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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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in 2014 and in the spring of the 22nd, they had to flee from there as well, only part of the equipment was taken away, it was possible to recreate what was lost in kropyvnytskyi at the expense of the state budget, donors and volunteers, i heard a lot of different opinions from local patients, doctors that medicine in the region, to put it mildly , not quite at the modern level, has always been there, and therefore there is a great desire to raise it to a modern one. level, and over the past year and a half that we have been working here, many patients have begun to come not only from local, neighboring regions, but also many immigrants. in the donetsk region about two hundred people work in traumatology, more than half of them are migrants from donetsk region. for the espresso tv channel from kropyvnytskyi. there are 20% discounts on helpex.
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please, oleksandr, good evening. greetings to the audience, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes i will talk about ukraine's international reserves, they are decreasing, unfortunately, as well as how much ukraine receives in the first tranche from the european union, and more about that in a moment. i am oleksandr morchivka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, and i will start with information from the national bank of ukraine, traditions. the regulator reports on ukraine's international reserves, so in january they decreased by almost 5%, such a strong reduction is associated with a decrease in income from international partners, the nbu explained. in january, only 898,900 thousand dollars were received in the foreign currency accounts of the government, this is money from the placement of currency bonds of the domestic state loan, and grant funds and loans from japan, they went. through
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the world bank, it is really necessary to tighten the belt, the government cut part of it due to the delay and lack of international money in january. of state budget expenditures, all due to a real delay on the part of the european union and the united states, large funding. this was announced by the head of the tax committee danylo hetmantsev. in this way, it was possible to reduce the treasury deficit by almost 20 times, compared to december last year. now it is 15 billion hryvnias. this is one of the lowest indicators during the war. from donors, our state received only, as i said, money from japan. recovery after occupation and shelling. the government allocated uah 45 billion for recovery and recovery programs. the money was allocated for 11 regions, all for the reconstruction of social and critical
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infrastructure - announced the head of the government , denys shmyhal. last year it was possible to recover more than 37 thousand objects. let's listen to the direct speech. 685 per. educational institutions, 390 medical and social institutions, almost 2.9 thousand water, gas, heat supply facilities, 22.9 thousand private and multi-story residential buildings. this year, we also expect effective use of state aid by communities. the director general of the international atomic energy agency, raphael grossi, came to the capital, held a meeting with the heads of relevant departments, before visiting zaporizhzhia. nuclear power plant, he met with the head of the ministry of energy. raphael grosi emphasized that magate remains steadfast in maintaining the safety and security of our country's nuclear power plants. he also emphasized that there is a problem at
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zas, due to the fact that the expiration date , the period of use of nuclear fuel, it must be replaced. let's listen to the direct speech. i would describe the technical condition of the station as fragile. the first issue that concerns us is the staff of the station. operators and licensed staff are very important to safety, so we are very concerned about staff reductions. it is very important for us question. well, after the visit to the capital , rafael grossi is on his way, he is going to go to the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, whether the occupiers will let him there is another question. next , a visit to moscow is planned. we will monitor this, we monitor the situation in the ukrainian energy sector in general. the coal industry needs comprehensive reform and effective management. this is reported by the accounting chamber. she refers to the report on the results of the audit of the use
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of state budget funds. the money went to the ministry of energy for several years in a row to support coal sector. experts of the accounting chamber note that despite attempts to reform the coal. the industry has been stagnating for the past 30 years, thereby causing billions in losses to the treasury. the main problems remain low efficiency of management, lack of investments, outdated mining fund and high cost of coal, which is needed by the sales market, it is limited in our country. well, vasyl, for as long as i have been working in journalism, for as long as i can remember, every government, every power is going to reform the coal industry, they give certain allocations, they give. money, and it is somewhere in there mines and disappear, as far as i'm concerned, well, moreover, the coal industry suffered so much after the war, there definitely needs to be some and a certain amount of work on which mines to restore, which not to restore, how to work here, well, but here, shall i listen to the accounting chamber in the government, in particular the confident minister of energy, now it is necessary not to ask for money from the state
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budget, but specifically to show some actions, well , in my opinion, this is a very important topic and quite powerful for the ukrainian economy, it must be heard. in general on in european space, because the use of fossil fuels is now a problem for the european union, we are all moving towards green energy, but leaving the coal industry to its own devices is also impossible for ukraine now. let's go further: ukraine nationalized oil and gas assets of a russian oligarch for half a billion hryvnias. the higher anti-corruption court satisfied the claim of the ministry of justice to collect 100% of eduard khudainatov's share in the authorized capital of the oil company. the russian controlled a ukrainian ukrainian oil trader through a number of offshore companies, they say in the sbu. kudai natov , putin's confidant, heads the russian oil and gas company and was a member of rosneft's board of directors. these two companies are among the biggest sponsors of the war against ukraine. an investigation is underway to
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bring the russian oligarch to justice for crimes against our state. everyone who wants. to receive a grant for starting or developing a processing business can already submit their applications. deputy minister of economy nadiya bigun informed about this. entrepreneurs can receive grants of up to 8 million hryvnias of non-refundable funds the state already has 660 enterprises, the mandatory condition for providing money is the creation of up to 25 new jobs. applications are submitted through the diya portal together with a business plan, the state receives grant funds back through taxes and fees, which the newly created business will pay for three years. this is an investment. of the state in the ukrainian economy, before the work of the parliament, an interesting initiative was considered today in
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the verkhovna rada, so the deputies adopted a draft law on simplifying the procedure for changing the purpose of land. mps say that this is important for the economic recovery of the country - deputy chairman of the committee on economic development, dmytro kyselevsky, said on facebook. he is the author of the initiative. so, the document will allow eliminating unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles for people who want to build an industrial or energy facility in our country. obtaining all necessary permits will take no more than one and a half months instead of one to three years. after the president signs the law, the change in the purpose of the land will be based on the opinion the authorized body of urban planning and architecture of the local council, i.e. the local council where the change in the purpose of the site is to take place and, accordingly, to enter with some kind of investment. company to build some industrial facility , is it very important, first of all, that it is really, well
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, that is clear, under the fact that factories and enterprises will be built in ukraine, this is all very important, it is only important that they are built, that they are built on some law enforcement zones, and so that later they are not changed again by these lands under some other buildings, i also wanted to tell vasyl about this, because the initiative is great, it is for the perspective of the ukrainian economy, but there is a downside to this document, it is that control is needed, and will it be possible? the local government may be able to control it, because it is the local government that knows more about its lands, about its plots, than somewhere vertically upwards, absolutely, and european aluminum producers are demanding the introduction of an embargo on the import of metal from erefia, they advise the european union to do this in within the limits of the new package of sanctions against of the aggressor countries , politico reports, it is noted that two years after vladimir putin launched a full-scale offensive in... the country, europe still buys 9% of aluminum from muscovites, which made
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it possible to finance the kremlin's military machine in the amount of more than €2 billion . these data are for the year 2022. the eu aims to present the 13th package of sanctions against the russian federation by february 24. well, talks about russian aluminum have been going on for a long time, but whether it will be included in the package of restrictions is still unknown. and oska. city bank of estonia peter luikmel believes that without oil revenues, russia could not keep the military machine running for longer than 1-2 years. according to him, the entire military economy of the rfi today is financed by the international community of consumers of bloody barrels. restrictions on this channel or a global drop in oil prices could significantly change the kremlin's capabilities. the demand for russian raw materials will not disappear immediately , of course, especially since about 2/3 of the trade... in oil goes through the shadow fleet, active buyers are now china, india,
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and putin is also sure that this year will be successful to earn by circumventing the price limit on oil, which was introduced by ukraine's partners. well, for me, vasyl, the price limit was too small, ukraine insisted on 40 dollars per barrel, at such a low rate, well , maybe there were less revenues, but we see that putin finds a way around, these are shadow tankers, these are countries. china, india, which have become the main buyers of bloody barrels, and so far he has such income. well, just like that , britain also bought products from russian oil there, as it turned out, and a tanker arrived in the usa there russian, so it's good that the work is going in this direction. well, we will monitor this and inform in detail in the traditional section about money during the war. and i'm oleksandr morchivka, i'll say goodbye to you for today, the big show is going on, there will be more to come, watch us.
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we said goodbye to oleksandr morchyvko and say hello to serhii rudenko , the verdict program starts at 8 p.m., what will we talk about today, serhii, please have a good evening, congratulations to vasyl, literally in 15 minutes the two-hour verdict starts, in the first part of our program there will be us in veteran of the russian-ukrainian war yevhen dyky, journalist roman tsimbalyuk are guests. and sbu reserve colonel mykhailo prytula. let's talk about how the security service of ukraine found itself at the epicenter of the scandal, the journalists of biguusinfo were monitored by the department of protection of national statehood, and now the head of the sbu malyuk is being called to the carpet before the verkhovna rada of ukraine. what does this mean, and how will the sbu justify its surveillance of bigusinfo journalists. the threat of a new offensive, the russians are raising troops to seize kharkiv oblast, the situation on the fronts in
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under the conditions of the delay of western aid and the us congress, including, well, a reboot. of the military leadership of ukraine, which is behind zelenskyi's desire to carry out this reset, what will we get as a result of this overload. all this will be in the first part of our program, in the second part of our program will be people's deputies of ukraine, oleksiy honcharenko, oleksiy kucharenko and yevgenia kravchuk. let's talk about the same thing, i hope that it will be interesting to hear the opinion of both experts and politicians, people's deputies during these two hours of ukraine. on whom it all depends, let’s meet in 14 minutes, and the big winter broadcast continues, vasyl, you have a word, serhiovych, we’re waiting for the verdict at 8 p.m. why the question, there are ongoing battles over
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sign language translations at the national selection for the eurovision song contest, representatives of the ukrainian deaf society made a statement that the translation was... amateur people with hearing impairment did not find anything. however, as always, not everything is so simple and not everyone agrees with it. lina chechenina will tell you what is wrong again. another scandal. we invite lina to the conversation. the national selection for eurovision is not a national selection, if it took place without a scandal, bigger or smaller, everything is foreseen. and this year was no exception, well, we people are extremely creative in this sense and constantly strive to open some new faces, new steps in all this, and this time we have now added a scandal with sign language translations, well, i consider the advantage of this scandal to be that that we now or most of us know that it is correct to say the translation in sign language,
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not in sign language, especially not surdu translation, but let me remind you that this year... the national elections were translated in this language, there were two translators, olga bunazivka and kateryna zabotkina. olga translated when the participants were talking to each other, kateryna was responsible for the translations of the song, the audience, who were absolutely fascinated by her work, wanted to send her to the eurovision song contest, because she did it all so emotionally that, in the end, she simply captured the hearts of many. viewers and even had to write a separate post herself in social networks that she thanks everyone for such a warm reaction. however, you know, it can't be without a spoonful of spirit, because when i was still watching eurovision and monitoring social media, i saw a lot of comments from people who have hearing impairments, who wrote that listen,
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what are you passionate about, we don't understand anything, we watch and we don't understand. what they are translating for us is a bad translation, they said: let's listen to one of these people. when i first saw her singing in sign language, i was shocked, and i completely understood the reaction of deaf people to such a situation. the translator played the emotion perfectly, but she translated the song terribly. you can say that she did not even translate. well then. somehow, almost no one paid attention to their opinion, because everyone was in some kind of passion, but then these comments intensified, and finally the society of the deaf made a statement, and they also said that, well, we don't understand, it's true, it's a bad amateur translation, they said, i want to quote them, the saddest thing in this story is that
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trying to do a seemingly good deed, the organizers did not take into account whether the material would be presented comfortably? for deaf people, so today we get feedback of disappointment and even a feeling that the organizers have insulted sign speakers by offering them a low-grade type of sign language interpretation. well, to add to all this, it also became clear almost immediately that olga bunaziv, another translator, that she is a supporter of the russian church on her instagram, posts huge posts, such videos in which... she talks about that the rapture of the kyiv-pechers lavra is terrible, it must be stopped, well, let's listen to it as well, but the main thing is that the opc remains people. evil cannot go unpunished, it will not remain unpunished, justice also exists, well , in one word, treason, treason and in the end, which
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can also be softened a little by what is happening now between people, in fact, who are deaf and hard of hearing , they have already started among themselves, i don't know how bad it is, but i have seen such normal discussions so far, because there is no unity between them either, some say that yes, it was a bad translation, we didn't understand anything, and others say listen, that's how the songs should be translated, we need to understand more what the melody was, what the images were, the words are not so important, actually in the interview yekaterina also said that she did not try to translate everything exactly, she bet on the reproduced songs, or rather in her form of melody, well, i think that this scandal, it is good and positive enough, because... because with his help, we paid attention to sign language translations in general, discovered them for ourselves them, although, to be honest, i have seen them before at various, for example, music
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award ceremonies, at the bouzouare, at the meggogo awards, there were translators standing on the stage and translating the song as cool as it looks, i am not either i can appreciate the quality of their viewing and translation, but i was impressed by this, because i had never before seen that such a thing actually existed, well, i hope that thanks to this case , more and more attention will be drawn to and not only sign language and the needs of people who do not hear, and and to the needs of other people who have completely different characteristics. not a day goes by without a scandal in ukraine, especially in ukrainian showbiz, i will tell you some interesting news before moving on to the weather. in particular, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy by his decree created a new new type of troops in the armed forces of ukraine, this is the force of unmanned sbs systems, well, i am not there now, i do not specify who
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will lead it, how they will be recruited there and what it will be, how this type of troops will operate , but in any case, now each brigade has its own forces of unmanned systems, and sometimes there are separate units, there are squadrons or platoons, well , they cooperate with other branches of the military, because actually without... pilots have to cooperate, somewhere you have to scout the territory, somewhere you have to drop those ammunition, night reconnaissance, there are other tasks, of course, it should all be with artillery, with intelligence, with infantry, all of this should be, as they say, coordinated, but it is important that in poland, such an idea sounded, which may, by the way, have a continuation, general waldemar skshipchak in the polish edition of ont vyadomoshchi, suggested the government of poland, as part of kyiv's support , to deport all men of conscription age. from this country, that is, from the republic of poland , according to him, this would help support ukrainians in the defense of their homeland, in particular , the retired commander of the ground forces offers to facilitate the work of the office of the president
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of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi with ukrainian conscripts who are in poland, but he says yes, it should be an initiative for the governments of warsaw, paris, prague, and wherever they are, these governments should help kyiv carry out the deportation, and in general, this decision should be made in the european. equal to the level of the european union, but such an initiative was voiced by the ex-commander of the ground forces of the polish army. now natalka didenko will tell us in detail about the weather, what it will be like in ukraine tomorrow. let's listen and watch. synoptic hello to all. our dear viewers. we will, of course, talk with you about the upcoming weather, which is expected in the coming days. but first, as the winter continues, despite occasional bouts of warmth to our territory, we will talk about the ice or about the ice shelf, or in general about the condition
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of our frozen rivers or ponds, and of course, we will turn to such official characteristics , and now i will share this information with you, so what is the ice regime, it is a shift processes of formation, thawing and movement of ice in... and reservoirs. the main phases of the ice regime are freezing, freezing and melting of ice, and such main types of ice formations on rivers are banks, ice salo, such an interesting name is very beautiful and snowdrop. fat is human fat - it is such a film that looks like spilled water on an oily surface, or it looks like an oily liquid. well, of course, this is how she freezes. at the beginning of the surface of the water, then the banks appear, that is, it is a crust of such thin ice in areas with a weak current, and when it already falls on it in... it is
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thick snow, the air temperature drops, snowdrifts form on the surface of the water, lumpy, lumpy accumulation of ice with snow, well, in fact, of course, there are still many characteristics of ice, but that's for sure ice cream well, this is a very nice hydrological characteristic of the ice state on rivers and ponds, we go further and talk about magnetic storms from ice, we move to the upper layers of the atmosphere. and looking at the prognostic diagram of the magnetic activity of the earth, we can say that a calm situation will be observed tomorrow, without any special gatherings of the earth's magnetic field, so we are watching, as always, and moving on to the actual weather forecast for the next day and traditionally starting from the western regions, so tomorrow is february 7 in the western part ukraine will have, well, i would say, even very
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warm weather, +7 +1. in transcarpathia in the chernivtsi region up to +13, but it will be humid, cloudy and sometimes rain. in the north of ukraine , the air temperature will be zero, since it is the north, of course, but also with pluses of +3, +6° and also in places precipitation in the form of rain will prevail at such a plus air temperature. in the east of ukraine, precipitation is unlikely tomorrow, the air temperature will be from 3 to 6 degrees celsius. in the central part of ukraine , from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk, cloudy weather with high air temperature from 5 to 12° heat. such first breaths are still quite far away and still spring. in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow , high air temperature is expected, the maximum, it is expected during the day within the range of 9-13 degrees of heat. significant precipitation is not
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expected in the south tomorrow. and in kyiv. tomorrow the weather will be warm, the air temperature will fluctuate around 8-9 degrees, but there will be many clouds and it will also rain in places. this is the nearest synoptic ukrainian perspective. i said there that the president created a separate one army, which will occupy there. this drone is called the unmanned systems force, well, actually it was created only by the decree of the president, so far it is not there, but it is interesting here, well, in fact, this is a very important initiative, whether the president proposed it, or he was prompted, but in any case, well the idea is good, because it will be a separate type of troops, these are drones that are on the ground in the air, well, drones, let's say there are turrets, they are also drones that are in the air and at sea, and it is important that they are actually at
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sea, in particular. .. we can see it in the air every day, videos from the front, we see how the unmanned systems of the armed forces of ukraine work, but, let's say, at sea, we managed to destroy a third of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, and in january, ukraine reached pre-war indicators in the sea corridor, that is, we actually cleaned the sea and made it safe, well , relatively safe for ukrainian ships, or ukrainian foreign ships, which take our grain there and so on, grain, well, actually now they will create already, as they say, in reality this division, here there will be specialists, training, support, very cool, if it is really created, and it turns out to be an effective, effective type of troops, well, actually, just so you know, now there is already such a type of troops as well, these are the forces of unmanned systems, in addition to the airborne assault forces, air forces, there are anti-aircraft forces and so on, there are also tank forces, land forces, and now there are also forces of unmanned systems. thank you for being with us, stay in espresso, literally in a few moments the verdict program, let's watch together.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health, for the next two hours we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the sbu program. bigusinfo journalists were monitored by the department of protection of national statehood. the council summons the head of the nakylim service. the threat of a new offensive. the russians are raising troops to seize kharkiv oblast. the situation at the fronts in the conditions of the delay of western aid. rebooting the military leadership of ukraine. western partners will fear for...


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