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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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they baked this bread, again, to provide for their own army, so this is absolutely a military goal, and it is not surprising here, absolutely, and only some russians continue, you know, to blaspheme and tell that when they hit a ukrainian hotel, then it 's one thing, it's a military target, but when they hit the meeting place of the russians, it's something else, and that already means some kind of civilian target, well, you know, also... this trick doesn't work, but it absolutely doesn't mean that the russians will not talk about him, they talk about him, moreover, they try to inflate it again some kind of talk that ukraine literally uses terrorist methods, trying to knock out the poor russian woman who is occupying ukrainian territory, from this occupied territory, a terrible terrorist attack was carried out in...
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a bakery, it would be better for kyiv to remain silent, as it has been doing for the past two days, no knowing what, this morning they announced that the bakery is a legitimate target, because the bakery bakes bread, and the bakery can buy this bread, in particular , the russian armed forces, therefore everyone who is in the bakery, collaborators, therefore the bakery, a legitimate target, more senseless explanation, for it is probably impossible to invent a terrorist attack, it is not easy. suppress, destroy the ukrainian armed forces, because all they are capable of right now, having recognized the defeat in the war, is terrorist attacks, they are practicing terrorist attacks, well, if the russians try tonight, it will be somewhere closer to... whether to hold a meeting of the
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un security council regarding about this lysichan case, i think that every time the russians once again, as happened yesterday , got into a hotel and killed a child, we also need to call a meeting of the un right away, and that's all, and simply demand , it doesn't matter if there will be a meeting or not, civilians have been flown in and killed, right away we announce that we want to hold another meeting simply. then it should be non-stop, i think when it will be every day, somehow this whole story about the fact that something flew somewhere alone, well, actually, who died there, is also a very interesting story, because suddenly two days passed after this attack, and it turned out that as a result of the attack on this restaurant in lysuchansk, the so-called minister of emergency affairs of the occupation administration of the luhansk region, oleksiy is like this...
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seleshchenko and two municipal deputies , turostyanskyi and zhushma, and zhushma had a birthday party for some reason at the bakery , why was he there? , but the fact that all these people died was not told by anyone, it was written by the tas state agency, it was announced by the local people, all the occupation administrations except. moreover, several famous military men also died, well, some you know, another such boy in panties came for social bread, and it suddenly turned out that the bunch were local collaborators, deputies and yes, well, this is literally a traditional story, it is absolutely clear that nothing will come of it, and myself. .. that’s why the russians are trying, you know
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, now, well, on their own, they ’ve been telling for a long time that something is wrong, but on the outside, they now constantly focus on the fact that there are terrorist attacks, terrorist attacks, well, well, let’s go on let's see how they tell it, they generally try to tell their own why they generally talk about these stories, if for two years, years they were absolutely not interested, that they are there regularly, well, they get there. in houses, in hotels, anywhere else, when their own bombs fell on their own territory, and someone died there, well, it was never particularly interesting, here suddenly. in the end , what do we have, that is, what is the conversation about, that the ukrainian state is open, uses terrorist methods, well, someone here may not answer, answer, how much can you cling to in general? what kind of fool is that?
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conversation, as if you yourself are talking about war, yes, i am talking about war, even our detractors, people who definitely stand. no , in pro-russian positions, categorically, in non-russian positions, however, they perfectly understand the difference between missile strikes on military or even infrastructural objects, that is, what they explain, what in general, if it fits into some logic, although it is not invested, that is, a blow to the bakeries in lysychansk. no military logic is involved, of course, this is just an attack on a civilian object, and that's all. what about you and me? i remember how the same person and once skabeev with him and a bunch of others told that the attack on
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the cafe in kramatorsk, the attack on the cafe in pokrovsk, was an attack on military facilities, because they could go there, not even that they came, but they could. as if the military would come , so what changed suddenly, well, the only thing that changed was that now it will probably be the main line of russian propaganda, and they will now go around telling that everything that is literally on the territory of russia, ay-yay-yay, those were civilians objects where the boys came for social bread, well, what happened suddenly the boys turned out to be dressed in military uniforms and had assault rifles, well, it happens, sometimes it happens that... you go for bread with an assault rifle, well, that's it, but you just have to be ready for that, and i say once again, accordingly, you have to to somehow activate our own activity in this regard, we have said more than once that they attack our civilians, that they literally hit
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houses and everything, and sometimes it seems to us that it is already obvious to everyone, no, friends, it is not obvious, about it must be said constantly, especially on external audience, this must be constantly reminded, every such... case must be covered for the international press and this must be done, because, as you can see, this whole thing has become more active now with the russians, and with this whole thing for their audience, they explain , why are they again trying to fight something there and seize something, now, you know, these conversations about the fact that it is necessary to move ukrainians to their own territory, from their own cities, have become active again, well, again, not... new, but it sounds like that again. if we reflect on the topic of what is necessary push back, how far should we push our enemies so that they don't get to, right now we are looking specifically at your luhansk region. luhansk is a safer place
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than lysychansk, simply because of the distance from the front, but even then not very, not completely, because the range, for example, of the haimer missile from the same... is 300 km, well, from lysychansk to kharkiv 200, from lysychansk to kramatorsk and slavyansk to this agglomeration only 60 km, to the nearest city of the donetsk republic, which is currently still under the control of ukrainian, neo-nazi formations to the city of seversk is only 30 km from lysychansk, and the front line runs approximately in the middle of these cities, roughly speaking, 15 km to the front from lysychansk. a front-line city, i.e. a republic, is still part of the front line. and taking into account the weapons that the enemy now has in terms of range, the same missiles, we understand that the liberation of kharkiv, kharkiv region and many other territories, regions, far beyond the borders,
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our administrative borders with the republic, zaporizhzhia, kherson regions, it is a military necessity. well, i'll tell you, in in this case, the military necessity for ukraine is the demilitarization of russia literally up to the urals, because their missiles fly 1,000 km away and it is necessary to somehow push back and clear this whole russian space of weapons, i will not say that we will succeed in this directly , i won't tell you such things, but i say that yes, if we want peace, we are in some remote... perspective, we must ensure that there are simply no military bases, facilities, airfields in russia on this territory up to the urals, tactical aviation and other such things that can shoot so far, well, well, the logic is the same , you see, well, why should we abandon such logic as well, i believe that we should not, well
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, in the end, since here are all the conversations about what they hit some handsome boys there in panties, it doesn't make a good impression on anyone, because... at this very moment , the russians bombed several houses there , and somehow you know , well, all their conversations are unconvincing, they came up with it literally yesterday one more. the operation they are going to have to promote, it is already quite interesting, because in georgia, you probably already heard yesterday, they detained 14 kg of explosives there, and it was as if they were transporting from ukraine through, well, all of europe and turkey to voronezh and were transporting something there, and finally they were detained by the georgian security service, you know what an interesting story, that although they were detained by the georgian security service, they were citizens of georgia. for the first time they heard about it from russian tv channels, and only then georgian tv channels began to talk about it, and all
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the details in the process were first told russian tv channels, already georgian tv channels showed filming of russian tv channels, told stories from the words of russian tv channels, well, somehow such a very interesting story came out, and most importantly, why this was done , mardan also explained in quite some detail, and i think we need to listen to it, that's why that it is simply exhaustively explained. why exactly this is such a very complicated operation, which , well, nothing just fits together, and in principle, well, it's kind of stupid, so look, but even for people who, with a pure heart, can be safely placed there in a list called there even, if you want russophobes, sell them the story that explosives are imported into the territory of russia, explosives for the organization.
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here in the understanding of anyone, a dutchman , a german, an american, a venezuelan, a brazilian, a korean , anyone, this is pure water, terrorism, and actually, the policy of terror - this is probably the only thing around which in the world and ... exists, well consensus, that is, it is definitely considered evil by almost everyone, quite simple cause and effect, if you engage in terror, you will be excommunicated, because for many western countries, including the united states of america, terror is terror, terror, terror. this is worse than satan worship. but for now, the proven facts
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of terrorism are precisely the facts of russian terrorism, so it's all horror, horror, horror, it's all about russia. that's it, but you have to be ready, because apparently, we will see such provocations as in georgia in the near future, very much and very much, you know, in different places. see you there are 15% discounts on urolysan in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. tingling, numbness or tingling in the limbs arise spontaneously and disturb you. a special complex of active substances dulgit antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia promotes the return to usual activities without subjugation and numbness in the limbs. dolgit capsules anti-neuralgia - help to your nervous system. stiffness in the joints and
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when there is a liver? hello hulk. and because alohol protects both the liver and the gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and bile, the great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, finding solutions, the largest conversational format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important, every thursday at 21:15 in the project. says velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel. see this week in the collaborators program. sport is out of politics. who exchanged the army
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of football fans for the army of the russian federation. train at zenit schools. train. with champions, and how a player who was called a traitor will now report to the zsu. i am very happy to return to shakhtar. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who began to serve the rashi occupiers at the call of their hearts and wallets. today's issue is about salesmen, football players, those who betrayed the blue and yellow flag, under which he gained world fame, millions of fortunes and an army of thousands of supporters. today these people are glorified at all. another army, the enemy, or they simply refuse to talk about the bloody war in ukraine, those who successfully changed their shoes and suddenly became patriots, the country should know all of them face to face. during his career, this football player set a real record, having played 144 matches for the national team of ukraine. we are talking about anatoly tymoshchuk, born in 1979 in lutsk. the rise
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of his career took place in shakhtar clubs, where tymoshchuk came at the end of 9'. and later became the captain of the team and bayern munich, where he was a finalist in the champions league in the 2011-12 season. sports ability and good preparation brought the football player worldwide success and recognition. by him many foreign football clubs, such as juventus and roma, were interested. but tymoshchuk decided to sell himself to the russians, went to play for the zenit club, which is financed by gazprom, where he later became an assistant coach and moved to live in st. petersburg. well, zenit did what it had to do in the first half. arshavin's serve and tomoshchuk scores the ball into the goal. i don't see any problems with my life in st. petersburg, because people there love me and treat me with respect. as for the language, it is for my native language, in the family with my parents, with
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my children, with my wife, i speak purely ukrainian. but as it turns out later, tymoshchuk will forget his native language, and even at the beginning. zero, he was one of the key players of the national team of ukraine. he received the lion's share of fame during the world cup in 2006, when ukraine reached the quarterfinals. then tymoshchuk received the title of player of the match. he was the captain of the team, already in 2011 he was recognized as the best football player in the history of ukraine. this is how a football player can support the state that gave him everything wanted to with the onset of a full-scale russian invasion, most act. and former football players spoke negatively towards the aggressor and called for an end to the war, but tymoshchuk chose to remain silent, refusing to comment on the situation and only once saying that everything was not so clear-cut. from an interview with tymoshchuk, a fan of the st. petersburg zenit movement. i do not feel the difference between the peoples of ukraine and russia. we
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all have the same mindset and mentality. zenit is my home, and i'm not going to leave here as long as everything suits me. what i am silent about svo, that doesn't mean i support it or condemn it. each person has his own position. mine is that it's not that clear-cut, so i try not to talk about it. the reaction of ukrainians to tymoshchuk's actions was sharp. many fans and experts called him a traitor who chose the interests of russia. later , information appeared that tymoshchuk allegedly cooperates fruitfully with the fsb. document with consent to comply with the laws of the russian federation , etc. the football player's letter was made public by his former manager vitaly yurchenko. so, ukrainian football association decided to deprive tomushchuk of his coaching license and exclude him from the official register of football players. national team of ukraine. in addition, tymoshchuk is prohibited from entering ukraine by presidential decree, and all his assets on the territory of our country are blocked.
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tymushchuk was also stripped of all sports titles and state awards. this is how the path from a true legend to a petty rashi sycophant turned out to be. and fortunately, this is a one-way street. shakhtar has to be red for one more of his pets. this is alexander rosputko, who fled to russia and... applies for a passport with a two-headed chicken. oleksandr was born in horlivka in 2004, graduated from shakhtar academy, where he started his career. subsequently, he became the champion of ukraine in various age categories and played four matches for the ukrainian national team. the contract with shakhtar was supposed to expire in june 2024, but the young man decided to betray both his native team and the state. after the away meeting of the uefa youth league with belgian antwerp on october 4 last year. oleksandr rozputko did not return to homeland at the airport, only a neatly folded uniform was found, which he took off in the dressing room, after which he deleted all his posts
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on social networks and stopped answering calls. from the comment of the shakhtar press service of the uafbol website. we confirm the fact that oleksandr rosputko did not return to ukraine after the match with antwerp. the player received a boarding pass, handed in his suitcase and did not show up for boarding the plane. as it turned out, rosputko fled to russia. where he allegedly requested political asylum, despite his young age, this football player has always been a supporter of the ideology of russian mira and often conflicted on this basis with monocots. he allegedly planned in advance to flow to the russian federation in transit through istanbul and even had accomplices. the miner terminated the contract with him. meanwhile, the russian media published an interview with the fugitive's father, yury rosputko, who said that his son really wants to get a passport with a chicken. i can't tell you the reason yet. why did sashko run away from the miner? i can say that he will definitely be safer in russia. he will simply submit the documents for a russian passport, as he did would in his homeland in donetsk. that's how,
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from the champions league, rozputko got straight into the cesspool. there is a place for this traitor. i hope his football career will end there. there are those in the world of football who change their shoes in time in the air. i will tell you about oleg. barkov , born in 1987, hails from makiivka. now he works as a public relations officer in the solid football club shakhtar, and before that he went on the field himself. recently, there was a scandal in the network with his participation. the director of one of the football clubs in the kyiv region accused the man of extorting money and collaborationism. barkov promised reprisals for our club. unless we collect a ransom for him. using the influence in the football hierarchy and holding the position of public relations officer in football. shakhtar club, i was told directly that he - quote: would do anything to destroy our reputation. it is surprising that he mentioned his reputation in football, because
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during the war between russia and ukraine, barkov managed to play in the championship of the dpr in donetsk. i will now tell you who barkov is and what exactly he is accused of. sports journalist oleksandr gaponenko reported that in 2016 oleg barkov, the former press attache of the donetsk olympian, took part in championship of the terrorist dpr. he allegedly played for the arsenal team, which represented the occupied makiivka of the donetsk region. the journalist confirmed his words with a screenshot from the official page of the arsenal club in the russian social network vkontakte, where the last name of barkov appears. on saturday, july 16, arsenal played their next match in the championship of the dnr. this time our team went to dukuchaivsk to visit one of the outsiders of the fc dolomite tournament. to replace the output. they gave barkov. in addition to this , journalist gaponenko also presented photo evidence where barkov can be seen in a football uniform on the field and in the stands. he also appears as the author of an inspired
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publication about the football championship of the dpr. arsenal won a convincing victory over the underdog and continues to fight for a place on the podium. in a word, all the best and we will not rest on our laurels. there are still important matches ahead. author of the article: oleg barkov. when. the publication spread across the internet, oleg barkov confirmed given the facts, however, he noted that he never played in the dnr championship, he just played for the arsenal team, as he lived in the occupied territory at the time. later , the man left the terrorist dpr for the territory controlled by ukraine and found a warm place in fc shakhtar. now he is a patriot and a volunteer. with the start of a full-scale invasion, the erf is holding a meeting for ours. army himself and believes in ukraine. he prefers not to mention his participation in the championship under the flags of the separatists. indeed, the seat is completely changed
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point of view here we are, this is already the final position. and finally, i will tell you about another ukrainian football player who can give a real master class in changing shoes in flight. this is yaroslav rakitskyi, born in 1989 in dnipropetrovsk region. pupil of several football schools, including pavlograd samara-meteorit and shakhtar academy of donetsk. he played in the matches of the second league of the championship of ukraine in the middle of the season and eventually joined the main team of the miners. he played well there, represented the national team, until suddenly, in january 19, on in the sixth year of the war with russia, he decided to join the same club where the traitor tymoshchuk plays, st. petersburg zenit. with such an act, rakitsky caused not only a negative reaction from ukrainian fans, but also from experts. because of his performances for the team whose main sponsor is gazprom, rakitsky was no longer called up to our national team, because gazprom is one of the main sponsors
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of the russian war against ukraine. by. in general, representing zenit at various cups and championships, this ukrainian football player took part in 108 matches. rakitsky, boom, goal, yaroslav rakitsky. yaroslav rakitsky puts the ball into the net in the hundredth game for zenit. as part of zenit, rakitsky was the owner of russian cups and super cups for several years in a row. glory. twisted his head so that even kissing the logo of zenit was not disgusting to him. i am proud that for a really big club zenit, i played 100 games. thanks a lot to the fans. i am proud that i was accepted in this way. from the first match until today, they at least respect me, and i also respect them. for many, rakitsky became one of the symbols such a football player or football traitor. however, with the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine,
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the man suddenly changed his position. at least publicly: in february 2022 , the following post appeared on his instagram page: i am ukrainian, peace to ukraine, stop the war. after that, the football player left russian zenit and played for the turkish club adana demirspor from july to december 2022. and so in january of last year, the football player, who was called a traitor, decided to return to ukraine to his native shakhtar. the donetsk club announced about signing a contract with this defender. but since the majority of fans never forgave yaroslav rakitsky, the pr staff had to put in a lot of effort to whiten the player's reputation, they even taught him a few phrases in ukrainian : i am very glad to return to shakhtar. previously, rakitsky was often criticized, they say, playing for the national team of ukraine, he preferred not to sing our national anthem and even grimaced during the performance. now the football player himself declares that it will be an honor for him to return to the field under the not-yet-dead ukraine. the man helps with...
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and undertook the rehabilitation of one of the wounded servicemen, spending more than uah 1 million on treatment. we hope that this reshuffle of rakitskyi will be final, and no gazprom millions will interest him anymore, and who are we to take away from a person the chance to renounce the swamp and work for the victory of ukraine. and those who still haven't realized their mistakes and haven't repented for treason, let them feel that sooner or later they will have to answer for all the crimes against our state. it was the collaborators and i program olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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how exactly will portugal help ukraine? the reaction of the verkhovna rada and the sbu to the wiretapping and monitoring of journalists and how much money the government allocated for the reconstruction of 11 regions of ukraine. good evening, this is the final news release, anna javamelnik is with you. home again. three families with four children succeeded return from the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine. oleksandr prokudin, head of the kherson regional military administration, wrote about this. among those who managed to leave, the family of a serviceman. russians often visited his younger brother and parents with searches. they were interrogated for several hours.


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