we announced the collection, and literally 15 minutes have passed since then, 700 have been added, this is a great pace, we are not depriving it, we are moving forward little by little. pause, then we will come back and continue our conversation, stay with us. there are discounts on pairs of villages of 20% in pharmacies plantain you and save. stiffness in
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two-hour format. more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict is with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm at espresso. a separate platoon of unmanned aerial complexes sapsan of the state special transport service appeals to the viewers of the tv channel to join the collection crown funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes!
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gentlemen, well, we continue our broadcast, just now let's talk a little about the situation at the front, through the eyes of artillerymen, in particular near bakhmut, who are working, if they are already with us, tell me, oleg, there is already oleg kalashnikov, press officer 26- general khoruzhov roman dashkevich, mr. oleg, good morning to you, good morning, i am. i will start a little with the international situation, jose borel visited poland and there he said, in particular, that he was angry with the european countries, which, according to borel, cannot fulfill the plan to provide ukraine with 155 shells, let me remind you that the european union was supposed to provide us with a million shells to the ukrainian army by the end of march, but none the less.


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