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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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continued to take place, continued to be wiretapped, because there are also fresh conversations, they were held in december, and even, it seems, in january, so this was done in general even without any legal cover, as far as we understand now, because ask anyone please, the security service of ukraine and the national police, when the criminal proceedings under article 30 307, which they mention in their comment, were closed, denys bigus on... in this video investigation says that it was not possible to establish who was the customer of this surveillance, but hinted that it could take place in the office of the president, or will you continue to investigate to determine who is likely to have given such an assignment? well, first of all, i think it is worth talking about not only that we continue the investigation as journalists, we are now talking about the fact that there has been a grandiose violation of human rights, a grandiose loss of privacy. life and obstruction
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of the journalistic editorial office, enormous pressure on the editorial office, because now it is difficult to imagine the psychological state of people whom i, for example, as an editor, would ask about what topic do you want to deal with and will this topic relate to the office of the president so this is a huge, unbelievable crime against human rights and that someone should investigate, obviously the sbu will not investigate it, the national police are trying to do something, i hope they continue their... followers won't stop and won't be scared, but i have doubts that they will go after the customer. accordingly, first of all, i think, we should talk about looking for law enforcement agencies that should investigate who gave the illegal order of the security service of ukraine to install hidden cameras and make eavesdropping illegal, journalists of the editorial office, did you, your colleagues, have any communications with the president's office during... the investigation, or maybe
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after, or maybe there was some non-public reaction, no, none there was no communication between us and the president’s office, if the sbu involved such resources, what were the motives, your discrediting as a project, why did the video with the alleged use of drugs take place, is this not a weak motivation for discrediting the entire project, what was the purpose of calculation, we would like to know the answer to this question ourselves, because it seems that if the calculation... was exactly on this, then the mental abilities of these people are under great question, but it is obvious that those who saw this edited video according to the customer , he liked it, he wanted to hurt us, it looked like enough revenge for him, for example, for some of our previous material, and on emotions people gave the instruction to publish without thinking at all. about the consequences
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without thinking that it's cameras in the bedroom, what it is servicing phones by the security service of ukraine, not thinking about anything, just wanting to get this moment of temporary pleasure from i don't know what, watching this public video. alisa, how do you and your colleagues see the development of this situation, is it possible that there is any news regarding new open proceedings from the sbu and according to your statements to the national police, so far no new proceedings have been opened, as far as i know, the security service of ukraine, which itself is the first for some reason, without our statements, to open their proceedings about the illegal use of hidden means observation, actually she does not want to make us victims in her proceedings, to recognize us as victims, this again looks like another proof of unwillingness to investigate something, actually to investigate the actions of her own employees. i hope that, after all
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, they will recognize us as victims in this proceeding, now there is such a leisurely process of interrogations, witnesses, and actually that's all for now. alice, perhaps there are also guesses and versions, whether it is possible that one of the heroes of your latest investigations made this order, that is, from those about whom you publicly talked about, whose activities were revealed? see this is definitely an operation, and its consequences, which lasted not a week, no, not a month, even, there are simply phone conversations used for a year, it is about systematic monitoring and eavesdropping of our editorial office, accordingly, no, this is not something particularly fresh, but everything what we have been doing since the end of the 22nd year, among the high-profile our most high-profile investigations, which related to:
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someone inside the country, it all in one way or another related to someone from the leadership of the president's office, so obviously this confirms the data that denys received and about which we asked in our yesterday's investigation, but for now we won't say any more names, because it 's probably too early for that. well, during these weeks, while this whole investigation and yours continued, did the journalists of your project notice the surveillance? yes, of course, of course, we kept spotting spies under the office, i.e. the typical thugs walking around. office building, when we asked them what they were doing there, they could not clearly answer the question of what they had blocked and were just spinning circles around office, again, cars with fake license plates, all this continued, maybe less than the previous couple of days, but
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before it was clear that we were definitely coming out with this material, it was active, yes. i thank you, alisa, for joining in, there has been a lot of talk about the bigusinfo investigation. yurchenko is the editor and journalist of this project, later on our broadcast news in a minute with oleg galev. greetings, here i briefly and quickly talk about what is being talked about in the network. a high-ranking representative of the european union arrived in kyiv josep borel of the union for foreign affairs and security policy. he came, according to the media, to discuss the eu's security obligations for kyiv. borel said this the day before during his stay in warsaw. netherlands. will transfer to ukraine six more f-16 fighter jets than initially announced, adding six planes to the 18 previously announced aircraft that were planned for sale, the dutch government announced. well, ukrainian polar explorers from academician vernadsky station showed a video with antarctic penguins and their
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babies on the facebook page of the antarctic scientific center, they wrote that this is the first time they are showing this. scientists added that antarctic penguins are also called chinstraps, and they consider... the most massive species of penguins in antarctica, and on the island where ukrainian polar explorers are, the birds usually only visit. that's all for today, look for more news on our social networks, facebook, instagram, tiktok and the x network. russia invited an urgent meeting of the un security council due to the strike on occupied lytsachansk, where according to data, in particular, russian state media appointed representatives of the so-called lpr were killed. by russia dmytro pylyanskyi, the deputy of pospred of the russian federation under the security council, will announce the meeting for today, if it is called. meanwhile , the occupying head of the lysychansk municipal district, eduard sakhnenko, said that two so-called deputies of the municipal district were killed as a result of the strike in the city occupied by russia. lysychanska is artem
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trostyanskyi and ivan zhushma. before that, it was only known about the death of the so-called minister of emergency situations of the lpr, oleksiy poteleshchenko. this was confirmed by rosie. state tas agency, referring to representatives of the agency. they said that poteleschenko died during an alleged attack on the lysechansk bakery on february 3. earlier, the russian soldier anastasiya kashavarova wrote in her own telegram that the strike was aimed at a restaurant where the birthday of an occupation official was being celebrated. there were many security forces at the holiday. the occupying power and the russian media call it precisely a blow to the bakery, without mentioning the restaurant, although it is in the photo. the sign on the building of the adriatic restaurant can be seen from the spot. appointed by russia the head of the occupied luhansk region announced the death of 28 people, including a child. the armed forces of ukraine are blamed for the attack. the ukrainian general staff did not officially comment on the strike and its consequences. lysychansk has been
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under occupation by russian forces since july 22 . before the full-scale invasion , more than 100,000 people lived in the city. together with the also occupied rubizhny, this city is sputnyk. which after the occupation of luhansk in the 14th year performed the functions of the administrative center of luhansk region. serhiy joins our broadcast germash, journalist, editor-in-chief of ostriv publication. sergey, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning. russia and the occupying authorities of luhansk region say that the attack was on a bakery in lysychansk. instead, the so-called russian soldiers write about the dead peasants, who are not officially spoken about. allegedly, they were celebrating the official's birthday. in the restaurant, what do you know, which version do you have, where was the hit and what were the consequences, who was there? well, this is an interesting moment, because indeed russian propaganda has changed the emphasis a little, and we all have we can see, and in your video now we can see that it is the restaurant itself that has been destroyed, there
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is a rather large sign hanging there, the adriatic restaurant, and the russians say only about the bakery, although these are two, well , almost separate buildings, two that... are really connected between by myself, moreover, yesterday i was just googling, yes, and when you google adreatic restaurant, this address appears, but when you search for a bakery, this address is not there, it gives you five bakeries , but none at this address, at which this blow was made, so we really have to talk about a restaurant in which really celebrated a birthday, which was attended by a large number of law enforcement officers, prosecutors, local, well, the so-called elite, yes, that is, local. of this collaborative elite , let's say, yes, the entire minister of the ministry of emergency situations, who
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, by the way, is also a military man with the rank of colonel, and therefore it is necessary to say, just to place the emphasis correctly, that the blow was struck at a mass gathering of collaborators and military leaders of the aggressor state, then everything becomes clear, what's more, an interesting moment is also with this child, is she there or, or? not there, because on february 3 at 22:40, in the russian tas agency, a state agency, yes, there was a report that there were no children among the dead, the average age of the dead was 30, 40 years old, and before that there was a report in everyone knows that there are two dead people, after that it turns out that one child did die. well, it's hard to say whether it's really real, because in our country or the russians, they like
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to emphasize the death of children, and for them it's something, something so sacred, so maybe it's really there after 10:40 p.m. that is, at night they are they were still disassembling these rubbles, maybe a child was really found there, but i have a question, where did the child come from, and where did the peaceful people come from? there were in this restaurant where the security forces and a whole number of ministers gathered, yes, well, we understand that random people would not be invited to such a gathering in this restaurant, they would not come there, simply, well, they would not be allowed there, but whether they were allowed into this bakery is also a big question, to be honest, and if they were really allowed into this bakery, and these people gathered, then they knew what could happen strike, that is, they actually covered themselves with a... peaceful inhabitants, hoping that through them a blow would not be struck at their
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gathering. well, as far as we know, russia seems to want to convene rdbson, maybe there will be some evidence. we will follow this situation. three names are now known among the dead, the so-called minister oleksiy poteleschenko, the so-called deputies artem tryustyanskyi and ivan zhushma. what is known about them, who they are, whether they are local or not, whether they came there on the side of the occupiers, whether they are people who came from... what was their role in city? they are all local, regarding zhushma and trostyansky, to be honest, i have no information, because these are local deputies, they are not deputies of the lpr, they are deputies of their municipal council, that is, they are actually businessmen who are really collaborators, if they became deputies of the local power, yes, and well , you didn't note that you don't have anything special like that. poteleshchenko, he is also a local, he lived there until the age of 14, then he served in
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the so-called people's militia, that is, an illegal armed formation, and then already during the the so-called svo, yes, at the beginning of the war , he became full-scale minister of the ministry of emergency situations, i will remind you once again, he has the rank of colonel, he is a military man, a military man, a military man, and therefore to talk about an attack on... civilians, well, there are no reasons, and most likely he really came to his homeland, so to speak, where he lived, where, where his close entourage were, just to celebrate the birthday of one of these people, i honestly i didn't find who was celebrating there, but there is more, there was also information about who was celebrating just the owner of this establishment, this restaurant, there... he remained alive, because of
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them, but it was a gathering, so to speak, of the local, stars of the local collaboration, let's say so. we have 30 seconds left, but what in general, how do they react there directly in the city, in lysychansk, where it happened, well , there is some information from the people from the occupation, what was the reaction and what were the occupiers there, how are they reacting to everything, but luckily there is no internet, yes, so there are no such emotional ones. defecation, so to speak, excuse the words, but they react, well, it’s unpleasant, of course, but in in the city, where heating is still only in the 21st apartment building, they themselves said before that that there were 100,000 in the city before the war, yes, that is, there are many more of these apartment buildings, which in winter conditions have neither water nor heating , to mr. serhiy, unfortunately, the broadcast time has already run out, serhii garmash, journalist, editor-in-chief of the ostrov publication, was a guest of our broadcast. i thank all of you for joining, the freedom
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of mornings with you every weekday from 9:00, i'm katya nekrecha and our whole team, we say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, have a good day! dear friends, we say good morning once again to all those who have just joined tero espresso, to our marathon andriy saichuk and leitsia vakulyuk, we in this studio work today for you, we work until 12 o'clock in the morning, we thank all those who watch us and all those , who are just joining us, thank you to everyone who donated. for the needs of the 141st brigade, for which we are currently collecting, for all kinds of necessary, such gadgets, devices that are needed at the front in order to destroy moskal, you know, such news is heavy that under the rubble in the kharkiv region in the hotel they found the body of a two-month-old baby, people
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take it, and there is a kind of rage and powerlessness, but i think that all these emotions of ours should be just... accumulate and turn them, this anger of ours, into a muscovite who takes life, takes away the future of ukraine, accumulate and turn into donats to help those who are destroying muscovites and reducing their number. now you can see the qr code on your screens. in addition, you can go to the espresso tv website, and there in the espresso volunteers section, find the collection that you would like to join it, we are collecting. in particular andriy and i are collecting for the 141st brigade and we need 1 million and we already have uah 303,466 54 kopecks. well, now we will continue our conversations, we will talk with yulia klymenko, a people's deputy of ukraine, she is already appearing on our airwaves. yes, they said that we are just establishing a connection with her,
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the video call is a little broken now, now we are doing it again, so let's while we restore the connection with ms. yulia, we will show in general. one more announcement, i will remind viewers where and what money can be transferred, yes, oh, look, what’s up with this qr code, if you look at the screen, it’s private, it can be scanned with a special scanner that is located in the privat 24 application, open the application, press qr scan, put the square on eh this black - such a white embroidery. and transfer funds , the qr code on the left, if facing the screen, is the qr code of monobank, it can be scanned simply by opening the phone camera, and pointing this camera at it and thus transferring funds, well, or in the old grandfather's way, after writing down the numbers of the cards and joining in the same way, dear friends, if we
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move, well, at least 20 00, and it would be good if we collected 30 00 a day, then by the end of the week for... a good amount will be collected , we need to speed up this gathering, because there are already other soldiers in line with their needs, we must help our army, because those who are not in the armed forces are from the armed forces. well, now we will ask where our government comes from, who is it with? yuliya klymenko, people's deputy of ukraine, joins our broadcast, we have already restored contact. mrs julia, we congratulate you. good morning. ms. yulia, who is the most. now an important topic for the deputies of the verkhovna rada, which topic is leading? well, for the deputies there is only one topic , we need to win, in this connection we need money in the budget, and to provide our army with weapons, and to ensure normal mobilization, which
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will be discussed today and tomorrow in the verkhovna rada. actually , this bill is about mobilization. which were refined, refined, but the deputies write who have already had time to familiarize themselves with the new project, that there remain both risks and corruption risks, and in general it does not solve the question, have you also looked at the draft law, how it looks, or are you ready to vote for it in this form? yes, the draft law consists of more than 200 pages, i will tell you honestly, it does not solve the issue of mobilization, but the main thing is that... it does not solve the issue of demobilization and it does not solve the issue of rotation, that is, even in the existing one , people who are mobilized and our 900,000-strong army in... it is even inside, well, let's say this, there is an unfair rotation, when some are on the front lines for 24 months, and others are at roadblocks in transcarpathia,
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so there is a question that this draft law does not answer the main questions, how we will demobilize, in what terms and why it is such a complicated procedure, which involves almost a meeting of the stake in order to demobilize. why do we not have an answer to the question of the rotation of the already internally mobilized, i.e. military personnel, and thirdly, how will we continue to mobilize actually what is proposed, this part of the citizens will cease to be, let's say so, citizens, because this the law provides that if you are a military conscript and within the sixty-day period you have not... there were documents either electronically, or in the tsnap, or in the tsk, anew, that is, it applies to absolutely all military conscripts, i.e. it is actually
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like this , you know, verification of all conscripts who are inside the country and outside the borders of ukraine, attention, outside the borders, even this will apply to people who left 10 years ago to work, for example, i don't know, to poland or germany, and have been living there for a long time, but have a ukrainian passport. this will also apply to them, so if you have not submitted and verified within 60 days, then in fact you can stop losing all your rights as a citizen, no, a person will not be able to renew his passport, a person will not be able to issue a child's birth certificate, because for this you need the passport of the father and mother and many other state and consular services, which the state will not actually provide... and in connection with this , the citizen will not be able not to open accounts, not to register, as i said, the child , no to own some valuables, in fact
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, this is this is this concept, it is very dangerous, including for the stability of the banking system, because you understand that people will immediately go to take their deposits and transfer them to cash, and for the economy, it will become cash back, as it was in the 90s, and when everyone... was paid in cash, and even now it can be seen that this trend exists, that is, it is so very for this law, it not only raises questions from the point of view of constitutionality and legality, he too raises big questions from the point of view that it will significantly worsen our economic situation, which is already not very not very positive, let's say, who is the author of this law? the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, that is, the minister of finance? the minister of economy, so called, did they look at this bill at all, he doesn't look, i don't know where they looked, i honestly very much doubt that anyone read these 200 pages, because it is
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a big, big job, i read it for two days all weekend , and it is necessary to understand that there is not only to read, to understand what is written, in fact, this, well, very much, this is what i want to draw the attention of our viewers and listeners to, that this same law is not adopted for wartime, it is not a question of solving mobilization now, it is... the question will always act like this, that is, it is forever, and this will apply even after the war is over. in addition, well, if, you know, take it like this, and now i understand that many ukrainians may have left unfairly, perhaps using some corruption loopholes that our law enforcement officers themselves provide the opportunity to leave across the border, but leave and quarrel there with 10 or 15 miles. of our citizens who are currently abroad, who will decide for themselves never to return and have nothing to do with ukraine, because they will actually be left without the opportunity
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to issue their documents, their children, i think this is a path to nowhere, we will lose these people once and for all, in general , the global consequences of this law are much greater than mobilization, it is no longer about mobilization, only in this law, it is such, you know, a change in social relations globally, yes, and actually this is about social relations. the fact that to some extent we had our own bad, but some kind of social contract, that you say you have power, you steal, but we live here and not very well, you don't come to us, we don't come to you, as it used to be characterized by yevhen libovytskyi, we understand that this social contract was not good for the development of the country and since the 14th year it has developed in the sense that citizens treat the state more responsibly and trust it more, the state becomes transparent. and becomes a part of society, now we see some very reverse movements, in fact, state representatives offer citizens
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to become fully controlled by the state. but there are no reverse processes, we further see that the state is actually managed by the office of the president, who do not have any authority for this, and no, they have not been delegated these authorities by anyone, who is the fair, after all, people ask, they ask us every day journalists, who is yermak, where did he start, we explain to people that you know, every president of ukraine had his own yermak, even yushchenko, for example, had his own baloga, which means it's not even a matter of... the president and, of course, it depends on the president what his personal fair will be, for zelensky it's a fair, such is the influence of the baloga, but, but yes, but this is a question in principle that something is wrong with our system itself, or do you see what is wrong with this system, what needs to be changed in order for ukraine to be a democratic and western country, that is what the war is actually for, or for what, so that i don't know, only ukrainian speakers with ukrainian surnames were in power, maybe we have
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a war for this. well, i don't know, i don't think that if it was a matter of surnames, or anything, look, the weaker the president, the stronger he is, how to say it, well, assistant or assistant, or the head of the office, it can be like whatever, it's not a question in that it's not a question for the heads of offices, as you rightly said, each president had his own, it's a question for the president. who chooses these people, who tolerates these people, and not only the head of the office, everyone around him, just what we are talking about now, we don't have much time left, ms. yuliya, you are now talking about personal responsibility for your personal fair, each personal zelensky, but i am talking about something else now, something is obviously wrong with the distribution system itself, in particular powers, in our presidential institution, in a parliamentary, parliamentary-presidential republic, it remains with the powers
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of the executive power, with powers. legislative institution of the body, and this sooner or later for every president leads to the situation to which it leads, now it leads to the danger of the return of authoritarianism, we, we can say it out loud, do you agree with this assessment? look, absolutely, but don't forget that previous presidents didn't have full-scale war, now there's a full-scale war where power is redistributed between government agencies and... it's just a matter of, shall we say, power can be used in different ways , it can be for the better, or it can be for the worse, that's when people don't understand what they do, they use it for themselves, if they used the same powers for ukrainians, for the state to win, it would be a completely different story. once again, what powers does mr. yermak have, who represented ukraine, for example, at the meeting in uzhhorod with siyart, once again,
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none. for some reason i didn’t go to kyiv, i had to go to him in uzhhorod on their territory , but for some reason he sat in the center, and kulevo modestly sat on the edge and listened carefully to what the older people were saying, in our wait a minute, look, if koleba said , you know, i will not take part in this, because i am the minister of foreign affairs, and i will conduct negotiations, i would become those who were not wanted, they are simply not in the government anymore, that's all, well then, that means they won't be in the government, that means the government... will consist of what it is, you understand, just so that mrs. yulia does not happen that there will be no yulia klymenko in the country after that, she that she is needed, if she is so very wise, well, look, i do not pretend at all, that is why i am nowhere and not i sit because i understand because i understand my claim, we claim, this is our country, this is our country, we claim, absolutely, but you have to choose for yourself, if
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the employer. understanding the consequences for the country, you see, i want to work for the state of ukraine, i am not interested in the personnel who are around all this, today one, tomorrow another. thank you very much for this conversation, yuliya klymenko, people's deputy of ukraine was with us, we have a short break, kateryna shirkopoyas, we will watch a selection of news, already she is ready, katya, congratulations, you have the word. greetings colleagues, in a moment i will quickly tell you about the main thing. greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel.


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