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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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sport outside of politics: who exchanged the army of football fans for the army of the russian federation? train at zenit schools, train with champions. but how can a player who was called a traitor now report to the zsu. i am very happy to return to shakhtar. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on espresso tv channel on tuesday, february 6 at 5:45 p.m. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours. of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two o'clock in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. meanwhile, the committee of the verkhovna rada on human rights of deoccupation and reintegration. territories,
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national minorities and international relations, supported the bill on multiple citizenship submitted by the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi. thus, the draft law, which was defined by the head of state as urgent, updates the provision legislation in the field of migration and citizenship, in particular, regarding the basis of the procedure for acquiring and terminating ukrainian citizenship, as well as improving the legal regulation of issues related to the status of foreigners and stateless persons who are part of the armed forces. of ukraine or other military, other formations formed in accordance with the law, participate in the protection of the independence and territorial integrity of ukraine. well, we are adding viktoriya maksimova, analyst of party finances of the movement honestly to our ether we will talk about money for parties this year. ms. victoria, welcome to espresso. i congratulate you. so, we know that the movement honestly analyzed the financing of the party in 2024.
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uah 840 million is planned for these expenses, and this year, for the first time in several years , the full amount was budgeted in accordance with the formula in the law. we would like your detailed information about the budget for financing political parties, how little it is, how much it is, if compared with previous years and if compared in principle with the period of full-scale invasion, how much have these amounts become more modest? in general, the formula for determining the amount of state funding is defined in the law of ukraine on political parties, that is, it is a clearly defined formula, and every year it is the same amount of funding, it depends on the minimum wage for the previous year. accordingly, this year the total amount that should be in the budget according to this form is uah 98 million. at the same time, in this amount, which was contributed to... the budget of ukraine for 2024,
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the money that should have gone was immediately excluded from it opposition platform for life, since this party is banned, i.e. we are talking about uah 148 million, previously they were included in the draft budget itself after the banning of this party, but the party did not receive money, this time it was not even included at all, and it was also the first time in several years e state funding in full should be received by the voice party from 2020. the courts dragged on because in the report for the year 2020 the nz found a violation of contributions to the party's account and, accordingly, this funding was suspended. this year , the vote should receive uah 115 million. in accordance the servant of the people receives the most money. it is about uah 490 million. motherland and the eu. the amount itself, i have already said that it is determined, and we can't just reduce it... there are
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several ways that it can change, given that in general now it's about saving money, one way - is to change it through legislation, that is to define a new formula, at the same time it is a dangerous way, because we cannot clearly control what amendments will be made, it is a very long and complicated process, and after that it will be difficult to restore, the second way, the cabinet of ministers can by its order... reduce this amount there by 10 , 20, 30, 50%, this already happened in 2022, but it has its disadvantages, because in fact the executive branch of government interferes with the work of the parliament, and there is a third way, parties are able to refuse a part of state funding for several quarters, or in general from all state funding, at the same time, parties should not be simply managers of these funds and should not transfer these funds. funds for needs
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the army independently, they should leave these funds in the budget and, accordingly, the state itself will redistribute these funds to the necessary needs, and this looks the most optimal. the option, when the parties do not promote charity at the same time, leave funds in the budget and they go to the needs of the defense forces. well, look, that is, we understand that the needs of the defense forces are almost limitless, we understand that this would generally involve a rethinking of what is called public spending, on the other hand, i don't know if it's a lot or a little, but for example, 840 million hryvnias per year, yes , well, if you take, for example, our neighbors, the same in chichi, well, some of them, romania, for example, and, that is, the countries are comparable in terms of gdp, so to speak, well, with a stretch , of course, well, but in any case, well, accordingly, if we stop funding our party structures, accordingly, this may
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have a certain consequence, yes, at one time i lived in a state where there was only one party that coincided with the executive authority. so the communist party of the soviet union, well its correspondingly leading executive committees, regional committees and so on and so on, well, i would not like another extreme. we cannot completely abolish state funding of the party. in general, this reform in 2016 was designed to reduce, including oligarchic influence on parties, to increase inter-party competition, and to make party finances more transparent. and we have to understand what to completely wash off. from state financing of political parties, now it is populism, due to the fact that parties need to get money for their functioning, especially if we are talking about parties that have a large disorganized system, there, for example, motherland has more than 600 branches across ukraine, and the functions, functions, and activities of all these branches
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require funds accordingly, if they are not transparent, they will come from other sources, so it is about the parties themselves refusing. from the amount that will allow them to function, at the same time they understand what amount is acceptable for them to redirect it to other needs, that's why i say that, for example, if this will be done through the cabinet of ministers' resolution, there are risks that the interests of the political parties themselves will not be taken into account so that this democratic system, which is based in principle on multi-party system, will continue to function and exist. ms. victoria, i see that on your website, on the website of the chesno movement, there is information that citizens are demanding a reduction in the amount of state funding of parties, and we understand that, well, you already said earlier that there is no question of a lack of funding at all. and if we are talking about reducing these
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expenses, how much they can be reduced and how to rationally reduce them in order to find the so-called golden mean, political parties, they can refuse. for several quarters, and accordingly they can plan for which quarters they need financing, for which quarters they can refuse. one such scheme could be for political parties to waive funding for the second and fourth quarters, and receive funds in the first quarter of 2024 and the third quarter of 2024, respectively. this amount, it will be vary because, in general , the amount of public funding for each party is different, and it depends on how much... many people supported the party in the last parliamentary elections, respectively, given that parties can refuse funding for the second and fourth quarters, this gives they will be able to plan their expenses and plan their budget so that their funds will be enough until
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the end of 2024 and so that they do not drive themselves into a financial crisis. ms. victoria, look at, for example, the graphic on your website, the distribution of state funding among political... parties and the servant of the people, since it has the majority, receives the most funds, it is 490.000 million hryvnias. if we tentatively choose this party as an example, then what amount are we talking about, how much, for example, of those 49,490 million uah can be saved this year. here it is important to understand that we have not yet seen the financial reports of political parties, so we do not know how much money they spend and on what. categories of needs that are excluded from the statutory activity, that for some advertising services, that is, to say how a specific amount is given to the servant of the people, or to the homeland of european solidarity, in any party goes to specific support of statutory activities, we cannot yet, if we follow this scheme, that the party
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refuses funding for two quarters of 2024, then we are talking about cutting funding in half, that is, if uah 490 million is provided for the servant of the people, refusing. two quarters of funding, she will receive uah 400, 245 million, respectively, here is ms. victoria, well, while we you said, i still searched a little on the internet, so to speak. well, we take poland, more than 84 million zlotys, er, this amount is an annual subvention from the polish state budget for the parties that introduced their representatives to the diet and the senate, more than 84 million zlotys, so we take the currency converter, 84 million zlotys - it is 775 million hryvnias with a tail, that is... it is plus or minus a comparable amount, and we understand that,
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well, on the other hand, despite the need to save money, we also believe that financing from the state budget imposes certain functions and certain instruments of control over party funding, what you talked about, in your opinion, what scenario we can see in the near future, in connection with funding, has already been registered. tion to reduce the amount of state funding, and we can expect some reaction from the president's office to this petition, at the same time it is difficult to predict exactly how it will be, the movement is honest, including advocating that the party independently give up part of the state funding, not from all government funding, because it seems to be the most optimal and the fastest and easiest way to solve this shortage problem there. funds with an exaggeration of some categories of expenses
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, accordingly, the situation can develop in any way, we already had the experience when the cabinet of ministers reduced this funding by its resolution, it may happen again, so we will continue to follow it, thank you, ms. victoria, victoria maksimova, on the plane of the party finances of the movement, she was honestly in the air press, now we will go for a short break, after which we will add hanna to our studio sponge and she will talk about important things. geopolitical schedules, so stay with us, stay with espresso. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from razpak tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with
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branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw. just look at how quickly it handles even thick branches once it's ready, and unlike standard saws, it's so convenient to use in hard- to-reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery. check with the consultants: a powerful saw strong is what you need. call! infoday spressa in rozpala is now adding to our marathon hanna gobko, the head of the management of the geonetwork for the protection of national interests , the people's deputy of the eighth convocation. is ms. anna with us yet? glory to ukraine, anna, congratulations. congratulations, glory to the heroes. well, first of all, we would like to ask you about the situation with a possible hypothetical and so on
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so on, but not finalized in any case by the resignation of the head'. of the armed forces of ukraine by the reaction of the western allies, what victoria nuland flew to us with, what possible personnel ideas, initiatives our allies have, and of course, now i will quote jake sullivan, the national security adviser to the president of the united states, who gave a very clear answer, which was vulgarly interpreted by our beautiful ones, so to speak. disengaged always, emphasizes this journalist, so he gave a very clear and formulaic answer, because the americans never do not publicly admit that they are insisting on this or that personnel decision, even when it concerned, for example, the odious azarov or some other tabachnyk, they do it all quietly and without protocols, and accordingly they began to question him about
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the situation with zaluzhny . the government, i'm quoting sullivan now. the government of the united states... of the united states should not interfere in this matter one way or the other, 100 points, we agree, that's why we stay away from such personnel decisions, and of course, this is the sovereign right of ukraine and the right of the president of ukraine to make their personnel decisions, well , in principle, what could he say differently, well, but you can see better, tell me, well, actually, i remember my last visit to washington, it was november 23, where... there were meetings and in the national security council, this was just after the appearance of the second article by general zaluzhnyi, where he explained four key areas that are strategically important for ukrainian victory, and not about the fact that the war is becoming positional, and we are in such a situation, as they say , already at a dead end, that's why even then i said that
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in fact, it would be very important to see a joint article and political leadership. the president and military general zaluzhny, who explained what the strategy of military victory is and what is necessary, because we see what debates are going on in the united states of america and how long the decision to provide us with financial support has already taken, where the package covers military needs, as well as economical, budgetary, so, unfortunately, then no one wanted to hear what was very important for the event. for the rammstein coalition to show that there is unity despite friction, despite certain differences, but nevertheless, both the president and general zaluzhny work together. for the victory of ukraine, instead we see new attempts at discontent, there are attacks not only on the generals personally, but on the armed forces in general, and
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there is no communication with society to explain why such decisions are important, or how they will bring us closer to victory, and not to defeats, the question is, why did this story come out in general, and similar ones began to appear so actively... well, in general, what, what is going on with the whole thing? well, actually, let's be honest, it's been a long time coming for the last two years, there have been attempts, in particular, i recall, even in the 22nd and 23rd, they just did not enter the public sphere so much, there with decrees signed, unsigned, and many other versions around it, western our partners have, well, as far as i am concerned, from my communications. it is enough, let's say, an unambiguous position, although we can see public communications on the example of sullivan, and obviously, none of
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the representatives of other states will interfere in our affairs and publicly warn against any dismissals and so on, but if we talking about what we are asking, give us more support, give us technology transfer, not just modern weapons, let's do... joint production, let's localize here and here, whether it's germany or norway or other countries, then obviously, you want to have trust in institutions and not see scandals, that is, there were corruption scandals, which we explained to our western partners, as the fact that the anti-corruption bodies, which were created after the revolution of dignity, work effectively, therefore, unlike russia , there are many in ukraine. e-e investigations are working law enforcement anti-corruption agencies, so we see how the system is cleaned. as for the current resignation of general zabluzhny, i
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personally believe that from the point of view of continuing to receive military support, from the point of view of the difficult situation that exists on the battlefield, from the point of view of the need for reforms, because both within the armed forces and the ministry. defense, that is, we have a lot of problematic issues that require solutions, let's not say changes, especially the accusations that various bloggers try to approach there and to the president's office and so on, voiced, regarding the failed counteroffensive, one must ask the question, first of all, whether the ministry of defense did everything to ensure the needs of the armed forces for conducting combat operations. actions, here, and the most important thing, what i would focus on now, and what we are doing is explaining to our partners what the strategy is for the 24th year, because the 22nd year was the year of a successful
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ground operation with the liberation of kherson, part of the kharkiv region . 23 is a year of success on the black sea, when thanks to the creativity of the armed forces, gur, we were able to destroy almost 40% of the russian fleet and continue to export grain through the grain corridor. the 24th year... it is important now to get f-16, to get a decision from germany on the transfer of taurus, they have about 500 of them, and they can continue to do so, so it is not necessary to attract attention now with scandals, because ukraine has become a column of the world media , and therefore we will not win the hearts of voters with such scandals, in many countries now you, we agree with you, but you speak. about the strategy on the 24th year and we understand that the strategy can be different depending on our capabilities, and the main partner that can give us these capabilities remains the united states, where
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the picture is not too optimistic for us, because the leader of the senate democrats, chuck schumer, said that , that ukraine may disappear if the republicans do not vote for the national security bill, and it is also known that the agreement on aid to ukraine almost failed in the senate due to the doubts of the republic. which parties donald pressures trump, and in that case, how do we proceed if we may have a strategy, but we understand that without funding from the united states, this strategy looks unrealistic, and we had a previous expert in our studio that we talked to, he recently returned from washington, so actually he says that we will most likely receive the funds no sooner than at the end of spring, and even before the elections in... in november, what are your thoughts? well, actually, the longer the discussions go on, the less likely it is to pass aid package for ukraine.
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and we see how much it is not yet... the peak, but the politicization of this issue has reached the congress and ukraine, which we have been emphasizing for several months, it is necessary to have a plan b long ago regarding the search, in particular , of weapons from third countries, and financing, therefore that even with a package from the european union ukraine facility of 50 billion, where will we get the funds to cover what we need in the event that this is an optimistic option, if it will take longer. and they will vote, and what is plan b, if the united states of america does not vote, what then? this question should have an answer, in particular the ukrainian government, the ministry of finance, the president of ukraine, because we, well , clearly understand what will happen when there is no american aid this year and it is not known what the results of the elections will be, and only after
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inauguration of the us president, this is january 25 , what is our strategy for this period, that is , under various scenarios, including the worst. therefore, i wanted ukrainian society, the president, to invite those people who have authority and can communicate with other countries, whether europe itself can finally wake up and help ukraine, but this week visitors from the netherlands are preparing. of president macron, also on the eve of the munich security conference, the signing of bilateral security agreements, but whether these security agreements, given the possibility of weapons production in europe, are able to block that, if there is no united states of america, is a huge question, and there is a feeling that we are somewhere we are at a crossroads, one is to look for answers to future plans, and the other is to prepare for... some
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or don't know the peace summits , the negotiation track, and so maybe it's some pieces of the puzzle with that if there's no weapons, enough provision, we see mobilization problems, maybe if, there's not political willingness not only in the us, to vote for the package , but within ukraine, to openly talk with ukrainian society about those problems that are already quite obvious, but to continue to pretend that everything is as it was before, i believe, is unacceptable, and from the point of view of our national interests, it is quite threatening. we thank you. anna gubko, chairman of the board of the public organization, network for the protection of national interests ans. people's deputy of the eighth convocation. thanks hanna for the honest conversation, but the situation in the united states remains to be better.
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instead, the european... union became more active, although, despite the fact that it became more active, we understand that european funds will still not be enough to cover all our military and social needs, so the situation is not good. well, in the meantime, we continue to follow the topic with the so-called stalking and tracking journalists and the bigus-info team, and there is already official information from the prosecutor general's office and they say that they are being taken to the security services of ukraine. follow-up regarding the surveillance of bigus-info, actually i will remind you that the sbu opened proceedings due to surveillance, but bigusinfo found out that it was the sbu department that was monitoring them, so it is logical that the case is now being transferred to the prosecutor general's office, well, more news, i think, in particular, on this topic we will soon hear from anna eva melnyk and the news editor, together with her already we had time to prepare relevant information for you, so anna eva, we give you
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the floor and talk about... will be covered in this issue. thank you, colleagues, the news team will tell you about the most relevant events. i will start this issue with a tragedy in the zhytomyr region. be with us. the bodies of seven men were found in one of the houses in zhytomyr oblast, in semenivska hromad, berdychiv district , by five residents of vinnytsia oblast. they had a home for the period of work at an agricultural company, writes the local publication. the previous cause of the tragedy was carbon monoxide poisoning. on specialized services work at the scene. unfortunately, a person died, a victim of russian.


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