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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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how exactly will portugal help ukraine? the reaction of the verkhovna rada and the security service of ukraine to the wiretapping and monitoring of journalists and how much money the government has allocated for... the reconstruction of 11 regions of ukraine. good evening, this is the final news release, anna javamelnik is with you. back at home, three families with four children managed to return from the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine. oleksandr prokudin, head of the kherson regional military administration, wrote about this. among those who managed to leave, the family of a serviceman. to his younger brother and parents, the russians often visited with searches, interrogated for several hours. under
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sniper fire. one of the families lost their business because they did not want to take russian passports. now everyone is in a safe city, doctors and psychologists are working with them. technical assessment of fuel condition in reactors. the magathe will insist on this in the negotiations regarding the temporarily occupied zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. the service life of this fuel is coming to an end, the general said. the general director of the agency, rafael grossi during a joint press conference with the minister of energy of ukraine herman galushchenko. i would describe the technical condition of the station as fragile. the first issue that concerns us is the staff of the station. operators and licensed staff are very important to safety, so we are very concerned about staff reductions. this is a very important issue for us. and again a tragedy in uzhgorod,
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a seven-year-old child was poisoned by carbon monoxide. the event took place in one of the apartment buildings. currently, the girl is in the hospital, her state of health is assessed by doctors as satisfactory, the state emergency service said. the bodies of seven men were found in one of the houses in zhytomyr oblast. in the semenivska community of the berdychiv district, five residents of vinnytsia rented a house for the period of work in an agricultural company, the local publication writes. the previous ones. the cause of the carbon monoxide poisoning tragedy. specialized services are working at the scene. consequences of russian terror. rescuers extinguished a fire caused by an enemy strike in sumy oblast. the state emergency service of ukraine reported that a fire broke out in the warehouse of one of the settlements in the morning as a result of falling debris points of the sumy district. firefighters extinguished the fire, no one was injured. and in order to expel
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russians from our land, the espresso tv channel continues its collection. our soldiers need vital equipment. we are asking for help to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle, to purchase an optical sight and a mavik for the third intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 450,000. we don't have enough. very little, join, you see the details on the screen. office the prosecutor general instructed the sbi to investigate the illegal wiretapping and surveillance of representatives of the bigusinfo publication. since law enforcement officers are probably involved in the case, the department said. earlier, the head of the security service , vasyl malyuk, criticized the actions of the employees of the department for the protection of national statehood, which he monitors. according to
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bigusinfo journalists. such inadmissible actions cause real indignation, which is why there are already a number of personnel decisions, - wrote the press service of the sbu. head of the national defense department roman semenchenko was released, and deputies of the verkhovna rada summoned the kid for a report on the wiretapping. let me remind you that biguz-info journalists released their own investigation of the incident and stated that they were illegally monitored by employees of the sbu's state security department, who helped russia carry out subversive activities against ukraine. ex-people's deputy renata kuzmin from the banned political party opzzh will be tried in absentia for high treason. on the eve and after the start of the full-scale invasion of russia, politicians posted propaganda materials harmful to ukraine in zmi. now he faces up to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property.
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in particular, starting from march 2021 and even after russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, renat kuzmin voiced propagandistic information in his speeches: messages on social networks and on his own website. their goal was the formation of an anti-ukrainian mood in society and informational influence to the detriment of sovereignty, territorial integrity, inviolability and security state the president of ukraine met with the minister of foreign affairs of portugal, joão cravinho. volodymyr zelenskyi highly appreciated portugal's readiness to join the campaign. educational institutions of the zhytomyr region and the results of the forum on the restoration of the region, which took place the day before in zhytomyr with the participation of the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of education of the portuguese republic. we are very grateful
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to your country and your people for accepting our refugees, for your warm attitude towards ukrainians and also thank you very much for. that you supported the peace formula, it is very important for us, all the points are very important to us , we are now on this track, we are very satisfied that we are moving from the initial idea of ​​rebuilding the school to a much deeper and more interesting idea of ​​helping ukraine to rebuild its education system so that it is ready to join the european of the union recovery after occupation and shelling. the government allocated 4.5 billion hryvnias for recovery programs. money was allocated for 11 regions. all for the reconstruction of social and critical infrastructure. prime minister of ukraine denys shmagal noted. last year it was successful
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restore more than 37,000 objects. 685 educational institutions, 390 medical and social institutions. almost 2.9 thousand objects of water and gas, heat supply, 22.9 thousand private and multi-storey residential buildings. this year , we also expect effective use of state aid by communities. quick psychological help. the charitable foundation of charity and health is developing a network of mental support, opening its centers all over ukraine. more about areas of work and cooperation with the region. in our material. from now on, there are even more capacities in chernihiv oblast for mental support of ukrainians. the border region has gone through terrible times and is still suffering from the attacks of the occupiers, so real
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professionals will expertly and promptly provide psychological help to the residents. these are partnerships that we create with, and with the assistance of local authorities, we create with local psychologists. who will work together with our specialists, these will be doctors and psychologists and psychiatrists, and who will go on trips together, discuss controversial issues, difficult situations. delivery center of psychological support was created by the local, regional military administration in cooperation with the charity and health foundation. the local team will work throughout the region under the supervision of curators. cities from the capital. for this purpose, the benefactors gave them a special car, which is equipped with everything necessary not only for consultations with a psychologist, but also for a general examination and provision of emergency medical assistance. the charitable fund will contribute to our center of airing the war, in
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methodological support, support, let's say, now logistical, we have received a state-of-the-art a car so that we can go in mobile groups to war veterans, to military personnel, family members, to provide a certain. psychological help. chernihiv became the fifth center of mental support from the mercy and health charitable foundation. the same ones also function in vinnytsia, starokostyantinov, dobropilla and gora. each of them helps about 2 thousand people every month. professional consultations are provided to forced migrants, families of fallen defenders and children. however, the focus of attention is, of course, the military. lectures and trainings are held for them, individual classes, as well as as needed. leave for them at zero. the main task , after all, is to restore combat readiness, to show elementary, general awareness of behavior, the nature of behavior, so that the military understands that under conditions of extreme stress, reacting in such and such a way is normal in those abnormal conditions, and this is what a person needs
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explain correctly. mercy and health work in several directions. in addition to humanitarian aid, they have an in-patient rehabilitation center. and mobile psychological groups are always ready. all this appeared as a reaction to the events in the country. when we realized that indeed our army, those people who suffered as a result of our, our... as a result of the war, need psychological help and rehabilitation, we reacted immediately, started mobile psychological help centers, which are now working successfully. mobile psychological assistance is primarily about expertise and efficiency, because in times of war, every minute is worth its weight in gold, and people are not easy statistics. over 100,000 km was covered during the 5 months of work of such a project of the charitable foundation of mercy and health. and help more than 20,000 soldiers, as well as transfer 84 equipped
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emergency vehicles to the front. the news editors talked about the most important things at the moment, then watch vasyl zima's long broadcast and you will know even more. nothing has worked yet, not yet, constipation, oh , normolact, my dear, take normolact, normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes the work of the intestines, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out, there are discounts on sinus hot and sinus cup with 15% in pharmacies psyllium, pam and savings, tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs occurs. spontaneously and worry you. a special complex of active substances of dolgita antineuralgia helps to normalize
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melamach b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute full rest and restore strength to b6 melams. full sleep and recovery from bhfz. what to do when there will be a liver? alohol, and for bile, what? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol, with care and respect for the liver and bile. good evening, we are from ukraine. operation цтдл, which was actually blown up by the armed forces of ukraine in the black sea. will aid to ukraine be approved in the united states of america. trump opposes and puts pressure on his deputies. well, maryana bezugla was excluded from the team. shares of the servant of the people party, as follows the political career
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of the hater of general zaluzhny will develop, and the president also explained why they can shoot zaluzhny, we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour and 46 minutes, and we will start with the announcement of the collection, the espresso tv channel and the charity fund iryny kuval calls to join the fundraising for our defenders from the 141st brigade. they carry out tasks in the difficult orichov direction, this is the zaporizhzhia region, infantry and aerial reconnaissance. for the successful execution of combat operations tasks require high-quality and often expensive equipment, we plan to purchase walkie-talkies and batteries for them, starlinks , binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, drone detection detectors and... many other things, no less important at the front, every hryvnia is important and thanks to you we have already closed one collection, we will close this one too, so we ask you to support our military, all funds will be transferred to those people who will purchase everything necessary and we will definitely show it to you, our soldiers will definitely report about it. we ask you to join the gathering, iryna kovel, as needed
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141st brigade, we really need your help, glory to ukraine, glory, well , let's do it as soon as possible, and we start a conversation with oleksiy holobutsky, a political technologist, mr. oleksiy, congratulations, congratulations, i wanted to start with something else, right before the release, the news appeared about the expulsion of maryana bezukhlo from the servant of the people party, to be brief, she herself asked to be expelled, mrs. shulyak granted her request, but she said that it would not affect her work in to the verkhovna rada, it will not constitute a mandate, parted ways with a servant of the people, as you see... the political career will fade away, or will they continue to work, who cares? well, it's hard to say, because i don't know how ambitious she is, but it's clear that she was given the green light for her activities during the last six months, yes to the maximum, she really became
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known to the general public, which she was before mainly, well... we knew her statements there activity, but this is all for a narrow circle, then the last six months of her mastery, so to speak, and everything else, of course, it took it to another level, and if we now list the brightest personalities, the most famous servants of the people, then she is somewhere in the top three, in the top five , it is definitely there, so we lost contact with... my dear, we will now try to contact our studio with mr. oleksiy again, because we want to hear everything, well, actually, maryana bezugla said that she was not comfortable there with many rumors from the people, she talked about her disagreements, you know , in ukrainian politics somehow one does not even want
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to write off anyone ahead of time, because so you can wave your hand and think that's all, but maybe not all, ukrainian politics... a lot of peculiar characters who seemed to disappear, then appeared, then reached great positions, and influenced many events, so for now, yes, mrs. bezugla, it will not be with the servant of the people, but in any case, we perfectly understand that the servant of the people project will also, for sure, be rebooted, as many things want to reboot in the office of the president, and the new entity that will be created is obvious whether with or without the participation of investors, first of all, servant technologists people can shelter or even take the same maryana bezuglu into the top three. unfortunately, not everything is foreseen in ukrainian politics. the war pushed this policy into the background a little, but as we can see, politics still tries to climb to the forefront and hide not only the war itself, but also the generals. well, now our connection will be restored, for now i will tell you what we will talk about, after the statement of volodymyr
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zelenskyi during the interview he gave to the italian television company. e-1, where he said that this is how we are preparing the reset of the government, we we want to change the leaders of the country, well people , as far as i understand it, translating the words of the president, into a text close to the legislation, people who are responsible for certain areas, yes, let me remind you, we have four branches of government, the president is, well, the executive branch , the legislative power, the judicial power, well, why do they call journalists the fourth power, so i say four, in fact there are three branches of government in ukraine, well, obviously the heads of certain divisions, certain areas are planning to change, and today they have already started... after that , as he said about it president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, people from the president's office and the cabinet of ministers of ukraine started talking about it. they explain that there's nothing wrong with a reboot, although again we don't understand how big this reboot needs to be. military and political leadership of the state. if we are talking about the leaders of the country, well, relatively speaking, general zaluzhny does not lead the country,
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he leads the armed forces of ukraine, it is part of the state, yes, well, again, the country and the state are different things, the country is the territory, the state is a certain system, yes. which works, that's why we say obviously about the leaders of the state, yes, because it's very difficult for the conditional denys shmyhal to manage some kind of branch from near rivne, so why is he managing the forests in volyn, that's why, again , the country is a territory, the state is a certain system, yes, which one operates, a system of power, a system of vertical horizontal connections, so the president probably meant the leaders of the state, so it is very, very interesting to understand, once again, general zaluzhny, whom you now see on the screen... it is difficult to say that he is the head of the state, he is, after all, the head of the armed forces of ukraine, which conducts work to protect the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of the state and to expel the enemy from our territory. states at the front , it's like that, well, we can obviously say that he is one of the top leaders today, because today is a war, but here dmytro koleba said
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that he is responsible for foreign policy, well, his sphere, his front of work, and he says that the power reset is not will affect relations with the west, says the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, that is, after the president's statement, there is an impression that... members of his team, well, it is globally his team and the cabinet of ministers, yes, because this cabinet of ministers is appointed by his majority in to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, yes , this is also the president's office, these five or six managers that the president spoke about are other politicians who can make, politicians, officials who can make certain statements, such as dmytro kuleva, immediately receiving such , as if indulgence from the president, he is also starting to talk about it, because it was not talked about before, the disgrace of zaluzhnyi, everyone is thinking how, when, for what, why, who will be in his place, and how it will affect and so on. but there was silence, anonymous telegram channels, well, private persons who have their own telegram channels expressed certain opinions, yes, so again, these are private persons, that is, their opinion, it is interesting, but at
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the level of a private person, well, here it is everyone spoke, because the president was the first to say that this is how the reboot is planned, and here is mr. koleba says that the reset of the government will not affect relations with the west, that is, we can change someone here, oleksiy holobutsky is coming back, mr. oleksiyu. congratulations once again, let's continue, then, well, by the way, i understand that we have already finished, we will see where the curve of her career destiny will turn, but statements began to appear about the reboot of the government, i prosecuted dmytro kuleba and mykhailo podolyak, also from the president's office, made his statement, that is, this decision has been made, work with the population begins or something, well, of course, it should be to say, well, so that it doesn't just look like... a pr campaign without any content, yes, well, roughly speaking, they changed the ministers there, even i am a specialist, there are a lot of surnames there
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that i don't know, here is the functionary of the cabinet of ministers, he is very greatly reduced, and his political participation, yes, to which we are used to being , nevertheless, until a certain time in the parliamentary-presidential coordinate system. it is no longer there, it has not been there since the 19th year, but since the beginning of a full-scale war, it has already become so, the cabinet of ministers is, well, let's say this, a structure, what is the third, fourth in decision-making, in order for it to look very serious after all, some new faces are needed, some areas need to be promoted anew, the president has already clearly said, yes... new challenges, new circumstances, new people are needed , well, let's see what is meant here, it is very interesting, very interesting, well, well, the colleague
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said that the reset of the government will not affect relations with the west, well , it sounds very global, the reset of the government, which government, the executive , judicial, legislative, only exclusively about the cabinet of ministers, well , what else, it is impossible to reset the presidency, it is impossible to reset the parliament. i just don’t even see why, for example, to change stefanchuk there, for example , if you make some personnel changes there, well, i don’t see any sense, yes, but to completely restart the parliament, well, it ’s impossible, there is only the cabinet of ministers, well, actually, well, it is obvious, obviously the military leadership, that is, the general is diligent, it is clear, it is clear, it is so to speak, it will go in the kit judge, well, here they are already expanding this topic for discussions on... for discussions, mykhailo podolyak , adviser to the head of the president's office, he says that the purpose, why it would be possible, let's say, to talk about replacing the incumbent in the position
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of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , in order to avoid stagnation and freezing of the conflict, and he goes on to say that it has been two years of war, people are tired, it is necessary to pay attention to the psycho-emotional state of society , partners are also getting tired, although again partners, so macron says, we are ready to provide the most modern weapons to ukraine, borel arrives, he says, we will not sell ammunition to anyone else, we will... still work for ukraine, scholz is ramping up factories there, building, that is, i do not think that europe is tired, in my opinion it is clear on the contrary how important this war is, how important it is to ukraine to help, but this is the stagnation and freezing of the conflict, how to translate the words far away in simple words, we have no positive news, let's change the world, well, yes, well, how to perceive, perceive that we want some successes at the front, these successes now especially there is no something needs to be changed, they are proposing to change the commander-in-chief, you see, there is logic here, if you don't include the political context, you hear me, yes, i hear, i hear, that.
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so if, if we do not include the political context, then in principle the situation is quite ordinary, if indeed, again, we do not enter into this coordinate system, to which someone is fighting for the future presidency or in some such perspective, he is the commander-in-chief, he is subordinate to the supreme to the commander-in-chief, the supreme commander-in-chief does not want to see him on this position, and he has all the opportunities and rights to do it, and they probably would, if he were so popular in ukraine, they would have done it a long, long time ago, but they take into account that, well, it might be, well, let's say yes, the resignation of a meritorious person, and also with an unknown replacement, yes, well, who will come to his position, yes, this can severely affect the trust rating of the entire government in general, so they are not dragging, i don’t know, maybe they are waiting the passing of avdiyivka, as some write here, yes, perhaps some other events, but the fact
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that... well, it is not difficult to imagine the situation when already almost everyone articulated the point that zelenskyi is dissatisfied with luzhunsky, the reasons no longer matter, most likely , this resignation is not happening either, well, i don’t think they will drag it out for long, although , again, it is possible that the event is an option can press, after all, it can be somehow yes, maybe sociology will not be very good for zelenskyi and for... the president and they will still be forced to draw conclusions from this, in general, this one, why is she throwing herself into the press constantly, so with resignation is necessary to see how much there will be a reaction to how unpopular or popular this decision will be, so far it looks like it is an extremely unpopular decision, but i will repeat once again, zelensky must do something about this, because he is in the eyes of the west, and in the eyes of his citizens, and in the eyes of his entourage
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, well... gives, well, probably not du, well, well, once again, it is his full prerogative, full right to remove, but one must, yes, one must make decisions and then finally be responsible for them. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy, for joining, oleksiy holobutsky, political technologist, in short, yes, because really here and the situation at the front is not easy, and there is no guarantee that the replacement of the brave will give positive results at the front, and if they are negative, or there will be an even greater threat to ukrainians, to ukraine, to ukrainians, well , of course, there is no one to blame here, you yourself, you wanted, you answer, and unfortunately, certain persons in our country avoid responsibility, i will not say they are afraid, avoid, well, actually, do they avoid responsibility, or do it deliberately, but in the united states of america the battle for money is again unfolding, and for ukraine also 60 billion, we are talking about them, whether trump will be able to delay the decision, consciously or for the sake of political ambitions, we will talk about it now with igor eisenberg, he is a professor at new york university, mr. igor, i congratulate you
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, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, i congratulate you. viewers, well, i will say right away that joe biden is addressing congress with a call to pass a bill on strengthening security on the border between the united states and mexico and providing assistance to ukraine, we are waiting, i understand that there will be a broadcast now and we will be able to hear joseph's next appeal is live biden, he already asked, well, he already said, i’m not saying asked, he already said, in your opinion, what are the chances that johnson in a relationship with trump will slow down and what... are the weights of influence on this situation, how is it possible to push through the congress, is this an important decision for ukraine? i see, unfortunately, since last night, that the chances have become less than i had hoped, at least until last night, why, because there were two events, last night us time, trump gave an interview, the newsmax channel, well, such an ultra-right propaganda tv channel, where
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he... spoke strongly against this bill, that it was bad, that it, that it was the democrats who came up with this bill, that it was a trap they had set for the republicans, he urged the republicans not to pass the bill, moreover, he implied that republican senator lankfort, who was the main negotiator, the negotiator from the republican side, when the bill was being prepared, that it is bad. will affect his political future, meaning trump has hinted that he will nominate someone in the primaries when he will be re-elected against him. so, well, and the second event, this happened yesterday, yes, that, the meeting of the republican faction in the senate will be closed, and all the media were informed late yesterday evening, referring to some senators who.


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