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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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greetings to all espresso viewers, i'm nayeva melnyk and... learn about the latest events. in ukraine, on the 10th, martial law and mobilization were extended for another three months. this legal regime will be in effect at least until may 13 of this year. the parliament supported the draft laws, which president volodymyr zelenskyy introduced to the council a day before. 335 people's deputies voted for the extension of martial law against the mobilization of 323, the deputy from the faction informed.
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and two people were wounded by the russians in the kherson region, they came under shelling in the morning nearby local shop in tokarivka. a 60-year-old man and a 74-year-old woman were hospitalized, the regional military administration said. doctors examine them and provide medical assistance. two people were injured in marhanka in the dnipropetrovsk region, the russians hit the city with a kamikaze drone, serhii lysak, the head of the regional military administration, said. a 63-year-old man was hospitalized. a 50-year-old woman will be treated at home. as a result of shelling, four private houses and a car were damaged. seven people died from poisoning. he gas on
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in zhytomyr oblast, a tragedy occurred in the village of velika nizhirka, berdychiv district. the previous reason was a malfunction of the gas heating in a private house - the state emergency service noted. currently , the police are investigating all the circumstances of the incident. a powerful explosion occurred near the village of kremenivka , mariupol district. this was reported by petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol. he suggested that an aerial bomb might have fallen. before the explosion, the locals heard the high-speed flight of a military plane at low altitude. one of the most dangerous explosives devices in the kharkiv region, in the kupinsky district, explosives technicians neutralized bullet and fragment aviation bombs shoap 0.5. the weight of each is 400 g. such ammunition is used by the russian aviation. they have a large lesion area. one cassette contains 565 ball
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aerial bombs, the national police note, their liquidation is a complex process, it is impossible to predict the location of some mechanisms inside the device, so there is no single instruction on demining, the experience gained will definitely come in handy when demining de-occupied territories, they summarize in national police. ukraine nationalized oil and gas for half a billion hryvnias. assets of a russian oligarch, the higher anti-corruption court satisfied the lawsuit of the ministry of justice. 100% of eduard khudainatov's share in the authorized capital of the oil company alliance ukraine was charged to state income. the russian controlled the ukrainian oil trader through a number of offshore companies, the security service said. khudainatov, a confidant of putin, heads the russian oil and gas company and was one of the... directors of rosneft. these two
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companies are one of the biggest sponsors war against ukraine. an investigation is underway to bring the russian oligarch to justice for crimes against our state. he drove under the carpet. during the inspection of the car at one of the checkpoints , military personnel discovered a man. he was hiding under the rear passenger seat. a 26-year-old resident of the chernivtsi region tried to get to romania in this way, he paid $9,000 for the trip, the state border service said, the driver of the ferryman was detained, he faces criminal charges against the man, who hid in a car, law enforcement officers made a report. the morning meeting of the european parliament in strasbourg was about ukraine. on the eve of the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, deputies how europe can increase our
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aid, espresso's european institutions correspondent tetyana vysotska observed the debate. tatyana, my congratulations and tell me and our viewers. what statements were made today in the european parliament? i congratulate anna eva, greetings from strasbourg, and i will start right away with the most important news from to the european parliament: yesterday evening the interlocutors of the council of the eu agreed with the members of the european parliament on the final text of the agreement on the ukraine facility, a ukrainian fund that provides ukraine with 50 billion euros in financial aid, this decision was approved. during the summit of the leaders of the european union on february 1 , 2024, and this morning in the session hall of the european parliament, the president of the european commission ursela fonden announced that ukraine will definitely receive the first tranche of financial assistance under this mechanism in march
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2024 year. ursula fondelein stressed that this mechanism will not only allow the ukrainian economy to continue functioning, but also provide predictability. funding from the european union for the next four years, in turn, the head of the european council, charles michel, speaking today in the european parliament, said that the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine once again demonstrates the determination of the european union to support ukraine as long as it needs it, and that now the european union must look more carefully at how increase military aid to ukraine, more weapons, more ammunition, more... air defense systems, that's what charles michel said, and he also added that already now the eu leaders during their meeting on february 1 have made great progress also on the issue of the future use of frozen funds of the russian federation, in particular, income from these
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frozen funds for the benefit of ukraine. and another important point: ursola fonden said that the planning of military support for ukraine, since ukraine will soon become a member of the european union. should take place within the framework general planning of defense, defense plans of the european union, and that ukraine will be included in european defense programs. and now a few more words about literally 50 billion euros, the approval of this macro-financial mechanism is already at the final stage, and the next steps are as follows: next week, the budget committee of the european parliament will consider the draft of the relevant resolution and approve it. and approval will also take place at the level of the eu council, the vote on the resolution on the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine will take place at the next session of the european parliament from february 26 to 29. thank you for your work, until
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the next meeting at the espresso atelier tetiana vysotska from strasbourg talked about the european parliament session about ukraine and how europe can help our country even more. importantly. the supreme representative of the european union for foreign policy, josep borel, came to kyiv for a visit , the european diplomat wrote about this on the social network ex, he came to discuss the unwavering support of ukraine, military and financial, they will also talk separately about reforming ukraine on the way to the eu. and one more important one today's guest in kyiv, director general of the international atomic energy agency. grosi came to the capital and already held a meeting with the heads of relevant departments. according to grosi, before the visit to the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, he is glad to be here and to exchange views on the nuclear power plants of ukraine. he also emphasized: magate remains steadfast in maintaining
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the safety and security of these facilities. six civilians and three police officers were injured during the attempted terrorist attack. courthouse in istanbul, turkey. two attackers, a woman and a man killed the policemen. this morning, terrorists fired at a police checkpoint near the istanbul palace of justice building. the minister of internal affairs of the country stated that the attackers belonged to the terrorist group revolutionary people's liberation party front. the prosecutor's office started an investigation. again. waiting for the war. a year ago, a family from avdiivka moved to novoselivka, the first in donetsk region, and now they are forced to leave again. the russians are shelling the settlement more and more often, so the forced evacuation of families from the community has been announced children, the regional military
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administration informed. people take only the most valuable things with them, a family with two children, aged seven and 15, took three dogs and four cats. they have already arrived in zhytomyr oblast. they were helped to find free housing. and in order for people to return to their homes, we must expel the russians from our land. espresso tv channel continues its collection. our soldiers need vital equipment. we are asking for help in replacing the engine in the tow truck, buying an optical sight and a mavik for intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to more effectively destroy the enemy in the eastern direction. our goal is uah 450,000. the account already has 444 thousand. join in, there is very little left to close this collection. all details. you see on the screen, this
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is how things are at the moment, i tell you, see you on the 5th, the news team is working, in the next issue we will tell you about all the most important things, then meet marta olyarnyk and antin berkovskyi. thank you annievilnyk, thank you to the editors of the news, well, the day is full of news, accordingly , we are picking up the baton and will involve the most competent and informed experts, espresso live studios, marta oliyarnyk, and antin borkovskii, let's start with the collection, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund are collecting a million hryvnias in order to help our to the military, if you follow military news, you know how difficult the situation is right now. at the front, and the guys who are now in the orihiv direction of the zaporizhzhia region need our help with you, them
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you need to buy walkie-talkies, batteries for them , starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes , detectors, drone detection and many other equally important equipment, and every hryvnia is important and thanks to you we have already closed more than one collection, so this time we ask you to join collection, now you can see on the screens qr codes for cans in actual banking institutions and you also have the opportunity to copy or take a photo. bank card numbers, if it is more convenient for you to make your donation that way, and remember, there are no small amounts, even if it is 5, 10, 20, 50 hryvnias, it is important, it is important to help, it is important to do it regularly, on a permanent basis , if you have, of course such an opportunity, if you do not have the opportunity today, then make your donation in a few days, yes, when you have this opportunity, but we ask you not to be indifferent to the needs of our military, because giving and helping our military is the least that you and i can do, yes. thank you, i completely agree, and the espresso tv channel together with the tv viewers
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is a collection. vladyslav seleznyov, a military expert, a colonel of the armed forces, is in touch with us of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2014-17. glory to ukraine, mr. colonel, we congratulate you. friends, i congratulate you. glory as a hero. avdiivka, the situation in avdiivka, and certain dynamics. yes, we understand that extremely important things are happening, so everything is possible in avdiivka. please , to be brief, it is hell there, and there is a certain misunderstanding here, on the one hand, we hear from some officials that the situation is completely under control and there is no fighting in aldiivka itself, directly from the participants of those stormy events they say that in suburban development, and there are skirmishes in various areas, in the south, the enemy has gained a foothold in suburban development, and it continues in the private sector. what is less on three streets, in fact street battles, for every house, for every extension
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, there are combat clashes, a shooting wagon is driven at relatively short distances, the enemy is also trying to bypass our defenders, who are holding defensive lines and positions in the area of ​​the avdiiv coke chemical plant have a small , but nevertheless a very threatening promotion forward, the key threat is that if the enemy is able to move forward, but... the artery of life that connects the city, he will actually take control of the key ovdeivka fortress with a large land, this is a challenge , including emphasized and some military journalists who say that it is necessary to attract additional resources, in particular the assault units of the ukrainian army in order to stabilize the situation on the battlefield, are sure that our general, general tornavskyi, understands the situation on the battlefield absolutely clearly action... all available resources to deal with all enemy attacks. again, war is absolutely
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rational. i think that the considerations here should be as follows: if we have the opportunity to continue to hold defensive lines and positions, thereby destroying the enemy's personnel, repelling the enemy's onslaught, this will continue. if the resources, opportunities and options for maintaining the key logistical highway for the ukrainian defense forces in this section of the front are exhausted, then accordingly we will see a defensive maneuver and the withdrawal of our units to other units should prepare the line and positions west of avdiyivka in advance, because the key mission - which must be implemented during the war, is obviously the preservation of life and health of our personnel, but again, the key decision, the final decision, it is within the competence of general tornavskyi and the officers of his headquarters, i think that the decision will be made that corresponds to the realities that exist on the battlefield, and once again i draw the attention of our audience that the situation on the battlefield is very dynamic, we should not panic if
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we hear some separate or fragmented... information about certain events on the battlefield, balanced, thorough, checked, verified information from the official spokesmen of the general staff, or from colonel shtopun, who is the spokesman for the troop group tavria, i think that this is exactly the source that should be paid attention to and should be listened to. mr. vladyslav, look, in one of the last interviews, president zelenskyi said that we rely a lot on the united states for... their support and he said that if the amount of aid decreases, it can have a critical impact on the situation on the battlefield, and the consequences may not be very comforting for us either, yesterday i had the opportunity to talk with experts who are actually following up this situation that is happening in the united states, and so far it looks like there is little hope that they will be able to vote this aid, if we do not
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receive aid from the united states, then who can help us not only ... europe, yes we understand that europe is playing its role in this whole process, but where can we get additional weapons and actually additional resources in order to provide these weapons on the battlefield? well, in my opinion, you should focus on your own resources. of course, the ukrainian defense-industrial complex is not yet able to provide all the needs of the ukrainian army, but we also have to understand that the modern surrounding world is absolutely cynical. we've all heard the statement. mr. barel, the head of european diplomacy, who said that the joint activity of the industrial production of collective europe could provide the same 1 million projectiles promised to us, but a significant part of the artillery projectiles that are currently being produced are sent directly to customers in third countries of the world, this is business, nothing personal, just
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business , earning the appropriate money, and this is actually a challenge, a challenge first of all... to the security space of the european continent, because until our western partners do not realize that here and now ukrainian soldiers not only the safety of the inhabitants of our country , who are located west of avdiyvka, from the line of military conflict, but also in principle the security of the entire european continent will not change, for some reason the strange behavior of our western partners is based primarily on the confidence that that the ukrainian army will continue to deter enemy aggression. and if something else happens, if enemy regiments and brigades advance from the western regions of ukraine and take refuge in berlin, or warsaw, or paris, whether, as russian propagandists tell about it, remember that lisbon is a russian city, what collective europe will do then, in what way they will act, now they have certain doubts or
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implement certain processes of delaying delivery. weapons and military equipment for the needs of the ukrainian army, and are they ready to lose the lives of their soldiers, soldiers of those countries that are now in a completely safe space, because they know that they are under the reliable protection of the ukrainian army. yes, mr. colonel, we are completely with you we agree, the danger and threat from the russian federation is of an extremely high level, and it also applies, without a doubt, to the european union and individual states of the european union, if we return to the situation on the front line, in particular, when we... are talking about the kupinsky direction, so lehman is the first, vilshana sinkivka, the enemy is activated there, and at the same time the enemy is activated in the area of ​​tabaivka and krokhmalny. yes, i do not know at what level the enemy's offensive actions are currently being conducted, but most likely they will try to continue in those directions how much can the situation
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in kharkiv oblast become worse now? mr. antin, i think it is worth paying attention to this, we talked with you. that the withdrawal of the ukrainian defense forces from stabaivka was a completely rational decision, our units moved a few kilometers to the west, occupied the engineering and fortification structures prepared in advance, which are located on the commanding heights, and therefore the enemy has no chance to advance, and being directly in tebayevka itself, the enemy army is in the zone of defeat ukrainian artillery, accordingly, it is unable to stay there, but the enemy is absolutely fast. huddles under the real on the field and is now trying to create such an environment by moving, if we look from his side a little to the right of. warning line of their main efforts in order to expand the bridgehead and move along that r-07 road in the direction of the kupyansky junction, and accordingly capture
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additional lines and positions, creating a threat of operational encroachment on our troops located on this section of the front. the challenges directly are very serious, although , again, it is a summary from the ukrainian general staff that we have seen a little less fighting in the kupinsky direction since the morning than, for example, in limansk. direction and many times smaller than on aldiivskyi and south of maryanka, although again the intensification of hostilities is due not only to the statistical data of 126 combat reports per dabu, but also to the fact that the enemy suffered incredible losses in self-sustaining power, more than a thousand people were destroyed in as a result of effective combat the work of ukrainian artillery, ukrainian rocket launchers, and our representatives of other forces of our defense, because it is obvious that the purpose is to destroy the enemy. the forces of technology, tangential to all participants of those stormy processes taking place on the beloza line, in particular on the kupinsky direction. mr. vladyslav, if we are talking about a possible offensive from
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the north of kharkiv oblast, because recently the drgs have become more active there, are there currently enough means, including the human resources of the enemy, to make any moves in this direction, and what if we talk about quantitative... composition of enemy troops operating on the territory of bryansk, kursk and belgorod regions, namely these regions are possible from our chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast and northern kharkiv oblast. it is not a defining component that can fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield, but there are several units, special operations forces. this is the russian special forces, and it is he who is involved in those subversive and reconnaissance actions. and terrorist activities committed by the enemy army on the territory of the ukrainian border, this is a challenge, i think that here it is worth listening to the appeals of the representatives of the military-civilian
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administration, in particular sumy oblast, regarding the evacuation of the civilian population from our border regions, because it is a risk, a risk to life and a risk to health, well, in turn, the ukrainian defense forces continue to implement the mission of creating engineering fortifications, we know that the length of this line of defense should be... construction is taking place at such a large-scale pace, because it is obvious that engineering fortifications will carry out two key missions: a- to protect the lives and health of our soldiers and b- to slow down the forward advance of the armed forces as much as possible, and therefore i think that in the perspective of the next few weeks, maybe months, we will see a serious shift in this direction and all attempts of the enemy's army to push deep into the territory of ukraine, in particular to... in chernihiv oblast and sumy oblast, they will literally rest against the same defensive and protective formations that the ukrainian army is currently actively building. sir colonel, and in general, if we talk
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about the possibility of fixing enemy groups with which they would try to saturate the northern borders of ukraine, in particular, we are talking about the adjacent regions of the russian federation and the republic of belarus, that is, this scenario, it would not remain without control, from our side, well, literally. journalists from one of the belarusian publications that are now in poland are calling the phone, because they are interested in that opposition publication, and what is the rotation of the belarusian special forces connected with, which is moving closer to the border with ukraine. it seems to me that these are planned measures, because up to 200 belarusian troops, including units of a special purpose unit, are on a rotational basis strengthening the belarusian army. because you are talking about the fact that the enemy is ready and in the near future can attack the territory of our country, from the north, i think that you should not focus on this,
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why? the enemy perfectly understands that starting from february 22, the de facto ukrainian army created an almost impregnable line of engineering and fortifications, which were created on the territory of volyn, zhytomyr region, rivne region and , accordingly, kyiv region, therefore all... attempts and attempts of the enemy to push through the cardboard, they will rest against the same line of defensive and protective structures. in addition, on the territories of these four northern regions of our country, there is a corresponding complex of forces and means of the ukrainian defense forces, which are on standby, and i think that they will gladly meet any enemy drc or even regular units with such fire, such hellish fire , or of the russian, or the belarusian army, in order for them to feel the same enemies in this... our forces and people, and therefore, what is happening on the territory of the republic of belarus is a planned rotation, and a sign and reason to believe that the enemy may push across the border in the near future.
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thereby creating a kind of second front on this part of the russian-ukrainian front, probably not worth it, if any changes will take place, i think that ukrainian intelligence will inform the general public in time that such risks exist. thank you, mr. vladyslav, vladyslav seleznyo, military expert , colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2014 to 2017 was on the air of espresso, we will now go on a short break and after that we will return to... to our studio, so stay tuned espresso. there are discounts on afida max of 10% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on rezy stol - 15% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on urolessan - 15% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. you want to wake up rested and
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to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for liver and bile. i congratulate you, this is freedom live on radio freedom. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene live. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is none exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, a shot, svoboda life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like. two hours to catch up economic news and sports news. two hours
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in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. "live now where you are, and in the meantime , the verkhovna rada of ukraine summoned the head of the security service of ukraine, general vasyl malyuk, for a report on the monitoring of journalists of the bigusinfo project, people
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's deputy of ukraine yaroslav said. i am quoting the people's deputy.


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