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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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we will honor the memory of all those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. andriy seichuk and i will be back on the air at 9:45, stay tuned for the press. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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hello everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this stream we talk about such topics. deputies can consider draft laws on changing the rules of mobilization in the first reading. already this week , the first deputy speaker of the verkhovna rada allows this oleksandr kornienko of the council. the new government draft of the law still contains corruption risks, this is stated in the specialized committee. at what stage is the work on changes to mobilization and whether the text will be changed again. journalists of the bigusinfo leak project identified the names of the alleged sbu employees who were monitoring them. the sbu replied: it was within the framework of the fight against organized drug crime. details of the journalists' investigation are on our broadcast. as a result of the strike
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on the occupied lysychansk, not only the minister of occupation appointed by russia died emergency situations, the so-called lnr, and local so-called deputies. russian soldiers write that there are also dead security forces, but the occupying power writes about 28 dead civilians, and russia convenes the un security council because of this. what happened in lysychansk and who died? let's talk further. important news, statements and exclusive comments. all this is on our morning broadcast. on the radio freedom channel on youtube, as well as on tv channels. russian troops continue shelling kharkiv region. tonight , a three-story hotel in the village was destroyed as a result of the strike urban type of zolochiv in kharkiv oblast. as of the third night, the head of the kharkiv ova, oleg synigubov, reported that three people had been rescued, and one person remained under the rubble. about the fact that the russian military is trying to break through. the defense of the armed forces of ukraine in the kupyansk
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direction, says andriy kovalenko, head of the center for countering disinformation at the nsdc. he says that the russian army is indeed concentrating significant forces near kupyansk, but the data provided by forbes, according to kovalenko, differ from reality. i will remind you that forbes journalists with reference to the command of ukrainian troops east wrote that for the offensive on kupyansk-kharkiv region, russia withdrew 500 tanks, 600 units of combat vehicles, hundreds. howitzers and 40,000 troops. the head of the kharkiv ova oleg senigubov, responding to this article, emphasized that the troops have been advancing in this direction since february 22, and the armed forces are ready for any scenario and to quickly respond to intelligence data. autoanalysts of the american institute for the study of war write that the russian military-political leadership, allegedly creates the conditions for an offensive on kupyansk in the coming months. at the beginning of this year , the british newspaper telegraph wrote about the alleged preparation of
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the russian army for a new offensive in the kharkiv region, which was supposed to begin on january 15, but what an announcement, and which did not take place. for the assaults of the kharkiv region , the russian army sends mostly infantry units, so say servicemen of the 45th artillery brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. this brigade is currently fighting in the liman direction, and according to the military, weapons caches and trenches are being set up by russian forces far from the front, but for... intelligence, the armed forces of ukraine use drones , we see anti-aircraft missiles, guns, anti-aircraft defense , a cluster of trucks, for example, there may be a small forest, there are many trucks in it, and they have made a small village in which they live, that is, a cluster of manpower, well , and the important point is that all those intelligences are coming in dynamics, that is, we didn't just find something and that's it, then... watching
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the movement of the enemy, where he appeared, where he disappeared, something changes, and this gives more information about about his plans, about the following steps, and... shevtsov, lieutenant colonel, head of the press service of the assault brigade of the steel border offensive guard joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, tell us what the situation is like in kharkiv oblast, do you now notice an increase in the attacks of russian troops or the accumulation of their forces and means? in the lymanovkupinsky direction , the situation remains steadily tense, the enemy continues to carry out assaults on the positions of the defense forces, carries out intense artillery fire, and so on. indeed during the last over the past few days, the number of enemy attacks increased only during the past day, the enemy carried out 20 attacks in the lyman direction and eight attacks in the kupina direction near the settlement of synkivka. the head of the kharkiv military administration says that
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the armed forces are ready for any steps taken by the russian federation in this direction. can you confirm or deny whether the russian forces have actually accumulated 500 tanks or more. 4,000 personnel and perhaps preparing for an assault? those 500 tanks and those 40,000 personnel are numbers that they say that the enemy is renewing and replenishing the losses it has already suffered, because the enemy loses 200 to 300 military personnel and about 20 units of military equipment almost every day in the kupin-limansk direction. only during the past day , the enemy lost two... 79 of its servicemen, both killed and wounded, and 88 units of military equipment, among them 12 tanks and 34 bmps, that is, they were indeed replenished, but i want this replenishment once again to say, it is to replace the losses that the enemy
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has already suffered. does the armed forces have what to oppose in the event of a major assault, analysts write that capturing kharkiv region is putin's goal before the elections in russia, what can you say? i don't know, at the expense of the capture of the entire kharkiv region, i know that the enemy aims to capture, if we talk about the kupyansk direction, this is the settlement of kupyansk and kupyansk-vuzlovy, and wants to go along the border of the left bank of the oskil river. such, such an intention , he has been carrying out for quite a long time, our unit has been located precisely in the lemano-kupinsky direction for more than six months, and all this time is the enemy of attempts to capture this area, but the enemy did not make any advances during this time. russian forces have increased the number of airstrikes in the kharkiv region, the head of the kharkiv region, oleg synygubov, said. what settlements are hit?
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most often, these are the border settlements, vovchansk, kupyansk, as well as the small villages that are located near them. is the expediency of possibly evacuating people from these settlements, which are so close to the front, seen now? well expediency is always there, because really staying in border settlements is dangerous for a civilian, for civilians, because the enemy usually fires chaotic artillery fire not at the positions of the defense forces, but specifically at civilians, at peaceful objects, therefore, if possible, it is better to leave their houses and move. to safe places. i thank you for joining the svoboda ranok broadcast. ivan shevtsov, lieutenant colonel, head of the press service of the assault brigade of the steel border offensive guard, was our guest. thank you. the anti-corruption committee of the parliament again recognized the updated government draft law on
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mobilization as containing corruption risks. eu representative victoria syumar, a member of the committee, wrote about this on her facebook page. according to her, corruption risks are possible due to the fact that... according to the document, the ministry of justice will determine which of the law enforcement and anti-corruption agencies will have armor, who should be mobilized, and also due to the lack of clarity about which documents must be provided to those who cares for people with disabilities to prove the fact of care. the first in turn deputy speaker of the verkhovna rada, oleksandr kornienko, admits that the draft law on changing the rules of military service, mobilization and military registration will be adopted in the first reading this week. however, according to him , in the text to... there are debatable norms, it is about the issue of electronic subpoenas, so -called, although it is not written there, but it remains debatable. it seems to me that among people's deputies there will be discussions on the norms regarding persons with disabilities and those who take care of persons with disabilities. not before
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to adopt the government draft law on the rules of mobilization without amendments, the european business association called on the verkhovna rada, they note that there is an option of serving summons before the warden. tion, as well as the imposition of restrictions in court on those who do not appear before the tcc. i would like to add that this is already the second government bill that the cabinet of ministers has submitted for consideration by the council. his first option is the ombudsman. and people's deputies criticized it for the presence of anti-constitutional norms. iryna friz, people's deputy, joins our broadcast of ukraine from the european solidarity party and a member of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on national security, defense and intelligence. ms. irina, i welcome you to our broadcast. congratulations. thank you for joining. tell us what your committee is saying about this new government bill. do you share oleksandr kornienko's opinion that the parliament can consider the first this week. have you read these documents and the government draft law and others related to changes to mobilization? well
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, look, according to the current legislation, he could not would be considered, but we have a situation where it is decided by the majority and can violate the law, so it really can be approved this week to the first to the first introduced approved to the first reading and considered in the first reading, most likely it will happen these days, so which is probably what the majority decided. that acting according to the current law is optional in the conditions of martial law, so we will consider it in the first reading. by the way, mr. karnienko noted that there is still a question among the debatable norms so-called electronic subpoenas, in general there are already options, for example, how to implement digitalization in this direction so that there are no violations of the norms of the current law or the constitutional rights of citizens, there are many debatable norms, in fact, it is not... not distinguished by a very high-quality editorial in fact , and it will need to be carefully
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reworked, refined, and some regulations removed, because you are absolutely right, the issue of electronic summons is absolutely discriminatory in the version in which it was introduced by the cabinet of ministers, in particular, there is no clear synchronization regarding the notification of a citizen who can receive this electronic message in the electronic account that he opened. due to the way in which this edition is specified, and due to the lack of mechanisms to protect the rights of citizens, we believe that this norm should be editorially revised 100%, it is necessary to remove electronic subpoenas until the state can provide a clear algorithm or mechanism, say in what way citizens will receive notifications about the presence in their electronic. office of new information, in particular, electronic summonses, but there are still many other norms that need to
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be worked out, in particular, the issue of demobilization, which has been repeatedly emphasized that it should be like an algorithm that needs to be introduced together with the issue of mobilization, in particular, in this draft law, it is absolutely manipulative , because on the one hand, and the author proposes 36 months for... conscripts of continuous military service, from our point of view this is not entirely correct, because 12 months of continuous service at zero or in war zone and 12 months, relatively speaking , or 36 months of continuous military service, say somewhere in western ukraine or even in central ukraine, these are completely different periods of military service that must be calculated if we are talking about justice, on the other hand, the question ... is suspended by the supreme commander-in-chief's decision, i.e. even if
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a conscript has completed 36 months of continuous military service, then he submits a report and the decision on his demobilization must be made by the supreme commander-in-chief commander-in-chief, this is an absolute legislative manipulation that makes the fact of demobilization impossible for conscripts, because of the deadlines. there is no such way and in what time frame the supreme echelon of the supreme commander should make this decision, and therefore it is a legislative fraud, because in this way, on the one hand, they say that it will be 36 months, and on the other, they say , that the rate will decide, it is unfair and unfair to society and our citizens, other norms also require processing, this is also a matter of the tsc function , addressing them to... the administration, to what extent it is correct, to what extent
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these influence measures or restrictions will be applied, yes, that is, it is the blocking of accounts, restrictions on driving a vehicle or traveling abroad , that is , the court must make a decision to what extent all these norms are applied, or partially, for what period, or when they can be removed, because it may happen that a person, after already having administrative responsibility, came to eyelash'. mother maybe even mobilized, and these measures of influence will continue to remain at the bottom, that is, the norm is written completely incorrectly and needs careful revision. well, your colleagues from the anti-corruption committee have already stated that the new government draft of the law on the amendment of mobilization still contains corruption risks, what red proportions have you and your colleagues recorded in this anti-corruption area, the first is the discretion of the cabinet of ministers, this is when the cabinet will own decision
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to set the order, for example, input military registration for citizens who are abroad. and in this way , they can apply, including restrictions through consular departments, which is absolutely wrong, because if we say that there is a clear list of influence measures, then they should be included in the body of the law, and not sent to the discretion of the cabinet, in addition , discriminatory and discretionary from our point of view are part of the obligations of local self-government bodies, when they will be decided. provide, in particular , reservation issues, and generally reservation issues for civil servants of the biv category by 50%, is such that it can create corruption risks, because each manager can decide at his own discretion who to book, who not to book, this is a direct discretion, a direct corruption risk that must be removed from
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this draft law, also, the european business association called on the verkhovna rada not to pass resolutions, how important is this call and can it have an impact? well , i think that it is primarily related to the issues of reservations at enterprises, which the european business association is talking about, and with the impossibility of having clear rules for everyone, because the selectivity proposed by this editorial is actually aimed at increasing corruption risks, this is also reflected in the decision of the anti-corruption committee. therefore, the european business association has quite understandable objections to this draft law, and if the executor, i.e. the developer, the cabinet of ministers, is not ready to finalize the said version, then it also has a fairly low chance of being adopted, especially in this form as
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a whole, i.e. in the second you are readable, lady you are talking about the fact that the pro-government... faction has resources, it has a goal, as mr. kornienko stated, that perhaps the parliament will consider this very week, and you are talking about it, and why are they in a hurry, there are, maybe there are some certain deadlines to meet? you know why they are in a hurry, it is not clear, it would be desirable that after all the noise that this draft law caused when it was introduced last december, yes, that the next edition was at least distinguished by its quality. content, and was not , in principle, such, you know, a shock, yes, whims or wishes of various stakeholders of the cabinet of ministers, i.e. what the stakeholders of the cabinet of ministers want is one thing, and what legislators face and what is the current legislation is another thing, if there is a violation of the constitution , if there is a violation of the current legislation, if
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there are corruption risks, then preferably such draft laws are not to try to adopt sec. regime, because then we will still rake up all these turbo-regime bills by revising or clarifying them, as is currently happening with bills on registers, yes 162, which are now even after approval in such a turbo-mode, they try to make corrections with technical and legal corrections, so it is desirable in such sensitive issues not to try , you know, to demonstrate the fast pace of consideration, but to test the quality of the adopted bills of the verkhovna rada, so as not to discredit the parliament finally, ms. iryna, and does the general military-political situation have any influence, i mean the rumors about the possible resignation of valery zaluzhny, which the western press and the ukrainian press continue to write about, and do you know anything about this, whether this resignation can really
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to be in the coming days, well, you know, you and i, unfortunately, are hostages of directors. who are trying to create a tv series from our real life, that is why they constantly create some episodic information drives that try to distract the public's attention from the real problems, yes, that the state is facing, that the armed forces of ukraine are facing. regarding the resignation of the head of the pawnshop committee, unfortunately, the situation has been going wild for the past six months, you all have seen, this is actually torpedoing him by his representatives. monomajorities, which absolutely publicly accused, tried to call for the resignation of the fact that now all this has already passed... to the level of the president of ukraine, unfortunately, from my point of view, everything is happening in this in an absolutely false and wild format, because
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in relation to person, to chief commissar zaluzhny, who in fact during these two years gave the opportunity to hold the state, gave the opportunity to fight back against the aggressor, gave the opportunity to create a reason to be proud of the ukrainian nation, including ours. and our partners were proud of our army, and now they are the situation really does not suit those involved in this disgraceful scenario regarding the resignation of the chief. mrs. iryna , thank you for joining the broadcasts, i would like to point out that, of course, the question of mobilization, including the resignation of the volunteer, these are such important issues, we constantly call and invite your colleagues, people's deputies from the pro-government faction, to these broadcasts. including to make this conversation wider, so let's continue. follow these topics on our broadcasts: iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on issues of national security, defense and intelligence, svoboda ranok was a guest. my name is kateryna nekrecha, and
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we talk about the following topics on the svoboda ranok broadcast. as a result of the strike on the occupied lysychansk , not only the occupation minister of emergency situations of the so -called lpr appointed by russia, but also local so-called deputies were killed. russian soldiers write that there are also dead security forces. instead, in... the occupation authorities write about 28 dead civilians, and russia convenes the un security council because of this. what happened in lysychansk and who died there? let's talk. journalists of the bigusinfo investigations project identified the names of the alleged sbu employees who were monitoring them. the sbu replied that it was within the framework of the fight against organized drug crime. details of the journalists' investigation are on our broadcast. in the meantime, you can ask your questions to the speakers of our morning show simply. this video and also don't forget that every like and subscribe to our channel is important to promote these videos. journalists of
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the bigusinfo project were monitored by sbu employees. this was established by the project investigators themselves. the day before, they showed how and when they installed cameras in the ukrainian village facility and even identified the people who did it. so, the journalists were the first to receive from... from the surveillance cameras of the hotel complex and learned that the operation to install cameras in their rooms lasted six days. during this time, the complex was visited by several dozen people who took part in the so-called operation, including women and even children. they all pretended that they themselves were holding corporate events there, relaxing, men entered the complexes with large suitcases, in which, according to investigators, was surveillance equipment. already during the filming of his investigation, the founder of the project, denys. gus found holes in the rooms where his team lived , in which surveillance cameras were hidden, probably under the clothes hangers. in general, the journalists say that
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sbu employees installed hidden cameras in the sauna and in eight rooms to monitor them. the journalists also established that the people who were monitoring them were employees of the sbu department for the protection of national statehood. the investigators saw them when they entered the department building, checked... how they were signed in other people's phones. journalists also tried to talk to these people by phone and in person, but they did not answer. the head of this department, roman semenchenko, who was fired by volodymyr zelenskyi from the security service of ukraine on january 31, a few weeks after the situation with the surveillance of journalists was publicized in a comment to bigusinfo , neither confirmed nor denied his involvement in these events. so, who was the customer or gave the order for this surveillance journalists. it was not possible to establish the information, but denys bigus says that dozens of people informed him that this task for the sbu was released from the president's office. almost
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immediately after the release of this bigusinfo investigation, the security service of ukraine published a statement on its website explaining that the alleged surveillance of journalists was part of an investigation into organized drug crime. combating organized drug crime is one of the areas of activity. security of ukraine. according to operational information available in the sbu, among customers of dealers through whom narcotic substances were supplied to other citizens, unfortunately, some employees of biusinfo also turned out to be. in particular, one of the operators who appeared in criminal proceedings regarding the illegal production , manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, forwarding or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues. earlier, in january, right after bigusinfo journalists announced illegal surveillance. behind them are video cameras, and surveillance video cameras of the ukrainian hotel complex the village was then merged into the network, sbu employees reported that they opened criminal proceedings under the article of illegal acquisition,
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sale or use... of using special technical means of obtaining information. the national police also opened proceedings at the request of journalists. i would like to remind you that on the 16th week, a video was leaked to the network, in which project employees, in particular, operators, allegedly look for and use drugs during a corporate party in the ukrainian village complex near kyiv. this video was distributed on the narodna pravda youtube channel. access to it already things are blocked, the editor-in-chief at that time is denys. and bigus announced that he would fire all employees who used drugs, and a team of journalists wrote statements about illegal surveillance of them. well, we will hear the details of this investigation and details from alisa yurchenko, editor and journalist of the bihusinfo project. alisa, congratulations, thank you for joining this broadcast. good morning. alisa, in the investigation, you and your colleagues identified both the department and the individuals who directly monitored your team. is there already
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a reaction from? a special officer from the sbu, well, except for that one the public reaction that's posted on their website, look, that public reaction is actually just a comment that they gave us as part of the preparation of our piece, they just duplicated it after it came out, we mentioned it in our piece, and now they're just still forgot to add what they added to us in the comments, and there they wrote that they did not find any traces of installation. hidden cameras, hidden equipment in the complex, and we found, that is, it indicates how the sbu actually actively conducted the proceedings that it registered on the 16th or 17th of january, on the 17th , i think, and then the first thing she did was take down the servers based on video evidence that contained information about other sbu employees who installed these cameras, so no, no additional reaction there was, i think that
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the whole... the main one was while we were communicating and doing our own investigation, which came out yesterday. for those who haven't seen the blurb, can you tell me exactly what the evidence is that you were actually being followed by your colleagues, that there was some means by which it was done? if to talk specifically about a multi-day operation in the ukrainian village complex with video surveillance in at least eight rooms and a sauna, then we are talking about the fact that, for example, in individual rooms of houses, this is how it looks like in yours... on the video in the lockers on which he was hanging clothes cut holes for the camera and, accordingly, for the power supply for it in the wall, these are fresh holes, they are pasted with tape so that nothing falls, accordingly, the sbshniks damaged the property of the complex, in other rooms, people remember our employees that they saw something similar alarm system under the ceiling, and now of course these devices are also not available, and accordingly this is if we are talking about only one part.
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what the security service of ukraine did all last year was absolutely illegal, and that was the installation of equipment in the rooms in the bedrooms where people changed clothes, got out of the shower, unfortunately, sometimes they got out completely without care, because the towels were in the closets, and for some reason in the soul, that is, well, the sbu was simply collecting the nudges of the editorial office, in addition to what we can see from the wiretap they merged, they tapped the phones. er, not one employee for more than a year, at the same time, probably , judging by the comment made by the sbu about some appearance of the operator in the criminal proceedings under article 37, this is a drug-related proceeding of the national police, they actually probably began to listen to everyone as part of some kind of proceeding, then this proceeding was closed, and what happened
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next, happened, then there was an audition. because there are also fresh conversations, they were held in december, and even, it seems, in january, so it was generally done even without any legal cover, as far as we understand now, because please ask the security service of ukraine and the national police when the criminal proceedings under article 307, which they mention in their comment, were closed. denys bigus says in this video investigation that it was not possible to establish. who ordered this surveillance, but hinted that it might have taken place in the president's office, or will you continue to investigate to determine who likely gave the order? first, i think it's worth talking about more than just getting on with it investigation as journalists, we are now talking about the fact that there was a grandiose violation of human rights, a grandiose interference in private life.


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